Krachtig omgaan met conflicten op je werk

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1 Op 4 en 5 maart 2014 geeft Joseph P. Folger PhD, in samenwerking met de Denktank Transformatieve Mediators Nederland en het Centrum voor Conflicthantering, de training Krachtig omgaan met conflicten op je werk Joseph P. Folger is Professor of Adult and Organizational Development aan de Temple University, Philadelphia PA USA en is mede- oprichter van the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation ( Samen met Robert A. Baruch Bush is hij de auteur van The Promise of Mediation. In dit boek beschrijven Folger en Bush een unieke benadering van omgaan met conflicten. Deze benadering is sinds de verschijning van het boek onderwerp van vele studies en heeft bij onder meer het Amerikaanse US Postal Services en Capital District Health Authority in Canada tot aanzienlijke verbeteringen in de werksituatie geleid. Sinds kort wordt de benadering ook in Europa succesvol toegepast bij Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London (Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital, St Mary's Hospital en Western Eye Hospital). Moeilijke mensen We communiceren de hele dag. Toch leidt dit niet altijd tot een positief resultaat. Wat zou het mooi zijn als we in de communicatie met anderen altijd begrepen worden en ons doel bereiken. Dat meningsverschillen geen breekpunt zijn; eerder uitdagingen om met respect voor elkaar een stap verder te komen. Onmogelijk? Nee. Toch ontmoet je vast wel eens iemand met wie de communicatie moeizaam verloopt. Is diegene ook nog eens een collega, iemand aan wie je leiding geeft of een klant, dan kan dit leiden tot een vervelende en onwerkbare situatie. Grip kwijt In een professionele relatie die wordt verstoord door slechte communicatie, verdwijnen gaandeweg alle mogelijkheden om nog productief met elkaar samen te werken. Kijk je daarbij eerlijk naar je eigen gedrag, dan zie je dat dit er ook niet beter op wordt. Je weet dat het anders moet, maar het lukt niet meer om goed op de ander te reageren. De kans bestaat dat je de grip op de situatie kwijtraakt. Destructief gedrag Zo ontstaat een negatieve communicatiespiraal: het beeld dat je van elkaar hebt wordt steeds negatiever en je staat niet meer open voor de persoonlijke situatie van de ander. Zo n negatieve spiraal kan gemakkelijk uitmonden in een vergaand conflict waarin wantrouwen en woede de boventoon voeren. Niets kan de ander meer goed doen en gedachten over elkaar worden steeds destructiever. Krachtige communicatie Gedrag van anderen kun je niet bepalen. Toch zijn er technieken die je helpen om, onafhankelijk daarvan, effectief met een conflict om te gaan en grip op de situatie te houden. In de training Krachtig omgaan met conflicten op je werk leer je om je eigen communicatie te transformeren van een reactieve naar een proactieve stijl. Deze verandering begint met het leren herkennen van je eigen basishouding in een conflict. Herken je deze basishouding, dan ontdek je ook het moment in een conflict waarop je negatief gedrag begint te vertonen. Deze ontdekking is het begin van de oplossing: nu ontstaat de mogelijkheid om bewust te kiezen voor de manier waarop je het conflict aangaat. Je leert strategieën die je helpen om de negatieve communicatiespiraal tijdig om te buigen naar een meer productieve en constructieve interactie. En dat is winst: na de training ben je ook in lastige professionele relaties beter in staat om vanuit je eigen kracht doordachte keuzes te maken en weloverwogen beslissingen te nemen.

