Snij- en steekbestendige persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen

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1 Snij- en steekbestendige persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen Maandag 17/11/2014 Kristof Daels Sioen Armour Technology

2 Content Keuze beschermingskledij : steekbescherming / snijbescherming Problematieken actuele producten (benchmarking) Project plan : nieuwe ontwikkeling SIOEN Selectie van evaluatie-criteria & specificaties Conclusies SIOEN & nieuw product TORSKIN Praktische testing (simulatie SAT Toepassingsgebieden Studies & didactisch materiaal ivm mesagressie

3 Keuze van beschermingsmiddel (steekbescherming) Gebaseerd op risico-beoordeling van de omgeving, keuze : Ofwel op basis van traditionele persoonlijke ballistieke beschermingsproducten => vesten met 360 bescherming van meest vitale organen (steekbescherming) Ofwel nieuwe aanpak : product met verhoging comfort & ergonomische voordelen tov traditionele producten

4 Gekende problematieken kledij met steekbescherming Comfort Gewicht Hitte-stress bewegingsvrijheid Prijs Discretie Vermijden van onnodige agressie Overengineering? Beschermingsniveau in lijn met de realiteit? Welke toepassing : agressie markt / industrie markt Traditionele kledij garandeert een volledige oppervlakte

5 Keuze van beschermingsmiddel (snijbescherming) Onderzoek door Sioen van huidige producten op de markt : Comfort : Irritatie (na diverse wasbeurten) Ademend karakter van het T-shirt Beschermingsniveau : Volgens welke norm getest? Relatie : gewicht/m² v textiel in relatie met het beschermingsniveau Conclusie SIOEN : start nieuwe ontwikkeling

6 PROJECT Combinatie van snij- & Steekwerendheid in 1 kledingstuk

7 Project plan Anti-slash & anti-stab garment NORMS / Specifications Comfort Medical approach Anti-slash Anti-stab weight breathability Skin-irritation No immediate death after knife attack Other parameters : discreteness + FLEXIBLE

8 Scope project SAT - Specificaties Ontwikkeling van een gecombineerd snijwerend en steekwerend kledingstuk met volgende eigenschappen : Licht gewicht (traditioneel : 2,5 kg target : 1,7 kg Large) Comfortabel (niet irriterend) & ademend Snijwerende bescherming ISO (minimum level 4 ) met combinatie van anti-slash bescherming volgens nieuwe CASTnorm level 1 op de hogere beschermingszones (vitale organen) Steekwerende bescherming volgens HOSDB 2007-test methode : => energie level E2 : minimum 20 Joule (maxim 20mm penetratie mes) Zoveel mogelijk naadloos werken Moet op de huid kunnen gedragen worden

9 Geselecteerde test-methodes snijbescherming EN388 : 2003 Protective gloves against mechanical risks Slash standards EN ISO : 1999 Protective clothing Mechanical properties Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects HOSDB slash resistance standard for UK Police 2006 Version / Publication N 48/05 Level 1 index 1,2 Classification level Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Not determined (values in Newton) Pass / Fail 2, Pass : no penetration with a force less than 60N AND average force (9 slashes) 80N Samples required 2 samples (60x100)mm Min 3 samples not less than (25x100)mm 3 samples (300x500)mm Cuts needed Moving part Blade Blade Blade

10 SAT (sedert 2012) Onderzoek van snijwerende bescherming van concurrentiestalen naar de norm ISO Doel van deze studie : -> ontwikkeling van een snijwerende basistextiel : - laaggewicht - Minimum level 4 ISO Reference Neck protection 2 layers Ref Development 2 layers M+P NPK: -1,0 Slash resistance SR 97-5/D Higher density Development 2 layers M+P NPK:-0,5 Slash resistance SR 97-5/D Development 1 layer M+P NPK: -1,0 Slash resistance SR 97-4/E Higher density Development 1 layer M+P NPK: -0,5 Slash resistance SR 97-4/E Supplier Weight (g/m²) SIOEN ,4 N SIOEN 900 TESTS RESULTS Break force (N) Final Graph of Loads vs. Stroke Length EN ISO EN 388 HOSDB SLASH In test (results for next week) SIOEN ,33 N A A N SIOEN 450 In test (results for next week) B B N Level 5 (>20N) C C N Level 5 (>20N) SIOEN ,43 N Neck protection 1 layer SIOEN ,31 N D1 D ,1 N Level 5 index 23,7 index 23,9 Report ,5 N Report ,3 N Report ,2 N Report ,3 N D2 D 650 7,6 N E E 650 6,5 N

11 Overzicht van andere specificaties Parameter Comfort / Ergonomic ANTI-SLASH & ANT-CUT Norm / test method Air-permeability ASTM D Cyto-toxic-effect ISO Single density 645 l/m²/sec (100mm WC). Comparable with AMC1 Sio- COOL fabric No cause of Cyto-toxic effect Double density Durability Shrinkage after 25x washing EN 5077(washing 40 ISO6330) & linedrying Warp : 2,1% Weft : 4,3% Conform EN5077(<5%)

12 Medische benadering door 2 chirurgen : Body SAT

13 Thesis : safety standards for stab-resistant body armour Anthony Bleetman

14 Zones waar Steekwerend+ snijwerend van belang zijn Ligging van de diverse organen

15 Finale conclusie kledingstuk ~ body mapping Front Back

16 Final conclusie met kraag Front Back

17 Medische verklaring van 2 chirurgen


19 Praktische testing

20 Toepassingsgebieden Agression with knives on the streets

21 Surveillance people in public transport Toepassingsgebieden Night worker on streets City guards on the street Security on concerts / events Prison services

22 Glass industry Heavy work Time pressure industry Metal industry

23 Kledingstukken


25 Some conclusions coming from studies / thesis / reports / publications

26 Need for knife protection Study HOSDB Increase of knife carriers(especially pen knifes) Eg : UK : 2009 : According to a Youth Crime Survey in England & Wales, 23% of young people in mainstream education reported carrying a knife 2011/2012 : 54% of young people in PRUs reported carrying a knife European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people : Germany : young people between 14 and 21 years old are causing more assaults with knifes

27 Rates for less severe and more severe assaults by age group in Germany,

28 The Management of Knife Injuries A CONSENSUS STATEMENT - May 2011 Made by the association of surgeons of GB & Irelandsupported by the Metropolitan police & the surgical foundation Knifes are used in approximately 6% of all violent crime in the UK; this equates to approximately 150,000 incidents per year. Knife crime in particular is on the increase, especially in urban areas. London : It is known that many young people today do not feel part of a close community. They feel alienated by society and seek refuge in gangs, alcohol and violence. Their opportunity for employment is reduced,and they are at the mercy of economic forces.

29 .Human performance in slash attacks : 87 male and female volunteers (between yrs) were asked to make one slash attack with an instrumented blade. No instructions on how to slash the target were given, each subject stood a metre in front of a target and the impact forces and direction of each attack was recorded

30 Human performance in slash attacks

31 Study : mechanism of injury Military trainees were assessed in their knife slashing technique against a vertical humansized target. 67 male soldiers were given a large blade and were asked to slash a vertical target of adult proportions with the intention of attacking and causing injury.

32 Assaliant technique in knife slash attacks Anthony Bleetman (journal of clinical Forensic Medicine)

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