TheFutureMobility.Network and Interreg Automated Transport - Automated Public Transport: perspectives for intermodal mobility in Smart City's

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Disruptive Solution? Disruptive Innovation: Griswold 1902-1920 Number of Nonfarm Draft Animals and Automobiles in US 1902 Motor Vehicle Manual Mechanical Internal combustion Motor Vehicle Connected Automated Electric 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 1920 TheFutureMobility.Network and Interreg Automated Transport - Automated Public Transport: perspectives for intermodal mobility in Smart City's 06-09-2017 Witte-Metropole Ruhr Metropole Ruhr Joop Veenis The Future Mobility Network Ministry of Infrastructure Environment and Public Works MRDH/RADD Interreg IAT SOURCE: Nakicenovic (1986)

1. introduction Joop Veenis The Future Mobility Network Contributes to society by stimulating and developing project to innovate mobility. People/packages, goods. Public and Private Transport

Topics 1. The future, you can not predict it, but you can shape it! 2. Knowledge and Cooperation 3. Project-examples: MRDH Last Mile solutions Interreg 4. Conclusion/Discussion 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

Future, Of driving Of city s 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

The Future of Mobility is 1. Connected and Automated: 2. Shared. 22 10 maart 2011 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

The Future of Mobility is!digital! 1. Connected and Automated: 2. Shared. 22 10 maart 2011 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

Possible scenario s future mobility Onzekerheden en scenario s Multimodal & shared automation delen hoog Mobility as a service: any time, any place niveau 3,4 niveau 5 automatisering Letting go on highways laag Fully automated private luxury Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid Toekomstbeelden automatische voertuigen 8 maart 2016

The Mobility as a Service scenario: Mobility as a service: Any time, Any place Deur-tot-deur reizen via automatische taxibots De deeleconomie floreert: bezit en ritten Traditioneel OV grotendeels verdwenen Voertuigen parkeren zelf buiten stad Fietsen en lopen populair Prijs/km binnen stad neemt toe Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid Toekomstbeelden automatische voertuigen 8 maart 2016

Impact CAV on Network, Space, Society

Benefits US [World Economic Forum] Why does the World Economic Forum care about self-driving vehicles? Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) could bring tremendous societal benefits effects in the US estimated at $1.3T (8% of GDP) 30,000+ lives saved by avoided accidents 5.5B less hours spent in congestion Annual benefits for fully autonomous vehicles in the US alone Full automation High automation Autonomy, self-driving Connectivity Unconditional, full-time performance of the driving task under all conditions that a human driver can manage Part-time situation- or geography-dependent performance of the driving task of the automated driving system Common vernacular terms for both full automation and high automation Here: Building block of incumbent approach to reap safety benefits along the way 75B hours of regained commuting time 80% lane capacity improvement 40% fuel economy improvement Source: SAE J3016 (for definitions), NHTSA, US Department of Transport, American Scientist, US Census Bureau, Morgan Stanley, Economist, World Economic Forum, BCG analysis 2

Threats, security/privacy, standards/costs, User trust/acceptance, AI. Agenda - Integration of Self Driving Vehicles into the Traffic Management and IoT Ecosystems Proposed System Model Understanding the Threats Why will SDVs be Vulnerable? Key Challenges of Securing SDVs in the Age of the IoT A Security Engineering Approach Recommended Security Controls Who can help? Communication should collaborate with other sensors (cameras, radars etc.) in building the real-time map of the road 9 3 Leidos Proprietary Information

car performance (US) They stand still, waste energie, claim public urban space, kill people, due to human error 92% 86% 50% 30.000 95%

Mooi filmpje The Future City

Knowledge and Cooperation More info: Edwin Nas +31 6 15 35 94 11 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

EU Policy Declaration 2016 Joint Agenda W ork tow ards a coherent European fram ew ork by 2 0 1 9 for the deployment of interoperable connected and automated driving; Adopt a learning by doing approach, including cross- border t est ing and cooperation, sharing and expanding knowledge on connected and automated driving and to develop practical guidelines to ensure interoperability of systems and services; Support furt her innovat ion in connected and automated vehicle technologies to strengthen the global market position of European industry; Dat a sharing is important for purposes of learning and allowing third parties to deliver services w hile ensuring privacy, which requires us to make this a priority from the start. 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

Knowledge Agenda Automated Driving The Learning by Doing approach creates knowledge, fuels change and integrates. People share and work (together) in networks and projects/pilots/fieldlabs/researchlabs. Exploring new services, businessmodels, technology, legal frameworks, human factors. Use digital tools to share knowledge:, Dropbox. Monitor progress with anual knowledge reports

