Research projects (1-50 of 67)

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1 Oct :38:28 Research projects (1-50 of 67) Search filter: Classifications: Production technology ULTRASEAL- Het potentieel van ultrasoon sealen in verpakkingsconcepten. Abstract: De mogelijkheden van integratie van ultrasone lastechnieken in de voedingsindustrie. Division of Mechatronics, Biostatistics Bart De Ketelaere SUMMA: Sustainable Material processing for Manufacturing Abstract: Starting from an observed strong societal urge for more sustainable manufacturing on the one hand, and growing energy and resource intensities of manufacturing processes on the other, the consortium partners in the SUMMA proposal have taken up the challenge of studying environmental impact reducing strategies for laser manufacturing, one of the fastest growing manufacturing disciplines characterized by high energy and material resource intensity. In order to assure in-depth research, the scope of this domain has been limited to laser cutting, selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective laser melting (SLM), processes intensively covered in the involved research groups.while low hanging fruit, in terms of energy and material resource savings and reuse options, has already beeninvestigated by several research groups (including consortium partners), strategies building on fundamental insight in the process-material interaction remain largely unexplored. These strategies require a multi-d Centre for Industrial Management / Traff Jozef Vleugels Jan Van Humbeeck Wim Dewulf Joost Duflou Jean-Pierre Kruth Energetic and environmental optimisation of drying processes by integration of heap pumps - HP4Drying Abstract: HP4Drying Energetic and environmental optimisation of drying processes by integration of heat pumps IWT CORNET Department of Industrial System and Product Design Michel De Paepe Bruno Vanslambrouck Designing for small series Abstract: not available Department of Industrial System and Product Design Jan Detand Interaqct. Abstract: The non-destructive quality control of a wide variety of high-added value products, produced by innovative manufacturing techniques, remains a challenge. Examples include additive manufacturing parts, micro parts, and fibre reinforced composite parts. Common to these workpieces is the dependency of their performance on internal and inaccessible elements. Nevertheless, customers in multiple sectors are requesting certified quality and reliability.for the last few years industrial Computed Tomography (CT) has been regarded as a promising technology, which can evolve towards integrated quality control of complex workpieces combining dimensional metrology and material defect analysis. However, major challenges remain in order to exploit its full potential. Meeting these requires a broad range of expertise, including physics, dimensional metrology, non-destructive testing, material sciences, precision engineering, and manufacturing engineering. Due to the distinct interdisciplinary characte Mechanical Engineering Technology TC, Ca Wim Dewulf Applications of biobased plastics in extrusion processes for durable end products (DURBIO). Abstract: This project represents a research agreement between the UA and on the onther hand IWT. UA provides IWT research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract. Product development Karine Van Doorsselaer

2 Sanitary Hot Water: selection and sizing of production and distribution. Abstract: This project represents a research agreement between the UA and on the onther hand IWT. UA provides IWT research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract. Energy and Materials in Infrastructure and Buildings (EMIB) Eddy Janssen CFD modelling of biomass slow pyrolysis in screw reactors for theproduction of biochar and charcoal. Abstract: Slow pyrolysis is a biomass conversion process in which biomass is converted into char with the aim of improcing its solid fuel properties, of to serve in new applications such as biochar (soil amendment). in this project, a CFD reactor model will be developed to simulate these slow pyrolysis processes, as carried out in a screw reactor. Amultistage approach is followed in which, first a single particle pyrolysis model is developed. next, the single particle model is integrated into a population balance model, which will be coupled to the CFD model of the reactor demain. Department of Biosystems Engineering Jan Pieters Polymers with and without reinforcements for part manufacturing through selective laser sintering Abstract: The main target for this SBO proposal is to identify new polymers that are suitable for shaping through SLS. In the context of the POLYFORCE program three milestones are defined, serving as a guide to increase the development speed of new plymeric products that can be processed through SLS. Department of Industrial Technology and Construction Ludwig Cardon Smart@Fire? Integrated ICT solutions for smart personal protective equipment for fire fighters and first responders Abstract: The project tackles the challenge of how to increase the safety of fire fighters and first responders through combining innovative ICT solutions for smart monitoring with personal protective equipment (PPE). Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) will enable procurers to integrate the newest not yet on the market technologies in the PPE of the future. Departement of Textiles Lieva Van Langenhove Theoretische studie over het mechanisme van de vorming van silicaat oligomeren en grotere subeenheden Abstract: This research proposal aims in obtaining molecular insight into the formation of silicate oligomers and the aggregation of these oligomers to larger subunits, necessary to design tailored nanoporous materials. Molecular modeling is an ideal tool to study the various aspects of these processes. However, the project can only be successful if performed in collaboration with the experimental partner (COK-KULeuven). Department of applied Physics Veronique Van Speybroeck Nike Logistics System Abstract: Development of mathematical models that describe the optimal configuration of logistics and warehousing at Nike. Solving these models for different scenarios. Departement of Industrial management Hendrik Van Landeghem Services agreement in the framework of a KMO-portefeuille Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: The research institute 'VUB' and the 'Kaskade bvba' have entered into a service-agreement concerning the project' Dienstenovereenkomst in het kader van KMO-portefeuille'. The research results can be transferred to the company, there can be a reasonable return in case of commercialisation or there is another kind of agreement on intellectual property, as outlined in the concluded agreement. Industrial Microbiology STEFAN WECKX Luc DE VUYST resource recovery from wastewater Abstract: Wastewater treatment can envolve from a purification process to a recovery proces of water, organic and nutrients. An important, emerging technologu are so-called (bio)electrochelical systems. At the moment, the infrastructure avaible for this research is outdate or word. or has insufficient capabilities. INTHIS PROJECT PROPOSAL A NUMVER OF BASIC EQUIPMENT ITEMS SUCH AS PUMPS AND POTENTIOSTATS ARE ASKES FOR

3 Departement of Biochemical and microbial technology Korneel Rabaey The effects of surface chemistry and topography on the biofilm formation and electron transfer in bioelectrochemical systems Abstract: Electricity can be used to drive microbial production processes. e.g. CO2 can be fixed into biopolymers using electricity as energy source. Critical for this process and as yet poorly understood is the interface between the microorganisms and the electrodes providing the current. Here, we will change surface chemistry and topography of electrodes to understand and optimize electron transfer towards microorganisms. Departement of Biochemical and microbial technology Korneel Rabaey Smartfit Abstract: Probleemstelling De Vlaamse confectieproducten worden over de ganse wereld sterk gewaardeerd en massaal verkocht. De globalisering heeft ertoe geleid dat deze bedrijven toch gebukt gaan onder een toenemende prijsdruk en een afbouw van de winstmarge. Daarnaast scherpen consumenten hun wensen aan en ontwikkelen ze nieuwe behoeften zoals gepersonaliseerde producten, modieuze kledij voor de actieve vergrijzende bevolking en de wens om online te kunnen shoppen. Naast een trendy design is het zich comfortabel voelen in een bepaald kledingstuk de belangrijkste trigger die de consument aanzet om over te gaan tot de aankoop. Een kledingstuk kan pas comfortabel en flatterend zijn voor de drager als de pasvorm goed zit. Door de diversiteit van de mens en de in veel gevallen gebrekkige kwaliteit van de gebruikte lichaamsmatentabellen kunnen de meeste merken verwachten om amper 30 à 40 % van hun doelgroep goed passende kledij te kunnen aanbieden. Wanneer zij nieuwe markten aansnijden valt dit snel terug tot soms slechts 10 %. De eerste jaren kunnen sommige merken overleven dankzij hun innovativiteit en/of design, doch in de daarop volgende jaren nemen passende maten en een goede pasvorm de bovenhand waardoor de loyaliteit van de consument aan het merk verzekerd wordt. Bedrijven maken vandaag gebruik van verouderde 1D meetdata. Deze data zijn misleidend zodat, zelfs met de beste wil, van bij de aanvang fouten opgenomen worden in de productspecificaties. Bovendien zijn 1D meetdata blind. Ze zeggen niets over de vorm van de gemeten personen. Wanneer basispatronen gegradeerd worden naar grotere en kleinere maten en men niet over 3D gegevens van de lichaamsvormen beschikt, is dit meestal een educated guess en worden nog meer fouten ingebouwd. Een goede matenrange geassocieerd met een perfecte pasvorm wordt nochtans als een opportuniteit gezien om een competitief voordeel te creëren ten opzichte van goedkope importproducten. In geval van beschermkledij en sportkledij is dit zelfs een must om de veiligheid en het prestatievermogen van de dragers te garanderen. Doelstellingen De projectresultaten zullen de industrie toegang geven tot geactualiseerde antropometrische data van de Belgische bevolking. Deze informatie is noodzakelijk voor de confectiesector om adequate matentabellen te kunnen opstellen. Bovendien wordt sinds 1996 in Europa gewerkt aan een gestandaardiseerd labellingsysteem voor kledingmaten. Het systeem is gebaseerd op lichaamsmaten (in cm). Vandaag gebeurt maataanduiding echter meestal nog ad hoc: wat in Nederland maat 38 is, is in Frankrijk maat 42, in Italië maat 44 en in Groot-Brittannië maat 12. Door de maten te harmoniseren met dit Europees raamwerk en ze weer te geven in cm, moet hier een einde aan komen. De verouderde Belgische metingen zijn niet geschikt om te gebruiken binnen dit Europees raamwerk. De