2 Het programma* Dag 1 9:30-12:30 Waarom juist op het werk moeilijke situaties ontstaan De transformatieve benadering van conflicten - Destructieve en constructieve conflictcycli - Verschuivingen in conflictinteractie door empowerment (zelfvertrouwen) & recognition (open staan voor het perspectief van de ander) - Het beëindigen van werkrelaties op een professionele manier 13:30-17:00 Praktische strategieën om met conflicten om te gaan - Het herkennen van en omgaan met je eigen zwaktes en zelfingenomenheid - Strategieën voor het bereiken van een evenwicht tussen je eigen belang en dat van de ander. Dag 2 09:30-12:30 Effectief omgaan met conflicten: productief en constructief communiceren bij een conflict Het herkennen van een evenwichtige interactie: hoe zie je wanneer je dit bereikt hebt? 13:30-17:00 Interventie van derden in conflicten op de werkplek - Transformative Mediation & het US Postal Service Program: resultaten van onderzoek naar het succes van de transformatieve werkwijze in organisaties - Teamontwikkeling volgens het transformatieve model Het programma bestaat uit theorie en praktische oefeningen, zoals rollenspellen. De trainer spreekt Engels. De locatie* De training vindt plaats in Villa Jongerius ( Villa Jongerius is een rijksmonument met internationale allure en een exotische uitstraling. De villa is in de jaren 30 is gebouwd door de ondernemer Jan Jongerius. Na een grondige renovatie in 2013 vertelt de villa nu het verhaal van de familie die in het huis heeft gewoond. Jan Jongerius haalde zijn inspiratie uit Amerika. Hij reisde er naar toe om de Ford fabrieken te bezichtigen en na terugkomst liet hij in 1938 de oude hovenierswoning aan het Merwedekanaal slopen om plaats te maken voor het bijzondere complex dat er nu nog staat. Op vind je een documentaire over de villa. Villa Jongerius ligt op 12 minuten lopen van Utrecht CS en heeft 70 gratis parkeerplaatsen. Inschrijven De training kost 495 euro, exclusief BTW en inclusief lunch op beide dagen. Schrijf je nu in voor de training via Er is plaats voor 25 personen. Bij inschrijving is het volledige cursusgeld verschuldigd. Na inschrijving ontvang je een factuur hiervoor. Graag tot ziens op 4 en 5 maart! Met vriendelijke groet, Anja Bekink * Onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen

3 C.V. JOSEPH P. FOLGER Ph.D. Education Northwestern University Evanston IL The University of Wisconsin Madison WI B.S. Communication, 1973 M.A. Communication, 1974 Ph.D. Communication, 1978 Educational Positions 2004 to present Coordinator: Adult and Organizational Development, Program/College of Education, Temple University 2002 to present Full Professor, Adult and Organizational Development, Temple University/Psychological Studies in Education Special Assistant to the Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Education, Temple University Instructor: Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine School of Law, Malibu CA Professor, Dept. of Communication Sciences, Temple University Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, School of Communications and Theater, Temple University Chair & Associate Professor, Dept. of Rhetoric and Communication, Temple University Assistant Professor, Dept of Communication Studies, The University of Michigan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Communication Cleveland State University Grants Administrative support grant of $400,000 from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for the operational costs of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Inc., at Hofstra U. Law School, Research grant of $122,400 from the Florida Office of State Court Administrators (through the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation) for a benchmarking study of court- annexed mediation programs in the state of Florida, Research grant of $350,000 from the William and Flora Hewlett and Surdna Foundations for the development of mediation models, training assessment and policy evaluation, (with R. Bush, Hofstra University Law School). Research grant of $300,000 from the William and Flora Hewlett and the Surdna Foundations for the design and assessment of new models of mediation training, (with R.Bush, Hofstra University Law School). Temple University Grants in Aid research award, ($5,000) Temple University Research Incentive Fund award, ($5,000) Research grant of $5,000 to study dispute resolution needs for the Superior Court of Burlington County NJ, Research grant of $16,000 National Institute for Dispute Resolution for the study of dispute resolution procedures in higher education Publications Books/Edited Volumes Transformative Mediation:A Sourcebook; Resources for Conflict Intervention Practitioners and Programs. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A.Baruch Bush, & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups and Organizations. Joseph P. Folger, M.S. Poole and R.K. Stutman NY: Longman/Pearson, 7 th Edition The Promise of Mediation (New and Revised Edition). R.A.B. Bush & Joseph P.Folger. San Francisco CA: Jossey Bass, (Translated into Russian, German and Italian, Swedish, and Slovenian) Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within a Transformative Framework. Joseph P. Folger & R.A. B Bush (Eds.) The Institute For the Study of Conflict Transformation, NY: NY, New Directions in Mediation: CommunicationResearch and Perspectives. Joseph P. Folger & T. S. Jones (Eds.) Newbury Park CA: Sage, Communication, Conflict and Dispute Resolution Linda Putnam and Joseph P. Folger (Eds.) Special issue of Communication Research, 15:4, 1988.

