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1 Resultaatrapportage Hier wordt geïnvesteerd in uw toekomst. Dit project in mede mogelijk gemaakt met steun van het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling van de Europese Unie

2 D OWES aanpak gezien vanuit een AMC T&T perspectief 2009 Een integraal (offshore) onderhoudsservicesysteem voor offshore windturbines gezien als een specialiteitenrestaurant met een uniek menu en meest gezonde gerechten! John Stavenuiter PhD in AMC

3 Hoe gaan we dat doen? 2009 Windpark 1 Actor A (Peterson) Windpark 2 Actor B D OWES ASSET ASSET OWNERS OWNERS Windpark 3 Actor C Windpark 4 Actor D D OWES als het centrum voor O&M managementcontrol Data Informatie Services

4 Hoe gaan we dat maken? 2009 Doel: Operations & Maintenance (O&M) van offshore windparken zo kosteneffectief mogelijk te maken [ref. D OWES werkplan, ATO NH maart 2008]

5 OMCE bijdrage vanuit ECN & TNO 2009 BB Operation & Maintenance BB Logistics -Failure rate INFO -Repair strategy Unplanned Corrective Maintenance DATA Calendar Based Maintenance OMCE Calculator Annual O&M Costs BB Loads&Lifetime -Time to failure INFO (Repair strategy) Condition Based Maintenance TNO device BB Health Monitoring Status Technische specificaties OMCE-BB s klaar generieke beschrijving Technische specificaties OMCE-Calculator klaar Plan Technische specificaties OMCE-BB s uitwerken voor D OWES Implementatie en validatie OMCE - Calculator [ref. ECN presentatie van Henk Braam, ]

6 Wie doet wat? 2009 Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Services System A TNO -Sensor Data Specs ECN: Sensor Data Specs OMCE Maintenance Model Suppliers System Z Customers AMC T&T : -Data Processing -Strategic Information handling -Operational Information handling - Decision support System Customers Partner deliveries voor werkpakket D

7 2009 Detailed AMC T&T Deliveries Strategic Information AMICO Model System Portals Reports (Cost-Effectiveness and LCM issues) Operational Information System Portals Control Information (Performances) Real-Time Monitoring Operational Status Monitoring & Control Tools Reports (Performance Killers, Cost Drivers) Decision Support Change Management Modification Management Resource planning SLA s Supplier Information

8 De ICT aanpak 2009 PDM system concept User Services Logic Web Network Services Logic Business Services Logic Data Data Services Logic Legacy Data Data Transfer Component Relational Data Base Web Portal Transaction Components Mirror Data Base Data Exchange Component Legacy Data voor de gebruiker door AMC specialisten voor AMC specialisten door IT specialisten

9 D OWES Design Elements 2010 Werkplan (conceptual design) Kubus Model D OWES Demoportal High Level I/A Diagram Information Pyramid Show Model [P1: ] [P2: ] Conceptual Data Set Business Logic Process Flows Entity Rel. Diagram Logical Data Model Data Logic Information Flows UML Use Cases Attribute List D OWES Prototype [P3: ] Werkversie afgerond Werkversie in bewerking Werkversie voorzien Fase eindproduct OTAP fasering: 1. Ontwerpfase 2. Testfase 3. Acceptatiefase 4. Project eindproduct

10 Rational Unified Proces (RUP) Design Approach 2010 [ref.: Nov. 2009: actual working phase the second loop

11 Werkplan (conceptual design) Conceptual Design 2010 User defined input DATA GENERAL DATA + maintenance reports + vessel transfer plans + contracts + weather +. AMICO OMCE calculator Resultaten scenario studies OMCE-BB Lange termijn advies WT DATA + scada + sensoren: loads, conditining monitoring corrosion temperatures.. +. Data reductie Decision support rules Korte termijn advies User interface USER [ref.: Braam, ECN] Special purpose software: FOBM, corrosie To be worked out Start document: ECN_X _OMCE_Event_List[1]

12 Kubus Model 2010 Most important results for the system development are the User Interface Specifications [ref.: Sabelis/ Peterson] Working version available, ref.: Requirements matrix trial.xls,

