ondernemerschapsonderwijs aan de VUB Marc Goldchstein Projectleider Technologisch Ondernemen a/d VUB Medewerker van KTI VUB

Vergelijkbare documenten
Technologie en ondernemen in de Master Handelsingenieur van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Overzicht inschrijvingsvereisten Handelsingenieur

Opleiding PECB IT Governance.

Basisgegevens. Soort aanvraag (kruis aan wat van toepassing is): Nieuwe opleiding. Nieuw Ad programma. Nieuwe hbo master. Nieuwe joint degree

Competencies atlas. Self service instrument to support jobsearch. Naam auteur

Best? New practice industry-university cooperation. Chemelot InSciTe.



Opleiding integraal denkende professionals: MSc Urban Environmental Management and Technology SIKB congres 6 Oktober 2010 Tim Grotenhuis

International Leiden Leadership Programme

Communication about Animal Welfare in Danish Agricultural Education

Ervaringen met begeleiding FTA cursus Deployment of Free Software Systems

Process Mining and audit support within financial services. KPMG IT Advisory 18 June 2014

De indeling van de sector Natuur


Opleiding PECB ISO 9001 Quality Manager.

Bijlagen van het onderwijs- en Examenreglement van de bacheloropleiding Technische Bedrijfskunde

BiZZdesign. Bouwen van sterke en wendbare organisaties met behulp van standaarden, methode, technieken en tools. Research & Development

Risico s van Technologisch Succes in digitale transformatie S T R A T E G I C A D V I S O R

Enterprise Architectuur. een duur begrip, maar wat kan het betekenen voor mijn gemeente?

E-learning maturity model. Hilde Van Laer

Impact en disseminatie. Saskia Verhagen Franka vd Wijdeven

Aan de slag met interdisciplinaire Teacher Design Teams (i-tdt) voor istem onderwijs

Adam Marciniec, Grzegorz Budzik Zaborniak

Living Labs. dr.ir. Elke den Ouden. Kennisevent Renovatie Hoofdgebouw TU/e Eindhoven, 27 september 2016

PSO bij Ericsson. Loet Pessers Head of HR Netherlands

Programmaoverzicht Bachelor Open dag

ARTIST. Petten 24 September More info:

Talentmanagement in tijden van crisis

Program overview. 11-Nov :37. Year 2010/2011 Technology, Policy and Management Minors Management of Technology

Onderwijspresentatie 4 Jaar 1 Werktuigbouwkunde

KPMG PROVADA University 5 juni 2018

Keuze vakken P&T Living

Beta s rol in toekomstige PhD programma s

The MSc programme and the regular Erasmus MC MD curriculum

de volgende vakken b) the student has completed the MSc Economics with at least the courses...

Optimaliseren van Impact door Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen Aantonen en stimuleren van Societal Impact in synergie met andere wetenschappen

Hoe ontwikkel je een regionale economy?

Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen, 14 Oktober 2017 Prof. dr Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus



De indeling van de sector Techniek

Krachtenveld. Masterprogramma Content & Knowledge Engineering. Ministerie OCW. ß-faculteit. onderwijsvisitatie. bacheloropleidingen.

ENGINEERING in Leuven. Peter Van Puyvelde programme director

Free Technology Academy

Program overview. 25-Sep :04. Year 2011/2012 Technology, Policy and Management Minors Management of Technology

Samenwerking met buitenlandse universiteiten


Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen, 04 November 2017 Prof. dr Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus

Free Electives (15 ects)

Enable all people to travel by plane

Designing climate proof urban districts

Institute for Aerospace Maintenance Maastricht (IAMM) Kennis als wapen in mondiale concurrentie

SURFnet User Survey 2006

The role of local municipalities and labor market regions in adult education: monitoring quality

Kennismanagement en innovatie. Gorinchem, 13 december 2011

TUITION FEES General. non-scholarship student. Bachelor 61,90 9,30 61,90 5,80 61,90 0, ,90 0,70

ISA SP-99 Manufacturing and Control Systems Security

Drempelloze doorstroommogelijkheden in 3TU-verband in 2010

Classification of triangles


Issues in PET Drug Manufacturing Steve Zigler PETNET Solutions April 14, 2010

Chapter 4 Understanding Families. In this chapter, you will learn

Organisatie: Groep W&T KU Leuven

Info voor B2 TOM studenten van. Opleiding Werktuigbouwkunde

Knelpunten in Zelfstandig Leren: Zelfregulerend leren, Stress en Uitstelgedrag bij HRM- Studenten van Avans Hogeschool s-hertogenbosch


BABOK meets BiSL. Marcel Schaar, IIBA Dutch Chapter Mark Smalley, ASL BiSL Foundation Jan de Vries, ASL BiSL Foundation. Kennissessie, 19 januari 2016

Creating a marketplace where expertise is made available through videoconferencing. Roland Staring Community Support Manager roland.staring@surfnet.

