Lucky vendor jets to Tenerife to start new life in the sun

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1 Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het anders is aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op. Tekst 1 1p 1 Wat veranderde het leven van Geoff Hunter totaal? het feit dat A hij een baan kreeg aangeboden B hij op avontuur ging naar een tropisch eiland C hij uitgezonden werd door een Brits uitzendbureau D hij veel geld won in een loterij Lucky vendor jets to Tenerife to start new life in the sun By Max Daly A former Big Issue 1) vendor is still pinching himself after swapping the windswept streets of Britain for the sun-soaked island of Tenerife. Geoff Hunter, 43, (pictured) slept rough for 12 years. But his fortunes changed when he was offered a job as a master baker on the island off the coast of north Africa. The ex-vendor, used to sleeping on concrete on Bournemouth s seafront in sub-zero temperatures, is now living in a flat minutes from a sandy beach. At first, I thought it was a windup, said Hunter, whose flight to Tenerife in September was his first trip by air. I got off the plane and the heat just hit me. Harry Malone, a Jobs, Education and Training worker at The Big Issue s Bournemouth office, found the post after discovering Hunter had trained as a baker before becoming homeless. Usually when you re down people kick you. When they give you a hand-up it s a surprise, Malone said. noot 1 Big Issue: Engelse daklozenkrant - 1 -

2 Tekst 2 1p 2 Je zoekt een comedy-improvisatieshow die inspeelt op actuele gebeurtenissen en/of het laatste nieuws. Naar welke kun je dan het best gaan? Schrijf het nummer op. Comedy 1 Improv Comedy: Shoppes of Mayfair, 3390 Mary Street 3182, Miami, This comedy club features some of the nation s hottest comedians. Seating is firstcome-first-served and a dinner menu is available. Soulful Tuesdays, comedians from BET and Def Comedy Jam; Open Mike Wednesdays, local up-and-coming talent. Must be 21 or over for all shows except the Thursday and Saturday shows 8:30pm. 2 Improv Comedy Show - Just the Funny: at the Miami Museum of Science, 3280 South Miami Avenue, Miami (Just the Funny ). Just the Funny Improv presents an interactive show featuring Whose Line is it Anyway meets Saturday Night Live with sketches, music, and improvisations. Saturdays: if you go to the 9pm and 11pm show it s only $12 together. If you go to one show, the 9pm show is $10 and the 11pm show is $5. 3 Improv Comedy Laughing Gas: Main Street Playhouse in Miami Lakes, 6766 Main Street, Miami Lakes, A comedy improv troupe that performs themed shows based on current events. $10, Friday and Saturday. No age restrictions. Sports Bars 4 Shula s Steak 2: 6842 Main Street, Miami Lakes, An upscale, yet casual sports bar with state-of-the-art video walls and 26 TV satellite system, plus sports memorabilia, especially honoring the 1972 undefeated Miami Dolphins. 5 Shuckers Bar & Grill: at the Best Western on the Bay Inn & Marina, 1819 NE 79th Street Causeway, North Bay Village, Very casual, outdoors on the bay with great water views. 2 large screen TVs and 9 others. Open 11am-2am, every day

3 Tekst 3 1p 3 Hieronder staat een ingezonden brief uit het tijdschrift Horse & Hound. Wat is de bedoeling van de schrijfster? A Zij wil een grapje maken. B Zij wil een klacht uiten. C Zij wil reclame maken. D Zij wil waarschuwen. Letter of the month Make hay while the sun shines Sir - Regarding your article about the epidemic levels of the yellow weed ragwort (News, 30 August), next spring a number of skeletal horses will be taken in by the rescue charities. Large numbers will have liver damage from eating ragwort and most will not recover. There has been a lot of haymaking in the late August sunshine. Ragwort has had all summer to take hold and thrive in the warm, wet conditions and horse owners should beware of buying hay unless they have seen the grassland beforehand and know it is ragwort-free. As we all know, ragwort is more palatable when dry and a hungry horse will eat it on a cold winter s day. The effects are not instant, but ultimately, they are deadly. Sally Learoyd Tresaith, Cardigan The writer of the letter of the month wins a tasty surprise! Horse & Hound - 3 -

4 Tekst 4 1p 4 Wat geven de genoemde getallen in deze rubriek aan? A hoe laat je mag eten B hoe vaak je moet eten C hoeveel eetlust je hebt D hoeveel je mag eten ASK HILARY Your health issues healed! Q DEAR HILARY, I can t stop eating, even when I m not hungry. Help! Sally Brown, Manchester A Applying a hunger scale to assess your situation can help. A rating of 1-3 means you are uncomfortably hungry, 4-6 ranges from slightly hungry to feeling comfortable and satisfied, and 7-9 indicates you are full. Only eat when you re feeling between one and four and ideally before you get to two when you re more likely to overeat because you re so hungry. Hilary - 4 -

5 Tekst 5 Text messages help ward off parking tickets By Janelle Oswald 1 SOUTH Londoners Paul Johnson, 33, and Wilson Baptiste, 29, have developed a strategy to beat overzealous traffic wardens. 2 The initiative, called Warden Watch, was inspired by numerous confrontational encounters with traffic wardens (for minor traffic offences) which led to them feeling duped, swindled and ripped off by what they call road vultures but most importantly, broke. 3 Warden Watch is a text message service that allows the public to help each other avoid getting parking tickets. It is a members only club, and once signed up, each member is given a sticker which is displayed on their car. The warden watcher texts ww followed by the spotted car s registration to 60030, alerting the driver when a traffic warden is lurking suspiciously near their car. The whole process costs the warden watcher the same price as sending an ordinary text and is free for the person informed. Speaking to The Voice, Johnson said: Warden Watch does not at any time encourage users of this service to park illegally or use this service to break the law. We just want to 7 wardens who are over-zealous. 4 Since its launch, Warden Watch has gained support from shop owners, the public and of course motorists. Last year city councils and private firms grossed 350 million from parking tickets, which has enraged drivers. 5 Warden Watch now has a website that educates drivers on the rules of the road and gives advice on how to appeal against tickets that have been issued incorrectly

6 1p 5 Welke woorden in alinea 1 of 2 geven precies hetzelfde weer als road vultures? (alinea 2) Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) de woorden in je uitwerkbijlage. 1p 6 Wat moet je volgens alinea 3 precies doen als je een lid van Warden Watch wilt waarschuwen? Let op: antwoord in het Nederlands! 1p 7 Kies bij 7 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. A fine B reward C stop D teach 2p 8 Geef van elk van de onderstaande beweringen over Warden Watch aan of deze juist of onjuist is op grond van de alinea s 4 en 5. Omcirkel achter elk nummer juist of onjuist in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Ze worden niet alleen door foutparkeerders gesteund. 2 Ze krijgen subsidie van de gemeente. 3 Ze geven informatie over de verkeersregels. 4 Ze helpen hun leden bij het protesteren tegen onterecht ontvangen bekeuringen

