Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal)

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1 Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) I

2 De masteropleiding Erfgoedstudies (duaal), programma Museumconservator is een duale opleiding (één jaar onderwijs, één jaar praktijk) voor studenten die geïnteresseerd zijn in de museumpraktijk. Voor toelating geldt een selectie. Tijdens de masteropleiding bereid je je uitvoerig voor op werk in de museumwereld. Het onderwijs vindt deels aan de universiteit plaats en deels in het museum, in de vorm van een praktijkjaar in een van de deelnemende musea. Je houdt je bezig met behoud en beheer van cultureel erfgoed, collectievorming en presentatie van kunst, de rol van musea als podium voor de eigentijdse beeldcultuur en het interesseren van nieuwe publieksgroepen. De masteropleiding is ontwikkeld in nauwe samenwerking met de UvA en zeven grote musea (het Rijksmuseum, het Van Gogh Museum, het Amsterdams Historisch Museum, het Stedelijk Museum en het Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, het Centraal Museum in Utrecht en Museum Boijmans in Rotterdam). De master geeft je goede kansen op een baan: musea hebben voortdurend behoefte aan nieuwe stafleden vanwege de grote mobiliteit van museummedewerkers. In het eerste halve jaar van de master Erfgoedstudies (duaal), programma Museumconservator kies je onderdelen (9 stp) uit de algemene masteropleiding Kunstgeschiedenis en/of de onderzoeksmaster (Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen (research), programma VAMA). Daarnaast volg je de cursus Verzamelen en presenteren, die in samenwerking met de UvA wordt aangeboden. Het praktijkjaar (60 stp) valt in de tweede helft van het eerste jaar en de eerste helft van het tweede jaar. Parallel aan de stage volg je een discussiecollege Museumproblematiek (12 stp) over actuele ontwikkelingen binnen de nationale en internationale museumwereld. Je sluit de opleiding af met een scriptie (18 stp). Opleidingsschema Onderwijs- en Examenregelingen op VUnet (inlog) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) II

3 Inhoudsopgave Master Erfgoedstudies, programma Museumconservator 1 Programme Curating Art and Cultures, Electives Year 1 1 Vak: Archaeology, Museums and the Public (Periode 2) 2 Vak: Art Criticism (Periode 4+5) 4 Vak: Ceramics in Archaeology (Periode 2) 5 Vak: Collecting Curating and Display I (Periode 1) 6 Vak: Collecting Curating and Display II (Periode 2+3) 8 Vak: Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World I (Periode 4+5+6) 9 Vak: Cutting Edge in Archaeology: Archaeology and Conflict (Periode 1) 11 Vak: Design, History and Culture (Periode 1) 12 Vak: From Constantine to Muhammad: Religion and Society in Late Antiquity (Periode 2) 13 Vak: From Source to Public: The Historian's Flowchart through Imperial Eyes (Periode 1) 15 Vak: Globalizing Knowledge: Knowledge Societies in the Making, 8th-19th Centuries (Periode 2+3) Vak: History and Theory (Periode 2+3) 17 Vak: History of Natural Disasters (Periode 2+3) 18 Vak: Internship part 1 (Periode 4+5+6) 19 Vak: Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap I: Geschiedenis van de Kunstmarkt en Connaisseurschap (Periode 2+3) Vak: Masterscriptie Museumconservator (Ac. Jaar (september)) 22 Vak: Media Aesthetics (after the Media) (Periode 2) 23 Vak: Methods and Theories of Art History (Periode 1) 24 Vak: Methods of Design Analysis: The Meanings of Design (Periode 1+2) 25 Vak: Migrations and Circulations (Periode 2+3) 26 Vak: Museumproblematiek b (Periode 1+2+3) 26 Vak: Neo-Calvinism & Religious Diversity (Periode 2+3) 28 Vak: Politieke corruptie en goed bestuur in de moderne tijd (Periode 2+3) 29 Vak: Race, Religion and Profit in the Atlantic World, 17th-19th Century (Periode 2+3) 30 Vak: Reading Concepts of Intermediality (Periode 1+2+3) 31 Vak: Seminar Contemporary Art (Periode 1+2+3) 33 Vak: Transmedia Storytelling (Periode 1) 34 Vak: Trending Topics Arts and Culture (Periode ) 35 Vak: Werkcollege master beeldende kunst (Periode 1+2+3) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) III

