DB-vergadering 28-02-2012 Agendapunt 4

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DB-vergadering 28-02-2012 Agendapunt 4 Onderwerp FLOOD-WISE bijeenkomst in Slovenië van 18 t/m 20 april 2012 Portefeuillehouder(s) J.H.J. van der Linden Afdeling Staf / Strategie en Beleid Bestuursprogramma Pagina 9, 2e bullet Waterbeheersplan Hoofdstuk 6: Internationale samenwerking Programma begroting Watersysteem Routing Dagelijks bestuur 28 februari 2012 Commissie ABA - Commissie MFB - Commissie WS - Algemeen bestuur - Voorstel Overwegen een of meerdere bestuurlijke vertegenwoordigers van het waterschap af te vaardigen naar het Political Expert Forum (PEF) tijdens de FLOOD-WISE bijeenkomst in Slovenië van 18 tot en met 20 april 2012. Toelichting Van 18 tot en met 20 april 2012 wordt de vierde partner-ontmoeting van het Interreg IV C project FLOOD-WISE gehouden in Slovenië (Rogaska-Slatina), gecombineerd met het derde Political Expert Forum (PEF) in Ljubljana. Tijdens het PEF wordt door bestuurders en experts uit de deelnemende landen gediscussieerd aan de hand van een aantal stellingen die uit het project voortkomen. Vanuit WRO wordt deelgenomen aan de partner-bijeenkomst door de betrokken medewerkers. Tijdens de afgelopen twee partner-bijeenkomsten werd namens het bestuur van het waterschap deelgenomen aan de plenaire discussie tijdens het Political Expert Forum door uw voorzitter, met steun van een of meer andere DB-leden. Ook deze keer rekent de organisatie op deelname vanuit het bestuur van het waterschap. De voorzitter is echter verhinderd. De vraag is nu of een van de andere leden van het dagelijks bestuur zitting wil nemen in het discussiepanel tijdens het PEF voor de bestuurlijke inbreng vanuit WRO. 120574/TP 1/2

Het PEF wordt, zoals de gehele bijeenkomst, in de Engelse taal gevoerd. Dit jaar zal Luitzen Bijlsma, Co-Coordinator Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water en Nationaal Hoogwater Beschermingsprogramma de moderator zijn. De PEF wordt gehouden op vrijdagmiddag 20 april 2012 om 16.00 uur, voorafgegaan door een mini-conference over het gebruik van het inundatiegebied van rivieren voor waterberging. In de ochtend is er een bus-excursie vanuit Rogaska-Slatina naar de grensrivier de Sava (tussen Croatië en Slovenië) die eindigt in Ljubljana. Op donderdagmiddag/avond is er een excursie in het grensoverschrijdende stroomgebied van de Sotla (een zijrivier van de Sava) vanuit Rogaska-Slatina. Beoogd effect Deelname vanuit één van de Pilot-stroomgebieden (de Roer) aan de bespreking en de discussie over de resultaten van de derde fase van het project aan de basis van de eindrapportage die in juni afgerond wordt en tijdens de slotconferentie in Maastricht (22-24 oktober 2012) wordt gepresenteerd. Financiële consequenties Praktische info: er gaan dagelijks vluchten van Schiphol naar Ljubljana (vertrek om 10:15 uur; aankomst 12:00 uur) en terug (vertrek om 07:15 uur; aankomst 09:15 uur). Kosten circa 155,00. Hotel: circa 100,00 pppn. Diner(s) zijn ten laste van het project. Communicatie Er wordt verslag gedaan op de FLOOD-WISE website en via de FLOOD-WISE newsletters, terwijl plaatselijk de pers wordt uitgenodigd om kennis te nemen van de resultaten van het project en de aanbevelingen van het Political Expert Forum. De secretaris/directeur, ing. J.M.G. In den Kleef 120574/TP 2/2

