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1 Aug :01:59 Research projects ( of 336) Search filter: Classifications: Management of enterprises The impact of cultural adaptation on the effectiveness of e-commerce websites. A contingency approach. Abstract: The central problem of this research involves the question of whether e-commerce websites must be standardized or modified in order to attract international customers and in what aspects, if any adaptation is desirable. To answer this question, we wish to carry out a comprehensive experimental study to measure the impact of cultural adaptation on the effectiveness of transaction-oriented Web sites. We will use a sophisticated and systematic experimental approach, in which Internet users within the EU will be exposed to fictitious websites that will be adapted on several areas and to different levels of different cultural dimensions. The effectiveness of these sites will be measured through an extensive online survey filled in by the subjects. In this way, we can determine what level of cultural adaptation is desirable and on what effectiveness measures the different degrees of localization have an impact. We will also take into account institutional differences between countries within the EU. Through this study, we hope, (1) to make an important contribution to the standardization / adaptation debate in the wake of recommendations by Taylor (2005) and (2) to meet the need for systematic cross-cultural studies on the effectiveness of website design aspects, which was called for by Cyr (2008). MALAIKA BRENGMAN Het creëren van sociale meerwaarde door KMO's: Onderzoek naar de sociale doelstellingen, business modellen en sociale performantie bij MVO actieve KMO's University College Ghent Abstract: De laatste decennia is er een groeiende consensus over de sociaal-maatschappelijke rol die bedrijven spelen, naast het realiseren van winst en tewerkstelling. Meer en meer wordt van werkgevers verwacht dat ze maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO), of met andere woorden streven naar een evenwicht tussen sociale, maatschappelijke en economische doelstellingen met respect voor ecologische waarden. Zowel politiek als academisch wint dit thema duidelijk aan belang. Hoewel de business and society literatuur een rijke traditie kan voorleggen aan 'theory driven' publicaties, focust ze vooral op reactieve houdingen van grote ondernemingen ten opzichte van maatschappelijke problemen. In deze context wordt MVO naar voor gebracht vanuit een bekritisering van de reactieve management stijl van (hoofdzakelijk grote) ondernemingen, zonder inzicht te bieden in de mate waarin en hoe MVO in de bedrijfspraktijk vorm krijgt. Recente overheidsinitiatieven en de academische literatuur wijzen uit dat er tot op heden weinig kennis is vergaard over 'hoe KMO's aan MVO doen'. In dit project wordt de volgende centrale onderzoeksvraag voorop gesteld: "Hoe realiseren KMO's in de bedrijfspraktijk sociale meerwaarde?" Gezien de eenzijdige focus op reactieve houdingen van grote bedrijven en niet eenduidige empirische bevindingen in de literatuur wordt voor dit project 'theoretical sampling' van jonge KMO's die zich pro-actief inzetten voor de realisatie van MVO gerelateerde activiteiten voorgesteld. De algemene doelstelling van het project is inzicht te krijgen in het "proces van sociale meerwaarde creatie bij MVO actieve KMO's". Dit 'proces' wordt geconceptualiseerd aan de hand van een aantal centrale constructen ontleend aan de Resource Based Theory: sociale missie, business model en sociale performantie. Het Business Model verschaft immers informatie over de positie van de organisatie in de waardeketen, de middelen en competenties die de organisatie heeft om haar (sociale) doelstellingen te bereiken en hoe er omzet wordt gegenereerd. Om aan deze doelstelling tegemoet te komen zal dit project een survey ontwikkelen en afnemen in een theoretisch geselecteerde steekproef van 100 MVO actieve KMO's'. Doel is verder het uitbouwen van een survey databank van MVO actieve KMO's om exploratieve kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve analyses Faculty of Applied Business Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration Department of SME-Management Department of Management and organisation Nathalie Moray Tom Van Wassenhove Developing and managing cyclic distribution strategies in logistics. Abstract: The starting point of this research project is to reconcile both trends in the inventory routing literature by breaking the underlying assumptions: (i) situations with an inherent demand uncertainty do not necessarily require a dynamic, short-term approach; and (ii) a cyclic solution can also be valid under varying circumstances. The resulting research question, which is the cornerstone of this project, is as follows: to what extent is a cyclic approach suitable for distribution planning in situations with inherent demand uncertainty, and how can efficient distribution patterns be designed and maintained? ITMMA Wout Dullaert Institutional conformity in financial reporting. Abstract: The study will identify and analyze institutional conformity in properties of corporate financial reporting characterized by normative ambiguity, such as risk reporting, MD&A and cost allocation decisions. Reporting conformity is theorized as institutional imitation behaviour driven by social, cognitive and competitive forces. The study will integrate the role and functioning of external auditors in reporting conformity.² Accountancy and Finance

