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1 TERUGKOPPELING ACTIVITEITEN INTERNATIONALE MANDATEN EMODNET Secretariat European Marine Observation and Data Network -Secretariat Europees Marien Observatie- en DataNetwerk - Secretariaat Looptijd: / - / Financiering: Contactpersoon: Francisco Hernandez, Simon Claus Website: Vlaanderen heeft aangeboden om het EMODnet secretariaat te hosten in Oostende. Een belangrijke bijdrage van Vlaanderen aan de Europa 2020-streefdoelen wat werkgelegenheid, innovatie, onderwijs en het omgaan met de klimaatsverandering betreft. De Europese Commissie heeft beslist om op dit voorstel in te gaan en het secretariaat van het Europees Mariene Observatie- en Datanetwerk (EMODnet) zal naast het Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ) op de InnovOcean site in Oostende gehuisvest worden. Recente activiteiten en producten: EMODnet Associated Membership: following the discussions at the Steering Committee Meeting, a first version of Terms of Reference for new Associated Members has been developed. The document outlines the procedure for becoming member and associated benefits and responsibilities. You are kindly asked to disseminate this widely and suggest any possible organisation that may be interested/valuable to add to our Network. - EMODnet-INSPIRE interactions: there have been some positive developments and deepening discussions at EC level regarding INSPIRE alignment with EMODnet. - EMODnet Expert User Group: the call for interest is ready and will be launched in September - Commissioner Vella consulted EMODnet on priorities for advancing ocean observation and seabed mapping (8 July, Ostend) - Launch of the EMODnet Central Portal Map Viewer: the new data visualization tool of the Central Portal will be launched at a workshop on The importance of marine data for the development of the Blue Economy on local and regional level. This workshop organized by the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and CPMR with support of the Secretariat will be on 13th of October in Brussels. More information and registration is available here: - During the Atlantic Stakeholder Conference that will take place in Dublin on 27 September 2016, EMODnet Secretariat is hosting a dedicated workshop on Open data for Blue Growth in the Atlantic area (Workshop 2D) which will include a presentation of the Atlantic Checkpoint concept and results so far. For more information and registration consult: - At the upcoming SeaTech Week in Brest (10-14 October 2016), the EMODnet Secretariat and EuroGOOS are co-organising a workshop on The power of open-access interoperable marine data for the Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

2 Blue Economy. The interactive workshop will take place on the morning of 12 October, the opening plenary is on the afternoon of 11 October. For more information see - The steering committee meeting was held on june in Brussels and minutes will be available in september. - The second phase of EMODnet was completed last summer. The final report was submitted and currently being evaluated by the commission. - VLIZ submitted a new proposal for a new call for tender (phase three) of EMODnet on 11 August. Belgian partners include VLIZ, ILVO and University of Liège ERA-MBT Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET Looptijd: 1 / / 2018 Financiering: EU-FP7 Contactpersoon: Fien De Raedemaecker Website: Het CSA MarineBiotech project heeft succes geboekt in het opzetten van een netwerk van financieringsinstellingen en programmamanagers geïnteresseerd in gezamenlijke ondersteuning van marien biotechnologisch onderzoek. De 20 partners uit 13 landen hebben een voorstel ingediend voor een Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET (ERA-MBT). Het ERA-MBT wil, om de huidige versnippering en dubbel werk te voorkomen, de weg effenen voor gemeenschappelijke programma's en samenwerkingen. Dit omvat de levering en het gebruik van gemeenschappelijke onderzoeksinfrastructuur. Recente activiteiten en producten: - de tweede ERA-MBT call voor projectvoorstellen rond het thema Biodiscovery werd gesloten op 16 /3/ 2016 met 41 aanvragen voor een totale financiering van 45 million. De evaluatie vond plaats in juli en de consortia zullen worden ingelicht in september. - De Marine Biotechnology Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap zal worden gelanceerd op 12 Oktober in Hotel Marivaux in Brussel. Op Oktober wordt een stakeholder meeting georganiseerd met als thema: 'Marine Biotechnology - enabling future innovations'. JPI Oceans JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans Looptijd: / / Financiering: Contactpersoon: Variabele bijdrage van de verschillende lidstaten Fien De Raedemaecker Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

