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1 DEFINITIONS Draft 1.0 RIO Algemeen 1. Bij de artikelsgewijze beoordeling van de RIO hanteert het college de volgende regel. Artikelen uit de Definitions welke naar de mening van het college behoren tot de RIA, worden beoordeeld met een verwijzing naar het Concept-besluit. Bij artikelen- of zinsnedes van artikelen- welke naar de mening van het college niet behoren tot de RIA, wordt aangegeven dat deze beoordeling geschiedt voortuitlopend op een beoordeling op grond van artikel 6.2 lid 2 TW en/of artikel 6.9 lid 2 TW jo artikel 6.2 lid 2 TW. 2. Na de splitsing van de RA en de RIA (de Annexen) en de bekendmaking van de Nederlandstalige RIA, dient in de Nederlandstalige (doorslaggevende) RIA een lijst met definities te worden opgenomen (al of niet in een afzonderlijke annex), die de relevante in de RIA gebruikte begrippen omvat. De Nederlandse begripsomschrijvingen dienen overeen te stemmen met de door de wetgever gehanteerde omschrijvingen daarvan. In de Engelstalige RIA zal bij de definitielijst kunnen worden volstaan met een verwijzing naar het daarmee overeenstemmende Nederlandse begrip. De Nederlandstalige en Engelstalige versie van de definitielijst dienen dezelfde betekenis te hebben. Mocht het nodig zijn dat Engelse partijen de betekenis van deze definitie niet begrijpen, dan zou de verwijzing naar het daarmee overeenstemmende Nederlandse begrip kunnen worden aangevuld met een (niet doorslaggevende) vertaling van de bij het Nederlands begrip behorende omschrijving. In de te sluiten overeenkomsten (alsook in de RA) zullen slechts definities kunnen voorkomen van begrippen die niet in de RIA worden gehanteerd (aangezien zij alsdan beter in de RIA kunnen worden omschreven). Voor het overige zal in de te sluiten overeenkomsten (de RA) volstaan moeten worden met een verwijzing naar de in de RIA gedefinieerde begrippen. Zowel in de RIA als in de te sluiten overeenkomsten (RA) staat voorop dat deze Nederlandstalige RIA voorgaat boven de Engelstalige RIA en boven de op basis daarvan gesloten overeenkomsten. Een dergelijke rangorde is thans ook opgenomen maar slechts ten aanzien van de Nederlandstalige en Engelstalige versie van de Modelovereenkomst. 3. De begripsomschrijvingen dienen conform de TW, de Europese en Internationale aanbevelingen en definities (zoals ITU-T en ETSI) te worden uitgelegd. Het gebruik van deze aanbevelingen en definities dient consistent in de RIA (de Annexen) te worden toegepast. Het bovenstaande betekent onder andere dat in ieder geval alle prestatie-indicatoren van Service Niveau Overeenkomsten (SNO) gedefinieerd moeten worden. 4. In deze Annex zijn verschillende begrippen niet opgenomen, waaronder Acceptance Test, Parties, Call Attempt, Call set-up, End User Connection, End User, Circuit Terminating Equipment, Collocatie, Party, Quality of Service, Fault Restoration, Unique and Party-specific alphanumeric identifier, Fault Reporting Party, Fault Receiving Party, Fault Start Time, Fault End Time, Operational Pilot, Interconnection, Network, RIA, Telecommunication Network, Item of Planned Work, Planned Work, Planned Maintenance en Oneigenlijk gebruik. Tevens is het college van mening dat definities van de termen Eerste Acceptatiedatum, Finale Acceptatiedatum en Referentie-Aanbieding worden opgenomen. Ten aanzien van de termen Sanctie en Overmacht, kan worden volstaan door in de te sluiten overeenkomsten een nadere invulling te geven. 5. Bij de beoordeling van de RIA zal het college zich niet uitlaten over kennelijke administratieve verschrijvingen. De Definitions dient in een Nederlandstalige versie bekend te worden gemaakt.