2 Walter Aerts Assessing and Developing Initiatives of Companies to control and reduce Commuter Traffic. (ADICCT - second phase) Abstract: As source of home-to-work travel, companies generate a lot of traffic. Many employers are aware of this and develop initiatives in order to reduce the use of private cars by their employees. The ADICCT project assesses these Mobility Management initiatives. Next to an analysis of the Belgian Home To Work Travel (HTWT) questionnaire, key persons of companies with an advanced mobility policy will be interviewed in a casestudy approach. Transport and Regional Economics Ann Verhetsel The 'value' of bank relationships during a financial crisis: Evidence from Belgium in the 1930s. Abstract: We investigate the impact of bank affiliations on the performance of Belgian listed companies in the first half of the 1930s. This period was characterized by a large economic crisis and major problems in the financial sector which led to profound institutional reforms. We consider different dimensions of company performance. Accountancy and Finance Marc Deloof Corporate communication in a maritime context. Abstract: An important part of the crewmembers on international ships (mainly ratings) is Spanish speaking. Nevertheless, the international language in maritime communication is English. Insufficient knowledge of this language is the cause of many communication problems with sometimes serious consequences with regard to safety. The aim of the project is to analyse the linguistic and economic aspects of this problem in a Belgian context. International Business Communication Lieve Vangehuchten WETEN: Western-Eastern Teacher Education Network Abstract: This project is devoted to the development of the network of university teachers in European higher education institutions working together to share expertise on effective learning and teaching in universities. This network for pedagogical innovation in higher education aims to bring together practitioners and experts from western universities from Europe, to share good practice, share materials and share new teaching methods with teachers from eastern HEI. There is a need for changing the focus from teacher oriented methods to student centered learning, focus on pedagogical issues faced by eastern universities when implementing ICT in education. The main targeted area is the education and training needs of HEI academic community. Business Informatics Data-analysis and Modelling Joanna SCHREURS The potential of EU funding schemes for AON business development in Central and Eastern Europe. Werd eerst ingebracht in de databank als WDGO741 Abstract: AON identified a large volume of EU funding available for the social, economic and infrastructural development of Central Eastern European countries (CEE) as part of its potential future growth drivers. In response to these market opportunities, an AON High Potential Program (HPP) was set up, involving a team of recently appointed high potential managers. This HPP team conducted an explorative, bottom-up analysis to identify the opportunities and potential that EU funding is representing for AON. Based on the promising output of this team work, the AON CEE-Practice Group Public Sector decided to complement these results with a top-down analysis, performed by a research team of the VUB-Solvay Business School. This VUB analysis (Study 1) aimed at confirming the conclusions of the HPP team position paper, fine-tuning these results and offering a more detailed classification of EU funding to CEE countries. This classification also allowed to identify the highest potential for the following three CEE countries: Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary. Based on the results of Study 1, AON-EMEA Practice Group Public Sector commissioned a follow-up Study 2 with the following main objectives: o Obtaining an in-depth insight and identification of the EU funding programs and projects that could lead to specific business opportunities for AON in the three preselected CEE countries. o Containing an implementation proposition for addressing the opportunities and, hence, to provide answers to the questions what, where, when and who? In this context, "What" refers to which business, "where" can the opportunity or decision maker be localized, "when" in terms of timing of the decision making process and "who" manages and decides on the budget or can influence the spending? In order to help AON's collaborators to transfer the requested feedback and information to the VUB research team, this document will first briefly describe the results of Study 1, next preliminary results of Study 2 will be provided and finally we present a request for feedback. Study 1: Approach and Methodology In Study 1, the CEE countries relevant for AON business development where analyzed based on the volume of EU funding they receive in the funding period While there are different streams, origins and goals for EU funding to CEE countries, our research team concluded that the category of "regional assistance" best met the requirements. This category includes EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds. These funds are implemented through national and regional programs (called

3 Operational Programs or OP's), usually managed at a national level. Within these frameworks or OP's, more specific domains or Priority Axes (PA's) are identified and attributed to lower governmental bodies or agencies (e.g., increasing mobility around a main city). In a following phase, a local agent will define concrete projects to be carried out (for example, the construction of a new road). We identified 91 OP's for 10 CEE countries, taking into account the most important industries or areas of business relevant for AON. These OP's total EURO 176,557 million. We also noted a delay in tendering and implementation of the OP's, suggesting that an important part of this total budget is relevant for business opportunity analysis as of today. In order to analyze specific allocation mechanisms of the EU funding, the research team suggested a focus on three CEE countries (Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary). These countries combine a fairly acceptable level of stakeholder complexity and a relatively high volume of funding. Study 