3 Website: De JPI Oceans is een coördinerend en integrerend lange-termijn platform dat open is voor alle EU lidstaten en geassocieerde landen die investeren in marien en maritiem onderzoek. De belangrijkste doelstellingen zijn 1) de versnippering en duplicatie tegengaan; 2) gemeenschappelijke en flexibele initiatieven plannen; 3) de samenwerking vergemakkelijken en een toekomstvisie opbouwen en 4) efficiënte mechanismen voor interactie en kennisoverdracht tussen de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap, de industrie en de beleidsmakers te ontwikkelen om de grote uitdagingen van de toekomst efficiënter te kunnen aanpakken. Recente activiteiten en producten: Tot op heden werd het JPI Oceans secretariaat in hoofzaak gefinancierd door Noorwegen en België (Vlaanderen) met daarnaast gedetacheerde werknemers van Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië en Spanje. Voor de lange termijn financiering van het secretariaat werd in 2015 een business plan uitgewerkt met een voorstel voor een structuur die ondersteund wordt door het lidgeld van alle lidstaten. In 2015 steunde de Raad van Bestuur het voorstel om de financiering van het secretariaat beter te spreiden en besliste om de nodige stappen te ondernemen om een internationale VZW op te richten onder Belgisch recht. Op de laatste vergadering van de Raad van Bestuur in april 2016 werden de statuten van de IVZW verder uitgewerkt. Deadline voor de laatste wijzigingen aan deze statuten is Juni Daarnaast besprak de Raad van Bestuur het voorgestelde lidgeld en een update van het business plan. In de vorige vergadering van de RvB van juni 2016 werden de acties onder de verschillende strategische prioriteiten van JPI Oceans besproken. 1. Deep Sea Resources Ecological Aspects of Deep Sea Mining- Twee campagnes werden afgewerkt tussen maart en oktober 2015 met het Duits onderzoeksschip RV SONNE in de Clarion-Clipperton Zone en een gebied ter hoogte van de kust van Peru. Van 25 tot 27 januari 2016 werd de jaarlijkse vergadering van het piloot project georganiseerd aan de UGent. De eerste resultaten van de campagne werden recent gepubliceerd in Nature. In samenwerking met de partners in het project organiseerde JPI Oceans een workshop Knowledge-Based Governance of Deep-Sea Mining op de European Maritime Day in mei In juli 2016 organiseerde JPI Oceans en de project partners een wetenschappelijke briefing organiseren in de marge van de volgende vergadering van de ISA (International Seabed Authorities) in July 2016 om verder input te leveren voor de ontwikkeling van de internationale regelgeving rond of diepzee mijnbouw. Een korte samenvatting en presentaties zijn beschikbaar op de JPI Oceans website. 2. Technology and Sensor Developments Technologies ERANET Cofund- Samen met partners van onder andere de Martec en Cofasp ERANETs werd een nieuw voorstel ingediend voor een ERANET Cofund rond mariene technologie. België (Vlaanderen) is vertegenwoordigd in de Cofund door VLAIO. The new ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA zal worden gecoördineerd door Filiz Aslan van Project Management Jülich (Germany). De andere deelnemende landen in de cofund zijn: Argentina, Belarus,Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain and Turkey. Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

4 3. Coastal and Maritime Planning and Management Marine Spatial Planning- De Expert Groep rond MSP zal verder worden uitgebreid rekening houdend met de regionale evenwichten en interdisciplinariteit. De actie rond MSP zal daarnaast verder worden ontwikkeld met de stakeholders, waaronder DG MARE. In een volgende fase wordt er een workshop georganiseerd met de leden van de Raad van Bestuur en de Expert groep. 4. Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing Voorlopig worden de resultaten van de Horizon 2020 call rond Oceans and Human health afgewacht. 5. Interdisciplinary Research for GES Ecological aspects of microplastics- Tien landen, waaronder België, lanceerden een call van 7,5 miljoen EUR. Na een evaluatie door onafhankelijke experten en vertegenwoordigers van de deelnemende landen zijn volgende vier projecten gestart in 2016: BASEMAN (definiëren van referentiewaarden en standaarden voor microplastic analyse in Europese waters), EPHEMARE (ecotoxicologische effecten van microplastics in mariene ecosystemen), PLASTOX (directe en indirecte ecotoxicologische impact van microplastics op mariene organismen) en WEATHER-MIC (effecten van microplastic verwering op het transport, bestemming en toxiciteit van plastic in het mariene milieu). De Belgische financiering van de projecten werd verzekerd door BELSPO, het Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid. Intercalibration for the Water Framework- De actie is in 2015 gestart met de tweede fase en zal in 2016 worden geëvalueerd. Op 29 september 2015, 15 december 2015 en 25 februari 2016 hielden de bevoegde autoriteiten een vergadering om de tweede fase fytoplankton resultaten te bespreken. Voor fytoplankton in de Noord-Oost Atlantische kustwateren is er een finaal akkoord bereikt, zowel als voor benthos in de Waddenzee, waarvoor de wettelijke grenzen voor chlorophyll a en benthos van bepaalde landen licht dienden aangepast te worden. De wetenschappelijke analyses lopen nog verder voor fytoplankton in de Waddenzee en benthos in de overgangswateren. Een reactie dient ook nog vanuit België bekomen te worden voor chlorophyll a in de Noordzee. Munitions in the Sea- Deze nieuwe actie werd geïnitieerd door Italië en wordt ondersteund door dertien landen (waaronder België). De actie zal gericht zijn op ondersteuning van wetenschappelijke kennis ter verbetering van de veiligheid en efficiëntie van interventies. Verder zal de actie focussen op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieën en de uitwisseling van best practices. In het kader van deze actie zal Italië deelnemen aan een workshop rond gedumpte munitie georganiseerd door de NAVO. Cumulative effects of anthropogenic disturbances- De leidende landen zullen een workshop organiseren in 2016 om de wetenschappelijke noden en potentiële projecten te prioritiseren. Deze actie wordt momenteel ook gelinkt aan het akkoord dat de energie ministers van de Noordzee-aangrenzende landen gesloten hebben om de samenwerking te versterken omtrent de toekomstige ontwikkeling van windmolens in de Noordzee. Integrated assessment of effects of new pollutants- De deelnemende landen identificeren op dit moment de relevante nationale partners en zullen verder een project plan ontwikkelen. In oktober 2016 wordt een vergadering met experts georganiseerd. Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