13 Process Flows 2010 Working version available, ref.: D_OWES_-_Logistical_supply_Chain_ [1]

14 Information Flows 2010 Working version available, ref.: D_OWES_-_Informartion_Process_Flow_ [1]

15 D OWES Demoportal AMC T&T kostensoort D OWES 2.1 Demo Portal Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de Demo Portal. Voor 2009 is als doel gesteld een Demo Portal op te leveren met voldoende detaillering om eventuele workshops voor de klankbordgroep te kunnen ondersteunen. Op basis daarvan is voorzien dat deze in 2011 overgaat naar het showmodel Dit is de D OWES portal met alle functionaliteit in zich, maar nog niet voorzien van de vereiste business en data logic om ook echt in de praktijk te kunnen werken. Dit is uiteindelijk de D OWES Prototype, voorzien in > Nov. 2009: New Functionality Working version available, ref.:

16 High Level I/A Diagram AMC T&T kostensoorten D OWES 2.2 High Level I/A Diagram Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van het High Level I/A Diagram. Voor 2009 zal deze bijgewerkt worden op basis van de Demo Portal >20 4

17 Entity Rel. Diagram AMC T&T kostensoorten D OWES 2.3 Entity Relation Diagram Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van het ERD. Voor 2009 zal deze bijgewerkt worden op basis van de Demo Portal > 20 8

18 UML Use Cases AMC T&T Use Case: Aanmaken Asset kostensoorten D OWES 2.4 UML Use Cases Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de UML Use Cases. Voor 2009 zal deze bijgewerkt worden op basis van de VALID Solution Table en resultaten van de Demo Portal Workshops > Beschrijving: De applicatie presenteert een aanmaakscherm aan een Asset Manager waarin deze een nieuw Asset kan definiëren. Hierbij kunnen documentatie en Service Contracten opgegeven worden die van toepassing zijn op het Asset.

19 Information Pyiramid D OWES Basic Information Pyramid 2010 AMC T&T kostensoorten Omschrijving Budget Verloond D OWES 3.1 Information Pyramid Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de Info Pyramid. Voor 2009 zal deze bijgewerkt worden op basis van de Demo Portal. 20 -> 10 0

20 Conceptual Data Set D OWES Conceptual Data Set [ref. AMC Base Book] 2010 AMC T&T kostensoorten Omschrijving Budget Verloond D OWES 3.2 Conceptual Data Set Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de Conceptual Dataset. Voor 2009 zal deze bijgewerkt worden op basis van de Demo Portal. 20 -> 10 0

21 Logical Data Model Example of an LDM Sheet 2010 AMC T&T kostensoorten Omschrijving Budget Verloond D OWES 3.3 Logical Data Model Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van het LDM. Voor 2009 geen voortgang voorzien > Blad 3: Maintenance

22 Attribute List Attribute List Template AMC T&T kostensoorten D OWES 3.4 Atribute List Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de Atribute List. Voor 2009 deze lijst bijhouden a.d.h.v. test/demo resultaten > 20 9

23 Business Logic AMC T&T kostensoorten D OWES 4.2 Business Logic Data Control Interface Omschrijving Budget Verloond Alle werkzaamheden mbt het verder ontwikkelen van de Business Logic ism ECN (incl. 50% TDP interface R&D) > Data Control Tools Data Control interface Control Panel D OWES Quick Launch Menu (Demo Portal) Technical Data Package engine

24 DOWES Concept 2011 Wind farm owners Service Level Agreements Performance Rapports Trends & Prognoses Operator room Wind Farm Control Service Providers/Contractors Service Levels ILS procedures Spare Parts Management 24

25 Information System

26 O&M Information & Communication Overview 2011 Shareholders / Investors Board Functionary Responsibility Third party Technical manager General manager Sub-contracting Contracts Day to day operation Contract manager Asset management system Site manager Monitoring Maintenance Long term operation HSE Exploitation Maintenance Long term Short term Compliance Procurement Employee Employee Employee Availability Finance HRM Sales Kwh forecast Consultant/ contractor Supplier / Contractor Supplier / Contractor Employee Employee Employee CMS Supplier / Contractor Supplier / Contractor SCADA Analyses Employee Employee Employee OEM Corrective Preventive Inspection campagnes Consultant Consultant Consultant Logistics Spare parts E-market Supplier / Contractor Supplier / Contractor 26

27 DOWES information system 2011 Shareholders / Investors Board Contract manager Technical manager Site manager DOWES system General manager Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee 27

28 DOWES Data Acquisition 2011 Actors and Information Source data 28

29 Developments in time 2011 BARD DOWES 2010 Development Planning Design Development Procurement Q2/3 Financial Close Component production Q3 Webbased showmodel Q1 Live interface onshore WT s 2013 Q3 Start construction Q4 First demonstration system 2014 Market introduction commercial spin-off 2015 Q3 Start energy supply 29

