DEMO. Awareness. Lecture 1

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DEMO Awareness Lecture 1

Docenten in de DA avondcolleges 2015/1 Jan Dietz Emeritus hoogleraar Informatica, TU Delft Professor Enterprise Engineering, Antwerp Management School Directeur Sapio Enterprise Engineering Hans Mulder (DEMO Expert) Professor Enterprise Engineering, Antwerp Management School Hoogleraar Nieuwe systeemontwikkelingsmethoden, Universiteit Antwerpen Directeur VIAgroep NV Niek Pluijmert (DEMO Expert) Directeur INQA Kwiteitsmanager, projectmanager Martin Op t Land (DEMO Expert) Professor Enterprise Engineering, Antwerp Management School Glob Architect Capgemini Joop de Jong (DEMO Expert) Directeur Mprise en Indigo Agriware Enterprise engineer 2

Welke bewering is niet waar 1. DEMO is een methode voor anyse/ontwerp van ICT-applicaties 2. Jan Dietz heeft op een hoogte van 6000 m gewandeld 3. DEMO is een methode voor anyse/ontwerp van bedrijfsprocessen 4. Jan Dietz heeft minder dan 5 kleinkinderen 5. DEMO is een methode voor anyse/ontwerp van organisaties 6. Jan Dietz heeft meer dan 250 artikelen/boeken geschreven 3

Curriculum Vitae 1970: Afgestudeerd aan de TU Eindhoven (Elektrotechniek), na van Prof. Edsger Dijkstra te hebben geleerd wat programmeren is. 1970-1980: Praktijk automatisering bij Philips en Rekencentrum TU Eindhoven. Overtuigd dat de gangbare methoden tekort schieten. 1980-1988: Universitair (hoofd)docent bij Technische Bedrijfskunde (TU Eindhoven). Onderzoek naar methoden o.l.v. Prof Theo Bemelmans. Daarop gepromoveerd in 1987. 1988-1994: Hoogleraar Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde aan de Universiteit van Maastricht (Bedrijfseconomie). Geboorte DEMO in 1992. Oprichting Sapio (consultancy) in 1992. 1994-2009: Hoogleraar Informatiesystemen aan de TU Delft. Verdere ontwikkeling DEMO. Oprichting Enterprise Engineering Instituut (beheer DEMO). Oprichting Ciao! Network (onderzoek theoretisch fundament) Vanaf 2009: Onderzoek (publicaties, lezingen). Onderwijs (DEMO cursussen, AMS). Consultancy (supeisor, coach, gerechtsdeskundige) 4

Design & Engineering DEMO Methodology for Organizations essence and simplicity

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 6

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 7


Red garden gnomes don t exist Prolog This insight is nothing less than a paradigm shift; you must be willing to grasp and adopt it. The price is that you have to throw off your current way of thinking about organisation and ICT. The reward will be a proper understanding of the prospects and limitations of ICT for humans, organisations, and society at large, so that you will no longer feel uncomfortable with nonsensic horror stories about robots and other artifici intelligent things that would take power over us. What has l this serious stuff to do with garden gnomes That is a secret that will be unveiled while reading the book. You will discover that modern societies are crawling with blue and green garden gnomes, to the benefit of l of us. You must only look out for red garden gnomes because they cannot exist Rijswijk, 9 October 2014 J.B.F. Mulder MScBA Professor in Enterprise Engineering, Antwerp Management School (Belgium) Director VIAgroep NV (The Netherlands) 9

The paradigm shift in astronomy The origin meaning of paradigm is: example for explanation. Graduly, this meaning has been expanded to: core view of a theory. The heliocentric view of Copernicus (1543) The geocentric view of Ptolemy (150) Sun Earth Mars 10

The importance of a good theory There is nothing so practic as a good theory (Kurt Lewin) Whether you can obsee a thing or not depends on the theory that you use. It is the theory that decides what can be obseed (Albert Einstein) Theories are the ment glasses through which you perceive the world and conceive your understanding of it. 11