7 Tekst 6 2p 9 De jongeren die in de tekst aan het woord zijn, hebben alle vier een mening over de Asbo (zie de voetnoot bij de tekst). Wie vindt wat? Schrijf in je uitwerkbijlage achter de naam van de persoon de letter van de mening die hij of zij (ook) naar voren brengt. Let op: er blijft één mening over! 1 Shola Aleje 2 Corrine Burton 3 Monique Wallace 4 Jody McIntyre a An Asbo is mainly an instrument to reassure worried parents. b Having an Asbo is mainly a thing for city kids. c Parents ought to be the ones to correct their children when they have done wrong. d Talking and listening is a good way of preventing problems. e Instead of giving Asbos we need to punish anti-social behaviour more severely. It s all about reputation Nearly a third of young people see Asbos 1) as a badge of honour. Patrick Barkham asks four south Londoners what they think of the government s respect agenda I believe the whole Asbo-thing should be reviewed. Rather than getting an Asbo, tougher community service would be better, or even spend three days in jail on bread and water that might work. Shola Aleje, 21 The media have a stereotypical view that Asbos are used on young hoodrats who run around the streets, but I heard about a man getto blasting out U2 who got an Asbo. Anyone can get them. But I can definitely see how an Asbo can give you status on the street. It s a sense of ownership now they have something to prove that they are big Corrine Burton, 18 I ve never known anyone with an Asbo and I ve never heard anyone bragging about it but I can see it happening. It s about peer pressure and hierarchy. If you go to prison

8 and come back out, some people are going to rate you and give you credit for that. Asbos are more for elderly people to get young people away from them and not step in their territory. They are more about that than addressing problems with young people. An Asbo isn t going to stop someone from committing a crime. My solution for everything is communicating. Communication is the key to everything. Lack of communication causes problems. Young people want to get heard. Most antisocial behaviour is crying out for attention. could be or is there something else they could do? There is a lot about Asbos on TV and in the newspapers but young people don t really read those things, so many don t know what an Asbo is. It s always someone in the city. You don t see someone from the suburbs with an Asbo. Monique Wallace, 20 If you tell someone not to do something they are just going to do it more. There are a lot of kids growing up in this area who are really bad, but other things could be done apart from giving them an Asbo. Why are these children out on the streets doing this stuff in the first place? Is there somewhere else they Jody McIntyre, 16 It is ridiculous to say an Asbo is a badge of honour. I don t know anyone who thinks that, but perhaps in certain areas and certain communities they do. Asbos could be a good thing but there are a lot of instances where they have been used the wrong way. Two children were threatened with Asbos because they were playing football outside their house. It seems to be like that with every law there are always a number of instances where it s not going to work. But it should be down to parents to discipline their offspring. noot 1 Asbo: anti social behaviour order. Een strafmaatregel die kan worden opgelegd aan mensen die overlast bezorgen

9 Tekst 7 Now it s Manny Poppins Manny about the house Sarah Ebner meets the parents who prefer a shot of testosterone to a spoonful of sugar 1 She may still be a great nanny in the West End musical, but it appears that Mary Poppins is actually out of fashion. According to those in the know, the woman who was practically perfect in every way has a rival: the manny. 2 If you ve never heard the term, you re a few steps behind in the childcare stakes. For the ignorant, author Holly Peterson is here to shed some light on the issue. As one of the characters in her new book, suitably named The Manny, explains: It s a manny. M for male nanny. Think of it as the older brother we all dreamt of, but with the patience only money can buy. 3 Peterson first heard about mannies soon after having her third child. She felt that her son, Jack, then three, was being squashed by spending days with his older and younger sisters, as well as his mother and nanny. 4 Now it appears that mannies are all the rage and the attractions seem obvious. It s not so much a spoonful of sugar as a shot of testosterone around the house. Mannies play happily in the garden for hours, and seem genuinely interested in sports, Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man and snails. 5 Boys play differently to women, says Peterson, 42. The nanny is more of a comforter, while the manny is a throw me across the room kind of guy. They fool around, play football and are happy to run around and around the park. I thought Jack would really benefit from it and he has. 6 They may sound like a perfect playmate for any sons you may - 9 -

10 have, but what about the girls? Peterson thinks a male role model is good for them too. Mannies have a different attitude, she says. They see situations in another way. 7 Peterson s book is certainly being published at the right time, as mannies have become increasingly popular in Britain. My Big Buddy, an agency specialising in male nannies ( was recently launched in London. And Gumtree ( a website used by working parents to look for childcare, reports that searches for male or male nanny have gone up sevenfold in the past few months. 8 With increasing numbers of single parents, as well as older fathers who might struggle to run around a football pitch, mannies may well fill a gap. But one recent survey suggested another reason for the rising demand. In an apparent blow against sisterhood, almost 80 per cent of mothers admitted that they felt threatened by attractive female nannies, while 94 per cent said they would consider a male nanny instead. 9 Craig Smith, 20, works as a manny for Alison and Michael Goff in Sevenoaks, Kent. Craig looks after the Goffs three sons, from three to ten years old. I couldn t imagine doing the same thing every day, says Smith, who explains that he always wanted to work with children. Every day is different and really rewarding too. Smith describes his three charges as sporty and boisterous and much of his time is spent in joining them in different sports activities. He plays a lot of football with all three, but he also attends mother and toddler clubs with the youngest. 10 My friends are builders, carpenters and electricians. They laughed their heads off when I told them what I was going to do. But when I say that I ve been playing in the garden, they re a bit jealous. 11 He is sure that he got the job because the children are boys, but Alison Goff insists that s not true. People assume that because I have boys, I wanted a male nanny, but he was the best person I interviewed, she says. I admit I ve been surprised to see how the kids are happier with him, perhaps because he loves the rough and tumble and is physically fit and active. If you have three boys, it s no good having someone who wants to plait hair and paint fingernails. 12 Holly Peterson would agree. Then again, she seems to have it all the book deal, the investment banker husband, and even a nanny and a manny. But for those of us in the real world, choosing the perfect child-carer might never be the same again. The Manny by Holly Peterson (HarperCollins) is available for 10 plus 1.25 p&p. To order, call Telegraph Books on

11 1p 10 What was Holly Peterson s main reason for hiring a manny according to paragraphs 2 and 3? A She followed the advice of her older brother who already had a manny. B She needed a real-life example for a character in her book. C She thought her son needed more male company. D She wanted to follow the latest trend. 2p 11 Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens de alinea s 4 tot en met 6. Omcirkel achter elk nummer juist of onjuist in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Mannies gaan vaak wat te wild met kinderen om. 2 Het lijkt duidelijk waarom mannies opeens zo in de mode zijn. 3 Meisjes hebben meer aan een nanny dan aan een manny. 4 Mannies willen alleen maar spelen met de kinderen en zijn daardoor minder geschikt dan nannies. 1p 12 Which of the following is not true according to paragraphs 7 and 8? A Mannies are a great addition to families without a dad. B Mannies tend to make older dads have doubts about themselves. C Traditionally, people preferred nannies to mannies. D Women often see a manny as a good alternative to a beautiful nanny. 1p 13 Welk deel van de zin in alinea 9 geeft aan dat Craig Smith niet alleen maar jongensdingen doet met de kinderen in zijn oppasgezin? Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) dit deel van de zin in je uitwerkbijlage. 1p 14 According to paragraph 10, what was the first reaction of Craig Smith s friends when they heard about his new job? They were A extremely disappointed. B highly amused. C quite envious. D rather amazed. 1p 15 Why did Alison Goff decide to employ Craig Smith in the first place, according to paragraph 11? She chose him because A her children preferred him to the others. B he was recommended to her by other people. C she had only boys in her household. D she thought he was the most suitable candidate