resultaten zullen de industrie voorbereiden op de invoering van deze norm. De verzamelde data zullen niet alleen bruikbaar zijn voor de kledingsector, maar ook voor het ontwerpen van ergonomisch verantwoorde industriële werkstations, automobieldesign, design van persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen, veiligheidsbeoordelingen, cockpit design, ontwerpen van orthopedische hulpmiddelen, design van ergonomische slaapconcepten om maar enkele mogelijke toepassingen te noemen. De projectresultaten zullen bestaan uit: database met ruwe antropometrische data, 3D modellen van de bevolking, nieuwe standaard lichaamsmatentabellen, allometrische gradatietechniek. We verwachten hiermee een toename van het aantal kledingstukken met passende fit voor een specifieke doelgroep met 50 tot 80 % en een reductie van het budget en de tijd voor productontwikkeling met 50 % Doelgroep Dit project is in eerste instantie gericht naar de confectiesector, doch de ontwikkelde lichaamsmatentabellen en lichaamscategorieën zullen bruikbaar zijn voor iedereen die producten ontwikkelt voor de meest diverse toepassingen (automobiel, meubels, orthopedische toepassingen, ) Faculty of Technology Department of Fashion Technology/Textile Technology Kenniscentrum Mode & Textiel Alexandra De Raeve ACODEPT: Advanced Coil design for Electromagnetic Pulse Technology Abstract: Electromagnetic pulse welding is an innovative welding process. The welding technique utilizes electromagnetic forces to deform and work pieces to be welded. This process can realize bonds between very different metals and alloys, which are hard to link using conventional welding. In the part of the project are calculated and output coils that meet the requirements including very high forces. Departement of Electrical energy, systems and automation Alex Van den Bossche Strain-based design requirements for spiral welded pipelines Abstract: Pipelines are frequently applied in environments leading to important deformations. Spiral welded pipes have economical advantages, sufficient strength and wall thickness. However, only limited research results are available with respect to their application in strain-based design projects. This project focusses on the tensile strain capacity and defect tolerance of the helical welded regions by means of a coupled numericalexperimental framework. Wim De Waele

4 Theoretische studie over het mechanisme van de vorming van silicaat oligomeren en grotere subeenheden Abstract: This research proposal aims in obtaining molecular insight into the formation of silicate oligomers and the aggregation of these oligomers to larger subunits, necessary to design tailored nanoporous materials. Molecular modeling is an ideal tool to study the various aspects of these processes. However, the project can only be succesful if performed in collaboration with the experimental partner (COK-KULeuven). Department of applied Physics Veronique Van Speybroeck Controlled yeast fermentations for the production of fermented beverages Abstract: Innovations in the fermentation industry can support money, time and energy savings. Depending on the goal, this means limited fermentations and shorter and/or high gravity fermentations. These fermentation changes have an important impact on the industrial yeast. The yeast that is nowadays used for a classical fermentation, is not always suited for the new fermentation conditions. A suboptimal condition of the yeast, age, viability and vitality, can have a strong impact on the evolution of the new fermentation and the quality of the final product. For some industries as breweries it is not possible to use another yeast because of the unpredictable organoleptical properties of the produced beer. The only option is an optimal preparation of the industrial yeast in propagation and harvesting. Limited information is found in literature. A general useful strategy for the use of industrial yeast in new industrial fermentations is not yet available. By case studies with best practice breweries an answer will be given to: - How is yeast for limited refermentations best propagated or harvested? - How is yeast for short and high gravity brewing fermentations best propagated? - Is harvested or stored yeast still useful for short and high gravity brewing fermentation? - What are the opportunities of commercially dried yeast in the new fermentations? The results will be valorized for breweries and related fermentation industries as distillers, yeast- and bio-alcohol producers. Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences Faculty of Technology Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Dana Vanderputten Anita Van Landschoot Numerical modelling of plastic forming of sheet metal Abstract: Fundamental research on the plastic deformation behaviour and material characterization is needed for modern high-strength sheet materials and new plastic forming processes. The currently used material models (developed for eg. mild steel) do not allow to adequately model the forming processes. New analytical material models will be developed based on numerical simulations and results from simple small-scale experiments. Wim De Waele Fundamental investigations into high-precision computed tomography of multi-material objects in view of dimensional quality control of assembled products or products with internal features. Abstract: Due to its capabilities to provide geometric