Wegwijzer Horizon Calls

Vergelijkbare documenten
Wegwijzer Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Secure, clean and efficient energy Q-meeting TKI wind op Zee

Horizon MKB instrument & Fast track to Innovation. Martijn Lammers. Nationaal Contactpunt voor het MKB in Horizon 2020.

Bio-based economy programma's onder. Horizon mei Koos de Korte

Horizon 2020 Secure Societies

Horizon Kansen voor BODEM onderzoek & innovatie. Saske Hoving AgentschapNL. 27 november 2013

Vlaams Kenniscentrum water. Van projectidee tot projectconsortium

Vormgeving van Maatschappelijke Impact door Hogescholen Werving van onderzoeksubsidies

Horizon Kathrin Braun. 12 februari 2014

Innovaties inkopen met EU subsidie

Gaming/Media & ICT in. Mir Wermuth CLICKNL Media & ICT, tevens programmamanager

Overzicht O&O ICT. oproepen/opportuniteiten. 31/1/2008 PiCToR Info Sessie

Instituut voor de Aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen

De definitieve opzet van Horizon 2020

Kansen in Horizon 2020 Regiomeeting Gelderland 24 maart 2014

Living Labs. dr.ir. Elke den Ouden. Kennisevent Renovatie Hoofdgebouw TU/e Eindhoven, 27 september 2016

VLIZ Jaarverslag Jan Mees algemeen directeur

Horizon 2020 Kansen voor Hogescholen

IenM & INTERREG: Circulaire economie

Welcome bij SURF. Bron: Prof. Dr. Ir. Anwar Osseyran Managing director SURFsara, professor Amsterdam Business School - UvA

LIFE Focus: Milieu en Klimaat

JPI Oceans Gezonde en productieve zeeën en oceanen

Shell NL & Shell New Energies

Patiëntenparticipatie in

MeTA Ghana Overview. MeTA Global Meeting 1-4 December, 2014 Chavannes de Bogis, Switzerland

Opleiding integraal denkende professionals: MSc Urban Environmental Management and Technology SIKB congres 6 Oktober 2010 Tim Grotenhuis

H2020 energy work programme

Ontwikkeling van Europese onderzoeksprojecten

Mogelijkheden binnen LIFE en H2020. Maaike Beld 26 september 2014

ehealth in de regio Lonneke Baas 10 november 2016

RDM Centre of Expertise. Innovatie motor voor Stad en Haven

Vvg. Kansen zien, kansen pakken! Leven in de stad van de toekomst. 13 november 2013

Safe production of Marine plants and use of Ocean Space. 2de Nederlands-Belgische Zeewierconferentie: DE MULTIFUNCTIONELE NOORDZEE

Optimaliseren van Impact door Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen Aantonen en stimuleren van Societal Impact in synergie met andere wetenschappen

Hoe ontwikkel je een regionale economy?

De water sector: transitie naar een natural capital benadering. Dr Hans Bruyninckx, 27 Maart 2018, 25 jaar VLARIO, Antwerpen

KPN Internet of Things LoRa en M2M

Advanced Instrumentation. Hans van Gageldonk, Henk Hoevers, Gerard Cornet. 10 Oktober 2012

programmes on Raw Materials

Governance Energietransitie Haven en Industrieel Complex Rotterdam Moerdijk. Huibert van Rossum Adviseur External Affairs Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.

COCREATIE: HOE DOE JE DAT? Twente Grants Week 2015 Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS) Maya van den Berg

Subsidies: kansen en partners identificeren

Support Center GIS-Flanders

Europese subsidies Projectgroep Biomassa & WKK, Utrecht 13 februari Mark Strootman

Willemien Terpstra Vice President, Fuels and Styrene. Chemie is overal

Opportunities for Collaborative Interdisciplinary Programs. James W. Jones Director, FCI

Future of the Financial Industry

Interregionale Cooperatie. Intraregionale. Research and Innovation Strategy Noord Nederland, Europa 2 december 2013

Institute for Aerospace Maintenance Maastricht (IAMM) Kennis als wapen in mondiale concurrentie

NETWORK CHARTER. #ResourceEfficiency

Eco-Industrial Parks

Holistic resilient delta design

Blue Growth Blue Growth in de Noordzee

EDA huidige situatie. Presentatie voor NIDV KG Europa. André Mom 7 januari 2015

Innovatie in samenwerking. Jasper Wesseling Plaatsvervangend directeur-generaal Bedrijfsleven & Innovatie Ministerie van Economische Zaken

Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen, 14 Oktober 2017 Prof. dr Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus


Smart Cities and Communities Initiative Financieringsmogelijkheden binnen 7KP

Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen, 04 November 2017 Prof. dr Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus

Hoe realiseer je een Smart City?

iminds Health voorstelling PRoF /09/2014

De Digitale Transformatie en de impact op IT. Capgemini Edwin Leinse

PSO bij Ericsson. Loet Pessers Head of HR Netherlands

1. Ambitie, doelstellingen, acties

Support Center GIS-Flanders


Alfa- en Gammawetenschappen, maatschappelijke impact, en de lokale en regionale ontwikkeling

Hans Hindriks. Netherlands National Coordinator (EAAL)

Urban future in the Netherlands Ready to cooperate, charge & go. Peter Vermeij Baerte de Brey

Adventures in GIS to Support LEED Certification. Karen Jordan

TKI Project: Multi-stage Stochastic and Robust Optimization of Flood Mitigation Measures under Forecast Uncertainty. Workshop Stakeholder

Meeting the growing needs for better statistics on migrants. Walter Radermacher Eurostat

Smart Industry in Brabant

Duurzame innovatie en bedrijfscontinuïteit Jan Harmsen symposium 29 maart 2016 Lage Energieprijs: nu investeren

E-learning maturity model. Hilde Van Laer

The Control Room of the Future

HillFive Leader Lunch 4 Oktober Aizo Wiebenga Digital Advisor

Flood risk developments in the Rhine Basin and its Delta

Dr Doede J Binnema. Programm leader Food&Nutrition HANNN

MSS Micro SCADA Systeem

STRATEGO: Coaching session

Innovatiegericht Inkopen in de praktijk

Achterhoek 2020 Tom van der Horst, TNO 28 januari

Innovatie instrument en financierings mogelijkheden

Evenement Water en Klimaatadaptatie

Alcohol policy in Belgium: recent developments


Update Renewable Energy in the Netherlands. Maarten Arentsen University of Twente

Wageningen University & Research. Wageningen, 5 November 2016 Prof. dr Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus

Pillar II Industrial leadership

Innovatie door samenwerken - Slim gebruik maken van de aanwezige informatievoorziening - September 2014

Multi-disciplinary workshop on Ageing and Wellbeing

RM onderzoekmogelijkheden in Nederland en Europa

Toolbox for Circle Regions. UrbanWINS Webinar

Best? New practice industry-university cooperation. Chemelot InSciTe.

