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2 2 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS NeFCA, in association with the department of Media and Communication and Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture ERMeCC, is hosting the Etmaal 2013 Conference on Communication Science at Erasmus University Rotterdam on February 7 th and 8 th, During the Etmaal, a wide variety of panels and papers on topics relevant to the current state of communication research will be given. The papers are organized into six sections: Culture & entertainment Health communication Journalism Organizational communication Persuasive communication Political communication In this book, you will find all the abstract sorted in these sections. We wish you a good browsing! The Etmaal Organizing Committee Tonny Krijnen David Novak Mijke Slot 2

3 3 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS CONTENTS CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT Session # Adolescents instrumental and expressive text messaging behavior and their friendship quality: a perceived affordances-approach - Mariek Vanden Abeele, Alexander Schouten and Marjolijn Antheunis Development and validation of the Adolescent Measure of Empathy and Sympathy (AMES) - Helen Vossen, Jessica Piotrowski and Patti Valkenburg Understanding the role of perceived peer norms in the relationship between sexual media use and young adolescents sexual behaviors - Eline Frison, Laura Vandenbosch and Steven Eggermont Teen sexting across Europe: a cross-national comparison of the predictors of sexting - Susanne E. Baumgartner, Sindy Sumter, Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg Session # Practice makes perfect: the longitudinal effect of adolescents instant messaging on their ability to initiate offline friendships - Maria Koutamanis, Helen G.M. Vossen, Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg How social are social network sites? A longitudinal study among early adolescents - Marjolijn L. Antheunis, Alexander P. Schouten and Emiel Krahmer Linked in or left out - impression formation based on one s professional and private social network site profile - Christina Jaschinski, Somaya Ben Allouch and Ard Heuvelman Session # Sexualizing sitcoms, self-objectification and the sexual double standard: a longitudinal study among adolescents - Laura Vandenbosch and Steven Eggermont An experimental investigation into the effect of online self-portrayal on women s self-objectification - Dian de Vries and Jochen Peter Women s rejection of sexually explicit content: the role of hyperfemininity and processing style - Johanna M.F. van Oosten, Jochen Peter and Inge Boot Media use and ADHD-related behaviors in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis - Sanne Nikkelen, Patti M. Valkenburg and Mariette Huizinga Session # The dark side of reality TV : questions of ethics in the production of popular factual entertainment television - Jelle Mast Prime time morality: a longitudinal study of morality in Dutch prime-time fiction - Serena Daalmans, Ellen Hijmans and Fred Wester Biedt Dexter zijn kijkers moreel vermaak? Een geval van moral disengagement - Monique Timmers, Ed Tan, Claire Segijn and Guus Bartholome The relationship between fiction viewing and support for the police: the importance of procedural fairness beliefs - Astrid Dirikx and Jan Van Den Bulck Session # National cultural repertoires of evaluation in a global age: film discourse in France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States - Annemarie Kersten De (ideologische) representaties van wetenschap in de rampenfilm - Laurens Van der Steen and Pieter Maeseele

4 4 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS De afbeelding van statusverschillen in sekse en kleur in Nederlandse non-fictie programma s - Sjoerd Pennekamp, Claire Segijn, Guus Bartholomé and Monique Timmers Film history between culture and economics: admission figures at the Capitole cinema ( ) - Khaël Velders, Liesbeth Van de Vijver and Daniël Biltereyst Session # A longitudinal study into the effects of adolescents social network site use on their appearance investment and desire to undergo cosmetic surgery - Dian de Vries, Jochen Peter, Peter Nikken and Hanneke de Graaf 40 Can the experience of playing a shooter game be as different as chalk and cheese? An investigation of how players construe their playing style - Wannes Ribbens and Steven Malliet Profiel van compulsieve SNS-gebruikers en gamers in België Surveyonderzoek bij volwassenen in Vlaanderen en Wallonië - Rozane De Cock, Jolien Vangeel, Annabelle Klein, Pascal Minotte, Omar Rosas and Gert-Jan Meerkerk Het verband tussen gewelddadige games en desensitisatie: De rol van geobserveerd realisme en speelstijlen - Steven Malliet and Wannes Ribbens Session # The relationship between on-line and off-line fear of crime: A mediated model - Kathleen Custers and Jan Van Den Bulck Constructing and validating a scale to assess moral judgment of antisocial media content and media preferences among youth - Xanthe S. Plaisier and Elly A. Konijn The role of media with antisocial content in cyberbullying among adolescents - Anouk H. Den Hamer, Elly A. Konijn and Micha G. Keijer Double dose: How violent media exposure and family conflict interact to predict adolescents' aggression - Karin Fikkers, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, Helen Vossen and Patti M. Valkenburg Session # The relationship between parental work demands and children s television time - Ine Beyens and Steven Eggermont How and why parents guide the media use of baby s, toddlers, and kindergartners; an exploratory study - Peter Nikken Is doorstroom het antwoord? Van basisvaardigheden naar mediawijsheid: drempels en beproevingen binnen een e-inclusie initiatief - Kelia Kaniki Masengo and Ilse Mariën Mediawijsheid aan de keukentafel. Communicatie binnen Nederlandse gezinnen over media(-wijsheid) - Elize Van der Meulen and Jordy Gosselt Session # Museums 2.0: A study into expertise and culture within the museum blogosphere - Jessica Verboom and Payal Arora Knowledge and innovation in media clusters: the case of Hilversum, Netherlands - Erik Hitters What is coolness? Deconstructing and contextualizing a buzzword - Janna Michael Session # New media prosumption in the global south - Payal Arora and Nimmi Rangaswamy Watching TV fiction in the age of digitization - Nele Simons Mediagebruik, body dissatisfaction en appearance anxiety: een studie bij negen- tot twaalfjarige meisjes - Saskia Merre and Steven Eggermont Free your most open Android: Critical analysis of discourses on Android - Lela Mosemghvdlishvili and Jeroen Jansz

