It takes three to tango: introductie comfortmeter

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1 It takes three to tango: introductie comfortmeter Alexandra Boot, Lara Muller & Johan Coolen Boot Advocaten, Corio & Factor4BE

2 It takes three to Tango INTRODUCTIE COMFORTMETER 31 maart maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 2

3 Een nieuw paradigma Real Estate company IMPACT 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 3

4 Kostenbesparing EN waarde creatie Planet, Profit EN People Energie, kosten en comfort Eigenaar, Esco-partij EN eindgebruiker It takes three to tango! 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 4

5 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 5

6 The Belgian EPC-contract for public authorities contents General Factor4 European EPC projects EPC in an nutshell New Belgian EPC-contract General concept Optimisation of maintenance Optimisation of comfort Conclusion 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 6

7 Guaranteed profit Plus+ projects Guaranteed profit with energy efficiency Higher productivity Comfortmeter surveys Comfort measurement campaigns Comfort measures Independent advice Development of smartepc (first EPC-contract in Belgium) EPC facilitator Measurement & verification of energy savings 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 7

8 General Project Objective Pilot EPC projects Transparense Increasing professionalism and transparency of ESCo industry, including EPC Code of Conduct city of Ghent EESI 2020 Promotion of EPC and EPCfacilitation in Europe city of Antwerp 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 8

9 General 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 9

10 General concept Belgian EPC-contract No limitations of existing EPCcontracts, procedures, International know-how transfer via IEA and European projects, analysis of foreign EPC-contracts Out-of the box thinking Completely new EPCcontract 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 10

11 General concept Belgian EPC-contract Payments ( ) Fixed price EPC-project Performances Basic project requirements ( >= values tender documents) Bonus/Penalty Comfort performance Year 1 n Comfort performance (>= value before contract) Bonus/Penalty Energy cost savings Energy cost savings ( >= value offer) Bonus/Penalty Increased elements value Year n (End) Increased elements value ( >= value offer) 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 11

12 ( ) Cost ( /year) General concept Belgian EPC-contract Selection criterion ESCO Maximal net-cost saving = actualised value of: + Annual guaranteed energy cost savings - Annual remuneration ESCO (investment, maintenance, ) + Increased elements value at end of project Net-cost saving during project Remuneration ESCO Energy cost Before EPC-project-> Year <- EPC-project -><- After EPC-project 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 12

13 General concept Belgian EPC-contract During project Payment ESCO = Fixed price + Bonus/Penalties where Bonus/Penalties comfortscore, energy saving increased elements value at end project ESCO: maximal decision autonomy as long as basic project requirements are fulfilled: functionality, safety, legal standards, etc. 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 13

14 Optimal maintenance Payments ( ) Fixed price EPC-project Performances Basic project requirements ( >= values tender documents) Bonus/Penalty Comfort performance Year 1 n Comfort performance (>= value before contract) Bonus/Penalty Energy cost savings Energy cost savings ( >= value offer) Bonus/Penalty Increased elements value Year n (End) Increased elements value ( >= value offer) 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 14

15 Optimal maintenance ESCO 100% technical responsible for whole building Installation: HVAC, lighting, elevators, alarm systems, sanitary equipment, tubes, cables,. Building envelope: windows, solar protection, roof, gutters,... ESCO 100% financially responsible During project: fixed price for maintenance&replacement costs End of project: increased elements value elements value (EUR) Maintenance condition of elements (evaluation via Dutch norm NEN 2767) Price of the new element 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 15

16 Optimal maintenance Advantages ESCO will minimise long term building cost, e.g. More focus on preventive maintenance and measures with long technical lifetime (high quality equipment, ), as Cost future replacement investments in project Increased elements value at end ESCO 100% responsible, less follow-up cost by building owner, e.g. No input control required of maintenance No discussions about necessity replacement investments 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 16

17 Optimal comfort Payments ( ) Fixed price EPC-project Performances Basic project requirements ( >= values tender documents) Bonus/Penalty Comfort performance Year 1 n Comfort performance (>= value before contract) Bonus/Penalty Energy cost savings Energy cost savings ( >= value offer) Bonus/Penalty Increased elements value Year n (End) Increased elements value ( >= value offer) 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 17

18 Conventional EPC-contract For each building/space: Optimal comfort Space temperature in summer: <26 C Relative humidity >40% Illuminance level >500 lux Disadvantages Low reliability Methodological problems, e.g. Measured summer comfort outside temperature measurement period Critical comfort aspects not valued, e.g. Customer-friendliness of ESCO, user control HVAC, Non-critical comfort aspects overvalued, e.g. comfort 300 lux = comfort 500 lux 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 18

19 Disadvantages (continued) Optimal comfort No incentive to perform better Low cost efficiency because. - Expensive measurement/logging campaigns k incl. reporting (<-> 1,5k via Comfortmeter incl. reporting) - Inflexible/hard targets e.g. with same cost much higher overall comfort possible by Underperforming comfort target x Over performing comfort target y 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 19

20 Optimal comfort Via online comfort survey tool: Time: ± 40 respondents every 3 years, 55 questions, 11 themes, 10 /respondent ± 55% response 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 20

21 Effect on productivity (%) Optimal comfort 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% -8% Comf: overall (%) -10% 14% 25% 36% 46% 55% 65% 75% 84% 95% Effect on productivity (%) -8% -4% -2% -1% 0% 3% 4% 6% 9% Number of surveyed maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 21