5 Ecosystem Goods and Services for Coastal and Marine Waters- Deze actie zal zich richten op het concept van ecosysteemdiensten en de wetenschappelijk ondersteuning die dit kan bieden voor het beleid en besluitvormingsprocessen. Als volgende stap zal een expert groep vergadering worden georganiseerd met beleidsmakers, vertegenwoordigers van de financieringsagentschappen en wetenschappers. 6. Observing, Modelling and Predicting Oceans Multi-use of infrastructure for monitoring- Deze piloot actie is intussen geëindigd. De resultaten worden binnenkort door de coördinator bekend gemaakt. European Marine Calibration Network- Deze nieuwe actie werd voorgesteld door Griekenland op de Raad van Bestuur in November De actie is gericht op de gecoördineerde calibratie van sensoren van observatoria. Vijf landen hebben intussen aangeven de verdere uitwerking van de actie te ondersteunen. 7. Climate Change Impact on Ocean Processes 8. Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. De leidende landen zullen in 2016 een vergadering organiseren om verder de wetenschappelijke en monitoring aspecten van deze prioriteiten te bespreken en te beslissen over de volgende stappen. 9. Food Security and Safety 10. Biotechnology Wat betreft de twee bovenstaande strategische prioriteiten zullen JPI Oceans, COFASP en ERA MBT een voorstel voor een ERA-NET Cofund rond de Blue Bioeconomy indienen bij de Europese Commissie. IOC-UNESCO UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE Looptijd: doorlopend Financiering: Contactpersoon: Fien De Raedemaecker Website: Vlaanderen heeft zich geëngageerd om de UNESCO-IOC werking te ondersteunen door onderdak te bieden aan het IOC Project Office for IODE (bij VLIZ in Oostende) en door de toewijzing van middelen uit het Flanders-UNESCO Trustfonds voor de Wetenschappen (FUST). Vlaanderen wordt door UNESCO geapprecieerd als een betrouwbare en stabiele partner. Aan een aantal actiegebieden van de IOC wordt zeer actief deelgenomen, onder meer door rechtstreekse ondersteuning van het VLIZ en door experten uit universiteiten en andere onderzoeksinstellingen. Voor Vlaanderen heeft het VLIZ in het Convenant met de Vlaamse overheid duidelijke taken i.v.m. deelname en ondersteuning van IOC werking, in het bijzonder het IODE werk (Project Office). Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

6 Recente activiteiten en producten: - Deelname aan FUST Steering Committee in Parijs (14/09/2016) - advies bij jurering van voorstel van projecten ingediend bij FUST (goedgekeurd in juli 2016) - ondersteuning bij de gerichte communicatie van UNESCO, en meer in het bijzonder opportuniteiten voor samenwerking in het kader van FUST projecten naar de mariene onderzoeksgemeenschap - de voorbereidingen voor een nieuwe MoU worden getroffen EMB secretariat European Marine Board secretariat Looptijd: doorlopend Financiering: Contactpersoon: Fien De Raedemaecker Website: De European Marine Board is een pan-europees platform van zeewetenschappelijke organisaties met als doel gemeenschappelijke prioriteiten te ontwikkelen en de kloof tussen wetenschap en beleid te overbruggen. Het VLIZ krijgt het mandaat van het Vlaams Gewest voor de huisvesting en ondersteuning van het EMB-secretariaat. Recente activiteiten en producten: - Commissioner Vella consulted CEOs of European Marine Board member institutes on priorities for advancing ocean observation and seabed mapping (8 July, Ostend) - EMB, together with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) have developed a set of factsheets explaining the links between human health and the ocean as part of the EU Horizon 2020 funded Sea Change project. - EMB closed the recruitment for a new Science Officer on 16 September. The successful candidate will work as part of a dynamic, professional Secretariat to promote and advance marine science on behalf of the EMB membership of institutions from across Europe. - EMB presented at the 'Buidling a European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) at the European Parliament on 8 September. European policy and decision makers came together with the ocean observing community to discuss plans for EOOS, a system which aims to unite the existing ocean observation capacity in Europe. - The chair of the EMB, Jan Mees, presented the work of the EMB at the 70th anniversary of the International Symposium on World Ocean Research on September in Moscow. The symposium programme featured a variety of presentations spanning sustainable development, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, education, perception and capacity building, as well as acoustic studies and marine technology. - EMB took part in panel at Blue Economy Business and Science Forum 1st Summit (12-13 September, Hamburg). The Summit s purpose was to address the challenges of Blue Growth by bringing together business, science, finance and policy representatives to exchange knowledge and experience, discuss opportunities and barriers for innovation in the blue economy and celebrate scientific and industrial achievements. Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

7 POGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans Looptijd: 2 / / 2014 Financiering: Contactpersoon: Website: EU-FP7 Jan Mees, Fien De Raedemaecker Het Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans, POGO, is al meer dan tien jaar een forum waar de leiders van grote oceanografische instituten wereldwijd oceanografie kunnen promoten. Recente activiteiten en producten: - Next year's annual meeting (POGO-18) will take place from January 2017 and will be hosted by Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom.. Wetenschappelijke Commissie, 07 oktober