4 Articles/Book Chapters (From 1996) Mediation and Social Justice: Risks and Opportunities Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Volume 27, 1, pp.1-52, Transformative Mediation: Theoretical Foundations. Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger. In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook. Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.), Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Transformative Mediation: Core Practices. Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger. In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook, Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.). Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Transformative Mediation and the Courts. Joseph P. Folger. In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook, Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.). Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, A Transformative Orientation to Team Development Work. Joseph P. Folger. In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook, Joseph P. Folger, Robert Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.). Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Transformative Practice in Ethno- Political Conflict: An Emerging Initiative. Joseph P. Folger and Robert A. Baruch Bush In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook, Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.). Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, The Development of Transformative Mediation: Past Challenges and Future Prospects. Joseph P. Folger and Robert A. Baruch Bush. In Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook, Joseph P. Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush & Dorothy Della Noce (Eds.). Association for Conflict Resolution and The Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Harmony and Transformative Mediation Practice: Sustaining Ideological Difference in Purpose and Practice. Joseph P. Folger North Dakota Law Review, 84:3, , Transformativ mekling: Bevaring av meklingens unike potensiale uavhengig av konflikttype. Joseph P. Folger Kart Og Plan (Bergen Norway) 4: , October La Mediacion Transformativa: Preservacion Del Potencial Unico De La Mediacion En Situaciones De Disputas Joseph P.Folger Revista De Mediacion, (Madrid, Spain) 1:2, 6-16, October La Mediacion Tranformativa: La Preservacion del Potencial Propio de la Mediacion en Escenarios de Disputas. Joseph P. Folger Revista del Consejo Del Estado (Santiago Chile) No.18, March "A Response to Gaynier's "Transformative Mediation: In Search of a Theory of Practice." Joseph P. Folger Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol 22, No. 4, Fall "A Note on Mixing Transformative and Facilitative Practice." Joseph P. Folger Pennsylvania Council of Mediators Newsletter, Winter/Spring "Mediation Goes Mainstream Taking the Conference Theme Challenge." Joseph P. Folger. Pepperdine University Dispute Resolution Law Journal Vol 3, No 1, "Assimilative, Autonomous or Synergistic Visions and Decisions: How Mediation Programs in Florida Address the Dilemma of Court Connection." D. DellaNoce, Joseph P. Folger and James Antes. Pepperdine University Dispute Resolution Law Journal, Vol 3, No. 1, "Clarifying the Theoretical Underpinnings of Mediation: Implications for Practice and Policy." D. DellaNoce, R. A. Baruch Bush & Joseph P. Folger. Pepperdine University Dispute Resolution Law Journal Vol 3, No. 1, Mediation Research: Studying Transformative Effects. Joseph P. Folger, Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal, Vol 18, No. 2, Transforming Conflict Interactions in the Workplace: Documented Effects of the USPS REDRESS Program, Joseph P. Folger, J. Antes and D.DellaNoce, Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal Vol 18, No. 2, Who Owns What in Mediation? Seeing the Link Between Content and Process. Joseph P. Folger. In Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice Within a Transformative Framework, J Folger and R.B. Bush (Eds.) Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, NY, Developing Transformative Training: A View from the Inside R.B. Bush & Joseph P. Folger. In Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training And Practice within a Transformative Framework, J. Folger & R. B. Bush, (Eds.) Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, NY, Myths and Misconceptions about the Transformative Framework. D. DellaNoce, R.B. Bush, and Joseph P. Folger. In Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within a Transformative Framework. J. Folger & R.B. Bush (Eds.) Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, NY, 2001.

