ETS 4.1 Beveiliging & ETS app concept

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ETS 4.1 Beveiliging & ETS app concept 7 juni 2012 KNX Professionals bijeenkomst Nieuwegein Annemieke van Dorland KNX trainingscentrum ABB Ede (in collaboration with KNX Association) 12/06/12 Folie 1

ETS 4.1 Beveiliging & ETS App concept Agenda 1. Introductie 2. ETS 4 - beveiliging Overzicht van beveiligingsfuncties in ETS 4. ETS 4.1 new ETS App concept Wat, waarom en hoe ETS Apps van de KNX Association paar voorbeelden en live demos van andere aanbieders KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 2, May 12 Folie 2

Beveiligingsfuncties in ETS - overzicht Project Gebruik een wachtwoord Hou programmering, tekeningen, mails en afspraken bij elkaar voeg ze toe aan het project Database (MS SQL) Database maintenance (change, store, backup) Database storage (path, central repository) Laten we eens kijken in ETS zelf KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 3, May 12 Folie 3

Beveiligingsfuncties in ETS gebruik een wachtwoord Beveilig de programmering met een wachtwoord. Ook na oplevering zinvol bijv: bij opvragen ww door klant vervalt garantie op programmering. KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 4, May 12 Folie 4

Beveiligingsfuncties in ETS hou projectbestanden bij elkaar - Sla bestanden samen met het project op (bijv. Handleidingen, tekeningen) met bijpassende omschrijving - Alle bestanden worden meegenomen bij het exporteren of herimporteren van het project in ETS KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 5, May 12 Folie 5

Beveiligingsfuncties in ETS database - Maak een backup van projecten. Ook bij het doorvoeren van belangrijke wijzigingen in het project of updates van software. KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 6, May 12 Folie 6

Beveiligingsfuncties in ETS database Database - Central database repository (usage by several users possible, however never simultaneously) KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 7, May 12 Folie 7

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept What is an ETS App? An ETS App is a piece of software that can be imported (or installed ) in the ETS4 environment and is available as extra functionality after installation. Compared to ETS plug in software, ETS Apps can for instance create an entire project structure. ETS App Plug In Project related Product related KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 8, May 12 Folie 8

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept why - overview The Problem! New views.. New enhanced tools.. New functions.. The size of ETS increases! KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control 12/06/12 Slide 9, May 12 Folie 9

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept the solution Better would be! A kind of library! New views.. New enhanced tools.. New functions.. KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1210, May 12 Folie 10

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept why - detailed KNX has a one tool approach ETS is tool for anyone wishing to design & commission KNX From beginner to expert Advantage : all functionality on-board. Disadvantage : users may be confronted with functionality they do not really need Confuse them (too complex, entry barrier for simple KNX projects) Therefore Offer possibility to extend general (basic) ETS functionality for experts/needs for specific projects Allow other approaches to project design depending on needs of manufacturer, market or region however keeping ETS as the central download engine KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1211, May 12 Folie 11

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept What ETS Apps are available? KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1212, May 12 Folie 12

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept What ETS Apps are coming? - MooV n Group (Newron Systems) Graphical room control App for ETS4 from 490,- - Project Reconstruction (IT GmbH) - 450,- KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1213, May 12 Folie 13

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept adding App functionality the theory ETS APPs, available from 25th of May in the KNX Online Shop!... Three steps to experience your Wow effect! 1. Download APP and license (price depends on extent of functionality) 2. Install the ETS APP 3. Start the ETS APP 4. Experience your Wow effect ETS App KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1214, May 12 Folie 14

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept how How about licensing? KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1215, May 12 Folie 15

ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept adding App functionality in practice (1) 1 Select Menu ETS Apps in Settings in Dashboard and press install 2 Select ETS App file you have downloaded from the KNX online shop (*) (*) PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME OF THE APP SOFTWARE EXTENSIONS ARE ALREADY SHIPPED WITH THE ETS 4 SOFTWARE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE EXTRA INSTALLED KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1216, May 12 Folie 16

3 ETS 4.1 the ETS Apps concept adding App functionality in practice (2) Get license from KNX Online shop and press Licensing button in Settings in ETS Dashboard and click Add 4 App is shown as licensed in Settings ETS Apps ETS App can be called via the menu Extras or functionality is accessible if part of ETS 4 software installment KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1217, May 12 Folie 17

Learn some more ABB KNX trainingscentrum Geïnteresseerd in training bij ABB in Ede? Kijk op > trainingsoverzicht voor het aanbod! KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for home & building control Slide 12/06/1218, May 12 Folie 18

National Group Luxemburg Thank you for your attention! 12/06/12 Folie 19