12 Tekst 8 Taxi driver rescues Andrew Norfolk A woman trapped upside down in a sinking car was rescued by a taxi driver who ignored warnings from the emergency services that it was too dangerous for him to enter the freezing water. James Brown, 41, was driving along an icy road shortly before midnight when he spotted the headlights of a Ford Ka halfsubmerged in a duck pond in Bishop Burton, East Yorkshire. Inside was Caroline Saunders, 28, a social worker, who had skidded on black ice and lost control of her car. The car had crashed through a fence and flipped on to its roof before landing in the water, leaving her 16. Mr Brown did not realise that anyone was still in the car until he dialled 999 on his mobile phone and began speaking to a fire service controller. Only then did he spot Miss Saunders inside the upside-down vehicle. Though the controller at the other end of the phone urged him not to risk his life by attempting a rescue, Mr Brown said he could see that the car was filling with water and he decided that the emergency services would not 17. Another ten minutes and she would have died. I put down the phone and went in. The car was sinking down and half the car was underwater already, he said. I could see someone screaming and banging on the window. It was like a scene from a horror film. The door was jammed and the window would not open, so Mr Brown, after trying to reassure the terrified Miss Saunders, flagged down a passing motorist, who found a 18 in the back of his car. I went back with it. I shouted to her and she said she was the only one in the car. I was just so 19 that she was talking to me. I smashed the window before dragging the girl out. She was very shaken up, but at least she got out. Mr Brown, a self-employed taxi driver for the past six years, who has one child, carried Miss Saunders from the pond and put her in his car with a blanket around her

13 20 emergency services reached the pond in the early hours of yesterday, she was taken to hospital and discharged after treatment for shock, cuts and bruises. Miss Saunders, who was driving home from work when the accident happened, said she had felt certain she was going to die. It s midnight, there s no one around and I m trapped, I can t get out. I saw some headlights and I was beeping my horn, banging on the window, thinking, Please see me, please see me. She said that her message to Mr Brown was: Thank you, thank you so much for just being there and being good enough to 21. A fire service spokesman said that Mr Brown had performed an exceptional rescue that had averted a potentially 22 incident. Kies bij iedere open plek in de tekst het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. 1p 16 A B C D clinging to her seat belt hanging out of the window stuck inside swimming around 1p 20 A B C D Although Before When While 1p 17 A B C D be able to find the spot believe his phone call reach the scene in time want to come out 1p 21 A B C D believe in me come to my rescue drive me home get help for me 1p 18 1p 19 A B C D A B C blanket hammer life jacket mobile phone anxious relieved troubled 1p 22 A B C D E brutal criminal fatal minor miraculous

14 Tekst 9 1p 23 Je hebt zowel een Wii als een Xbox 360 en je wilt een spel kopen dat weer eens iets nieuws biedt. Welk van de drie spellen koop je op grond van de besprekingen in ieder geval dus niet? A Trauma Centre: Second Opinion B BioShock C Blue Dragon GAME REVIEWS Trauma Centre: Second Opinion Wii. Available now, Any similarity to organisations, persons or cutting-edge medical techniques is merely coincidental. That disclaimer can only mean one thing months after its release as a launch title for the Wii in the United States, Trauma Centre: Second Opinion is making a disgracefully delayed appearance in the UK. In this wonderful surgical simulator, adapted from the DS but making exquisite use of the Wii s controls, you play Derek Stiles, a hotshot doctor learning his trade in an American hospital. However, this being a Japanese game, it s not just about stitches and scalpels: after a few BioShock Xbox 360 (version tested), PC. Available now, Bio Shock starts in the 1960s: you re in a plane and it s crashing into the sea. Swimming to a tiny island, you find yourself transported to Rapture, an Art Deco undersea city built by the crazed genetic experimentalist Andrew Ryan. Semi-ruined, it is populated by aggressive splicers and scary Little Sisters genetically mutated little girls with giant robotic minders called Big Daddies and other deranged and deadly characters. missions, a stunned Derek realises he has Magical Doctor Powers, chiefly the ability to save his patients by freezing time, and must use them to thwart a sinister medical conspiracy. The plot and dialogue are agreeably ludicrous, the game play is tight and increasingly challenging, and the whole experience makes for one of the Wii s best titles. Robert Colville There are some good guys, though, such as Irishman Atlas, who guides you around at first. Although nominally a first-person shooter, ammo is at a premium, but luckily you can inject yourself with plasmids and gain abilities such as telekinesis, and firing electricity bolts or fireballs. These let you defeat seemingly impregnable enemies by, say, setting pools of oil on fire. With incredible graphics, a great story and really fresh, innovative game play, this is one of the best games you ll find this year. But beware: truly scary at times. Steve Boxer

15 Blue Dragon Xbox 360. Available now, Just as boy bands follow a formula, so do Japanese role-playing games. (RPGs). Instead of singer, eye candy, bit of rough and secretly gay, you ve got brash, spunky, brainy and cool-and-mysterious. All are present and correct in Blue Dragon, as are the other RPG essentials: turn-based combat, an intricate levelling and combat system, and a group of plucky children out to save the world. But then that familiarity is hardly surprising. In order to crack the Japanese market (which has ignored the Xbox and Xbox 360), Microsoft has recruited some of the biggest names from mega-hit franchises such as Final Fantasy to create an epic of its own. The result is a massive, gorgeous game that caters shamelessly to the old-school RPG crowd including some of the genre s traditional drawbacks, most notably clichéd dialogue and a cuddly mascot playercharacter unpleasantly reminiscent of Jar Jar Binks. Robert Colville

16 Tekst 10 ANYONE WHO ADORES CATS WILL LOVE Are you looking for a present for a friend or relative who likes cats? Then look no further. Alice s Diary, the original memoirs of a very real six-year-old mixed tabby cat called Alice, explains precisely what it s like to be a cat. It s the nearest any of us will ever come to finding out exactly what cats think about themselves, other cats and us. THE MOST ENCHANTING CAT BOOK IN THE WORLD Tuesday May 17th Today I broke a vase. It was a complete accident. I jumped onto the mantelpiece and the vase just fell off. I don t think I touched it at all. But the last time I broke a vase the Upright who wears a Skirt was furious. So I thought I d stay out of the way for a while. I didn t go back into the house until it was pretty dark, and the Uprights had been calling me for hours. Sure enough, when I finally got back they were so pleased to see me that nothing at all was said about the vase. Not that it was really my fault anyway. Until she started to keep this diary, Alice had hardly ever written anything. She certainly hadn t written anything for publication. But this, her first book, sparkles with wit and fun and a rare enthusiasm for life. She describes everything that happens to her and her half sister Thomassina with a keen eye for the absurd and a rare sense of wisdom. Whether she is describing her relationship with the human beings with whom she shares her life (there are two of them described as the Upright in Trousers and the Upright who wears a Skirt), her relationships with her many cat friends or her (not always successful) attempts at hunting, no cat lover will fail to find her story enchanting. Any cat lover who is fortunate enough to read this book will laugh out loud occasionally, smile frequently and maybe even cry once or twice. Most important of all, perhaps every reader will, for the first time, have an insight into what it s really like to be a cat