1 Zoeken naar strepen op het asfalt Nauwkeurige kaarten wijzen zelfrijdende auto s de weg ZOEKEN NAAR STREPEN OP HET ASFALT INHOUD januari 2016

We zijn allemaal nog aan het leren hoe de toekomst er uit komt te zien We do not know everything We have open questions Deployment opportunity's in Public Transport Volledig zelfrijdende voertuigen Vervanging van traditionele privé-auto door zelfrijdende? Groei of krimp autodelen? Meer ritten verzorgd door elke auto? Lagere waardering van tijd? Minder privaat autobezit? Grotere behoefte om per auto te reizen? Minder autoritten? Meer of minder congestie? Grotere of kleineer parkeervraag? Wordt het een vorm van openbaar vervoer? Hoe wordt dit dan georganiseerd? Grotere vraag openbaar vervoerdiensten?

OV als broedplek voor vernieuwing

Project Examples 1. Metropole Region Rotterdam The Hague 2. Interreg (IAT) 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag Samenwerken & leren Shared services Validatie locaties Systeemintegratie OV Nieuwe Economie

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag Laatste 50 jaar enorme urbanisatie & industrialisatie Volgende 50 jaar Next Economy Energie verdeling + digitalisering

Shuttle BioSciencePark University Leiden Binckhorstshuttle Den Haag Shuttle Plaspoelpolder Rijswijk ResearchLab & Campusshuttle University Delft Harbour & Metroshuttles Schiedam Airportshuttle RTH Airport Parkshuttle Capelle a/d IJssel Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag Automatisch Vervoer Last Mile als RNE kans Hoogwaardige Werklocaties & campussen Met Last Mile opgave

Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag Juli 2016 : Investeringspakket AVLM

Cooperation Model for Mobility Project in MRDH Initiatiefnemer (wegbeheerder) Techniekleverancier Financier en/of subsidiegever Fieldlab-samenwerking Ontheffingsverlener en verzekeraar Onderzoek & onderwijs Concessieverlener Vervoerder 29

Researchlab automated driving Delft 30

Project content Vehicle: Easymile EZ10 Additions: D-GPS/RTK + INS + Odometry 6 multilayer lasers for localization and objects 9 camera s + 9 radars + 9 ultrasonics 5 computers (3x Drive PX) Control panel Interior camera, Interior + exterior intercom 4G + 3G + Wifi-P communication Ticker tapes front + rear 12KWH batteries Heater, belts, head rests, roller chair fixation, wiper, 3rd brake light, int. covers, steward seat, horn Supervisor system User App Infotainment

Netherlands and Germany work together on Interregional Automated Transport (IAT) IAT project was the first in the world to drive with an official permit on public roads (RDW, TUV, BBH, Spring, VPS, RES, Hannover).

Cooperation in IAT (NL+DE) Öffentliche Hand NRW (DE) Provinzen Gelderland, Limburg Brabant Overijssel. (NL) Ministerien für Infrastruktur (NL+ DE) RDW, RWS, Kadaster Wissensaustausch KIAM (DE) VDV Academy (DE) VPS Knowledge Mng. (NL) Connekt C-ITS network (NL) DITCM (NL) EVO Fahrzeugentwicklung EL-KW (NL) TU Delft (NL) Robot Care Systems (NL) FromAtoB (NL) Ford (DE), DAF (NL) INFORMATION SHARING Mobilität ASEAG (DE) Deutsche Bahn (DE) Airport Weeze Greenport GmbH Versicherung & Sicherheit TÜV Rheinland (DE), RDW (NL) HAN (NL) Versicherungsunernehmen (NL, DE) Aon, Allianz DLR (DE) Living Labs Grenzshuttle Aachen-Vaals (DE-NL), MAAS Airportshuttle Weeze (DE) Autonomes Fahren (Personen und Güter) Food Valley

Conclusions 11-9-2017 Presentatie-onderwerp

2. Prepare your city/area..

1. Embrace early Deployment opportunity's Don t be suprised later, get involved, learn now and prepare in time. Seek for early Deployment: 1. Public Transport Shuttles (Station to Campus, Bussines-area, Hospital, Airport). 2. Truck Platoon uses cases 3. Robot taxi, ride and vehicle sharing Learn or adjust projects along the way, stick with a shared vision. Focus on humans, trust, safety and quality of live. Yes! ride a bike Work together: Knowledge Institutes, Companies and Governments.

2. Prepare your city/area Visit city s with programs EU: Rotterdam, Aachen. US: SF, LA, Boston. Asia: Tokyo SIP adus. Coöperate and Learn. Forget old problems/solutions, prepare and solve the new. Think Global, Act Local.

