Overzicht van China activiteiten van de provincie Zuid-Holland. en het Jaarplan 2019

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Overzicht van China activiteiten van de provincie Zuid-Holland en het Jaarplan 2019 1

Inhoudsopgave Inleiding... 2 Strategisch kader China activiteiten... 3 Jaarplan 2019... 5 Bijlagen: 1. Overzicht van de samenwerkingssectoren 2. Summary Province of Zuid-Holland China Activities 2015-2018 3. Analysis of sector and origin of inbound delegations 4. Project overview per company 5. Key activities & events 2

Inleiding De China relaties van de provincie Zuid-Holland De provincie Zuid-Holland heeft een relatie met twee Chinese regio's: de provincie Hebei en Shanghai Pudong. De relatie met Hebei is begonnen in1993 naar aanleiding van een initiatief van de Kamer van Koophandel Haaglanden en is veranderd in een officiële vriendschapsrelatie in 2007. Sinds 2004 heeft de provincie Zuid-Holland een relatie met Shanghai Pudong, gericht op innovatie binnen de economische clusters. Met beide regio s onderhoudt Zuid-Holland een government-to-government relatie die expliciet is gericht op het faciliteren van business-to-business relaties en relaties tussen kennisinstellingen. De samenwerking met de provincie Hebei is in 2016 bekrachtigd door de ondertekening van een Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) voor de periode 2016-2020 en richt zich met name op het gebied van watermanagement en milieu, duurzame ontwikkeling, landbouw en tuinbouw, nieuwe energie en onderwijs. De focus van de samenwerking met Shanghai Pudong is gericht op innovatie, watermanagement, biotechnologie, voedselveiligheid en moderne stedelijke landbouw. In 2016 een een nieuw Memorandum of Understanding met Shanghai afgesloten. In 2018 is met name invulling gegeven aan de samenwerking met Hebei. Dit mede in het licht van de plannen voor de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe stad in deze provincie. Ook de (persoonlijke) banden tussen de bestuurders bieden een goed aanknopingspunt voor nauwe samenwerking. Met Shanghai Pudong zijn de contacten minder intensief; in 2019 willen we in nader overleg met Rotterdam die een intensieve vriendschapsrelatie met Shanghai onderhoudt. In dit document wordt een terugblik gegeven van de belangrijkste activiteiten binnen het China-dossier en wordt ingegaan op de plannen voor 2019. 3

Strategisch kader China activiteiten Economische focus Zuid-Holland heeft voor een strategische aanpak gekozen, waarbij een duidelijke economische focus op een aantal sectoren ligt. In bijlage 1 zijn de verschillende projecten en doelstellingen onder de samenwerkingssectoren verder uitgewerkt. Voorafgaand aan de huidige collegeperiode was de insteek om organisaties te helpen van een intentieverklaring tot een opdracht te komen. Er werden veel intentieverklaringen en MoUs getekend, die in een aantal gevallen tot daadwerkelijke opdrachten voor de individuele organisaties leidden. In de huidige collegeperiode is gekozen voor een aanpak waarbij los van de individuele opdrachten ook ingezet wordt op consortia vorming en samenwerking binnen en tussen sectoren. Het doel is om meerjarige strategische programma s op te zetten, waarbij verschillende bedrijven via een platform kunnen deelnemen in grotere projecten. Provincie Zuid-Holland heeft actief een aantal consortia ondersteund die waren opgezet in het kader van het Partners in International Business programma, een instrument van RVO op de thema s tuinbouw (PIB Horti), bodemsanering (PIB Soil) en duurzame integrale ontwikkeling (PIB Integrated Sustainable Management). Voorbeelden van grotere projecten waar deze consortia in deelnemen zijn een groot glastuinbouwproject in Nanhe van CAU Futong, deelname aan een tender procedure voor de nieuwe superstad Xiongan en de uitrol van een watermanagement systeem na een succesvolle pilot in Taolinkou reservoir. (Zie hieronder voor een uitgebreide samenvatting van alle resultaten en projecten in de afgelopen collegeperiode.) Samenwerking met andere bestuurslagen Bij een dergelijke aanpak past ook een intensieve samenwerking en afstemming met andere overheden. In de vorige collegeperiode werden de reisagenda s al op elkaar afgestemd, in de huidige periode heeft de provincie actief van tevoren strategisch contact op verschillende beleidsniveaus om de plannen met elkaar te integreren. Het Rijk erkent sinds een aantal jaar ook expliciet het belang van de aanwezigheid van provincies en steden in China. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn het gezamenlijk optrekken van Jaap Smit en Mark Rutte tijdens de conferentie in Boao, de aanwezigheid en bijdrage van de directeur Azië van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken bij bijeenkomsten van PZH, alsmede het gezamenlijk optrekken met de ambassade en het ministerie in een casus van een Nederlands bedrijf die een conflict had met een Chinese partner. Zuid-Holland zoekt expliciet de verbinding met partners, zoals InnovationQuarter, de Chinese ambassade, de Nederlandse vertegenwoordigingen in China (consulaat/ ambassade, etc), lokale overheden en de betrokken ministeries. Deelnemers aan de China activiteiten Deze strategische aanpak heeft ook geleid tot een grotere vaste groep aan deelnemers aan de China activiteiten, met name binnen de strategische sectoren waar Zuid-Holland zich op focust. In bijlage 2 is een compleet overzicht te vinden van alle inkomende- en uitgaande delegaties en deelnemers aan de activiteiten. Deze bedrijven verenigen zich ook vaker in consortia. Zuid-Holland heeft een platform gecreëerd waarbij ondernemers uit de regio worden ondersteund in hun China activiteiten. Zo worden zij van informatie voorzien via nieuwsbrieven, een website en informatiebijeenkomsten, worden er inkomende en uitgaande bezoeken en handelsmissies georganiseerd 4