2: Approach and Methodology Overview Study 1 also concluded that a closer investigation of the individual OP's could yield more transparency on volume funding and the allocation process from a bottom-up point of view. Therefore, Study 2 is focusing on a country and OP specific investigation. The main question that needs to be answered is whether significantly different allocation mechanisms prevail within one country, sector or even OP. To this end, we have first focused on 67 OP's related to the three selected countries of Study 1. When starting the in-depth analysis of the allocation and decision making process of OP's, it is argued that: o After national governmental bodies (also called managing authorities) receive EU funding (i.e. funding for an OP) based on a tendering process, budgets are decentralized to an Intermediate Body (IB). Such body is often a regional of local governmental level and will be further labeled as an "IB level 1". o Each "IB level 1" defines PA's within each OP and appoints one or more "IB level 2" (for example, a public consortium or association limited in time and with a very specific goal). o Next each "IB level 2" writes tenders for particular projects, which contribute to the aim of the PA's and to which beneficiaries (usually private companies) can subscribe. To analyze the funding streams and the decision making, it is therefore important to focus on the level PA's or intermediate bodies, instead of the level of OP's or managing authorities. The three selected countries encompass 378 PA's within their 67 OP's. By considering the sectors or areas of best match with AON products and services (i.e., Transport, Environment and Risk prevention, Research and Technological Development), we obtained a list of 45 potentially interesting PA's. In the final phase of Study 2, a small number of PA's and projects will be selected and we will explore for each case how this matches with AONbusiness, who is the provider (manager of funds - IB level 1), who is the implementer (IB - level 2) and who receives the budget and executes the project (beneficiary). In order to make a grounded selection, it was decided to ask AON-CEE managers and collaborators for input. Economic, Monetary and Financial Policy Accountancy, Auditing and Business Financing Steven VANDUFFEL DIANE BREESCH Moving Forward Abstract: In this project mobile phones are used to automize and digitalize data (collection) and develop a GIS-based internet platform for the visualization of data for transportation plans and accessibility maps A lot of time has already been invested in building knowledge on accessibility maps. Nevertheless there are still important bottlenecks. When it comes to data collection, we see that this often is complex and takes up a lot of time. Moreover, data are often not digitalised, which makes it impossible to update data in a fast and simple way. Also, in numerous cases, information is missing or accessibility maps are restricted to the direct surroundings. Because accessibility maps often only exist in hard copy, this poses problems for envolving and reaching end users. Possible solutions that have been explored are: using existing GSM-technolgie, digitalizing data, connecting relevant databases to the maps and visualizing accessibility maps in a web environment. IMOB is responsible for gearing GSM technologie and web surroundings to one anoter and for developing a GIS-based internet platform. The project partners VSV, the provincial mobility points and Traject will be envolved in determining the possibilities and functionalities of the web surrouding. Moreover, they are also responsible for guiding target groups in the test phase and for collecting best cases. Business Informatics Data-analysis and Modelling Transportation Research Institute Gerhard WETS Tom BELLEMANS Een onderzoek naar gefailleerde herstarters in Vlaanderen University College Ghent Abstract: Dit Projectmatig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeksproject, met als titel Een onderzoek naar gefailleerde herstarters in Vlaanderen, heeft als doel de beeldvorming in Vlaanderen rond gefailleerden weer te geven en de thematiek van herstarters in kaart te brengen. Er verstrijkt geen week zonder dat we geconfronteerd worden met faillissementen en de negatieve gevolgen ervan, onder andere voor de werkgelegenheid. Maar ook voor de ondernemers zelf heeft een faillissement heel wat implicaties op persoonlijk en materieel vlak. Aan de andere kant tracht de overheid ondernemen zo veel mogelijk te stimuleren via allerhande manieren. Want zonder ondernemers zou het waarschijnlijk al helemaal slecht gesteld zijn met onze economie. Maar als een ondernemer faalt, dan is er weinig of geen ondersteuning. Vindt de publieke opinie in België dat falen een persoonlijke mislukking betekent? Wordt de gefailleerde ondernemer aanzien als een sjoemelaar? Verdient de gefailleerde een

4 tweede kans? Het antwoord op deze laatste vraag varieert aanzienlijk van land tot land. In de Verenigde Staten bijvoorbeeld wordt falen aanzien als een mogelijkheid om een meer succesvolle ondernemer te worden. In veel Europese landen bestaat er echter een stigma op falen. Dit stigma kan een belangrijke factor zijn om niet te starten als ondernemer. De Europese Commissie is zich ook reeds langer bewust van dit heersende stigma op falen en de mogelijke gevolgen ervan en vraagt de EU-lidstaten om aandacht te hebben voor een beleid van tweede kans. Want uit onderzoek blijkt dat een gefailleerde ondernemer meestal zijn ondernemingsgeest niet kwijt is. Integendeel, onderzoek geeft weer dat de mogelijkheid bestaat dat uit dit falen een ondernemer unieke kennis kan verwerven om een meer succesvolle onderneming op te richten. De Europese Commissie heeft zelfs een website ontwikkeld rond de thematiek van gefailleerde herstarters. Maar hoe zit het eigenlijk juist met gefailleerde herstarters in Vlaanderen? Voelen