5 5 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Explaining globalization in pop music charts. A multilevel analysis of nine countries between 1960 and Marc Verboord and Amanda Brandellero The discourse of regional popular music (re)considered - Simone Driessen Grunting alone: online gender inequality in extreme metal music - Julian Schaap and Pauwke Berkers Remembering the long sixties: a European popular music heritage? - Arno van der Hoeven HEALTH COMMUNICATION Session # Health anxiety, medical consult satisfaction and the role of internet information - Martin Tanis Health information search of native-dutch and Turkish-Dutch GP patients and its relation with patient participation - Sanne Schinkel, Julia van Weert, Jorrit Kester and Barbara Schouten Tailoring online health materials to improve message processing and comprehension: what strategy works best for people with low health literacy? - Corine S. Meppelink, Edith G. Smit, Bianca M. Buurman and Julia C.M. Van Weert Mood and time influence defensive affect regulation following self-threatening health information: evidence at the implicit level - Enny Das and Jonathan van 'T Riet Session # Communicatie over gewichtige zaken met de praktijkondersteuner in de huisartsenpraktijk - Sonja van Dillen, Gert Jan Hiddink, Janneke Noordman and Sandra van Dulmen Transmural palliative care by means of teleconsultation: a window of opportunities and new restrictions - Jelle Van Gurp, Martine Van Selm, Evert Van Leeuwen and Jeroen Hasselaar Is echt belangrijk naar de huisarts te gaan als het aanhoudt. Vanuit anesthesiologie kunnen we hier niets mee. De communicatieve uitdagingen van Twitterspreekuren voor gezondheidsprofessionals - Joyce Lamerichs and Charlotte Van Hooijdonk Kennis over chemotherapie: een explorerend onderzoek naar factoren die van invloed zijn op kennis van patiënten en niet-patiënten - Julia van Weert and Sifra Bolle Session # Swine Flu in the E.R.: the relationship between media attention for the swine flu and registration in an emergency medicine unit - Sara Nelissen, Kathleen Beullens, Marc Sabbe and Jan Van Den Bulck Suffering as a discipline? Scholarly accounts on the current and future state of research on media and suffering - Stijn Joye versus chat counseling: a comparison of problem presentations - Wyke Stommel and Fleur Van der Houwen Cost-effectiveness of adherence enhancing interventions: a systematic review - Edwin Oberjé, Marijn de Bruin and Silvia Evers Session # What do prenatal and postnatal women talk to their healthcare providers: findings from the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) survey - Yuping Mao and Lu Shi Put yourself in the patient s shoes: the effect of modality and communication style on website satisfaction and recall of online health information - Nadine Bol, Ellen M.A. Smets, Hanneke C.J.M. de Haes, Eugène F. Loos and Julia C.M. van Weert Communication about chemotherapy treatment decisions: Taking perceptions about treatment consequences into account - Sifra Bolle and Julia Van Weert Sewing the seeds of motherhood: the socio-political dynamics of sewing mummy blogs - Jiska Engelbert and An Kuppens

