stretching did not produce modification of torque angle curve and flexibility; its effects appear restricted to increases in stretch tolerance.

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1 J. Halbertsma Short hamstrings & stretching: stretching : a study of muscle elasticity diss. (1999) (1999) J. Halbertsma et al. Sport Stretching: Effect on Passive Muscle Stiffness of Short Hamstrings Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol77, July 1996 M O M E N T ' NA rekken '' VOOR rekken Cecılia F. Aquino, Sergio T. Fonseca, Gabriela G.P. Goncalves, Paula L.P. Silva, Juliana M. Ocarino, Marisa C. Mancini Stretching versus strength training in lengthened position in subjects with tight hamstring muscles: A randomized controlled trial Manual Therapy 15; (2010) stretching did not produce modification of torque angle curve and flexibility; its effects appear restricted to increases in stretch tolerance. Cynthia Holzm an Weppler, S. Peter Magnusson Increasing Muscle Extensibility: A Matter of Increasing Length or Modifying Sensation? Physical Therapy Volum e 90, Num ber 3 March (2010).. in subjects who are asymptomatic, increases in muscle extensibility observed immediately after a single stretching session and after short term (3- to 8-week) stretching regimens are predominantly due to modification in subjects sensation. Hoek Hoek-uitslag Moment HOEKUITSLAG 1

2 Consument en veiligheid Ingesloten bij Sport gericht, Nr. 4 (2010). Hoe wordt een spier korter? Waarom wordt een spier korter? Functionele eigenschappen van spierweefsel spierweefsel Functies van spieren 2

3 Guillaume -Benjamin GuillaumeDuchenne de Boulogne (Physiologie des mouvements). Physiologie des' mouvements ' ' Functies van spieren demonstree a l'aide de l'experimentation electrique, ' l'observation clinique, et applicable a l'etude des paralysies et des deformations. (1867) ' '????? Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne de Boulogne (1806 ( ) SPIERFUNCTIES IN DE DESCRIPTIEVE ANATOMIE 3.6 km/u origo gefixeerd - origo centraal (proximaal) - anatomische houding (zonder zwaartekracht) - geen andere krachten DescriptiefDescriptiefanatomische houding Inman V., Ralston H., Todd F. : Human Walking Gangrichting Fr Fr T T 3

4 Gangrichting? 4

5 ??? Z Fr RFg R Functionele eigenschappen van spierweefsel Spier Fasciculus Spiervezels Myofibril Sarcomeer 5

6 Z= 0.05 µm A = 1.27 µm 0.5 c I Segment Lengths and Thin Fi1a:ment Periods in Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Rhesus Monkey and the Human SHEPPARD M. WALKER AND G. RANDOLPH SCHRODT ANAT. REC. 178: 63-82, (1974) The range of sarcomere lengths in the muscles of the human lower limb. ALISON CUTTS, J. Anat. (1988), 160, pp Ca. 2.5 µm 1 µm m = 10-6 m = 1/1000 mm 1000 streepjes hier tussen T A = actine N M = myosine T = titine N = nebuline Z = z-membraan c = cross-bridge-vrije zone c= 0.17 µm M = 1.6 µm Rustlengte: S 0 = 2 x x x 0.17 = 2.7 µm 1mm: 1000 / 2.5 = 400 sarcomeren 1cm: 10 x 400 = 4000 sarcomeren M. Vastus medialis: ca. 7 cm = ca sarcomeren M. Sartorius: ca. 45 cm = ca sarcomeren Naar Wickiewicz, 1983 EXTREME POSITIES GERINGE KRACHT 1.6 F (%) R us t l e n g t e L (µm) Geringe contacten Antiparallel regions Verkorting en verlenging vanuit de rustlengte: 100 -(Nieuwe Lengte / Oude Lengte) x 100 % 2.7 µm 41 % 1.6 µm 2.7 µm 52 % 4.1 µm 6

7 Lange en korte spieren Semi- membranosus Semi- tendinosus Biceps femoris Data naar: Wickiewicz T. et al. Muscle Architecture of the Lower Limb Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Number 179 (1983) pp: α T a α b Origo-heup-as (cm) Vezellengte (cm) B S c c 2 =a 2 + b 2 2ab cos α c = a 2 + b 2 2ab cos α Heup-as insertie: 42 (cm) Init. Tuberhoek: 25 o Proc. Verlenging: 55% S = B 2 + T 2 2BT cos α Hoekuitslag α = arccos B2 + T 2 S 2 2.B.T V α T 7

8 V = 5.3 cm: 37 o V = 7.3 cm: 48 o Vezellengte Max. Heupflexie? 63 o 43 o Stijf Ref Lenig V T α ο T = 7 cm: 37 o T = 5 cm: 50 o Tuberlengte 29 o M. Rek-tus femoris Adaptatie van spierweefsel Voor training Na training 8

9 LIT. Verkorten, verlengen en sarcomeerlengte IMMOBILISATIE VERKORT F IMMOBILISATIE: VERLENGD volwassen, verkort L F volwassen, verkort L F L volwassen, verlengd 9

