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Summary 124

Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition)


DIPTERA-WEEKEND IN SCHOONOORD (DR.) 28-30 MEI 1999 door Paul Beuk en Jaap van der Linden Joop Prijs had vorig jaar de taak op zich genomen een kampeerboerderij te vinden in zuidoost Drenthe, een gebied dat blijkens de kaartjes uit de voorlopige Zweefvliegen-atlas nog niet zo bijster goed is onderzocht. Dat was wonderwel gelukt in de vorm van de boerderij De Riegheide in Schoonoord, waar volop ruimte was om te slapen, te koken en andere nuttige zaken. In de benedenzaal stonden vele tafels klaar waaraan de vangst van de dag bekeken en uitgesorteerd kon worden. De boerderij ligt in bosrijke omgeving langs de weg van Noordsleen naar Schoonoord. De meeste van de ca. 20 deelnemers kwamen op vrijdag 28 mei te laat aan om nog iets te kunnen vangen. Joop had via de boswachter van Staatbosbeheer toestemming verkregen om de boswachterijen in de omgeving insekten te verzamelen en maakte ons lekker met foldertjes van het Bargerveen. Dat was dan ook de eerste bestemming op zaterdagochtend. Het weer zag er goed uit: vrijwel onbewolkt, hoewel het door de wind niet echt warm was. Na wat omwegen (de meest ervaren automobilist reed uiteraard voorop!) kwamen we bij de parkeerplaats aan de noordzijde van het Meerstalblok aan. Daar waren al snel de eerste leuke zweefjes verschalkt: Chalcosyrhus nemorum en Pyrophaena rosarum bleken redelijk algemeen te zijn en er werd een Microdon eggeri waargenomen. Terwijl de ene helft van de club op en rond een paar kleine veldjes met schrale graslandvegetatie bleef vangen, liep de rest door het Amsterdamse veld in. Beide plekken leverden nogal wat leuke soorten op: de zweefvliegensoorten Orthonevra intermedia, Sphaerophoria philanthus, Sericomyia silentis en S. lappona, Haematopota crassicornis, een mannetje van de zeldzame sluipvlieg Gymnochaeta magna en de tweede vangst van Hybomitra tropica in Nederland (zie ook Zeegers & van Haaren, 2000). Na de lunch voltrok zich een splitsing: een deel van de aanwezigen wilde trachten per auto zoveel mogelijk geschikte plekjes te onderzoeken in de zuidoostelijke punt van de provincie, terwijl de andere helft liever het nabijgelegen Weiteveen wilde bemonsteren. Het rondrijden van het eerste groepje leverde naast de vangst van een mmannetje Ceriana conopsoides (op vuilboom bij Weiteveen) slechts een flink aantal eerste vermeldingen van algemene soorten voor een kilometerhok op. De vangsten van de andere ploeg kwamen ongeveer overeen met het soortenspectrum van s ochtends. Zondagochtend was het in eerste instantie wat bewolkt en vochtig, maar later kwamen er gaten in de bewolking en verscheen ook af en toe de zon. Ook nu weer vond een splitsing plaats: een deel van de groep bleef in de buurt van de boerderij en maakte de omgeving van de Papeloze Kerk (een hunebed) onveilig, terwijl de andere helft een op de kaart aardig uitziend vennetje bij de Kiel ging onderzoeken, o.a. op het voorkomen van Platycheirus perpallidus, een soort die de laatste jaren op steeds meer plekken bij vennen ontdekt wordt (zie Vliegenmeppers 4(2): 10-11 en 6(2): 12). En laat die soort er dan ook nog gevangen worden ook! Kees Goudsmits was de eerste die het ven tot kniehoogte inliep en in de snavelzeggevegetatie ging slepen, waarna ook Aat Barendregt en tweede auteur zich in het water begaven. Opvallend was dat de beestjes met een handnet nauwelijks te vangen waren, terwijl uit de sleepnet-vangsten bleek dat er toch redelijk wat zaten. Verder leverde deze omgeving nog waarnemingen van Laphria flava en Xanthandrus comtus op. Door een paar mensen werd nog even de boswachterij Schoonlo bezocht, waar Chrysotoxum arcuatum op verschillende plekken bleek voor te komen. Van de Papeloze kerk en omgeving werd weinig bijzonders vernomen.

Inmiddels was de dag al weer aardig gevorderd en werd het tijd om naar huis te gaan. Al met al toch een aardig weekend in een voor velen onbekende hoek van Nederland. In de onderstaande tabel staan alle soorten die in het weekend zijn waargenomen of gevangen en aan ons doorgegeven door de volgende personen: Aat Barendregt, André van Eck, Kees Goudsmits, Liane Lankreijer, Laurens van der Leij, J.H.C. Velterop en Theo Zeegers. Van een deel van de mensen is nog lijstje ontvangen, dus het kan zijn dat een enkele soort ontbreekt. Per soort zijn de vindplaatsen vermeld, met Amersfoortse coördinaten, maar zonder aantal waargenomen exemplaren. In de verschillende lijstjes zat zoveel overlap, dat dit niet meer goed viel te achterhalen. TIPULIDAE Tipula scripta Meigen STRATIOMYIDAE Sargus iridatus (Scopoli) 29-05- 99 Sleenerzand, boswachterij 246.4-538.0 RHAGIONIDAE Chrysopilus auratus (Fabricius) Rhagio scolopaceus (Linnaeus) TABANIDAE Chrysops relictus Meigen Haematopota crassicornis Wahlberg Haematopota pluvialis (Linnaeus) Haematopota subcylindrica Pandellé Heptatoma pelluscens (Fabricius) Hybomitra bimaculata (Macquart) Hybomitra tropica (Linnaeus) ASILIDAE Dioctria atricapilla Meigen 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 30-05- 99 Schoonoord, Riegheide 248.7-538.2 Dioctria hyalipennis (Fabricius) Dioctria oelandica (Linnaeus) Dioctria rufipes (De Geer) Laphria flava (Linnaeus) Lasiopogon cinctus (Fabricius) Neoitamus cyanurus (Loew) EMPIDIDAE Empis tessellata Fabricius Empis digramma Meigen in Gistle Empis stercorea Linnaeus SYRPHIDAE Microdon eggeri Mik 29-05- 99 Bargerveen, Bargeroostveen 265-524 29-05- 99 Sleenerzand, boswachterij 246.4-538.0 Ceriana conopsoides (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 2

