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1 Downloaded from UvA-DARE, the Institutional Repository of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) Description Thesis File ID Filename thesis.pdf SOURCE, OR PART OF THE FOLLOWING SOURCE: Type Dissertation Title The puzzle of high-density lipoprotein in cardiovascular prevention Author A. El-Harchaoui Faculty Faculty of Medicine Year 2009 Pages 173 FULL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS: Copyrights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the copyright holder (usually the author), other then for strictly personal, individual use. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the Library of the University of Amsterdam (

2 The puzzle of high-density lipoprotein in cardiovascular prevention Abdelkarim El-Harchaoui

3 The puzzle of high-density lipoprotein in cardiovascular prevention Dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands ISBN Author A. El-Harchaoui Layout Optima Grafische Communicatie, Rotterdam Cover Oguz Kurt, Print Optima Grafische Communicatie, Rotterdam Copyright 2009, A. El-Harchaoui, Amsterdam, the Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, without written permission of the author. Financial support for the printing of this thesis was provided by: Stichting tot Steun Promovendi Vasculaire Geneeskunde, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Pfizer, Genzyme, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Servier, Stichting AMSTOL, Schering-Plough, Menarini Farma and Astellas. Financial support by the Netherlands Heart Foundation for the publication of this thesis is gratefully acknowledged.

4 The puzzle of high-density lipoprotein in cardiovascular prevention ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college van promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel op donderdag 3 december 2009, te 10:00 uur door Abdelkarim El-Harchaoui geboren te Beni-Touizini, Marokko

5 Promotiecommissie Promotor: Co-promotores: Prof. dr. J.J.P. Kastelein Dr. E.S.G. Stroes Dr. J.A. Kuivenhoven Overige Leden: Prof. dr. R.J.G. Peters Prof. dr. A. Sturk Prof. dr. J.G.P. Tijssen Dr. C. van t Veer Prof. dr. J.W. Jukema Prof. F.L.J. Visseren Faculteit der Geneeskunde, Universiteit van Amsterdam

6 Contents Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 7 Part I: Refining current cholesterol lipid tests for assessment of future CAD risk Chapter 2 Value of low-density lipoprotein particle number and size as predictors of coronary artery disease in apparently healthy men and women: The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2007;49: Chapter 3 High density lipoprotein size and particle concentration and coronary risk. Annals of Internal Medicine 2009;150: Chapter 4 Role of apolipoprotein B/A-I ratio in cardiovascular risk assessment: Case control analysis in EPIC-Norfolk study. Annals of Internal Medicine 2007;146: Part II: Impact of low HDL cholesterol and CETP on reverse cholesterol transport and coronary artery disease. Chapter 5 Reduced fecal sterol excretion in subjects with familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Atherosclerosis 2009 (in press). 71 Chapter 6 Fasting plasma CETP concentration is independently associated with the postprandial decrease in HDL cholesterol concentration following fat-rich meals: The Hoorn postprandial study. Metabolism (in press) 79 Chapter 7 Relationship between the CETP -629C-A polymorphism and risk for coronary artery disease in the EPIC-Norfolk population study. Submitted for publication. 93 Chapter 8 Role of CETP inhibition in dyslipidemia Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2007;9:

7 Chapter 9 CETP inhibition beyond raising HDL cholesterol levels; Pathways by which modulation of CETP activity may alter atherogenesis. Atheroscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006;26: Review. 125 Chapter 10 Consequences of cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition in patients with familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Atheroscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005;25:e Summary and future perspectives 151 Samenvatting 161 Dankwoord 169 List of Publications 171 6

8 chapter 1 General introduction

9 Samenvatting 167 Referenties 1. Thompson A, Di Angelantonio E, Sarwar N, et al. Association of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Genotypes With CETP Mass and Activity, Lipid Levels, and Coronary Risk. JAMA 2008;299: Borggreve SE, Hillege HL, Wolffenbuttel BHR, et al. An Increased Coronary Risk Is Paradoxically Associated with Common Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Gene Variations That Relate to Higher High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: A Population-Based Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91: Barter PJ, Caulfield M, Eriksson M, et al. Effects of Torcetrapib in Patients at High Risk for Coronary Events. N Engl J Med 2007;357: Kastelein JJP, van Leuven SI, Burgess L, et al. Effect of Torcetrapib on Carotid Atherosclerosis in Familial Hypercholesterolemia. N Engl J Med 2007;356: Bots ML, Visseren FL, Evans GW, et al. Torcetrapib and carotid intima-media thickness in mixed dyslipidaemia (RADIANCE 2 study): a randomised, double-blind trial. The Lancet 370: Stroes ESG, Kastelein JJP, Bénardeau A, et al. Dalcetrapib: no off-target toxicity on blood pressure or reninangiotensin aldosterone system-related genes in rats. Br J Pharm Vergeer M, Bots ML, van Leuven SI, et al. Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Inhibitor Torcetrapib and Off- Target Toxicity: A Pooled Analysis of the Rating Atherosclerotic Disease Change by Imaging With a New CETP Inhibitor (RADIANCE) Trials. Circulation 2008;118: Evan AS, Erik SGS, George S, et al. Safety and Tolerability of Dalcetrapib Am J Cardiol 2009;104:82-91(Abstract) 9. Krishna R, Anderson MS, Bergman AJ, et al. Effect of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor, anacetrapib, on lipoproteins in patients with dyslipidaemia and on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure in healthy individuals: two double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled phase I studies. Lancet 2007;370:


11 Dankwoord 169 Dankwoord Dit proefschrift was niet mogelijk geweest zonder hulp vele anderen. Allereerst wil ik alle deelnemers aan de studies bedanken. Prof. dr. J.J.P. Kastelein, beste John, ik heb veel bewondering voor de manier waarop jij zakelijk en wetenschappelijk de onderzoeksgroep hebt opgebouwd en succesvol leidt. Ik ben erg dankbaar voor de vrijheid waarmee ik mijn promotieonderzoek heb kunnen verrichten. Dank ben ik ook verschuldigd aan mijn co-promotores. Dr. E.S. Stroes, een onuitputtelijke bron van enthousiasme en wetenschappelijke inspiratie, maakte veel onderzoek mogelijk. Dr. J.A. Kuivenhoven voor alle kritische besprekingen en hulp bij het schrijven van de manuscripten. De leden van de promotie commissie Prof.dr. R.J.G. Peters, Prof.dr. A. Sturk, Prof.dr. J.G.P. Tijssen, Prof.dr. J.W. Jukema, Prof. F.L.J. Visseren en Dr. C. van t Veer wil ik bedanken voor het kritisch doornemen van dit proefschrift en hun bereidheid zitting te nemen in mijn promotiecommissie. Alle collega s met wie ik de afgelopen jaren op F4 heb gezeten dank ik voor de gezelligheid. In het bijzonder mijn voormalige kamergenoten Menno, Anouk, Jessica, Remco en Corien. Verder gaan mijn gedachten uit naar Marijn, Olav, Danny, Sander, Wim, Onno, Rafael, Max, Hans A, Hans M, Rafael, Diederik, Roeland, Lysette, Bas, Nanne, Lily, Maartje, Katrijn, Renee, Annemieke, Sara, Ester en Suthesh. Mieke Trip, Harry Buller, Victor Gerdes, Saskia Middeldorp, Maud Vissers, Pieter Willem kamphuisen, Marcel Twickler, Gert van Montfrans en Bert-Jan van den Born zeg ik dank voor alle opbouwende kritiek tijdens de onderzoeks- en patiëntbesprekingen. Verder gaat mijn dank uit naar een aantal mensen die op een directe of indirecte manier aan dit proefschrift hebben bijgedragen. Matthijs Boekholdt voor het ter beschikking stellen van de data uit het EPIC-Norfolk cohort. In het lab: Geesje Dallinga-Thie, Han Levels, Stefan Vaessen en Alinda Schimmel en speciale dank gaat uit naar Bert Groen voor zijn intellectuele input. Uit het VUMC, Marjan Alssema. Alle medewerkers van het trialbureau, in het bijzonder Elsa Rijff, Jantje Visser, Linda Landman en Jet Jagt. Ten slotte wil ik Joyce, de spin in het vasculaire web op F4, bedanken voor alle hulp bij het voltooien van dit proefschrift. Beste paranimfen, Fatima Akdim en Anne Reuwer, naast vrienden in goede en mindere tijden ook wetenschappelijke maatjes. Ik ben blij dat jullie naast mij willen staan. Mijn familie en vrienden wil ik bedanken voor het altijd voor mij klaar staan.

12 Lieve ouders, zonder jullie onvoorwaardelijke steun en zorg was deze promotie er nooit geweest. Mijn dank hiervoor is niet in een dankwoord samen te vatten. Chapter

13 List of Publications 171 List of Publications Karim El Harchaoui; Benoit J. Arsenault; Remco Franssen; Jean-Pierre Despres; G. Kees Hovingh;Erik S.G. Stroes; James D. Otvos; Nicholas J. Wareham; John J.P. Kastelein; Kay-Tee Khaw; S. Matthijs Boekholdt. High density lipoprotein size and particle concentration and coronary risk. Ann Intern Med. 2009; 20;150: M Alssema, K El-Harchaoui, RK Schindhelm, M Diamant, G Nijpels, PJ Kostense, T Teerlink, RJ Heine, GM Dallinga-Thie, JA Kuivenhoven, JM Dekker, PG Scheffer.Fasting plasma CETP concentration is independently associated with the postprandial decrease in HDL-cholesterol concentration following fat-rich meals: The Hoorn postprandial study. Metabolism (In Press) K. El Harchaoui, M.E.Visser, J.J.P.Kastelein, E.S.Stroes, G.M.Dallinga-Thie. Triglycerides and Cardiovascular Risk. Current Cardiology Reviews, 2009, 5, El Harchaoui K, Franssen R, Hovingh GK, Bisoendial RJ, Stellaart F, Kuipers F, Kastelein JJ, Kuivenhoven JA, Stroes ES, Groen AK. Reduced Fecal Sterol Excretion in Subjects with hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Atherosclerosis Karim El Harchaoui, M. Vergeer, Erik S.G. Stroes, Nicholas J. Wareham, John J.P. Kastelein, Jan Albert Kuivenhoven, Kay-Tee Khaw, S. Matthijs Boekholdt. Elevated HDL cholesterol associated with a common mutation in CETP is not associated with a decreased risk for coronary artery disease. (Submitted) K. El Harchaoui, F. Akdim, J.J.P. Kastelein. Current and future pharmacological options for the management of patients unable to achieve LDL-C goals with statins. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs. 2008; 8(4): Vergeer M, El-Harchaoui K, Stroes ES. Cholesterol gene polymorphisms and cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med. 2008; 359:92; author reply 93 El Harchaoui K, van der Steeg WA, Stroes ES, Kuivenhoven JA, Otvos JD, Wareham NJ, Hutten BA, Kastelein JJ, Khaw KT, Boekholdt SM. Value of low-density lipoprotein particle number and size as predictors of coronary artery disease in apparently healthy men and women: the EPIC- Norfolk Prospective Population Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007; 49: Karim El Harchaoui, Wim A. van der Steeg, Erik S.G. Stroes, John J.P. Kastelein. The role of CETP inhibition in dyslipidemia. Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2007; 9:125-33