8 ANNEX Stand van zaken van acties genomen door JPI Oceans in het kader van haar Strategische Onderzoeks en Innovatieagenda (SRIA) aan de hand van narratieve onderdelen van het Operational Plan met bijvoeging van delen van het ontwerprapport van de 11 th Management Board meeting van 16 juni 2016 Compilatie: G. Verreet, EWI, 11 augustus 2016 Referentiedocumenten zie op de tabs onder dropdown menu Strategy en de daarbij horende RELATED DOCS Overzichtstabel deelname België Strategic Areas identified in the JPI Oceans Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 1. Exploring Deep Sea Resources Pilot Action 2. Technology and Sensor Developments COFUND 3. Science Support to Coastal And Maritime Planning and Management [workshop] 4. Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing 5. Interdisciplinary Research for Good Environmental Status 2 Pilot Actions, CALL [workshops] 6. Observing, Modelling and Predicting Ocean State And Processes Pilot Action 7. Climate Change Impact on Physical and Biological Ocean Processes 8. Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems 9. Food Security and Safety Driving Innovation in a Changing World COFUND in bespreking 10. Use of Marine Biological Resources through Development and Application of Biotechnology 11. Cross-Cutting Initiatives Science-Policy Interface Human Capacity Building Infrastructures: Shared Use and Common Procurement Strategies 1

9 Operational Plan Synthesis and Updates from the 11 th Management Board meeting of JPI Oceans (June 2016) Background This note gives a brief overview of the updates on each JPI Oceans action since the 9 th Management Board meeting (November 2015), and an indication of the next steps. As the CSA Oceans 2 project has now started, some lead countries are considering how to use its support in implementing the actions There is substantial background material related to each of the actions which can be provided to you by the secretariat by request. All activities need carefully to assess the cross-cutting activities; technology, infrastructure, observations, human capacity, science policy and international cooperation. The discussions and draft conclusions from the 11 th Management Board meeting (16 June 2016) are also presented for each action, these conclusions are subject to approval by the Board. Inhoud Background... 2 Pilot Actions... 3 Strategic Area 1 Ecological Aspects of Deep Sea Mining... 3 Strategic Area 5 Ecological aspects of microplastics... 5 Strategic Area 5 Intercalibration for the Water Framework... 6 Strategic Area 6 Multi-use of infrastructure for monitoring... 7 Developing Actions... 8 Strategic Area 2 Technologies Cofund... 8 Strategic Area 3 Coastal and Maritime Planning and Management Strategic Area 4 Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing Strategic Area 5 Ecosystem Goods and Services for Coastal and Marine Waters Strategic Area 5 Integrated Assessment of Effects of New Pollutants Strategic Area 5 Cumulative Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances Strategic Area 5 Munitions in the Sea Strategic Area 6 European Marine Calibration Network Strategic Area 6 Observing, Modelling and Predicting Ocean State and Processes Strategic Area 7-8 Climate Change Impact on Ocean Processes and Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming Strategic Area 9-10 Cofund on Aquatic Bioresources Strategic Area 9-10 Food and Nutrition Securtiy

10 Pilot Actions Strategic Area 1 Ecological Aspects of Deep Sea Mining The objective of this action is to provide common input to policy-makers, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) and industry on the (long-term) ecological consequences of deep-sea nodule mining by conducting joint cruises and analyses among 11 participating countries. Since the 9 th MB Meeting, three cruise reports have been published which contain the preliminary findings of the project. The project s Annual Meeting took place on January 2016 in Ghent. The scientists presented and discussed their first results, and agreed to prepare a common synthesis report of their findings as the project s final product when it ends in December As agreed at the 9 th MB meeting, JPI Oceans and the project will seek to disseminate the research results to relevant stakeholders in the next step. JPI Oceans organised a workshop on Knowledge-Based Governance of Deep-Sea Mining at the European Maritime Day in May This was an opportunity to inform and discuss in particular with the private sector. In addition, JPI Oceans organised a scientific briefing at the Assembly of the ISA (International Seabed Authorities) in July 2016 in order to feed input into the development of the international governance regime of deep-sea mining. Finally, the project will be invited to present its results to the MB at its next regular meeting. Elements from 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions (...) The cruise report has been sent to the Management Board (in confidence) with the indicative results. (...) (...). The secretariat informed the Board that the findings published by the scientists are not the same as the viewpoint agreed by the Management Board on deep-sea mining. The Board was asked if they agreed to the line taken by the secretariat, as this will be a matter of principle also in later actions we take forward and those running such as on microplastics (ref. the disclaimer). The Board also asked the lead country to think about how science can be used to advise industry and regulators on methods which will reduce the environmental impact of mining activities. The Board was informed that JPI Oceans had very successful organised a workshop chaired by Gilles Lericolais during the EU Maritime Day in Turku to inform stakeholders in line with former Board decisions, to engage with industry stakeholders to inform on the scientific assessment of impacts. The Board welcomed this and would appreciate a presentation by the scientists involved in the action. Gert Verreet (BE) indicated that the scientific community in Belgium is interested in knowing if any further activities were planned. If so it would be useful to know well in advance. It was suggested that the action could be evaluated while ongoing to avoid delaying any decisions for more activities. It was proposed that Svend Otto Remøe could begin evaluating soon. Germany reported that the future of the action will be discussed internally and a proposal will be outlined in September. 3