Cheilosia albitarsis (Meigen) 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 Cheilosia pagana (Meigen) Rhingia campestris Meigen Chrysogaster hirtella Loew Chrysogaster aerosa Loew Orthonevra intermedia Lundbeck Orthonevra splendens (Meigen) Neoascia podagrica (Fabricius) Neoascia tenur (Harris) 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 Eristalinus sepulchralis (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 Eristalis abusivus Collin Eristalis arbustorum (Linnaeus) Eristalis horticola (De Geer) Eristalis intricarius (Linnaeus) Eristalis nemorum (Linnaeus) Eristalis pertinax (Scopoli) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 Eristalis piceus (Fallén) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus) 30-05- 99 Schoonoord, Riegheide 248.7-538.2 Anasimyia lineata (Fabricius) 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 Helophilus hybridus Loew Helophilus pendulus (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Helophilus trivittatus (Fabricius) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 3

29-05- 99 Oosteindsche Stukken 266-518 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 30-05- 99 Schoonoord, Riegheide 248.7-538.2 Parhelophilus frutetorum (Fabricius) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 Parhelophilus versicolor (Fabricius) Myathropa florea (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 Eumerus sogdianus Stackelberg Eumerus strigatus (Fallén) Criorhina berberina (Fabricius) Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 30-05- 99 Sleenerzand, boswachterij 246.4-538.0 30-05- 99 Sleen, Brink 250-532 Tropidia scita (Harris) Pipiza bimaculata Meigen Sericomyia lappona (Linnaeus) Sericomyia silentis (Harris) Volucella bombylans (Linnaeus) 29-05- 99 Sleenerzand, boswachterij 246.4-538.0 Chalcosyrphus nemorum (Fabricius) Xylota segnis (Linnaeus) Baccha elongata (Fabricius) Chrysotoxum arcuatum (Linnaeus) 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Chrysotoxum cautum (Harris) 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 Chrysotoxum festivum (Linnaeus) Melanostoma mellinum (Linnaeus) 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Melanostoma scalare (Fabricius) 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 Xanthandrus comtus (Harris) Platycheirus albimanus (Fabricius) 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Platycheirus angustatus (Zetterstedt) 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Platycheirus clypeatus (Meigen) 29-05- 99 Middendorp, Oosteindsche Stukken 266-519 4

30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Platycheirus fulviventris (Macquart) Platycheirus occultus Goeldlin de Tiefenau, Maibach & Speight Platycheirus peltatus (Meigen) 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 Platycheirus perpallidus (Verrall) Platycheirus scambus (Staeger) Platycheirus scutatus (Meigen) 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Pyrophaena granditarsa (Forster) 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Pyrophaena rosarum (Fabricius) Paragus haemorrhous Meigen Dasysyrphus hilaris (Zetterstedt) Epistrophe nitidicollis (Meigen) 29-05- 99 Middendorp 259-521 Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer) Eupeodes corollae (Fabricius) 29-05- 99 Sleenerzand, boswachterij 246.4-538.0 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Meliscaeva auricollis (Meigen) Parasyrphus punctulatus (Verrall) Scaeva selenitica (Meigen) 30-05- 99 De Kiel, Meeuwenplassen 242-543 30-05- 99 Schoonlo, Boswachterij 242-544 Sphaerophoria philanthus (Meigen) Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnaeus) 30-05- 99 Schoonoord, Riegheide 248.7-538.2 Syrphus ribesii (Linnaeus) Syrphus torvus Osten Sacken 29-05- 99 Weiteveen, Schoonebeekerveld 262-520 Syrphus vitripennis Meigen ULIDIIDAE Seioptera vibrans (Linnaeus) LAUXANIIDAE Lyciella platycephala (Loew) Tricholauxania praeusta (Fallén) 30-05- 99 Schoonoord, Riegheide 248.7-538.2 5

SCIOMYZIDAE Pherbina intermedia Verbeke HELEOMYZIDAE Suillia pallida (Fallén) SCATHOPHAGIDAE Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus) MUSCIDAE Mesembrina meridiana (Linnaeus) Morellia hortorum (Fallén) Musca autumnalis De Geer Neomyia cornicina (Fabricius) Polietes lardaria (Fabricius) Graphomya maculata (Scopoli) Phaonia incana (Wiedemann) CALLIPHORIDAE Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus) SARCOPHAGIDAE Ravinia pernix (Harris) Sarcophaga variegata (Scopoli) Sarcophaga incisilobata Pandellé TACHINIDAE Carcelia tibialis (Robineau-Desvoidy) Phryxe heraclei (Meigen) Phorocera obscura (Fallén) Smidtia conspersa (Meigen) Phania funesta (Meigen) Gymnochaeta magna Zimin Siphona geniculata (De Geer) Tachina fera (Linnaeus) Literatuur Zeegers, Th. & T. van Haaren, 2000. Dazen en dazenlarven. Wetensch. Mededeling 225. KNNV Uitgeverij, 114 pp. Sarcophaga agnata Rondani Sarcophaga sexpunctata (Fabricius) Sarcophaga similis Meade Sarcophaga caerulescens Zetterstedt Sarcophaga lehmanni Mueller 6