zij zich gestigmatiseerd door het eerdere faillissement? Hebben zij geleerd uit hun falen? Met welke problemen werden zij geconfronteerd bij een herstart? Faculty of Applied Business and ICT (Aalst Campus) Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration Department of Languages Department of Applied Economics Department of Economy Ruth DeVreese Ann-Sophie Bouckaert Linda Verbist BOF-program Short Stay: Prof. Yu-Shan Su Abstract: On March 23, 2009, the research Council of Hasselt University has approved the stay of Prof. dr. Yu-Shan Su of the Chang Jung University, Tainan, Taiwan. During his stay, Prof. dr. Yu-Shan Su will perform research in cooperation with prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke (research group strategy and innovation) Strategy and Organisation Wim VANHAVERBEKE Evaluation of the effectiveness of speed cameras in the field of road safety. Abstract: Central to the research is the question whether the cameras have a positive impact on road safety. Two effects are to be considered: firstly, there is the impact of the number of accidents, secondly there is the effect on driving speed. The effect on the number of accidents can be considered as the intended effect in the long term. However, this effect is indirect, since the installation of an unmanned camera can have no direct effect as such on the number or severity of accidents. The effect on the number of accidents is in fact reached through an intermediate variable, namely the speed, since an increased surveillance by unmanned cameras has in the first place a potential impact on the speed behaviour. The evaluation will take place, hence, in terms of effects on the speed and the number of accidents. Traffic Safety Data-analysis and Modelling Transportation Research Institute Tom BRIJS Gerhard WETS Study on the value of the business centers in the province of Antwerp for the success of start-up entrepreneur - conclusions and recommendations. Abstract: Study on the value of the business centers in the province of Antwerp for the success of start-up entrepreneur - conclusions and recommendations. Management Paul Matthyssens Research agreement for scientific services in the frame of the HORECA Limburg project. Abstract: The catering sector is a very substantial part of the economic fabric of Belgium. It is also a sector with a strong identity that very often has a major press interest. Unfortunately, the issues are often debated and discussed without all too much objective and well-founded figures. The design of this study is therefore to collect the necessary data from the sector to accommodate this problem to an important degree. Accountancy & Finance Financing, entrepreneurship and reporting Ghislain HOUBEN The effectiveness of brand placement: extensions of the Tripartite Typology and the Balance Model and the impact of disclosure. Abstract: The effectiveness of the traditional 30 second television commercial is declining. Consequently, advertisers are looking at alternatives such as brand placement, to break through the clutter and to deliver their commercial messages more persuasively. Brand placement is a hybrid form of advertising where the commercial message is integrated in a media context. This research will investigate in what way certain factors (programme-evoked responses, frequency of exposure to brand placement, prior brand familiarity, brand placement disclosure) influence brand placement effectiveness and acceptability.

5 Marketing Patrick De Pelsmacker Marijke Wouters Failure analysis model for early stage product innovation projects. Abstract: The research project aims at investigating which factors have a major influence on future success or failure of a spin-off or spin-out company. An important aspect of the study will be to define what is considered to be a success and what a failure. The final goal is however not to discover success or failure criteria, but to build a model enabling to provide a full assessment in the early stages of the venture. Engineering Management Johan Braet Sven De Cleyn Cooperation strategies for building logistics networks. Abstract: Cooperation strategies for building logistics networks. ITMMA Wout Dullaert Christophe Theys Business Ontology-driven Information Systeem Development Abstract: This project has as reserch goal the improvemt of the Information System development process by making this process business ontology driven. Business-ontology-driven development means that generally accepted domain knowledge that is based on existing business theories and captured using knowledge representation languages, is used to improve the analysis phase of the requirements of the system. Departement of Internal medicine Geert Poels Social capital in individueal perspective: an investigation into the influence of urbanisation and socio-economic statut on the tenure of social resources. Abstract: The researchgproject situates itself in the analysis of social capital according to the tration of Bourdieu, Portes and others. Social Capital is defined as the amount of resources individuals have access to through their social relationships. The first aim of the project is to develop a measurement instrument, the second to investigate the relationship between urbanization, SES and social capital. Departement of Political science Herwig Reynaert Carl Devos Open Innovation and internationalization of R&D activities in multinational companies (MNEs) Abstract: The increasing trend towards internationalization of R&D activities implies that MNEs cooperate with local R&D partners abroad (e.g. universities, research labs, other firms, etc). Consequently, this trend should be related to open innovation which focuses on the benefits of tapping into external technology sources. However, globalization of R&D and open innovation have not been connected so far. This PhD-study intends to fill this research gap. Linking the literature