Aanmelden externe studenten voor een minor van de TU Delft

Smart Mobility. Marije de Vreeze Connekt / ITS

Europese GNSS programma s. Wim Ploeg

Feedback WG System Operations 21 November 2012

STEER en cofinanciering voor stedelijke distributie


Wegwijzer Horizon Calls 2019- Versie april 2019 1

Voorwoord In deze wegwijzer Deze wegwijzer leidt u door Horizon, hét programma van de Europese Commissie om onderzoek en innovatie (financieel) te ondersteunen. Het geeft een overzicht van de vele mogelijkheden binnen de verschillende Horizon-onderdelen: I Excellence Science European Research Council (ERC)... 6 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)...7 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)... 9 Research infrastructures... 10 II Industrial Leadership Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)...11 Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology, Advanced manufacturing and Processing... 14 Space... 16 European Innovation Council (EIC)... 18 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)... 18 SME instrument... 19 Fast Track to Innovation...20 Prizes...20 Innovation in SMEs... 21 III Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing... 22 Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy... 25 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy...28 Smart, Green and Integrated Transport... 32 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw materials...34 Europe in a changing world Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective societies... 37 Secure Societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens...40 Horizontal Actions Spreading excellence and widening participation...43 Science with and for Society...44 Cross-cutting activities...46 3

Horizon In de periode 2014- trekt de Europese Commissie circa 80 miljard euro uit voor het stimuleren van onderzoek en innovatie. Dit Europese instrument, Horizon voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling, heeft als doel economische groei in Europa te bevorderen en de Europese concurrentiepositie te verbeteren. In de eerste plaats wil de Europese Commissie de basis van het innoverend vermogen versterken door het ondersteunen van excellent wetenschappelijk onderzoek op wereldniveau. Ten tweede wil de Europese Commissie de productiviteit en het concurrerend vermogen van de Europese industrie versterken door het stimuleren van industriële innovatie. Ten derde daagt Horizon de wetenschap en de industrie uit om oplossingen te ontwikkelen voor belangrijke Europese maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Denk daarbij aan vraagstukken als vergrijzing, duurzame voedselvoorziening, milieu, energie en veiligheid. Projectvormen Horizon financiert vooral onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten, zowel kleinschalige als grootschalige. Soms wordt specifiek gevraagd om deelname van het midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB). Daarnaast is er financiering voor programma ondersteunende projecten zoals het organiseren van een evenement of het schrijven van een onderzoeksagenda. Tenslotte ondersteunt Horizon innovatiegericht inkopen en afstemming van nationale onderzoeksprogramma s. De verschillende projectvormen worden als volgt afgekort: Afkorting Betekenis Soort project Research and innovation action Onderzoeksproject met mogelijk innovatie-elementen Innovation action Innovatieproject (demo, pilot, market replication) SME SME Instrument Innovatieproject door het midden- en kleinbedrijf (MKB) Aantal partners Subsidie 3+ 100% 3+ 70% (non-profit 100%) 1+ 70% (soms 100%) CSA Coordination and support action Ondersteunende activiteiten 1+ 100% ERA-NET - Afstemming nationale 3+ 33% cofinanciering onderzoeksprogramma s FTI Fast Track to Innovation Innovatieproject (demo, pilot, 3-5 70% market replication) EJP European Joint Programme Co-financiering van 5+ 50% Cofund gecoördineerde nationale onderzoeksprogramma s Vind uw match met Horizon Deze wegwijzer leidt u door het omvangrijke Horizon programma en geeft een overzicht van de mogelijkheden binnen Horizon in 2019 en, gebaseerd op de werkprogramma s van de Europese Commissie. De eerste calls zijn in het najaar van 2017 geopend. De sluitingsdata variëren per onderdeel. 4

Stap 1: Blader door verschillende Horizon-onderdelen en kijk welke kansen er voor u liggen. Stap 2: Ziet u een interessant onderwerp (topic)? De complete beschrijving hiervan leest u in het werkprogramma van het betreffende Horizon-onderdeel. Kijk voor algemene informatie op de Horizon website van de Europese Commissie, zie ec.europa.eu/research/horizon. Documenten zoals werkprogramma s kunt u downloaden van https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home (tabblad how to participate - reference documents ). Ga bij het indienen van uw projectaanvraag altijd uit van de definitieve, officiële documenten op de participant portal. Deze wegwijzer is met zorg samengesteld uit de diverse werkprogramma s. Gaat u aan de slag met Horizon? Ga dan altijd uit van de actuele gegevens van de website! Andere Europese programma s Naast Horizon zijn er meer Europese programma s die onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten financieren. Eurostars is er speciaal voor het high-tech midden- en kleinbedrijf. COST financiert coördinatie van een onderzoeksgebied. Tenslotte zijn er diverse programma s die projecten financieren op een specifiek gebied, zoals elektronica, luchtvaart, biobased economy en medicijnontwikkeling. Kijkt u voor meer details op www.rvo.nl. COSME is een programma voor groeiende ondernemingen dat bijdraagt aan een beter ondernemersklimaat en toegang tot financiering en internationale markten, om daarmee bij te dragen aan het concurrentievermogen van de Europese markt. Voor meer informatie over COSME, zie www.rvo.nl/cosme. Contact Meer weten? Behoefte aan persoonlijk advies? De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, het nationaal contactpunt voor Horizon, helpt u graag op weg. Neem contact op met onze adviseurs via 088 042 4210. Of kijk op www.rvo.nl/horizon. 5

Excellent Science European Research Council (ERC) ERC stimuleert excellente onderzoekers om de wetenschappelijke grenzen binnen hun vakgebied te verleggen (frontier research). Het is niet noodzakelijk dat dit onderzoek in internationaal verband wordt uitgevoerd. Contact: Esther Verhoeven, Mariëlle Brouwer en Doenja Koppejan horizon.erc@rvo.nl Het call-budget bedraagt circa 2201 miljoen euro voor. Calls 2019- Budget (miljoen euro) Sluiting (indicatief) ERC Starting Grant 677 16-10-2019 Max. 1,5 miljoen Euro per beurs ERC Consolidator Grant 657 04-02- Max. 2 miljoen Euro per beurs ERC Advanced Grant 2019 & 2019: 391 29-08-2019 : 492 26-08- Max. 2,5 miljoen Euro per beurs ERC Synergy Grant 350 05-11-2019 Max. 10 miljoen Euro per beurs ERC Proof of Concept 2019 & 2019: 25 22-01-2019 : 25 25-04-2019 19-09-2019 21-01- 23-04- 17-09- Max. 150.000 Euro per beurs (alleen voor ERC laureaten) 6

Excellent Science Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) FET financiert samenwerkingsprojecten die wetenschappelijke grenzen verleggen en zo de basis leggen voor toekomstige technologieën. Het call-budget bedraagt circa 476 miljoen euro voor. Daarnaast is 68 miljoen euro beschikbaar uit het budget van de European innovation Council. FET Open, FET Proactive en FET Innovation Launchpad zijn ook in het werkprogramma van de European Innovation Council overgenomen. Contact: Bert van Werkhoven bert.vanwerkhoven@rvo.nl Ruben Wassink ruben.wassink@rvo.nl Type Budget Topic Omschrijving Sluiting project (miljoen euro) FET-Open novel ideas for radically new technologies 357,2 () FETOPEN-01 FET-Open Research and innovation actions 356.9 160,7 18-09-2019 (3 / 196,2 13-05- (3 / FETOPEN-03 FET Innovation Launchpad CSA 8,3 2,7 08-10-2019 (0,1 / 3,0 (0,1 / 14-10- FETPROACT- EIC-05-2019 FET Proactive boosting emerging technologies FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities a. Human-Centric AI b. Implantable autonomous devices and materials c. Breakthrough zero-emissions energy generation for full decarbonization NOTE: from EIC budget FET - 83 () EIC 68 (2019) 52 (4 / 03-09-2019 FETPROACT- EIC-06-2019 EIC Transition to Innovation Activities NOTE: from EIC budget 16 (1-2 / 03-09-2019 FETPROACT- EIC-07- FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities a. Future technologies for social experience. b. b. Measuring the unmeasurable Sub-nanoscale science for Nanometrology c. Digital twins for the life-sciences 50 (4-5 / 22 04- FETPROACT- EIC-08- Environmental Intelligence a. new techniques for creating and using dynamic models of environmental evolution b. radically novel approaches to resilient, reliable and environmentally responsible in-situ monitoring 18 (4 / 22 04- FETPROACT- 09- Neuromorphic computing technologies 15 (4-5 / 22 04-7

