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Antistolling bij de oudere patiënt met atriumfibrilleren. Dr Robert G Tieleman Martini Ziekenhuis UMCG

2011 Type 1 diabetes. Centrum :309

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Oncologische geneesmiddelen langs de lat. Anne-Marie C. Dingemans, longarts AIOS special 28 sept 2017

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Diabetes Mellitus en Nierfunctie

OLIJFdag 3 oktober 2015

UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Glycobiology in cardiometabolic homeostasis Hassing, H.C. Link to publication

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Nieuwe geneesmiddelen bij de behandeling van diabetes mellitus type 2. Nicolaas Schaper

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Chapter 10. Samenvatting


IMPLEMENTATIE ESC GUIDELINES 2013 LIPIDEN IN PRAKTIJK Casuistiek Dr. Celen Hendrik Cardiologie Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis Leuven 6/3/2013

IMPLEMENTATIE ESC GUIDELINES LIPIDEN 2010 IN PRAKTIJK Risicofactoren, Lipoproteïnes en Atherogenese Werkingsmechanisme van hyolipimiërende farmaca Richtlijnen Casuistiek

Viscerale obesitas en lipoproteïnes

Lower Cholesterol Levels Associated CHD Incidence per 1000 150 125 100 75 50 25 Castelli WP. Am J Med. 1984;76:4-12. 0 204 205-23 4 The Framingham Heart Study 235-26 265-29 4 4 Serum Cholesterol (mg/100 ml) 295

Atherogene balans

Atherogenic and anti-atherogenic lipoproteins From the liver Back to the liver Reverse cholesterol transport TG C apob TG C apob C apob C apob C apo A-I VLDL IDL large buoyant LDL small dense LDL HDL Atherogenic Anti-atherogenic

Lipoprotein (a) Homocysteine IL-6 TC LDLC sicam-1 SAA Apo B TC:HDLC hs-crp hs-crp + TC:HDLC 0 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Relative Risk of Future Cardiovascular Events Ridker et al, N Engl J Med 2000;342:836-843 Risk Factors for Future Cardiovascular Events: Women s Health Study

LDL Cholesterol Hoeksteen van de lipidentherapie Associatie met pathogenese atherosclerose en cardiale eindpunten 10% stijging resulteert in 20% stijging in CVrisico 1 bevat vooral cholesterolester en veel lipoproteine B opname door hepatocyten en non hepatisch weefsel dense smalle LDL cholesterolpartikels 1. Wood D et al. Atherosclerosis. 1998;140:199-270. 2. National Centre for Health Statistics. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (III), 1994. 3. Jacobson TA, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:1361-1369.

LDL-C Lowering With Statins: Reduced CHD Events 25 Secondary Prevention Primary Prevention 4S-PL 20 4S-Rx LIPID-PL Events (%) 15 10 CARE-Rx LIPID-Rx CARE-PL WOSCOPS-Rx WOSCOPS-PL 5 AFCAPS-Rx AFCAPS-PL 0 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 LDL Cholesterol (mg/dl) Adapted from Illingworth DR. Med Clin North Am. 2000;84:23-42.

HDL Cholesterol Laag HDL cholesterol onafhankelijke predictor voor CHD 1 Hoe lager het HDL-cholesterol, hoe hoger risico CHD 2 Laag HDL is gedefinieerd als < 40 mg/dl 1 HDL cholesterol is laag als triglyceridengehalte hoog is 1. NCEP, Adult Treatment Panel III. JAMA. 2001;285:2486-2497. 2. Wood D, et al. Atherosclerosis. 1998;140:199-270.

Low HDL Cholesterol Levels Increase CHD Risk Even When TC Is Normal: Framingham Heart Study 14-y incidence rates for CHD (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12.50 11.91 11.24 10.7 6.56 4.67 4.15 11.91 9.05 6.6 5.53 4.85 <40 40-49 50-59 60 HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 3.77 260 230-259 200-229 TC <200 (mg/dl) 2.78 2.06 3.83 Risk of CHD by HDL cholesterol and TC levels; subjects aged 48-83 y. Castelli WP et al. JAMA. 1986;256:2835-2838.

Cholesterol Homeostasis ATHEROGENIC DYSLIPIDEMIA ATHEROGENIC DYSLIPIDEMIA : PLAQUE PROGRESSION Type 2 Diabetes Mixed Hyperlipidemia Metabolic Syndrome Hypercholesterolemia Renal Disease FH Anti-atherogenic HDL ApoAI Atherogenic ApoB100- containing LPs VLDL VLDL Remnants IDL LDL; Dense LDL Plaque Cholesterol content Apo.B LPs HDL Apo AI Influx Cholesterol Efflux Plaque = Inflammation Fragilisation = Cholesterolrich plaque Cardiovascular Events LDL-C : HDL-C > 3:1

ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE STABILISATION Apo.B LPs HDL Apo AI Influx Cholesterol Efflux Cholesterolrich plaque Plaque Cholesterol content Plaque = stability = Cardiovascular Events

Een deel van het residuele risico : De atherogene triade Meer atherogeen! Klein en dense LDL Athertogene Lipiden Triade HDL-C TG rijk aan Lp Non-HDL-C (maar apob) Frequen geobserveerd : type 2 diabetes (T2D) patiënten met MetS patiënten met nierinsufficiëntie ziekten van het auto-immuunstelsel With the courtesy of Prof. Michel Farnier, Dijon.