MC4ES. Going Multicore for Embedded Software. Jeroen Boydens (KHBO) Marijn Temmerman (KdG)

Reliability in een vroeg stadium: op wafer level

Infosessie. Wat na de Bachelor TEW en de Bachelor Handelsingenieur?

Future of the Financial Industry

Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt The role of mobility in higher education for future employability

Enterprise Portfolio Management

Introductie in flowcharts

ONDERNEMERSCHAP (Nederlandstalig)

IenM & INTERREG: Circulaire economie


Virtual department Interdisciplinary Units. Afd. Athena Afd. Gezondheidswetenschappen Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies

De Invloed van Innovatiekenmerken op de Intentie van Leerkrachten. een Lespakket te Gebruiken om Cyberpesten te Voorkomen of te.

Student Consulting Skill Development Entrepreneurship.

NBA Waardecreatie, Integrated Thinking en Integrated Reporting. 17 januari 2017 Paul Hurks

school HKU College afstudeerrichting Thera Jonker, directeur

Understanding the role of health literacy in self-management and health behaviors among older adults Geboers, Bas

Toolbox for Circle Regions. UrbanWINS Webinar



Boekenlijst 1e master HIRB

OPEN TRAINING. Onderhandelingen met leveranciers voor aankopers. Zeker stellen dat je goed voorbereid aan de onderhandelingstafel komt.

APPENDIX: Total number of students per programme and specialisation

Advanced Instrumentation. Hans van Gageldonk, Henk Hoevers, Gerard Cornet. 10 Oktober 2012

Optimaliseren van Impact door Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen Aantonen en stimuleren van Societal Impact in synergie met andere wetenschappen

UGENT opleidingen op de Verderstudeerbeurs

Quick scan method to evaluate your applied (educational) game. Validated scales from comprehensive GEM (Game based learning Evaluation Model)

Augmented Reality voor de industrie

Introduction to KM. Kampala CIKM Workshop 2013 Joost Lieshout

Data Driven Strategy The New Oil Using Innovative Business Models to Turn Data Into Profit

Status februari 2016

Brainport Industries. Towards integrated supply networks. John Blankendaal Managing Director. Turnhout, 27 februari 2014


ondernemerschapsonderwijs aan de VUB Marc Goldchstein Projectleider Technologisch Ondernemen a/d VUB Medewerker van KTI VUB 1

Ondernemerschapsonderwijs @ VUB goes back a long time Entrepreneurial Talent Corporation (ETC) NV: opgericht 9 juli 1984 Studenten Handelsingenieur en TEW: studentenonderneming oprichten in een beschermende omgeving. Opgericht ism een kapitaalverschaffer: Cobepa, P&V De studenten konden, na het goedkeuren van hun BP door de RvB, een startkapitaal tot 6.000 Euro krijgen. De studentenonderneming functioneerde als een aparte divisie binnen de NV en werd door de studenten beheerd. Zij werden begeleid door de coördinatoren en rapporteerden aan de Raad van Bestuur van ETC. De studenten droegen geen enkel persoonlijk financieel risico. Over de jaren >50 projecten, stopgezet in 2008 2

Promoboom Alexander De Croo 2 testimonials «Waar andere universiteiten cursussen organiseren over ondernemerschap, geeft de VUB studenten de mogelijkheid om the real thing te ervaren. Het opstarten van onze eigen mini-onderneming Promoboom samen met drie collega-studenten is de meest fascinerende ervaring geweest van mijn vijfjarige studie aan de VUB. Tubetti organisations Thierry Geerts «Tubetti werd opgericht in 1986 als mini-onderneming van E.T.C. met als doel het organiseren van evenementen, trouwfeesten en seminaries. Tubetti is nu uitbater van het Kasteel Den Brandt in Antwerpen. Tubetti werd opgericht door 4 studenten. Het oprichten van een minionderneming was één van de grootste troeven op hun C.V., waardoor ze nog voor het beëindigen van hun studies verschillende aanbiedingen kregen, maar het was voornamelijk een gigantische bron aan ervaring. Met als resultaat een niet-onaardige carrière : Thierry Geerts was Directeur Participatie bij Sydes, de multi-mediaholding van de VUM groep. Heden is hij Country Director Google België. 3