11 Conclusions The Management Board requested that the researchers involved in the action consider how they can advise industry/ regulators on methods for reducing the environmental impact of mining activities. The Management Board agreed that the action state of play be presented during a future Management Board meeting. The Management Board agreed to revisit the Strategic Area, as there are areas of relevance to start considering taking forward in conjunction with other initiatives such as trans-atlantic on seabed mapping which can most optimally be taken forward by joining infrastructure forces. In parallel evaluation of the pilot action should be undertaken. No CSA Oceans 2 support was requested. BELGIË Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht Opmerkingen DEELNEMER UGent en KBIN OD Natuur zijn betrokken in deze Pilot Action die afloopt eind Op Vlaams niveau heeft EWI het werk van UGent met een subsidie ondersteund in het kader van dit pilootproject. UGent: Prof. Ann Vanreusel KBIN: Cf. vraag quid na 2017 op JPI Oceans niveau. BRAIN-BE nieuw programma na 2018? Cf. concessie van Belgisch bedrijf 4

12 Strategic Area 5 Ecological aspects of microplastics The objective of this action is to (i) validate and harmonise research methodologies, (ii) improve the capacity to identify and quantify microplastics particles and (iii) further the understanding of the effects of plastic particles on marine organisms and systems. The four projects funded through joint call of 10 participating countries BASEMAN, WEATHER-MIC, PLASTOX, EPHEMARE officially started in December 2015/January Their joint kick-off meeting took place on 17 February 2016 in Madrid, with participation from all of the projects and some Management Board members of JPI Oceans. The meeting allowed for the projects to align and discuss potential collaborations. Moreover, it was used to exchange, connect and discuss how the scientific results can inform European and international policy processes on marine litter. The meeting resulted in an agreement on a number of joint working groups and joint activities as next steps and identified means and tools for continuous cooperation and mutual update. JPI Oceans and the projects will present and connect with relevant fora (e.g. MSFD Subgroup on Marine Litter, Regional Sea Conventions, scientific conferences, etc.). The participants proposed holding the mid-term joint project meeting a alongside the 2 nd JPI Oceans conference in May 2017 [Noot: conferentie is waarschijnlijk op 26 oktober 2017], as this would be a good opportunity to share early research results with the stakeholders of JPI Oceans. A final conference between the four projects is planned before the projects end in December Canada is in a dialog with BASEMAN on becoming an associated partner to the project. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions John Hanus (secretariat) gave a short update on the Pilot Action. The Chair reiterated that this is a global issue and that JPI Oceans should take pride in influencing research and policy in this area at a global level. The secretariat informed that dialog was already ongoing with Canada and the BASEMAN. Conclusions The Management Board encouraged the action lead to consider how countries outside Europe can be engaged such as the G7 and India who has expressed interest through the Carnegie group. BELGIË Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht DEELNEMER Vlaamse betrokkenheid (en subsidie via EWI) bij eerste fase van het pilootproject (die culmineerde in een workshop georganiseerd door UGent bij VLIZ op 13-15/1/2015). In 2015 werden in een call 4 projecten geselecteerd, die elk een Belgische betrokkene hebben. Financiering binnen BELSPO BRAIN- BE. Startvergadering 17/2/16. Projectduur 36 maanden. Zie projectfiches projecten op JPI Oceans website. Verdere internationalisering van het onderzoeksnetwerk door de hoge positie op de internationale agenda (vb. G7) Opmerkingen 5

13 Strategic Area 5 Intercalibration for the Water Framework In environmental authorities from 9 countries put together joint funding to enable JPI Oceans to support efforts and find scientific leadership expertise for the 3rd phase of theintercalibration exercise for the WFD coastal and transitional waters in the North-East Atlantic. Altogether 11 countries are involved. On 15 December 2015 and 25 February 2016 meetings took place with environmental authorities to discuss the phytoplankton results. An agreement was reached on the acceptance of the scientific results of the intercalibration for coastal waters phytoplankton, including the needed adjustments of the legal boundaries for some countries, except the Wadden Sea for which the proposed protocol did not seem to work scientifically and for which work is ongoing. Results for Wadden Sea benthic invertebrate fauna have been delivered and are being discussed. Results achieved so far have been presented at the ECOSTAT meeting of 16, 17 March The pilot action is currently in a second phase for which each phase has been defined by a MoU and specific budget contributions to a real common pot. A last reconfiguration of contracting, objectives and budgeting is being performed, to finalise work on Wadden Sea and transitional waters phytoplankton and benthic invertebrate fauna. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Wendy Bonne (secretariat) gave a short update on the Pilot Action which is in the second phase. The Board considered this action an excellent example of how JPI Oceans can add value and that, even if the work has yet to be concluded, the methodology of how the action was developed should be promoted. Conclusions It was agreed more should be done in publicising the methodology used in taking the action forward as the process can be used as an example of good practice in addressing a shared issue with a common pot of funding. BELGIË Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten LEAD België (federaal) leidt deze Pilootactie. Centrale coördinatie gebeurt door Dr W Bonne (VLIZ/JPI Oceans secretariaat). Bij de actie zijn geen Belgische externe onderzoekers rechtstreeks betrokken, wel zijn alle relevante data meegenomen in het onderzoek. Vooruitzicht Pilootproject wordt afgerond tegen eind Opmerkingen 6