Recente literatuur Hier volgt een overzicht over recent verschenen literatuur, met een enkel iets ouder stuk. Ook deze keer weer een gedeelte met uitgebreide Engelse samenvatting maar ook weer een aantal zonder. De meeste titels spreken wat dat betreft wel voor zich. Iedereen die een artikel of boek in deze rubriek wil zien, kan het doorgeven aan ondergetekende of kan zijn bespreking naar één van de redacteurs sturen, zoals dat is gedaan door Volkert van der Goot (VSvdG). Suggesties zijn welkom! Paul Beuk Mathilde Wredestraat 59 2037 LN Haarlem 023-5365450 sectie.diptera@worldmail.nl Diptera algemeen Editor [Chandler, P.J.], 1999. Corrections and changes to the Diptera Checklist (1). - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(1): 57-61. Frantsevich, L., & L. Frantsevich, 1999. The midcoxal prong in flies (Diptera: Brachycera). - Entomologia Generalis 23(4): 233-250. The midcoxal prong [MCP] is a fine outgrowth from the distal sclerite of the coxa into the space between the coxa and the trochanter. It is present in members of all but a few families of higher flies. The morphology of MCP was investigated in SEM preparations. Walking in Eristalis and tethered flight in Calliphora were videorecorded in intact flies and after removal of one or both MCPs. Muscle potentials were recorded in tethered Lucilia. MCP morphology is the same in males and females. It lacks any sensilla. No reflexes in leg muscles were recorded after touching MCP. It presumably performs some mechanical function. During walking as well as grooming, start, landing reflex etc the prong glides freely over the trochanter. During night, the leg is placed in its peculiar flight position by supination of the trochanter, and the prong is clumped between the coxa and the trochanter. The trochanter presses the anterior hairy face of MCP against a hairy field on the anterior coral sclerite. The morphology and biomechanical properties of the middle cora suggest that MCP acts as a sort of a Velcro fastener, locking the middle leg in its night position. However, excision of MCP did not impair either walking or the ability to place the middle leg in a proper flight position and to hold it against a strong airstream. So the function of this strange organ is still unknown. Frouz, J., & J. Olejníček, 1999. Flight patterns of Chironomidae and Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in a suburban fallow area: the effect of vegetation mosaic. - Biologia 54(2): 169-178. To evaluate the effect of vegetation pattern on the flight pattern of Chironomidae and Dolichopodidae, yellow water traps were exposed in five types of vegetation forming vegetation mosaics in a suburban fallow from March to November 1994. A total of 19 species of Chironomidae and 21 species of Dolichopodidae were recorded. During the sampling period, two peaks of flight could be distinguished, the; first in spring and the second in late summer/autumn. The spring peak was formed by Smittia atterima, Bryophaenocladius illimbatus and B. cf. virgo (Chironomidae) and Campsicnemus scambus, C. curvipes and Chrysotus gramineus (Dolichopodidae). The autumnal peak was formed by S. atterima (Chironomidae) and Medetera mixta (Dolichopodidae). The flight activity of both Chironomidae and Dolichopodidae was highest in patches with open and low vegetation and lowest in high and dense vegetation. A significant reduction appeared even on the border of high vegetation. The Spearman rank correlation of dominant species and the PCA of community structure and environmental variables indicated that vegetation height, litter and shading negatively affected the density of flying specimens, whereas distance from high vegetation edge and bare soil cover had a positive effect. These trends were similar in both spring and autumnal peaks of flying activity. The results indicated that the decision about the direction of flight are affected by both "horizontal view" and local "vertical view" information. The relative importance of these information sources may vary among the investigated groups. Goffau, L.J.W., de, 1998. Diptera. In: Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Plantenziektenkundige Dienst 193. Annual Report 1997. Diagnostic Centre Plant Protection Service Wageningen, the Netherlands 7

(Ackerman, R.A., P. van Halteren & M.J.P.J. Jenniskens, eds.): 70-75. Dasineura tortrix attacks new host. Damage caused by Acanthiophilus helianthi. Leaf-miners occuring in greenhouses in the Netherlands. Increasing damage by Delia coarctata in winter wheat. Problems caused by the beneficial Coenosia attenuata. Goffau, L.J.W., de, 1999. Diptera. In: Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Plantenziektenkundige Dienst 200. Annual Report 1998 Diagnostic Centre Plant Protection Service Wageningen, the Netherlands (Ackerman, R.A., P. van Halteren & M.J.P.J. Jenniskens, eds.): 75-79. Serious attack of Acer pseudoplatanus by Dasineura acercrispans. Small Juniperus trees damaged by Oligotrophus juniperinus. Anastrepha obliqua in mangos from Brazil. Survey of economic important leaf-miners to comercial crops. Withering of Clematis caused by leaf-miner. Meier, R., M. Kotrba & P. Ferrar, 1999. Ovoviviparity and viviparity in the Diptera. - Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 74(3): 199-258. The taxonomic distribution and evolution of viviparity in Diptera is critically reviewed. The phenomenon ranges from ovoviviparity (eggs deposited at an advanced stage of embryonic development; larva emerges immediately after deposition), through viviparity (larva hatches inside female before deposition) to pupiparity (offspring deposited as pupa). Some Diptera are known to be facultatively viviparous, which is hypothesized to be a step towards the evolution of obligate viviparity. Obligate viviparity is found to comprise unilarviparity (single large larva in maternal uterus) which evolved many times independently, the rare oligolarviparity (more than one but not more than 12 larvae) and multilarviparity (large numbers of developing eggs or larvae in uterus) which is typical for the two largest clades of viviparous Diptera. Unilarviparity is either lecithotrophic (developing larva nourished by yolk of egg) or pseudo-placental (larva nourished by glandular secretions of mother). Viviparity has clearly evolved on many separate occasions in Diptera. It is recorded in 22 families, and this review identifies at least 61 independent origins of viviparity. Six families appear to have viviparity in their ground-plan. Some families have a single evolution of viviparity, others multiple evolutions. Guimaraes' model for the evolution of viviparity in Diptera is tested against phylogenetic information and the adaptive significance of viviparity is reviewed in detail. Possible correlations with life-history parameters (coprophily, parasitism, breeding in ephemeral plant parts, malacophagy and adult feeding habits - especially haematophagy) are analysed critically, as are potential advantages (shorter larval life, less investment in yolk by mother, protection of vulnerable stages, better access to breeding substrates, predation on competitors). Morphological constraints, adaptations and exaptations are reviewed, including the provision of an incubation space for the egg(s), the positioning of the egg(s) in the uterus, and maternal glands. The main morphological adaptations include greater egg size, reduction of egg respiratory filaments, thinning of chorion, modified larval respiratory system and mouthparts, and instar skipping. Female morphology and behaviour is particularly strongly modified for viviparity. The terminalia are shortened, the vagina is more muscular and tracheated, and the ovaries of unilarviparous species have a reduced number of ovarioles with alternate ovulation. Many of the final conclusions are tentative, and a plea is made for more detailed morphological and experimental study of many of the viviparous species. Viviparity in Diptera provides a fascinating example of multiple parallel evolution, and a fertile field for future research. Sivinski, J., S. Marshall & E. Petersson, 1999. Kleptoparasitism and phoresy in the Diptera. - Florida Entomologist 82(2): 179-197. Spiders, dung-feeding scarabs, social, and preystoring insects provide predictable and concentrated sources of food for a variety of thief flies (kleptoparasites) and their larvae. Whenever waiting in the vicinity of the "host" for an opportunity to exploit its resources is more energy efficient and less dangerous than foraging among hosts, a number of intimate relationships between the fly and host may evolve. In extreme cases, flies may become long-term phoretic associates that travel with hosts even while the latter is in flight. The behaviors and ecologies of kleptoparasitic Diptera are reviewed with special attention paid to the adaptations of Sphaeroceridae phoretic upon Scarabaeidae. The mating systems of kleptoparasitic flies are influenced by the type of resource that is stolen; flies associated with predators are mostly female, while those found 8