11.000.000 8.000.000 5.000.000 2.000.000-1.000.000 F 1999 F 2000 F 2001 F 2002 F 2003 F 2004 sales benefits

weet je wat dat is, strategie? er valt iets op je bord en je beslist om er iets mee te doen. of niet. Ignace De Bock, business angel

brugproject technologisch ondernemen gefinancierd door Vlaamse overheid en partner bedrijven 3 jaar, 500.000 euro voor onderwijsproject handelsingenieurs opleiden in technologie en ondernemerschap technologische ingenieurs opleiden in bedrijfsbeheer en ondernemerschap Sectorale focus: IT, biotech, materialen, fotonica... Cross fertilisatie; Praktijkgericht

making entrepreneurship education accessible to all students mixing students from economic and business studies with students from other faculties and with different backgrounds programmes and courses should be adapted to different target groups creating teams for the development and exploitation of business ideas using experience-based teaching methods

The paramount importance of business experience Comparing the 20 most and 20 least successful Flemish high tech startups based on the background of its founders 8


Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 1ste Generic Technology entrepreneurship 6SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Innovation in materials Software Business informatics 6SP mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Technology Entrepreneurship This course presents an introduction to technology and entrepreneurship, two of the most important drivers of the modern economy. We study how industries are structured we introduce terms such as value chains, business ecosystems, standards, dominant design, network effects and industrial clusters We study the different actors in the business ecosystem and the role of the government. We then focus on innovation, its different forms We study this concept and the process of innovation diffusion into society: Industry Life Cycles. A history of technology and entrepreneurship is presented. We study how an entrepreneur develops his/her strategy within this environment, how he/she mobilizes financial resources and builds up an organization. We study the importance of marketing and the diversity of marketing strategies. We study the human aspects of entrepreneurship: leadership, teams and organization. We study a number of technology industries that play an important role in the Business Engineering training are presented: Biotechnology and life sciences Micro-electronics and photonics Software Materials 11

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur Generic Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Innovation in materials Software 1ste Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 2de Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Chemistry 3SP mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Engineering techniques and processes Aims The course gives an overview of the different organizational and technical aspects during the design of (new) products. The methods and tools that an engineer uses are discussed. Obtained competences: The student is familiar with the terminology that engineers use in the design process. They know the basic processes that are used during the engineering design. Furthermore, students can apply the tools from the engineering process to simple examples. The following subjects are covered in the course: 1) Overview of the engineering design process. Stages of the design process. The engineering team, concurrent engineering. The importance of customer requirements in the engineering process. Quality in the development of products (Quality Function Deployment, Total Quality Management, Taguchi techniques). 2) Idea generation: the concept genaration phase in the design process. Some commonly used concept generation methods (intuitive methods, IPR, the morphological matrix, TRIZ). 3) Introduction to project management: overview of project management processes, project time management (the Critical Path Method). 4) Material selection and manufacturing. Overview of different material groups and materials selection. Selection of manufacturing processes. Quality control and quality assurance. Reliability (failure mode and effect analysis). Assembly of products. Design for manufacturability and design for assembly. 5) Computer Aided Design and Engineering (CAD, CAE and CAM), Design Optimization, Robust design. 13

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 2012-2013 1ste 2de Generic Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Chemistry 3SP Innovation in materials Software Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 3de Basic concepts and - processes of biology 3SP Electricity, electronics and photonics 6SP Mechanics of materials 3SP IT modeling and economics 6SP mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

example: Basic Concepts and Processes of Biology Mylene D'HAESELEER (course titular) The course concerns 4 subdisciplines of Biological sciences: 1. General Biology Micro-organisms, Animals, Plants Competences: Knowledge, Processes (photosynthesis, cycles), Reproduction, Classification 2. Molecular Biology and Genetics Origin of life, DNA-technology, GMO s Competences: Knowledge and insights to understand the courses of Biotechnology in het Master degrees of HI 3. Evolution To documentate the unifying concept of Biology: Evolution. Historical and modern theories about evolution, processes, hypothesis. Competences: To know how to deal with the actual conversation about evolution 4. Ecology Ecosystems: origin, development, abiotic and biotic factors Analysis of terms as biomass, production, consumption Competences; To use ecological terms correctly. To implementate ecological terms in Biology and the transmission of this concepts to HI and other disciplines. 15