FETHPC-04- FET-Proactive: High Performance Computing 0.5 () International Cooperation on HPC CSA 0.5 (0.5 / 22 04- FET-Flagships - tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges 35.5 () FETFLAG-04- Quantum Flagship - ERA-NET Cofund ERA- NET 15 (one 13-11-2019 FETFLAG-05- FETFLAG-06- FETFLAG-07- Complementary call on Quantum Computing 19.7 (5-15 / International Cooperation on Quantum Technologies 0.5 (0.5 / Training and Education on Quantum Technologies CSA 0.3 (0.3 / 13-11-2019 13-11-2019 13-11-2019 8

Excellent Science Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Marie Skłodowska-Curie ondersteunt onderzoekers bij het uitbouwen van hun internationale onderzoekscarrière. Zo zijn er bijvoorbeeld mogelijkheden om (met financiële ondersteuning) gedurende een bepaalde periode onderzoek te doen in het buitenland en om buitenlandse onderzoekers tijdelijk in dienst te nemen. Het call-budget bedraagt circa 938 miljoen euro voor 2019 en 1042 miljoen euro voor. Contact: Anna Goedhart, Mariëlle Brouwer en Doenja Koppejan, horizon.mariecurie@rvo.nl Calls Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Budget Sluiting (miljoen euro) (indicatief) 525 () 14-01- European Traning Networks (ETN) European Industrial Doctorates (EID) 40 European Joint Doctorates (EJD) 45 296 (2019) 11-09-2019 Individual Fellowships 2019 & (IF) 324 () 09-09- European Fellowship Standard (EF-ST), Career Restart (EF-CAR) en 236 (2019) Reintegration (EF-RI) 259 () European Fellowship Society and Enterprise Panel (EF-SE) 10 (2019) 10 () Global Fellowship (GF) 50 (2019) 55 () 80 (2019) 02-04-2019 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange 2019 & (RISE) 80 () 07-04- Research and Innnovation Staff Exchange (RISE) 90 (2019) 26-09-2019 Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes 2019 & 100 () 29-09- (COFUND) Doctoral Programme 35 (2019) 40 () Fellowship Programme 55 (2019) 60 () European Researchers Night (NIGHT) 8 () 08-01- European Researchers Night 440 9

Excellent Science Research infrastructures Het totaal budget bedraagt circa 362 voor. Contact: Saske Hoving saske.hoving@rvo.nl Topic INFRADEV-01-2019- Omschrijving Development and long-term sustainability of new pan- European research infrastructures Design Studies Type project Budget (miljoen euro) 30 () 30 (1-3 per Sluiting 12-11-2019 INFRAEOSC- 03- INFRAEOSC- 07- Implementing the European Open Science Cloud Integration and consolidation of the existing pan-european access mechanism to public research infrastructures and commercial services through the EOSC Portal Increasing the service offer of the EOSC Portal 64,9 () 40,9 (40,9 per 24 21-04- 21-04- INFRA-02- INFRA-03- Integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest 180 () Integrating Activities for Starting Communities 115 (<5 per Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities 50 (<15 per 17-03- 17-03- Demonstrating the role of Research Infrastructures in the translation of Open Science into Open Innovation 65 () INFRAINNOV- 03- INFRAINNOV- 04- Co-Innovation platform for research infrastructure technologies Innovation pilots 35 (<35 per 30 (<10 per 17-03- 17-03- Support to policy and international cooperation 2 () INFRASUPP- 02- Strengthening the human capital of research infrastructures CSA 2 17-03- 10

Industrial Leadership Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Het totale budget bedraagt 929,8 miljoen euro voor 2019 en 955,3 miljoen euro voor. Contact: Bert van Werkhoven bert.vanwerkhoven@rvo.nl Ruben Wassink ruben.wassink@rvo.nl Type Budget Topic Omschrijving Sluiting project (miljoen euro) Information and Communication Technologies Call 709 () Artiificial Intelligence and Technologies for Digitising European Industry and Economy ICT-36- Disruptive photonics technologies 47.5 22-04- i. 3D light field and holographic displays (3-6 / ii. Packaging and module integration for photonic integrated circuits (PIC) iii. iv. Light to Fuel Next generation biophotonics methods and devices as research tools to understand the cellular origin of diseases ICT-37- Advancing photonics technologies and application driven 48 hotonics components and the innovation ecosystem a) Research and Innovation Actions () 29 22-04- i. Flexible Farm-to-Fork Sensing (3-5 / ii. Novel Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) Technology building blocks b) Innovation Actions () 15 22-04- iii. Smart Photonic Sensing for Environmental (4-7 / Pollution Detection c) Coordination and Support Actions CSA 4 22-04- iv. iv. An industrial strategy for photonics in Europe (4 / ICT-38- Artificial intelligence for manufacturing 48 a) Research and Innovation Actions () 47 16-01- (4-6 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 1 16-01- (0,5 / ICT-46- Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & 86 Support a) Robotics Core Technology 41,5 22-04- (6-7 / b) Robotics for agri-food, and agile production 41,5 22-04- (7 / c) Robotics CSA 3 22-04- (3 / ICT-47- Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics 20 22-04- applications (2-3 / ICT-48- Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence 50 centres a) Research and Innovation Actions () 48 16-01- (12 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 2 16-01- (2 / ICT-49- Artificial Intelligence on demand platform 20 22-04- (5 / ICT-50- Software Technologies a) Research and Innovation Actions () 29 16-01- (3-5 / b) Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) CSA 1 16-01- (1 / 11

European data infrastructure: HPC, Big Data and Cloud technologies ICT-40- Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum a) Research and Innovation Actions () 19.4 22-04- (3-5 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 0.6 22-04- (0.6 / ICT-51- Big Data technologies and extreme-scale analytics 31.5 a) Research and Innovation Actions () 30 16-01- (3-6 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 1.5 16-01- (1.5 / NB: HPC gerelateerde onderwerpen vallen sinds januari 2019 onder de EuroHPC JU (https://eurohpcju.europa.eu/index.html). 5G ICT 41-5G PPP 5G innovations for verticals with third party 49 22-04- services (4-6 / ICT 42-5G PPP 5G core technologies innovation 49 a) Innovation Actions () 48 16-01- (4-6 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 1 16-01- (1 / ICT-52-5G PPP Smart Connectivity beyond 5G 55 22-04- (5-12 / ICT-53-5G PPP 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility 30 16-01- (CAM) (8-12 / Next Generation Internet (NGI) ICT-44- Next Generation Media a) Innovation Actions () 15.5 16-01- (5 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 2 16-01- (2 / ICT-54- Blockchain for the Next Generation Internet 20 16-01- (6-8 / ICT-55- Interactive Technologies 17 16-01- (2 / ICT-56- Next Generation Internet of Things 48.5 a) Research and Innovation Actions () 46.5 16-01- (5-8 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 2 16-01- (2 / ICT-57- An empowering, inclusive Next Generation Internet 7 22-04- (?? / Cross-cutting activities ICT-45- Reinforcing European presence in international CSA 4 13-11-2019 ICT standardisation: Standardisation Observatory and (?? / Support Facility Cross-cutting activities ICT-58- International partnership building between European and 11 African innovation hubs a) Innovation Actions () 10 22-04- (5 / b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CSA 1 22-04- (2 / 12