en worden op verzoek van de ondernemers verschillende activiteiten georganiseerd, zoals het arrangeren van afspraken, ondersteuning bij communicatie, etc. Tijdens zijn bezoek aan Zuid-Holland in oktober 2018 stelde bestuurder Ye Dongsong uit Hebei voor om expert teams in te richten van Chinese en Zuid-Hollandse zijde en zo een uitwisseling van kennis te faciliteren. De provincie is voornemens in 2019 een Taskforce op te richten, bestaande uit experts en vertegenwoordigers van bedrijven om deze uitwisseling te initiëren. Ontvangst van delegaties uit China In de afgelopen collegeperiode heeft de provincie Zuid-Holland veel delegaties uit China ontvangen, zie bijlage 3 voor een overzicht van de aantallen en herkomst van de delegaties. Het aantal verzoeken aan de provincie om een delegatie te ontvangen is ongeveer het dubbele van het aantal delegaties dat daadwerkelijk wordt ontvangen op bestuurlijk, dan wel ambtelijk niveau. In verband met de grote belangstelling vanuit China om Zuid-Holland te bezoeken hebben we een protocol opgesteld voor het ontvangen van delegaties waarmee we een afwegingskader hebben om delegaties al dan niet te ontvangen. Hierbij hanteren we de volgende strategische kaders:. Delegaties uit de zusterprovincie Hebei worden in het kader van de samenwerkingsovereenkomst vrijwel altijd ontvangen. Als een delegatie uit een andere Chinese regio komt, dan wordt gekeken of het thema van de delegatie past binnen de strategische thema s die de provincie Zuid-Holland heeft gedefinieerd, zie bijlage 1, en of er vanuit de bedrijven in deze sectoren zelf interesse is om de delegaties te ontvangen. In de huidige collegeperiode heeft Zuid-Holland bijvoorbeeld verschillende delegaties uit de provincie Yunnan ontvangen, aangezien daar veel land- en tuinbouw projecten zijn, waar ook veel Nederlandse partijen actief in zijn. Een andere reden om een delegatie te ontvangen is op expliciet verzoek van bedrijven in de regio, de ambassade of partner organisaties. Voor andere regio s in China geldt dat de provincie Zuid-Holland in sommige gevallen wel delegaties uit die regio ontvangt, maar geen tegenbezoeken plant, de bezoeken aan China zijn voorbehouden aan de zustersteden en de hoofdstad want daar liggen de strategisch relevante contacten. Wel nodigt de provincie andere regio s uit naar evenementen in Beijing of Hebei. Zo zullen bijvoorbeeld relaties uit heel China door de provincie worden uitgenodigd om naar het seminar tijdens de World Horti Expo in Beijing te komen in oktober 2019. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat bedrijven zelf een tegenbezoek brengen aan de regio s buiten de zusterrelaties van de provincie, zoals bijvoorbeeld IGMPR, dat tijdens een meeting met een official uit Kunming bij de provincie Zuid-Holland besloot een tegenbezoek te brengen voor het bespreken van de plannen rond een bloemenpark daar. De algehele trend is wel dat in de afgelopen jaren er meer verzoeken komen voor het ontvangen van Chinese delegaties. Met het protocol dat de provincie heeft opgesteld is een duidelijke lijn bepaald voor het al dan niet ontvangen van delegaties. 5

Jaarplan 2019 Voortzetting strategie Na de provinciale verkiezingen in maart 2019 zal een nieuw college gevormd worden. De provincie is voornemens om de huidige strategie met betrekking tot de China activiteiten voort te zetten. De provinciale China activiteiten zijn gebaseerd op de vraag vanuit het bedrijfsleven en zijn met name gericht op het totstandkomen van relaties tussen bedrijven in Nederland en China. Met de Chinese regio s Hebei en Shanhai Pudong zijn samenwerkingsovereenkomsten gesloten. De samenwerking richt zich vooral op het opbouwen en onderhouden van bestuurlijke netwerken die bedrijven in China en Zuid-Holland toegang verlenen tot elkaars markten. Hiertoe worden Chinese delegaties ontvangen in Zuid-Holland en worden handelsmissies georganiseerd naar China. De ontwikkeling dat bedrijven meer in consortia werken en dat het Midden- en Klein Bedrijf minder vaak individueel aan de slag gaat wordt vanuit de provincie ondersteund en doorgezet in het komende jaar. Ook vanuit het Rijk wordt deze trend onderschreven. Het voorstel is om in oktober 2019 een handelsmissie te organiseren die focust op land- en tuinbouw en duurzame ontwikkeling, in lijn met de strategie. De timing valt samen met de sluitingsceremonie van de World Horti Expo in Yanqing, Beijing. Tijdens deze missie kan een vervolg gegeven worden aan de hierboven genoemde projecten, maar biedt ook mogelijkheden om nieuwe initiatieven te ondersteunen, samen met de partners waar de provincie veel contact heeft in het kader van de Chinese activiteiten, zoals de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), Innovation Quarter, Zuid-Hollandse gemeenten en de relevante ministeries. Voor deze missie zal op een meer intensieve manier met RVO worden samengewerkt; zo zal de voorbereidende informatiebijeenkomst op 21 maart 2019 gezamenlijk met RVO worden georganiseerd. Verder zal een belangrijk element in de China relaties de ontwikkelingen rondom Xiongan zijn. Een bijeenkomst hierover kan gecombineerd worden met de viering van het Chinese nieuwjaar, jaar van het Zwijn, dat komend jaar op maandag 5 februari valt. Verder verwacht de provincie zo n 10 inkomende delegaties te ontvangen in het kader van de vriendschapsrelaties en/of op verzoek van het bedrijfsleven/andere partners. Regelmatig overleg met de strategische partners zal ook worden ingepland rondom de activiteiten die de provincie organiseert. Een chronologisch overzicht van de voorgestelde activiteiten: 5 februari 2019 Chinees Nieuwjaar, start van het jaar van het Zwijn 21 maart 2019 Business Event ter voorbereiding missie en beursdeelname Horti Expo ism RVO april/ mei 2019 Bezoek Hebei Water Department (tbc) april 2019 6

Bezoek Baoding agriculture department & science & technology department (tbc) derde kwartaal 2019 Bezoek Hebei Agriculture Department (tbc) 5-12 oktober 2019 Zuid-Holland missie naar de World Horti Expo in Beijing tweede helft 2019 Bezoek Commerce Department (tbc) Een punt van aandacht is de relatie met Shanghai Pudong. In de afgelopen jaren zijn de relaties wat minder intensief geweest. Ook romdom het flood management project van Deltares lopen ontwikkelingen minder vlot dan gehoopt. In overleg met Rotterdam, dat een goede en intensieve relatie onderhoudt met Shanghai, Deltares en andere partners die actief zijn in Pudong, zullen we nadere afspraken maken over onze samenwerking met Pudong. Zoals hiervoor reeds is genoemd is ook een opkomende trend waar te nemen dat Zuid-Holland meer en meer vragen uit andere Chinese regio s krijgt, met name die regio s die sterk vertegenwoordigd zijn in de strategische sectoren, zoals Yunnan en Shandong. Dit zou pleiten voor een bredere scope in de China activiteiten, waarbij de aandacht zou kunnen verschuiven naar andere relevante regio s. Evenementen in China en Hebei in 2019 De Foreign Affairs Office van Hebei heeft bij de bestuurders van Hebei een voorstel ingediend voor een bezoek aan Zuid-Holland. Hierover is nog geen reactie ontvangen. Een aantal belangrijke evenementen in China in 2019: 29 april - 7 oktober: Beijing 2019 Horti EXPO 20-22 april: Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai 18-20 mei: Langfang International Trade Fair, Hebei 20-23 september: 23rd International Passive House Conference 2019 in Baoding, Hebei 1-7 oktober: Chinese National Day Holiday (dit jaar in het teken van de 70 ste verjaardag van de Volksrepubliek China) 7