4 Master Erfgoedstudies, programma Museumconservator Kies ook 18 stp aan vakken uit de master Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen, de master Archaeology en/of de master Geschiedenis. Opleidingsdelen: - Programme Curating Art and Cultures, Electives Year 1 Vakken: Naam Periode Credits Code Collecting Curating and Display I Collecting Curating and Display II Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World I Periode L_KAMAMUS021 Periode L_KAMAMUS022 Periode L_KAMAMUS023 Internship part 1 Periode L_KAMAMUS025 Masterscriptie Museumconservator Ac. Jaar (september) 18.0 L_KAMAMUSSCR Museumproblematiek b Periode L_KAMAMUS011 Programme Curating Art and Cultures, Electives Year 1 Kies 18 stp aan vakken uit de master Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen, de master Archaeology en/of de master Geschiedenis; bijvoorbeeld onderstaande vakken. Vakken: Naam Periode Credits Code Archaeology, Museums and the Public Periode L_AAMAARC011 Art Criticism Periode L_KNMAKGS010 Ceramics in Archaeology Periode L_AAMAARC006 Cutting Edge in Archaeology: Archaeology and Conflict Periode L_BEMAARC022 Design, History and Culture Periode L_AAMAACW003 From Constantine to Muhammad: Religion and Society in Late Antiquity From Source to Public: The Historian's Flowchart through Imperial Eyes Globalizing Knowledge: Knowledge Societies in the Making, 8th-19th Centuries Periode L_GOMAALG004 Periode L_GAMAGES022 Periode L_GAMAGES025 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 1 van 38

5 History and Theory Periode L_GCMAGES014 History of Natural Disasters Periode L_GEMAGES012 Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap I: Geschiedenis van de Kunstmarkt en Connaisseurschap Media Aesthetics (after the Media) Methods and Theories of Art History Methods of Design Analysis: The Meanings of Design Archaeology, Museums and the Public Periode L_KAMAKGS020 Periode L_ZAMAACW019 Periode L_KAMAKGS403 Periode L_ZAMAACW013 Migrations and Circulations Periode L_GAMAGES021 Neo-Calvinism & Religious Diversity Politieke corruptie en goed bestuur in de moderne tijd Race, Religion and Profit in the Atlantic World, 17th-19th Century Reading Concepts of Intermediality Periode L_GCMAGES017 Periode L_GCMAGES016 Periode L_GAMAGES024 Periode L_ZAMAACW014 Seminar Contemporary Art Periode L_KAMAKGS027 Transmedia Storytelling Periode L_ZAMAACW018 Trending Topics Arts and Culture Werkcollege master beeldende kunst Periode L_KAMAKGS025 Periode L_KAMAKGS014 Vakcode L_AAMAARC011 () Periode Periode 2 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. G.J.M. van Wijngaarden dr. G.J.M. van Wijngaarden Hoorcollege, Werkcollege Students who will have successfully completed this course will: 1. Have acquired an in-depth understanding of the various roles of material remains with regards to the perceptions about the past by wider audiences. 2. Have developed a clear insight in the past practices and future challenges of museum collecting. 3. Have a clear view on the roles of institutions and stakeholders in the ways the material past is presented. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 2 van 38

6 4. Have acquired expert knowledge about the challenges of modern theories, trends and (digital) methodologies for archaeological collections. 5. Have developed skills to make, assess and evaluate material and/or digital presentations about the past. For centuries, archaeological collections have served to present the past. Archaeological museums reconstruct and visualize national, local and regional histories, or, alternatively, display material heritage from different parts of the world. Archaeological collecting is increasingly subject to changing regulations and (legal) restrictions. Moreover, there are new ideas about the ways in which people perceive and identify with the past. Also, we see an enormous influence of ICT on museum collecting, registration and presentation. As a result, the role of archaeological museums in collecting and presenting the material past is increasingly problematic and currently a hot issue in academic and professional debates. This course will be about the relations between changing practices of archaeological collecting and the ways in which the past is presented to wider audiences. We will address the challenges posed to archaeological museums in the modern world by looking at the intricate interplay between material remains (archaeological artefacts, collections), people (collectors, curators and a differentiated public), techniques (ICT) and institutions (museums, universities). The collections and presentations of the Allard Pierson Museum will be used actively during the course. The course will have two sessions a week over a period of six weeks: a lecture session at the beginning of the week and a seminar. The lecture classes will have a theoretical and reflective character. After an introductory class, the lectures will cover the history and changing practice of collecting, the role of material remains in the perceptions of the past and the challenges for archaeological museums. The seminar sessions will have a practical character and will take place in the Allard Pierson Museum. Students will actively interact with museum s collections and exhibitions. The exhibition Keys to Rome will be used as a case study. Students will explore the various ways in which archaeological collections are constituted and will be supervised in creating archaeological exhibitions and visualizations. Presence to all seminars is compulsory. Contact hours: Total 4 hours: 2 hours lecture class; 2 hours seminar The course will be assessed by a written exam on the lecture classes and the associated literature from the electronic reader. The exam will constitute 40% of the final grade. In case the exam is not passed, a resit for the exam will be possible at the end of the semester The seminar part of the course will be assessed by a practical assignment in small groups (2-3 people). The grade for the assignment is 60% of the final grade. Individual grades will be given for the group assignment, based on the final output, a short overview of each participant s contribution and the participation in the seminars. In case the assignment is not graded as sufficient, an (individual) new assignment must be chosen and re-submitted before the end of the semester. Both the exam and the practical assignment must be graded as sufficient in order to pass the course successfully. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 3 van 38