DT-ICT-03- DT-ICT-04- DT-ICT-05- DT-ICT-09- DT-ICT-12- SU-ICT-02- Digitising and transforming European industry and services: digital innovation hubs and platforms Call Support to Hubs I4MS (phase 4) - uptake of digital game changers a) Innovation Actions () b) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Photonics Innovation Hubs Big data Innovation hubs Platforms and Pilots Digital service platforms for rural economies AI for the smart hospital of the future Cybersecurity Call Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems 190.5 () 70 13-11-2019 (8 / CSA 1 13-11-2019 (1 / 19 22-04- (10 / 30.5 13-11-2019 (5-13 / 30 22-04- (15 / 40 22-04- (7-10 / 90(2018) 15 (2019) 47 () 47 19-11-2019 (4-5 / 13

Industrial Leadership Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology, Advanced manufacturing and Processing Het call-budget bedraagt 601 miljoen euro voor. De calls voor 2019 zijn grotendeels gesloten (single stage and first stage). Contact: Ahmet Polat ahmet.polat@rvo.nl Hans Bosch hans.bosch@rvo.nl Budget Type Topic Omschrijving (miljoen Sluiting project euro) Foundations for tomorrow s industry 164 () Open Innovation test beds 112 () DT-NMBP-04- Open Innovation Test beds for bio-based nano-materials and 12-12-2019 solutions DT-NMBP-05- Open Innovation Test beds for functional materials for building 12-12-2019 envelopes DT-NMBP-06- Open Innovation Test beds for nano-pharmaceuticals production 12-12-2019 Materials characterisation and computational modelling 24 () DT-NMBP-11- Open Innovation Test beds for Materials Modelling 12 12-12-2019 NMBP-35- Towards harmonised characterisation protocols in NMBP 12 12-12-2019 Governance, science-based risk assessment and regeulatory aspects 20 () NMBP-16- Safe by design, from science to regulation: behaviour of multi- 13 12-12-2019 component nanomaterials NMBP-34-2019 In support of documentary standards CSA 3 03-09-2019 NMBP-36- Monitoring and safety of transport infrastructures CSA 2 05-02- NMBP-37- Incentivising newcomers CSA 1 05-02- NMBP-38- Citizens and industrial technologies CSA 1,5 05-02- Industry commons 8 () DT-NMBP-39- Towards Standardised Documentation of Data through CSA 4 05-02- taxonomies and ontologies DT-NMBP-40- Creating an open market place for industrial data 4 12-12-2019 Transforming European industry 221 () Factories of the Future (FOF) 100 () DT-FoF-07- Assembly of microparts 05-02- DT-FoF-09- Energy-efficient manufacturing system management 05-02- DT-FoF-10- Pilot lines for large-part high-precision manufacturing 05-02- DT-FoF-11- Quality control in smart manufacturing 05-02- Biotechnology 86 () 14

BIOTEC-06- BIOTEC-07- CE-BIOTEC- 08- CE-BIOTEC- 09- NMBP-21- DT-NMBP-23- Reprogrammed microorganisms for biological sensors Multi-omics for the optimisation of genotype-phenotype associations New biotechnologies to remediate harmful contaminants Upcycling Bio Plastics for packing food and drinks Medical technology innovations Biological scaffolds for tissue regeneration and repair Next generation organ-on-chip 12-12-2019 12-12-2019 10 15-04- 20 12-12-2019 35 () 17 12-12-2019 -LS 18 12-12-2019 LC-SPIRE-08- DT-SPIRE-11- LC-NMBP-28- LC-NMBP-31- LC-EeB-04- LC-EeB-07- LC-EeB-08- Industrial sustainability Sustainable process industry (SPIRE) Novel high performance materials and components Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technologies for Process Industries Clean energy through innovative materials Next generation of thin-film photovoltaic technologies: see LC- SC3-RES-9- Materials for off shore energy Energy-efficient buildings (EEB) Industrialisation of building envelope kits for the renovation market Smart Operation of Proactive Residential Buildings Digital Building Twins 106 () 33 () 32,5 05-02- CSA 0,6 05-02- - - 20 12-12-2019 52,5 () 05-02- 05-02- 05-02- 15

Industrial Leadership Space Het totaal budget bedraagt 207 miljoen euro voor 2019 en 222 voor. Contact: Frank Winters frank.winters@rvo.nl Topic Omschrijving Type project Budget (miljoen euro) Sluiting 22 (2018) Earth observation 31 (2019) 35 () LC-SPACE-04- Copernicus evolution Research activities in support of cross- 8 (2-3 per 12-03-2019 EO-2019- cutting applications between Copernicus services LC-SPACE-05- Copernicus evolution Research activities in support to a 9 (9 per 12-03-2019 EO-2019 European operational monitoring system for fossil CO2 emissions DT-SPACE-06- International Cooperation Copernicus Designing EO downstream 5 (1-2 per 12-03-2019 EO-2019 applications with international partners LC-SPACE-18- Copernicus evolution: Research activities in support of the 10 (1-1,5 05-03- EO- evolution of the Copernicus services per LC-SPACE-19- Copernicus evolution: new concept for an innovative and holistic CSA 3 (3 per 05-03- EO- solution for Sentinels calibration & validation LC-SPACE-24- Copernicus evolution: Mission exploitation concept for WATER CSA 3 (3 per 05-03- EO- DT-SPACE-25- Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus 10 (2-4 per 05-03- EO- 4 (2018) Space business, entrepreneurship, outreach and education 2 (2019) 2 () DT-SPACE-09- Space hubs (support to start-ups) CSA 2 (1 per 12-03-2019 BIZ-2019 DT-SPACE-26- Space hubs (support to start-ups) CSA 2 (1 pwe 05-03- BIZ- 68 (2018) Space technologies, science and exploration 59 (2019) 81 () SPACE-13-TEC- SRC In-Space electrical propulsion and station keeping 10 (1-2 per 12-03-2019 2019 LC-SPACE-14- Earth observation technologies 8 (2-3 per 12-03-2019 TEC-2018-2019 SPACE-18-TEC- In-orbit validation/demonstration Mission design, integration 20 (20 per 12-03-2019 2019- and implementation SPACE-27-TEC- SRC-Space robotics technologies 9 (3 per 12-03-2019 SPACE-28- SRC In space electrical propulsion and station keeping 24 (4-4,5 05-03- TEC- Incremental Technologies per SPACE-29- Satellite communication technologies 9 (2-3 per 05-03- TEC- project SPACE-30-SCI- Scientific data exploitation 9 (1-2 per 05-03- proje 16