on scarabs are of both sexes. These differences are discussed in terms of mate location, sperm competition, and mate choice. Brachycera (vliegen) Tóth, S., & L. Rezbanyai-Reser, 1999. Zur Fliegenfauna vom Monte Generoso, Kanton Tessin, Südschweiz. - 1. Waffenfliegen, Bremsen, Wollschweber und Blasenkopffliegen (Diptera: Stratiomyidae, Tabanidae, Bombyliidae, Conopidae). - Entomologische Berichte Luzern 41(5): 43-66. Between 1979 and 1996 a total of 968 flies from the families Stratiomyidae (419), Tabanidae (314), Bombyliidae (118) and Conopidae (117) were collected in the region of Monte Generoso (Ticino) using light traps and during numerous daytime visits. The flies were collected at 13 localities between 530-1600 m above sea level and comprised 68 species (Stratiomyidae 20, Tabanidae 17, Bombyliidae 13, Conopidae 18). Two species had previously not been reported from Switzerland (Bombyllidae: Bombylius nubilus Mik and Conopidae: Leopoldius signatus Wied.). One of these new Swiss records, a tabanid from Cragno (Haematopota pandazisi Kröb.), was already included in a list of Swiss species by Schacht in Merz et al. 1998. 61 species were collected during the day and 29 came to light. Dates of capture are given for all species. Acroceridae (kogelvliegen) Nielsen, B.O., P. Funch & S. Toft, 1999. Self-injection of a dipteran parasitoid into a spider. - Naturwissenschaften 86(11): 530-532. A host invasion strategy hitherto unknown from other insect parasitoids was observed in the dipteran Acrocera orbicula (Fabricius) (Diptera: Acroceridae) parasitizing the wolf spider, Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch) (Araneida: Lycosidae). In laboratory experiments the freeliving first instar acrocerid larvae attached themselves firmly to the spiders' integument by the mouthparts, cutting a tiny hole through the integument. No first instar larvae invaded the host. A week later the parasitoids molted, and a small, flexible, and glabrous second instar larva left each of the attached first instar exuviae and invaded the host through the attachment hole of the first instar larva. The novel host invasion pattern observed may reduce physical damage 9 to the host in the initial phase of endoparasitism, enhancing parasitoid survival. Anisopodidae (venstermuggen) Krivosheina, N.P., & F. Menzel, 1998. The Palaearctic species of the genus Sylvicola Harris, 1776 (Diptera, Anisopodidae). - Beiträge zur Entomologie 48(1): 201-217. The descriptions of the 9 previously known Palaearctic species of Sylvicola Harris are revised, 2 new species close to S. fuscates (Fabricius) [S. subfuscatus spec. nov. and S. stackelbergi spec. nov.] are described. A key to all Palaearctic species is given. Michelsen, V., 1999. Wood gnats of the genus Sylvicola (Diptera, Anisopodidae): taxonomic status, family assignment, and review of nominal species described by J.C. Fabricius. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 142(1): 69-75. Comments are given on the contents and relationships of Sylvicola Harris, 1780, an important genus of anisopodid gnats. Tonnoirina Amorim & Tozoni, 1994 is sunk as a new junior synonym. At the family-group level aspects of nomenclature, fossils and taxon/lineage definitions are dealt with, and the phylogenetic structure of extant wood gnats discussed. It is preferred to treat them all in a single family and to abandon other formal supra-generic classification. A composite maxillo-labial 'mentum' is a remarkable state of the adult mouthparts that seem to combine the Mycetobia- and Olbiogaster-groups. Finally, the identity of three nominal species of Sylvicola has been checked and lectotypes designated on the basis of authentic type material. All three species are from Europe and were described by J.C. Fabricius. Sylvicola subfuscatus Krivosheina & Menzel, 1998 is a new junior synonym of S. fuscatus (Fabricius, 1775) and S. fuscatoides sp. n. is proposed fro 'S. fuscatus Fabricius' of recent authors. Asilidae (roofvliegen) Geller-Grimm, F., 1998. Notes on the biology of Dasypogon diadema (Fabricius, 1781) (Diptera: Asilidae). - Mitteilungen der Internationalen Entomologischen Verein 23(1/2): 17-32. Dasypogon diadema (Fabricius, 1781) was studied intensively in 1995 in an area west of

