A next step for sustainable urban design in the Netherlands

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1 A next step for sustainable urban design in the Netherlands Knowledge and competences for sustainable development Hogeschool Rotterdam Instituut voor de Gebouwde Omgeving BNSP NVTL Working group on sustainable urban development Michaël Meijer

2 Wereldbeeld Listen to the wombat!

3 Ambities en advieswerk

4 Introduction Michaël Meijer BSc Landscape design at Larenstein 2005 MSc Spatial Planning at Radboud University 2008 BNSP NVTL Working group DSO since 2007 SAB Arnhem Haver Droeze consultants Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2010 Spatial Planning & Urban Design Knowledge center Sustainable Solutions

5 Context onderwijs Derk de Jonge beschrijft in zijn boeken Op verkenning in de betonwoestijn (1993) en Mooi is anders (1998) hoe uit onderzoek blijkt dat een grote meerderheid van de bevolking een voorkeur heeft voor natuurlijke vormen en materialen maar de architectuur deze kennis negeert. Op straffe van excommunicatie moet de acquired taste overgenomen worden Carel Weeber : Binnen drie weken hebben we eerstejaars Bouwkunde zo ver dat ze het Rietveld- Schröderhuis de mooiste schepping op aarde vinden! Het modernisme gaat uit van de filosofie van Hegel dat de mens en haar kunst superieur zijn aan de natuur. Dit uit zich in rechte lijnen en hoeken, hoogbouw als overwinning op de natuur, herhaling van identieke elementen, gemeenschappelijke ruimten, kortom: het moet niet mooi maar functioneel zijn. De Jonge ziet ook hoopgevende ontwikkelingen, misschien wel een kentering. Zo is er de laatste decennia het postmodernisme ontstaan dat zich afkeert van de modernistische vormleer en het dogmatische en autoritaire karakter ervan. Communicatie met de gebruikers op praktisch en esthetisch gebied staat hoog in het vaandel evenals respect voor de natuur (duurzaamheid).

6 Context onderwijs Waan van de dag Duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling is niet in een paar beelden uit te leggen maar vereist inzicht.

7 Relevance? Why do you want to know more about sustainability? What do employers expect you to know or be able to do?



10 Onderwijsrapporten en onderzoek Beroepscompetenties voor duurzame ontwikkeling (Vestia + D) (Roorda, 2007)

11 Onderwijsrapporten en onderzoek Beroepscompetenties voor duurzame ontwikkeling (Vestia + D) (Roorda, 2007)

12 Onderwijsrapporten en onderzoek Beroepscompetenties voor duurzame ontwikkeling (Vestia + D) (Roorda, 2007)

13 BNSP NVTL Working group on sustainable urban development

14 A next step for sustainable urban design in the Netherlands

15 Good practice book 6 examples with 44 references, 3 essays, 1 discussion

16 Sustainable urban design Sustainability and durability have come up in various ways in urban design and spatial planning in the past decades and even centuries. Can someone name a few? Gustave Doré, Over London by Rail, 1870

17 Sustainable urban design Housing law, Garden towns / villages, CIAM Health, light, space/air, greenery, separation of functions Silent spring, Club of Rome 1968 / 1972 Limits to growth, food production, Industrialization, exhaustion of natural resources, pollution Brundtland 1987, Triple bottom line Solve environmental problems as quick as possible and locally, care for future generations, People, Planet, Profit (Prosperity)

18 Sustainable urban design UN Rio Conference 1992, the 90 Energy, water, nature en ecology, mobility, livability, Ecological Footprint Present: Climate change, C2C, Priority neighborhoods Energy neutral, CO2 - neutral, water neutral, restructuring, Cradle to Cradle, Green economy, livability, and climate robust development... PPP remains predominant approach but it's not sufficient for our profession

19 Sustainable urban design Project, place (cultural identity), process are essential factors to when developing space

20 Sustainable urban design Sustainability and durability in urban design and spatial planning are based on: providing a healthy living and working environment to strive for a durable living and working environment to strive for a responsible use of natural resources

21 From 3P to 3D sustainability People + Planet - livability - health - energy - water - zero emissions - ecology - culture - (product) cycles - etc Prosperity + Process - economy / added value - process / participation - innovation Place + Dynamics - time - location - flexibility scale

22 The right time for a Next Step? The attitude towards sustainability has changed... Al Gore and the IPCC's Rajendra Pachauri in Oslo (AFP: Bjorn Sigurdson/Scanpix Norway)

23 Why do we need a Next Step?

24 Why do we need a Next Step? The attitude towards sustainability has changed The expertise and technologies for sustainable urban development are available The benefits are known The law has possibilities nevertheless. The number of sustainable urban developments in the Netherlands is low.

25 Context professional The Vicious Circle of Blame D. Cadman 2000

26 Context professional

27 Context professional

28 Question of the client Financial boundaries In what planning phase active? Context professional

29 Government steering

30 Government steering A. Hulshoff 2009 Three steering instruments: Carrot: financial and economic instruments (subsidies) Preach: communicative and social instruments, education and information. As a designer: to inspirer, connect and seduce, to break the circle of blame Cane: juridical instruments (law and policy)

31 Our idea Sustainable urban design can deliver much more benefit for People Planet and Prosperity if attention is directed from eco-efficiency to eco-effectiveness and from project to process. It s about a continues effective improvement of the city. But how do you apply this to buildings, cities and regions? Where do you start and what dos it look like?

32 Where to start a Next Step? Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood... Make big plans, aim high in hope and work. Daniel H. Burnham US architect & city planner ( )

33 Where to start a Next Step? Future developments: High density and high tech? Perfumed city Hong Kong

34 Where to start a Next Step? Solitaire and low tech? Or.? Autark living, Schie 2.0 Earthship

35 How to look at our urban area's?

36 From sustainable urban design to: sustainable spatial development Sustainable urban design is mainly directed at the project area. The effects of a development are not positive for the region or the world. When a development process is started which improves spatial systems effectively, the regional and global effects would become positive.

37 Cycles in the city Elma Van Beek The living city

38 Next Step Sustainable spatial development A continues and eco-effective improvement of the spatial systems in relation to the physical and social context of a development location With some examples I try to explain what a sustainable spatial development means

39 Lanxmeer

40 GWL site Amsterdam

41 Chiswick Business Park London

42 Park Hoofddorp



45 Conclusions from the examples High ambitions from the start Special attention given to the planning process Commitment to ambitions Location specific design Design directed at spatial systems makes use of the opportunities of the location What do we need for a complete Next Step? More effectiveness, less efficiency More attention to processes, time and scale

46 Design tools DLG/GOB - Januari 2009 The 'layer model' (1997) intended to let time set priorities and responsibility s in developments

47 DLG/GOB - Januari 2009 Design tools

48 Design tools (NL) (NL) (DK / ENG) (NL) (ENG) (NL) (ENG) (NL) (ENG) (NL) (ENG)

49 From 3P to 3D sustainability People + Planet - livability - health - energy - water - zero emissions - ecology - culture - (product) cycles - etc Prosperity + Process - economy / added value - process / participation - innovation Place + Dynamics - time - location - flexibility scale

50 Competenties? VRAAG: Hoe denk je nu en aan het eind van de minor+ over de competenties die je nodig hebt om aan duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling te werken?

51 Fin

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