Secure and safe space environment 9 (2019) 6 () SU-SPACE-21- Roadmapping for space traffic management CSA 2 (2 per 05-03- SEC- SU-SPACE-22- Space Weather 9 (2-3 per 12-03-2019 SEC-2019 SU-SPACE-23- Advanced research in Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and new payload 6 (2-4 per 12-03-2019 SEC- technologies for planetary defence SU-SPACE-31- Research and innovation network of governmental users of secure CSA 3 ( 3 per 12-03-2019 SEC-2019 satellite communications EGNSS market uptake 2019-20 (2019) 20 () LC-SPACE- EGNSS applications fostering green, safe and smart mobility 10 (1-3 per 05-03-2019 EGNSS-1-2019- DT-SPACE- EGNSS applications fostering digitisation 4 (1-3 per 05-03-2019 EGNSS-2-2019- SU-SPACE- EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the 4 (1-3 per 05-03-2019 EGNSS-3- environment 2019- SPACE-EGNSS- Awareness Raising and capacity building CSA 2 (0,5-1 05-03-2019 4-2019 per SPACE-EGNSS- EGNSS applications for public authorities pilot PCP (0,5-3 per 05-03- 5-17

Industrial Leadership European Innovation Council (EIC) De European Innovation Council ondersteunt doorbraak innovaties met de potentie om nieuwe markten te creeren en daarmee werkgelegenheid en groei. De EIC heeft instrumenten om zowel early stage als close-to-the-market projecten te ondersteunen. Het callbudget voor de EIC is 817,76 miljoen euro in 2019 en 1064,99 miljoen in. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) FET financiert samenwerkingsprojecten die wetenschappelijke grenzen verleggen en zo de basis leggen voor toekomstige technologieën. FET Open, FET Proactive en FET Innovation Launchpad zijn ook in het werkprogramma van de European Innovation Council overgenomen. Voor de volledigheid zijn deze onderdelen hieronder nogmaals opgenomen. Contact: Bert van Werkhoven bert.vanwerkhoven@rvo.nl Ruben Wassink ruben.wassink@rvo.nl Type Budget Topic Omschrijving Sluiting project (miljoen euro) FET-Open novel ideas for radically new technologies 357,2 () FETOPEN-01 FET-Open Research and innovation actions 356.9 160,7 18-09-2019 (3 / 196,2 13-05- (3 / FETOPEN-03 FET Innovation Launchpad CSA 8,3 2,7 (0,1 / 08-10-2019 3,0 (0,1 / 14-10- FET Proactive boosting emerging technologies FET - 83 () EIC 68 (2019) FETPROACT- FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities 52 03-09-2019 EIC-05-2019 d. Human-Centric AI (4 / e. Implantable autonomous devices and materials f. Breakthrough zero-emissions energy generation for full decarbonization NOTE: from EIC budget FETPROACT- EIC Transition to Innovation Activities 16 03-09-2019 EIC-06-2019 NOTE: from EIC budget (1-2 / FETPROACT- EIC-07- FETPROACT- EIC-08- FETPROACT- 09- FET Proactive: emerging paradigms and communities d. Future technologies for social experience. e. b. Measuring the unmeasurable Sub-nanoscale science for Nanometrology f. Digital twins for the life-sciences Environmental Intelligence c. new techniques for creating and using dynamic models of environmental evolution 50 (4-5 / 18 (4 / d. radically novel approaches to resilient, reliable and environmentally responsible in-situ monitoring Neuromorphic computing technologies 15 (4-5 / 22 04-22 04-22 04-18

SME instrument Het SME instrument is bedoeld voor internationaal georiënteerde innovatieve bedrijven die een nieuw product, dienst of proces naar de markt willen brengen (high-risk en highpotential).er zijn geen voorgeschreven topics. Projectaanvragen kunnen continu worden ingediend maar wel zijn er tussentijds sluitingsdata. U kunt twee typen projecten aanvragen: een fase 1 haalbaarheidsstudie (50k euro lump sum) en een fase 2 R&D project (0,5-2,5 miljoen euro, 70% subsidie). Vanaf oktober 2019 wordt fase 2 uitgebreid met de mogelijkheid om naast subsidie ook een equity component aan te vragen van maximaal 15 mln. Deze mogelijkheid wordt blended finance genoemd. Contact: Elke van de Graaf elke.vandegraaf@rvo.nl Jean-Luc Eggen jeanluc.eggen@rvo.nl Gwendolynn Grootaers gwendolynn.grootaers@rvo.nl Marc Berntsen marc.berntsen@rvo.nl Jonneke Leijsten Jonneke.leijsten@rvo.nl Omschrijving Budget (miljoen euro) en sluiting SME Instrument 689,26 654 (2019) () Phase 1 Feasibility study 41 13-02-2019 05-09-2019¹ Phase 2 From concept to market 590 09-01-2019 582 08-01-² 03-04-2019 18-03-² 05-06-2019 19-05-² 09-10-2019² 07-10-² Eguity 37 53 ¹ Een van deze sluitingdata is de allerlaatste voor SME instrument Phase 1 ² Voor deze sluitingsdata geldt de mogelijkheid voor blended finance. 19

Fast Track to Innovation Met Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) wil de Europese Commissie bedrijven met een innovatief product, proces of dienst het laatste zetje naar de Europese markt. De maximum duur van het project is 3 jaar; binnen die periode moet marktintroductie plaatsvinden. Europese samenwerking is een vereiste en het consortium moet minimaal 3 en maximaal 5 partners uit de EU-lidstaten of de geassocieerde landen! bevatten. In dat consortium moet bedrijfsleven de meerderheid vormen, maar kennisinstellingen en publieke organisaties mogen wel meedoen. Omschrijving Budget (miljoen euro) en sluiting Fast Track to Innovation 100 100 (2019) (2012) FTI Fast Track to Innovation <3 per 21-02-2019 <3 per 19-02- project 23-05-2019 project 09-06- 22-10-2019 27-10- Prizes Het doel van de prijzen is om oplossingen te realiseren voor uitdagende maatschappelijke problemen zonder daarbij een oplossingsrichting te beschrijven. Een consortium kan een prijs alleen in de wacht slepen als het beschreven resultaat daadwerkelijk is bereikt op de einddatum. Per prijs zijn de spelregels beschreven. De hoogte van de prijs heeft geen relatie met de gemaakte kosten. Budget Omschrijving (miljoen Sluiting Uitreiking euro) Prizes 40 mln Innovative Batteries for evehicles 10 Q4 Q4 2021 Fuel from the Sun: Artificial Photosynthesis 5 Q1 2021 Q4 2021 Early warning for epidemics 5 Q3 Q1 2021 Blockchains for Social Good 5 Q2 2019 Q1 Low-Cost Space Launch 10 Q4 Q4 2021 Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid 5 Q1 Q4 20

Innovation in SMEs Onder dit thema vallan ondersteunende activiteiten om groei en innovatie bij het MKB te stimuleren. Het call budget bedraagt 30,35 miljoen euro voor 2019 en 35,85 miljoen euro voor. Topic Omschrijving Call For a better innovation support to SMEs Type project Budget (miljoen euro) 30,35 (2019) 35,85 () Sluiting INNOSUP-01- Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains 22,85 03-04-2019 2018- (2,5-5 per (1 st stage) 12-09-2019 (2 nd stage) 25,15 02-04- (1 st stage) 08-09- (2 nd stage) INNOSUP-02- European SME Innovation Associate - pilot CSA 4 17-01-2019 2019- CSA 4,5 15-01- INNOSUP-04- Workspace innovation Uptake by SMEs CSA 1,5 (<0,3 17-01-2019 2019 per INNOSUP-05- Peer learning of innovation agencies CSA-LS 0,5 13-03-2019 2018-16-10-2019 CSA-LS 0,5 18-03- 14-10- INNOSUP-07- European Open Innovation network in advanced technologies CSA 1,5 (<1,5 01-08-2019 2019 per INNOSUP-08- Pan-European advanced manufacturing assistance and training for CSA-LS 5,7 01-12- SMEs 21