about internationalization of R&D with that about open innovation will lead to a better understanding how a firm can tap into local epochs of tacit and contextual knowledge. Next, introducing the international dimension into open innovation will increase the relevance of the latter for the management of large multinational companies. The benefits are threefold: (1) firms have to decide how widely to look for new knowledge. (2) Tapping into locally embedded external knowledge, which is a central theme in open innovation, has to be adapted to intercultural and international settings. (3) A geographically dispersed network of R&D-enters introduces new management challenges such as knowledge integration in a MNE. Innovation Management Wim VANHAVERBEKE Short Stay Li Wangfang: Analyzing the benefits and mangement challenges of open innovation from a HRM perspective Abstract: On May 18, 2009, the research Council of Hasselt University has approved the stay of Prof. dr. Li Wangfang of Zhejang University, China. During his stay, Prof. dr. Li Wangfang will perform research in cooperation with prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke (research group strategy and innovation), in preparation of a joint PhD with the title: 'Analyzing the benefits and mangement challenges of open innovation from a HRM perspective'.). Innovation Management Wim VANHAVERBEKE Consumer insights in het gebruik van sociale media door Belgische jongeren University College Ghent Abstract: Sociale media zijn een nieuwe, aanvullende vorm van marketingcommunicatiemedia. De sociale media zoals Web 2.0 sites, blogs op internet, idtv, mobiele communicatie, advergaming,...zijn internetgerelateerde tools die het een consument niet alleen mogelijk maken om zelf op

6 zoek te gaan naar informatie omtrent een product/dienst maar ook om zelf contact te realiseren met de bedrijven/adverteerders. Daarenboven stellen deze nieuwe media de consument ook in staat om eigen informatie, percepties en opinies te verspreiden onder medeconsumenten. De consument wordt, in vergelijking met het klassieke advertising model waarin hij een passieve rol speelde (zender adverteerder, ontvanger consument), een actieve speler in een nieuw model: hij stuurt de merkboodschap bijvoorbeeld aan via 'user generated content' (verwijst naar media inhoud die geproduceerd wordt door de eindgebruiker) of via 'Word of Mouse' (een evolutie van 'word of mouth' naar 'word of Mouse', waarbij de verspreiding van de boodschap niet meer face-to-face gebeurt maar via een digitale intermediair). Hij kan via de virale (digitale) weg duizenden andere consumenten benaderen met positieve of negatieve boodschappen. De adverteerder zal zijn sturende rol moeten bijschaven en zich in de communicatie, uitgedaagd door de consument, anders moeten gedragen, rekening houdend met de gewijzigde communicatiemogelijkheden- van de consument. Zowel vanuit de academische als vanuit de bedrijfswereld is er echter nood aan diepgaande inzichten in waarom en wanneer de consument als actieve ontwikkelaar of verspreider van commerciële boodschappen gaat optreden. Vroeger onderzoek wees reeds uit wat het socio-demografisch profiel is van internetgebruikers, hoe consumenten hun tijd verdelen over media (Ferris, 2007) en wat bijvoorbeeld de motieven zijn van consumenten om gebruik te maken van het internet (Rodgers & Sheldon, 1999). Consumenten gaan via internet informatie zoeken, communiceren, ontspannen en shoppen. De dieperliggende kennis van waarom de gebruiker/consument al dan niet gebruik maakt van sociale media en dus participeert in de commerciële boodschap ontbreekt nog. (Johnson, Bruner & Kumar, 2008). De doelstelling van dit project is het beantwoorden van volgende onderzoeksvragen : 1. wat zijn de motivaties van Belgische jongeren (16-34 jarigen) om actief commerciële boodschappen aan te sturen in sociale media, en 2. in welke mate modereren deze motivaties het effect van merkkenmerken (zoals merkpersoonlijkheid) en boodschapelementen (zoals het type creatieve appeal dat gebruikt wordt) op het al dan niet vertonen van dit actieve aansturingsgedrag van Belgische jongeren. In de verschillende onderzoeksfasen zal de motivatie van de jonge consument op kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve manier bestudeerd en bevraagd worden. Het einddoel bestaat erin een gefundeerd advies te kunnen formuleren aangaande de meest aangewezen manier om de interactieve consument van morgen efficiënt te benaderen en te bereiken. Het PWO-project Consumer insights in het gebruik van sociale media door Belgische jongeren heeft twee centrale vragen. o De eerste centrale vraag is Wat zijn de motivaties van Belgische jongeren (16-34 jarigen) om actief commerciële boodschappen aan te sturen in sociale media?. o De tweede centrale vraag is In welke mate beïnvloeden merkkenmerken (zoals merkpersoonlijkheid) en boodschapelementen (zoals het type creatieve appeal) het aansturinggedrag van Belgische jongeren en is deze relatie afhankelijk van de oorspronkelijke motivatie? Om deze centrale vragen te kunnen beantwoorden is een antwoord nodig op de volgende onderzoeksvragen: o Welke sociale media worden door Belgische jongeren gebruikt om actief commerciële boodschappen aan te sturen? (OV1) o Wat zijn de motivaties van Belgische jongeren om gebruik te maken van sociale media om informatie met betrekking tot producten of diensten te creëren of te verspreiden? (OV2) o Link tussen het waarom en soort product of dienst en soort informatie / boodschap en wijze van actief gebruik? (OV3) De eerste fase van het onderzoeksproject was een oriënterende, afbakenende en conceptuele fase. De literatuurstudie heeft zich geconcentreerd op de eerste twee onderzoeksvragen. De tweede fase van het project kwalitatief onderzoek bij de consument liet toe om de verworven informatie uit de eerste fase af te toetsen, te verfijnen en uit te zuiveren. De kwalitatieve onderzoeksfase