30 DOWES Integrated Business Approach 2011 Strategy AMC Mission Statement Integrated Business Approach Asset- Management Value Based Lifecycle Management Condition Based Maintenance Management Preventive Incident Management Corrective Scope Pioneer Approach Technical Objects Installation Performances System Effectiveness Business Values 30

31 System Information & Cost & Perform. Data User interface - Structuring Information & Communication - SLA Contract 2011 AMICO Performance Based Service Contracts Performance Based Service Contract [format conform input AMICO/LCM model] Installatiegegevens Performance Requirements Life Cycle Period (status): IO(Operationeel) of MJO of TTO Active Time dagen UKC: Availability % BSMI: Reliability % Aanschafprijs (EURO): Capability % Jaar: 2003 (-1) of (-2) Opmerkingen: Installatiemanager: Organisatie: BWS of OWS of C3 Kostenverdeelstaat Uitvoering (Actor) BBS code Product ME blok Uren Uurloon Kosten Uitgaven Totaal CZM GES Opdrachtst./voortgangsbew. 0 0 Portfoliomanagement Klantcontact, pln.en coord. 0 0 Productie ondersteuning Orderplanning & uitgifte 0 0 Schip OLM (1-ste lijns onderhoud) 0 0 Productgroep ILM (2-de lijns onderhoud) 0 0 Materiaalplanning Materiaalvoorziening 0 0 Maintenance Engineering Installatie management 0 0 System Engineering Systeem management 0 0 Tekenkamer Technische documentatie 0 0 Diagnostiek / Analyse Bedrijfszekerheid informatie 0 0 Meet- & Kalibratiecentrum Kalibratie en metingen 0 0 Instandhoudingskosten (totaal): System Model designed for managing: - Performance Killers - Cost Drivers - Lifecycle Issues (TCO) UKC:5481 Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman SLA Report Baseline Cost Actual Baseline Performance Actual Prformance (bl) Cost IO IO Nr. BSMI OMSCHRIJVING OO TTO Totale ATbl Al-bl Rl-bl Cl-bl AT- A-act R-act C- kosten kosten kosten uitgaven act act in TTO DIGITALE SCHEEPSTEL.CENTRALE C ERICSSON RADAR PEIL-EN ZOEKONTVANGER BWS DOELAANWIJS RADAR BWS INSTALLATIE(SMART) IFF TRANSPONDER RADAR INSTALLATIE BWS MISLEIDINGS STOORZENDER BWS STIR RADAR SUBSYSTEEM NR.1 BWS STIR RADAR SUBSYSTEEM NR.2 BWS NABIJ VERDEDIGINGS BWS SYSTEEM(GOALKEEPER) COMPUTER SUBSYSTEEM C UHF TRANSMITTER RECEIVER C SUBSYSTEEM GEINTEGREERD RADIO/INTERCOM C SYSTEEM OMROEP INSTALLATIE C SHF SATELLIET COMMUNICATIE C INSTALLATIE INFORMATIE RETRANSMISSIE INST. C WINDMEET INSTALLATIE C Totaal

32 DOWES KPI Information Pyramid

33 A. A. Download A. Raw B. Extract C. Data D. E. SPP List / F. Data sources Data sources Database Information Warehouse Prepare Data other DB Load source data to local db Data Data Collection Data Selection Data Sorter Raw data DB s System A1 System A2 Config DB Incomplete / incorrect data/information Data Analyses Data Reduction Data Transfer Data ++ Info Combiner Data to information Info Checker Info Validation Info Transfer Info DWH Filter data to smaller DB s SPP List Aggregated Data in separate DB s DB 1 DB2 us e us e Presentatio n default webparts Xsl webparts new webparts operational data/information Data Sources Create procedure new data source -Analyse source data -Analyse data collection methods Data Collection Application Base project, contains reusable code, to use in sub projects. DB specific code For each data source an application using the Base Project and Config DB. The application has to download new data to its Temp DB(= raw database ) Temporary DB s -Match DB from DataSource -Start with ECN Nordex data - Config DB Database to store configuration used to connect and download new data. - Connection type - Connection string - Username/passw - Log, datatime + status/result Data Translation Application -Read Raw Data -Specify new Data -Translate Dimension Tables Time System Installation.. Fact Tables Energy production CE indication Data Preparation Application -Filter required dataset from DWH -Upload the filtered /aggregated data to SPP List or DB Implementation - Make a plan for modifications and maintenance. Prepared Data List - Specify the data to store. - Specify the data source type. - Design the data store, SPP List or DB tables. Implementation - Create the SPP List and Database - Make a plan for modifications and maintenance. Create Web parts - Specify Portal layout and functionality - Specify required webparts. - Specify display type: - Default SPP part - SPP data view part formatted with xsl. - New custom web part to be created or bought. - Design & Build/ Buy - Test & implement - Configuration and maintenance. - Updates 33