information of inner and hidden structures of e.g. rapid manufactured or assembled parts, CT has recently gained interest in the area of dimensional metrology. Dimensional metrology however calls for micron-level accuracy and traceability to the unit of length. These accuracy levels are progressively coming within reach for mono-material objects, but for multi-material objects multiple fundamental challenges remain. Extracting surface models based on precise segmentation of multiple materials is burdensome, and artefacts caused by X-ray scattering and beam hardening are important. The proposed research combines systematic experimental measurements of different multi-material combinations with novel modelling algorithm development to overcome the given limitations. The experiments enhance the fundamental understanding of the effects of different object, data acquisition and dataanalysis parameters on the dimensional measurements performed usi Production Engineering, Machine Design a Wim Dewulf Jean-Pierre Kruth Predictive ELID process for high-efficiency damage-free grinding. Abstract: Grinding is one of the most widely utilized manufacturing processes for industrial production of functional surfaces. Both the quality of the ground surfaces and the efficiency of the grinding process are very important criteria for evaluating its performance. Along with the developments in the design and manufacture of precision, fixed-abrasive tools,high-efficiency grinding with metal-bonded wheels is one of the promising precision manufacturing techniques. The metal-bonded wheels offer thebenefits of outstanding longevity, fast stock removal, good thermal conductance to remove the heat and superior form holding capabilities. However, these wheels possess very poor self-sharpening capabilities and aredifficult to condition, and consequently their applications are still limited and their industrial potentials are not fully exploited yet. The electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) grinding technique, in which the metallic bond of a wheel is dissolved through electrolysis processwith s Production Engineering, Machine Design a Jan Fransaer Dominiek Reynaerts integrated solutions to improve the quality of rest

5 Abstract: The project starts from the need to improve people's rest and sleeping quality to avoid stress and pathologies related to sleep disorders. - Research on green materials and processing technologies - Research and development of encapsulated systems for comfort improvement - Research and development of heatable/cooling textiles for thermal comfort improvement - Development of textile integratable sensors for body movement and temperature Departement of Textiles Lieva Van Langenhove Design to Construct Abstract: This project aims to bring together research groups that study the conceptual aspects of structural design and product. More specifically the development of methods and rules for the design of products, mechanical components, connections, mechanisms, structures, tools, dynamic building elements and architectural constructions are investigated. Patrick De Baets ICVS: Intelligent Control of weaving machines with Vision Systems Abstract: For the continuous improvement of woven fabric quality, the current feedback method is fabric inspection. This is now most of the time done by a human operator and comes along with slow feedback and production losses. In this project the fabric quality is optimized through an interactive vision system, based on powerful image analysis tools Departement of Textiles Lieva Van Langenhove COMPLEX Abstract: Research into the components of and the impact on productivity of complexity of products and processes. UGent developed a classification model to distinguish HIGH complex workstations from LOW complex ones. Departement of Industrial management Hendrik Van Landeghem Monitoring and control of process-material interaction in laser manufacturing processes.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Abstract: The project will investigate the interaction between laser light and material in order to understand and improve laser processes like laser cutting (LC) and selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/SLM). It will do soby further developing and using innovative in-process camera monitoringsystems (developed in an earlier GOA project), as well as by conventional mechanical and metallurgical analysis techniques (microscopy, mechanical analysis, dimensional measurement, 1D/2D roughness analysis, etc.) and by modelling and simulation. The project should provide insight into process-material issues and interactions: e.g. influence of material composition, process parameters and environment (temperature, gas atmosphere) on residual stresses, part density, part quality, strength, etc. The project will focus on materials such as complex steels (stainless steels, high speed steels, tool steels) and light metals (Ti and Al alloys). Production Engineering, Machine Design a Ludo Froyen Jan Van Humbeeck Joost Duflou Jean-Pierre Kruth INNOCEREAL Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: Study of innovative fermentation strategies of cereals with a view to new production processes and products. Industrial Microbiology Luc DE VUYST Energetic Algae (EnAlgae) Abstract: The EnAlgae project brings together 19 partners and 14 observers across 7 EU Member States with the aim of developing sustainable technologies for algal biomass production, bioenergy and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. The project received funding to develop algal technologies at nine pilot facilities and to advance the emerging marketplace in North West Europe. Department of Industrial System and Product Design Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology Johan Albrecht Jo Dewulf Diederik Rousseau