probeerde vooral een antwoord te formuleren op de eerste twee onderzoeksvragen. De tweede onderzoeksvraag, de motivaties, kwam uitgebreid aan bod. Door de motivaties te onderzoeken, werd een beter beeld verkregen van wat de gebruikers drijft om het gedrag te stellen waar dit onderzoeksdomein zich op richt. In de gesprekken is ook gepolst naar relevante elementen met betrekking tot de derde onderzoeksvraag. Naast een indicatie van de motivaties die bij de meeste respondenten aanwezig waren, kwam het kwalitatief onderzoek tot drie conclusies: 1.Bepaalde motivaties kunnen onvoldoende teruggekoppeld worden naar de beschikbare theorieën. We vonden vijf nieuwe motivaties die (voorlopig) niet te herleiden zijn naar de reeds gedocumenteerde motivaties: profilering, google traffic, reciprociteit of bijdragen tot de community, drang naar content, problemen signaleren aan bedrijven en tenslotte provoceren en choqueren. 2.Bepaalde motivaties komen heel vaak samen voor, of juist niet. 3.Er zijn verschillende variaties binnen éénzelfde motivatie, we kunnen ons nu een meer genuanceerd beeld vormen van iedere bestaande motivatie. Een voorbeeld hiervan is de motivatie product involvement waar ook sprake is van brand involvement. De derde fase is een kwantitatieve onderzoeksfase en is opgebouwd uit drie luiken: een inhoudsanalyse, een enquête en een experiment. Deze derde fase moet ook een afdoende antwoord geven op de derde onderzoeksvraag. Als resultaat van de derde fase verwachten we kwantitatieve gegevens om de motivaties bij jongeren te onderbouwen en de boodschapelementen van commerciële boodschappen te linken aan de mogelijke motivaties. Het einddoel bestaat erin een gefundeerd advies te kunnen formuleren aangaande de meest aangewezen manier om de interactieve consument van morgen efficiënt te benaderen en te bereiken. Faculty of Applied Business Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration Department of Marketing Department of Marketing Claire Maréchal Iris Vermeir Brigitte Neetens Linda Engels

7 Innoflow: improving material flow in the wood and furniture industry Abstract: Innoflow is a thematic consortium for innovation that supports companies from wood and furniture industry through a series of 10 workshops, aimed at teaching material flow principles. The companies will analyse their flow, improve it and implement the improvements. Departement of Industrial management Hendrik Van Landeghem IMSFood: Innovative management system for a sustainable food industry Abstract: IMSFood is a Transnational Collective Research Project-CORNET. The objective of IMSFood project is to develop an innovative and sustainable management system for food SMEs to reduce costs and maintain quality. The final outcome of the project is a tailor made toolbox and framework to implement different cost reduction techniques in an SME environment. The toolbox has been developed based on multiple case studies and active discussion with the companies. Departement of Agricultural economics Xavier Gellynck AON business targets in Central and Eastern Europe within EU funding opportunities Abstract: The research institute 'VUB' and the 'AON Risk Services EMEA B.V.' have entered into a service-agreement concerning the project' Titel wordt later aangevuld door R&D. '. The research results can be transferred to the company, there can be a reasonable return in case of commercialisation or there is another kind of agreement on intellectual property, as outlined in the concluded agreement. Economic, Monetary and Financial Policy Steven VANDUFFEL Metaheuristics for the Orienteering Problem with Hotel Selection KU Leuven Abstract: Imagine a tourist who wants to visit a large touristic region such as apart of a country or for instance, Europe in a couple of days. In this case, each day some of the possible attractions should be selected to visit and also an accommodation place should be chosen to stay each night.obviously, the location of the accommodation has influence on which possible attractions can be visited during the this thesis we have mathematically modeled this situation as a combinatorial optimizationproblem and used operational research techniques to solve it. The thesis is composed of two main the first part, the above mentioned situation is mathematically modeled as a new variant of the orienteering problem, namely the orienteering problem with hotel selection, and metaheuristics including a variable neighborhood search and a memetic algorithm are designed to solve this the second part, another variant of this problem, with time windows for the visited attractions, is add Centre for Industrial Management / Traff Dirk Cattrysse Pieter Vansteenwegen Ali Divsalar not avaiable Abstract: not available Departement of Civil engineering Greta Van Eetvelde Differentiation strategy in retailing Abstract: Joint PhD agreement for Kim Willems MALAIKA BRENGMAN Innovative views on diversity in organizations Abstract: The objective of the project is to let important social actors - representatives of employers and workers organizations, immigrant associations, local authorities, political actors, the competent Flemish administration, VDAB, entrepreneurs and researchers reflect together in two moments on multiculturalism in the Flemish labor market and the workplace starting from innovative perspectives. Diversity Identity, Diversity & Inequality Research Patrizia ZANONI The effect of brand placement disclosure on the responses to brand placement by adults and children Abstract: The impact of disclosure mechanismsof brand placement in media content on the level of persuasion knowledge, both with adults and children, is studied. The proposal contributes to the theoretical insights into how brand placement works, to the definition of ethical advertising, and to the public policy question which specific regulation the government has to impose with respect to this commercial technique.