17 A REMARKABLE BOOK FOR SUCH A SMALL PRICE Wednesday WEDNESDAY August AUGUST 5th 5TH I I hate hate making decisions. Life Life is is so so full full of of them. This This morning I I was was fed fed up, up, and and I I told told Thomassina how how I I felt. felt. There are are always choices to to make, I I complained. Whether to to go go out out mouse hunting or or shrew hunting. Whether to to sharpen my my claws on on the the oak oak tree tree or or the the sycamore tree. tree. And And so so on. on. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. You You need need to to rest rest and and relax, said Thomassina. Where? I I asked. Underneath the the willow tree, tree, she she replied. Or Or on on the the window seat. seat. On On the the sofa. sofa. Or Or underneath the the garden bench. Dear Dear old old Thomassina. She She means well. well. Over 50,000 delighted readers from around the world have already bought this beautifully-written and illustrated hardback book. Our files are bursting with letters from confirmed fans (of all ages) who tell us how much they have enjoyed Alice s Diary. Alice s Diary can be yours for only Such a remarkable book for such a small price. But we warn you: when you see it you may not want to give it away! An absolute must for all cat and animal lovers. Guaranteed to give more joy and laughter than almost any other present you can choose. Over 51,000 copies sold. ONLY 9.99 P.S. We promise to give you a full refund if you are not happy with your purchase. Just as long as you return the book in good condition within 30 days. 1p 24 Wie worden er in de tekst bedoeld met the Uprights? 1p 25 Wat is het meest verbazingwekkend aan de kat Alice, zoals ze in dit deel van het boek gepresenteerd wordt? 1p 26 You need garden bench. said Thomassina. (in de tekst van Wednesday August 5th ) Which effect does this piece of advice have on Alice? A She does not think it helps. B She feels Thomassina really understands her. C She finds peace of mind. D She knows exactly what to do now

18 Tekst 11 1p 27 Jij en je vriend(in) zoeken in Edinburgh een tweepersoonskamer voor weinig geld, maar wél met luxe. Welk hostel kun je dan het best kiezen? Schrijf het nummer op. 1 DURNESS Smoo, Lairg, Sutherland, IV27 4OA Tel: Cliff top location with sandy beaches and Smoo Cave within easy reach. Wonderful scenery, a great place to escape to. OPEN I8/03-01/10 Junior 8.00 / Senior EDAY Eday Community Association, London Bay, Eday, Orkney, KWH 2AB Tel: One of the Orkney Isles, Eday boasts many archeological sites, bird and nature watching. Well worth a visit. OPEN 01/04-30/09 Junior 7.00 / Senior INTERNATIONAL: Kincard s Court, Guthrie Street, Edinburgh Tel: All single rooms, close to the action. Just minutes from the Royal Mile and Waverley Station. Very comfortable rooms, top quality. OPEN ALL YEAR Junior / Senior

19 4 EDINBURGH 7/8 Park Terrace, Edinburgh, EH3 6BY Tel: Fully refurbished hostel in the heart of the historic West End. It offers great value, quality accommodation and has been awarded 4 stars by VisitScotland. All double rooms are en suite and have great, self-catering facilities. feels more like a hotel than a hostel a great place to stay. Scotland The Best OPEN ALL YEAR Junior / Senior EDINBURGH Bruntsfield 7 Bruntsfield Cres, Edinburgh, EH10 4EZ Tel: Peaceful situation in our buzzing capital city with views over the castle. Ideal base for backpackers. Attractive location overlooking Bruntsfield Links. Lonely Planet OPEN ALL YEAR Junior / Senior EDINBURGH Eglinton 18 Eglinton Cres, Edinburgh, EH12 5DD Tel: Town house packed full of character in the famous New Town area, close to Haymarket Station. Awarded 2 stars by VisitScotland. From the stained glass over the main door to the tartan and wood entrance foyer, you know you re not in a typical Hostel. Scotland The Best OPEN ALL YEAR Junior / Senior

20 Tekst 12 1p 28 Wat is er zo bijzonder aan dit horloge? A Het heeft een batterij die een leven lang meegaat. B Het kan geleverd worden met een eeuwigdurende kalender. C Het kan ook op zonne-energie lopen. D Het laat een waarschuwing horen als je te diep onder water gaat. E Het wordt opgeladen door beweging. Telegraph offer Pulsar Watch Save 50% on the price ONLY inc p&p This handsome Pulsar watch from the Seiko Corporation features kinetic technology that transforms movement into electricity which is then stored and used to power the watch. No battery is required and normal everyday wear will produce the energy needed to run the precision movement. The watch has an understated charcoal grey dial, clear hour, minute and second hands, batten and numeric markers and magnified date window. It also has a Lumibrite dial with hands and markers that are charged by light to appear illuminated at night. Water resistant to 30 metres, it has a black padded leather strap with contrasting stitching and a stainless steel screwdown casing. The Pulsar Kinetic Watch is on offer to readers for just 49.99, saving 50 on the recommended price of Call or visit Please send me Qty Cost Kinetic Name Address I enclose my crossed cheque/postal order (address on back) made payable to Telegraph Offer TT1509 or debit my Mastercard/Visa/Delta/Switch/Maestro account with My card number is Postcode Start date Expiry date Issue no Telephone* Signature Date * Please send to: Telegraph Offer TT1509, PO Box 501, Leicester LE94 OAA