Societal Challenge 1 Health, demographic change and wellbeing Het call-budget bedraagt circa 671,5 miljoen euro voor 2019 en circa 645 miljoen voor. Contact: Tonnie Rijkers horizon.health@rvo.nl Topic SC1-BHC-01-2019 SC1-BHC-02-2019 SC1-BHC-06- SC1-BHC-30-2019 SC1-BHC-31-2019 SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019- SC1-HCO-03- SC1-HCO-14- SC1-HCO-16- SC1-HCO-17- SC1-BHC-07-2019 SC1-BHC-08- SC1-BHC-10-2019 SC1-BHC-11- SC1-HCO-18- Omschrijving Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems 1.1 Personalised medicine Understanding causative mechanisms in co- and multimorbidities combining mental and non-mental disorders Systems approaches for the discovery of combinatorial therapies for complex disorders Digital diagnostics developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data Towards risk-based screening strategies for non-communicable diseases Pilot actions to build the foundations of a human cell atlas Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine 2019: focus on China, or 2019: standardisation for clinical study design; : focus on countries in Africa, or : ICPerMed secretariat Bridging the divide in health research and innovation boosting return on investment ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer research ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional prgroammes in research on brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system Coordinating and supporting research on the human microbiome in Europe and beyond 1.2 Innovative health and care industry Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications New interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases Innovation Procurement: Next generation sequencing (NGS) for routine diagnosis Advancing the safety assessment of chemicals without the use of animal testing Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and evaluation of high-risk medical devices Type project Budget (miljoen euro) 442 (2018) 507 (2019) 490 () 70 (4-6 per 50 (4-6 per 40 40 (4-6 per 15 (3-5 per CSA 4 (1,5-2 per CSA 4 CSA 2 (1,5-2 per ERA- 5 NET (5 per Cofund ERA- 5 NET (5 per Cofund CSA 2 (1,5-2 per Sluiting 16-04-2019 (2 nd stage) 16-04-2019 (2 nd stage) 2-stage 16-04-2019 (2 nd stage) 16-04-2019 16-04-2019 Single stage Single stage Single stage Single stage Single stage 50 16-04-2019 (6-8 per 80 2-stage (4-6 per PCP 30 16-04-2019 (9-11 per 60 Single stage (10-20 per CSA 2 Single stage (1-2 per 22

SC1-HCO-19- Reliable and accessible information on cell and gene-based CSA 2 Single stage therapies (1,5-2 per 1.3 Infectious diseases and improving global health SC1-BHC-13- Mining big data for early detection of infectious disease threats 30 16-04-2019 2019 driven by climate change and other factors (12-15 per SC1-BHC-14- Stratified host-directed approaches to improve prevention, 95 16-04-2019 2019 treatment and/or cure of infectious diseases (6-10 per (2 nd stage) SC1-BHC-17- Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) Prevention and/or 20 Single stage early diagnosis of cancer (1-3 per SC1-BHC-19- Implementation research for maternal and child health 25 16-04-2019 2019 (2-4 per (2 nd stage) SC1-BHC-20A- Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for integrated care solutions PCP 25 (A & B) Single stage (5-6 per SC1-BHC-20B- Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) for diagnostics PPI 25 (A & B) Single stage for infectious diseases (3-5 per SC1-BHC-32- Towards a next generation influenza vaccine to protect citizens 15 16-04-2019 2019 worldwide an EU-India collaboration (6-10 per SC1-BHC-33- Addressing low vaccine uptake 9 Single stage (2-3 per SC1-BHC-34- New approaches for clinical management and prevention of 25 Single stage resistant bacterial infections in high prevalence settings (15 per SC1-BHC-35- Creation of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised 30 Single stage large-scale clinical research studies for infectious diseases (25-30 per SC1-HCO-07- ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming Initiative on ERA- 5 Single stage Antimicrobial resistance (JPMR) NET (5-7 per Ccofund SC1-HCO-15- Support for the functioning of the Global Research Collaboration CSA 1 16-04-2019 2019 for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R) (1 per 1.4. Innovative health and care systems - Integration of care SC1-BHC-22- Mental health in the workplace 30 16-04-2019 2019 (2-4 per (2 nd stage) SC1-BHC-24- Healthcare interventions for the management of the elderly 50 2-stage multimorbid patient (4-6 per SC1-BHC-25- Demonstration pilots for implementation of personalised 60 16-04-2019 2019 medicine in healthcare (18-20 per (2 nd stage) SC1-BHC-37- Towards the new generation of clinical trial-trials methodology 6 Single stage research lump (2-3 per sum SC1-HCO-20- Coordination of clinical research activities of the European CSA 2 Single stage Reference Networks (1,5-2 per 1.5 Decoding the role of the environment, including climate change, for health and well-being SC1-BHC-28- The Human Exposome Project: a toolbox for assessing and 50 16-04-2019 2019 addressing the impact of environment on health (8-12 per SC1-BHC-29- Innovative actions for improving urban health and wellbeing 35 2-stage addressing environment, climate and socioeconomic factors (4-5 per SC1-BHC-36- Micro- and nano-plastics in our environment: Understanding 25 Single stage exposures and impacts on human health (4-6 per 23

100 (2018) Digital transformation in Health and Care 107,5 (2019) 150 () SC1-DTH-01- Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and 35 24-04-2019 2019 quality of life after the cancer treatment (3-5 per SC1-DTH-02- Personalised early risk prediction, prevention and intervention 25 Single stage based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies 4-6 per SC1-DTH-04- International cooperation in smart living environments for ageing 10 Single stage people Cooperation with Japan, or (3-4 per Collaboration with Canada SC1-DTH-05- Large scale implementation of digital innovation for health and PPI 10 24-04-2019 2019 care in an ageing society (2-5 per SC1-DTH-06- Accelerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing of 25 Single stage medicines and medical devices (6-8 per SC1-DTH-09- Scaling up the univocal Identification of Medicinal Products 19 24-04-2019 2019 (5-8 per SC1-DTH-10- Digital health and care services PCP 10 Single stage 2019- (5-6 per SC1-DTH-11- Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated 20 24-04-2019 2019 care (4-6 per SC1-DTH-12- Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management 41 Single stage of complex chronic conditions (4-6 per SC1-DTH-13- Implementation research for scaling up and transfer of innovative 20 2-stage solutions involving digital tools for people-centered care (3-4 per SC1-HCC-02- Support for the large scale uptake of open service platforms in the CSA 1,5 24-04-2019 2019 Active and Healthy Ageing domain (< 1,5 per SC1-HCC-06- Coordination and Support to better data and secure cross-border CSA 4 Single stage digital infrastructures building on European capacities for (<4 per genomics and personalised medicine SC1-HCC-07- Support for European ehealth Interoperability roadmap for CSA 2 Single stage deployment (1,5-2 per SC1-HCC-08- Scaling up innovation for active and healthy ageing CSA 2 Single stage (1,5-2 per SC1-HCC-09- Supporting deployment of ehealth in low and lower middle CSA 2 Single stage income countries in Africa for better health outcomes (1,5-2 per SC1-HCC-10- Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on CSA 3 Single stage data sharing initiatives in health research (2-3 per 36 (2018) Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care 35 (2019) 25 () Focus Area on Digitsing and transforming European industry and services DT-ICT-12- AI for the smart hospital of the future of 20 Single stage (7-10 per DT-TDS-04- AI for Genomics and Personalised Medicine 30 Single stage (<10 per DT-TDS-05- AI for Health Imaging 35 Single stage (8-10 per 24