6 Global real-time optimal control of autonomous robot and mechatronic systems.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Abstract: This project focuses on a class of systems including general robot systems consisting of one or more collaborating robots, production machines ranging from machine tools to fast pick-and-place robots, and intelligent biomedical devices such as orthoses. We consider systems that operate in an uncertain environment, and that interact with only partially knownobjects and environments or with humans, which requires a continuous adaptation and optimization of their trajectories. The ability to reschedule and re-optimize the task of such systems on-line based on the most recent information from sensors, prognosis or prediction algorithms, is a first key element to achieve global optimal performance with respect to production output, speed, accuracy, energy consumption and interaction with humans. A second key element is the accurate realization of the (re)scheduled task.the generic approach followed in this project is to specify the tasks that have to be executed as optimal control problems, Production Engineering, Machine Design a Joris De Schutter Herman Bruyninckx Jan Swevers Peter Slaets Multirapier technology for woven 3D fabrics Abstract: This research aims at converting existing multirapier technology, as applied in face-to-face weaving, to 3-D technical textiles market. Decorative and technical fabric production techniques are however very different and conversion from one to the other requires technical modifications. Aramids, glass or carbon are often used in technical textiles and their correct use is a further technological challenge. Departement of Textiles Lieva Van Langenhove Nanoscale manipulation and characterization inside a transmission electron microscope. Abstract: No English Abstract Surface and Interface Engineered Materia Ignace Verpoest Jean-Pierre Locquet Stepan Vladimirovitch Lomov Johan Martens Bert Sels Christian Van Haesendonck Paula Moldenaers Eric Nies Guido Groeseneken Jin Won Seo RT-07/6 TUB. Abstract: No English Abstract Division of Mechatronics, Biostatistics Jeroen Lammertyn Numerical modelling of plastic forming of sheet metal Abstract: Fundamental research on the plastic deformation behaviour and material characterization is needed for modern high-strenght sheet materials and new plastic forming processes. The currently used material models (developed for eg. Mild steel) do not allow to adequately model the forming processes. New analytical material models will be developed based on numerical simulations and results from simple small-scale experiments. Wim De Waele Influence of microstructural parameters on friction an wear mechanisms of electro discharge machined electrically conductive ceramic composites Abstract: Correlations between microstructure of electrically conductive ceramics and electro discharge machining properties as well as tribological behavior: - Influence of ceramic phase on electrical and thermal properties and electromachining performance - Influence of ceramic phase on tribological properties - Influence of electromachining process of friction and wear behaviour - Influence of microstructure on thermal residual stress and strength Patrick De Baets Digitale confectietechnologieën voor rapid prototyping en confectie van hightech textielmaterialen Abstract: Doelgroep De begunstigden van dit project zijn alle actoren die betrokken zijn binnen de confectieketting bij het ontwikkelen, produceren, commercialiseren en gebruiken van geconfectioneerde artikels.

7 Probleemstelling De noden van de doelgroep situeren zich vooral in het kader van concrete uitdagingen aangaande flexibiliteit, resultaatgerichtheid, kostenbeheersing, procesbeheersing, toegevoegde waarde voor klanten en snelheid in verandering en innovatie. Deze noden vinden hun oorsprong in een aantal technische en socio-economische trends: - Globalisering: niettegenstaande de Vlaamse confectieproducten in het buitenland sterk gewaardeerd en verkocht worden heeft de globalisering ertoe geleid dat deze bedrijven toch gebukt gaan onder een toenemende prijsdruk en een afbouw van de winstmarge. - Drang naar individualisering: consumenten scherpen hun wensen aan en ontwikkelen nieuwe behoeften, voornamelijk gepersonifieerde producten. - Nieuwe materialen: dankzij de vooruitgang in disciplines zoals (bio)chemie, fysica, en polymeer- en materiaalwetenschappen kunnen er voortdurend nieuwe, geavanceerde textielmaterialen worden ontwikkeld. Deze materialen vergen specifieke assemblagetechnieken om tot hun recht te komen. - Digitalisering van het ontwikkelings- het productieproces en de informatiestroom Zwaartepunten van het onderzoek De zwaartepunten van het onderzoek situeren zich enerzijds rond het realiseren van een doorbraak in de ontwikkeling van een alternatieve, digitale confectietechniek met commercieel verkrijgbare apparatuur. We zullen hiervoor gebruik maken van de nieuwe Cutting Edge