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 2012-2013 1ste 2de Generic Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Chemistry 3SP Innovation in materials Software Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 3de Basisconcepten en - processen van de biologie 3SP Elektriciteit, elektronica en fotonica 6SP Mechanica van de materialen 3SP IT modeling and economics 6SP 1ste Master Biotechnology 6SP Techn. and appl. of micro-electronics and photonics 6SP Material science and innovation 6SP Specialisation module decision making and informatics mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Some optional technology courses... Biotechnology Serge Muyldermans What is 'Biotechnology'? Differences between prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses. Constituents of living material (DNA; proteins, lipids and membranes, carbohydrates) The central dogma: from genes to proteins (DNA, replication, transcription, translation, proteins) Genetic manipulation and recombinant DNA technology Proteins as products DNA fingerprinting and forensic analysis Medical biotechnology Microbial biotechnology Plant biotechnology Animal biotechnology Aquatic biotechnology Bioremediation Bio-ethics Technology and applications of microelectronics and photonics Stiens & Thienpont (Micro)-Electronics and photonics, a bird's eye view Electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor technologies, devices and manufacturing Components with electronic functionality: diodes, transistors, Components with opto-electronic functionality: photondetection, photon-generation, photo-voltaics, Microprocessors Micro-Electronic and Optoelectronic manufacturing processes Memory technologies Photonics and optics technologies, devices and manufacturing lighting lasers optical and photonics materials micro-photonics silicon photonics photovoltaics Core applications of micro-electronics and photonics Embedded systems Multimedia Displays Vision Systems Sensing 17

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 2012-2013 1ste 2de Generic Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Chemistry 3SP Innovation in materials Software Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 3de Basisconcepten en - processen van de biologie 3SP Elektriciteit, elektronica en fotonica 6SP Mechanica van de materialen 3SP IT modeling and economics 6SP 1ste Master Biotechnology 6SP Techn. and appl. of micro-electronics and photonics 6SP Materiaalkunde en - innovatie 6SP Specialisatie module Besluitvorming en beleidsinformatica keuze Entrepreneurship 3SP 2de Master mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 2012-2013 1ste 2de Generic Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Chemistry 3SP Innovation in materials Software Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 3de Basisconcepten en - processen van de biologie 3SP Elektriciteit, elektronica en fotonica 6SP Mechanica van de materialen 3SP IT modeling and economics 6SP 1ste Master Biotechnology 6SP Techn. and appl. of micro-electronics and photonics 6SP Materiaalkunde en - innovatie 6SP Specialisatie module Besluitvorming en beleidsinformatica keuze Entrepreneurship 3SP 2de Master Business aspects of Biotechnology 3SP Business aspects of Micro-electronics and photonics 3SP Business aspects of Innovation in materials 3SP Business aspects of the Software industry 3SP mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Business aspects of biotechnology Aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the characteristics and trends of the biotechnology sector. In other words, the business side of the applications of biotechnology like their commercialization, regulation and funding will be highlighted. Opportunities and challenges concerning intellectual property and its application in a high-technology sector like biotechnology will be discussed. Course content (indicative): Introduction and history of biotech Profile of the biotechnology industry Clustering in the biotechnology industry The Flemish biotechnology industry and the VIB Governement policies and regulation for life sciences Business models in modern biotechnology Financial management of biotech firms White and green biotechnology Business Development and Intellectual Property Innovation and valorisation of biotechnology applications Case studies: Amgen, Ablynx Different guest speakers illustrate the topics from within 20