21 Schrijfopdracht 13p 29 Inleiding Je had de advertentie van tekst 10 al eerder in The Daily Telegraph gelezen. Je bent een echte kattenliefhebber en jullie hebben thuis twee katten, daarom wilde je dit boek graag lezen. Het leek je altijd al leuk om erachter te komen hoe katten de wereld om zich heen zien. Je dacht dat het geen probleem zou zijn om het boek in het Engels te lezen. De twee afgedrukte pagina s uit het boek die in de advertentie staan, kon je goed begrijpen. Omdat je het boek mocht terugsturen als het tegenviel, met een niet goed, geld terug -garantie, besloot je het te bestellen. Je hebt het boek net binnengekregen en je bent direct begonnen met lezen, maar het Engels blijkt moeilijker te zijn dan je had verwacht. Er is te veel dat je niet snapt en daardoor is het, helaas, niet leuk om te lezen. Je besluit het boek terug te sturen en in een begeleidende brief te verwijzen naar de garantie. Het boek ziet er nog prima uit, dus je verwacht dat de uitgever zich aan zijn belofte (niet goed, geld terug) zal houden. Het adres is: Publishing House, Trinity Place, Barnstaple, Devon, EX32 9HG, UK Opdracht Schrijf de brief en gebruik de informatie uit de bovenstaande inleiding bij het uitwerken van de volgende punten: Stel jezelf voor (naam, leeftijd, land). Vertel waar je de advertentie van het boek hebt gelezen en waarom je dacht dat dit boek echt iets voor jou zou zijn. Vertel wat je graag over katten te weten wilt komen. Leg uit waarom je dacht dat je het boek wel zou kunnen lezen en maak een opmerking over het Engels in het boek waardoor dat niet lukt. Zeg dat je het boek volgens de voorwaarden hebt teruggestuurd en wat je nu van de uitgever verwacht. Sluit de brief af met een passend slot. Aanwijzingen Maak een logische alinea-indeling en sla na elke alinea een regel over. Denk aan je eigen adres en dat van Publishing House, de datum, de aanhef en de afsluiting. (Om je te helpen staat op de volgende pagina een lijstje met adresconventies.) Gebruik minstens 100 en niet veel meer dan 140 woorden: datum, adres en aanhef tellen niet mee. Noteer het aantal woorden van de inhoud van de brief links bovenaan de pagina. Beoordeling Bij de beoordeling wordt er niet alleen op gelet of je correct Engels gebruikt hebt, maar ook of je brief een goedlopend geheel is. Verder wordt beoordeeld of je alle (9) elementen van de opdracht hebt uitgevoerd. Je mag ook best zelf iets (zinvols) toevoegen, maar let op het aantal woorden. SUCCES!

22 Voorbeelden van conventies voor een formele brief (let op: ook andere uitwerkingen zijn mogelijk!) [adres afzender (je eigen adres!)] bijvoorbeeld: Pinksterbloemstraat SR Barendrecht The Netherlands [datum (Let op: de datum van vandaag!)] bijvoorbeeld: 23 April rd April 2011 April 23, 2011 April 23rd, 2011 [adres geadresseerde] Publishing House Trinity Place Barnstaple Devon EX32 9HG UK

voltooid tegenwoordige tijd

voltooid tegenwoordige tijd SirPalsrok @meestergijs It has taken me a while to make this grammar explanation. My life has been quite busy and for that reason I had little time. My week was full of highs and lows. This past weekend

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Puzzle. Fais ft. Afrojack Niveau 3a Song 6 Lesson A Worksheet. a Lees de omschrijvingen. Zet de Engelse woorden in de puzzel.

Puzzle. Fais ft. Afrojack Niveau 3a Song 6 Lesson A Worksheet. a Lees de omschrijvingen. Zet de Engelse woorden in de puzzel. Puzzle a Lees de omschrijvingen. Zet de Engelse woorden in de puzzel. een beloning voor de winnaar iemand die piano speelt een uitvoering 4 wat je wil gaan doen; voornemens 5 niet dezelfde 6 deze heb je

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possessive determiners

possessive determiners personal pronouns possessive determiners SirPalsrok @meestergijs Ik = I (altijd met een hoofdletter schrijven) I am William. I have no brothers or sisters. I play tennis and love to play videogames. I

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Comics FILE 4 COMICS BK 2 Comics FILE 4 COMICS BK 2 The funny characters in comic books or animation films can put smiles on people s faces all over the world. Wouldn t it be great to create your own funny character that will give

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Teksten van de liederen die gospelkoor Inspiration tijdens deze Openluchtdienst zingt.

Teksten van de liederen die gospelkoor Inspiration tijdens deze Openluchtdienst zingt. Don t you worry There s an eternity behind us And many days are yet to come, This world will turn around without us Yes all the work will still be done. Look at ever thing God has made See the birds above

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Read this story in English. My personal story

Read this story in English. My personal story My personal story Netherlands 32 Female Primary Topic: SOCIETAL CONTEXT Topics: CHILDHOOD / FAMILY LIFE / RELATIONSHIPS IDENTITY Year: 1990 2010 marriage/co-habitation name/naming court/justice/legal rights

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De grondbeginselen der Nederlandsche spelling / Regeling der spelling voor het woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal (Dutch Edition)

De grondbeginselen der Nederlandsche spelling / Regeling der spelling voor het woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal (Dutch Edition) De grondbeginselen der Nederlandsche spelling / Regeling der spelling voor het woordenboek der Nederlandsche taal (Dutch Edition) L. A. te Winkel Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Stars FILE 7 STARS BK 2 Stars FILE 7 STARS BK 2 Of course you have seen X-Factor, The Voice or Got Talent on TV or via the Internet. What is your favourite act? Do you like the dancing performances or would you rather listen

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irregular verbs onregelmatige werkwoorden

irregular verbs onregelmatige werkwoorden SirPalsrok @meestergijs Wanneer je een zin maakt, zul je iets moeten doen met een werkwoord. Je kan tenslotte niet het hele werkwoord gebruiken bij elk onderwerp. Bijvoorbeeld: spelen Wij spelen volleybal.

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Love & Like FILE 2 LOVE & LIKE BK 2

Love & Like FILE 2 LOVE & LIKE BK 2 Love & Like I Like You Come a little closer Honey, come a little closer, let me whisper in your ear. Let me tell it to you quietly, So that no one else will hear. 1 File 2 - Love & Like BK2.indd 1 22-7-2014

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B1 Woordkennis: Spelling

B1 Woordkennis: Spelling B1 Woordkennis: Spelling Bestuderen Inleiding Op B1 niveau gaan we wat meer aandacht schenken aan spelling. Je mag niet meer zoveel fouten maken als op A1 en A2 niveau. We bespreken een aantal belangrijke

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20 twenty. test. This is a list of things that you can find in a house. Circle the things that you can find in the tree house in the text.

20 twenty. test. This is a list of things that you can find in a house. Circle the things that you can find in the tree house in the text. 9006625806_boek.indd 1 31/08/16 15:26 1 6 test This is a list of things that you can find in a house. Circle the things that you can find in the tree house in the text. living room kitchen bedroom toilet

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Vertaling Engels Gedicht / songteksten

Vertaling Engels Gedicht / songteksten Vertaling Engels Gedicht / songteksten Vertaling door een scholier 1460 woorden 23 januari 2002 5,4 399 keer beoordeeld Vak Engels Songtekst 1 Another day in paradise Artiest: Brandy & Ray J She calls

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Grammatica uitleg voor de toets van Hoofdstuk 1

Grammatica uitleg voor de toets van Hoofdstuk 1 Grammatica uitleg voor de toets van Hoofdstuk 1 Vraagzinnen: Je kunt in het Engels vraagzinnen maken door vaak het werkwoord vooraan de zin te zetten. Bijv. She is nice. Bijv. I am late. Bijv. They are

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3 I always love to do the shopping. A Yes I do! B No! I hate supermarkets. C Sometimes. When my mother lets me buy chocolate.