7 Compulsory literature will be made available through an electronic reader on Canvas. Accessible for MA students in all Archaeology programs, Classics and Ancient Civilizations, Museum Studies, Heritage Studies and Art History Overige informatie This module is taught at the UvA by dr. G.J.M. van Wijngaarden (coordinator) and mw. dr. M.H.E. Hoijtink and drs. R. van Beek (UvA subject code Y). Module registration at the UvA is required. As this course is being offered at the UvA, a UvANetID is required for registration. Please note that course registration periods at the UvA and VU differ. For a step-by-step guide to course and exam registration and the dates for course and exam registration please consult the course and exam registration -page via the A-Z list of your MA programme on Art Criticism Vakcode L_KNMAKGS010 () Periode Periode 4+5 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. S. Lutticken dr. S. Lutticken dr. S. Lutticken Werkcollege Learning to reflect critically on contemporary art and culture by writing reviews of current exhibitions; analysing art in well-written and well-structured critical texts. The students write fives reviews that will be discussed in class. As the aim is to write well-argued reviews of contemporary art exhibitions, the discussions will focus on form as well as on content; on the craft of writing as well as on the cogency of the observations and value judgements in these texts. Additionally, there are a few sessions on the history and current state of art criticism. The focus is on visual art, but contemporary visual art is inter- or postmedial in nature, which means that art criticism too cannot be content with conventional definitions of what constitutes visual art. Seminar Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 4 van 38

8 Assessment on the basis of the written reviews and participation in class. T.b.c. BA art history or equivalent MA students art history, CAMS, VAMA, MA Museumconservator, Design Cultures Ceramics in Archaeology Vakcode L_AAMAARC006 () Periode Periode 2 der Geesteswetenschappen drs. J.G.A.M. Lenssen Werkcollege Familiarizing students with various methods and techniques of ceramics research, in relation to theory and practice of the study of production, distribution and use of pottery in various societies of the Mediterranean area, from the Neolithic till recent times (but with the focus from the Bronze Age to the Roman period). On completion of the module students will have acquired a series of analytical tools which enables them to reflect critically on existing work, but also to use ceramic research as part of their own archaeological work, in academia or in field archaeology. Pottery is the material most frequently encountered in archaeology research project. It helps dating, inspires thoughts about contacts between areas, and is a starting point for reconstructing social structures and/or their ideological frameworks. By looking at various methods of pottery research (in some specific cases) and their theoretical background, the ways pottery can be used in thinking about aspects of production, distribution and use and meaning will be explored, while at the same time insights and practical tools for hands on study of the material will be taken into account. More specific themes and methods to be treated include: typology, chronology and their problems; techniques and social organization of pottery production and their interconnection; the interaction between producers and consumers of pottery; scientific and anthropological approaches to pottery. All this will be placed in a more general background regarding social and cultural theory on daily material culture and the interaction between materials, objects and people, and the ways these can and cannot be used in archaeology. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 5 van 38

9 Seminar. Performance in class discussions, also based on reading and reports; presentations; final essay Will be made available during the course. Students admitted to one of the following Masters programmes can take this course : Archaeology (all three programmes) or Ancient Studies, Ancient History Intekenprocedure This module is taught at the UvA by dr. J.R. Hilditch (UvA subject code Y). Module registration at the UvA is required. To register, a UvANetID is required. Please note that course registration periods at the UvA and VU differ. For a step-by-step guide to course and exam registration and the dates for course and exam registration please consult the course and exam registration -page via the A-Z list of your MA programme on Overige informatie This module is taught at the UvA by dr. J.R. Hilditch (UvA subject code Y). Module registration at the UvA is required. As this course is being offered at the UvA, a UvANetID is required for registration. Please note that course registration periods at the UvA and VU differ. For a step-by-step guide to course and exam registration and the dates for course and exam registration please consult the course and exam registration -page via the A-Z list of your MA programme on Collecting Curating and Display I Vakcode L_KAMAMUS021 () Periode Periode 1 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen Werkcollege Deepening of knowledge and insight into recent theories of the collecting, curating and display of art objects and cultural artefacts from an historical and contemporary perspective. Provides theoretical and historical orientation in preparation for the Internship Curating Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 6 van 38

10 Art and Cultures, and for the core module Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World (I+II). This course provides a broad overview of the theoretical and historical aspects of collecting, curating and display, and is designed to create a common ground for the students admitted to the MA program Curating Art and Cultures, whatever their background discipline may be. It takes as its starting point four themes that play out through a variety of cultural institutions and curatorial practices (Public and Democratization; Collecting and Display; Exhibition Practices; and The Museum in a Globalized World), and examines these from theoretical, historical and contemporary perspectives. Lectures, seminars and excursions. Discussions/ session organization (30%, continual), paper pitch (20%, week 6), final paper (50%, week 14), participation (avv, continual). To be announced. A university bachelor's diploma giving access to the MA Curating Art and Cultures. As part of this diploma the BA course Exhibition Machines is recommended, or an equivalent museological course. Mandatory for students admitted to the MA Curating Art and Cultures. Can also be followed as an elective for students from the MA Art and Culture programmes specialising in Contemporary Art History, Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap, Comparative Arts and Media Studies, Design Cultures, the Research MA Critical Studies in Art and Culture, or the MA Museumstudies (UvA), as well as those with a BA degree in Art History, Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur, Cultural Studies, History, Media Studies or Archaeology. Students wishing to take the course as an elective should contact Rachel Esner ( and Ingrid Vermeulen ( Overige informatie Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 7 van 38