14 Strategic Area 6 Multi-use of infrastructure for monitoring This pilot action was testing the process of designing a cross-border integrated monitoring strategy, efficiencies in data gathering by covering two policies (CFP and MSFD), competencies in different ministries. This pilot action has been finalised. The lead country NL is finalising a light assessment and preparing the report on this action which will be made available to the Management Board as formerly agreed. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Wendy Bonne (secretariat) informed that final report is still under preparation by the lead country. BELGIË DEELNEMER Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht KBIN OD Natuur Integratie van diverse types monitoring voor MSFD wordt verder uitgewerkt binnen MSFD CIS (o.a. binnen ICES). Waarschijnlijk geen direct vervolg onder JPI Oceans. Opmerkingen 7

15 Developing Actions Strategic Area 2 Technologies Cofund The main objective of this action is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies for different thematic areas of Blue Growth, monitoring and observations (Strategic Area 2). The consortium will organise and co-fund together with the EU a joint call for transnational research projects in cooperation between JPI Oceans and key partners from the former MARTEC ERAnet. This is the first attempt of cooperation of alignment between JPI Oceans and ERAnets. It should be noted that additional joint activities in accordance with the SRIA of JPI Oceans are planned under this 5 year project. Countries may still express interest to participate and budgets can still be increased. Since the last MB meeting two MarTERA consortium meetings took place (on and ) where the partners discussed issues such as number of partners per project, optimal use of budget coming from the Commission and others. The proposal was submitted to the EC by the project coordinator Filiz Aslan (Juelich) on In agreement with MB decision to involve international partners in the implementation phase of JPI Oceans, it should be noted that Argentina participates as a partner and South Africa has expressed interest. There are no competing consortia for this call. The results are expected in June 2016 and, if successful, the consortium will start designing the co-funded call as soon as possible. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Anastasios Lekkas (secretariat) gave an update on the status of the Cofund. At the time of the meeting there had been no official confirmation that the proposal was successful; if it is, the call will probably be launched in Sept/October The Commission representative informed the Board that the coordinator would receive a letter by the end of June. All partners were asked to check that they are registered in the H2020 system. The Board asked how the visibility of JPI Oceans will be maintained in the Cofund call. It was suggested that the outputs should be branded as JPI Oceans. To this end, it was also considered important to think about how to announce the call. (...) Conclusions The Management Board thanks the partners involved in preparing the proposal. It is considered important to maintain the visibility of JPI Oceans in the Cofund and in any eventual funded projects. (...) The Management Board was reminded that the Cofund Action is still open to national and international research funders to join. BELGIË Eerdere betrokkenheid DEELNEMER Vlaams Agentschap voor Innovatie en Ondernemen (VLAIO) is betrokken bij financiering van dit MarTERA COFUND. 8

16 Experten - Vooruitzicht Opmerkingen The Cofund proposal resulting from the collaboration between JPI Oceans and former ERA-NET MARTEC was accepted by the European Commission and is expected to launch a call of approximately 30 million euro in the fall of The new ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA will be coordinated by Filiz Aslan of Project Management Jülich (Germany). The other partners in MarTERA are: Argentina, Belarus, Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey The deadline foreseen for the signature of the grant agreement between the MarTERA partners and the European Commission is 24 September MarTERA will have a focus on innovation and technology development for a wide range of marine and maritime applications. The scope of the cofunded call can be divided in the following five priority areas: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies Development of novel materials and structures Sensors, automation, monitoring and observations Advanced manufacturing and production Safety and security The consortium expects to launch the first cofunded call around October/November The budget for the cofunded call is approximately 30 million Euro, where the participating countries contribute with 20 million Euro and the European Commission allocates 10 million Euro. The consortium is committed to plan activities additional to the cofunded call, such as additional calls and other activities. Belangrijke nieuwe opportuniteit voor de mariene/maritieme onderzoeksgemeenschap. 9

17 Strategic Area 3 Coastal and Maritime Planning and Management The main objective of this action is to build an interdisciplinary pan-european scientific partnership to network, share experiences of best practice and develop the needed scientific knowledge base and scientific methodological advice to support coastal and maritime planning and management. On 20 January a meeting took place between lead country Italy, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Estonia to clarify their intentions with the Joint Action. They agreed to address the coastal and marine area as one ecosystem entity for the JPI Oceans action, as well as the scientific knowledge base for the planning and entire management process cycle. An expert workshop on MSP will be held to identify and specify the needs and role of multidisciplinary science for MSP and to discuss how to stimulate knowledge brokerage for MSP. The composition of the JPI Oceans expert group on MSP is being finalised. A dialogue with the EC DG MARE s MSEG on MSP is being established and cooperation with other organisations being explored. Support from CSA Oceans 2 is requested to contribute to a mixed funding of the expert workshop (date not yet specified) which means that travel and accommodation expenses of participating Management Board members and the nationally appointed experts could be covered by the interested countries and the travel and accommodation expenses of a number (not yet specified) of key-note speakers and catering are requested to be covered by CSA Oceans 2. The main focus of the workshop is to address how to do MSP with science and technology in an efficient way, covering 3 aspects: - Identify and specify the needs and role of multidisciplinary science for MSP - Stimulate knowledge exchange for MSP: how to make reconcile / connect supply and demand, i. e. best scientific practices available and specific planning problems (geographic and/or sectoral) - Connecting institutions and scientific institutes national regional local 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Emilio Campana (IT) presented the action on MSP. The lead country had a number of meetings with DG MARE to avoid duplication and look for complementarities. In the next steps, the JPI Oceans expert group will be consolidated, while remaining in a dialogue with DG MARE. The lead country plans to apply for membership in the Member State Expert Group (MSEG) on MSP from DG MARE, on behalf of JPI Oceans, to sound out scientific relevant ideas as well as bring science needs from their group to the JPI Oceans Expert Group to ensure relevance. A second workshop is planned for September/October 2016 to address how to implement MSP with science and technology in an efficient way. It was noted that Canada has a lot of experience in this area and that it could be interesting to invite experts from other sectors such as urban planners. The Board informed that it is important that the event will also identify the specific needs of the participating countries to ensure tangible outcomes. The next steps are not yet defined and should build on the outcome of the event, which could include launching a call, if this would arise from the workshop. Conclusions The lead country Italy informed that preparatory meetings have taken place between relevant member countries forming the basis for next steps proposed. Furthermore, a dialogue with the European Commission had proven helpful in finding complementarities between the JPI action and the European Commission Member State Expert Group. The JPI 10