De dosering van LDL-C is misleidend LDL-C: 114 mg/dl Triglyceriden: 150 mg/dl LDL-C: 114 mg/dl Triglyceriden: 198 mg/dl Apo B: 0,9 g/l Apo B: 1,3 g/l 1 apo B per LDL-partikel Presented by M. Langlois Lipid Club Dec 2011

Non-HDL-C Het bepalen van non-hdl-c (TC - HDL-C) bevat alle atherogene lipoproteïnes : VLDL, IDL, LDL

Dyslipidaemie hypercholesterolaemie : LDL receptorgenmutatie? hypercholesterolaemie met laag HDL Gemengde dyslipidaemie :apo B overproductie? hypertriglyceridaemie : LPL deficientie metabool syndroom geïsoleerd laag HDLfamiliaal hypoalfalipoporteïnaemie normaal lipidenprofiel en CVD?

IMPLEMENTATIE ESC GUIDELINES LIPIDEN Casuistiek Risicofactoren, Lipoproteïnes en Atherogenese Werkingsmechanisme van hyolipimiërende farmaca Richtlijnen Casuistiek

Statin Liver Endogenous Cholesterol Synthesis LDL-Receptors VLDL-LDL-Cholesterol HDL Atherogenic VLDL, IDL,LDL ApoB LPs HDL Plaque Cholesterol Content HDL = Influx Cholesterol Efflux Atherogenic VLDL, IDL, LDL = Atheroma Plaque Stability Cardiovascular Events Sposito, Chapman ATVB 2002; 22 : 1524-34

Two sources of Cholesterol VLDL IDL LDL Synthesis 800mg/day BILIARY CHOLESTEROL (1000 mg/day) Absorption (700mg/day) INTESTINE DIETARY CHOLESTEROL (300-700 mg/day) Excretion

IMPLEMENTATIE ESC GUIDELINES LIPIDEN Casuistiek Risicofactoren, Lipoproteïnes en Atherogenese Werkingsmechanisme van hyolipimiërende farmaca Richtlijnen Casuistiek

De ESC-richtlijnen voor de behandeling van dyslipidemie definiëren 4 risiconiveaus Reiner & al. ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias 2011 Adapted O. Descamps Louvain Médical 2012

Aanbevelingen voor dyslipidemieën (ESC 2011) 4 risico niveaus 3 LDL niveaus < 115 < 100 < 70 Non-HDL Reiner &AL. ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias 2011 Adapted O. Descamps Louvain Médical 2012

Aanbevelingen ADA Aanbevolen waarden voor metabool syndroom/diabetes en lipidenafwijkingen Patiënten met zeer hoog risico +++ In secundaire preventie of diabetes + CV risicofactoren (RF) Patiënten met hoog risico ++ In primaire preventie, zonder diabetes maar > 2 RF of diabetes zonder RF LDL (mg/dl) Non- HDL (mg/dl) Apo B (mg/dl) <70 < 100 < 80 < 100 < 130 < 90 Brunzell, Diabetes Care 2008 FR = Facteurs de risque


Populatie afhankelijk


HDL (mg/dl) man vrouw 30 X 1.8 X 1.3 HDL 38 X 1.5 X 1.1 46 X 1.2 X 1 54 X 1 X 0.9 62 X 0.8 X 0.8 70 X 0.7 X 0.7

Factoren die het risico verhogen Familiaal vroegtijdig CV ziekten (man < 55j, vrouw < 60j) Risico x 1.7 vrouw x 2.0 man

<48j, relatief risico

In the overall population, the primary endpoint of major CV events was reduced by 8% (NS) 100 20 Proportion with event (%) 80 60 40 20 10 0.92 (95% CI 0.79-1.08), p=0.32 0 Placebo Fenofibrate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. At Risk Fenofibrate Placebo 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2765 2753 2644 2634 2565 2528 2485 2442 1981 1979 Major CV events defined as CV death, nonfatal MI and nonfatal stroke Years 1160 1161 412 395 249 245 137 131 ACCORD Study Group. N Engl J Med. 2010; 362(17):1563-74.

Lipanthyl significantly reduced CV events in the elevated TG + low HDL-C subgroup by 31% 18 In patients with TG 204 mg/dl and HDL-C 34 mg/dl Proportion with event (%) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 17.32% -31% p=0.03 12.37% Number needed to treat (NNT) for 5 years to prevent one CV event 20 2 0 Simvastatin Simvastatin + Lipanthyl The primary endpoint of major CV events (CV death, nonfatal MI and nonfatal stroke) was not reduced significantly in the overall population (HR=0.92, 95% CI 0.79-1.08, p=0.32) ACCORD Study Group. N Engl J Med. 2010; 362(17):1563-74. Elam MB et al. AHA 2010. Presentation 19724.


Clinical Trials and Recent Patterns in the Use of Statins National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey LRC- CPPT 4S NCEP WOSCOP CARE Am Heart J 2001; 141(6):957-963

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