11 The MA Curating Art and Cultures is a joint programme of the VU and the UvA. Collecting, Curating and Display I is taught at the UvA in period 1, Collecting, Curating and Display II at the VU in period 2. Both courses form a single whole (2x 6 ECTS), and can not be followed separately. Collecting Curating and Display II Vakcode L_KAMAMUS022 () Periode Periode 2+3 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen Werkcollege Deepening of knowledge and insight into recent theories of the collecting, curating and display of art objects and cultural artefacts from an historical and contemporary perspective. Provides theoretical and historical orientation in preparation for the Internship Curating Art and Cultures, and for the core module Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World (I+II). This course provides a broad overview of the theoretical and historical aspects of collecting, curating and display, and is designed to create a common ground for the students admitted to the MA program Curating Art and Cultures, whatever their background discipline may be. It takes as its starting point four themes that play out through a variety of cultural institutions and curatorial practices (Public and Democratization; Collecting and Display; Exhibition Practices; and The Museum in a Globalized World), and examines these from theoretical, historical and contemporary perspectives. Lectures, seminars and excursions. Discussions/ session organization (30%, continual), paper pitch (20%, week 6), final paper (50%, week 14), participation (avv, continual). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 8 van 38

12 To be announced. A university bachelor's diploma giving access to the MA Curating Art and Cultures. As part of this diploma the BA course Exhibition Machines is recommended, or an equivalent museological course. Mandatory for students admitted to the MA Curating Art and Cultures. Can also be followed as an elective for students from the MA Art and Culture programmes specialising in Contemporary Art History, Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap, Comparative Arts and Media Studies, Design Cultures, the Research MA Critical Studies in Art and Culture, or the MA Museumstudies (UvA), as well as those with a BA degree in Art History, Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur, Cultural Studies, History, Media Studies or Archaeology. Students wishing to take the course as an elective should contact Rachel Esner ( and Ingrid Vermeulen ( Overige informatie The MA Curating Art and Cultures is a joint programme of the VU and the UvA. Collecting, Curating and Display I is taught at the UvA in period 1, Collecting, Curating and Display II at the VU in period 2. Both courses form a single whole (2x 6 ECTS), and can not be followed separately. Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World I Vakcode L_KAMAMUS023 () Periode Periode der Geesteswetenschappen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen Werkcollege, Excursie Acquiring (and applying) knowledge and insight into contemporary curatorial practices in the Dutch and international world of museums and cultural Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 9 van 38

13 institutions. Developing judgement and values about actual curatorial practices by analyzing and comparing case studies from the Dutch and international world of museums and cultural institutions. Developing strong communication skills by means of discussions, oral presentations and in-depth interviews with professionals in the field (curators, educators, directors, restorers, artists). Exchanging individual experiences obtained during the internship with fellow students and professionals, and thereby placing these in a broader scope. This course will focus on the broad field of contemporary curatorial practice, dealing with issues of (among others) collecting and exhibition policy, collection research, artistic production, restoration ethics, display issues, and education. The aim is to provide students with the means to reflect on their own learning experience during their internship through visits to various types of institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, and through close reading and debate around key texts. Discussion is central to the course, among the cohort and with the professionals whom we will meet on a regular basis. Literature will be selected and studied before the visits. The course includes a seven-day excursion abroad. Seminar, excursion. Meetings will take place about every two weeks on a Friday; the bi-weekly excursions usually last the entire day (including travel time). Report from practical experience (10%), symposium review (20%), preparation for professional visit (20%), excursion preparation and oral presentation (50%). To be announced. Collecting, Curating and Display I and II (L_KAMAMUS021 en L_KAMAMUS022; 12 ECTS) as well as all electives (18 ECTS) must be completed by the start of the course. Mandatory for students admitted to the MA Curating Art and Cultures. Overige informatie The MA Curating Art and Cultures is a joint programme of the VU and the UvA. This course will be coordinated by the UvA during the first part of the internship Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 10 van 38

14 (January-June). It prepares students for the research-based course Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World II, which will be coordinated by the VU during the second part of the internship (September-December). Attendance is compulsory. Cases of absence must be motivated in advance, need the approval of the teacher, and will be substituted by a supplementary assignment. Cutting Edge in Archaeology: Archaeology and Conflict Vakcode L_BEMAARC022 () Periode Periode 1 der Geesteswetenschappen prof. dr. N.G.A.M. Roymans prof. dr. N.G.A.M. Roymans prof. dr. N.G.A.M. Roymans Werkcollege If you successfully complete the course, you will: 1. have acquired a basic knowledge of the most important theoretical approaches and methodologies used by archaeologists to study armed conflicts in the past 2. have shown the ability to connect these theoretical and methodological approaches to concrete cases and reflect critically about the ways archaeologists (or historians) have applied them 3. have acquired a deeper knowledge of the materiality of conflict in a specific time period and/or region 4. be able to write a theoretically informed paper in which the above objectives are realized. In the past two decades we have witnessed the rapid development of a new field of archaeological research, commonly labelled as conflict archaeology. It has its origins in the study of battlefields and other conflict-related phenomena in the modern and pre-modern periods, but numerous studies have already made clear that this theme, its methods, techniques and theories are also relevant for older historical and even prehistoric periods. However, the material dimension of mass violence and conflict still is an underexplored field of study. This course aims to give an up-to-date overview of the potentials, the scope and the limitations of conflict archaeology. We will discuss a broad range of topics from the prehistoric period up to the Second World War, and have a focus on methodological and theoretical issues. Questions that will be addressed are: how can we identify battlefields?, how essential is the availability of documentary evidence? What is the potential of a landscape-archaeological approach in this field of research? Has archaeology something to offer to the study of genocide in the past? How important are ritual depositions related to conflict? Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 11 van 38