6 6 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Session # Mobile fitness apps for promoting physical activity on Twitter: the #Runkeeper case - Jeroen Stragier and Peter Mechant A body image app: development and evaluation of a mobile app for body image improvement among adolescent girls - Jolanda Veldhuis, Elly A. Konijn and Marloes Spekman When computer-mediated support group participation backfires: effects of pessimistic social comparisons and lack of peer support - Anika Batenburg and Enny Das Dating a robot is like dating a man - a new perspective on the Turing Test - Matthijs Pontier, Johan Hoorn, Elly Konijn and Rens van de Schoot Session # Influencing the conversation: emotions, conversational valence, and binge drinking - Hanneke Hendriks, Bas Van Den Putte and Gert-Jan De Bruijn Intervening or interfering? The influence of positive and negative injunctive and descriptive norms messages protective behaviors in alcohol consumption contexts - Saar Mollen, Rajiv N. Rimal, Robert A. C. Ruiter, Su Ahn Jang and Gerjo Kok Self-affirmation before exposure to persuasive health communications promotes anticipated regret and health behavior change - Guido M. van Koningsbruggen, Peter R. Harris and Anjes J. Smits Flossing, implicit attitudes and message framing effectiveness - Gert-Jan de Bruijn, Bas Van Den Putte and Jonathan van 'T Riet Session # Cyberbullying on social network sites: an experimental study into bystanders behavioral intentions to help the victim or reinforce the bully - Sara Bastiaensens, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Ann Desmet, Karolien Poels, Katrien Van Cleemput and Heidi Vandebosch Modelling proximal determinants of cyberbullying perpetration - Sara Pabian and Heidi Vandebosch The effect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children - Frans Folkvord, Doeschka Anschutz, Moniek Buijzen and Patti Valkenburg Snoepen voor de televisie: Zelfbeheersing neutraliseert effect televisiereclame - Henk Westerik, Luc Kipmulder, Hans Lemmens, Ruben Konig, Esther Rozendaal and Moniek Buijzen JOURNALISM Session # Facebook, daar moeten we iets mee Interactie tussen nieuwsmedia en het publiek op Facebook - Sanne Hille The medium is the comment? De invloed van het nieuwsplatform op de lezerscommentaren - Fanny Maenhout and Michael Opgenhaffen Regionale media, democratie en burgerschap - Niek Hietbrink and Liesbeth Hermans Gatekeeper of curator? De rol van sociale media in de berichtgeving over de Arabische Lente in de tvjournaals van VRT en VTM - Rebeca De Dobbelaer, Steve Paulussen and Pieter Maeseele Session # Digital ambulance chasers, blogging vets and non-stop commenters. Hyperlocal news in practice - Piet Bakker News ecosystem compared in two Dutch cities - Marco van Kerkhoven and Piet Bakker Transparency: what newsrooms (could) do. Results of an online survey among European journalists - Huub Evers and Harmen Groenhart Facing mediated distant suffering: a first step towards an empirical framework - Johannes von Engelhardt and Jeroen Jansz

7 7 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Session # Politici aan tafel - de invloed van programmaformats op politieke interviews tijdens verkiezingen - Birte Schohaus and Marcel Broersma Ideologisch pluralisme in Vlaamse nieuwsmedia: de Belgische regeringsformatie Daniëlle Raeijmaekers and Pieter Maeseele Who has got the power? A social network approach to the relationship between politicians and journalists - Annemarie Walter and Willem Robert Van Hage Gerepeteerde toneelstukjes of geïmproviseerde verkiezingsdebatten? Een onderzoek naar de onderhandelingen tussen politici en media tijdens de Nederlandse verkiezingscampagne van Yael de Haan, Harmen Groenhart, Ad van Liempt, Niek Hietbrink, Bert Mateboer, Anouk Kragtwijk, Freek Diephuis, Tijmen de Groen, Jimmy Leenders, Erik Wolters and Arjanne Aleman Session # Neoliberalism and the marketing of misery: news from Chile s largest ghetto - Isabel Awad Klimaatverandering als definitiestrijd: een onderzoek naar de beeldvorming door maatschappelijke actoren - Yves Pepermans and Pieter Maeseele Mediating travel in elite and popular newspapers: media inspired imagination of Turkey - Nilyufer Hamid- Turksoy and Giselinde Kuipers Uit onderzoek blijkt. Journalistieke omgang met wetenschappelijke informatie - Chris Van Der Heijden Session # Meer lokaal nieuwsaanbod, meer van hetzelfde nieuws - Quint Kik, Piet Bakker, Laura Buijs and Judith Katz Van boete naar beloning. Prioriteitsverschuiving in publieksverantwoording door de journalistiek - Harmen Groenhart Kwestie van gezond verstand!? Een studie naar de zin en onzin van sociale mediarichtlijnen bij Vlaamse journalisten - Harald Scheerlinck and Michael Opgenhaffen Session # Freelancers in de Vlaamse journalistiek: vrije vogels of vogels voor de kat? Kwalitatief onderzoek naar randvoorwaarden freelancestatuut - Hedwig de Smaele and Rozane De Cock Professionele identiteit van journalisten werkzaam in verschillende mediatypen - Liesbeth Hermans Foreign correspondents in The Netherlands - Bernadette Kester 'Journalistiek in Vlaanderen door een roze bril' Een verkennend onderzoek naar genderongelijkheid in de journalistieke sector en beroepstevredenheid bij vrouwelijke journalisten - Sara De Vuyst and Karin Raeymaeckers Session # Prikkelend televisienieuws en de gevolgen voor de kijker: over aandacht vasthouden, informeren en betrouwbaar overkomen - Mariska Kleemans Een kwestie van vertrouwen: de constructie van de geloofwaardige verteller in het journalistieke boek - Gerard Smit Dutch journalism practices in the digital age - Bob Nieman, Max Kemman, Martijn Kleppe and Henri Beunders Hypertext en direct speech in online nieuwsartikelen. Het vergroten van de ervaren controle en inleving in het verhaal - Daniël Verheij and Luuk Lagerwerf Session # Shifts in Flemish cultural journalism: an analysis of historical transformations in the coverage of culture in Flemish elite and popular newspapers ( ) - Sil Tambuyzer