18 will with the lead country apply for observer status to the group, and members from the MS Expert Group of the European Commission are welcome as observers to the JPI Oceans action. Management Board members were informed that national science experts, who have become aware of this action, might contact them to be appointed as their national experts to JPI Oceans. The Management Board asked the action leaders to aim for a tangible action after the meeting in autumn. It was agreed that CSA Oceans 2 will be used to partly support a workshop in Sept/Oct 2016 with in-kind contributions from member countries. This workshop will address how to do MSP with science and technology in an efficient way. BELGIË DEELNEMER Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht Opmerkingen Steven Vandenborre, Prof Frank Maes Workshop en dan verduidelijking richting van JPI Oceans actie. Links mogelijk met IOC werk over MSP? [mail aan D. Cox, A-K Lescrauwaet en Prof F Maes 11/8/16] 11

19 Strategic Area 4 Linking Oceans, Human Health and Wellbeing Immediately after the 9 th MB meeting Norway confirmed its willingness to take a lead in this action. The Secretariat has continued to monitor developments in this field. OHH has been raised in the context of the Transatlantic Galway process. The draft Horizon 2020 work programme for includes a section on OHH 'Linking healthy oceans and seas for healthy people' and anticipates three areas of calls for proposals to be made in The Management Board asked the secretariat to facilitate a discussion between interested Member Countries to develop ideas for potential activities. Since the meeting, the lead country (NO) has developed, in dialogue with the secretariat, a proposal to hold a workshop with interested countries. Taking into account advice from StAB, the lead country has presented three possible action areas to interested countries and asked their preferences; this will also be used to inform the workshop discussions. So far there have been no discussions on using CSA Oceans 2 support. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Kristin Thorud (NO) updated the Board. A workshop had been planned in early 2016 but did not take place. The Management Board was asked how JPI Oceans should proceed in this area, considering that there are a number of relevant calls in Horizon 2020 such as the EC funded project on Oceans and Human Health 1. It was thought that some aspects of this area could be covered in other actions. There is a link with the Food and Nutrition Security workshop, which could be an opportunity to address oceans and human health. The European Commission would welcome and if agreed, facilitate, a more active collaboration between JPI Oceans and the Horizon 2020 projects in this area, such as the above but also the ocean literacy project. No CSA Oceans 2 support was requested. Conclusions The Management Board agreed that the topics in the area of Oceans and Human Health should be embedded in other relevant ongoing actions. This issue is of strategic importance also to future governance under the competence of the member countries, hence the Management Board asked the European Commission to inform the winning consortium of their present Oceans and Human Health call to seek dialog with JPI Oceans. The European Commission requested that JPI Oceans established a dialogue with their ocean literacy project and will facilitate the dialogue. BELGIË GEEN DEELNEMER AAN DEZE ACTIE IN JPI OCEANS Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht 1 Interaction between people, oceans and seas: a strategic approach towards healthcare and well-being 12

20 Opmerkingen Zie ook: Lopende SeaChange project over ocean literacy / oceans and human health (VLIZ betrokken) Nog in H2020: TOPIC : Interaction between people, oceans and seas: a strategic approach towards healthcare and well-being Topic identifier: BG Publication date: 14 October 2015 Deadline: 14 February :00:00 Types of action: CSA Coordination and support action 13