Bijlage 1: Overzicht van de samenwerkingssectoren Duurzame ontwikkeling Onder de noemer duurzame ontwikkeling worden watermanagement, milieu en stedelijke ontwikkeling geschaard. Zuid-Holland heeft zich ingezet voor de realisatie van verschillende projecten op deze gebieden. Zo heeft Deltares een mooi watermanagement project in het Taolinkou reservoir in Hebei binnengehaald. Verder is Arcadis bezig met een sponge city opdracht van het Hebei Institute of Water Resources. Ook is een PIB consortium op het gebied van Integrated Sustainable development, bestaande uit Erasmus Universiteit IHS, Wageningen UR, NL Urban Solutions, Priva, Deltares, Eijkelkamp en Tauw, bezig om de Nederlandse integrale aanpak voor gebiedsontwikkeling te promoten in China en in de slipstream opdrachten binnen te halen. Ook ondersteunt de provincie initiatieven van Chinese spelers zoals Elion en de Beijing Construction Group (BCEG) om zich in Nederland te vestigen en te investeren. Xiong an New Area Recente ontwikkelingen die naar verwachting veel impact gaan hebben in Hebei zijn de plannen voor de nieuwe superstad Xiong an, die gaat worden gebouwd om de steden Beijing en Tianjin in de toekomst te ontzien. Veel overheids- en andere publieke functies gaan op termijn verplaatst worden naar deze nieuwe stad, waar nu alleen nog een paar kleine dorpjes staan. Commissaris van de Koning Jaap Smit heeft bij verschillende gelegenheden gesproken met de gouverneur van Hebei, de heer Xu Qin, en deze laatste heeft gevraagd om Nederlandse expertise bij het vormgeven van de nieuwe stad. De provincie is voornemens een taskforce in het leven te roepen om de vragen vanuit Hebei te kunnen stroomlijnen en adequaat te kunnen reageren op mogelijke kansen voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Deze taskforce is er nu nog niet, maar er is wel al een concrete vraag gekomen voor de ontwikkeling van een deel van Xiongan voor de ontwikkeling van een 'Characteristic Town in de dorpen Xiliu-Mazhuang en Guxian in Xiong an New Area. De 'Characteristic town is een belangrijk element in het master plan van Xiong an New Area s urban planning. Vanuit de Foreign Affairs Office in Hebei is er een vastgoedontwikkelaar naar voren geschoven die van deze ontwikkeling een Dutch Characteristic Town moet maken, gebaseerd op de Nederlandse concepten Feeding en Greening Megacities en met geïntegreerde Nederlandse tuinbouw expertise. Land- en tuinbouw In juni 2017 is een land- en tuinbouw MoU getekend tussen Hebei en Zuid-Holland om de high-tech tuinbouw in Hebei te stimuleren, vooral ook om de mid-tech sector met muurkassen (solar greenhouses) te upgraden. Verschillende Nederlandse tuinbouw bedrijven zijn bij dit initiatief betrokken, waaronder Delphy, Hoogendoorn, Ridder Hortimax, Rijkzwaan, Svensson, en de Wageningen UR. Ook worden er regelmatig vanuit Chinese overheden en kennisinstellingen budgetten beschikbaar gesteld om trainingen te laten geven aan Chinese ondernemers door Nederlandse experts. 8

Bijlage 2 Summary Province of Zuid-Holland China Activities 2015-2018 Summary 2015 Inbound delegations In 2015, the Province of Zuid-Holland received seven delegations from Hebei Province, Shanghai and the rest of China. Delegation Sector Time of visit Original from Madam Uyunqimg, Vice-Chair of the 12th Standing Committee of the Chinese Governmental relation April Central government National People's Congress (Requested by VNC and CPAFFC) Hebei Provincial Water Department Water management June Hebei Chinese Embassy in the Netherlands Governmental relation July Central government Chinese Agro-food companies Agri- horticulture July Henan; Jilin Zhejiang Provincial Government (Requested by Chinese Embassy) Governmental relation July Zhejiang Shanghai Pudong Water Bureau Water management September Shanghai Caofei District Government, Tangshan City Port, urban planning December Tangshan, Hebei Outbound delegations In 2015, Mrs. Lenie Dwarshuis represented the Province of Zuid-Holland at the Hebei (Langfang) International Economic & Trade Fair in May, and two working level delegations were been sent to Hebei and in January and November. Delegation Time of visit Places Working visit of China service desk to Hebei 15 th 20 th January Zhangjiakou, Langfang, Shijiazhuang, Hengshui and Handan China (Langfang) International Economic & Trade Fair 17 th 20 th May Langfang Working visit of China service desk to Hebei and Shanghai Pudong End of November Shijiazhuang, Shanghai All contracts Contract name Sector Dutch party Chinese party Date Agreement of the cooperation in the field of water sector between Hebei Province and Province of Zuid-Holland for Water management The Province of Zuid-Holland Hebei Provincial Water Department 26 st October 9

the period of 2016.1 2018.1 contract between ECN and Hebei Lan Meng Environmental Environmental ECN Hebei Lan Meng 20 th May Protection Technology Co., Ltd (Hebei EPB) protection Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd groundwater monitoring contract (Phase II) between Royal Water Royal Eijkelkamp Hebei Provincial Water July Eijkelkamp and Hebei Water Resources Science Institutes management Department Dutch participants Agri--horticulture Delphy, Priva, RedStar, HortiMax, Hoogendoorn, RijkZwaan, PIB Horticulture Water management Deltares, Royal Eijkelkamp, Royal HaskoningDHV, Optiqua, Environmental protection Wuvio, ECN, Education Hogeschool INHolland, Governmental organization Westland Municipality, Delft Municipality, Den Haag Municipality, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Others Applikon, Fokker, VNC, Innovation Quarter, JOMEC, Trion Partners, Bank of China Rotterdam Summary 2016 Inbound delegations In 2016, the Province of Zuid-Holland received eight delegations in total, most delegations were from Hebei Province. Delegation Sector Visiting dates Place of origin Municipality of Cangzhou, Hebei Governmental relations 14 April Cangzhou, Hebei 10

Hebei Provincial Government, Vice-governor Hebei Governmental relations 5 8 May Hebei Hebei Provincial Agricultural Department Agri horticulture 22 24 May Hebei Hebei Provincial Water Department Water management 25 28 May Hebei Government of Shanghai Pudong New Area Governmental relations 12 16 June Shanghai Hebei Agricultural University Education / Horticulture 12 18 June Hebei Hebei Provincial Water Department Water management 27 29 October Hebei Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce (Requested by Chinese Embassy) Investment 5 December Yunnan Province Outbound delegations The Province of Zuid-Holland organized two outbound missions to China in 2016. The first was in the end of April, a working level visit from Zuid-Holland to Hebei, in combination with the opening ceremony of the Tangshan Horticulture EXPO. In the last week of September, a big trade mission led by the King s Commissioner Jaap Smit and Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra travelled to Beijing, Hebei and Shanghai. Delegation Visiting dates Destinations Working visit of the Province of Zuid-Holland to Hebei and join the opening 25 30 April Shijiazhuang, Tangshan ceremony of the Tangshan Horticulture EXPO 2016 Trade mission of the Province of Zuid-Holland to China 2016 Last week September Beijing, Langfang, Baoding, Tangshan, Shijiahzuang, Dezhou, Shanghai All contracts Contract name Sector Dutch party Chinese party Date Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Governmental The Province of Zuid- Hebei Province 7 May Zuid-Holland and Hebei Province for the period of 2016-2020 relation Holland Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Governmental The Province of Zuid- Shanghai Pudong New Area 15 June Zuid-Holland and Shanghai Pudong New Area for the period of 2016-2019 relation Holland business cooperation between Dutch St. Anne Food B.V. and Beijing Quanjude Group to open a Quanjude Peking Agro-food St. Anne Food B.V. Beijing Quanjude Group 25 September 11