15 A series of lectures followed by classroom discussions and two sessions with presentations of student papers Participation in classroom discussions (20%), paper (4000 wrds) (80%) John Carman 2014: Archaeologies of Conflict (Bloomsbury). Further literature will be put available on the Canvas site. Bachelor archaeology, bachelor history, bachelor cultural anthropology Master students in archaeology, history, or cultural anthropology Design, History and Culture Vakcode L_AAMAACW003 () Periode Periode 1 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. M.H. Groot dr. M.H. Groot dr. M.H. Groot Hoorcollege Students learn to: - Analyse contemporary forms of design in a critical way and relate them to contemporary design cultures and to the writing of design history; - Reflect on design from engaged perspectives by considering and using ethical and moral frameworks, and the value of design practices and design history for such frameworks; - Express critical insights in texts of a theoretical and philosophical nature in panel discussions, and in relation to forms of design; - Evaluate presentations of their peers; - Present a poster pitch of their research in class; - Write an academic paper, level 400, 5000 words. In this seminar we will address how we can write about design in view of current design practices in our culture and society. Taking our case-studies from the most critical and cutting edge contemporary design: projects which interact with biological sciences, biotechnologies, and technological progress, we will discuss how these current practices are addressed in a design discourse. These forms of design comprise practices from a growing number of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 12 van 38

16 international artists and designers. They reflect on the biosciences and technologies in our society by way of future scenarios and speculative realities about what might happen to humans and animals when particular technologies are becoming part of our daily lives. The course will also address how we can relate such futuristic types of design to writings on design history? How has speculative and futuristic design been dealt with up until now? We will analyse this by reading different texts, reflecting on the presentations and exhibitions of designers, on different media related to design projects, and on websites related to the topic. We will also connect design projects to ethical and cultural questions and debates in our society. Research and lecture seminar with student panel presentations about course readings, group discussions about course readings, poster pitches and a written end paper. Panel presentation: 20% Poster pitch presentation: 10% Written paper: 70% The final grade is the average of the three grades (20%, 10%, 70%), as mentioned. This average must be 6.0 minimal in order to pass the seminar. In addition, the final paper (70%) must be graded with 6.0 minimal. Students may opt for one second chance if this paper is graded lower than 6.0. The main course book is: Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby, Speculative Everything. Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. (Boston: MIT, 2013). Please note that additional readings to be discussed for each week will be assigned during the course! BA Art History, BA Cultural studies, or an equivalent MA students Design Cultures and related fields Overige informatie This is a research and lecture seminar From Constantine to Muhammad: Religion and Society in Late Antiquity Vakcode L_GOMAALG004 () Periode Periode 2 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 13 van 38

17 der Geesteswetenschappen prof. dr. R.B. ter Haar Romeny prof. dr. R.B. ter Haar Romeny dr. N.M. Vos, prof. dr. H. Amirav, prof. dr. R.B. ter Haar Romeny Werkcollege (1) Insight into the development of ancient religions, with an emphasis on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in their socio-historical context in the period from 300 to 650 CE. (2) Familiarity with various sources, such as texts and archaeological remains, as well as sociological and anthropological theories. After the Emperor Constantine ended the last persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, the number of conversions started rising. But the fourth and fifth centuries saw more major changes: Christianity became a state religion and it started institutionalizing. New phenomena came up, such as pilgrimage an monasticism. Christianity got its own literary culture, adapting existing genres to its own needs. At the same time, other religions reacted and developed in their own way. Religions and society became different. This course tries to understand what happened by going into questions such as: What was the relation between Christianity and the Roman state and why did emperors with the notable exception of Julian the Apostate support Christianity in this way? How did people react? Many converted, but what did this mean? Many others chose to remain pagan or Jewish: what was their point of view? Is the institutionalization of Rabbinic Judaism in any way related to this, and what about the Last Pagans of Rome (the title of a recent book)? What societal changes did monasticism and pilgrimage bring about? How did the literary cultures and art of pagans, Jews, and Christians relate to each other? Was this the end of the classical tradition and free thought, or simply the beginning of new developments on old foundations? We will see that it makes sense to speak of Late Antiquity. Next we will discuss the growing apart of the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire, and developments in the Middle East. In the sixth century, it also appeared that the state-sponsored movement towards unity in Christianity was unsuccessful. Among Christians in the Middle East there was strong opposition against decisions taken in the centre of the Empire. These developments in Late Antique society and culture form the backdrop to a new movement: that of the prophet Muhammed in the early seventh century. Seminar. Students will present during one of the sessions and are required to take part in discussions. Students will give a presentation during one of the classes, which will be graded on the criteria of content and presentation skills (30%) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 14 van 38