8 8 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Strijd om het klimaat: de beeldvorming over klimaatverandering tijdens de klimaattop te Cancún in Vlaamse kwaliteitskranten - Pieter Maeseele, Yves Pepermans, Daniëlle Raeijmaekers, Laurens Van der Steen and Stijn Joye Aandacht voor suïcide in Vlaamse en Waalse kranten. Imitatierisicoscores en naleving van richtlijnen voor journalisten - Jolien Vangeel and Rozane De Cock Vlaamse mediaverslaggeving over cyberpesten - Anne Vermeulen and Heidi Vandebosch Session # Diversiteit in het Vlaamse perslandschap: domineren Belgische volwassen mannen als elitebronnen in de hardere nieuwsthema s? - Hanne Vandenberghe, Leen D'Haenens and Baldwin Van Gorp Actor diversity in Flemish economic television news - Anoeska Schipper, Hilde Van Den Bulck and Stefaan Walgrave 'De documentaire is dood, lang leve de documentaire.' De Vlaamse onafhankelijke documentairesector op zoek naar een nieuw elan? - Doruntina Islamaj ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION Session # Dealing with differences: the impact of diversity perceptions on assessment of minority employees - Joep Hofhuis, Karen van der Zee and Sabine Otten Engaging employees in corporate citizenship activities: the case of IBM India - Vidhi Chaudhri and Asha Kaul Great expectations: the role of mentoring schemas in protégés' and mentors' sensemaking of formal mentoring relationships - Suzanne Janssen, Marleen Mensink and Mark van Vuuren Audience building by police officers on Twitter: do followers follow for business or pleasure? - Bob van de Velde and Ivar Vermeulen Session # Medewerkers als merkambassadeurs - Joost Verhoeven and Piet Verhoeven Hoe creëer je merktrouw? Een confrontatie tussen visies uit wetenschap en praktijk - Suzanne de Bakker and Peeter W.J. Verlegh Het 7I netwerkmodel 7 kritische succesfactoren voor een 3.0 organisatie - Renee Van Os, Janneke Delisse, Marco Derksen and Jan Jurriëns 'Nu moet nog blijken wat ze gaan doen. Maar het voelt positief!' Onderzoek naar de bijdrage van bewonersbijeenkomsten aan het contact tussen bewoners en de gemeente Almere - Christine Bleijenberg, Nick Dessing and Reint Jan Renes Session # The communication of emotions by organizations in times of crisis: the effect of crisis response strategy and communicated emotions on corporate reputation - Toni G.L.A. van der Meer and Joost W.M. Verhoeven 161 Negatieve berichtgeving over één bedrijf benadeelt de reputatie van de hele bedrijfstak - Jos Hornikx and Nicole van der Steen Hoe een organisatiecrisis wordt geframed door organisatie en pers: Een casestudie over de BP-olieramp in de Golf van Mexico - Julia Krauwer and Pytrik Schafraad De Communicatieprofessional als boundaryspanner; een studie naar de omgevingscommunicatie rondom de aanleg van de Noord/Zuidlijn in Amsterdam - Noelle Aarts and Mieke Muijres Session # The changing organization of humanitarian information provision: challenges of technology-mediated citizen and volunteer participation - Annemijn van Gorp

9 9 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS New ways of working, vitality, and employee performance: the role of self determination - Claartje Ter Hoeven, Frederique Smit and Marieke Fransen One size fits all? Advantages and challenges of New Ways of Working: The role of participative leadership - Pernill Van der Rijt, Claartje Ter Hoeven, Joep Hofhuis and Martijn Vlug-Mahabali Session # Information sharing as strategic behaviour: the role of social motivation, time pressure and information display - Nicoleta Bălău and Sonja Utz Do media matter in organizational identification? The roles of media usage and perception of communication in explaining employee identification - D.J. Schutten, J. Bartels and J.W. Ouwerkerk Professionalization of organizational communication by means of decision support systems - Maarten C.A. Van der Sanden, Koen H. Van Dam and Jeroen Stragier Reminders of death influence attitude, intention and behavior in group formation. A terror management perspective on joining a new group - Jolien Arendsen and Jessica Schutten PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION Session # Does sponsorship disclosure timing influence viewers processing of program content? - Sophie Boerman, Eva Van Reijmersdal and Peter Neijens Sponsoring good causes: does the level of brand/cause fit matter? - Simon Zebregs, Bas van Den Putte and Marjolein Moorman A negation bias in word of mouth: how negations reveal and maintain expectations about brands and products - Peeter W.J. Verlegh, Camiel J. Beukeboom and Christian F. Burgers How often do you really watch? Comparing self-reported TV exposure to people-meter data - Anke Wonneberger and Mariana Irazoqui Session # Butt-naked advertisements: promoting taboo products by means of nudity - Jiska Eelen, Marieke L. Fransen and Mike Friedman "Elevation!" (only if you care): examining the determinants of users' elevation responses to short film clips - Allison Eden and Tilo Hartmann Increasing civic participation using 140 characters? An online experiment on the effects of different communication strategies and the use of hashtags - Mirjam Lasthuizen, Sonja Utz and Sanne Gaastra How influential consumers create brand-related user-generated content: The interplay between personality characteristics and motivations - Daan G. Muntinga, Marjolein Moorman, Edith G. Smit and Peeter W.J. Verlegh Session # Disentangling the role of brand-to-user vs. user-to-system interactivity on Facebook fanpages - Sonja Utz and Mariette Van Tuyl Getting too personal? Adolescents responses to personalized social network site advertising - Michel Walrave, Karolien Poels, Marjolijn Antheunis, Guda Van Noort and Evert Van Den Broeck In-game advertising in context: the impact of social setting and brand type on the effectiveness of in-game advertising - Laura Herrewijn and Karolien Poels The myth of personalization and interactivity - Remco de Vries, Tom Bakker, Damian Trilling and Piet Bakker Session #