5 Evaluating Evaluation in Ethnic Conflict Resolution: Themes from and Commentary on the Haverford/Bryn Mawr Conference, Joseph P. Folger. In M.H. Ross & J. Rothman (Eds.) Theory and Practice in Ethnic Conflict Management: Conceptualizing Success and Failure. New York:MacMillan, Tips for Successful Collaborators, Joseph P. Folger. Community Alert, 4:8, Oct/Nov Transformative Mediation and third Party Intervention: The Hallmarks of A Transformative Practitioner, Joseph P. Folger and R.A.B. Bush. Mediation Quarterly, Fall Major Presentations From 2000) Keynote address at the second annual congress on transformative mediation, Historical Trends of Mediation Practice and the Transformative Revoluion, Rome Italy, June 10, 2013 Presentation and Training on Transformative Mediation: Transformative Mediation: Purpose Drives Practice, Instituto de Mediacao e Arbitragem do Brasil, May 10-15, The Application of Transformative Mediation Presentation given to the Canadian Association of Alternative Justice Association, Montreal Canada, October. 25 th Keynote address at the Ukrainian Mediation Conference Modern Practice of Mediation: Types, Techniques and Approaches, Odessa, Ukraine; September 21 st, Keynote address on Transformative Mediation: Core Principles & Practice at the Congreso Mundial de MediacionVII; Bello Horizonte, Brazil August 26, The Application of Transformative Mediation Presentation given to the Association of Alternative Justice, Montreal Canada, October Transformative Mediation: Purpose and Practice Training delivered for QUADRA, Milan Italy, October, Mediation: Issues and Challenges. Presentation at the International Conference on Models of Mediation Practice: Types, Techniques and Approaches. Odessa Ukraine, September, Mediation: Transformative Purpose and Practice Keynote address at VIII Congresso Mundial De Mediacao, Bella Horizonte, Brazil August, Transformative Intervention: Sustaining the Purpose Behind Practice Keynote Address International Transformative Mediation Conference, Ljubljana Slovenia, Nov 11, Transformative Mediation: Principles, Scope, and Social Impact Keynote presentation at the VI Congreso Mundial de Mediación, Salta Argentina, Sept. 28, Transformative Mediation: A Sourcebook. Panel presentation at the Association for Conflict Resolution Conference, Chicago Il, September 2, Transformative Mediation Practice. Presentation to community and court mediation practitioners, São Paulo Brazil, July 14, Master Class in Mediation Practice, Hofstra University Law School, May Purpose Driving Practice: The Ideological Foundations of Conflict Intervention Practice. Keynote address: Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan Conference, Saskatoon Canada, May The Promise of Mediation. Keynote address to the Swedish Forum for Mediation Conference, Stockholm Sweden, April, How Conflict Theory Shapes Conflict Practice. Presentation to the Swedish Forum for Mediation Conference, Stockholm Sweden, April Understanding the Ideological Foundations of Conflict Intervention Practice. Address delivered at the Gothenburg University Program in Dispute Resolution, Gothenburg Sweden, April Empowerment and Recognition: The Contribution of Mediation for Addressing Social Conflicts. Keynote address delivered at the University of Florence Conference, Beyond Fear: Mediation and the Constructive Management of Social Conflict Between Local Communities and Security Police. Florence, Italy, November The Evolution of Transformative Mediation. Keynote address at the U.K. College of Mediator s Conference, London England, July Conflict, Culture and Context. Presentation delivered at the Camden Mediation Center, London England, July The Disciplinary Roots of Conflict Intervention: How Should Theory Shape Our Practice? Keynote address presented at the International Undergraduate Conference at James Madison University, April 15, Purpose Drives Practice: The Ideological Foundations of Third Party Practice. Guest Lecturer SMU Graduate Program in Dispute Resolution, March 21-22, Conversations on Team Development: Experiences with the Relationally Based Model. Presentation at the Third International Conference on Transformative Mediation, Santa Barbara CA, August 25, 2008.

6 Transformation, Justice and Peace: Going to the Heat with Hard Questions about Hard Choices. Plenary presentation at the Third International Conference on Transformative Mediation, Santa Barbara CA, August 26, Surprised by Transformation: The Relational Worldview in Our Popular Culture. Plenary presentation at the Third International Conference on Transformative Mediation, Santa Barbara CA, August 26, Rethinking Conflict: A Master Class on Popular Culture and the Relational Orientation to Life Delivered at the Transformative Practice Institute, Hofstra University Law School (with R. A. B. Bush) May Ideological Foundations of Third Party Practice Presentation at the Program in Dispute Resolution, University of Copenhagen Law School, Copenhagen Denmark, April 26, The Disciplinary Roots of Conflict: How Should Theory Shape Our Practice? Keynote address delivered to the Texas Association of Mediators Conference, Galveston Texas, February 29, 2008 Transformative Mediation A keynote address presented to the III Congreso Mundial de Mediación, Valparíso Chile, October Ideological Foundations of Third Party Practice One day presentation delivered at three universities in Sweden (University of Lulea, University of Uppsala, University of Gothenberg) May 9-11, El modelo transformativo para la práctica de la mediación. Una intervención pronunciada al Congresso Internacional de Mediación, Sevilla Espana, May Concepts and Models of Mediation. Keynote presentation at the Federal Association of Mediators International Conference, Granada Spain, November