3 I always love to do the shopping. A Yes I do! B No! I hate supermarkets. C Sometimes. When my mother lets me buy chocolate. 1 Test yourself read a Lees de vragen van de test. Waar gaat deze test over? Flash info 1 In the morning I always make my bed. A Yes. B No. C Sometimes, when I feel like it. 2 When I see an old lady with

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> hele werkwoord > werkwoord +s, als het onderwerp he, she of it is. bevestigend vragend ontkennend

> hele werkwoord > werkwoord +s, als het onderwerp he, she of it is. bevestigend vragend ontkennend PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE ( onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd ) Hoe? > hele werkwoord > werkwoord +s, als het onderwerp he, she of it is!! als een werkwoord eindigt op een s-klank ( s,ch x) werkw. + es!! als een

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Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City!

Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City! 1 Meet and greet read Lees de tekst. Wat is de prijs die je kunt winnen? early too late on time vroeg te laat op tijd Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City! Do you have a special

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1. will + hele werkwoord (Future Simple) 2. shall + hele werkwoord 3. to be (am/is/are) going to + hele werkwoord

1. will + hele werkwoord (Future Simple) 2. shall + hele werkwoord 3. to be (am/is/are) going to + hele werkwoord FUTURE TENSE ( TOEKOMENDE TIJD ) Hoe? 1. will + hele werkwoord (Future Simple) 2. shall + hele werkwoord 3. to be (am/is/are) going to + hele werkwoord Wanneer? Ad 1. Als iets in de toekomst zal gebeuren

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SAMPLE 11 = + 11 = + + Exploring Combinations of Ten + + = = + + = + = = + = = 11. Step Up. Step Ahead

SAMPLE 11 = + 11 = + + Exploring Combinations of Ten + + = = + + = + = = + = = 11. Step Up. Step Ahead 7.1 Exploring Combinations of Ten Look at these cubes. 2. Color some of the cubes to make three parts. Then write a matching sentence. 10 What addition sentence matches the picture? How else could you

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Understanding and being understood begins with speaking Dutch

Understanding and being understood begins with speaking Dutch Understanding and being understood begins with speaking Dutch Begrijpen en begrepen worden begint met het spreken van de Nederlandse taal The Dutch language links us all Wat leest u in deze folder? 1.

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Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition)

Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch

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You probably know animals can have best friends too. But what do you think about these special friendships?

You probably know animals can have best friends too. But what do you think about these special friendships? 1 Animal friends read Lees de tekst. Waar gaat deze tekst over? Animal friends You probably know animals can have best friends too. But what do you think about these special friendships? Look at this mouse

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Malala Ken je Malala? Wat weet je al van haar?

Malala Ken je Malala? Wat weet je al van haar? 1 Malala Ken je Malala? Wat weet je al van haar? About Malala Malala Yousafzai comes from Pakistan. She was born on the 12th of July in 1997. When she was 14 years old she started a blog on the Internet.

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Introduced: Unit Word Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 1 I Kindergarten 1 like Kindergarten 1 the Kindergarten 2 a Kindergarten 2 see Kindergarten 2

Introduced: Unit Word Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 1 I Kindergarten 1 like Kindergarten 1 the Kindergarten 2 a Kindergarten 2 see Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 1 I Kindergarten 1 like Kindergarten 1 the Kindergarten 2 a Kindergarten 2 see Kindergarten 2 to Kindergarten 2 we Kindergarten 3 are Kindergarten 3 come Kindergarten 3

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Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City!

Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City! 1 Meet and greet read Lees de tekst Wat is de prijs die je kunt winnen? Flash info early too late on time vroeg te laat op tijd Win a meet and greet with Adam Young from the band Owl City! Do you have

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Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen.

Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Lesbrief Les 2.1: My family Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Nouns: brother, sister, cousin, mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother,

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It s all about the money Group work

It s all about the money Group work It s all about the money Group work Tijdsduur: 45 minuten Kernwoorden: money (geld) coin (munt), banknote (bankbiljet), currency (munteenheid) Herhalings-/uitbreidingswoorden: debate (debat), proposal

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Test wat je nog weet over lesson A. Trek lijnen tussen zinnen die bij elkaar horen. 1 Test yourself Test wat je nog weet over lesson A. Trek lijnen tussen zinnen die bij elkaar horen. 1 De eerste regel van het refrein van de song. Let s meet at the station. 2 Je vraagt naar een plek om

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Examen VMBO-GL en TL. Engels CSE GL en TL. tijdvak 2 maandag 20 juni uur. Bij dit examen horen 2 uitwerkbijlagen. Examen VMBO-GL en TL 2011 2 tijdvak 2 maandag 20 juni 13.30-15.30 uur Engels CSE GL en TL Bij dit examen horen 2 uitwerkbijlagen. Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1. Maak de schrijfopdracht

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Animal friends. Animal friends

Animal friends. Animal friends 1 Animal friends read Lees de tekst. Waar gaat deze tekst over? Animal friends Momi the African elephant and Otto the Labrador both live at the Greenwood Animal Park in California. They are very good friends

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Examen VMBO-GL en TL. Engels CSE GL en TL. tijdvak 2 maandag 20 juni 13.30-15.30 uur. Bij dit examen horen 2 uitwerkbijlagen. Examen VMBO-GL en TL 2011 2 tijdvak 2 maandag 20 juni 13.30-15.30 uur Engels CSE GL en TL Bij dit examen horen 2 uitwerkbijlagen. Beantwoord alle leesvragen in uitwerkbijlage 1. Maak de schrijfopdracht

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Fans talking about Martin

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- werkwoord + ed ( bij regelmatige werkwoorden ) - bij onregelmatige werkwoorden de 2 e rij ( deze moet je dus uit je hoofd leren )

- werkwoord + ed ( bij regelmatige werkwoorden ) - bij onregelmatige werkwoorden de 2 e rij ( deze moet je dus uit je hoofd leren ) PAST SIMPLE TENSE ( onvoltooid verleden tijd ) Hoe? vervoeging - werkwoord + ed ( bij regelmatige werkwoorden ) - bij onregelmatige werkwoorden de 2 e rij ( deze moet je dus uit je hoofd leren ) van bijv,

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Vergelijken in het Engels

Vergelijken in het Engels Vergelijken in het Engels Om te vergelijken in het Engels, moet je de verschillende trappen van vergelijking kennen. Er bestaat een stellende trap (de basis: bijvoeglijk naamwoord), een vergrotende trap

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Things to do before you re 11 3/4

Things to do before you re 11 3/4 Counting Crows 1 Things to do before you re 11 3/4 Lees de tekst en beantwoord de vragen. - Maak deze zin af: De schrijver van de tekst vindt dat kinderen - Welke dingen heb jij wel eens gedaan? Kruis

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Buy Me FILE 5 BUY ME BK 2 Buy Me FILE BUY ME BK Can you resist all those incredible products that all seem to be screaming: Buy Me! Every day we see them on TV during the commercial break: the best products in the world. How would