8 Marketing Patrick De Pelsmacker Qualitative analysis of the management commentary disclosure process Abstract: The aim of the project is to identify key factors which affect the preparation of management discussion and analysis reports. We investigate how firms' institutional setting and capital market context affect managers' ability to provide informative disclosures.we use a qualitative approach and investigate differences in institutional setting using an international sample. Accountancy and Finance Walter Aerts Flexibility in the law of private companies, especially the private company limited by shares Abstract: The main goal of the research project is to determine whether there is any need to increase the flexibility of the Belgian legislation of private companies limited by shares (BVBA) and partnerships. The project will result in very concrete proposals that should be useful for policymakers. Departement of Business law Hans De Wulf Unravelling the diversity in family firm performance: Effects of entrepreneurial orientation and family orientation on firm performance across generations Abstract: During the last decade, there has been considerable debate whether family firms perform better than non-family firms. Contrary to existing research, we want to unravel the diversity of family firm performance by considering it as a multidimensional construct encompassing both economic as well as non-economic benefits such as emotional value. Moreover, this study will be one of the first to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial (EO) and family orientation on family firm performance across generations in private family firms. In addition, we also examine how family businesses generate and sustain entrepreneurial performance across generations. Taking into account family firm heterogeneity, in depth research will be undertaken to unravel which organizational variables have a moderating and/or mediating effect on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship. By investigating these contingency relationships, we further our understanding of how EO contributes to performance outcomes and whether certain organizational variables e.g. generational stage and family orientation moderate or mediate this relationship. Based on an extensive survey multiple quantitative econometric techniques including multiplicative interaction models and instrumental variable techniques such as two stage least squares will be performed in order to further our understanding of the entrepreneurial orientationperformance puzzle at private family firms. Accountancy & Finance Governance Wim VOORDECKERS Tensie STEIJVERS Short Stay prof. Yufen Chen: Study on the Mechanisms of Open Innovation Abstract: On January 28, 2010, the research Council of Hasselt Universtiy has approved the stay of Prof. dr. Yufen Chen of School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. During his stay, Prof. dr. Yufen Chen will perform research in cooperation with prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke (research group Strategy and Organisation). Innovation Management Wim VANHAVERBEKE PPRISM : Grant agreement : REN/09/SUB/G/ /SI Abstract: The project is aimed to identify a set of sustainable, relevant and feasible port performance indicators to be implemented at EU level in order to measure and assess the impact of the European Port System on society, environment and economy. To this end, a typology of port performance indicators will be created, validity and data availability will be assessed and the indicators will be proposed to key stakeholders for assessment in terms of their suitability to be implemented at EU level. The result will be a target set of indicators that are relevant and both accepted by stakeholders and detailed in terms of methods for data collection and analysis. Finally the project will analyse and define the concept of a European Port Observatory and provide a concrete proposal for its implementation. Business Michael DOOMS Preparatory policy research VUB: Task Force "Internships / First Work Experience" Abstract: In this research project, the processes and structures related to first work experiences of students are analyzed. Based on an AS IS analysis, potential improvements are suggested to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes and the structure for all stakeholders

9 (students, staff, companies). Michael DOOMS Policy preparing research (BVO) Universitair Expertisecentrum PPS Abstract: see translation in Dutch VUB Chair in PPP Abstract: see translation in Dutch Policy preparing research VUB (BVO) Universitary Expertisecentre PPS Abstract: Public-Private Cooperation is a cooperation in which the public and private sector work together in a project to create a certain extra value. Business Steven DE SCHEPPER Temporary chair-on-name: Universitary expertice centre PPS Abstract: No English abstract Dynamo project/typology phase 1 ( ) and 2 (2011) Abstract: A measurement instrument was developd to categorize sports clubs into four categories based on the ambitions and capabilities in terms of professional management of the clubs. In phase one, the instrument was developed and tested. In phase two, the measurement instrument was cut down to be more practical; and used to collect data in more than 1000 sports clubs. Departement of Movement and Sports Sciences Dirk De Clercq Taste Classes to leverage innovation in SMEs / SMEs in the food indsutry. Abstract: Taste Classes aims to strengthen the food industry in the EUregio Scheldemond by (1) to facilitate the response to the innovative opportunities such as 'health and regional identity? in SMEs in the Euregio Scheldemond, from a technological and market perspective (2) to promote healthy, flavorful and regional gourmet food, thus increasing awareness and help to develop a healthier diet, to which regional economy can respond. Departement of Agricultural economics Xavier Gellynck Koen Dewettinck Connecting markets: Towards a theory of (Open) innovation intermediaries Abstract: Henry's overall research is designed to propose a theoretical framework of innovation intermediaries (Howells, 2006) grounded on