DCS-1500 Cutter met CAD-CAM randapparatuur en voorzien van een print/spuitkop voor het digitaal aanbrengen van het kleefmiddel en een drooginstallatie. Anderzijds willen we de huidige situatie op gebied van productontwikkeling, klantenbeheer, planning, logistiek, productie, productieopvolging en distributie optimaliseren door het creëren van integratiemogelijkheden voor CAD-CAM, PDM, 3D-bodyscan binnen de Enterprise Resource Planning. Verwachte resultaten De confectie-industrie evolueert meer en meer naar een kennisgedreven industrie waarbij de waardeketen cruciaal is. Kleding en andere geconfectioneerde materialen worden engineered & personalised solutions. De projectresultaten zullen enerzijds de confectiebedrijven ondersteunen om binnen de komende jaren te gaan excelleren in: - een verhoogde flexibiliteit en kostenbeheersing, - kortere leveringstermijnen, - het sneller inspelen op opportuniteiten om te innoveren zowel wat betreft producten, processen als concepten, - het creëren van meer toegevoegde waarde. Daarnaast moet dit project een aanzet vormen om de onderzoekscultuur zowel binnen de opleiding modetechnologie als binnen de confectiesector tot gemeen goed te maken waarbij de afdeling modetechnologie van de Hogeschool Gent zich als waardevolle wetenschappelijke partner van de industrie kan positioneren. Bovendien moet het een voedingsbodem zijn voor up-to-date onderwijs zodat onze afgestudeerden over bijzondere kwalificaties van groot belang voor de industrie van de toekomst beschikken. Faculty of Technology Department of Fashion Technology/Textile Technology Martine De Smedt Alexandra De Raeve Production Scheduling of Batch processes: in every situation from strategy to action Abstract: Productieprocessen in de biotech- en voedingsindustrie hebben als gemeenschappelijk kenmerk dat producten in groepen (batches) gemaakt worden. Het efficiënt plannen van zulke batch-processen is een belangrijke uitdaging. Dit is immers een erg complexe materie omwille van vele, soms subtiele beperkingen onder andere qua tijd, productiecapaciteit of onvoorziene gebeurtenissen die een bestaande planning in de war sturen. Dit bemoeilijkt het opstellen van een goede productieplanning. In het verleden, en vaak ook nu nog, is dit de taak van een menselijke expert die met zijn indrukwekkende kennis over het bedrijf en het productieproces in staat is goede planningen op te stellen die de beschikbare middelen (zoals machines en personeel) zo efficiënt mogelijk inzetten om de productie-doelstellingen te behalen. Dit noemt men scheduling. Bij schaalvergroting en de toenemende complexiteit in de praktijk van de productie-industrie groeit echter de nood om dit schedulen te automatiseren. Daar bestaan al verschillende tools voor en het onderzoek naar steeds betere technieken is erg actief. Een bedrijf dat schedulingsoftware in huis heeft, kan een indrukwekkende winst boeken wat betreft efficiëntie. In het bijzonder in KMO's1 in de biotech- en voedingsindustrie is deze overstap echter niet altijd vanzelfsprekend. Het implementeren van een geïnformatiseerde scheduling-oplossing brengt een zware investering met zich mee die voor een KMO moeilijk te dragen is. Batch-processen zijn moeilijk wiskundig te modelleren en de optimalisatietechnieken ervoor zijn complexer dan in andere productieprocessen. Bovendien zijn de voordelen van scheduling software niet altijd meteen duidelijk. Het gaat om een erg ingrijpende wijziging in de organisatie van het bedrijf die extra kosten met zich meebrengt. Vaak is de expertise die nodig is om een geschikte scheduling-oplossing te selecteren en te implementeren (nog) niet in het bedrijf aanwezig. Als deze implementatie niet goed opgevolgd en begeleid wordt is de kans op mislukking reëel. Toch is een KMO die wil doorgroeien vroeg of laat verplicht om de stap te zetten naar scheduling-software. De bedoeling van dit onderzoeksvoorstel is om de drempel naar implementatie van een scheduling-oplossing in KMO's uit de biotech- en voedingsindustrie te verlagen door enerzijds te bepalen welke schedulingsoftware er op dit moment voldoet aan hun noden en anderzijds een draaiboek uit te werken dat hen helpt bij het implementeren ervan. Faculty of Biosciences and Landscape Architecture Faculty of Business Information & ICT Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration Department of Food science and technology Department of Information Technology/Mathematics Wim De Bruyn Bert Van Vreckem Mia Eeckhout Development of a mathematical model for inventory optimization and risk analysis for open sales contracts Abstract: This project is concerned with development of a stochastic optimization model for inventory management and risk assessment of open sales contracts. Departement of Industrial management