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Vergaderen in het Engels

Vergaderen in het Engels Vergaderen in het Engels In dit artikel beschrijven we verschillende situaties die zich kunnen voordoen tijdens een business meeting. Na het doorlopen van deze zinnen zal je genoeg kennis hebben om je

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DE VOLTOOID TEGENWOORDIGE TOEKOMENDE TIJD 1 Grammatica les 11 THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE DE VOLTOOID TEGENWOORDIGE TOEKOMENDE TIJD 11.1 FUTURE PERFECT The Future Perfect oftewel de Voltooid Tegenwoordig Toekomende Tijd bestaat uit "will" of "shall"

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gerund or to+infinitive

gerund or to+infinitive SirPalsrok @meestergijs Wat is de vertaling van onderstaande zinnen? Zingen is mijn hobby. Ik houd van surfen. Maak af: We give (to run) all of our time. I m not very good at (to play) hockey. Wat is de

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Listen. Twenty One Pilots Niveau 3a Song 4 Lesson B Worksheet. a Luister naar wat Leo, Tina en Martin vertellen. Omcirkel het juiste antwoord.

Listen. Twenty One Pilots Niveau 3a Song 4 Lesson B Worksheet. a Luister naar wat Leo, Tina en Martin vertellen. Omcirkel het juiste antwoord. 1 Listen a Luister naar wat Leo, Tina en Martin vertellen. Omcirkel het juiste antwoord. 1 Leo is a kid / a teenager / a grown-up. 2 Tina is a kid / a teenager / a grown-up. 3 Martin is a kid / a teenager

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The first line of the input contains an integer $t \in \mathbb{n}$. This is followed by $t$ lines of text. This text consists of:

The first line of the input contains an integer $t \in \mathbb{n}$. This is followed by $t$ lines of text. This text consists of: Document properties Most word processors show some properties of the text in a document, such as the number of words or the number of letters in that document. Write a program that can determine some of

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Ik heb zo n angst. De laatste 12 uren heb ik met een koevoet geslapen, een fles naast mijn bed en de telefoon binnen handbereik.

Ik heb zo n angst. De laatste 12 uren heb ik met een koevoet geslapen, een fles naast mijn bed en de telefoon binnen handbereik. Ik heb zo n angst. De laatste 12 uren heb ik met een koevoet geslapen, een fles naast mijn bed en de telefoon binnen handbereik. Ik ben niet makkelijk te verslaan, maar nu is het over. Ik zie geen uitweg

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Stonesvertalingen VMBO-TL klas 3. Chapter 1. Stone 1. Zo toon je interesse in iemand. Zo vertel je wat er aan de hand is. Zo leef je met iemand mee Stonesvertalingen VMBO-TL klas 3 Chapter 1 Stone 1 Zo toon je interesse in iemand How do you feel? How is life? What's wrong with you? What's bothering them? You look happy. You seem worried. Hoe voel

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Travel Survey Questionnaires

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(1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs. (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren

(1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs. (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren (1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren (3) Ons gezelschap helpt gemeenschappen te vormen en te binden (4) De producties

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betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden

betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden SirPalsrok @meestergijs I bought a house. The house has 3 bedrooms. Mr. Schultz plays tennis. He is my English teacher Een betrekkelijk voornaamwoord kan van 2 zinnen 1 zin

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Martin Garrix and his fans

Martin Garrix and his fans Fans about Martin Wat vind jij van Martin Garrix? 1 read Martin Garrix and his fans Martin Garrix is more than a young star and producer. He s also a super nice guy! If there are fans who want his autograph,

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Writing 1 WRITING 1 PART D BK 3

Writing 1 WRITING 1 PART D BK 3 Writing 1 WRITING 1 PART D BK 3 Isn t it incredible? After only two years of learning English you can write your own English WhatsApp messages, tweets and emails. You can also post some lines on an international

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PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( duurvorm in de tegenwoordige tijd )

PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( duurvorm in de tegenwoordige tijd ) PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( duurvorm in de tegenwoordige tijd ) Hoe? Vervoeging Vorm van het werkwoord to be + werkwoord + ing Je kiest de vorm van to be die bij het onderwerp past Achter het werkwoord plaats

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Deze tekst gaat over Engelse en Amerikaanse feesten. Ken je deze feesten? 1 Let s celebrate! read Deze tekst gaat over Engelse en Amerikaanse feesten. Ken je deze feesten? Let s celebrate! Guy Fawkes Night People in Britain celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. It s on the 5th of November.

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A2 Workshops Grammatica Heden

A2 Workshops Grammatica Heden Bestuderen Present Simple Normaal Hoe maak je de Present Simple? Kijk eerst maar even naar het volgende rijtje. I You He She It We You see see sees sees sees see see They see Je ziet dat het heel eenvoudig

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Preschool Kindergarten

Preschool Kindergarten Preschool Kindergarten Objectives Students will recognize the values of numerals 1 to 10. Students will use objects to solve addition problems with sums from 1 to 10. Materials Needed Large number cards

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News: Tours this season!

News: Tours this season! 1 Do you remember? Lees de zinnen en vul de juiste woorden in. Kies uit: like listen presenter too loud great show number next crowd singer. Let op: je houdt twee woorden over. Welcome back to the best

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Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen.

Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Lesbrief Les 5.1: Shopping, culture, friends Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Nouns: restaurant, cinema, book shop, music shop,

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Angststoornissen en hypochondrie: Diagnostiek en behandeling (Dutch Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Angststoornissen en hypochondrie: Diagnostiek en behandeling (Dutch Edition) Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Angststoornissen en hypochondrie: Diagnostiek en behandeling (Dutch Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Angststoornissen en hypochondrie: Diagnostiek en behandeling (Dutch

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Group work to study a new subject.

Group work to study a new subject. CONTEXT SUBJECT AGE LEVEL AND COUNTRY FEATURE OF GROUP STUDENTS NUMBER MATERIALS AND TOOLS KIND OF GAME DURATION Order of operations 12 13 years 1 ste year of secundary school (technical class) Belgium

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8+ 60 MIN Alleen te spelen in combinatie met het RIFUGIO basisspel. Only to be played in combination with the RIFUGIO basicgame.

8+ 60 MIN Alleen te spelen in combinatie met het RIFUGIO basisspel. Only to be played in combination with the RIFUGIO basicgame. 8+ 60 MIN. 2-5 Alleen te spelen in combinatie met het RIFUGIO basisspel. Only to be played in combination with the RIFUGIO basicgame. HELICOPTER SPEL VOORBEREIDING: Doe alles precies hetzelfde als bij

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!!!! Wild!Peacock!Omslagdoek!! Vertaling!door!Eerlijke!Wol.!! Het!garen!voor!dit!patroon!is!te!verkrijgen!op! Benodigdheden:!!