Draft programme for FLOOD-WISE 4 th partner meeting in Rogaška Slatina and the 3 rd Political Expert Forum in Ljubljana, Slovenia Tuesday 17 April 2012 Wednesday 18 April 2012 Thursday 19 April 2012 Friday 20 April 2011 Morning Travelling 9:00 9:15 Welcome and programme overview 9:15 10:30 Flood risk management plans: - Results of transfer activities poster exhibition 8:30 8:45 Opening 8:45 11:15 Workshop 4 8:45 11:15 Workshop 5 8:45 11:15 Workshop 6 08.00 12:30 Study visit Sava Starting point Rogaška Slatina Ending in Ljubljana 10:30-12:00 Wise RTD workshop 12:00 12:30 Dissemination of results after final conference 11.30-12.00 Feedback and results from workshops 12:00 12:30 Feed-back from Editorial workshop and good practices workshop Berlin Lunch 12:30 14:00 12:30 13:45 12:30 14:00 Travelling to Rogaška Slatina 14:00 16:30 Afternoon Workshop 1 14:00 16:30 Workshop 2 14.00 16:30 Workshop 3 16:30 17:30 Feedback and results from workshops 13:45 14.30 Steering Committee and Editorial working group 14.30 15.45 Preparation final project statement 14:00 16:00 FLOOD-WISE in flood plains conference 16.00 17.00 Political Expert Forum 17:00 18:00 Closure, reception and good byes Evening 18.30 20.00 Steering Committee meeting Time for a spa-moment (bring your swimming and sauna stuff) 16:00 20:00 Sotla excursion Starting point Rogaška Slatina 18:30 Closing dinner in Ljubljana 20.00 Dinner 20:00 Dinner 20:00 Dinner For FLOOD-WISE partner participants For external participants and FLOOD-WISE partner participants Page 1 Last update 31/01/2012

Practical information for the 4th FLOOD-WISE partner meeting Contents 1. Location of the 4th Partner Meeting 2. Hotel 3. Sotla excursion 4. Study Visit Sava 5. Location Political Expert Forum in Ljubljana 6. Important Information PAGE 1

1. Location of the 4th Partner Meeting Conference venue address: How to get there? ROGAŠKA CONGRESS CENTRE Zdraviliški trg 6 3250, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia Tel: +386 3 811 43 93 Fax: +386 3 811 47 32 Ljubljana Congress Centre Railway Station Zagreb (HR) PAGE 2

By car: By air: By train: Coming from the west (Ljubljana) via A1 Motorway: o From Ljubljana you follow the A1 Motorway for 80 km and leave the motorway at Dramlje exit and continue for 6 km along the road 234 straight to the town of Šentjur. In Šentjur follow the road signs for Rogaška Slatina and turn left to the road 107. Continue along the road 107 towards Rogaška Slatina for 23 km and turn right at Irje (follow the road sign Center and Hoteli ). Continue along Stritarjeva ulica for 1 km and take the first exit at the roundabout. After 200 m you will be able to see the Grand Hotel Sava and the Conference Centre at the left side of the road. At hotel you can park the car. Coming from the south-east (Zagreb (HR)) via E70/A3 motorway: o From Zagreb you follow the E70/A3 Motorway for 67 km and leave the motorway at Đurmanec exit (follow the road signs for Celje SLO) and continue through the town of Đurmanec. Follow the road signs for Celje (SLO) and after 7 km you will enter Slovenia at the border crossing Dobovec. Follow the road 107 for 7 km and turn left in the town of Rogatec towards Rogaška Slatina. Continue along the road 107 towards Rogaška Slatina for 7 km and turn left at Irje (follow the road sign Center and Hoteli ). Continue along Stritarjeva ulica for 1 km and take the first exit at the roundabout. After 200 m you will be able to see the Grand Hotel Sava and the Conference Centre at the left side of the road. At hotel you can park the car. Coming from the north (Graz (AUT)/Maribor (SLO)) via E57/A1 motorway: o From Graz you follow the E57 Motorway for 80 km and after 55 km you will enter Slovenia at Šentilj border crossing. Follow the E57/A1 motorway for 30 km and leave the motorway at Slovenska Bistrica Jug exit (follow the road signs for Rogaška Slatina). At the first roundabout after 100 m, take the 3rd exit and at the second roundabout after 250 m, take the 2nd exit towards the road 219 (follow the road signs for Rogaška Slatina). After 500 m you will get to the next roundabout where you take the 4 th exit towards Rogaška Slatina. Stay on the road 219 for 18 km and turn left at the Podplat junction towards Rogaška Slatina along the road 107. Continue along the road 107 towards Rogaška Slatina for 6 km and turn right at Irje (follow the road sign Center and Hoteli ). Continue along Stritarjeva ulica for 1 km and take the first exit at the roundabout. After 200 m you will be able to see the Grand Hotel Sava and the Conference Centre at the left side of the road. At hotel you can park the car. Arrival at the airport Ljubljana/Brnik. There will be transfer to Rogaška Slatina organized for smaller groups. Arrival at the Zagreb/Pleso airport (Croatia). There will be transfer to Rogaška Slatina organized for smaller groups. Arrival to Austria (Graz, Klagenfurt etc.). Please rent a car and follow instructions for arrival from north. Arrival at Rogaška Slatina train station you can just take 10 min walk through the Central Park to the Hotel. PAGE 3