Darmstadt, Germany. Its behaviour, especially the method of oviposition, is recorded. The eggs are laid in clutches in the soil, each protected in a sand "cocoon", a phenomenon which has previously been recorded only in Antipalus varipes (Meigen, 1820) among the Asilidae. Reemer, M., 1999. Nieuwe en oude vindplaatsen van Machimus cowini in Nederland (Diptera: Asilidae). - Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 9: 143-144. Until recently, Machimus cowini (Hobby, 1943) was known from just one record in the Netherlands. An examination of Dutch specimens of similar M. cingulatus revealed specimens of M. cowini from five new localities. The records are concentrated on the island Ameland and along the rivers Waal and Maas. On Ameland M. cowini probably occurs in coastal dunes. Near Nijmegen the species was found in grassy vegetation on floodplain and on riverdunes near the river. Tomasovic, G., 1998. Evolution de la faune des Asilidae (Diptères Brachycères) de Belgique au cours de ce dernier siècle. - Notes Faunistiques de Gembloux 35: 7-19. Cet article tente une comparaison entre l'estimation des anciens auteurs et celles que l'on peut d duire de l'ensemble des données à disposition sur les diptères Asilidae de Belgique. Tomasovic, G., 1999. Mise à jour du genre Neoitamus Osten-Sacken, 1878 de l'oeust et du Sud européen avec description d'une espèce nouvelle de Grèce (Diptera Asilidae). - Belgian Journal of Entomology 1: 91-94. The genitalia of seven species of Neoitamus are illustrated with some comments. I also give a simplified key to distinguish the male of eight species from western and mediterranean Europe. N. tumulus sp. n. is described from Greece. Tomasovic, G., 1998. Notes sur les Asilidae paléarctique (Diptera, Brachycera) 4-8. - Bulletin et Annales de la Société royale belge d'entomologie 134(1998): 133-138. Bombyliidae (wolzwevers) 10 Hübner, J. 1996. Hummelschweber (Diptera: Bombyliidae) und Dickkopffliegen (Diptera: Conopidae) im Stadtgebiet von Köln. - Decheniana, Beihefte 35: 393-404. Four species of Bombyliidae and 13 species of Conopidae were obtained by sweeping and by using nine Malaise traps in urban and suburban areas of Cologne (Germany). Some earlier records have also been checked. The traps were situated in three gravel pits, two gardens, an undisturbed natural area, on a heath and on industrial wasteland. The importance of parks for the occurrence of species near the town centre is discussed. Zaitzev, V.F., 1998. On the morphology of the pupae of flies of the family Bombyliidae (Diptera): III. - Entomological Review 78(5): 613-619. Cecidomyiidae (galmuggen) Nijveldt, W., 1999. Nieuwe galmuggen voor de Nederlandse fauna (XI) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). - Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam 59(11): 169-170. Rhizomyia fasciata is recorded here as new fo the Netherlands. The larvae of this species are free-living and the adults were reared from fallen cones of spruce. The feeding behaviour is still unknown. Some details on its biology, morphology and distribution are given. Roskam, H., 1999. De entomofauna van berkenkatjes. - Holland's Duinen 34: 61-74. Chironomidae (dansmuggen) Contreras-Lichtenberg, R., & I.I. Kiknadze, 2000. Glyptotendipes ospeli, a new species from the Netherlands (Diptera, Nematocera: Chironomidae). - Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam 60(2): 21-30. The karyotype, larva, pupa and male and female imago of Glyptotendipes ospeli spec. nov. are described from the Netherlands. Saether, O.A., & T. Ekrem, 1999. Molleriella, a new terrestrial orthoclad genus from the Netherlands (Diptera:

Chironomidae). - Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 45(2): 161-168. Molleriella calcarella gen. et sp. n., a terrestrial orthoclad from the Netherlands, is described as male and female image. The genus share bare eyes, hairy wings, setae on squama, extended costa, and R4+5 ending proximal to end of M3+4 with Paraphaenocladius Thienemann. It differs from Paraphaenocladius in lacking dorsomedian eye extension, acrostichals and distinct hind tibial comb and in having very weak tibial spurs. Its phylogenetic position apparently is either in the Heterotrissocladius group of genera or near Heterotanytarsus Sparck. Chloropidae (halmvliegen) Ismay, J.W., 1999. The British and Irish genera of Chloropinae (Dipt., Chloropidae). - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 135: 1-37. A key is given to the genera of the Chloropinae occurring in Britain and Ireland. The species of Camarota, Platycephala, Eurina, Diplotoxa, Eutropha, Epichlorops, Melanum, Thaumatomyia and Chloropsina are discussed. Chlorops scutellaris (Zetterstedt) is added to the Britsh list. Two new species, Chlorops varleyi and C. pulicaria, are described from britain. Culicidae (steekmuggen) Byrne, K., & R.A. Nichols, 1999. Culex pipiens in London Underground tunnels: differentiation between surface and subterranean populations. - Heredity 82(1): 7-15. Genetic variation was quantified between surface-dwelling populations of Culex pipiens and the so-called molestus form found in the London Underground (the Underground) railway system. The molestus form is a commercially important biting nuisance and in the southern part of its range is also a disease vector. The surface and subterranean populations were genetically distinct, with no evidence of gene flow between closely adjacent populations of the different forms, whereas there was little differentiation between the different populations of each form. The substantially reduced heterozygosity in the Underground populations and the allelic composition suggest that colonization of the Underground has occurred once or very few 11 times. Breeding experiments show compatibility between the Underground populations but not with those breeding above ground. There is evidence of greater gene flow and a mixing of molestus and pipiens traits in the south of the species range. This paper considers the processes that may allow establishment of reproductive isolation in the north of the species range but not in the south. Dolichopodidae (slankpootvliegen) Drake, C.M., 1999. Flower-feeding in Ortochile nigrocoerulea Latreille (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(2): 105. Empidoidea excl. Dolichopodidae (dansvliegen) Plant, A.R., 1999. Observations on the distribution, phenology and ecology of Rhamphomyia physoprocta Frey (Diptera, Empididae). - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(1): 53-55. Chvála, M., 1999. Three new Hilara species (Diptera, Empididae) from northwestern Europe. - Studia Dipterologica 6(1): 135-147. Three new species of the genus Hilara are described from north-western Europe: Hilara woodiella spec. nov. from the Netherlands and Belgium, H. gooti spec. nov. from the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, and H. veltmani spec. nov. from the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. Micropezidae (spillebeenvliegen) Goot, V.S. van der, 1999. De steltvlieg Cnodacophora stylata nieuw voor Nederland (Diptera: Micropezidae). - Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam 59(5): 75. Nycteribiidae (vleermuisvliegenvliegen) Kock, D., 1999. Die Fledermausfliegen Bayerns (Diptera: Nycteribiidae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 109(11): 444-447. Based on specimens examined and literature records five species of bat flies are reported from Bavaria, Germany: Nycteribia kolenatii, N.