10 10 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Mindless resistance to influence: when low self-control decreases yielding to persuasive communication - Loes Janssen and Bob M. Fennis Is being bad as bad as being guilty? The role of identification and just endings in evoking emotions in narrative persuasion - Hans Hoeken Development of a scale to measure strategies to resist persuasive communication - Marieke Fransen, Peeter Verlegh and Claartje Ter Hoeven Implicit persuasion: How nodding the head affects people s own attitudes - Annemarie Wennekers Session # The roles of brand trust and brand equity in green buying behavior: nationally certified labels versus food retail brands - Jos Bartels, Machiel Reinders and Karen Hoogendam Explaining the impact of character-product congruence in healthy food promoting picture books - Simone de Droog, Moniek Buijzen and Patti Valkenburg You can make a difference! Applying customization to fundraising messages - Ewa Maslowska, Edith Smit and Bas van Den Putte Ik heb duurzame kleding gekocht: mag ik nu met de auto naar de supermarkt? - Marijn H. C. Meijers, Marret K. Noordewier, Edith G. Smit and Peeter W. J. Verlegh Session # The irony bias: how verbal irony reflects and maintains stereotypic expectancies - Christian Burgers and Camiel Beukeboom Communicating brands with auditory cues: influence brand choice with brand-related sounds - Gaby Schellekens and Peeter W.J. Verlegh "Background Noise". A study on the processing of radio advertising while media multitasking - Wendalin van de Giessen, Edith Smit and Hilde Voorveld Positieve en negatieve uitingen: een krachtstrijd - Christine Liebrecht, Lettica Hustinx and Margot van Mulken Session # Disclosing online behavioral advertising: effects of the cookie-icon - Guda Van Noort, Edith Smit and Hilde Voorveld Protect yourself if you can: is protection against subliminal advertising possible? - Stefan F. Bernritter, Paul Ketelaar, Thijs Verwijmeren, Johan C. Karremans, Wolfgang Stroebe and Daniël H. J. Wigboldus Online behavioural advertising: do we know how to cope? - Edith Smit, Hilde Voorveld and Guda Van Noort Differences between younger and older adults in responses to emotional television commercials - Margot Van Der Goot, Eva Van Reijmersdal and Mariska Kleemans Session # Children s responses to advertising in social games: persuasion knowledge and susceptibility to peer influence - Esther Rozendaal, Eva Van Reijmersdal, Noortje Slot and Moniek Buijzen Effects of profile targeting on children s responses to online advertising - Eva van Reijmersdal, Esther Rozendaal, Nadia Smink, Guda van Noort and Moniek Buijzen Capturing children s advertising exposure: a comparison of methods and measurements - Suzanna J. Opree, Moniek Buijzen, Eva Van Reijmersdal and Patti M. Valkenburg Engaging entertainment-education: how engagement in entertainment-education narratives relates to unfavorable thoughts and effects - Lonneke Van Leeuwen, Bas Van Den Putte, Reint Jan Renes and Cees Leeuwis Session #

