How to create a powerful learning environment based on authentic video materials, pitfalls and challenges

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1 How to create a powerful learning environment based on authentic video materials, pitfalls and challenges ranada, September 7th 2006 Piet Desmet Carmen Eggermont Antoine Besnehard Jennifer Poullier

2 0.1. Using video materials in CALL applications. Need for a intensive reflection on technological and pedagogical constraints. How to use video materials to create pedagogical added value? How to get started with video material? Which criterium can be selected? Our experience with Franel :The video materials workflow

3 0.2 Our test case: FRANEL An electronic language learning environment with a French (FRa) and a Dutch component (NeL), available for free and thus accessible for the general public:

4 Franel is being developed as part of the European Interreg-project Linguatic Two universities involved in the project : K.U.Leuven Campus Kortrijk and Université Charles de aulle-lille3 Franel takes into account the foreign language level of the learners : A2 and B1 for Dutch B1 and B2 for French

5 An intuitive interface animated by the Franel mascot Learning activities built on lively and authentic video materials delivered as streaming video Possible integration in language classes More information:

6 Preparatory activities Listening skills

7 Listening skills Skimming

8 Scanning Listening skills

9 Activities Vocabulary

10 Index cards Vocabulary

11 rammar Activities

12 Index card rammar

13 Spelling and pronunciation

14 Communication situations Activities

15 Communication situations Index cards

16 Additional activities Reading skills Listening skills

17 for the learner Tracking and logging

18 for the coach Tracking and logging

19 1. The selection of video materials 1.1. Technological constraints High image and sound quality Flexible final editing facilities Easy to load 1.2. Pedagogical constraints Maximum 2 minutes Lively and attractive (to keep attention going) Thematic variety (e.g. business vs. general themes) Degree of interaction (e.g. dialogue vs. monologue) Functionality of the images Language use (e.g. oralized written vs. spontaneous speech) Authenticity (with intercultural information)

20 1.1. Technological constraints High image and sound quality? volume: 5 minutes = 1B (avi) workflow 1 ( workflow 2) Television channels Compress AVI films to MPE MPE-films gathered by content developers Double compression: Quality loss Assembled films are Compressed to QuickTime Montage in Premiere

21 (workflow 1) workflow 2 Television channels copy AVI-films on DV tapes without compression Films are imported in Premiere in AVI (without compression) One compression: no quality loss Assembled films are compressed to QuickTime (Sörensen Squeeze) Films are assembled in Premiere (AVI without compression) Publication format Developing format

22 1.1.2 Flexible final editing facilities Project file to manage the whole editing workflow (Premiere: *.prproj) Three sequences: Complete video fragment (s1 ) Video fragments cut into partial fragments (s2 ) Sound without image fragments (s3 ) Frame (image)

23 Tape... xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx S1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S2 xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx a b c d e S


25 FR001T222.prproj project number s1 FR001T222s1.avi sequence 1 of FR001T222.prproj s2 s3 Frame FR001T222s2b.avi FR001T222s304.wav FR001T222s bmp Second partial fragment of video FR001T222s1.avi Fourth sound fragment of video FR001T222s1.avi frame on 05sec23fr.

26 Export (compression) Sequences: Sörensen squeeze *.wav => *.mp3 *.avi => *.mov Frames: raphics editor (Photoshop) *.bmp => *.jpg

27 Easy to load method loading? Start viewing diagram download yes After download progressive download yes not immediately streaming no immediately

28 1.2. Pedagogical constraints Maximum 2 minutes? Top suggestion of users questionnaire? Avoid attention reduction Final editing in Premiere by content developers (also impact on degree of interaction, functionality and language use, )

29 Lively and attractive? Pedagogical constraints: keep attention going Workflow: close cooperation between different partners (TV channels and content developers) Content developers select fragments in Premiere (final editing)

30 Thematic variety (e.g. business vs. general themes)? Heterogeneous public: variety of interests? Also requested from professionals Thematic check list (based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ) business and general oriented exploitation of the same themes