Societal Challenge 2 Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy Het call-budget bedraagt circa 521,7 miljoen euro voor. Contact: Saske Hoving saske.hoving@rvo.nl Willemien van Asselt willemien.vanasselt@rvo.nl Ben Kubbinga ben.kubbinga@rvo.nl Horizon.bio@rvo.nl Budget Type Topic Omschrijving (miljoen Sluiting project euro) Sustainable Food Security 173 () From functional ecosystems to healthy food SFS-01- Biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain 2018-2019- C) From agrobiodiversity to dynamic value chains 6 per 22-01- project (1 st stage SFS-02- Healthy terrestrial livestock microbial ecosystems for sustainable 20 (<10 per 22-01- production (1 st stage) SFS-04- Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use 20 (5 per 22-01- 2019- B) Alternative to contentious pesticides SFS-05- New and emerging risks in plant health 7 (<7 per 22-01- 2018-2019- (1 st stage) SFS-06- Stepping up integrated pest management 2018- B) EU wide demonstration farm network CSA 6 (6 per 22-01- SFS-10- Epidemiology of non-regulated contagious animal diseases: from 10 (<10 per 22-01- integrated data collection to prioritisation (1 st stage) SFS-13- Genome enabled breeding in terrestrial livestock 14 (<7 per 22-01- (1 st stage) Environment and climate-smart food production and consumption SFS-21- Emerging challenges for soil management 14 A) Soil biodiversity assessment <7 per 22-01- project (1 st stage) B) Use of plastic in agriculture <7 per 22-01- project (1 st stage) LC-SFS-22- Forest soils 10 (+/-10 22-01- per (1 st stage) Building capacities SFS-28- Genetic resources and pre-breeding communities 2018-2019- C) The GenRes-user interface and pre-breeding activities 14 (<7 per 22-01- SFS-30- Agri-Aqua Labs 2018-2019- C) Plant energy biology 5 (<5 per 22-01- (1 st stage) Targeted international cooperation SFS-35- Sustainable Intensification in Africa 2019- C) Vector-borne diseases in Africa 12 (<6 per 22-01- (1 st stage) CE-SFS-36- Diversifying revenue in rural Africa through bio-based solutions 18 (<9 per 22-01- (1 st stage) 25

SFS-40- Healthy soils for healthy food production 5 (<5 per 22-01- (1 st stage) Blue Growth 52 () BG-07- The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative 2019- C) Technologies for observations 18 (9 per 22-01- BG-10- Fisheries in full ecosystem context 16 (8 per 22-01- (1 st stage) BG-11- Towards a productive, healthy, resilient, sustainable and highly- 18 (+/-9 per 22-01- valued Black Sea (1 st stage) Rural Renaissance 88 () From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies RUR-21- Agricultural markets and international trade in the context of 4 (4 per 22-01- sustainability objectives (1 st stage) Organising sustainable food and non-food value chains under changing conditions RUR-05- Connecting consumers and producers in innovative agri-food supply CSA 9 (<3 per 22-01- chains RUR-06- Innovative agri-food value chains: boosting sustainability-oriented 21 (<7 per 22-01- competitiveness RUR-07- Reducing food losses and waste along the agri-food value chain 12 (<6 per 22-01- CE-RUR- Closing nutrient cycles 08-2018- C) Bio-based fertilisers from by-products of the agro-food, fisheries, 16 (8 per 22-01- 2019- aquaculture or forestry sectors D) Bio-based fertilisers from waste water and sewage sludge 6 (6 per 22-01- (1 st stage) LC-RUR-11- Sustainable wood value chains 2019- B) Resilient forest systems 10 (5 per 22-01- (1 st stage) Boosting innovation and enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas RUR-15- Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice CSA 10 (<2 per 22-01- 2018-2019- Food and Natural Resources 208,7 () FNR-01- Strengthening the European agroecological research and innovation CSA 2 (<2 per 22-01- ecosystem FNR-02- Developing long-term monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the CSA 2 (<2 per 22-01- Common Agricultural Policy FNR-03- A comprehensive vision for urban agriculture CSA 2 (<2 per 22-01- FNR-04- Towards a European research and innovation programme on soils and CSA 1 (<1 per 22-01- land management FNR-05- Husbandry for quality and sustainability 21 A) Husbandry for sustainability <9 per 22-01- project (1 st stage) B) Husbandry for quality <6 per 22-01- project (1 st stage) LC-FNR- Defossilising agriculture solutions and pathways for fossil-energy- 06- free farming 12 A) Pathways for a fossil-energy-free agriculture CSA <2 per 22-01- project B) Close-to-market solutions for fossil-energy-free farming <5 per 22-01- project FNR-07- FOOD 2030 - Empowering cities as agents of food system 38 (+/- 12 22-01- transformation per FNR-08- Supporting the food safety systems of the future CSA 3 (3 per 22-01- CE-FNR- Pilot action for the removal of marine plastics and litter 13,2 (+/-6 22-01- 26

09- FNR-10- FNR-11- FNR-12- LC-FNR-13- CE-FNR-14- CE-FNR-15- FNR-16- CE-FNR-17- FNR-18- Public engagement for the Bioeconomy Prospecting aquatic and terrestrial biological resources for biologically active compounds A) Prospecting terrestrial biological resources for biologically active compounds B) Prospecting aquatic biological resources for biologically active compounds Industrial microbiomes: learning from nature Bio-based industries leading the way to turning CO2 emissions into chemicals Innovative textiles: Reinventing fashion A network of European bioeconomy clusters to advance bio-based solutions in the primary production sector Enzymes for more environment-friendly consumer products Pilot circular bio-based cities: sustainable production of bio-based products from urban biowaste and wastewater Sustainability of bio-based products: international governance aspects and market update CSA CSA CSA per 1 (1 per 30 7,5 per project 7,5 per project 12 (6 per 21 (7 per 21 (7 per 2 (2 per 18 (6 per 8 (<8 per 1,5 (<1,5 per 22-01- 22-01- (1 st stage) 22-01- (1 st stage) 22-01- (1 st stage) 22-01- (1 st stage) 22-01- 22-01- 22-01- (1 st stage) 22-01- 22-01- 27

Societal Challenge 3 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Het call-budget bedraagt circa 623 miljoen euro voor. Contact: n.b.t. teamiris@rvo.nl Topic Omschrijving Type project Energy Efficiency Budget (miljoen euro) Sluiting LC-SC3-EE- 1-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 2-2018-2019 Upgrading buildings' energy performance and smartness Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation Integrated home renovation services CSA 12 (3-4 per 10 (0,5-1,5 per 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 LC-SC3-EE- 3-2019- LC-SC3-EE- 4-2019- LC-SC3-EE- 5-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 6-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 9-2018- 2019 LC-SC3-EE- 10-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 11-2018- 2019- Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification CSA CSA 6 (0,5-1,0 per n.b.t. 10 (3-4 per n.b.t. 10 (2-2,5 per n.b.t. Energy efficient industry and services Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery CSA 5 (1-2 per Energy efficiency is an investment Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance Aggregation - Project Development Assistance CSA CSA CSA 4 (1-1,5 per 6 (1-1,5 per 6 (0,5-1,5 per 10-09-2019 n.b.t. 10-09-2019 n.b.t. 10-09-2019 n.b.t. 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 LC-SC3-EE- 13-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 14-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 16-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EE- 18-2019 Energy efficiency is an energy source Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency as energy resource Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demand Support for policy-driven innovations Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union Bioclimatic approaches for improving energy performance in buildings in Africa and Europe CSA CSA 8 (1-2 per 4 (1,0-1,5 per 10 (1,0-1,5 per 1 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 28

