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1 Lecture Notes in Imaging 2009 NATTERER BUZUG - RASCHE HEATH - KUSCH RITTER & Mei 2009

2 INLEIDING doelgroep Driedimensionele beeldvorming heeft een ingrijpende invloed op de geneeskundige praktijk. Met de introductie van de conebeamtechnologie werd 3D-diagnostiek ook ingevoerd in de dagelijkse tandheelkundige praktijk. Bewust is gekozen voor een doelgroep van studenten biomedische wetenschappen, wiskunde, fysica, geneeskunde maar ook artsen, tandartsen en geneesheren-specialisten medische beeldvorming zullen hun gading vinden. Naast het gekende diagnostische vermogen worden steeds meer behandelingsplannen gebaseerd op de 3D-datasets in daartoe geëigende softwarepakketten. Hierbij kunnen ingrepen op het beeldscherm gesimuleerd worden, kunnen chirurgische hulpmiddelen op maat van de patiënt vervaardigd worden of kan beeldvorming de basis vormen voor navigatiechirurgie. Voor iedere module kan afzonderlijk ingeschreven worden. De lezingen worden in het Engels gegeven. dagindeling Typisch is dat de informatie van de detectoren omgezet wordt tot een beeld via een reeks wiskundige bewerkingen. Hoewel clinici vooral geïnteresseerd zijn in het driedimensionele beeld en de daarbij horende diagnostiek en therapie, kan de volle diepgang van de gewonnen informatie slechts naar waarde ingeschat worden als men het ontstaanstraject van het tot stand gekomen beeld begrijpt. Hier hebben we de inbreng van ingenieurs nodig. Deze lezingen pogen hierbij een hulp te zijn. Hoewel de sprekers wereldfaam genieten, proberen ze hun boodschap in eenvoudige heldere taal te brengen voor niet-wiskundigen en voor niet-ingenieurs. Iedere cursusdag heeft éénzelfde structuur: Lezing Lezing Lezing Lezing 4 2 3

3 Module 1: Donderdag 7 mei 2009 BASIC MATHEMATICS FOR TOMOGRAPHY Prof. dr. h. c. F. Natterer studied mathematics and physics in Freiburg and in Hamburg. He got the PhD in mathematics in 1968 under the guidance of Ludwig Collatz. He held positions as professor in mathematics at the Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana (USA), at the University Of Corvallis, Oregon (USA), in Saarbrücken (Germany) and in Münster (Germany) where he became chair later. Frank Natterer works on the mathematics and numerical analysis of image reconstruction. He published numerous research articles, wrote two books, edited several proceedings volumes, holds several patents, and was awarded a honorary doctorate from the University of Saarbrücken. Programma & Topics Lezing 1: Mathematical foundations of CT and Radon transform Lezing 2: Fourier analysis, Itering, Sampling Lezing 3 : Reconstruction algorithms Lezing 4 : 3D tomography

4 Module 2: Vrijdag 8 mei 2009 FROM PHOTON STATISTICS TO MODERN CONE-BEAM CT Prof. dr. rer. nat T.M. Buzug received his Diplom-Physiker degree in 1989 and his Ph.D. in 1993 in Applied Physics both from the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany. In the end of 1994 he joined the Philips Research Laboratories Hamburg, Germany. He was the leader of the Philips Research Cluster Medical Image Processing and responsible for several projects in that field. He has published numerous journal articles, conference papers and books. He is editor of the international Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT). He is member of the German Physical Society (DPG), German Society of Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT), German Society of Nondestructive Testing (DGfZP) and the IEEE. In October 1998 he has been appointed as professor of Physics and Medical Engineering at the RheinAhrCampus Remagen he was head of the Academic Development Committee of the RheinAhrCampus Remagen he was head of the Joint Council of Campus Departments and Director of the Institute of X- Ray Optics (IXO) at RheinAhrCampus Remagen. In December 2006 he became Director of the Institute of Medical Engeneering at the University of Luebeck. Topics Computed Tomography: From Photon Statistics to Modern Cone Beam CT The main focus of the book is a detailed derivation of reconstruction algorithms in 2D and modern 3D cone-beam systems. A thorough analysis of artifacts, noise and dose considerations give further insight to current computer tomography systems. The author will cover a number of issues of this book.

5 Module 3: Zaterdag 9 mei 2009 Deel 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Deel 2: CONE-BEAM CT AND DIAGNOSTICS: ANATOMIC DETAILS Prof. dr. rer. nat. V. Rasche studied physics at the University of Bielefeld from 1983 to He got his PhD in 1995 in cooperation with Philips Research Laboratories Germany - Hamburg. From 2001 to 2004 he taught Medical Imaging Technology at the University of Applied Science Bergedorf and the Technical University Harburg in Hamburg, Germany. From 2004 to 2005 he was appointed head clinical research electrophysiology North America, Boston, USA. In 2005 he became professor for cardiovascular MRI at the University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. PROGRAM & Topics Lezing 1: Basic principles of MRI and safety aspects in MRI Lezing 2: MRI techniques for special applications: cardiovascular MRI, dental MRI, functional MRI Lezing 3+ 4 : Radiological anatomy in 2D and 3D; Correlation between clinical symptons and conebeam-findings; 2D compared to 3D concerning diagnostic value in pathological conditions. Dr. N. Heath, MFDS RCS MSc. is specialised in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. He has a unique background which combines extensive dental experience with medical imaging. Currently he works as a consultant at Glasgow Dental Hospital specialising in Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging. This involves helping clinicians with investigations and reports on images obtained with conventional radiographs, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans particularly of the dental and extra-cranial head and neck region. Dr. Heath has a background in radiography, dentistry and has completed a 4 year specialist training program in Newcastle where he worked in medical and dental x-ray departments in order to satisfy the Royal College of Radiologists examinations board and was than appointed to this dental specialty in He has experience in undergraduate and post graduate teaching. Current regular lecturing venues include the Edinburgh Dental Institute, the Newcastle Oral and Maxillofacial Course.