21 Strategic Area 5 Ecosystem Goods and Services for Coastal and Marine Waters This joint action aims to cover integrated scientific facilitation of ecosystem goods and services methodology that should be strongly connected to the policy makers' needs. The lead countries FR and SE held a meeting in Paris on 4 February 2016 to clarify their intentions with the proposal. Ecosystem services are targeted from a holistic point of view, including the already more readily available quantifiable services, as well as definitely envisaging advances in the services that are still more difficult to assess, also from a qualitative point of view. During the meeting on 8 March 2016 of the interested countries France, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Malta and New Zealand the first preparations have been discussed for the lunch to lunch expert workshop. This was originally anticipated to take place on June 2016 but has been postponed to a later date to allow for discussion at a Management Board meeting that week. At the workshop the different uses of the ecosystem goods and services approaches would be presented and discussed and best practice shared on what is available already to meet some policy needs and define what is more specifically lacking. A JPI Oceans group of experts on EGS to participate in this meeting is being composed and cooperations with other organisations being explored. Support from CSA Oceans 2 is requested to contribute to a mixed funding of the expert workshop (new date to be identified) which means that travel and accommodation expenses of participating Management Board members and the nationally appointed experts will be covered by (potentially a number of) interested countries and the travel and accommodation expenses of up to 10 key-note speakers and catering are requested to be covered by CSA Oceans 2. The workshop is a first step in creating a scientific ocean community dealing with ecosystem goods and services, presently fragmented across member countries. The first output for the workshop is: - Sharing of best praxis "procedure" to feed into operational policy needs such as the MSP (link with MSP group), MSFD - Propose review processes for update - Define which kind of monitoring is needed for EGS and how to make it part of observing systems - Define scientific needs, from a multidisciplinary perspective to feed into a possible call text Discussion points for the Management Board: - What is the best way to develop European actions like this? 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Lisa Almesjö (SE) presented the action. She informed that, since the last meeting, a number of interested countries have met to sharpen the focus on next steps. It was agreed that a workshop is important to ensure a scientifically integrated approach to feed as input to the next steps as well as to build on and avoid duplicating ongoing activities. The next steps will be to finalise a draft concept working paper by mid-july. A workshop is planned for 24 or 25 November in Brussels to present and discuss different uses of the ecosystem approach and share best practice on what is available to meet policy needs and to define what is lacking. It was suggested that this action could embed elements from the strategic area Oceans and Human Health, specifically exploring benefits of human health and wellbeing of interacting with the marine environment. The Board was informed that New Zealand plans to send an expert to the event. 14

22 Conclusions It was agreed that a workshop is important to ensure a scientifically integrated approach to feed as input to next steps as well as to build on and avoid duplicating ongoing activities. Management Board members (particularly of interested countries) were reminded to nominate experts to participate in this event. It was agreed that CSA Oceans 2 will be used to partly support a workshop on November 2016 and there will be a meeting of the lead countries in early September. BELGIË DEELNEMER Eerdere betrokkenheid Experten Vooruitzicht Opmerkingen Het Belgische community of practice hierover, BEES (onder het Belgisch Platform Biodiversiteit), zal geconsulteerd worden (via Sander Jacobs, INBO, die als expert werd aangemeld voor België). Afhankelijk van geplande workshop. Indien call, samenwerking met BiodivERsA (COFUND). [mail aan Sander Jacobs 11/8/16] 15

23 Strategic Area 5 Integrated Assessment of Effects of New Pollutants Integrated assessment of effects of new pollutants is complex and the lead countries ES and NO held a meeting in Madrid on 16 February to clarify their intentions with the proposal. Specialised integrated assessment of the vast range of pollutants for prioritisation for specific follow-up as well as smart cost-effective integrated assessment for monitoring purposes of a selection of pollutants has been discussed. An expert workshop will be held in the beginning of October 2016 to present and discuss new approaches to address this complex issue scientifically and scope the joint action more in depth, after which a meeting will be planned with funding and policy authorities to decide on the proposed research lines. Support from CSA Oceans 2 is requested to contribute to a mixed funding of the expert workshop (probably in the week of the 10th October) which means that travel and accommodation expenses of participating Management Board members and the nationally appointed experts will be covered by the interested countries and the travel and accommodation expenses of about 7 key-note speakers and catering are requested to be covered by CSA Oceans 2. A scientific workshop should be held on presence and effects of new pollutants in the marine environment where a proposal for approach should be discussed on how to deal with: - How to address the myriad of new pollutants and their effects? - Which new pollutants are of major concern? - Develop common tools and common approaches for monitoring (e.g. lack of standardized methodologies/approaches) MB members are invited to nominate experts by Monday 6 th June, so that we can still send you an overview of the nominations for your consideration at the Management Board meeting and get the expert list finalised by 30 June. Further info and recommendations for the appointment of national experts for the workshop as well as the draft agenda are also available separately. 11 th Management Board meeting discussions and draft conclusions Lourdes Armesto (ES) presented the action. After a meeting in February 2016, the lead countries (ES+NO) have been drafting a proposal for the governance and management of the action. A workshop is planned for October 2016, in which experts will be invited to brainstorm on the topic of The presence and effects of new pollutants in the marine environment. This will be used to develop a state of play and to identify the challenges of emerging pollutants on European seas. This event will also be used to identify tools and mechanisms which can be used to address this issue. The ambition of the lead countries is to launch a call in The expert workshop will be succeeded by a meeting with funding agencies of interested countries (October 2016) to select issues which can be addressed and identify instruments to implement the Action. Conclusions It was agreed that there is a need for better tools and new approaches to efficiently monitor and evaluate chemical pollution and especially in view of new pollutants. It was agreed that the CSA Oceans 2 will be used to partly support an expert workshop in autumn 2016 (potentially week of October) addressing this, as well as the lack of data for effect-based assessment systems in general and target matrices e.g. sediment and biota. The event would be followed by a meeting of potential funders with the anticipated next step being to prepare for a call. 16

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