31 Het identificeren Persoonlijke gegevens Beschrijven uiterlijk en houding van een andere persoon Beschrijven karakter en gedrag Interesses uitdrukken Zich situeren in tijd en ruimte A Voorstellen van bedrijven, instellingen en organismes Andere Wonen Soorten woningen Bouwen, renoveren, kopen en huren van een woning Inrichting en decoratie Diensten (gas elektriciteit) en huishoudapparaten A Vastgoed bedrijven A Industriële en technische uitrusting van bedrijven Andere ezondheid Dagelijkse hygiëne Symptomen (zintuigen, lichaamsdelen, ) Eerste hulp Diagnose, behandeling en genezing Dood A Ziekenhuizen en verzorgingsstructuren A Sociale zekerheid / Ziekenfonds A ezondheidsbeleid Andere Aankopen, consumptie Winkels, producten en koopwaar Voeding en drank Op café, restaurant A Bestelling A Levering A Betaling A Klachten, klantenservice, onderhoudsdienst Andere Marketing en handel Buurtwinkels / supermarkten A Verbintenissenrecht A Marktonderzoek A Marketingstrategieën A Winstmarge, belastingen, BTW Andere Relaties en communicatie Familiale relaties Vriendschappelijke en liefdesrelaties Ontmoetingen en onthaal Telefoongesprek A Zakelijke relaties A Handelscorrespondentie ( , brief, ) Andere Openbare diensten, de staat en economie in het algemeen Telefonie, bankwezen, post Fiscaliteit Politie, rechtspraak en leger Regering Politiek A Maatschappelijke vragen (euthanasie / drugs ) A Publieke financiën A Conjunctuur A Monetaire politiek A Economische internationale relaties Andere

32 Degree of interaction (e.g. dialogue vs. monologue)? Authentic speech situations? Emphasis on skills and communication Report (authenticity, topicality): interviews privileged Film (movie): more interaction (but acted) Micro-trottoirs: acted or not (hidden camera)

33 Functionality of the images? Video should support and simplify listening activities Detailed instructions per level for the developer (based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ): e.g. Franel Dutch levels A2 and B1, french B1 and B2

34 Aandachtspunten Taal waarin de opgave/feedback is gesteld Keuze reportages: lengte Keuze reportages: functionaliteit beeld Debatten (zie PULS) Niveau A2 moedertaal Lengte: liefst niet meer dan 1 minuut (max. 1minuut 30 ) Eventueel 2/3 fragmenten van 30 seconden Beeldfunctionaliteit zo hoog mogelijk (bijvoorbeeld: klank uitschakelen om beeld te testen, de mond van de persoon die spreekt zien bewegen, etc.) Niet Niveau B1 vreemde taal vereenvoudigd (weinig connectoren/bijzinnen), beperkte woordenschat (zie frequentielijst ter controle) Max. 2 minuten Ook zoveel mogelijk de functionaliteit van het beeld hoog houden maar minder prioritair Niet Niveau B2 vreemde taal niet vereenvoudigd Uitzonderlijk iets meer dan 2 minuten? Functionaliteit van het beeld mag nog iets lager, maar het nut van beeldmateriaal mag niet in het gedrang komen mogelijk Opmerkingen frequentielijst universiteit Leiden voor het Nederlands frequentielijst voor het Frans: via Serge Verlinden? Zie test van Armand Transcripties en vertalingen Zoals vastgelegd in didactisch scenario Zoals vastgelegd in didactisch scenario Zoals vastgelegd in didactisch scenario Proporties vaardigheid -kennis 50% vaardigheid/50% kennis Minimum 30% vaardigheid Minimum 30% vaardigheid Lexicale fiches rammaticale fiches Taalsituaties fiches Frequentielijst raadplegen in geval van aarzeling(tot 1000/1500?) Thema s A2 markeren in de lijst grammaticale thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE Thema s A2 markeren in de lijst AL thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE Frequentielijst raadplegen in geval van aarzeling(tot 2000/3000?) Thema s B1 markeren in de lijst grammaticale thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE Thema s B1 markeren in de lijst AL thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE Frequentielijst raadplegen in geval van aarzeling(tot 5000?) Thema s B2 markeren in de lijst grammaticale thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE Thema s B2 markeren in de lijst AL thema s (als leidraad) NeL: AH,RN,AB FRa: PD,BL,CE frequentielijst universiteit Leiden voor het Nederlands frequentielijst voor het Frans: via Serge Verlinden? Eventueel schoolhandboeken raadplegen maar ook Europees referentiekader. Raadplegen Communication progressive du français