34 2012 D OWES Validation by BLIX D OWES portal structure and key features July 3 th 2012

35 Lifecycle 2012 Year Trimester Month Week Day Hour Min ms Under water inspections (17) Threshold config (7) Oil analyses (16) Coating inspection (18) Component Inspection (12, 15) Maintenance Checklist (13) Weather data Planned/act. (23) 10 min Scada (5) Alarms & Warnings (6) Condition Monitoring (21) Owner Inspections (19,20) Transfer plan (10) Park visits (9) Condition Monitoring (22) Features (X) [ref. : pages in BLIX presentation] Inspection Reports (12) & Certification (14) HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, Environment) (30) Decision Reports (25,27) Production Reports PV curve (26) Monthly Reports (28,29) Service Reports (10) Cause (11) Solution Material Hours Actual Event data (8) (Final approved data)

36 2012 DOWES Sites/Pages [ref. IDEF0] 1. Asset/Project Info 2. Cost Control 3. Daily Monitoring 4. DOWES Helpdesk 5. HUMS 6. LCC Overview (MYO plan) 7. LCM Program 8. LCM Report 9. LCM Team 10. Logistics Control 11. Process Management 12. Process Procedure 13. System (PROFI) Control 14. Technical Data Package Dowes Sites/Pages based on DOWES Proces + Info Flows

37 2012 IDEF specified with Technical Features 1. Asset/Project Info 2. Cost Control 3. Daily Monitoring 4. DOWES Helpdesk 5. HUMS 6. LCC Overview (MYO plan) 7. LCM Program Attribute List Acts & Regulations HSSE System Budget Overview Simulated Production baseline baseline a/r/c threshold config. owner directives System Outline Page Actual Cost System Budget Cost Unit Cost Sort Cost Center Power Demand Forecast Simulation portal 10 min Production PV-curve predicted vs actual Weather forecast threat matrix VALID Portal Support Portal Sitemap Eventlist Alarms & Warnings Inspection Reports Condition Reports LCM Issue List Installation Performance Maintenance Reports LCC Budget overview LCC Matrix LCM Baseline sheets AMICO Viewer AMICO Editor LCM MYO Overview Cost overview MYO plan Maintenance plan 8. LCM Report 9. LCM Team 10. Logistics Control 11. Process Management 12. Process Procedure (PROFI) LCM Report PBSC Overview License to Operate Alarms & Warnings Process/Procedure SCEI Team Directives Certificate overview Shutdown overview Procedure/Planning PK/CD Team Portals inspection reports Issue list Procedure/training AMICO Report POC HSSE checklist PRIMA Procedure/user Organisation Overview PROFI course & training License to Operate specifications operation configuration Process Overview Product overview (threshold) Work planning configuration decisions operation reports Procedures Supplies & Services Transport Monitor Equipment overview Available Personnel Planning 13. System Control 14. Technical Data Package Acts & Regulations LCC Overview Service Reports Report validation control approvals Control specification SCEI Market Value Sustainability Overview System Integrity TDP

38 2012 Key Features of D OWES (1/2) 1. Asset/Project Info 2. Cost Control 3. Daily Monitoring 4. DOWES Helpdesk 5. HUMS 6. LCC Overview (MYO plan) 7. LCM Program Attribute List Acts & Regulations HSSE System Budget Overview Simulated Production baseline baseline a/r/c threshold config. owner directives System Outline Page Actual Cost System Budget Cost Unit Cost Sort Cost Center Power Demand Forecast Simulation portal 10 min Production PV-curve predicted vs actual Weather forecast threat matrix VALID Portal Support Portal Sitemap Eventlist Alarms & Warnings Inspection Reports Condition Reports LCM Issue List Installation Performance Maintenance Reports LCC Budget overview LCC Matrix LCM Baseline sheets LCC Budget overview AMICO Viewer AMICO Editor LCM MYO Overview Cost overview MYO plan Maintenance plan AMICO Viewer LCM MYO Overview 10 min SCADA PV Curve Weather data planned/actual Owner Inspections Maintenance plan Threshold config (7) Cause (11) Solution Material Hours Service Reports (10) Production Reports PV curve (26) Condition Monitoring (21) Weather data planned/act. (23) Actual Event data (8) (Final approved data) Alarms & Warnings (6) Coating inspection (18) Under water inspections (17) Condition Monitoring (21) Oil analyses (16) 10 min Scada (5) Component Inspection (12, 15) PV curve (26) Weather data planned/act. (23) Owner Inspections (19,20)