Duck Restaurant in Leiden Greenhouse management contract between Delphy and Agri--horticulture Delphy B.V. Laudriz 26 September Laudriz (Fanfan Farm) Dutch Windwheel business intention with the Beijing Construction Group Cooperation MOU between Witteveen+bos and Elion Resources Group Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN) agreement with Hebei Zhengyun Environmental Technology Co., Ltd (HZE) Business intention between InnovationQuarter and Beijing Wing Chong Ju Fu Technology Co, Ltd PIB Horticulture business seminar in Hebei Agricultural University PIB Soil business seminar in Tangshan about the concept of Sponge City MOU between InnovationQuarter + Gemeente Westland and Dutch-Sino Agriculture Cooperation Forum Cooperation MOU between Gemeente Westland and Dezhou Municipality Dutch greenhouse builder Dalsem project in Dezhou with local partners Haofeng and CNBM Further cooperation between INHolland Hogeschool and Hebei Agriculturural University Business intention between Verhoeve Milieu en water and Yuhuan Environmental Remediation Further cooperation between Royal Eijkelkamp and Hebei Provincial Water Department Further cooperation between Royal HaskoningDHV and Caofeidian New Area Sustainable development Dutch Windwheel Beijing Construction Group 26 September Sustainable Witteveen+bos Elion Resources Group 26 September development Environment ECN Hebei Zhengyun 26 September Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Business InnovationQuarter Beijing Wing Chong Ju Fu 26 September development Technology Co, Ltd Agri--horticulture PIB Horticulture Hebei Agricultural University 27 September Sustainable PIB Soil Hebei Urban Housing 27 September development Department Agri--horticulture InnovationQuarter Dutch-Sino Agriculture 27 September Gemeente Westland Cooperation Forum Governmental Gemeente Westland Dezhou Municipality 28 September relation Agri--horticulture Dalsem Qingdao Haofeng and CNBM 28 September Education Horticulture INHolland Hogeschool Hebei Agriculturural University 28 September Environment Verhoeve Milieu en Yuhuan Environmental 28 September water Remediation Water management Royal Eijkelkamp Hebei Provincial Water 28 September Department Sustainable Royal HaskoningDHV Caofeidian New Area 28 September development MOU between Jomec International and Cangzhou Bohai Port management Jomec International Cangzhou Bohai New Area 29 September 12

New Area Administrative Administrative Intention cooperation between Dalsem and Hengshui Agri--horticulture Dalsem Hengshui Municipality 29 September Municipality Business intention between Deltares and Eijkelkamp with Sustainable Deltares Environment Management 30 September Environment Management Bureau of Shanghai Pudong New Area development Eijkelkamp Bureau of Shanghai Pudong New Area The tulip event of IGMPR in Dafeng County Agri--horticulture IGMPR Dafeng County 1 October Dutch Participants Agri horticulture Water management Environmental protection Sustainable development Education Governmental organizations Others Aviko, Delphy, Priva, HortiMax, Hoogendoorn, RijkZwaan, Dalsem, Deleeuw Flowerbulb Group, Boal Systems, Ludvigsvensson, IGMPR, Urban Farmers, Van der Kamp International, RedStar Deltares, Royal Eijkelkamp, Arcadis ECN, Verhoeve, Tauw, Boskalis, Wuvio Dutch Windwheel Cooperation, Royal HaskoningDHV, SPiE, Witteveen & Bos, East & West Urban Consultancy, Kuiper Compagnons, MLA+, NL Urban Solutions Hogeschool INHolland, WUR, IHS, Lentiz Westland Municipality, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RIVM, Innovation Quarter RCRO, JOMEC, Trion Partners, St. Anny Food Holland, IHC, TNO, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Huawei, Vecom Marine, E-Vest, Bank of China Rotterdam, Amroux-Logistics, Hendrik Veder Group B.V., ENN, Across logistics, Museum Prinsenhof Summary 2017 Inbound delegations In 2017, Province of Zuid-Holland received 13 delegations in total, 4 delegations were from Hebei Province. Delegation Sector Visiting dates Place of origin Shanghai Jing an District Delegation Governmental relations 24 May Shanghai Yunnan Provincial Delegation Agri horticulture 28 May Yunnan Province Shanghai Pudong Water & Environment Delegation Water management 19 June Shanghai Pudong 13

Shanghai Construction & Transportation Institute (SURCTD) Urban planning 19 June Shanghai Hebei Provincial Water Department Water management 5 7 July Hebei Hebei Provincial Agriculture Department Agri horticulture 2 5 September Hebei Hebei Provincial Delegation Governmental relations 17 19 September Hebei Shanghai Pudong New Area Delegation Governmental relations 17 20 September Shanghai Pudong Hebei Provincial Water Department Water management 17 20 September Hebei Nanhe County Delegation Agri horticulture 17 21 September Xingtai, Hebei Chinese National People s Congress Delegation Governmental relations 27 September Central government Beijing Yanqing District Delegation Agri horticulture 6 November Beijing Elion Resources Group Delegation Sustainable development 7 December Beijing Outbound delegations In order to celebrate the 10 th anniversary friendship relation between Province of Zuid-Holland and Hebei, the King s Commissioner Jaap Smit paid a visit to China in the beginning of June with a business delegation. Delegation Visiting dates Destinations Working visit of China Service Desk to China in February 8 15 February Shanghai, Beijing, Shijiazhuang King s Commissioner mission of the Province of Zuid-Holland to China 2017 4 8 June Beijing, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang Working visit of China Service Desk to China in August 13 18 August Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Kunming All contracts Contract name Sector Dutch party Chinese party Date Sponge city project between Inbo and ZTE Urban planning Inbo ZTE 7 June Agreement of the cooperation in the field of agriculture Agri horticulture Province of Zuid- Hebei Provincial Agriculture 8 June sector between Hebei Province and Province of Zuid- Holland for the period of 2017 2020 Holland Department Key Technological Research on Hydrological Forecasting Water management Deltares Taolinkou Reservoir Authority, 17 September and Reservoir Optimization of Taolinkou Reservoir between Deltares and Hebei Water Resources Research Institute of Hebei Province The Cooperation Agreement of Key Technology Research Water management ARCADIS Runheng Group, 17 September 14

on Sponge City Development and Water Environmental Management between Hebei and South Holland Province Water Resources Research Institute of Hebei Province Dutch Participants Agri horticulture Delphy, Ridder / HortiMax, Hoogendoorn, RijkZwaan, IGMPR, WUR, Batenburg, Ludvig Svensson, Debets Schalke, Anthura, Floristconf, GreenChain B.V., Van Egmond Lisianthus, Interplant Licensing, Van Zanten Breeding, Floritec Trading, Boon&Breg, International Airfreight Associates, De Ruiter Innovations, CODEMA, Tropical Seeds, Hortus Supplies International, Certhon, Martinstolze, TTA, Willem Dirk Peeters, CAIQTEST EUROPE B.V., Bercomex, Agri-Agency Agriterra, Viscon Group Water management Deltares, Arcadis Sustainable development Dutch Windwheel Cooperation, Springtide Strategy, Inbo, NL Urban Solutions, IHS, Royal Eijkelkamp, PIB Urban Integrated Governmental organizations Others Westland Municipality, InnovationQuarter, Lansingerland Municipality, Foreign Affairs Ministry, RVO, VNG, Den Haag Municipality, Rotterdam Municipality, VNC Summary 2018 Inbound delegations In 2018, Province of Zuid-Holland received and arranged governmental visits for 23 Chinese delegations. All of them were in the fields of governmental relation, agrihorticulture and urban (water) sustainability. 8 of them were from Hebei Province. Delegation Sector Visiting dates Place of origin CAU Futong Agri-horticulture 12 March China Agriculture University, Beijing Langfang Municipality Governmental relation 19 March Hebei Party secretary of Qinhuangdao City Governmental relation 6 April Hebei 15