Buildings in energy transition (B4E) LC-SC3- Towards highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings CSA 7 15-01- B4E-1- LC-SC3- Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the building CSA 4 10-09- B4E-2- sector LC-SC3- Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for 8 10-09- B4E-3- legacy equipment LC-SC3- Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification CSA 6 10-09- B4E-4- LC-SC3- Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings 3 15-01- B4E-5- LC-SC3- Big data for buildings 12 15-01- B4E-6- LC-SC3- EU building stock data 4.0 CSA 4 15-01- B4E-7- LC-SC3- Renewable and energy efficient solutions for heating and/or cooling, 7 15-01- B4E-8- and domestic hot water production in multi-apartment residential buildings LC-SC3- Support to the coordination of EU smart buildings innovation CSA 1,5 15-01- B4E-9- community LC-SC3- Self-assessment and self-optimisation of buildings and appliances 6 15-01- B4E-10- for a better energy performance : LC-SC3- Financing for energy efficiency investments - Smart Finance for Smart CSA 10-09- B4E-11- Buildings LC-SC3- National roundtables to implement the Smart Finance for Smart CSA 3 15-01-(?) B4E-12- Buildings initiative LC-SC3- Aggregation - Project Development Assistance CSA 10-09- B4E-13- LC-SC3- Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy CSA 6 10-09- B4E-14- efficiency and flexibility at demand-side Global leadership in renewables Next Renewable energy solutions LC-SC3- Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies 45 21-04- RES-1-2019- LC-SC3- Converting sunlight to storable chemical energy 6 27-08-2019 RES-29-2019 LC-SC3- International Cooperation with USA on alternative renewable fuels 10 27-08- RES-3- from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage Renewable energy solutions for implementation at consumer scale LC-SC3- Solar Energy in Industrial Processes 10 (3-5 per 27-08-2019 RES-7-2019 LC-SC3- Next generation on thin-film photovoltaic technologies 20 05-02- RES-9- LC-SC3- Pre-Commercial Procurement for a 100% Renewable Energy Supply PCP 15 26-03- RES-10- Renewable energy solutions for energy system level implementation LC-SC3- Basic science technology development for offshore wind 8 21-04- RES-31- LC-SC3- New test rig devices for accelerating ocean energy technology 8 21-04- RES-32- development LC-SC3- Development of solutions based on renewable sources that provide 15 (3-5 27-08-2019 RES-16- flexibility to the energy system per 2019 LC-SC3- Advanced drilling ald well completion techniques for cost reduction in 8 21-04- 29

RES-18- LC-SC3- RES-19- LC-SC3- RES-20- LC-SC3- RES-33- LC-SC3- RES-34- LC-SC3- RES-35- LC-SC3- RES-25- LC-SC3- RES-26- LC-SC3- RES-36- LC-SC3- RES-27- LC-SC3- RES-37- LC-SC3- RES-28-2018-2019- geothermal energy Demonstration of innovative technologies for floating wind farms 25 Efficient combination of concentrated solar power (CSP) and desalination (with particular focus on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region) 10 Increase performance and reliability of photovoltaic plants 20 Demonstration of innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower potential in Central Asia 10 Reduce the cost and increase performance and reliability of CSP plants 10 Renewable Fuels for transport International cooperation for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels Development of next generation biofuel and alternative renewable fuel technologies from CO2 and renewable energy (Power and Energy to Fuels) International cooperation with Canada on advanced biofuels and bioenergy 5 Demonstration of advanced biofuel production from aquatic biomass 10 Combined clean biofuel production and phytoremediation solutions from contaminated lands worldwide 8 5 6 11-12-2019 27-08- 11-12-2019 27-08- 29-01- 27-08- 21-04- 27-08- 15-01- 21-04- Market Uptake Support Market uptake support CSA 25 11-12-2019 LC-SC3-EC- 1-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EC- 2-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-EC- 3- LC-SC3-EC- 4- LC-SC3-EC- 5- Smart and clean energy for consumers The role of consumers in changing the market with informed decision or CSA 6 collective actions Mitigating household energy poverty CSA 6 Consumer engagement and demand response 16 Socio-economic research: non-energy impacts and behavioural insights 10 on energy efficiency internventions Supporting public authorities in driving the energy transition CSA 9 10-09-2019 10-09-2019 05-02- 15-01- 10-09- LC-SC3-ES- 3-2018- LC-SC3-ES- 4-2018- LC-SC3-ES- 5-2018- LC-SC3-ES- 9-2019 Smart citizen-centred energy system Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands) 15 Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands 40 TSO DSO Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation ERA-NET Co-Fund Enhanced cooperation in Digitalisation of Energy Systems and networks ERA- NET 24 10 27-08-2019 30

LC-SC3-ES- 10- LC-SC3-ES- 11- LC-SC3-ES- 12- DC-AC/DC hybrid grid for a modular, resilient and high RES share grid 14 development Rapid Relief through Transitions on Islands 6 Integrated local energy systems (Energy Islands): international 9 cooperation with India Smart cities and communities LC-SC3- SCC-1-2018- 2019- LC-SC3- SCC-2- Smart Cities and Communities 60 n.b.t. Smart Airports 15 Enabling near-zero co2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries LC-SC3- NZE-4-2019 LC-SC3- NZE-5-2019- LC-SC3- NZE-6- Integrated solutions for flexible operation of fossil fuel power plants through power-to-x-to-power and/or energy storage Low carbon industrial production using CCUS Geological Storage Pilots 20 (6-10 per 33 (10-12 per 15 14 27-08-2019 27-08-2019 27-08- 27-08- Joint Actions LC-SC3-JA- 2-2018-2019 LC-SC3-JA- 3-2019 LC-SC3-JA- 5- Support to the realisation of the Implementation Plans of the SET Plan European Pre-Commercial Procurement Programme for Wave Energy Research &Development Joint Programming with EU and African partners for a R&I actions in the area of renewable energy CSA PCP 1 20 (15-20 per 15 27-08-2019 27-08-2019 26-03- Cross-cutting issues LC-SC3-CC- 1-2018- 2019- LC-SC3-CC- 3-2019 LC-SC3-CC- 7- Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition Support for the opening of low-carbon energy research databases in Europe European Energy and Climate Modelling Forum (-2024) CSA 10 (1-3 per 10 2 (0,5-1 per 5 27-08-2019 27-08- 27-08-2019 27-08-2019 Next-generation Batteries LC-BAT-2-2019 LC-BAT-3-2019 LC-BAT-4-2019 LC-BAT-8- LC-BAT-9- Strengthening EU materials technologies for non-automotive battery storage Modelling and simulation for Redox Flow Battery development Advanced Redox Flow Batteries for stationary energy storage Next-generation batteries for stationary energy storage Hybridisation of battery systems for stationary energy storage See SC4 See SC4 See SC4 See SC4 See SC4 31