39 2012 Key Features of D OWES (2/2) 8. LCM Report 9. LCM Team 10. Logistics Control 11. Process Management 12. Process Procedure (PROFI) LCM Report SCEI PK/CD AMICO Report PBSC Overview Team Directives Team Portals POC Organization Overview Decision Reports License to Operate Certificate overview inspection reports HSSE checklist PROFI course & training operation configuration (threshold) configuration decisions operation reports Procedures Supplies & Services Transport Monitor Equipment overview Available Personnel Planning Alarms & Warnings Shutdown overview Issue list PRIMA License to Operate Process Overview Work planning Issue List Process/Procedure Procedure/Planning Procedure/training Procedure/user specifications Product overview 13. System Control 14. Technical Data Package Acts & Regulations LCC Overview Service Reports Report validation Control approvals Control specification SCEI Market Value Sustainability Overview System Integrity TDP Monthly Reports (28,29) Decision Reports (25,27) Inspection Reports (12) & Certification (14) Threshold config HSSE (7) (Health, Safety, Security, Environment) (30) Transfer plan (10) Transfer plan (10) Condition Monitoring (22) Maintenance Checklist (13) Park visits (9) Service Reports (10) Cause (11) Solution Material Hours HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, Environment) (30)

40 2012 Key Features Overview 1. AMICO Viewer 2. LCM MYO / LCC Budget Overview 3. Actual Event Data (Final approved data) 4. PV curve 5. Maintenance Plan 6. Maintenance Checklist / Profi (Proces/Procedures) 7. Transfer plan / Park visits 8. Owner Inspections 9. Monthly Reports (SCEI, PKCD, AMICO report,..) 10. Issue List / Decision Reports 11. Service Reports (cause, solution, material, hours, cost)

41 DOWES PASS 55 Compliant 2012

42 2012 [PAS 55-2, p. X] 43

43 PAS 55 Key principles and attributes of Asset management 2012

44 2012 PAS 55-2: Information management The organization shall design, implement and maintain a system(s) for managing asset management information to ensure that: a) the adequacy of the information is approved by authorized personnel prior to use; b) information is maintained and adequacy assured through periodic review and revision, including version control where appropriate; c) allocation of appropriate roles, responsibilities and authorities regarding the origination, generation, capture, maintenance, assurance, transmission, rights of access, retention, archiving and disposal of items of information; d) obsolete information is promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use; e) archival information retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes is identified; f) information is secure and, if in electronic form, is backed up and can be recovered. 45

45 2012 Operational Need System Functionality Functional Diagrams LCM-Model Baseline LCM Model Actual Installation Performance Logistic Product & Services Logistic Activities Logistic Actors Installation Diagrams Activity Diagrams Operational Data Resources Budget Baseline per installation LCC-Matrix Baseline LCC-Matrix Actual Developing the LCM-model and LCC-matrices 46

46 DOWES Realization DEMO PORTAL SPEC s Validation by BLIX High Level I/A Diagram Entity Relation Diagram Information Pyramid Conceptual Data Set Logical Data Model Attribute List O&M Chart Catalogue (Robert) Grafiekenboek in PP met: Plaatje Brondata Beschrijving Referentie E.g. PV Curve Features with Web Parts FSD Features (UML Use Cases?) (Bart) Chart Gallery (Kai) AMICO2 viewer (Rick) Prod. Spec. Document Ch. 7 (Ramses) Info architecture invullen door uitwerken van Portal structuur cf. Portal Spec s DOWES SHOWMODEL (Bart) Anna Paulowna NZW Gemini 1&2 CFF (DGAME) Data Collection System (Mike vdt) Process Model IDEF0 (John) Data Mining Appl.: SCADA Event Reports Cost/Time Demand/Meteo Cube Validation Model Test & Acceptation (Ramses) Teststructuur Testscenarios Testprogramma Expert Team samenstellen Control Room (Mike vdt) : enrichment : adjustment Inrichtingschets Bestel pecicaties Aansluitschema s