18 they will write a final exam (70%). All sources are presented in translation, but students who master one of the classical languages may write a research paper of 4000 words (excluding bibliography) instead of the exam. Students in one of the Research Master programmes do both the exam and the paper (presentation: 20%; exam 40%; paper 40%). - Stephen Mitchell, A History of the Later Roman Empire AD (2nd ed.; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015) - Various articles to be found on Canvas. MA students and Research Master students in History, Classics & Ancient Civilizations, Theology & Religious Studies, Archaeology. From Source to Public: The Historian's Flowchart through Imperial Eyes Vakcode L_GAMAGES022 () Periode Periode 1 der Geesteswetenschappen prof. dr. I.B. Leemans prof. dr. I.B. Leemans prof. dr. P.J.E.M. van Dam, prof. dr. S. Legene, prof. dr. I.B. Leemans Werkcollege Introduction into historical research on MA level. Overview of all the components of historical research (thesis, historiography, source selection and analysis, concepts, methodology, publication, valorization), and how they connect. Introduction to the educational programme and research context at VU History department. Acquire knowledge of the historical research process, and of the academic and social field historians operate in. Get acquainted with the sources, methodology and research possibilities of the specializations of the Master's programme. In this course we will unravel the historian's flowchart by analyzing and taking all the possible steps of the historical research process from source to public. What are the building blocks a historical study is made of? Can one reshuffle these building blocks, for instance by experimenting with different sources, concepts, or methods? Together we will explore the analytical power of traditional and perhaps less familiar historical sources for global history of culture and power. How can texts, objects, or even senses unravel the past for us and help us analyze the te relation between individual lives, the dynamics of empires and power in history? Students will set up their own research project and write a paper in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 15 van 38

19 which they analyze sources within the perspective of imperial history. During this research process we will also incorporate and discuss what is often called "valorization" of research. What is the value of humanities research? What is the role the public plays in the historian's process? How are historical studies streamlined by their interaction with various publics? Students will explore the public role of the historian by taking part in public events, such as lectures, masterclasses or conferences, and by training their skills in scientific journalism. Seminars, participation in public events. Participation, Presentation and Assignments (40%), research paper (60%) Required reading will be made available through Canvas. BA in history or other relevant disciplines. Students MA and ResMa History. Open as elective for other Master students in humanities and social sciences Overige informatie This course has both a scholarly purpose and a social function as well. It provides an introduction to historical research on master's level and to the specializations of the MA programme and the research context at VU. The course aims to unite students of History with various interests and specializations at the beginning of the (Research) Master's programme and aims at developing a 'community of learners' by discussing all aspects of the historian's practice. Globalizing Knowledge: Knowledge Societies in the Making, 8th-19th Centuries Vakcode L_GAMAGES025 () Periode Periode 2+3 der Geesteswetenschappen prof. dr. I.B. Leemans prof. dr. I.B. Leemans prof. dr. C.A. Davids, prof. dr. I.B. Leemans, prof. dr. R.B. ter Haar Romeny, prof. dr. ir. F.J. Dijksterhuis Werkcollege Getting acquainted with the historiography on knowledge societies and knowledge economies in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 16 van 38

20 global historical perspective; situating research on knowledge societies in historical debates; understanding the development of early knowledge societies; getting skilled in doing historical research on the history of knowledge, including using digital humanities techniques. How do global knowledge societies arise? What makes them flourish? What is the relation between knowledge societies and knowledge economies? How can one research such a complex phenomenon as the history of knowledge and knowledge societies? These are the key questions of this course. We will study these questions from a theoretical and conceptual as well as from a historical point of view. Aside from discussing what knowledge is, what its social aspects can be, what changes can be traced in the contents of knowledge over time, we will examine more closely how 'local' knowledge turns 'global', which groups and institutions support the creation, preservation, transmission or translation of knowledge and which social, political, economic, ideological and emotional conditions make the growth and persistence of global knowledge societies possible. We will compare three historical cases: early Abbasid society (8th-10th centuries), the Low Countries in the early modern period and Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries. Research seminar, including the use of digital humanities techniques. Participation, discussions of readings in class, oral presentations (30%), written essay (70%). Selection of book chapters, articles and source material BA in History, Ancient Studies or equivalent studies. Students MA and ResMA Humanities; Students MA and ResMA Ancient Studies; Students MA Philosophy Overige informatie This course is part of the MA History track 'Cultures of Knowledge'. History and Theory Vakcode L_GCMAGES014 () Periode Periode 2+3 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. C.M. van den Akker dr. C.M. van den Akker dr. C.M. van den Akker Werkcollege Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 17 van 38