10 F L F volwassen, verlengd jong, verkort L Groei Toename aantal sarcomeren in serie } Functioneren in verkorte positie Afname aantal sarcomeren in serie Tegengestelde tendensen! Verwachting: minder afname sarcomeren in serie dan bij volwassenen jong, verkort Werkelijkheid: grotere afname van sarcomeren in serie dan bij volwassenen. Peesgroei!! * Adaptatie sarc. in serie: jong, verkort Groei Functioneren in verlengde positie Toename aantal sarcomeren in serie Toename aantal sarcomeren in serie} Gelijke tendensen! F Verwachting: meer toename sarcomeren in serie dan bij volwassenen. L jong, verlengd jong, verlengd 10

11 Verkorte positie Verlengde positie Werkelijkheid: afname van sarcomeren in serie. Peesgroei!! jong, verlengd volwassen, overzicht. Sarcomeren Pees-groei Verkorte positie Verlengde positie PROBLEEM : VERLENGINGSMOGELIJKHEID jong, overzicht. PROBLEEM : HEFHOOGTE LIT. I DANK VOOR UW AANDACHT C C C I I 11

12 Immobilisatie en Adaptatie van Sarcomeren in Serie Goldspink G, Tabary C, Tabary JC, Tardieu C, Tardieu G. Effect of denervation on the adaptation of sarcomere number and muscle extensibility to the functional length of the muscle. J Physiol 1974; 236: Goldspink DF, Morton AJ, Loughna P, Goldspink G. The effect of hypokinesia and hypodynamia on protein turnover and the growth of four skeletal muscles of the rat. Pflugers Arch 1986;407: Goldspink G, Scutt A, Loughna PT, Wells DJ, Jaenicke T, Gerlach GF. Gene expression in skeletal muscle in response to stretch and force generation. Am J Physiol 1992;262:R Goldspink DF, Cox VM, Smith SK, Eaves LA, Osbaldeston NJ, Lee DM, et al. Muscle growth in response to mechanical stimuli. Am J Physiol 1995;268:E loughna P, Goldspink G, Goldspink DF. Effect of inactivity and passive stretch on protein turnover in phasic and postural rat muscles. 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Use of intermittent stretch in the prevention of serial sarcomere loss in immobilised muscle. Ann Rheum Dis 1990;49: Return Excentrische oefeningen verschuiven van het maximaal te leveren moment naar langere spierlengten J. Alonso, M. P. McHugh, M. J. Mullaney, T. F. Tyler Effect of hamstring flexibility on isometric knee flexion angle torque relationship Scand J Med Sci Sports 2009: 19: Philippou, G. Bogdanis, A. Nevill, M. Maridaki Changes in the angle-force curve of human elbow flexors following eccentric and isometric exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol (2004) 93: Lynn, R., and D. L. Morgan. Decline running produces more sarcomeres in rat vastus intermediusmuscle fibers than does incline running. J. Appl. Physiol. 77(3): , R. Lynn, J. Talbot, D. Morgan Differences in rat skeletal muscles after incline an decline running Eur J Appl Physiol (1998) 85: David L. Morgan And Jason A. Talbot The Addition Of Sarcomeres In Series Is The Main Protective Mechanism Following Eccentric Exercise Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 2, Nos. 3 & 4 (2002) 421{431 Kieran O Sullivan, Sean McAuliffe, Neasa DeBurca The effects of eccentric training on lower limb flexibility: a systematic review Br J Sports Med 2012;46: Return Excentrische oefeningen veroorzaken een toename van de spiervezellengte c.q. het aantal sarcomeren David L. Morgan And Jason A. Talbot The Addition Of Sarcomeres In Series Is The Main Protective Mechanism Following Eccentric Exercise Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 2, Nos. 3 & 4 (2002) 421{431 Butterfield, Timothy A., Timothy R. Leonard, and Walter Herzog. Differential serial sarcomerenumber adaptations in knee extensor muscles of rats is contraction type dependent. J Appl Physiol 99: , 2005 Tara G. Potier Caroline M. Alexander Olivier R. Seynnes Effects of eccentric strength training on biceps femoris muscle architecture and knee joint range of movement Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 105: Het gaat veel meer om de (verlengde) positie waarin wordt geoefend dan om de excentrische contractie Kenny Guex, Francis Degache, Gérald Gremion, & Grégoire P. Millet Effect of hip flexion angle on hamstring optimum length after a single set of concentric contractions Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013 Vol. 31, No. 14, Anthony J. Blazevich, Dale Cannavan, David R. Coleman and Sara Horne Influence of concentric and eccentric resistance training on architectural adaptation in human quadriceps muscles J Appl Physiol 103: , 2007 Jennette L. Boakes, Jared Foran, Samuel R. Ward, and Richard L. Lieber Muscle Adaptation by Serial Sarcomere Addition 1 Year after Femoral Lengthening Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research Number 456, pp , 2006 Return We have also shown that adaptations in fascicle length are not influenced by contraction mode, but are most likely influenced by the training range of motion (i.e., fascicle strain); contraction velocity probably has little effect. Return The fact that fascicle length increased dramatically and in vivo sarcomere length decreased slightly showed the substantial increase in serial sarcomere number. As the serial sarcomere number represents fascicle length divided by sarcomere length, the serial sarcomere number increased from 25,000 (9.1 cm/3.64 m) to 58,650 (18.2 cm/3.11 m). This corresponds to a serial sarcomere synthesis/incorporation of approximately 350 per day. Therefore, the sarcomere number increased more than enough to compensate for the limb-length change. Return 12



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