14 Fatima Akdim, Karim El Harchaoui, Erik SG Stroes, John JP Kastelein. Antisense apolipoprotein B-100 as novel treatment for hypercholesterolemia: focus on ISIS Future Lipidology, 2007; Vol. 2, Pages van der Steeg WA, Boekholdt SM, Stein EA, El-Harchaoui K, Stroes ES, Sandhu MS, Wareham NJ, Jukema JW, Luben R, Zwinderman AH, Kastelein JJ, Khaw KT. Role of the apolipoprotein B-apolipoprotein A-I ratio in cardiovascular risk assessment: a case-control analysis in EPIC- Norfolk. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146: Pinedo S, Vissers MN, von Bergmann K, El Harchaoui K, Lutjohann D, Luben R, Wareham NJ, Kastelein JJ, Khaw KT, Boekholdt SM. Plasma levels of plant sterols and the risk of coronary artery disease: the prospective EPIC-Norfolk Population Study. J Lipid Res. 2007;48: Klerkx AH, El Harchaoui K, van der Steeg WA, Boekholdt SM, Stroes ES, Kastelein JJ, Kuivenhoven JA. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibition beyond raising high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels: pathways by which modulation of CETP activity may alter atherogenesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006;26: Review. Chapter Van der Steeg WA, El-Harchaoui K, Kuivenhoven JA, Kastelein JJ. Increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol through cholesteryl Ester transfer protein inhibition: a next step in the fight against cardiovascular disease? Curr Drug Targets Cardiovasc Haematol Disord. 2005; Review. Bisoendial RJ, Hovingh GK, El Harchaoui K, Levels JH, Tsimikas S, Pu K, Zwinderman AE, Kuivenhoven JA, Kastelein JJ, Stroes ES. Consequences of cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition in patients with familial hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005; 25:e133-4.

15 Conference Abstracts 173 Conference Abstracts American Heart Scientific Session 2008, New Orleans Presentation: HDL size and HDL particle concentration independently predict coronary artery disease risk in apparently healthy men and women American Heart Scientific Session 2007, Orlando Presentation: Reduced Fecal Sterol Excretion in Subjects with Low HDL Cholesterol Levels International Atherosclerosis Society 2006, Rome Posterpresentation: Value of low-density lipoprotein particle number and size as predictors of coronary artery disease in apparently healthy men and women: the EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population

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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Promoting work participation of non-permanent workers with psychological problems: An evidence-based approach to occupational health care Audhoe, Selwin Link to publication

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Citation for published version (APA): Ruizendaal, E. (2017). Malaria in pregnancy: In search of tools for improved prevention

Citation for published version (APA): Ruizendaal, E. (2017). Malaria in pregnancy: In search of tools for improved prevention UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Malaria in pregnancy Ruizendaal, E. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Ruizendaal, E. (2017). Malaria in pregnancy: In search of tools for

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Citation for published version (APA): van den Boogaard, M. (2017). Transcriptional control of ion channel genes in arrhythmogenesis

Citation for published version (APA): van den Boogaard, M. (2017). Transcriptional control of ion channel genes in arrhythmogenesis UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Transcriptional control of ion channel genes in arrhythmogenesis van den Boogaard, M. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van den Boogaard,

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Downloaded from UvA-DARE, the institutional repository of the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

Downloaded from UvA-DARE, the institutional repository of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) Downloaded from UvA-DARE, the institutional repository of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) File ID Filename Version uvapub:31286 Titlepage unknown SOURCE (OR PART OF

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Citation for published version (APA): Smilde, T. D. J. (2005). Left ventricular and renal dysfunction: an exploration of the cardiorenal axis s.n.

Citation for published version (APA): Smilde, T. D. J. (2005). Left ventricular and renal dysfunction: an exploration of the cardiorenal axis s.n. University of Groningen Left ventricular and renal dysfunction Smilde, Tom Derk Jan IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please

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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

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University of Groningen

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University of Groningen

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