Yancheng Municipality Agri-horticulture 4 June Jiangsu Province Hebei Water Department Water management 11 June Hebei P Jiangsu Agriculture Department Agri-horticulture 22 June Jiangsu Province Chinese Ambassador to World Horti Center Agri-horticulture 30 August China Vice-governor Jilin Province Agri-horticulture 4 September Jilin Province Party Secretary of Dezhou City Governmental relation 7 September Shandong Province Hong Kong Government + local growers Agri-horticulture 10 September Hong Kong S.A.R Zhangjiakou Municipality Governmental relation 17 September Hebei Chairman Hebei CPPCC Governmental relation 8 October Hebei Chairman Elion Resources Group Investment 9 October Beijing Yunnan Agriculture Department Agri-horticulture 12 October Yunnan Province Hebei Water Knowledge Institute Water management 19 October Hebei Liaoning Agriculture Department Agri-horticulture 22 October Liaoning Province Hebei Agriculture Department Agri-horticulture 22 October Hebei Party secretary of Kunming City Governmental relation 26 October Yunnan Province Hainan training Governmental training 22 November Hainan Province Wuhan Dong Xi Hu District Water management 4 December Hubei Province Shijiazhuang Municipality Governmental relation 10 December Hebei Vice-governor of Ningxia Water management 21 December Ningxia H.A.R Weifang Municipality Urban planning 21 December Shandong Province Outbound delegations Province of Zuid-Holland had two successful official missions to China in 2018. In April, invited by Chinese Government, Mr. Smit joined the Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan Province. Together with Prime-minister Mark Rutte, Mr. Smit had a meeting with Hebei Governor Xu Qin. Province of Zuid-Holland was the only provincial administration officially invited by the organizer outside Asia. As the Guest Province with Honor, Province of Zuid-Holland organized its annual economic & trade mission to China, Beijng and Hebei, from 13 till 19 May. 55 representatives from businesses and knowledge institutes joined the mission, lead by two vice-governors Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra and Mrs. Jeannette Baljeu. Delegation Visiting dates Destinations King s Commissioner mission to Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan Province 9 12 April Hainan, Guangzhou Province of Zuid-Holland annual economic & trade mission to China 13 19 May Beijing, Hebei 16

All contracts Contract name Sector Dutch party Chinese party Date Investment Agreement between Genscript and InnovationQuarter Investment InnovationQuarter Genscript 13 May Bio-tech Cooperation MOU between Alphen and Langfang Governmental relation Alphen aan den Rijn Langfang Municipality 17 May Cooperation MOU between Lansingerland and Xingtai Governmental relation Lansingerland Xingtai Municipality 15 May Cooperation Agreement between Hoogendoorn and CAU Futong Agri-horticulture Hoogendoorn CAU Futong 15 May about Nanhe Project Cooperation Agreement between CODEMA and CAU Futong Agri-horticulture CODEMA CAU Futong 15 May about Nanhe Project Flower garden project MOU between IGMPR and local real estate Agri-horticulture IGMPR Long An Tai 17 May developer Long An Tai Employee training program between Lentiz and CAU Futong Agri-horticulture Lentiz CAU Futong 4 July Dutch characteristic town urban planning project in Xiongan New Urban planning NL Urban Solutions Yi Bo Group December Area Share purchase agreement between Verhoeve and Elion Group Soil remediation Verhoeve Elion Resources Group October Ecological Park design project between Deltares and Elion Group in Dong Xi Hu Lake, Wuhan Water management Deltares Elion Resources Group December Dutch Participants Agri horticulture Codema Systems Group; Dutch Greenhouse Delta; Greenport Westland-Oostland; Lentiz Education Group; Ludvigsvensson; Ridder / Hortimax; Hoogendoorn; INHolland Hogeschool; Delphy; IGMPR; Dutch Sino Agri Exchange; RijkZwaan; Metazet; Viscon; Priva; Anthura; Axia Seeds; World Horti Center; TomatoWorld; WUR; Aviko; Cathay Tulip Association Water management / Urban sustainability Fabrications; Arcadis; BEAR-iD; Deltares; LDE Center for Sustainability; NL Urban Solutions; Verhoeve Milieu & Water; Wuvio Chemicals International; IHS; Royal Eijkelkamp; PIB Urban Integrated Governmental organizations Others Westland Municipality, InnovationQuarter, Lansingerland Municipality, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Alphen aan den Rijn, RVO, Capelle aan den IJssel, NFIA, Dutch CG in Guangzhou, Embassy in Beijing VNC; Jomec; NiHaoHelan; Fokker Elmo 17

Bijlage 3 Analysis of sector and origin of inbound delegations 10 8 6 4 2 0 All inbound delegations 2015-2018 summary by Topics 2015 2016 2017 2018 Governmental relation Agri-horticulture Water management Others All inbound delegations 2015-2018 summary by original provinces Overview Projects and Company 2015-2018 Zuid-Holland Province China activities Hebei 21 Beijing 8 Shanghai 6 Yunnan 4 Jiangsu 2 Shandong 2 Henan 1 Zhejiang 1 Hong Kong 1 Hainan 1 Hubei 1 Liaoning 18 1 Ningxia 1

Bijlage 4 Project overview per company Dutch company Chinese company Project / Issue Status Support from PZH Royal Eijkelkamp Hebei Water Groundwater monitoring project in Hutuo Done / paid Initiated contact, and coordinated with Hebei Provincial Resources River (Phase II) Water Department in the follow up stage Science Institutes ECN Hebei Lan Meng Air quality control system (pm 2.5) in Done / paid Initiated contact, followed up during 2015 Langfang Environmental Lingshou County International Trade Fair and the visit of Hebei Vice- Protection governor in May 2016 Technology Delphy Sun-yard Modern Delphy (GreenQ) helped to design this agro Done / paid Initiated contact, followed up during PZH Mission October Agriculture Park park in Yongqing County and involved in the 2014, 2015 Langfang International Trade Fair and other management in the first stage occasions Fanfan Farm Delphy (GreenQ) made the master plan of Done / paid Initiated contact, followed up during PZH Mission October Fanfan Farm in Sanhe County, provided 2016 and 2018 Langfang International Trade Fair consultancy service during the construction period, and provided growing assistance until end of 2018. Several grower training courses have been conducted in the greenhouse. CAU Futong Delphy is discussing the possibility to provide Ongoing China service desk resume the contact between Delphy training service to CAU Futong both in China and CAU Futong in December 2018. A follow up meeting and the Netherlands in 2019 has been organized by Delphy in January 2019 Deltares Shanghai Pudong Deltares designed the urban flood alarm Phase I Initiated contact, PZH and China service desk helped to Hydrology Bureau model / system for the certain area of project has coordinate between two sides in the past a few years. Shanghai Pudong (Phase I) completed / paid Taolinkou Deltares and Taolinkou Reservoir Undergoing Initiated contact, and provided 15,000 EUR seeds budget Reservoir Administration is working on a joint key / paid for Deltares in the beginning of the project Administration technological research on hydrological During the coordination period, PZH actively promoted forecasting and reservoir optimization of Deltares at several occasions 19