21 The aim of the course is to acquire an overview of current issues in historical theory. Students will be able to present arguments in favor for and against certain positions in the debates among historical theorists. This course aims to provide an overview of current issues in historical theory. We will discuss themes such as the nature of historical representation, the presence of the past, historical experience, the politics of history, historical injustice, and the actuality of historicism. Students will write an essay on one of these issues and present their views in class. Students in the Research Master programme should realize that slightly more is expected from them in terms of the level of their argumentation. Lectures and seminars. Essay (75%), oral presentation and participation at the seminars (25%). To be announced. Students MA and ResMa History; MA Philosophy. History of Natural Disasters Vakcode L_GEMAGES012 () Periode Periode 2+3 der Geesteswetenschappen prof. dr. P.J.E.M. van Dam prof. dr. P.J.E.M. van Dam prof. dr. P.J.E.M. van Dam Werkcollege Learning to design and conduct historical research independently; to apply concepts and theories; to take a stand in a historical debate. To the preservation of our planet for future generations is given top priority by local, provincial, national and supra-national authorities. Often discussions focus on sustainability and quality of live. Also attention is paid to threats imposed on mankind. The course will focus on nature-induced disasters during the nineteenth and twentieth Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 18 van 38

22 centuries, taking for granted that most natural disasters have a human component. Examples of natural disasters with great impacts are the Tambora earthquake of 1815 in Indonesia and the Kanto earthquake of 1923 in Japan, the floods of the Zuiderzee estuary in 1825 and 1916, the tsunami in de Indian Ocean of 2004 and the Katrina flood of New Orleans in How do we describe and explain such natural disasters in terms of human and natural agency; how do societies cope with natural disasters? What were causes and what the consequences of these disasters in terms of collective or individual remembrance, new prevention policies, and landscape management? A wide array of questions will be posed and addressed from global environmental, institutional, and socio-economic history, and memory studies. Seminar. Research paper (65%) and assignments (35%). Bachelor in History. Master students of history. Overige informatie Of this MA-course also a version exists for the Research Master. Internship part 1 Vakcode L_KAMAMUS025 () Periode Periode Credits 24.0 der Geesteswetenschappen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. I.R. Vermeulen Acquisition of knowledge and insight pertinent to the tasks of a museum or independent curator; Development of judgement and values pertinent to the task of a museum or independent curator; Learning and excercising communication skills pertinent to the tasks of a museum or independent curator. These objectives and skills are acquired through curatorial training in a museum or cultural institution in the Netherlands. The internship takes place at one of the following museums or cultural institutions: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 19 van 38

23 Nationaal Museum voor Wereldculturen Leiden (Tropenmuseum), Centraal Museum Utrecht, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Kröller Müller Museum Otterlo, Dordrechts Museum, Base for Active Knowledge (BAK) Utrecht, Jewish Cultural Quarter Amsterdam or Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam. The concrete content of the internship is dependent on the nature, goal and programme of the museum or institution and the department where the student is placed. In each museum or institution the following aspects pertinent to the tasks of a curator will be addressed: organization and policy (in particular of the department where the student is placed); research into and registration of collections, databases and/or archives; art handling (procedures around the placement of objects in and outside the museum or institution); restoration and conservation; representation and communication; and the preparation realization of an exhibition or display. Internship. The supervision is shared by professors from the university and curators from the partner institutions. They asses the internship on the basis of an internship and competence report written by the students according to guidelines. Not applicable. Students must have taken and passed Collecting, Curating and Display I and II and 18 ECTS of electives before the beginning of the internship on 1 February. Mandatory for all students following the program Curating Art and Cultures. Overige informatie The internship takes place over a period of one year, from 1 February to 31 January. Students are expected to work four days a week. Approximately once in two weeks the Friday will be devoted to the core module Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World I and II. The internship placement is decided after introductory visits to the museums and institutions participating in the programme, which take place in period 1 and 2 of the first year of the program, and an interview with the coordinators. Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap I: Geschiedenis van de Kunstmarkt en Connaisseurschap Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 20 van 38