6 Module 4: Vrijdag 15 mei D X-RAY IMAGING TECHNOLOGY AND BALANCED SYSTEMS Dipl. Ing. Univ. J. Kusch studied Electrical Engineering at Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany from 1984 to From 1991 to 1995 he worked as a development engineer at Siemens Medical Solutions AX Forchheim, Germany. In 1996 to 2002 he worked for Siemens Medical Solutions SP, Erlangen, Germany. In 1996 he made the introduction of the first isocentric mobile C-arm SIREMOBIL Iso C at RSNA 1987 as Project Manager of SIREMOBIL Iso C. In 1999 he was appointed Head of Product definition. In 2001 he was Vice President Surgery and did the Market introduction of the SIREMOBIL ISO C 3D, the worldwide first mobile Carm with Cone Beam imaging capabilities. In 2002 he became Head of Productmanagement at Siemens Medical Solutions Oncology Concrod, CA, USA. Since 2005 he is Excecutive Vice President & co founcer as well as Executive Vice President Marketing & Sales of sicat GmbH. sicat develops application SW for 3D Imaging e.g. GALILEOS Implant. Topics Lezing 1: History of X-ray Imaging (Röntgen, Radon and Fourier Transformation, Hounsfield and CT, Cone Beam and Computing Power) and the X-ray tube (Physics, Voltage and Current, Radiation Types, Focal Spot, Spectrum and Beam Hardening, Fixed/Rotating Anode, Geometry, Field of View, Resolution) Lezing 2: The detector (Physics, Film, Phosphor Storage Plates, Digital detectors, Flat Panel detectors, Image Intensifier, Geometry, Field of View, Resolution, Scatter Filtering) and Software (2D Imaging, Pixel, Correction Algorythms, Callibration, Fouriertransformation, Backprojection, 3D Imaging, Voxel, Artefact Reduction, Filtering Lezing 3 : Balanced Systems 10 11

7 Module 5: Zaterdag 16 mei D POSTPROCESSING, IMAGE QUALITY AND COMPUTER AIDED INTERVENTIONS Dr. L. Ritter studied from 1997 to 2000 at the Medical School of Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich. Since 2000 he worked as a Scientist under the direction of Dr. Keeve, in the Surgical Systems Laboratory, Forschungszentrum Caesar, Bonn, Germany. He was responsible for medical requirements in the development of the Julius software platform, and scientific work on segmenting and image processing for maxillofacial surgery. From 2000 tot 2003 he studied at the Medical School of the University of Cologne, Germany. Since 2002 he was responsible for medical hardware and software requirement engineering in the development of the first GALILEOS prototypes at the Forschungszentrum caesar, Bonn, Germany. From 2002 to 2003 he studied at Harvard Medical School, Boston, Usa, University of Basel, Switzerland, and Rheinisch Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany. Since 2003 he is active at the Dental School of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany. Since 2004 he is responsible for overseeing clinical studies focusing on GALILEOS at the University of Cologne, Germany. Program & Topics Lezing 1: 3D postprocessing (2D and 3D Visualisation, Segmentation, Filtering, Impact on Clinical Application) Lezing 2: Image Quality (Resolution, Noise, Contrast, Patient Influence on Image Quality, Machine Influence on Image Quality) Lezing 3 : Computer Aided Interventions (Virtual Planning, Virtual Reality, Clinical Navigation, Robotics) 12 13

8 Registratie De toegang is vrij voor studenten en personeel van de UHasselt. Voorafgaande inschrijving is vereist op onderstaand adres. Locatie Onthaal: Universiteit Hasselt Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan Gebouw D 3590 Diepenbeek Voor andere deelnemers geldt een bijdrage van 149 euro per module. Inschrijving is pas geldig nà ontvangst van betaling op het bankrekeningnummer (Aporis, Wetenschapspark 1 bus 14, 3590 Diepenbeek) met vermelding van Lezing Notes Module + naam deelnemer Accreditering werd aangevraagd in geneeskunde en in tandheelkunde. Voor betaling via het buitenland: IBAN: BE BIC/SWIFT: KREDBEBB routebeschrijving Inschrijving en verdere inlichtingen bij de verantwoordelijke van de organisatie constantinus.politis@uhasselt.be Wetenschappelijk comité Faculteit Geneeskunde, UHasselt Prof. dr. I. Lambrichts Prof. dr. Y. Palmers Prof. dr. C. Politis Aporis Prof. dr. S. Schepers Dr. L. Vrielinck 14 15

9 Universiteit Hasselt Campus Diepenbeek Agoralaan Gebouw D 3590 Diepenbeek


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