The application-centric view (1975) The task of the ICT-profession is to develop a system (application) on the side, and to implant it, once it is completed The development process is roughly: requirements determination, function design, technic design, implementation The function requirements are determined basicly by inteiewing the customer and the future users The focus is on processes, data, and ICT opportunities The delivered system rarely meets the re function requirements (expectations). In other words, requirements determination mostly fails Standardisation, like in ERP-systems, hardly solves the requirements determination problem. Instead, it puts the users in armours 12

The organisation-centric view (2005) The task of the ICT-profession is to develop and instl a new implementation of (a part of) the organisation The development process is roughly: produce ontologic model, devise new implementation model The function requirements are fully determined by the ontologic model of the organisation The focus is on human cooperation, and on authority and responsibility In addition, the organisation may itself be subject to redesign. This comes down to devising a new ontologic model, by an enterprise engineer (!) Because the ontologic model is fully formisable, automatic generation of the new implementation is a reistic option 13

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 14

DEMO in the Five Ways Framework FI theory, TAO theory, PSI theory, DELTA theory, MU theory, BETA theory Way of Thinking Construction Model Process Model Fact Model Action Model Way of Modelling Methodology Way of Working OER method SDM PRINCE2 ITIL Way of Controlling Way of Supporting ModelWorld Xemod Open Modeling DemoWorld adapted from P.S. Seligmann, G.M. Weijers, H.G. Sol: anyzing the structure of IS methodologies an ternative approach, 1989 15

PSI: Peormance in Soci Interaction The operating principle of organisations is that subjects (human beings) enter into and comply with commitments, which are raised in coordination acts. The result of an act is a fact. Coordination acts/facts regard a product (= independent production fact plus dependent production facts). They occur in interaction patterns, cled transactions, between two actors. One has the role of, the other the role of. The construction of an organisation consists of actor roles and transaction kinds. An actor role constitutes the authority to be in transactions of a particular transaction kind. An organisation is made operation by assigning actor roles to subjects on the basis of competence. The resulting actors are assumed to exercise their authority with responsibility. 16

The transaction process In the order phase, the and discuss the product to be produced, and try to agree Order phase Asking for transport Ordering a book Applying for membership In the execution phase, the produces a product Execution phase transaction process In the result phase, the and discuss the product that has been produced, and try to agree Result phase Being transported Having got the book Having become member 17

Transaction = production + coordination coordination transaction production COORDINATION WORLD PRODUCTION WORLD coordination acts production acts coordination facts production facts 18

Is it a P-act/fact or a C-act/fact C C C C C C C C C C P C C P P Ik zou wel zo n bosje rode tulpen willen hebben Ik z er een pakken Kijk eens aan, hier is uw bosje tulpen zegt Linda Doe toch maar liever die gele rozen daar U bent wel een wispelturig typje hè Nou moe, ik kan me toch vergissen! zegt Steven Vooruit dan, een bosje gele rozen dus Steven krijgt de gele rozen en is er blij mee Theo krijgt ook een bosje gele rozen van Linda Maar Theo zegt dat ze niet vers zijn Linda besluit de gele rozen aan Jan te geven Jan vraagt Hans de stoep te vegen Maar Hans zegt dat hij dat niet doet Theo veegt de stoep De bezem is door Linda geleverd 19

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 20

The basic transaction pattern request proposition accept result promise proposition produce product state result responsibilities responsibilities 21

What kind of C-act/fact is it (1) C request C promise C state C C C C C state, accept C state C P C request C P P Ik zou wel zo n bosje rode tulpen willen hebben Ik z er een pakken Kijk eens aan, hier is uw bosje tulpen zegt Linda Doe toch maar liever die gele rozen daar U bent wel een wispelturig typje hè Nou moe, ik kan me toch vergissen! zegt Steven Vooruit dan, een bosje gele rozen dus Steven krijgt de gele rozen en is er blij mee Theo krijgt ook een bosje gele rozen van Linda Maar Theo zegt dat ze niet vers zijn Linda besluit de gele rozen aan Jan te geven Jan vraagt Hans de stoep te vegen Maar Hans zegt dat hij dat niet doet Theo veegt de stoep De bezem is door Linda geleverd 22