vexata, Phthiridium biarticulatum, Basilia nana, and Penicillidida monoceros. A record for one species, Nycteribia schmidlii is rejected as not verifiable. Oestridae (horzels) Aartsen, B. van, & Th. Zeegers, 1999. De edelherthorzel Cephenemyia auribarbis gekweekt (Diptera: Oestridae). - Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 9: 109-112. After several failures we finally succeeded in rearing botflies Cephenemyia from third-instar larvae. From a red deer shot at 13 March 1998 about one hundred larvae of Cephenemyia auribarbis (Meigen, 1824) were collected. Ten individuals reached the pupal stage. After 22 days, one fullgrown male died in the pupa, and two males emerged and lived for 17 and 18 days respectively. This is one of the few recorded succesful attempts to rear botflies. Otitidae (prachtvliegen): zie Ulidiidae Periscelididae Papp, L., 1998. Life-habits of the Central European species of Periscelididae (Diptera). - Folia Entomologica Hungarica 59: 115-119. Data on the development of larvae and bionomics of adults of the species Periscelis (Myodris) annulata (Fallén, 1813) and P. (Periscelis) nigra minor, P. (Periscelis) winnertzi Egger, 1862 are given. Notes on collections of periscelidids are also give. Psilidae (wortelvliegen) International Commission for Zoological Nomencalture, 1999. Opinion 1938. Musca rosae Fabricius, 1794 (currently Psila or Chamaepsila rosae; Insecta, Diptera): specific name conserved. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 56(3): 216-217. The name Musca rosae Fabricius, 1794, is conserved in favour of Chamaepsila hennigi Thompson & Pont, 1994. This despite the fact that Musca rosae of Fabricius is precoccupied by Musca rosae De Geer, 1776. Rhinophoridae (pissebedvliegen) Wijnhoven, H., & Th. Zeegers, 1999. Faunistisch overzicht van de Nederlandse pissebedvliegen (Diptera: Rhinophoridae). - Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 9: 113-126. The faunistics of the seven Dutch species of Rhinophoridae are discussed. Of each species a short diagnosis, its distribution in the Netherlands, habitat and phenology are given. The larvae of all Rhinophoridae are endoparasites on woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidae). In a separate paper information on associations with hosts and other ecological information will be discussed. Sarcophagidae (dambordvliegen) Chandler, P.J., 1999. Taxigramma hilarella (Zetterstedt, 1844) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae), a genus and species new to Britain. - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(2): 114-115. Scenopinidae (venstervliegen) Dobson, J.R., 1999. Does Scenopinus fenestralis (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Scenopinidae) breed in beehives. - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(1): 42. Sciomyzidae (slakkendodende vliegen) Foote, B.A., 1998. 1999. Biology and immature stages of snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Tetanocera (Insecta: Diptera: Sciomyzidae). III. Life histories of the predators of aquatic snails. - Annals of Carnegie Museum 68 (3): 151-174. The geographic distribution, life history, and larval feeding habits of ten species of Tetanocera that prey on aquatic pulmonate snails are presented. All species are generalist predators of a broad mix of aquatic pulmonate snails. Differences in phenologies are apparent. Seven species are univoltine, whereas three are multivoltine. Three species overwinter as pupae, one species overwinters as partially grown larvae, and four species pass the winter months as diapausing first-instar larvae within eggs. Stratiomyidae (wapenvliegen) 12

Drees, M., 1999. Zur Waffenfliegenfauna des Raumes Hagen (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 109(4): 133-144. In the years 1993 to 1998, soldier flies were recorded in the region of Hagen (Nordrhein- Westfalen, Germany). 27 species (including Solvinae) were identified. Rearing data are given for Solva marginata, Pachygaster minutissima and P. orbitalis. Chorisops tibialis and Sargus bipunctatus were found in the urbanized area only. In this family, most aquatic larvae seem to be more or less calciphilous; these species occur only locally within the explored area. Syrphidae (zweefvliegen) Azmeh, S., J. Owen, K. Sorensen, D. Grewcock & F. Gilbert, 1998. Mimicry profiles are affected by human-induced habitat changes. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B Biological Sciences 266(1412): 2285-2290. Mimicry theory predicts that mimics in a Batesian mimicry complex evolve to resemble models closely, and that there is a limit on the numbers of mimics relative to models. For hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae), supposed mimics of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), neither of these is true; many mimics are imperfect and in the UK and Europe they outnumber their models manifold. We hypothesized that the high abundance of mimics relative to models in the UK mall be the result not just of mimic-model dynamics, but of habitat changes caused by humans. Most of the larvae of poor mimics are aphidophagous, and changes from ancient forest to agricultural and/or urban habitats may have vastly augmented aphid numbers. Using new and literature data, we compared mimicry profiles of habitats differing in their degree of habitat disturbance. In both cases, more highly disturbed habitats had proportionally more poor mimics and fewer high-fidelity mimics than less disturbed habitats. This supports the hypothesis that habitat change has an effect on model to mimic ratios. Bowie, M.H., G.M. Gurr, Z. Hossain, L.R. Baggen & C.M. Frampton, 1999. Effects of distance from field edge on aphidophagous insects in a wheat crop and observations on trap design and placement. - International Journal of Pest Management 45(1): 69-73. Observations were made in a wheat crop to determine the effects on cereal aphids and their natural enemies of an adjacent crop of flowering canola (Brassica napus L.). More hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) were caught adjacent to the canola than within the wheat crop, and apterous Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were less numerous in the margin than at distances of 64 m or more into the wheat. Large amounts of canola pollen were present in hoverfly guts, especially for insects caught close to, or within, the canola. Earlier tests determined optimal colour, design and position of traps. Yellow traps caught most hoverflies in two six-colour comparisons of water pan traps conducted on grassed areas. In wheat, yellow water pan traps at ground level caught as many hoverflies as did yellow sticky traps laid horizontally on the soil surface or vertically oriented yellow sticky traps placed at either ear height or at soil level. Only water pan traps caught large numbers of hoverfly larvae. Significantly lower numbers of Aphidius spp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) adults were caught on sticky traps placed at ear height within the crop than by other traps. Claussen, C., 1998. Die europäischen Arten der Cheilosia alpina-gruppe (Diptera, Syrphidae). - Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 47(3/4): 381-410. Dussaix, C., 1999. Captures de trois espèces remarquables de Diptères Syrphidae dans le département de la Sarthe (France). - l'entomologiste 55(2): 49-51. The study of the Syrphidae of the département de la Sarthe that was already subject of one earlier publication (Dussaix, 1997) is continued. An additional three remarkable species were collected in 1997. The species involved are Chalcosyrphus eunotus (Loew, 1873), Meligramma cingulata (Egger, 1860) and Psarus abdominalis (Fabricius, 1794). All material was collected and is deposited in my collection. Elmes, G.W., B. Barr, J.A. Thomas & R.T. Clarke, 1999. Extreme host specificity by Microdon mutabilis (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of ants. - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences 266(1418): 447-453. 13