2 Access Area A geographic region containing one Access Point defined by a set of PSTN national numbering scheme Area Codes as specified in Technical Manual. Access Point A KPN location which is part of the KPN Infrastructure which is offered for connection to exactly one Point of Presence, both of which are in the same national number area defined by an Area Code. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities en Meervoudige aansluitingen onder Het college is van oordeel dat de definitie moet worden aangepast. De definitie zou derhalve moeten luiden: Each Access Area is associated with one Access Point. An Access Point is associated with one or more Point(s) of Presence. Access Point Circuit Terminating Unit (AP CTU) A technical unit at an Access Point in which the Network Interconnection is terminated, and to which KPN makes connection to Telco s equipment, in accordance with the technical specifications set out in Technical Manual. Agreement The present agreement, manuals, schedules, appendices and amendments attached and/or referenced hereto. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities. De Billing Manual maakt onderdeel uit van de RIA, hetgeen betekent dat de term Agreement ten onrechte is gebruikt. Het college is van oordeel dat de term present niet aansluit bij de definitie van Agreement, aangezien de definitielijst onderdeel uitmaakt van de RIA en niet van de te sluiten overeenkomst. In dit verband moet de omschrijving van de definitievoorzover in de RIA nog gebruikt- worden aangepast. In plaats van de huidige overeenkomst dient te worden gesproken over de op basis van de RIA (welke term dan ook gedefinieerd zou moeten worden) te sluiten (interconnectie)overeenkomst. Answered Call A call where an ISUP answer message (ANM) has been received in accordance with the Technical Manual. Approved Planning Information The information used to organise the sharing of space on KPN s premises Area Code A PSTN geographic national number scheme prefix that consists of at most the first four digits including the 0. Billed Party The Party to which an invoice is sent for the relevant Services taken or provided under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities. Het college is van oordeel dat in deze definitie ten onrechte wordt gesproken van Agreement (zie standpunt bij de definitie van Agreement ). Billing Data The unprocessed recorded data from the Metering Systems and other sources generated in the course of the provision of the Services as specified in Service Definitions. Billing Party The Party responsible for collecting the Billing Data, calculating the amount to be invoiced, producing the Invoice Information, and sending the Invoice to the other Party. Billing Period A calendar month starting on the first day of the month at 00:00 and ending on the last day of that month at (23:59 plus 60 seconds), or such other period as is agreed in writing between the Parties. Billing System The system or systems used to process Billing Data, collate Invoice Information and to prepare Invoices relating to charges payable for the Services as specified in Service Definitions. Busy Hour The (consistent) hour of the day during which the amount of traffic expressed in Erlang is expected to reach its peak. Call The actual or attempted establishment, supervision and clearing of a telecommunications path through the switched telephone network providing a 3.1 KHz teleservice (insert standards reference) for the

3 conveyance of voice frequency messages between Subscriber Connections, all in accordance with the technical specifications set out in the Technical Manual. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities en hoofdstuk 4 onder KPN Telecom PSTN Terminating Access Service. Het college is van oordeel dat het begrip Call niet beperkt mag worden tot een bepaalde teledienst maar in beginsel alle PSTN en ISDN dragerdiensten dient te ondersteunen. Het college staat een definitie voor die niet afhankelijk is van een bepaalde dienst zoals de definitie ITU- T, P.10; the establishment and use of a complete connection following a call attempt. Call End The point during a call at which an ISUP release message (REL) is received in accordance with Technical Manual by the KPN Infrastructure or Telco Infrastructure, as the context requires. Call Start The point during a call at which an ISUP answer message (ANM) is received in accordance with Technical Manual by the KPN Infrastructure or Telco Infrastructure, as the context requires. Calling Line Identification The set of digits identifying the End User Connection from which a Call is generated. Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) Calling Line Identification Presentation is a supplementary service offered to the called End User which provides the calling End User s number to the called End User. Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) Calling Line Identification Restriction is a supplementary service offered to the calling End User to restrict presentation of the calling End User s number. OPTA: de Telecommunicatiewet hanteert in artikel 1.1.u het begrip nummeridentificatie. Carrier System A point to point transmission facility which operates at 34, 140, or 155 Mbit/s whose sole purpose is to provide 2048 kbit/s Network Interconnections for the KPN Telecom or Telco 2048 kbit/s Network Interconnection Service between a Point of Presence Circuit Terminating Unit and a Access Point Circuit Terminating Unit. It incorporates the multiplexing and de-multiplexing of 2048 kbit/s bearer services. CCSS7 Common channel signalling system number 7 as defined by the International Telecommunication Union, European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute and specified in Technical Manual Collocation Equipment The appropriate Circuit Terminating Equipment Collocation Space Area allocated by KPN on KPN s premises for Circuit Terminating Equipment OPTA: KPN maakt een onderscheid tussen collocatie in samenhang met verschillende diensten waaronder interconnectie. Indien hier wordt gedoeld op collocatie voor interconnectie, dient dit ook te worden vermeld. Daarbij kan worden uitgegaan van enerzijds collocation connected to interconnection of anderzijds een algemene definitie door Circuit Terminating Equipment weg te laten. Disputing Party A Party that starts a dispute regarding the accuracy of an Invoice of the

4 other Party. Delivery Quarter The quarter in which the Ready For Testing date is set as specified in the Joint Order Plan signed by both Parties. Due Date The latest date by which payment must be received. The Due Date is 30 calendar days from the date shown on the face of the Invoice under the title Invoice Date. End-to-end The provision of a complete service between the calling party and called party including responsibility for provision of customer care including settlement of questions, complaints etc. to the End User. Enhanced Call The actual or attempted establishment, supervision and clearing of a telecommunications path through the switched telephone network providing a 64KHz unrestricted bearer service (insert standards reference) or speech bearer service (insert standards reference) for the conveyance of voice frequency messages and other information between Subscriber Connections, all in accordance with the technical specifications set out in the Technical Manual. OPTA: zie het gestelde standpunt van het college onder de definitie van Call. Fault A degradation of the quality of Service below the agreed levels Fault Owner Party responsible for Fault Restoration Fault Reference Numbers Unique and Party-specific alphanumeric identifier for a Fault Fault Report The information provided by the Fault Reporting Party to Fault Receiving Party indicating that a Fault has been detected Fault Restoration Time The period between Fault Start Time and Fault End Time Final Forecast Forecast for eight quarters, accepted and signed by the Service Supplier OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities. Het college is van oordeel dat de Q1 Final Forecast de contractueel te leveren aantal is, dat op het einde van het leveringskwartaal operationeel moet zijn. Dit moet expliciet worden vastgelegd in de lijst met begripsomschrijvingen (zie college standpunt bij artikel van de Modelovereenkomst). In deze definitie zou tevens tot uitdrukking moeten worden gebracht de verhouding tussen de Final Forecast en de Provisional Forecast. De procedures dienen de redelijkerwijs te verwachten marktgroei als graadmeter te nemen voor het vaststellen van prognoseperioden. Fixed Period The period set out in Service Definitions for one or more individual Services during which the tariffs agreed upon by the Parties for that period shall apply to the Service concerned. Forecast A quantitative prediction made by the Service Taker for the Services required from the Service Supplier over a agreed period in accordance with Operations & Maintenance Manual. Handover Point The physical point either the Access Point Circuit Terminating Unit or the Point of Presence Circuit Termination Unit - where the provision of and responsibility for a Service starts or ends, as further specified in Service Definitions. Hot Billing Subscriber Connection related on-line billing information provided to calling KPN Subscribers Infrastructure Fault A Fault in the Infrastructure of one of the Parties. Infrastructure A public switched telecommunications network, or a public switched telecommunications system, which is used inter alia for the provision of public telecomunications services or which allows to make available to the public the possibility of conveyance of signals between defined network termination points. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities. Het college is van oordeel dat moet worden aangesloten de begrippen die in de TW worden gebruikt. In de TW wordt in plaats van de term