Taolinkou Reservoir Elion Resources Group Elion Resources Group invited Deltares to make the water planning for his ecological park project in Dong Xi Hu Lake Area in Wuhan city. Elion has accepted the proposal of Deltares INHolland Hebei Agriculture INHolland and HAU made the agreement for Hoogeschool University 2+2 joint bachelor course in 2014. Lentiz CAU Futong Lentiz provided a three-month training course for 4 persons from CAU Futong from September to December 2018 in World Horti Center Verhoeve Elion Resources Elion Resources Group purchased 70% Group shares of Verhoeve Milieu & Water, which the value is 2.8 million EUR Yuhuan Yuhuan is the service provider of Hebei Environment Environmental Protection Department for the soil remediation project. Yuhuan has intention to apply the technologies from Verhoeve for certain project in Hebei Dalsem Qingdao Haofeng Dalsem provided the package service for a 7 CNBM ha. (Phase I) Dutch style glass greenhouse in Dezhou, Shandong Province IGMPR Dafeng Flower IGMPR provided a package service for local Park developer of this flower park project, from the Contract is King s Commissioner Jaap Smit received local in progress / governmental delegation from Dong Xi Hu District, partly paid together with representatives from Deltares in December 2018 Undergoing Initiated contact, Vice-governor Adri Bom-Lemstra visited HAU, together with representatives from INHolland in September 2016 and May 2018. A governmental letter from PZH has been sent to HAU after the visit of 2018, in order to provide the governmental support Done / paid China service desk initiated contact during the PZH Mission May 2018. Done / paid Province of Zuid-Holland actively support this business case in the past a few years by several ways. The signing ceremony of the contract was organized in the Provinciehuis. Mr. Smit and Chinese Ambassador Wu Ken joined the event. In progress Initiated contact during the PZH Mission September 2016. PZH coordinated the visit of Chairman Hebei CPPCC to Verhoeve in October 2018. Done / paid Vice-governor Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra paid a visit to Dezhou in September 2016, together with Municipality Westland. Province of Zuid-Holland received Party Secretary of Dezhou in September 2018 in The Hague. Done / paid Requested by IGMPR, Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra paid a visit to Dafeng in September 2016 20

beginning design till the park management Requested by IGMPR, Mr. Smit had a courtesy call with local officials from Dafeng in Shanghai in June 2017 Requested by IGMPR, Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra received a governmental delegation from Dafeng in June 2019 Kunming Kunming City Government is going to develop In progress Initiated contact, Province of Zuid-Holland invited IGMPR Municipality a botanical garden. give a presentation to the Party Secretary of Kunming during the visit of Kunming delegation to the Netherlands in September 2018 Anthura Yunnan Government Anthura has two issues regarding their business in Yunnan. The first is the land contract with the local government in Songming County (Kunming City), and the other is the protection of intellectual property. Arcadis Hebei Water Arcadis and Hebei Water Resources Science Resources Institutes has the agreement on the sponge Science Institutes city project in Hebei. The first project about the renovation of the office building of Hebei Water Department is under design. Hoogendoorn CAU Futong Hoogendoorn is one of the main subcontractors of CAU Futong s glass greenhouse project in Nanhe County, Hebei 21 In progress Undergoing / paid Phase I project has completed / paid Vice-governor of Yunnan who is responsible for the agriculture visited Zuid-Holland in May 2017. Province of Zuid-Holland invited the representative of Anthura joined the courtesy call. The intellectual property issue has been officially raised to Chinese government during the meeting China service desk paid a working visit to Kunming in August 2018. A letter from Anthura to the Director-general of Yunnan Agricultural Department has been forwarded during the meeting. During the visit of the Party Secretary of Kunming in September 2018, PZH coordinated the visit of the delegation to the HQ office of Anthura in Bleiswijk. Province of Zuid-Holland provided the governmental supports during the Mission to Hebei in June 2017, the inbound visit of Hebei Water in September 2017 and PZH Mission to Hebei in May 2018. Province of Zuid-Holland actively promoted this project to the Government of Hebei at several occasions. Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra visited the project together with local governmental officials in May 2018. Province of Zuid- Holland also supported the new cooperation agreement between Hoogendoorn and Futong during the visit of May

2018. Codema CAU Futong Codema is one of the main sub-contractors of CAU Futong s glass greenhouse project in Nanhe County, Hebei NL Urban Yi Bo Group Coordinated by Hebei Foreign Affairs Office, Solutions Yi Bo Group was invited to build up a Dutch characteristic town in the area of Xiongan. Dutch architectural design companies were invited by Yi Bo to join the project Fabrications Xiongan Fabrications participated the public tender of Administration the urban planning competition of the starting area of Xiongan. PIB Integrated Xiongan Members in PIB Integrated Urban Solutions, Urban Solutions Administration WUR and Deltares submitted the public tender of a wetland treatment project in Xiongan. Aviko SnowValley Aviko and his Chinese business partner SnowValley established a JV in Zhangjiakou, Hebei in 2014. There was a cooperation issue; the Dutch Embassy in Beijing asked governmental support together from the Province of Zuid- Holland. Museum Jiangxi Provincial Museum Prinsenhof would like to invite the Prinsenhof Government Governor of Jiangxi Province to join the 22 Phase I project has completed / paid Contract signed / partly paid Failed in the first round selection Failed in the first round selection Done / Aviko and SnowValley reached a deal to stop cooperation in the end of 2018 Done Province of Zuid-Holland actively promoted this project to the Government of Hebei at several occasions. Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra visited the project together with local governmental officials in May 2018. Zuid-Holland also supported the new cooperation agreement between Codema and Futong during that visit. Province of Zuid-Holland forwarded this project message to a group of Dutch companies. NL Urban Solutions took the initiative to coordinate with Yi Bo, and Province of Zuid-Holland provided the necessary governmental support during the coordination. Province of Zuid-Holland sent a recommendation letter to the Xiongan Administration Province of Zuid-Holland sent a recommendation letter to the Xiongan Administration Province of Zuid-Holland had an intensive coordination with Zhangjiakou Municipality, Hebei Foreign Affairs Office, Hebei Commerce Department and Hebei Agriculture Department. The Governor of Hebei was also involved. In the end of September, a high-level delegation from Zhangjiakou was invited by Province of Zuid-Holland to the Netherlands. Several constructive meetings have been setup with Province of Zuid-Holland and Royal Cosun (mother company of Aviko). Province of Zuid-Holland delivered the invitation letter to the Governor of Jiangxi, in the name of Mr. Smit

opening ceremony of Verboden porselein Exhibition in 2017 PIB Horti Shouguang Dutch Sino Solar Greenhouse Trial Project in Done In April 2017, the research Chinese solar greenhouse was Consortium Vegetable Group Bleiswijk opened in Bleiswijk by Jaap Smit and the Commercial Counselor of the Chinese embassy, Mr. Zhang Guosheng Royal Caofeidian Caofeidian Eco-city delayed payment Done / Within the friendship relation between PZH and Hebei, HaskoningDHV Administration Complete Province of Zuid-Holland keeps supporting DHV to get the paid last payment. 23

Bijlage 5: Key activities & events Province of Zuid-Holland China Activities Newsletter & Chinese Website Province of Zuid-Holland started to send newsletters about the China activities to relevant contacts since 2014. The aim of the China newsletter is to keep close communication with Dutch businesses and important contacts. Until the end of December, there are 233 contacts in the database of the China newsletter. In September 2016, Province of Zuid-Holland opened her Chinese website under the general website of www.zuid-holland.nl. The Chinese website could let Chinese relations of Zuid-Holland to know about general info of Zuid-Holland, latest events and news in a better way. 24