11 11 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Credibility in e-wom: how review perceptions impact their persuasiveness - Natalie Van Hemelen, Peeter Verlegh and Tim Smits Setting the record straight: online review intentions as a function of dining experience and prior expectations - Jeana Frost, Ivar Vermeulen and Romy van der Linden De invloed van sociale en interpersoonlijke identificatie op de beoordeling van online reviews - Alexander Schouten and Marjolijn Antheunis This T-shirt is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!: the creation of camp products through ironic online reviews - Camiel Beukeboom, Christian Burgers and Amber Scholtz Session # Evolutionaire rollen en commerciële communicatie naar ouderen - Dirk Sikkel Naar een contextueel begrip van digitale uitsluiting: de rol van sociaal kapitaal in ICT-toegang en gebruik van vrouwen van middelbare leeftijd - Dana Schurmans and Ilse Marien Webcare als online reputatiemanagement: het gebruik van webcarestrategieën en conversational human voice in Nederland, en de effecten hiervan op reputatie - Judith Huibers and Joost Verhoeven De kip of het ei?: Facebook & merkervaring - Harm Ter Halle and Joost Verhoeven POLITICAL COMMUNICATION Session # Predicting participation: personality, political attitudes and the use of participatory media - Tom P. Bakker, Klaus Schoenbach and Claes De Vreese Spiral of political learning. The reciprocal relationship of news media use and political knowledge - Judith Moeller Internetgebruik en betrokkenheid bij de politiek - Marjon Schols, Jos de Haan and Jeroen Jansz How debates, the news and voting advice applications add to issue ownership in the explanation of shifts in party preferences: the 2012 Dutch election campaign - Jan Kleinnijenhuis, Nel Ruigrok, Anita Van Hoof and Wouter van Atteveldt Session # Media and/ or Reality: Mediated Information, a replacement for, or an addition to Real World Developments as a Source of Anti-immigrant Sentiment in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden, ? - Marijn Van Klingeren, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Rens Viegenthart and Claes de Vreese Media coverage of Muslims: the foreign threat versus the domestic other - Anouk Van Drunen Gebruik van sociale media en deelname aan de Egyptische opstand: de rol van toekomstverwachtingen, democratische attitudes en vertrouwen in de overheid - Peter Kerkhof, Andre Krouwel, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg and Bert Klandermans Are Twitter and YouTube the new networked news wires? A quantitative content analysis of journalists sourcing practices during the Arab Spring - Sarah Van Leuven, Annelore Deprez and Karin Raeymaeckers. 238 Session # Quality of public debates - Regula Hänggli and Richard van der Wurff It s funny but is it appropriate? Political humor in the media and its conditional impact on citizens social trust and efficacy - Sophie Lecheler and Andreas Schuck Style Talk. An experimental investigation into direct effects of non-traditional political communication styles on the perceived credibility of politicians - Niels Bouwman and Linda Bos The Plain, familiar and comfortable language of the common people. An examination of rhetorical figures in populist political language - Lieuwe Kalkhoven and Christ'L De Landtsheer Session #

12 12 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS How political candidates use Twitter and the impact on Votes - Sanne Kruikemeier, Guda Van Noort, Rens Vliegenthart and Claes De Vreese Evelien D'Heer, Pieter Verdegem and Peter Mechant: Tweeting the elections? An analysis of Twitter use during the 2012 local elections in Flanders Heidi Schulze and Damian Trilling: Of binders and bayonets: measuring the adoption of frames from the US presidential debates on Twitter Session # Gaining attention but communicating little? On the conditionality of episodic and thematic coverage of protest events - Ruud Jesse Wouters Media populism over time - Linda Bos and Kees Brants Directe aandacht voor retoriek en negativiteit - Luuk Lagerwerf, Charlotte Brussee and Amber Boeynaems Media cues and support for right-wing populist parties - Penelope Sheets, Linda Bos and Hajo Boomgaarden Session # Framing climate change - emotional responses as mediators for the effect of threat framing on individual risk perceptions and behavioral intentions - Andreas Schuck and Lukas Otto Human interest framed television news and its effect on support for government intervention - Mark Boukes, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Marjolein Moorman and Claes H. de Vreese Teaching the computer to code frames in news: a supervised machine learning approach to frame analysis - Bjorn Burscher, Daan Odijk, Rens Vliegenthart, Maarten de Rijke and Claes de Vreese Frame dynamics and complexity in the financial crisis - Dirk Oegema, Friederike Schultz, Jan Kleinnijenhuis, Wouter Atteveldt and Sabine Geers Session # Which politicians pass the media gates and why? A preliminary model and review of previous studies - Debby Vos When politics becomes news: an analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in three West- European countries - Rosa Van Santen, Peter Van Aelst and Luzia Helfer When do proposed pension reforms lead to a media wave? - Roel Dijkman, Wouter Van Atteveldt, Barbara Vis, Laura Hollink and Pim van de Pavoordt Absent yet popular? Explaining news visibility of Members of the European Parliament - Katjana Gattermann and Sofia Vasilopoulou

13 13 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Abstracts Etmaal

14 14 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT Session #1 Thursday 7 February 14:05 15:05 hrs. Chair: Anouk van Drunen Location: Santander (M2-11) English session ADOLESCENTS INSTRUMENTAL AND EXPRESSIVE TEXT MESSAGING BEHAVIOR AND THEIR FRIENDSHIP QUALITY: A PERCEIVED AFFORDANCES-APPROACH - MARIEK VANDEN ABEELE, ALEXANDER SCHOUTEN AND MARJOLIJN ANTHEUNIS The mobile phone is fully integrated into adolescents daily lives. A reason for the popularity of mobile phones is that they aid identity development by affording teens greater autonomy in the support of their relationships by providing them with a private communication channel with which they can communicate with their friends (and family) anytime and anyplace. Research has shown that teen-to-teen texting comprises the bulk of mobile communications that teens engage in. The content of these text messages ranges from highly instrumental messages for micro-coordinating teens everyday logistics, over expressive messages with little emotional content (e.g., making jokes, chatting), to expressive messages with a more socio-emotional content (e.g., intimate self-disclosure). With respect to the latter contents, text messaging may be particularly attractive to teens as its text-based, a-synchronous nature allows them to exert greater control over their writings. Hence, the current study wishes to contribute to the field of adolescent mobile phone research by exploring (1) how teens perceptions of three affordances of mobile communication technology (having a private communication channel, anytime anyplace availability, and controllability over one s messages) predict the use of text messaging for micro-coordination (instrumental), for passing the time (expressive, low socio-emotional content) and for self-disclosing intimate information (expressive, high socio-emotional content), and (2) how these behaviors, in turn, affect two characteristics of relationship quality, namely friend companionship and friend support. With respect to the relationship between perceived affordances and text messaging behavior, we hypothesize that adolescents who value the mobile phone more strongly for its private communication -character and for its ability for anytime/anyplace interaction will be more likely to engage in expressive text messaging behaviors (H1a, H1b); that adolescents who value anytimeanyplace accessibility more strongly will be more likely to engage in micro-coordination (H2a) and texting to pass the time (H2b); and that adolescents who value the controllability over one s writings more strongly, will be more likely to engage in texting for intimate self-disclosure (H3a). With respect to the relationship between text messaging behavior and relationship quality, we expect to find positive relationships between all variables, but particularly strong relationship between micro- 14

