Aanvraagformulier VU Grassroots voorstel

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Aanvraagformulier VU Grassroots voorstel 2007-2008 Via dit formulier dient u uw projectvoorstel in voor deelname aan het Grassroots project bij de Vrije Universiteit in 2007-2008. De doelstellingen van Grassroots, spelregels en selectiecriteria kunt u raadplegen op http://www.onderwijscentrum.vu.nl/grassroots Het uitgewerkte voorstel dient uiterlijk 1 december 2007 te zijn ingediend via grassroots@ond.vu.nl Gegevens aanvrager Voor- en achternaam: Lorraine Nencel Titel: Dr. Functie: UD Faculteit en opleiding: FSW, M en T Aanwezig op de VU (dagen): Mandag, Dinsdag, Woensdag, Vrijdag Adres en kamernummer op de VU: Metropolitan Gebouw, Buitenveldertselaan 3, Z- 217 Email adres: ls.nencel@fsw.vu.nl Telefoonnummer op de VU:86879 Heeft u al eerder een Grassroots voorstel uitgevoerd? X/Neen In het geval het een groter Grassrootsvoorstel betreft dat door een tweede aanvrager mee uitgevoerd wordt, geef dan hieronder de gegevens van de tweede aanvrager op. In de beschrijving van het projectvoorstel dient u het aandeel van beide aanvragers specifiek te omschrijven. Gegevens tweede aanvrager Voor- en achternaam: Titel: Functie: Faculteit en opleiding: Aanwezig op de VU (dagen): Adres en kamernummer op de VU: Email adres: Telefoonnummer op de VU: Heeft u al eerder een Grassroots voorstel uitgevoerd? Ja/Neen 1

Omschrijving van het Grassroots voorstel 1. Titel van de aanvraag From Process to Product: Learning to do qualitative research through peer reviewed assignments 2. Geef twee trefwoorden voor uw project (denk bijvoorbeeld aan: 'interactief hoorcollege', online peer review', 'streaming video', 'Blackboard', 'digitaal toetsen', etc.). On-line peer review; qualitative research methodology; process-oriented assignments 3. Beschrijf kort de onderwijscontext waarvoor u een ICT-toepassing wil ontwikkelen en inzetten. Titel van het vak: Qualitative Research Methods Opleiding: SCA en COM Studiejaar: PMC Aantal studenten: 70-80 Periode waarin onderwijs gegeven wordt: February -April 2008 Overige bijzonderheden, bijv. kenmerken van studenten, opvallende kenmerken van de opzet of inhoud van het vak: The majority of the students are HBO students who enter into the university through the PMC program. These students have had little or no contact with theory or practice in qualitative research. This is the only moment in their year training in which they will come in contact with doing qualitative research, unlike their BA colleagues who have had several opportunities in their three year study. This course is aimed to be a crash course on the subject. It compresses the knowledge which BA students obtain in two years into one, so that they are familiar with and more prepared to take on a qualitative research projects in their Masters studies. The course will simultaneously gives them insight into the basic theoretical and epistemological premises of qualitative research while providing them with the possibility of acquiring practical skills for doing qualitative research through implementing a small research project in groups of 5, which is aimed to take them through the phases of the empirical cycle. The organization of the course reflects these two goals. Once a week the students will receive lectures on methodological theory and the second session will be in workgroup style (with 1 or 2 practica) to teach them basic skills while at the same time supervise the development of the research process. Peer review will be used to evaluate assignments given in the workgroups. 2

4. Geef aan welk doel u met de inzet van ICT in uw onderwijs wilt bereiken. Teaching qualitative Methodology must be taught, on the one hand, by giving theoretical insight (extensive) and on the other through practical assignments on a weekly basis (intensive). Considering the number of students enrolled in the course, it is impossible for the teacher to check each weekly assignment. Yet students become frustrated that they do not receive feedback while completing the assignments is mandatory for their final grade. The use of ICT and particularly the program TURNITIN, can contribute to solving this problem and at the same time help improve the students research skills. The objectives for the use of Turnitin are three-fold: 1. To enhance the learning process. The act of giving comments based on welldefined criteria (by the teacher) gives Turnitin a dual function. It not only has the potential to improve the quality of the work of the student being evaluated but also of the reviewer. This is the process-oriented dimension of the proposed project. It is assumed that improvement of the quality of assignments during the research process through peer evaluation can ultimately lead to a higher quality final product: the final group report and presentation. 2. By having to apply pre-defined criteria in an evaluation process, the student naturally incorporates these criteria in their (methodological) baggage, learns to pose critical questions which can positively effect their accomplishments in other courses and research. 3. To be able to give students comments and grades on weekly assignments and thus increase satisfaction. 5. Geef aan welke ICT toepassing(en) u wilt ontwikkelen en/of gebruiken om dit doel te bereiken. As stated earlier, the objectives above will be accomplished using Turnitin. An extra evaluation will be given at the end of the course to analyse to what extent the proposed objectives have been reached and how the use of Turnitin can be improved to accomplish the proposed goals. 6. Beschrijf hoe u de ICT- toepassing wenst in te zetten (in welk onderdeel van het vak, in een hoorcollege of practicum, voor individueel of groepswerk, beoordeeld/niet beoordeeld, verplicht/niet verplicht enz.) The students will do research in groups of fives. Each workgroup will consist of 5 groups or approximately 25 students. The teacher will be giving three workgroups per day. Each workgroup class will treat a component of the empirical cycle for which they will do an assignment in relation to their research project. Turnitin will be used for several of these assignments. 3

In general, each individual assignments is required to ultimately complete the group report. Thus, students will do individual assignments such as observations, interviews, transcriptions, but the data which is collected will be analyzed and used for the final product. Evaluating peer s assignments is mandatory. The assignments will be evaluated with a numerical grade, the peer review evaluations will not. They must be completed satisfactorily to receive the final grade. 7. Geef een beschrijving en planning van de werkzaamheden in uw project. Maak daarbij indien van toepassing- onderscheid naar het aandeel van de verschillende aanvragers in het project. The course will be developed in the month of December and January. 1. Development of curriculum and decision concerning which assignments will be evaluated through Turnitin, and how it will be used (how many students, anonymous, etc) (Last week of December) 2. Development and elaboration of the criteria for each assignment. (First week and second week of January) 3. Elaboration of a short users guide in relation to its use in this specific class. (second and Third week of January) 4. Get its use ready for class: links with Blackboard, passwords, etc. (last part of January) 5. Evaluation of its use (end of March) 4

8. Geef aan of u ondersteuning of advies nodig heeft bij de projectuitvoering, en zo ja, waarvoor. Ik heb geen ondersteuning nodig X Ik heb wel ondersteuning nodig, namelijk voor het volgende: Ik wens ondersteuning via: X Via mijn ICTO contactpersoon Via persoonlijk advies van het Onderwijscentrum VU (strippenkaart) Via een cursus van het Onderwijscentrum VU, namelijk 5