2. Hotel We ve made a block reservation at the Grand Hotel Sava, Hotel Zagreb and Hotel Manzato till 1 April 2012. Thereafter, reservations are only possible for the best daily price and availability. The prices of the hotels include breakfast and are as follows: - Grand Hotel Sava **** lux (88 Euro per single room and 73 Euro per person in double room), - Grand Hotel Sava **** superior (81 Euro per single room and 66 Euro per person in double room), - Hotel Zagreb **** (59 Euro per single room and 44 Euro per person in double room), - Hotel Manzato (25 Euro per person in double room). All these hotels are located in the centre of Rogaška Slatina and are in walking distance to the conference location (the Grand Hotel Sava). For additional hotel information please check the attached hotel booking forms. How to get there? Hotel Manzato Ljubljana Grand Hotel Sava Hotel Zagreb Railway Station Zagreb (HR) PAGE 4

Address Hotel Sava: Zdraviliški trg 6, Rogaška Slatina Telephone: 00 386 3 811 4393 Fax: 00 386 3 811 4390 Website: http://www.rogaska.si/en/85 Address Hotel Zagreb: Zdraviliški trg 6, Rogaška Slatina Telephone: 00 386 3 811 4393 Fax: 00 386 3 811 4390 Website: http://www.rogaska.si/en/86 Address Hotel Manzato: Partizanska 5, Rogaška Slatina Telephone: 00 386 3 581 61 40 Fax: 00 386 3 581 61 50 Website: www.hotel-manzato.eu PAGE 5

3. Sotla excursion For the Sotla excursion we will organize a bus trip from Rogaška Slatina to Vonarje Lake area and Hum na Sutli (HR). Thursday afternoon we will go to the Sotla River valley and Vonarje Lake area. The draft program includes stops at existing water purification plants in Rogaška Slatina (SI) and Hum na Sutli (HR). After the purification plants we will travel to Vonarje Lake area and stop at both existing dams. 4. Study Visit Sava For the Study Visit we will organize a bus trip from Rogaška Slatina to Brežice and Ljubljana. Friday morning we will go to the Sava River valley. The draft program includes stops at existing water power plants upstream of Brežice. After the power plants we would like to go along Sava river towards Ljubljana, where the Political Expert Forum will be held. 5. Location Political Expert Forum in Ljubljana The Political Expert Forum will be held in the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre in Ljubljana. Address: Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Dunajska cesta 18, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 300 26 00 Fax: 00 386 1 300 26 28 Website: http://www.ljubljanafair.com PAGE 6

Map of the event: AUSTRIA Exhibition and Convention Centre ITALY CROATIA 6. Important Information If you travel by air please mark your arrival place and time so we can form smaller groups and organize transfer to Rogaška Slatina. Please bear in mind that during Sotla excursion we will travel to Croatia and you have to bring have your personal ID`s with you. After the PEF meeting the closing dinner will be organized in Ljubljana and thus no returning to Rogaška Slatina is foreseen, so if you plan your return to home after Friday you will have to book a hotel in Ljubljana. From Ljubljana there will be transfer to the airport organized. PAGE 7

Below you can find a shortlist of the proposed hotels in Ljubljana with prices estimation: 1. Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska Cesta 34, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 470 11 31 Website: http://www.hotelslon.com/ Price: around 120 /single room with breakfast 2. Central Hotel, Miklošičeva 9, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 308 43 00 Website: http://www.centralhotel.si/ Price: around 120 /single room with breakfast 3. City Hotel, Dalmatinova Street 15, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 239 00 00 Website: http://www.cityhotel.si/ Price: around 90 /single room with breakfast 4. Hotel Park, Tabor 9, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 300 2 500 Website: http://www.hotelpark.si/ Price: around 75 /single room with breakfast 5. M Hotel, Derčeva ulica 4, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 513 70 00 Website: http://www.m-hotel.si/ Price: around 75 /single room with breakfast 6. Hotel Center, Slovenska cesta 51, Ljubljana Telephone: 00 386 1 520 06 40 Website: http://www.hotelcenter.si/ Price: around 60 /single room with breakfast PAGE 8