5 infrastructure de term telecommunicatienetwerk gehanteerd (zie artikel 1.1 TW). De definitie van Infrastructure dient vervangen te worden door wat betreft de RIA van KPN het vaste openbare telecommunicatienetwerk en wat betreft Telco een openbaar telecommunicatienetwerk. Interconnection Services The Services, as agreed between the Parties, to make Interconnection possible, as further specified in Service Definitions. Invoice The instrument used in the context of this Agreement to demand payment for Services as specified in Service Definitions provided during a Billing Period, which is the aggregation of the Invoice Information. Invoice Date The date shown on an Invoice which is always the same date as the date of transmission by facsimile, or other means, to the specified number or address specified in Billing Manual. Invoice Information Processed Billing Data and other information used in the preparation of an Invoice and which constitutes a specification of the amounts charged for the Services as specified in Service Definitions. IP Numbering Range 067X- service number assigned by OPTA for the provision of internet access services Joint Order Plan Order plan for one quarter, agreed and signed by both Parties KPN Infrastructure The fixed Infrastructure of KPN which is used for the provision of the fixed public voice telephony service. OPTA: de definitie van KPN infrastructure dient vervangen te worden door wat betreft de RIA van KPN het vaste openbare telecommunicatienetwerk. KPN Numbering Range National numbers and number blocks allocated by OPTA to KPN Message Voice, data, audio, video and other signals of whatever nature that may be transmitted by way of Infrastructure; Metering System The system or systems used to determine the extent of use of the relevant Services as specified in Service Definitions. National Numbering Plan National numbers and number blocks that are allocated by OPTA Network Interconnection Link Uni-directional 2048kbit/s transmission facilities within a 34, 140 or 155 Mbit/s Carrier System between an Access Point Circuit Termination Unit and a Point of Presence Circuit Termination Unit OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities en hoofdstuk 4 onder Uni- en bidirectionele trunk groepen. Het college is van oordeel dat de definitie moet worden aangepast overeenkomstig het gestelde onder Uni- en bidirectionele trunk groepen. Network Interconnection Service One or more single Network Interconnection Links each at a standard speed of 2048 kilobits per second between the KPN Access Point and the corresponding Telco Point Of Presence. Network Interconnection Test The test in accordance with Operations & Maintenance Manual, carried out to establish whether the agreed Services meet the specifications, set out in Technical Manual. Also, internetworking between Service Supplier and Service Taker is tested for all relevant

6 business processes, based on the specifications set out in Operations & Maintenance Manual and Billing Manual for:??maintenance, fault handling; and??billing In accordance with the Technical Manual. Network Interface The Access Point Circuit Termination Unit or the Point of Presence Circuit Termination Unit - as the context requires and/or the technical interface as specified in the Technical Manual of the extension of the Network Interconnection with switching facilities, as further described in Service Definitions. Network Traffic Management The real-time surveillance and control of traffic flow on a telecommunication network, with the aims of both maximising the effective use of available capacity for call completion and maintaining an acceptable Quality of Service for customers. New Service Taker A Telco which has:??signed an Agreement with KPN Carrier Services for the first time; and for which:??the Agreement has been in effect between the Parties for less than one year. Non-disclosure Agreement The agreement signed off by both Parties in order to secure the use of information for its designated purpose only Patch Panel Panel to jumper between KPN owned and Telco owned equipment Performance Report A written report on the performance of a Party s operational processes Point of Presence A Telco location which is part of the Telco Infrastructure which is offered for connection to exactly one Access Point, both of which are in the same National Number Area defined by an Area