Weaving Theory and Practice in the Conflict Field: Insights from a Personal Journey. Delivered at the Association of Conflict Resolution Conference, Philadelphia PA October The Goals and Potential Impacts of Transformative Mediation. Keynote Address delivered to the World Mediation Congress, Hermosillo Mexico November 26, "The Development of Transformative Mediation: Implications for Ethno- political Conflict Intervention." Paper presented to the Berghof Foundation Seminar: Theories of Social Change and Their Contribution to the Practice of Conflict Transformation, Berlin Germany, Sept "Transformative Mediation: Purpose Driving Practice." A presentation to the University of Copenhagen Law School Conflict Program, Copenhagen, Denmark. August, "Transformative Mediation: Current Practice" Presentation to the MEKON (Norwegian Mediator's Association) Oslo Norway, August "Beyond Mediator Style Transformative Practice Ten Years in the Making." Keynote address delivered to the Mediation UK national training conference, University of Warwick, Coventry England, March "Understanding Differences in the Profession: Worldviews and Mediation Practice." Presentation to the Association of Conflict Resolution Conference Sacramento CA, October, "Transformative Mediation: Theory and Practice." Presentation to the University of Copenhagen's Graduate Program in Conflict Resolution, Copenhagen Denmark, August, "Conflict in Everyday Life: The Transformative Perspective." Presentation to the Universal Forum of Cultures International Conference, Barcelona Spain, June "Transformative Mediation and Its Growth." Keynote presentation delivered at the Levin College of Law's (University of Florida) symposium on mediation. January "Mediation: The Challenge of Moral Development Through Dialogue." The James LaPaglia Memorial Lecture, Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University, December Mediation Goes Mainstream: A Closer Look. Keynote address delivered at the Southern California Mediator s Association Pepperdine University, Nov Making a Living at Mediation? Keynote address delivered at the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators conference, Somerset NJ, Oct Critical Issues in Mediation. Keynote address delivered at the Delaware Federation for Dispute Resolution, Wilmington DE, Oct Critical Issues in Mediation. Keynote address delivered to the Pennsylvania Mediator s Association, Aston PA April, 2001 Meeting the Challenge of Transformative Practice. Keynote Address delivered at the Mediators Institute of Ireland Conference, Clifton Ireland, November Pictures of Practice: Transformative Mediation. Presentation to the Iowa Association of Dispute Resolution, April The Relational Ideology of Transformative Practice. Presentation to the Antioch University Master s Program in Conflict Resolution, Feb 2000.

7 Honors and Awards Lindback Award for Outstanding Teaching a university wide competition for excellence in teaching at Temple University. Awarded Spring, 2007 Peacebuilder of the Year Award, New York State Dispute Resolution Association. May 9, The James Paglia Lecture, Dept of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA December International Association for Conflict Management s Book of the Year Award 1995) for The Promise of Mediation (co- authored with R.A.B. Bush). Center for Public Resources Legal Program competition for written work which advances understanding and practice in alternative dispute resolution honorable mention to Working Through Conflict, Speech Communication Association s Dissertation of the Year Award, Academic Service Editorial Service Editorial Associate: Journal of Applied Communication Research, ; Human Communication Research, Guest Editor for: Communication Research, Communication Theory International Journal of Conflict Management, Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, Southern States Communication Journal. Book/Manuscript reviewer for: Sage Publication, Wadsworth Publishers, Harper Collins Publisher, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Published Book Reviews Intimates in Conflict (D. Cahn), Journal of Communication, Communication and Negotiation (L. Putnam & M. Roloff), International Journal of Conflict Management, Talking Voices (D. Tannen), Language and Society, Communication and Group Decision- Making (R. Hirokawa & M.S. Poole), Quarterly Journal of Speech, Professional Service Advisory Board Member of the International Journal on Conflict Engagement and Resolution, present. Scientific Committee Advisory Member of the joint Masters program in Conflict Resolution at the Universities of Florence and Pisa, present. External Program Reviewer for the Master Degree in Dispute Resolution at Nova Southeastern University, Ft Lauderdale Fl. January 2009 Co- Chair: The First National Conference on Transformative Mediation "Looking Back, Looking Forward: Ten Years After the Promise of Mediation" Philadelphia PA Nov Conducted mediation trainings and assisted with the development of mediation services at Swarthmore College, Faculty Advisor: Temple University s Conflict Education Resource Team, University Counseling Service present. Designed Employee Mediation Program for the United States Postal Service EEOC Redress Program, Advisory Board: National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution Program Chair: 1993 National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution. Directed Rhetoric and Communication s Eighth Annual Discourse Conference, Conflict Intervention: Perspectives on Process. Temple University Assisted with the development of the Comprehensive Justice Center, Burlington County Superior Court, Mt. Holly, NJ Advisory Board Member, Ann Arbor Mediation Center,

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