Key events in 2015 Chinese Agro-food companies visit the Province of Zuid-Holland In order to facilitate the agriculture cooperation between the Netherlands and China, Bank of China Rotterdam Branch organized an Agro-Food Matchmaking Event in July in the Netherlands. Around 60 Chinese SME agricultural companies were invited. The agri- horticulture sector has been considered as a fundamental sector within the Dutch Sino cooperation. The Province of Zuid-Holland fully supported this initiative from the Bank of China. In the morning of July 8th, the Province hosted a reception to welcome the Chinese companies that were participating in the Agro-Food Matchmaking Event. King s Commissioner Mr. Jaap Smit attended, together with the Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands H.E. Mr. Chen Xu, and Mayor of Westland Municipality Mr. Sjaak van der Tak. 25

Zuid-Holland delegation at the 2015 Hebei (Langfang) International Trade Fair On behalf of the Province of Zuid-Holland, Mrs. Lenie Dwarshuis, former Vice-governor of the Province and envoy of the King's Commissioner, attended the 2015 China (Langfang) International Trade Fair with several Dutch companies. The purpose of the Province of Zuid-Holland to visit Langfang was to strengthen the governmental relation with the top leaders from Hebei Province and to discuss a new Memorandum of Cooperation between Zuid-Holland and Hebei. 26

Key events in 2016 Province of Zuid-Holland Delegation joined the Opening Ceremony of 2016 Tangshan Horti EXPO From 24 to 30 April, a working level group head by Mr. Ron van der Helm, the Deputy Secretary-general of the Province of Zuid-Holland, paid a visit to Shijiazhuang and Tangshan of Hebei Province. The main purpose of this trip was to attend the opening ceremony of 2016 Tangshan Horticulture EXPO on 28 April. On 28 April, together with PIB Horticulture, the Province of Zuid-Holland organized a workshop in Tangshan in combination with the 2016 Tangshan Horticulture EXPO. With a small, but dedicated number of participants, all companies that participated in the workshop were genuinely interested to learn about the advantages of Dutch horticulture. Our special guest was professor Wang Liping from the Agriculture Department of the Hebei Engineering University. She gave a presentation on the different styles of Chinese greenhouses. Afterwards, a lively discussion between PIB members, the audience and professor Wang started. In the morning of the 29th, the delegation was also invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Tangshan 2016 Horticulture EXPO, together with the Dutch Ambassador in China, Mr. Ron Keller, and the Agricultural Counsellor, Martin Olde Monnikhof. 27

The Province of Zuid-Holland has extended its cooperation MOU with Hebei Province and with Shanghai Pudong for the period of 2016-2020 Zuid-Holland received two high-level governmental delegations from both Hebei and Shanghai Pudong in the last period to renew its cooperation agreements for the period 2016-2020. Mr. Zhang Jiehui, Vice-Governor of Hebei, paid a visit to the Netherlands with a delegation from 5 to 8 May. The delegation was received by Mr. Jaap Smit, the King s Commissioner of Zuid-Holland, and by the deputy ambassador of China in the Netherlands, Mr. Ribiao Chen in Oud Poelgeest castle on May 6th. The cooperation agreement between Zuid-Holland and Shanghai Pudong was renewed on Tuesday, June 14th by Jaap Smit and Mr. Tang, chairman of the NPC in Pudong. "Companies and research institutions have really benefited from the collaboration. As a province, we support such cooperation" said Smit. 28

Province Zuid-Holland Annual Mission to China in September 2016 From the 25th of September until the 1st of October, the Province of Zuid-Holland organized a successful trade mission to China. The aim of the mission, led by King s Commissioner Mr. Jaap Smit and Vice-governor Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra, was to strengthen the governmental relationships between the Province of Zuid-Holland and Hebei Province and Shanghai Pudong New Area, as well as to stimulate Dutch economic activity from and in China, mainly in the field of horticulture, environmental protection, urban development and water management. During the period of the visit, Minister Schultz of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment travelled to China as well. Through close coordination between the province and the ministry, the programs were adjusted to one another, which offered a broad choice for companies. Some of the highlights of the mission include the company visits to Huawei Beijing Research Center and BCEG Environmental Remediation Co., Ltd. (BCEER), a network reception at the residence of the Dutch Ambassador, the governmental talks with the Government of Hebei and Shanghai Pudong, a horticulture roadshow to a Dutch style greenhouse project in Sanhe County, a horticulture seminar at the Hebei Agricultural University a visit to the city of Dezhou in Shandong Province, a visit to the Sunqiao Agricultural Park. Mr. Jaap Smit had a valuable discussion with the governor of Hebei Mr. Zhang Qingwei and Vice-governors Mr. Wang Xiaoding and Mr. Zhang Jiehui. Also in the courtesy call with Shanghai Pudong, Mr. Jaap Smit and the Mayor Weng Zuliang reviewed the co-operation in recent years and they made plans for future cooperation. Nine agreements were signed during the mission, and many more business leads were generated. The majority of the participating companies were highly satisfied with the content and organization of the program. 29


Key events in 2017 Opening Chinese Solar Greenhouse Bleiswijk On April 12th, King s Commissioner Jaap Smit and the Commercial Counselor of the Chinese embassy, Mr. Zhang Guosheng, officially opened the Chinese-style solar greenhouse at Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse Horticulture, next to Delphy Improvement Centre in Bleiswijk (NL). This solar greenhouse, equipped with high standard technology, simulates the (climate) conditions of a typical Chinese greenhouse in China. Research will enable Dutch suppliers to align their technology with Chinese conditions. This provides Chinese growers the opportunity to increase their crop quality and yields. This project was set up by Partners in International Business (PIB), a group of leading Dutch horticultural companies and knowledge institutes that are active in the Chinese market. The project aims on strengthening the position of its members (Delphy, Hoogendoorn Growth Management, Ludvig- Svensson, Ridder Drive Systems, Hortimax, and Wageningen UR) in China by promoting their technology and demonstrating the advantages of using this technology and knowledge in China s current horticulture sector. The project is funded by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland and Metropool Regio Rotterdam Den Haag. 31

Yunnan Provincial Agricultural Promotion Meeting in Zuid-Holland Yunnan Province, which is located in the Southwest of China organized a provincial level agricultural delegation to the Netherlands from 27-30 May at the invitation of Province of Zuid-Holland. A promotion meeting about the local agri- and horticulture sector co-hosted in The Hague in the afternoon of 29 May 2017. Yunnan is the most important province Nationwide in the field of flower production. Yunnan province accounts for around 60% of China s total cut fl ower production. Many Dutch horticultural companies have invested in fl ower related projects and businesses in this region. This delegation consisting of 40 provincial policy makers and local entrepreneurs, is the largest ever outbound mission in the field of agri-horticulture from Yunnan Province. 32

Province Zuid-Holland to China in June 2017 On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the sister relationship between the Province of Zuid-Holland and Hebei Province, the Province of Zuid-Holland organized a special trade delegation to China from 4 to 9 June 2017. King s commissioner Mr. Jaap Smit, and Westland Mayor Mr. Sjaak van der Tak led this delegation. During the same period the Rotterdam Mayor Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb travelled to Shanghai as well. Province Zuid-Holland and Rotterdam city jointly attend several activities. Much attention was paid to current important developments, such as the Chinese One Belt, One Road strategy and the formation of a new megacity in Hebei. The horticultural industry played a large role as well, and a horticultural delegation led by Mayor Van der Tak was there to give support. With Rotterdam Mayor Aboutaleb, Province of Zuid-Holland was able to show Shanghai and Beijing how important our companies could be for China, among other things in the field of integral water management and sustainable urban development. The demand for Dutch knowledge and expertise in these areas is great, as is the interest in investments by Chinese companies in Zuid-Holland, as became clear during a promotional event by Innovation Quarter, attended by around 200 Chinese guests. 33