Code. OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities en hoofdstuk 4 onder Meervoudige aansluitingen. Ook moet een Point of Presence op meerdere Access Points kunnen worden aangesloten. Point of Presence Circuit Terminating Unit (PoP CTU) A technical unit at a Point of Presence in which the Network Interconnection is terminated, and to which Telco makes connection to their equipment in accordance with the technical specifications set out in Technical Manual. Port Charge All relevant Verkeers Centrale costs including depreciation, maintenance, housing, IT and capital costs for Interconnection and Special Network Access quotient to the number of ports used on the Verkeers Centrale as defined by OPTA. Procurement Requirements The document prepared by the Service Taker that specifies details for the requested set of Services which the Service Taker would like the Service Supplier to commission in the next quarter. This document shall be used by both Parties to prepare the Joint Order Plan. Provisional Forecast Forecast for eight quarters, supplied by the Service Taker OPTA: zie het gestelde standpunt van het college onder de definitie van Final Forecast. PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network in the Netherlands Reaction time The period between one Party accepting ownership for a Fault and that Party informing the other Party about the expected clearance time Ready For Service An agreed date on which the Services are put into operation. The

7 Service is ready for use immediately following this date. Ready For Testing An agreed date on or after commissioning has been completed, when the agreed Service is ready for Acceptance Testing. Restoration Time The time period from Fault Start Time up to the Fault End Time. RIA Reference Interconnect Agreement Service Supplier The Party who provides an agreed Service. Service Taker The Party who requests a Service. Services Interconnection Services. Signalling Link A 64 kbit/s transmission path provided exclusively for the exchange of signalling messages between a Telco Signalling Transfer Point and a KPN Signalling Transfer Point. A Signalling Link provides support for CCSS7 signalling between the Telco Infrastructure and KPN Infrastructure. Signalling Link Set A logical group of Signalling Links with common characteristics enabling signalling. Signalling Transfer Point A signalling facility in the KPN or Telco Infrastructure. Structured Questions A document which contains a structured approach to answering a specific set of questions before a Fault is reported. Subscriber An End User with whom KPN has entered into an agreement for the provision of KPN's fixed public voice telephony service or an End User with whom Telco has entered into an agreement for the provision of Telco's telecommunication services; OPTA: zie Concept-besluit hoofdstuk 3 onder Definities. Het college is van oordeel dat in de definitie van Subscriber het verschil in diensten tussen KPN en Telco dient te worden opgeheven en dat het wordt verruimd tot PSTN/ISDN diensten. Subscriber Connection The point at which a telecommunications service is made available to a Subscriber. Switch A telecommunication device/exchange within the KPN Infrastructure, or Telco Infrastructure as the context requires, which performs the functions of switching and routing of Calls. Telco Infrastructure The Infrastructure of Telco OPTA: de definitie van Telco infrastructure dient vervangen te worden door wat betreft Telco een openbaar telecommunicatienetwerk. Time Unit The increment of time for which a charge will be made at the appropriate rate for the Service to which it refers. Transmission Fault A fault in a 2048 kbit/s End of Span Network Interconnection Link Trunk Group A logical group of one or more circuits within one or more 2048 kbit/s Network Interconnections. Verification Information Information collected by one Party on its use of Services as specified in Service Definitions provided by the other Party for the purpose of verifying an Invoice provided by the other Party. Verification Time The period between Fault Owner reporting fault clearance to the Problem Owner and either:??the Problem Owner accepting or rejecting that the Fault has been repaired; or??expiration of the time allowed to respond Working Days Monday to Friday, with the exception of public holidays in the Netherlands (and abroad in the case of international services). WTV The Dutch Telecommunications Act (Wet op de Telecommunicatie Voorzieningen) of October 26, 1988, Stb. 1988, 520, as amended,

8 modified or substituted since; OPTA: de WTV is niet meer van toepassing. Dit blijkt niet uit de bovenstaande definitie. Deze dient te worden vervangen door de TW.


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