established theories of Open Innovation (Chesbrough, Vanhaverbeke and West, 2006), knowledge integration (Grant, 1996), systems of innovation (Bergek et al. 2008). The result aims to clarify the lack of conceptualization of the various heterogeneous types of intermediaries and the used mechanisms to facilitate innovation process. Up to now, this research is substantiated through cases cultivated at different innovation intermediaries in the U.S., Spain and Sweden and from a heterogeneous pool of intermediaries such as: NineSigma, IDEO, idealab!, Stanford and Lund TTOs, Siemens TTB, IDEON, CONNECT. Up to now, this research project has already provided an initial publication on the relevance of intermediaries at the system of innovation level (to be published in 2010 and awarded by Emerald as a highly commented paper). Further, other contribution with Prof. Vanhaverbeke proposing a typology of innovation intermediaries is under review for an special issue on innovation intermediaries at the Technology Analysis and Strategic Management journal. One other contribution showing the relevance of innovation intermediaries, from the knowledge integration perspective, is now in the final stage and confirms intermediaries are an alternative actor facilitating coordination of specific knowledge sets due to their market (tacit) knowledge. The co-author is Prof. Fredrik Tell. Finally, Henrys final Ph.D. contribution benefits from quantitative and qualitative information from NineSigma (an innovation intermediary facilitating over 12USD million in contract awards for companies such as Kraft, Philips, Unilever) and gives some light to understand the determinants that lead to successful intermediation between solution seekers and providers? This final manuscript

10 shares the co-authorship with Prof. Henry Chesbrough and Wim Vanhaverbeke. Innovation Management Wim VANHAVERBEKE Managing in uncertain times Abstract: The Flemish government has a fairly complete set of instruments to support companies. Yet it is true that companies that have already been assisted in preparing a strategic plan implement this not much. In the difficult economic climate it is important that companies retain their strategic focus to secure their future and to ensure continuity. In a period of 24 months we want to assist 79 SMEs to implement their strategic plans. Governance Tinne LOMMELEN Raf SLUISMANS Socio-economisch belang van de logistieke activiteiten in de zone Voorhaven van de Haven van Brussel. Abstract: The research institute 'VUB' and the 'ECSA bvba' have entered into a service-agreement concerning the project' Socio-economisch belang van de logistieke activiteiten in de zone Voorhaven van de Haven van Brussel.'. The research results can be transferred to the company, there can be a reasonable return in case of commercialisation or there is another kind of agreement on intellectual property, as outlined in the concluded agreement. Optimized End-Of-Life Treatment of Electric and Electronic Consumer Products KU Leuven Abstract: Previous research has proven that for low-end electric and electronic devices or for products with limited residual value (like audio systems and small electronics) disassembly scenarios are not economically feasible. Besides reuse scenarios, that are strongly dependent on the functional performance of the devices under consideration, systematic shredding of waste of electric and electronic products (WEEE) thus becomes the dominant end-of-life (EoL) treatment method. When not carefully optimised and combined with appropriate separation techniques,this approach is typically leading to low value, hybrid material fractions and does not fit ina cradle to cradle strategy.objective of the proposed PhD study is to identify suitable optimisation methods to combine a maximised recycling rate of pure material fractions(thus minimising environmental impact as quantified by means of LCA methods) with an optimised economic benefit (maximising value). In this research the available separation techni Centre for Industrial Management / Traff Dirk Cattrysse Joost Duflou Paul Vanegas Capacity Constraints for the Belgian Railway Timetable KU Leuven Abstract: For 2014, the Belgian Railway Company (Infrabel) will design a new railway timetable. Infrabel wants the Centre for Industrial Management (CIB) to help them design a new and more robust timetable, taking into account the present capacity constraints, using operations research (linear programming, mixed integer programming, etc.) A few years ago, a CIB doctoral student developed a few timetabling principles and applied these tothe whole Inter City (IC) network. Simulations have showed that the newic timetable could reduce the passenger waiting time with 40% and the number of missed connections from 9 to 3%. At this moment, Infrabel is trying to introduce these principles in the way they design the timetable.this doctoral research should assist Infrabel in designing the new timetable for 2014 and making it more robust. Until now, no capacity constraints were taken into account. These capacity constraints concern the number of tracks in each station and the capacity of the tracks between Centre for Industrial Management / Traff Peter Sels Dirk Cattrysse Pieter Vansteenwegen Doctoral research Sharon Vandousselaere: "Managing Customer Loyalty in Servitizing firms: the case of the automotive industry" Abstract: Manufacturers increasingly seek new value in services. They evolve during a change process (?servitization?) in which they embrace service orientation, develop more and better services with the aim to satisfy customer?s needs, achieve competitive advantages and enhance firm performance. This research studies the impact of this process on customer experience and loyalty through the service climate of headquarters and distributors. Department of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bart Larivière Naar een vernieuwd beleid rond beweging en sport voor senioren in Vlaanderen. Abstract: Naar een vernieuwd beleid rond beweging en sport voor senioren in Vlaanderen.

11 Sports policy and managment MARC THEEBOOM

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