INTERMEZZO: excerpt FI theory Ontologic Mill Duity of concepts 23

The ontologic mill THING CONCRETE CLASS <Charlie Chaplin> [HUMAN] human is the intension of -> TYPE <- is the extension of HUMAN CONCEPTUAL CLASS FACT is an instance of < is a predication of > Charlie Chaplin is a human < is a member of Charlie Chaplin CONCEPTUAL OBJECT <Charlie Chaplin is a human> FEATURE CONCRETE OBJECT [Charlie Chaplin] 24

The duity of concepts <thing> purchase ses is an instance of > is an instance of < purchase 31416 ses 1618 [purchase 31416] [ses 1618] 25

Example of a transaction Peorma: I want 10 Quadra 75, at 165 ξ, for 731.513 Peorma : request : P.V. : purchase 31416 is completed Probus Vilis: Okay proposition P.V. : promise : Peorma : ses 1618 is completed Probus Vilis: Here they are P.V. : state : Peorma : ses 1618 is completed Peorma: Thanks result Peorma : accept : P.V. : purchase 31416 is completed 26

Non-verb and tacit communication Peorma: I want 10 Quadra 75, at 165 ξ, for 731.513 Peorma : request : P.V. : purchase 31416 is completed < Probus tacit Vilis: act > Okay proposition P.V. : promise : Peorma : ses 1618 is completed pointing Probus Vilis: at the Here wheelbarrows they are P.V. : state : Peorma : ses 1618 is completed < Peorma: tacit act Thanks > result Peorma : accept : P.V. : purchase 31416 is completed 27

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 28

The process of a coordination act/fact effectuate decision decide on response origin production peorma level in coordination FF0000 expose information production commitment 009900 informa level in coordination 0099CC CC0066 coordination production FF0000 peorma level origin production peorma level in coordination information production informa level in coordination 009900 (soci correspondence) 0099CC CC0066 coordination evoke commitment production document production forma level in coordination actor actor role document production forma level in coordination actor actor role 0066FF CCCC33 0066FF CCCC33 formulate thought RGGDE 3.1 picture 15 informa level (cognitive correspondence) RGGDE 3.1 picture 15 educe thought utter sentence forma level (notation correspondence) perceive sentence medium level RGGDE 3.1 picture 16 transmission of messages RGGDE 3.1 picture 16 29

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 30

The standard transaction pattern qt qt qt qt dc dc dc dc rq rq rq rq pm pm pm pm ac ac ac ac st st st st rj rj rj rj sp sp sp sp 31

What kind of C-act/fact is it (2) C request C promise C state C C C C C state, accept C state C reject P C request C decline P P Ik zou wel zo n bosje rode tulpen willen hebben Ik z er een pakken Kijk eens aan, hier is uw bosje tulpen zegt Linda Doe toch maar liever die gele rozen daar U bent wel een wispelturig typje hè Nou moe, ik kan me toch vergissen! zegt Steven Vooruit dan, een bosje gele rozen dus Steven krijgt de gele rozen en is er blij mee Theo krijgt ook een bosje gele rozen van Linda Maar Theo zegt dat ze niet vers zijn Linda besluit de gele rozen aan Jan te geven Jan vraagt Hans de stoep te vegen Maar Hans zegt dat hij dat niet doet Theo veegt de stoep De bezem is door Linda geleverd 32

The complete transaction pattern [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] st st [ac] [ac] rj rj sp sp 33

Revocation of the request [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] st st [ac] [ac] rj rj sp sp 34

Revocation of the promise [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] st st [ac] [ac] rj rj sp sp 35