Larvae of the syrphid fly Microdon mutabilis are social parasites which live up to two years, feeding on ant brood in nests of Formica lemani ants. We questioned why M. mutabilis is extremely localized when its host is widespread and abundant. Like endoparasitic diseases, social parasites must penetrate formidable defences before 'infecting' their hosts. This occurs during the egg stage of M. mutabilis: females are sedentary and oviposit at F. lemani nest entrances, which workers treat as part of their nest, leaving the thin-shelled eggs vulnerable to attack for 10-14 days before hatching. We describe experiments which show a strong maternal effect in M. mutabilis. Newlaid eggs had > 95% survival when introduced to the individual ant colony that reared each mother fly or to its close neighbours, but survival declined as a sigmoidal logistic function of distance from the mother nest, with F. lemani colonies from 2 and 30 km away killing 80 and > 99% of eggs, respectively, within 24h. Attacks on eggs also increased in proportion to the delay before introduction to laboratory nests. We suggest that they may be coated with a mimetic chemical disguise that lasts for three to four days after oviposition. The results indicate extreme local adaptation by an M. mutabilis population not simply to one species of host, but to an individual host population and possibly to local strains or family groups within an F. lemani population. This conclusion is discussed in terms of virulence, transmission and coevolution in parasitic diseases. Frank, T., 1999. Density of adult hoverflies (Dipt., Syrphidae) in sown weed strips acid adjacent fields. - Journal of Applied Entomology 123(6): 351-355. In 1992 and 1993, studies examined numbers of adult hoverflies in sown weed strips, adjacent fields and a field boundary in the Swiss plateau, near Bern. Hoverflies were observed quantitatively and were divided according to their larval food. In both years, distinctly more aphidophagous and aquatic hoverflies were observed in the weed strips than in the adjacent fields. Copro- and phytophagous hoverflies were observed in very low numbers acid they were almost entirely confined to the weed strips and the field boundary. The weed strips contained a high density of flowering plants and therefore proved to be very attractive feeding places for all hoverflies. Numbers of aphidophagous hoverflies declined slightly with increasing distance from the weed strips. Possible impacts of weed strips in encouraging aphidophagous hoverflies and their potential as aphid antagonists are discussed. Golding, Y.C., M.S. Sullivan & J.P. Sutherland, 1999. Visits to manipulated flowers by Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae): Partitioning the signals of petals and anthers. - Journal of Insect Behavior 12(1): 39-45. In a number of previous studies attention has been directed to the selection on corolla dimensions by pollinator preference, but anthers may also be a signal. This experiment examined the relative importance of petals and anthers in the attraction of male Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera, Syrphidae) to individual oil-seed rape flowers (Bracus rapae oleifera). Rape flowers have four petals and six anthers. Nine treatments were created, of flowers with four, two, or zero petals and six, three, or zero anthers. Twenty males were tested for preference among the experimental flowers by recording the sequence and duration of their visits (which were all for feeding) to the flowers. The number of first visits and the duration of visits on each flower were significantly related to the number of anthers but not the number of petals. There was no correlation between petal area and pollen load of control powers. It is suggested that Syrphidae may not always attend to petals, and variation in preference of different pollinator taxa should be taken into account when discussing the evolution of floral characters. Halstead, A.J., 1999. A new prey record for Meliscaeva auricollis (Meigen) (Diptera, Syrphidae). - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(1): 21. Han, H.-Y., D.-S. Choi, J.-I. Kim & H.-W. Byun, 1998. A catalog of the Syrphidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Korea. - Insecta Koreana 15: 95-166. We provide a taxonomic catalog of 151 nominal species of the Korean Syrphidae. These are arranged under three subfarnilles, 16 tribes, and 62 genera. Based mostly on varlous faunistie survey reports, we listed any syrphid species with collection records from Korea, but, this time, we did not intend to confirm identifications by the previous workers except for very obvious cases. Therefore, a more cornprehensive collection-based study is needed to confirm the actual Korean occurrence of each 14

species listed in this catalog. [52 Korean species also occur in the Netherlands.] Irvin, N.A., S.D. Wratten, C.M. Frampton, M.H. Bowie, A.M. Evans & N.T. Moar, 1999. The phenology and pollen feeding of three hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) species in Canterbury, New Zealand. - New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26(2): 105-115. The phenology and sex ratios of three hover fly species on Canterbury farmland, New Zealand were recorded weekly from five yellow watertraps from October 15, 1993 to January 31, 1997. Gut fullness, egg number and pollen content were recorded weekly from September 8, 1994 to July 25, 1996. Catches of Melanostoma fasciatum (Macquart) and Melangyna novaezelandiae (Macquart) were higher during the summer months, with maximum male M. fasciatum catches at 0.7 per trap/day in January, 1997. Catches of female Eristalis tenax L. peaked at 0.24 in August, 1994. Gut fullness and egg number in M. novaezelandiae and M. fasciatum were low from June to September, 1995, a pattern opposite to that off E. tenax. For all species combined, gut fullness was significantly higher in gravid females compared with non-gravid females, and males. Thirty-nine different pollen types were recorded from all hover fly classes. Male E. tenax (the largest of the three species) consumed the widest range of pollen in summer and autumn whereas females consumed the widest range in winter and spring, a pattern opposite to that of M. novaezelandiae. The value of the work in possible population enhancement programmes for hover flies in crops is discussed. Kassebeer, C.F., 1999. Zur Kenntnis einiger Gattungen der Chrysogasterini in Marokko (Diptera: Syrphidae). Beiträge zur Schwebfliegenfauna Marokkos, IV. - Entomologische Zeitschrift 109(4): 155-164. A review of the Moroccan species of the genera Chrysogaster Meigen 1803, Melanogaster Rondani 1857, Orthonevra Macquart 1829 and Ripponensia Maibach, Goeldlin & Speight 1994 is given. Six species of these genera are reported of which Melanogaster lindbergi n. sp. and Orthonevra bouazzai n. sp. are described and figured from Middle Atlas Mountains and the female of Orthonevra schachti Claußen 1989 is discovered and described for the first time. Melanogaster nuda (Macquart 1829) and Chrysogaster solstitialis (Fallén 1817) are 15 deleted from the species list of Morocco; Melanogaster aerosa (Loew 1843) and Orthonevra elegans (Wiedemann in Meigen 1822) are questionable for this fauna. Lauterbach, K.-E., 1999. Häufiges Auftreten der Schwarzen Bienenschwebfliege Eristalis pratorum Meigen, 1822 in Ostwestfalen und Nordost-Hessen (Diptera, Syrphidae). - Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der ostwestfälisch-lippischer Entomologen 15(1): 1-14. Elaborate discussion of occurrence of Eristalis pratorum in this area with notes on distribution, identification, variation, sex ratio, flower visiting, etc. Leopold, J., M. Schöne & K. Cölln, 1996. Zur Kenntnis dere Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae) der Stadt Köln und ihrer Randgebiete. - Decheniana Beihefte 35: 433-458. This paper deals with the hoverflies (Syrphidae) of the city Cologne (Germany). Evaluating data from different sources, e.g. Malaise traps, yellow water traps, net collecting, private collecting records and literature data, 141 species could be recorded from the urban region. Three additional species occured in the environs. The recent records of the endangered species Eumerus sabulonum, the newly described Epistrophe flava as well as the rare Cheilosia psilophthalma and Microdon eggeri are worth mentioning. In contrast the last records of Chalcosyrphus femoratus and Eoseristalis alpina were obtained 50 years ago. The results are discussed with respect to factors influencing the species composition. Suggestions for their protection and for biotope management in the city are made. MacLeod, A., 1999. Attraction and retention of Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) at an arable field margin with rich and poor floral resources. - Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 73(3): 237-244. The abundance of a beneficial syrphid species along two strips of an arable field margin with contrasting floral richness were assessed to determine how the strips attracted and retained Episyrphus balteatus, whose larvae are aphidophagous. One margin strip was supplemented by eight species of flowering plants, planted between the hedgerow and the