15 15 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS coordination and (face-to-face) companionship (H4) and between intimate self-disclosure and support (H5). We investigated our hypothesis by conducting a quantitative survey among 1943 (50.6% males,mage = 15.28, SD = 1.89). Results generally support our hypotheses. First, adolescents who perceive text messaging as being able to have a private communication channel more often use text messaging for both passing time and intimate self-disclosure, confirming H1a and H1b. Second, the ability for anytime/anyplace communication was positively related to both using texting for passing time and micro-coordination (H2a and H2b). Third, controllability was positively related to intimate selfdisclosure (H3) but also to using text messaging for micro-coordination. Finally, we indeed confirmed that using texting for micro-coordination was mostly related to face-to-face companionship (H4), and using texting for intimate self-disclosure was most strongly related to receiving social support. Finally, unexpectedly, we found that using text messaging to pass time was also positively related to face-to-face companionship. Our results indicate that the mobile phone affordances perceived by teens significantly predict to what ends they use the mobile phone, and that these uses, in turn, predict the companionship teens experience from their friends and how strongly they can turn to their friends for emotional support. A parallel can be drawn here between the findings of our study and the findings from previous research on teens internet use and their social relationships (e.g., the role of perceived CMC attributes in the internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis). The findings of our study also point towards the relevance of the perceived affordances-concept as a (cognitive) psychological antecedent of mobile phone use. The concept of perceived affordances may be examined further in future research by exploring how particular inter- and intra-personal characteristics may affect differences in perceived affordances. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE ADOLESCENT MEASURE OF EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY (AMES) - HELEN VOSSEN, JESSICA PIOTROWSKI AND PATTI VALKENBURG Empathy is an important concept within communication research. In persuasive communication research, empathy is seen a key mediator of persuasive effects. Empathy can have a positive effect on persuasion by increasing identification (Cohen, 2006) or by inhibiting psychological reactance (Shen, 2011). Furthermore, media-effects research has shown that playing violent video games decreases empathy (Anderson, Shibuya et al. 2010), which in turn is related to increases in aggression (Jolliffe & Farrington, 2004). Despite the importance of empathy, valid and reliable measures are scarce, especially for adolescents. To address this gap in methodological literature, this study reports the development and validation of a self-report measure titled The Adolescent Measure of Empathy and Sympathy (AMES). Throughout the years, different definitions of empathy have been used. Initially, researchers emphasized the affective nature of empathy and defined it as a vicarious emotional response to the perceived emotional experiences of others or the experience of another s emotional state (e.g., Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972; Stotland, 1969). More recently, researchers have come to recognize that empathy is not only defined as the experience of another person s emotion but also the 15