Revocation of the state [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] st st [ac] [ac] rj rj sp sp 36

Revocation of the accept [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] st st [ac] [ac] rj rj sp sp 37

What kind of C-act/fact is it (3) C request C promise C state C revoke rq, request C (revoke rq) C (revoke rq) C low, promise C state, accept C state C reject P C request C decline P P Ik zou wel zo n bosje rode tulpen willen hebben Ik z er een pakken Kijk eens aan, hier is uw bosje tulpen zegt Linda Doe toch maar liever die gele rozen daar U bent wel een wispelturig typje hè Nou moe, ik kan me toch vergissen! zegt Steven Vooruit dan, een bosje gele rozen dus Steven krijgt de gele rozen en is er blij mee Theo krijgt ook een bosje gele rozen van Linda Maar Theo zegt dat ze niet vers zijn Linda besluit de gele rozen aan Jan te geven Jan vraagt Hans de stoep te vegen Maar Hans zegt dat hij dat niet doet Theo veegt de stoep De bezem is door Linda geleverd 38

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 39

The organisation building block (1) The complete transaction pattern [rq] [rq] qt qt dc dc [pm] [pm] actor role actor role rq rq pm pm ac ac [st] [st] [ac] [ac] rj st rj sp st sp transaction kind DEMO Awareness 2015-1 Lecture 1 36 2014 Every (elementary) actor role is the role of exactly one transaction kind. It may be an role in 0, 1 or more transaction kinds. An actor is a subject fulfilling an actor role. A subject may fulfill sever actor roles (sequentily or simultaneously), and an actor role may be fulfilled by sever subjects (sequentily or simultaneously or collectively). 40

The organisation building block (2) A0 request promise T1 accept state A1 A0 (the of T1) comes to agreement with A1 (the of T1) about the delivery of a product P1. A0 does not care and need not care about what A1 has to do in order to bring about P1. At some point in time, A1 addresses A0 and peorms the state act in the transaction T1. 41

Organisation construction and process A0 request promise T1 accept state A1 T2 T3 T4 A2 A3 A4 T5 T6 T7 T8 A5 A6 A7 A8 In order to produce P1, A1 needs a P2, a P3 and a P4. And NOTE: component transactions may so be carried out in parlel. 42

The aspect organisations IMMATERIAL PRODUCTION MATERIAL PRODUCTION devising deciding judging O- organisation manufacturing transporting obseing remember fact share fact remembering recling deriving facts I- organisation keep document provide document archiving providing transforming documents D- organisation storing retrieving copying transmitting destroying files 43

Essenti model components COORDINATION CONSTRUCTION actors transactions PRODUCTION CM PROCESS business processes business events PM FM business objects business facts PRODUCT AM business rules work instructions OPERATION 44

CM of Wheelbarrows (Mum view) CA01 MALUM CA02 T01 A01 HORTUS ses completion T02 seller T03 ses transporting A03 transporter ses payment Transaction kind Product kind T01 ses completion P01 Ses is completed T02 ses payment P02 Ses is paid T03 ses transporting P03 Ses is transported 45

CM of Wheelbarrows (Hortus view) CA02 HORTUS Axx purchaser A02 payer T01 purchase completion T02 purchase payment CA01 MALUM Transaction kind Product kind T01 purchase completion P01 Purchase is completed T02 purchase payment P02 Purchase is paid 46

Outline The paradigm shift in ICT The gener PSI theory production, coordination, transaction the basic transaction pattern the process of a coordination act the complete transaction pattern the construction of organisations Conclusions 47

Conclusions of lecture 1 There is a paradigm shift going on: from and application-centric to an organisation-centric view on ICT activities According to the PSI theory, l activities in l organisations can be understood as (atomic) steps in transactions The complete transaction pattern is univers The construction of an organisation consists of tree structures of basic building blocks In the PSI theory, people are the pearls of the organisation. Based on their competence, they get authority, which they are assumed to practise with responsibility 48

The end 49