47 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Nieuwe/final DOWES-portal definitie 2013

48 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Nieuwe/final DOWES-portal definitie

49 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Nieuwe/final DOWES-portal definitie

50 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Nieuwe DOWES-portal omgeving

51 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Control Room

52 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? SCADA Data Import - Wicotech (Andromeda),

53 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Aanzet tot de Product Specification Documents

54 2013 Wat is er gerealiseerd? Standards and Guidelines (PAS-55)

55 EWEA offshore beurs te Frankfurt , 20 en 21 november 2013 te Frankfurt Op het Holland paviljoen werd voor het eerst in volle omvang het DOWES systeem (Dutch Offshore Wind Energy System) gepresenteerd én gedemonstreerd. Hiervoor is de gehele Operation & Maintenance Control Room door het beurs-projectteam (ATO en AMICO Services) meegenomen en geïnstalleerd op de EWEA beurs. Voor het DOWES project staat de control room normaliter opgesteld in Den Helder, bij de DOWES programmaleider ATO. Het DOWES systeem is als Asset Management Control informatiesysteem gepresenteerd voor het (verder) optimaliseren van de kosteneffectiviteit van offshore windparken. Tijdens de EWEA beurs bleek veel belangstelling voor de demonstratiecases te zijn, die bestonden uit; Issue Management, Life Cycle Management en Data Control. Ook het Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Noord Holland Noord, bracht een bezoek aan de stand, met de ambassadrice van Nederland in Duitsland, Monique van Daalen. Na de demonstratie toonde zij zich zeer enthousiast over de mogelijkheden van DOWES als exportproduct en voorzag een vruchtbare uitwisseling met Duitse bedrijven actief in de windenergie sector.

56 2014 Aanpak 2014 Portal Development & Feature Framework

57 Feature Framework 2014

58 2014 Huidige activiteiten Portal development & Feature framework (IA) Feature Framework

59 2014 Gerealiseerd/afgerond in Portal Structure & Feature definities uitgewerkt 2. Portal omgeving ingevuld 3. Features & Webparts ontwikkeld 4. Data Warehouse opgezet en ingericht 5. Control Room geoperationaliseerd 6. het DOWES Showmodel getest en geoptimaliseerd 7. Acceptatietesten opgezet en uitgevoerd met/bij potentiele gebruikers (Eneco, Ventolines, Windunie) 8. Doorontwikkeling van Features & Data Warehouse 9. Evaluatie en eindrapportage.

60 1. Portal Structure & Feature definities uitgewerkt in een site map 1/3 2014

61 1. Portal Structure & Feature definities uitgewerkt in een site map 2/3 2014

62 1. Portal Structure & Feature definities uitgewerkt in een site map 3/3 2014

63 2. Portal omgeving ingevuld 2014

64 3. Features & Webparts ontwikkeld 1/4 2014

65 3. Features & Webparts ontwikkeld 2/4 2014

66 3. Features & Webparts ontwikkeld 3/4 2014

67 3. Features & Webparts ontwikkeld 4/4 2014

68 4. Data Warehouse opgezet en ingericht 2014

69 5. Control Room geoperationaliseerd 2014

70 DOWES Showmodel getest en geoptimaliseerd Example of different project roles and focus aspects Project Developer Asset Manager Utility (asset. man. +) Shareholder Permit & subsidy management Information and status reporting Contractual compliance control Technical compliance control Technical analyses Historical database Financial analyses and insights Green: aspects incorporated in the DOWES system Blue: aspects which the DOWES system can support Portfolio management Integration of sub / solitary systems Organizational process quality insurance Ensuring acceptable Interface risk Operational activity support Financial risk mitigation Technical expertise & services mitigation

71 Acceptatietesten opgezet en uitgevoerd met/bij potentiele gebruikers (Eneco, Ventolines, Windunie) DOWES improves cost efficiency and asset performances by making: Management Cost Management processes less time consuming Maintenance turnaround time shorter and more effective. Risk control a base for continuous improvement. Maintenance Cost Lost Production DOWES is aiming for 30% Cost Reduction. At acceptable risk and minimal degradation of the assets.

72 8. Doorontwikkeling van Features & Data Warehouse 2014

73 Evaluatie en eindrapportage Product Specification Documents

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