Technology entrepreneurship in curriculum Handelsingenieur 2012-2013 1ste 2de Generic Technologisch ondernemerschap 6SP Engineering techniques and - processes 3SP Biotech & life sciences Photonics & microelectronics Chemistry 3SP Innovation in materials Software Bedrijfsinformatica 6SP 3de Basisconcepten en - processen van de biologie 3SP Elektriciteit, elektronica en fotonica 6SP Mechanica van de materialen 3SP IT modeling and economics 6SP 1ste Master Biotechnology 6SP Techn. and appl. of micro-electronics and photonics 6SP Materiaalkunde en - innovatie 6SP Specialisatie module Besluitvorming en beleidsinformatica keuze Entrepreneurship 3SP 2de Master Business aspects of Biotechnology 3SP Business aspects of Micro-electronics and photonics 3SP Business aspects of Innovation in materials 3SP Business aspects of the Software industry 3SP Technological business development projects 6SP mandatory choice: 1 from 4 technology courses choice 1 from 4 Business aspects of... choice: 1 from 3 practice courses Choice 1 from 6 possible specialisations

Technological business development projects 22

Management and entrepreneurship in curriculum faculties of Sciences and Engineering Science Faculty Engineering Faculty Bio - Enginnering Computer sciences (bachelor) Chemistry Physics Photonics Electronics and ICT Chemistry and materials Biomedical engineering Mechanical and electrical engineering Civil engineering Inleiding tot het bedrijfsbeheer/ introduction to business Verplicht vak Keuzevak

Adoption of course introduction to business 24

Management and entrepreneurship in curriculum faculties of Sciences and Engineering Science Faculty Engineering Faculty Bio - Enginnering Computer sciences (bachelor) Chemistry Physics Photonics Electronics and ICT Chemistry and materials Biomedical engineering Mechanical and electrical engineering Civil engineering Inleiding tot het bedrijfsbeheer/ introduction to business business aspects of... Biotechnology Software Innovation in Materials Innovation in Materials Micro-electronics and photonics Microelectronics and photonics Innovation in Materials, Biotechnology Verplicht vak Keuzevak

Management and entrepreneurship in curriculum faculties of Sciences and Engineering Science Faculty Engineering Faculty Bio - Enginnering Computer sciences (bachelor) Chemistry Physics Photonics Electronics and ICT Chemistry and materials Biomedical engineering Mechanical and electrical engineering Civil engineering Inleiding tot het bedrijfsbeheer/ introduction to business business aspects of... Biotechnology Software Innovation in Materials Innovation in Materials Micro-electronics and photonics Microelectronics and photonics Innovation in Materials, Biotechnology Technological business development project Entrepreneurship Verplicht vak Keuzevak

Starter Seminars TTI, yearly 11 weeks 6-9PM Since a few years: also Advanced Starter Seminars

Starter Seminars Sessions 1 and 2: Understanding business ecosystems and innovation Marc Goldchstein Sessions 3 and 4: Formulating strategies Marc Goldchstein Legal aspects Elke Janssens - NautaDutilh Sessions 6-8: Finance Marie-Laure Vandenhaute Session 9: Marketing Marc Goldchstein Session 10: Intellectual Property rights Hugo Loosvelt Team and management aspects Ingrid De Clercq - CONGAZ 28

2008, 2009, 2010: project fair 30

and 2015 31

Impact of educational program on entrepreneurial attitudes Award winning Master thesis 2008-9 Jaap Barends, supervised by Thomas Crispeels Questionaire repeated at the end of 2009-10 Questionnaire contained questions on a 7-point Likert scale. A retrospective pre-test post-test was used to measure the change in entrepreneurial intentions due to participation in the educational program

Waar willen jullie met je instelling / vereniging/overkoepelend initiatief naar toe de komende jaren (wat is jullie visie op ondernemend onderwijs)? entrepreneurship opleidingen integreren in brede waaier aan curricula entrepreneurship opleidingen ook voor onderzoekers en doctorandi aanbieden brede basis, sectorale focus, interdisciplinair, praktijkgericht + tbc: Getuigschrift Bedrijfsbeheer aanbieden aan Studenten Waar zie je daar de grootste knelpunten en uitdagingen? brede waaier aan sectorale expertises up-to-date houden toegewijde personen per sector evenwicht tussen vraag en aanbod voor Techn. Bus. Dev. Projects Hoe kan het Forum en de overheid jullie ondersteunen (niet financieel) om met die uitdagingen beter om te gaan? uitgewerkte case studies en testimonials aanleveren 33