8 El-Houssaine Aghezzaf New friction welding method for automatic welding of pipelines Abstract: In this project friction welding technology will be optimised for production of girth welds for long (18m) pieces of pipelines. The welds will be realised between two stationary pipe ends and a rotating weld ring in between. Different welding parameters (rotation speed, friction pressure, forgeing pressure, geometry of intermediate ring, heat balance) will thoroughly be investigated in order to obatin otimal weld quality. Welds will be characterised by means of traditional mechanical testing (tesile test, Sharpy test) Patrick De Baets Design of a distributed object-oriented manufacturing framework for SMEs based on the ISA S95 standard that is compatible with the implementation of best practices such as Lean and Six Sigma Abstract: The LEAN Manufacturing philosophy focuses on the added value (VALUE) for the costumer. All kinds of Information Technology (IT) are seen by Lean advocates as needless data keeping and processing (WASTE) while ignoring the real-time aspect of MES. This research project tries to show the added value of IT for LEAN practices. Departement of Industrial management Hendrik Van Landeghem Research and valorisation of micro and precision technology. Abstract: This mandate supports the research activities of the group Micro and Precision Engineering of the department of Mechanical Engineering, with a long-term vision. Starting from the current research activities on microtechnology, a number of strategic research topics will be developed, that are curcial for a wide valorisation of the research activities. The research topics are partially focused on basic technologies such as microfabrication, micro-assembly, micro-actuators and bearings, and partially focused on applications such as medical instruments, power generation and bionic systems. For valorisation, the following activities will be undertaken: maintaining and stimulation of industrial contacts, startup ofnew industrial projects, representation in industrial and academic networks, support for patent applications, service otwards industry, and dissemination. The valorisation activities will not only cover the group Micro and Precision Engineering, but also the group Production Engin Production Engineering, Machine Design a Hendrik Van Brussel Dominiek Reynaerts Jean-Pierre Kruth Studie van de structuur, stabiliteit en verwerking van fantasiegarens voor een creatieve textielindustrie Abstract: De rendabilteit van Vlaamse KMO's binnen de textielnijverheid wordt in belangrijke mate bepaald door innovatie en ontwikkeling van nieuwe producten. Spinners brengen nieuwe soorten garens op de markt die in het weefsel speciale effecten geven. Door de combinatie van weefof breistructuren en nieuwe garens ontwikkelen deze producten nieuwe creaties. Dit project impliceert in een eerste fase dan ook het uitvoeren van een gerichte studie rond fantasiegarens om een doorbraak te forceren van deze exotische garenstructuren in de textielindustrie(kledingtextiel en interieurtextiel). Het voorspellen van de fysische eigenschappen van fantasiegarens (garenparameters) i.f.v. de machineparameters is één van de doelstellingen van dit project. Het onderzoeksproject zal per fase opgedeeld worden in deelprojecten afhankelijk van het aantal technieken die de fantasiegarenspinmachine aankan. Het is de bedoeling om de fysische parameters van de verschillende fantasiegarens op te meten en de verbanden te leggen met de machineparameters voor de productie van fantasiegarens en de machineparameters voor de verwerking van fantasiegarens. Voor wevers en andere producenten van textielmateriaal is het maken van stalen een ultieme test voor het al dan niet slagen van de ontwerpen. In een tweede fase is het de bedoeling simulaties te maken, op basis van de ontwikkelde garens, van weefsels en/of breisels met speciale simulatiesoftware. Deze simulaties kunnen bijdragen tot een gevoelige vermindering van het maken van stalen. In een derde fase ten slotte zullen deze simulaties geweven en/of gebreid worden om na te gaan in hoeverre de simulaties de werkelijkheid benaderen. Elke fase wordt steeds op dezelfde manier ingedeeld op basis van de deelprojecten in fase één. De meerwaarde van het project situeert zich op het vlak van dienstverlening voor bedrijven, het ontwikkelen van kennis over fantasiegarens, het opbouwen van expertise binnen de Hogeschool Gent dat voor dit project als uniek binnen België mag beschouwd worden. Tevens biedt het de mogelijheid tot het uitvoeren van afstudeerprojecten binnen de opleiding van de vakgroep textiel. Voor het onderwijs is het toestel zeer nuttig als demonstratiemateriaal voor de opleidingsonderdelen spinnerijtechnologie, weverijtechnologie en breitechnologie. Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences Faculty of Technology Department of Textile technology Department of Fashion Technology/Textile Technology Geert De Smedt Filip Ghekiere Geert De Clercq Novel multiscale approach to transort phenomena in electrochemical processes (MUTECH) Vrije Universiteit Brussel Abstract: The aim of this project is to develop and demonstrate a general applicable methodology that allows the prediction of local parameters of complex electrochemical processes at microscale and to correlate these parameters with properties of the product surface or deposit (nanoscale), based on the global process parameters (macro- mesoscale) and this on lab and full industrial scale. This will be achieved by a close interaction between innovative numerical simulations and experimental investigations and through validation of the simulation tools and experimental techniques on a high throughput continuous industrial process. To this avail, a strong multidisplinary academic team has been assembled with a background in both modelling and electrochemical and fluid flow experimentation together with a strong industrial R&D team of two leading companies that will bring into the process knowledge on full industrial scale and their industrial experimentation environment.