Dutch-Sino Sistercity Conference On the 18th of September, the Dutch-Sino Sistercity Conference officially kicked-off at the Marriot Hotel in The Hague with 22 Chinese delegations, 18 Dutch delegations and in total nearly 400 participants coming together to celebrate the 45th anniversary of ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations between The Netherlands and China, the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Association Netherlands -China (VNC) and 10th anniversary of sister-province relationship between Province of Zuid-Holland and Hebei Province. King s Commissioner in Zuid-Holland Mr. Jaap Smit, together with the President of China-EU Association Madame Uyunqimg, Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Joke Brandt, Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Wu Ken, President of VNC Mr. Henk Kool, Vice-President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) Mr. Song Jingwu delivered the key-note speeches. Mr. Jaap Smit said that he believes the local governmental relationships between China and the Netherlands will be further strengthened through this conference, and he encouraged both sides to work together in order to resolve challenging global issues that the two countries both face today. The Province of Zuid-Holland believes the success of this conference will lead to a sustainable relationship with our Chinese counterparts and we will obtain a brighter future through our mutual effort. 34

China Business Week 2017 opening in The Hague In the presence of over 80 interested Dutch entrepreneurs from various sectors and a number of Chinese delegations, the 4th edition of the China Business Week opened in the Zuid-Holland Province Hall in The Hague on 6 November. The China Business Week is an annual business roadshow event, organized by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). During the roadshow, the Dutch Economic Government Network in China comes to the Netherlands to connect with local companies that are interested in doing business with China. King s Commissioner Mr. Jaap Smit, together with Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Wu Ken delivered the opening speeches. Mr. Jaap Smit said that the cooperation between China and the Netherlands brings many opportunities. The cooperation can contribute to global societal challenges, in particular for climate change, global food security and sustainable urban development. The Netherlands can contribute to Chinese challenges in the field of urban development, water management, agriand horticulture and both countries should work on a strategic long-term cooperation plan in order to shape the ties between our countries. 35

Multinational Chinese company Elion Resources Group establishes European presence On Thursday 7 December 2017, at an official signing ceremony at the Provinciehuis of Zuid-Holland, in the presence of the King s Commissioner to the Province of Zuid-Holland, Mr. Jaap Smit, the Chinese ambassador to The Netherlands, Mr. Wu Ken, and the founder and owner of China Elion Group, Mr. Wang Wenbiao, the China Elion Group signed three agreements to establish their European presence in The Netherlands, and Europe. After the opening speeches by the host, King's commissioner Mr. Jaap Smit, and honorable guests, ambassador Mr. Wu Ken and Elion's chairman Mr. Wang Wenbiao, the ceremony progressed into the signing of the three agreements. Two agreements were signed with existing Dutch companies. A merger and acquisition agreement with Verhoeve Milieu & Water and a strategic cooperation agreement with Nautilus Eco Solutions. 36

Key events in 2018 Jaap Smit s Mission to the Boao Forum for Asia A small delegation from Zuid-Holland, consisting of King s Commissioner Jaap Smit, strategic advisor Leo Zegwaard and Shaw Qin, director of Dutch Sino Business Promotions, attended the Boao Forum for Asia. On April 9th, Mr. Smit had a Courtesy call with Hebei Governor Xu Qin. During the meeting, Mr. Smit told Mr. Xu that, based on the experiences and expertise, Dutch companies can offer assistance in the fields of water / sustainable development and agri-horticulture. And he handed over a proposition paper in Chinese to Xu Qin. This paper and the willingness of Zuid-Holland Province to help with the further development of Xiongan was well received by Xu Qin and his colleagues. On the 10th of April, Mr. Smit joined the opening event of the BFA as a member of the Dutch National Delegation. In the event, President Xi Jinping declared that China will keep the reform and open-up policy, and open its door further to international business. Afterwards, Mr. Smit had a second meeting with Xu Qin, this time with prime-minister Mark Rutte. The meeting was short, but very constructive. Rutte expressed his support to the Provincie Zuid-Holland-Hebei Friendship Relation. He said that he would like to be updated about the progress and achievements of the PZH-Hebei relation in the future. After the courtesy call, mr. Smit joined the TV Program Chinese Urbanization with four other Chinese / international politicians, businessmen and researchers. Mr. Smit promoted the Dutch way / concept of feeding the mega city (relation between rural area and city), and urban planning of the smart city. He mentioned the relation between Hebei and Zuid-Holland, and promoted to the national audiences that a group of Dutch urban companies and knowledge institutes have excellent experiences and skills to participate in the urbanization plans in Xiongan as well as in the rest of China. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of open, green and rural areas in nearby cities. A livable city integrates the feeding and greening aspect into the city planning. 37


Zuid-Holland Economic & Trade Mission to Beijing and Hebei in May Province of Zuid-Holland organized annual economic & trade mission to China, Beijng and Hebei, from 13 till 19 May. 55 representatives from businesses and knowledge institutes joined the mission, lead by two vice-governors Mrs. Adri Bom-Lemstra and Mrs. Jeannette Baljeu. The highlight among all the wonderful events was the opening of Zuid-Holland Pavilion in the Langfang Trade Fair. As the Guest Province with Honor, Hebei Province designed and built a wonderful Pavilion with some key Dutch and Zuid-Holland culture elements. Apart from the Zuid-Holland Pavilion in Langfang, the delegation was also impressed by the visit to Xiongan New Area. Thanks for the efficient organization by Hebei Foreign Affairs Office, Province of Zuid-Holland was very proud to be the very first foreign delegation to enter the Xiongan New Area, invited by Hebei Provincial Government. 39


Visit of Chairman Hebei CPPCC to the Netherlands Mr. Ye Dongsong, Chairman of Hebei CPPCC, paid an official visit to Zuid-Holland from 8 to 11 October as a return visit after the Province of Zuid-Holland Mission to Hebei in May 2018. From a political perspective, Mr. Ye is the highest official from Hebei to visit Zuid-Holland in the past decade. In the afternoon of 8 October, King s Commissioner Jaap Smit hosted a governmental talk with the delegation in the office building of the Province, and an official welcome banquet was hosted in the evening of that day. Chinese Ambassador Wu Ken and Mr. Peter Potman, Director Asia and Oceania at Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry, joined the dinner banquet. During the talk at the meeting, Mr. Smit reviewed the key successful achievements of the two provinces in the past decade. He also emphasized that, within the friendship relation between the two provinces, Province of Zuid-Holland would like to have an even closer cooperation with Hebei in the topics of the development of Xiongan New Area, Jing-Jin-Ji Integrated Development and the 2022 Winter Olympics. Regarding the Xiongan New Area Development, Mr. Smit proposed that with the influence of the Province of Zuid-Holland in the Netherlands, we could setup a Dutch Expert & Entrepreneur Consultative Committee for Xiongan New Area, to share Dutch management and governance experiences and expertise in order to stimulate the green development of Xiongan and Hebei. 41