arable crop. E. balteatus was observed foraging on all eight species at this florally rich strip. A control strip had no additional floral resources other than those naturally present. E. balteatus was significantly more abundant at the rich strip over 21 trapping days. The effectiveness of each strip to retain. E. balteatus was assessed by observing and recording the time spent by paint marked individuals within each strip. The rate of dispersal of E. balteatus from each strip was determined from the percentage of marked individuals remaining in a strip over time. Data from trapping E. balteatus, and from determining their dispersal rates from the strips were used in a simple mathematical expression to show that E. balteatus were attracted into the rich strip more than the control strip on nine study days during the first half of the investigation. E. balteatus dispersed significantly more slowly from the rich strip on nine study days during the second half of the study. Managing hedgerows and fieldmargins to create florally rich habitats to attract and retain E. balteatus is an option farmers can consider if E. balteatus is to be encouraged into fields as part of a system of integrated pest management. Marcos-García, M.A., P.M. Isidro, S. Rojo & C. Pérez-Bañón, 1998. Catálogo y distribución geográfica de los sírfidos iberobaleares (Diptera, Syrphidae). I. - Syrphinae y Microdontinae. - Boletin de la Asociación Espanola de Entomologia 22(3-4): 37-61. A bibliographic compendium of previous reports of syrphid species belonging to the subfamilies Syrphinae and Microdontinae from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands is given. All reports published after Gil Collado's (1930) monograph of Syrphidae, as well as those published earlier but not included there, are grouped. Moreover, unedited reports from the whole studied territory are also included. Names of taxa are conveniently actualised. The present catalogue includes 125 Iberian species, which represent 85% increase of the Spanish known taxa until nowadays. Nielsen, T.R., 1997. The hoverfly genera Anasimyia Schiner, Helophilus Meigen, Parhelophilus Girschner and Sericomyia Meigen in Norway (Diptera, Syrphidae). - Fauna Norvegica, Serie B 44: 107-122. Five Anasimyia, six Helophilus, two Parhelophilus and five Sericomyia species are reported from the Norwegian fauna, with data on ecology, flight periods and distribution in 16 Norway. S. jakutica (Stackelberg), previously only known from East Siberia, has been found in northern Norway and Sweden. The male genitalia of some of the species are figured and key for the Scandinavian Helophilus and Sericomyia species provided. A lectotype has been selected for Syrphus borealis Fallén and Cinxia intermedia Ringdahl. Nielsen, T.R., 1998. Hoverflies (Dipt., Syrphidae) in the arctic Pasvik valley, Norway. - Fauna Norvegica, Serie B 45: 83-92. The Pasvik valley belongs to the westernmost and arctic part of the huge boreo-palaearctic taiga, stretching across Russia towards Finland and Norway. 119 hoverfly species and 31 genera have been found in the area. The arctic fauna is dominated by species with predacious (54%) and saprophagous larvae (32%). Nielsen, Tore H., 1999. Check-list and distribution maps of Norwegian Hoverflies, with description of Platycheirus laskai nov. sp. (Diptera, Syrphidae). - NINA Fagrapport 1-99. Besteladres: NINA, Tungasletta 2, N 7485 TRONDHEIM, Noorwegen. Fax 73 80 14 01. Prijs onbekend. In dit boek op A4-formaat staan verspreidingskaarten en een naamlijst van de 314 Noorse zweefvliegsoorten. De nieuwe soort Platycherus laskai Nielsen, 1999 lijkt op P. albimanus, maar heeft smallere tarsen (alleen mannetje beschreven) en komt in de buurt van P. sticticus. Ze komt ook in Duitsland voor, o.a. in het Schwarzwald. Eristalis arbustorum vind je b.v. op hete plaatsen in het Middellandse Zeegebied. Verbluffend om te zien dat deze soort in heel Noorwegen voorkomt tot de Noordkaap. Dat laatste geldt ook voor Eristalis intricarius, Dasysyrphus venustus en D. tricinctus om wat gewone soorten te noemen. Maar er zijn natuurlijk ook voor NL-begrip uitzonderlijke soorten zoals Eristalis gomojunovae (alleen Noord-Noorwegen) en b.v. niet minder dan 36 Platycheirus-soorten! Een publicatie om aan te schaffen. (VSvdG) Parker, J.B., 1999. Callicera aurata (Rossi) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the Lake District. - Dipterists Digest, Second Series 6(2): 120. Pennington, M.G., 1999. The status of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) in