35 Type MultipleChoice 1RA MultipleChoice x RA Invulveld Verbeter indien nodig (woordniveau) Vertaal tekst Corrigeer tekst Herformuleer Dictee Drag 'n drop tekst / image Order Horizontal Order Vertical Crosswords Crosswords with one vertical word Drag 'n drop with Hot Spots Schik in kolommen Niveau A2 + 4 alternatieven max. 4 velden nee eerder naar moedertaal nee + op woordniveau max. 6 drops, geen drags without drops tot 6 zinsdelen tot 6 spots tot 4 kolommen geen drags without drops Niveau B1 + + max. 6 velden + in de 2 richtingen, liever geen complexe zinnen nee + zinsdeel tot zin max 8, met eventueel 1 of 2 drags without drops tot 8 zinsdelen + + nee tot 8 spots tot 6 kolommen tot 1 of 2 drags without drops Niveau B2 + 6 alternatieven max. 10 velden + in de 2 richtingen, liever beperken tot & zin op zins- of tekstniveau + hele zin tot paragraafje tot 10 drops, onbeperkt aantal Opmerkingen Variatie op vertaal is niet noodzakelijk van het oefentype dictee, kan ook een invulveld zijn met een geluidsfragment drags 10 zinsdelen of meer + + nee in de optie dat het verticale word pre-ingevuld kan worden tot 10 spots tot 6 kolommen geen beperking voor het aantal drags without drops Over de hints: veel hints geven minder hints geven liefst hints vermijden

36 Language use (e.g. oralized written vs. spontaneous speech)? Natural discourse Voice over vs. interview/dialogue

37 Authenticity? Making the learner familiar with the foreign language speaker s environment to augment his motivation Intercultural information through thematic reports

38 Pedagogical qualities: features for labelling the footage (metadata) e.g. Media-Tic for teachers: integrate the video materials into a digital image repository



41 2. The integration of the video materials in a CALL application 2.1. Pedagogical constraints Opening gradually the didactic scenario Allowing different learning styles 2.2. Technological constraints Merging the video materials with the didactic scenario

42 2.1. Pedagogical constraints Opening gradually the didactic scenario Vertical exploitation of the video materials scenario PE C CD LX R AL PO AC

43 Horizontal exploitation of the video materials thematically linguistically scenario PE C CD LX R AL PO + AC

44 Allowing different learning styles Video as leading thread Learner controlled vs. program controlled Filter

45 FRANEL Camera Zoom Module Module Module listening LX R Camera Zoom our montage your montage listening LX R Unit Unit

46 2.2. Technological constraints Merging the video materials with the didactic scenario Pedagogical constraints PE C CD LX R AL PO Technological constraints No player Player without subtitles (t1) Player with transcription (t2) Player with transcription and translation (t4)

47 2.2.1 The creation of subtitles MagPie: transcription: e.g. FR001T222_trans.txt translation: e.g. FR001T222_trad.txt QTconversion: FR001T222_trans.txt => FR001T222_trad.txt =>

48 MagPie

49 2.2.2 different versions of the video player Videoplayer templates video FR001T222s1 video + transcription FR001T222s1 video + translation FR001T222s1 video + transcription + translation


51 Connections videoplayer template -> Cognistreamer XML file with link to location -> KULeuven Campus Kortrijk server Film (mov) files -> streaming server (AVNet) Transcription/translation (mov) files -> KULeuven Campus Kortrijk server

52 Cognistreamer Streaming AVNet Server KULAK video-templates *.mov * * <XML-file>

53 Integration of the video player into the authoring tool






59 3. Towards a reference frame evaluation of existing environments checklist for the authors of CALL applications

60 Pedagogical constraints Technological constraints Selection of video materials Maximum 2 minutes: montage by content developers Lively and attractive (to keep attention going): close cooperation between different partners Thematic variety (e.g. business vs. general themes): exhaustive check list Degree of interaction (e.g. dialogue vs. monologue): report or film? Functionality of the images different learning levels detailed instructions for the developer Language use (e.g. written-to-be-spoken vs. authentic) privileging dialogues (interviews) Authenticity intercultural information High image and sound quality: one compression: no quality loss Flexible final editing facilities: several sequences, frames Easy to load: streaming video Integration of Video materials Opening gradually the didactic scenario: -vertical exploitation of the video materials -horizontal exploitation of the video materials: skills and knowledge Allowing different learning styles: focus on video or not Merging the video materials with the didactic scenario: -creation of subtitles -integration of subtitles in the video player -easy integration of video players into the authoring tool

61 Contact information FRANEL : Lingu@tic: ALT:

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