24 Vakcode L_KAMAKGS020 () Periode Periode 2+3 Nederlands der Geesteswetenschappen dr. D. Meuwissen dr. D. Meuwissen dr. J.P. ten Berge, dr. I.R. Vermeulen, dr. D. Meuwissen Hoorcollege Verwerven van inzicht in de geschiedenis en het functioneren van de kunstmarkt voor beeldende kunst, vanaf de vroegmoderne tijd tot heden. Kennis maken met de rol die de kunsthandel speelt en heeft gespeeld als bemiddelaar tussen kunstenaar en publiek, en met de impact die de markt heeft op de productie van kunst, het kwaliteitsoordeel en op de kunstgeschiedenis. In deze cursus, gegeven door eigen docenten en specialisten van buiten de VU, komen diverse aspecten van de kunstmarkt aan de orde, zoals de geschiedenis en het functioneren van de kunstmarkt (kunsthandel, galeriewezen, kunstbeurzen, veilinghuizen); de distributie van kunst; de impact van de markt op de kunstproductie; de invloed van internet en globalisering; musea en de markt; de totstandkoming van prijzen; nieuwe markten als China, India; etc. Bij de referaatopdracht gaat het om thema s gerelateerd aan de geschiedenis van de kunstmarkt, alsmede om case studies over de markt-geschiedenis van individuele kunstenaars. De module bestaat uit hoor- en responsiecolleges, schriftelijke opdrachten en referaten, aangevuld met enkele bezoeken aan veilinghuizen, een kunstbeurs en enkele kunsthandels. Verplichte aanwezigheid en actieve deelname, literatuurtentamen (60 procent), referaat en schriftelijke opdrachten (samen 40 procent). De verplichte tentamenliteratuur wordt aan het begin van de cursus bekend gemaakt, maar bestaat in elk geval uit: F. Vermeylen, 'The Commercialization of Art: Painting and Sculpture in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp', in: M. Ainsworth (ed.), Early Netherlandish Painting at the Crossroads. A Critical Look at Current Methods, New York 2001, pp Eric Jan Sluijter, Determinig Value on the Art Market in the Golden Age: An Introduction, in: Anna Tummers en Koenraad Jonckheere (red), Art Market and Connoisseurship. A Closer Look at Paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and their Contemporaries, Amsterdam 2008, pp Chris Stolwijk, 'De groote middelaar tusschen den artist en de verzamelaar: kunsthandelaren in Amsterdam en Den Haag in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw', Uit de schilderswereld. Nederlandse kunstschilders in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw, Leiden 1998, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 21 van 38

25 pp Olav Velthuis, Imaginaire economie: hedendaagse kunstenaars en de wereld van het grote geld, Rotterdam 2005, 143 pp. Bachelor Kunstgeschiedenis of MKDA met als specialisatie Kunst Master studenten Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen, afstudeerrichting Kunstgeschiedenis. Masterscriptie Museumconservator Vakcode L_KAMAMUSSCR (527651) Periode Ac. Jaar (september) Credits 18.0 Nederlands der Geesteswetenschappen dr. I.R. Vermeulen dr. S. Lutticken Met de scriptie geeft de student er blijk van in staat te zijn volgens wetenschappelijke normen onderzoek te doen. De scriptie is een in goed Nederlands geschreven verslag van het verrichte onderzoek, door middel van een tekst van wetenschappelijk niveau, met verantwoording van de gebruikte bronnen en literatuur. Voor een publiek van medestudenten, studenten van de master Kunstgeschiedenis en stafleden van de opleiding houd je twee referaten waarin je op heldere wijze rapporteert over de voortgang en verslag doet van de voorlopige resultaten van het onderzoek voor de masterscriptie. Het onderwerp en de inhoud van de scriptie worden in overleg met de begeleidende docent vastgesteld. Scriptie, individuele begeleiding, colloquium Scriptie In overleg met de begeleidende docent Bachelordiploma dat toegang geeft tot de master Museumconservator Studenten van de master Museumconservator Overige informatie Voor nadere uitleg en instructies zie de Scriptiehandleiding Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 22 van 38

26 Media Aesthetics (after the Media) Vakcode L_ZAMAACW019 () Periode Periode 2 der Geesteswetenschappen S. Scholz MA S. Scholz MA S. Scholz MA Werkcollege Students will gain insight into histories of media aesthetics, modes of problematization of concepts of medium-specific aesthetics as well as theorizations of current transformations of media aesthetics in cross-media environments. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify and understand recent aesthetic developments in cross-media culture and to situate them within a broader historical and theoretical context. Students will be enabled to critically relate current media aesthetics to different fields of culture and politics and define their own standpoint. "Media Aesthetics (after the media)" introduces histories and theories of aesthetic approaches and experiments across different media. It acts on the assumption that, if and when all experience is mediated and every process of mediation implicates aesthetic elements, aesthetics have to be analyzed as a key feature of past and current media economies, politics and ecologies. Aesthetics understood as more than just a formal act of stylization or container for content positions and organizes perception, as well as it structures interaction with a medium. The aesthetic relations gain even more complexity when the repeatedly proclaimed shift toward a post-media condition is taken into consideration. Current cross-media transformations of television serve as a starting point from which the seminar will explore how access to and interaction with cultural forms is structured by media technologies and corresponding stylizing performances. Traditionally, the aesthetic dimension of television has played a minor role in academic research and debate, the mundane medium has been frequently described (if not defined) by discourses that emphasize its inferior aesthetic qualities. At the same time television s hybrid (or messy ) textuality has long anticipated tendencies of convergence and cross-mediality beyond any fixed medium-specificity. If aesthetic characteristics can no longer be strictly clustered and classified according to (allegedly) fixed boundaries of specific media, is it justified to claim that contemporary aesthetic regimes become more mutable than antecedent regimes? Using the traditionally precarious aesthetics of television as an entry point allows for a broader exploration of the ways in which media are involved in dynamic processes of a distribution of the sensible facilitated not only by traditional media institutions like books, films, tv, museums etc., but also focusing on their concurrent interplay, and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - der Geesteswetenschappen - M Erfgoedstudies (duaal) Pagina 23 van 38

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