9 This will lead to: New quantified models for turbulent heat, ionic mass and gas transport in electrochemical reactors New numerical tools to solve these models in industrially relevant configuration Fundamental understanding of the influence of turbulence on heat and mass transfer Fundamental understanding of the influence of gas evolution on heat & mass transfer New measurements techniques on a microscale (bubble size, concentration profiles, ) Validation of the developed methodology on two industrially relevant cases. This will also indicate the limits of applicability of the proposed models. Metallurgy, Electrochemistry and Materials Science Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics ANNICK HUBIN Pedro MACIEL Steven VAN DAMME Heidi VAN PARYS JOHAN DECONINCK Studie van de levendigheid van garens Abstract: Het begrijpen van het gedrag van garens (al dan niet getwist) is reeds lange tijd een research topic in de textiel engineering wereld. Het vervormen (elastisch, plastisch) van garenstructuren door trek- en drukspanningen, schuifspanningen, buigspanningen en torsiespanningen of combinaties van spanningsgevallen werd reeds in de jaren veertig bestudeerd. De basisformules uit de sterkteleer blijven ook na de millenniumwisseling geldig. De meet- en simuleertechnieken ter bepaling van deze structuurparameters zijn dusdanig geëvolueerd met de opkomst van de mechatronica en informatica, zodat de integratie van de huidige meet- en simuleermethodes in deze studie verder bestudeerd kunnen worden, zowel theoretisch (via eindige elementenmethodes) als praktisch (door het opbouwen van proefmethodes met up-to-date-sensoren). Het textieltechnisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de levendigheid van garens kan men onderverdelen in 2 onderzoekspistes: 1) het theoretisch fundamenteel onderzoek waarbij men vertrekt van basisprincipes en wetten uit de sterkteleer en waarbij het opbouwen van een mechanisch en wiskundig model een idee geeft hoe de vervormingen, de spanningen zijn van de beschreven structuur 2) het praktisch toegepast onderzoek waarbij men vertrekt van een bestaand of te ontwerpen toestel en waarbij de meetprocedure praktisch getoetst wordt. De proefdata wordt hierbij verwerkt en de besluiten worden met of zonder statistische software genomen. Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences Department of Textile technology Marc Van Parys Batching in process and semi-process industries. Abstract: Batching is an important decision in operations management. In the literature, a vast amount of inventory models can be found. The most important common characteristic is that these models are based on costs and not on the physical characteristics of the production system. There already exist models that model and optimize the physical characteristics and that are not related to cost parameters. Minimizing the lead time or maximizing the customer service is an example of such `physical' models. Most of these models are based on queueing theory. Several models are described for operations planning goals. The main application of these models is in the discrete manufacturing systems. The goal is to extend the models to the (semi-)process industries. Engineering Management Nico Vandaele The impact of management decisions on the performance and delivery reliability in production systems. Abstract: This project aims at investigating to which extent managerial decisions influence the performance and delivery reliability of a production system. More specifically, we will study the following four types of managerial decisions: a) transfer batch sizing in production lines consisting of an arbitrary number of stages; b) allocation of product types to resources; c) allocation of priorities for processing; d) the impact of a load-oriented material control system (POLCA). Engineering Management Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse Nico Vandaele The design of a Stochastic Advanced Resources Planning System. Abstract: This project intends to extend the current advanced resource planning models into two directions: one focussing the supply chain issues (demand management) and one studying execution management. The former include issues like modelling demand uncertainty (and the effect on lead times), countering the bull-whip effect (by finding the determinants of the bull whip effect) en the issue of differentiation of lead times in terms of the specific customer and product type. The latter part of the project studies execution mechanisms: authorisation and release mechanisms bases on lead time information, the allocation of safety time and the allocation of customer orders into manufacturing batches and finally, an investigation on how bottlenecks influence these research items. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Engineering Management Nico Vandaele Characterization of wear resistant nitrided layers on moulds. Vrije Universiteit Brussel

10 Abstract: This project aims at (1)characterizing the nitriding processes, including pre and post treatments, for the production of wear resistant layers for the protection of moulds used in the extrusion of aluminium profiles, and (2) studying the influence of the layers on the surface quality of the extruded profiles. The layers are produced in the installations of Corus Duffel, both on small test samples and on moulds. Moreover, a benchmarking is performed against the nitriding processes used in other Corus Extrusion groups. The produced layers are characterized by META/VUB by means of metallographic and surface analytical (mainly SEM and AES)investigations. The findings of these studies are used to adjust the parameters of the nitriding process. Metallurgy, Electrochemistry and Materials Science ANNICK HUBIN Isabelle VANDENDAEL Batching in process and semi-process industries. Abstract: Batching is an important decision in operations management. In the literature, a vast amount of inventory models can be found. The most important common characteristic is that these models are based on costs and not on the physical characteristics of the production system. There already exist models that model and optimize the physical characteristics and that are not related to cost parameters. Minimizing the lead time or maximizing the customer service is an example of such `physical' models. Most of these models are based on queueing theory. Several models are described for operations planning goals. The main application of these models is in the discrete manufacturing systems. The goal is to extend the models to the (semi-)process industries. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Engineering Management Nico Vandaele

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