!!!! Wild!Peacock!Omslagdoek!! Vertaling!door!Eerlijke!Wol.!! Het!garen!voor!dit!patroon!is!te!verkrijgen!op!  Benodigdheden:!! WildPeacockOmslagdoek VertalingdoorEerlijkeWol. Benodigdheden: 4strengenWildPeacockRecycledSilkYarn rondbreinaaldnr8(jekuntnatuurlijkookgewonebreinaaldengebruiken,maar

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De strijkende man: De man die het strijkwerk van Marina deed en haar wensen in vervulling liet gaan.

De strijkende man: De man die het strijkwerk van Marina deed en haar wensen in vervulling liet gaan. Boekverslag door een scholier 1893 woorden 25 mei 2007 7,6 133 keer beoordeeld Auteur Colin Campbell Eerste uitgave 1999 Vak Engels Het gedicht, verhaal of boek Titel: The ironing man Schrijver: Colin

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Zo werkt het in de apotheek (Basiswerk AG) (Dutch Edition)

Zo werkt het in de apotheek (Basiswerk AG) (Dutch Edition) Zo werkt het in de apotheek (Basiswerk AG) (Dutch Edition) C.R.C. Huizinga-Arp Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Zo werkt het in de apotheek (Basiswerk AG) (Dutch Edition) C.R.C.

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Writing 1 WRITING 1 PART A KGT 3

Writing 1 WRITING 1 PART A KGT 3 Writing 1 Isn t it incredible? After only two years of learning English you can write your own English WhatsApp messages, tweets and emails. You can also post some lines on an international website. Don

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Chapter 4 Understanding Families. In this chapter, you will learn

Chapter 4 Understanding Families. In this chapter, you will learn Chapter 4 Understanding Families In this chapter, you will learn Topic 4-1 What Is a Family? In this topic, you will learn about the factors that make the family such an important unit, as well as Roles

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Examen Moderne Vreemde Taal Engels

Examen Moderne Vreemde Taal Engels Examen Moderne Vreemde Taal Engels Niveau : KSE Opgavenummer : EN(0) Examenduur : 60 minuten Instructies Dit examen bevat 6 opdrachten. Vul in het onderstaande vak uw gegevens in Beantwoord de vragen zo

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Free time! Better skills. Free time with Brenda and Brian. Worksheet

Free time! Better skills. Free time with Brenda and Brian. Worksheet 1 Free time! read a Stel je hebt een dag vrij van school. Schrijf op wat je dan gaat doen. b Lees de tekst en schrijf op welke dingen Brian en Brenda voorstellen om te doen op een vrije dag. Free time

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Luister alsjeblieft naar een opname als je de vragen beantwoordt of speel de stukken zelf!

Luister alsjeblieft naar een opname als je de vragen beantwoordt of speel de stukken zelf! Martijn Hooning COLLEGE ANALYSE OPDRACHT 1 9 september 2009 Hierbij een paar vragen over twee stukken die we deze week en vorige week hebben besproken: Mondnacht van Schumann, en het eerste deel van het

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Toetsonderdeel R T1 T2 I Totaal aantal items Totaal aantal punten. Totaal percentage (%)

Toetsonderdeel R T1 T2 I Totaal aantal items Totaal aantal punten. Totaal percentage (%) Toetsonderdeel R T1 T2 I Totaal aantal items Totaal aantal punten A Vocabulary 2 6 8 8 B Vocabulary 2 4 2 8 8 C Grammar 2 5 1 8 8 D Grammar 1 8 1 10 10 E Grammar 3 7 10 10 F Grammar 1 7 8 8 G Grammar 7

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Duurzaam projectmanagement - De nieuwe realiteit van de projectmanager (Dutch Edition)

Duurzaam projectmanagement - De nieuwe realiteit van de projectmanager (Dutch Edition) Duurzaam projectmanagement - De nieuwe realiteit van de projectmanager (Dutch Edition) Ron Schipper Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Duurzaam projectmanagement - De nieuwe realiteit

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Handleiding The very hungry caterpillar. Eric Carle Handleiding The very hungry caterpillar Eric Carle In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! - out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.

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word order woordvolgorde

word order woordvolgorde SirPalsrok @meestergijs Learn you shall word order. Attention therefore you must pay. Exercise 1: Zet de volgende zinsdelen in de juiste volgorde. 1. the first roller coaster in Russia was built in the

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Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen.

Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Lesbrief Les 1.1: On my way Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Nouns: train, tram, bus, car, bike, plane, boat, underground, stop,

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Shopping. Questions. Worksheet. 1 read Bekijk goed wat er te koop is in de webwinkel van Ed Sheeran. Wat zou jij wel willen hebben?

Shopping. Questions. Worksheet. 1 read Bekijk goed wat er te koop is in de webwinkel van Ed Sheeran. Wat zou jij wel willen hebben? Shopping 1 Bekijk goed wat er te koop is in de webwinkel van Ed Sheeran. Wat zou jij wel willen hebben? I would like to have Ed Sheeran webshop Lego House hoody Jacket Cap Necklace This grey men s hooded

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Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen.

Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Lesbrief Les 4.1: Sports and weather Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Nouns: tennis, football, goal, swimming pool, field, sun,

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een kopie van je paspoort, een kopie van je diploma voortgezet onderwijs (hoogst genoten opleiding), twee pasfoto s, naam op de achterkant

een kopie van je paspoort, een kopie van je diploma voortgezet onderwijs (hoogst genoten opleiding), twee pasfoto s, naam op de achterkant Vragenlijst in te vullen en op te sturen voor de meeloopochtend, KABK afdeling fotografie Questionnaire to be filled in and send in before the introduction morning, KABK department of Photography Stuur

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University of Groningen. The uncertainties of self and identity Halen, Cornelius Petrus Maria van University of Groningen The uncertainties of self and identity Halen, Cornelius Petrus Maria van IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite

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much, many, (a) little/few

much, many, (a) little/few SirPalsrok @meestergijs Als je het hebt over veel van iets, dan gebruik je: a lot of lots of loads of voorbeelden He has a lot of homework to do. She has lots of friends abroad. Als je het tijdens formeel

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2019 SUNEXCHANGE USER GUIDE LAST UPDATED 2019 SUNEXCHANGE USER GUIDE LAST UPDATED 0 - -19 1 WELCOME TO SUNEX DISTRIBUTOR PORTAL This user manual will cover all the screens and functions of our site. MAIN SCREEN: Welcome message. 2 LOGIN SCREEN:

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Dutch survival kit. Vragen hoe het gaat en reactie Asking how it s going and reaction. Met elkaar kennismaken Getting to know each other

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Example. Dutch language lesson. Dutch & German Language Education Pieter Wielick Example Dutch language lesson Demonstrative Adjectives Close: dit and deze `dit' agrees with `het' and is used to indicate objects that are close, like `this' in English. `deze' agrees with `de' and is

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Examen Moderne Vreemde Taal Engels (lezen en schrijven)

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Ius Commune Training Programme Amsterdam Masterclass 15 June 2018

Ius Commune Training Programme Amsterdam Masterclass 15 June 2018 Dear Ius Commune PhD researchers, You are kindly invited to participate in the Ius Commune Amsterdam Masterclass for PhD researchers, which will take place on Friday, 15 June 2018. This

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