Bodem zonder grenzen. Wim van der Putten. Netherlands Instituut voor Ecologie Heteren Wageningen

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Bodem zonder grenzen Wim van der Putten Netherlands Instituut voor Ecologie Heteren Wageningen

Traditioneel bodemecologisch onderzoek neemt een grote vlucht

When and where

In principe kun je je een leven lang vermaken met een handje vol met grond

Field experiments across Europe (CLUE / TLinks): how to restore species-rich grassland communities? Effects of sowing mid succession plant species on biodiversity and ecosystem development. Started 1996. Treatments LSD 10 m NC HSD LSD = Low sowing diversity (4 species) HSD = High sowing diversity (15 species) NC = Natural colonization

What are the spatial scales soil organisms operate at? Nematode community similarity of 2 individual plants 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Grass G G F F F L L 0.2 Festuca ovina Holcus Anthox. Leucanth. Plantago Tanacetum Vicia Lotus -Strong effects bacterivores and predators -No effects for plant feeders -No effects of plant functional groups same plant species, same plant community same plant species, different plant community different plant species, same plant community different plant species, different plant community

Nematode community composition is determined by plant species, as well as by where these plant species grow Nematode community similarity of 2 individual plants 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Grass G G Forb F F Legume L Festuca Holcus Anthox. Leucanth. Plantago Tanacetum Vicia Lotus same plant species, same plant community same plant species, different plant community different plant species, same plant community different plant species, different plant community Bezemer et al. Ecology (2010)

Root zone soil core Taxon diversity soil food web plant species-specific Food web model no difference in functioning

- Soil biota + Soil biota Effects of root pathogens, root herbivores and symbionts on plant biodiversity: relatively little contribution of these soil biota to soil biomass, but profound effects on plant community composition.

Lourens Baas Becking (1930 s): "Everything is everywhere, but the environment selects

Cross-continental biological invasions + 25000 introduced species Costs > 35 billion US$ / year + 12000 introduced species Costs: appr 30 billion Euro/yr

Biological invasions: Invasiveness of Prunus serotina Europe Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) is an early successional tree species from Northern and Central America currently invading NW European forests after being introduced USA

Results greenhouse experiments with Prunus serotina in the U.S. (native range) and in the Netherlands (exotic range). Seedling mortality in soil in greenhouse NL USA - - + - Packer and Clay Nature 2000 Reinhart et al. 2003 Ecology Letters

Conclusion: Sequencing and testing of Pythium isolates showed: In USA P. attrantheridium was more virulent than in Europe. Therefore, no escape from enemies, but release from virulent enemy strains Reinhart et al. New Phytologist 2010

Range shifts or new invasions by climate change? 50 % of recently established plant species in the Netherlands from warm climate region Same pattern also for lichens, mosses, insects and aquatic/marine species

Lactuca serriola Quite some species move successfully to higher latitudes and altitudes Hooftman et al. Basic and Applied Ecology 2006

Jaccard similarity index 1 Nematodes 0 0 Bacteria 100 200 Distance (km) Chalk grasslands in southern UK: nematode and bacteria similarity decline with distance (source: the EU-TLinks project). Soil-borne enemy release by range shift possible? Monroy et al. submitted

Plant species A - Bad guys > Good guys Soil community X Soil community A Plant-soil feedback experiments with range expanding exotic and related native plant species + Good guys > Bad guys

plant soil feedback 0.1 0.0-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4 * Exotics Natives Engelkes, Morriën et al. 2008 Nature

plant soil feedback 0.1 0.0-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4 * Exotic Native own = foreign own = foreign Plant parasitic nematodes/g root 12000 8000 4000 0 Exotics Natives Exotics Natives Exotic plants are inert for rhizosphere fungi and have less root-feeding nematodes Morriën, Engelkes et al. in prep.

C Three scenario s for climate warming. (aboveground herbivores and carnivores also stand for belowground multitrophic communities.) Carnivore Carnivore Herbivore Herbivore A B D Herbivore Before warming After warming Van der Putten et al. Phil. Trans. 2010

Bodem: naar een grenzeloze toekomst