22 Optimal comfort 25% Comfort score (maintenance) per building (%) Best practice 20% Worst practice 15% 10% 5% 0% BRMR ATHF BRBE BIFI BRTR MRCF LACF EUCF SACA BLCF SECF MACF Pool Comfortscore +1% -> 0,2% productivity increase e.g. Potential improvement comfort score by ESCO in ATHF = +3,2% employee productivity increase = /year >>> energy saving potential in ATHF = /year! 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 22

23 Optimal comfort Advantages new EPC-contract ESCO more focused on higher comfort and employee satisfaction When surveyed comfortscore Bonus ESCO Reputation ESCO (and vice versa ) Performance based deep retrofitting of buildings with major comfort problems (e.g. Sick Building Syndrome) Minimal comfort guaranteed via conventional comfort requirements (=backup) Lower cost Cost comfort as ESCO will financially optimise Cost comfortmeter surveys < comfort logging temperature etc. 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 23

24 Conclusion The best of both worlds. Specialised expertise ESCO + The same motivation as building user/owner Building cost (a) Comfort and employee satisfaction (a) = energy + maintenance + investment 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 24

25 Technisch, juridisch en fiscaal 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 25

26 Boot Advocaten Gecombineerde technische, juridische en fiscale aanpak Quick Scan IDENTIFICATIE BUSINESSCASE KEUZE IMPLEMENTATIE ESCO Technisch Technische identificatie van mogelijke maatregelen Calculatie investering en opbrengsten Juridisch Analyse contracten inventarisatie risico s en aansprakelijkheid Technisch Opstellen business case met rendabele maatregelen Cashflow berekening ESCo voor financiers en system integrators Juridisch/fiscaal Juridische samenwerkingsvorm en Fiscale aspecten consequenties Relevante investerings- en exploitatie subsidies keuze vastgoedeigenaar op basis van resultaat SCAN: Keuzemogelijkheden: Technisch format ESCo of andere optie; GO / NO-GO Technisch Implementatie ESCo Technisch/financiële ondersteuning Juridisch Opstellen Samenwerkingsovereenkomst en en overige contracten Fiscale optimalisatie Subsidieaanvraag Staatssteun vermijden Vergunningaanvraag Begeleiding aanbesteding 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 26

27 Essentiële Keuze 1. De realisatie en exploitatie volledig in eigen hand houden. 2. De realisatie en exploitatie door een ESCo laten uitvoeren. 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 27

28 Projectorganisatie Transparante samenwerking van exploitatiemodel naar coöperatie nieuwe samenwerkingsverbanden, samenwerkingsstructuur nieuwe businessmodellen Gebruiker betrekken bij het (aanbestedings-) proces, beheer/exploitatie Borging van kennis in organisatie opdrachtgever 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 28

29 Voorbereiding Vooraf tijd en energie vrijmaken voor grondige gegevensverzameling 1. Informatie over gebouw gebruiksfunctie, verdiepingen, meetstaat BVO, GVO en GO, gebruikstijden bouwjaar, renovatiejaar lopende huur en onderhoudscontracten energieverbruik gas en elektriciteit 2. Informatie over techniek HVAC installaties, verlichting, bouwfysica en gebouw-beheersysteem eerdere adviezen 3. Financiering 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 29

30 Energieprestatiecontracten EPC Scope (ontwerp, installatie, renovatie, financiering, exploitatie, onderhoud en beheer, comfort) Levensvatbaarheid project (besparingspotentieel van investeringen, terugverdientijd en looptijd contract) Wijzigingen in ontwerp door opdrachtgever en/of opdrachtnemer Financiering (investering door ESCo, opstalrecht en hypotheekrecht) Prestatiegarantie (op basis van kritische prestatie indicatoren (KPI s) (garantie energie besparing, comfort en restwaarde) 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 30

31 Energieprestatiecontracten Split incentives Flexibiliteit in afspraken opdrachtgever en opdrachtnemer, opdrachtnemer en financier Meten en verifiëren (risicoallocatie, betalingsachterstanden, leegstand) Projectaansprakelijkheid Beëindiging EPC contract, overdracht eigendommen 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 31

32 Energie, Onderhoud & Comfort Prestatie Overeenkomst Prestatiegericht onderhoud volgens NEN 2767 NEN 2767 maakt gebruik van conditiescores die aan verschillende elementen van installaties worden toegekend. Opdrachtgever stelt minimumniveau vast De opdrachtnemer kent een waarde toe aan de scores Onderhoudsprogramma uitwerken op basis van prestatiedoelstellingen in plaats van opgelegde onderhoudstaken 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 32

33 Payments ( ) Optimal comfort Performances Fixed price EPC-project Basic project requirements ( >= values tender documents) Bonus/Penalty Comfort performance Year 1 n Comfort performance (>= value before contract) Bonus/Penalty Energy cost savings Energy cost savings ( >= value offer) Bonus/Penalty Increased elements value Year n (End) Increased elements value ( >= value offer) 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 33

34 Opdrachtnemer offreert maatregelen op basis van functionele en prestatiegerelateerde vereisten: maatregelen met betrekking tot technische installaties hernieuwbare energieproductie gebouwschil onderhoud gebruikersgedrag 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 34

35 Samenwerken 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 35

36 31 maart 2015 three to tango Cório-Factor4-Boot 36

Hoe organiseer je een goede uitvraag voor een complex product een toelichting op de Leidraad aanbesteding energieprestatiecontracten

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