16 16 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS comprehension of another person s emotion, which can be considered the cognitive component of empathy (e.g., Feshbach, 1997; Hoffman, 2001). Although definitions differ in their emphasis on the cognitive or affective components of empathy, the general consensus is that empathy encompasses both components. Given that empathy plays a key role in several developmental milestones for children and adolescents including moral development (Eisenberg, 2000), and prosocial behaviour (Roberts & Strayer, 1996), it is not surprising that developmental psychologists have developed many instruments to assess empathy in adolescents and children. Some examples include the Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents by Bryant (1982), the empathy subscale from the Children s Behaviour Questionnaire (CBQ; (Rothbart, Ahadi, & Hershey, 1994), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980) and the Basic Empathy Scale (Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006). Although these scales are widely used, there are at least three critical limitations to these measures. First, although some scales distinguish between an affective component and a cognitive component of empathy, there are others that measure empathy as a single construct (e.g. CBQ) or that calculate a total score based on subscales that do not correlate positively (IRI). Second, although empathy and sympathy are distinct and separable concepts, several empathy scales equate empathy with sympathy (e.g. CBQ). Relatedly, in several scales (e.g. Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents ), empathy is confused with constructs such as empathic sadness (de Wied et al., 2007) or perspective taking (Davis, 1980). Finally, in some scales (e.g. IRI), the wording of the items is ambiguous which leaves too much room for differences in interpretation. This ambiguity is particularly problematic adolescents (de Leeuw, Borgers et al. 2004). The AMES was created to address these limitations. Specifically, the AMES 1) balances the emphasis on affective empathy and cognitive empathy, 2) distinguishes between empathy and sympathy by including a specific sympathy subscale, and 3) uses unambiguous wording appropriate for adolescent self-report. To develop the scale, a total of nineteen items measuring affective empathy (e.g. I feel scared when a friend is afraid ), cognitive empathy (e.g. I can tell when a friend is angry even if he/she tries to hide it ) and sympathy (e.g. I feel sorry for a friend who is sad ) were created. Adolescents aged years old (n = 499) participating in an online survey answered these 19 questions using a 5-point frequency scale (never, almost never, sometimes, often, always). The AMES had to meet the standards of reliability (i.e., internal consistency), validity (i.e., crosspopulation validity and construct validity), and utility (i.e., a reliable and valid scale with a minimum number of items). To increase the utility of the scale, the initial 19 items were reduced to 12 using exploratory factor analyses. Confirmatory factor analyses verified the intended three factor structure. The affective empathy scale, cognitive empathy scale and sympathy scale all showed acceptable internal consistency (alpha =.72 to.88). All three scales correlated positively with prosocial behaviour and negatively with aggressive behaviour. Further, in line with the existing literature (Mestre, Samper, Frias & Tur, 2009), girls were found to have significantly higher scores than boys on all three scales providing. These relationships across prosocial behaviour, aggression, and gender provide support for the construct validity of the measure. Taken as a whole, the AMES proves to be a reliable and valid measure for empathy and sympathy in adolescents. 16

17 17 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED PEER NORMS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEXUAL MEDIA USE AND YOUNG ADOLESCENTS SEXUAL BEHAVIORS - ELINE FRISON, LAURA VANDENBOSCH AND STEVEN EGGERMONT Popular mass media have been criticized for promoting biased sexual messages among adolescents (Brown & Steele, 1995; Taylor, 2005). In line with this criticism, sexual media have been found to contribute to adolescents development of adversarial peer norms regarding sexuality (Brown & Steele, 1995) and to predict an early initiation of sexual intercourse (e.g., Kinsman et al., 1998). Moreover, perceived peer norms have also been shown to predict early sexual initiation (e.g., Collazo, 2004). Several studies have warned that an early sexual debut is related to various harmful consequences, such as an increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancies (e.g., Abma & Sonenstein, 2001). The current three-wave panel study aimed to test an integrative model that organizes prior research on the relationships among sexual media exposure, perceptions of peers sexual activities, and sexual behavior. This study aims to improve scholars knowledge about this topic in three ways. First, the study responds to a call for a better understanding of the mechanisms that are at work in the relationship between sexual media exposure and sexual behavior (Collins et al., 2004). One of these mechanisms may be perceived peer norms because prior research has shown that exposure to sexual media is positively related to both perceptions of peers sexual activities (e.g., Taylor, 2005) and adolescents sexual behavior (e.g., Kinsman et al., 1998). By applying a longitudinal research design, the study aims to draw causal links among the relationships under scrutiny and to conduct a more severe test of mediation (Martino et al., 2005). Second, there is a striking need for more research among younger adolescents (e.g., Taylor, 2005), since previous studies have mainly examined the relationships between media use and sexual attitudes and behaviors in middle and late adolescent samples. However, because of their early developing sexual identity, young adolescents are more likely to be affected by media use (Ward, 2003) and perceived peer norms (Vandenbosch & Eggermont, 2011).The present study will therefore focus on adolescents. Third, previous research has suggested that the influence of media exposure on the perceptions of peers sexual activities (e.g., Vandenbosch & Eggermont, 2011) may differ according to gender and has called for more research on the role of gender. An additional aim of the current study is to address this gap. To answer our research goals, a three-wave panel study with an interval of six months was conducted among 12- to 15-year old adolescents (N = 762; Mage = 14.07, SDage =.84). During three consecutive time periods, participants were asked to answer questions about their age, educational level, media exposure (i.e., music videos and men/women magazines), perceptions of male/female peers sexual activities and sexual behavior. Based on the collected longitudinal data, a model for boys and for girls was estimated and tested with structural equation modeling (AMOS). In line with previous research (Baumgarter, Valkenburg, & Peter, 2011), our models controlled for age and educational level at wave 1. The structural equation model for boys showed significant, but surprisingly negative relationships between exposure to music videos (time 1) and perceptions of both male and female peers activities (time 2). The model also showed a negative significant relationship between perceptions of male 17

18 18 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS peers sexual activities (time 2) and sexual behavior (time 3). No significant relationship was found with reading magazines. Additionally, a positive direct relationship was found between exposure to music videos (time 1) and sexual behavior (time 3). The structural equation model for girls indicated that no direct relationships between media exposure (time1) and perceived peer norms (time 2) existed. Perceptions of male and female peers sexual activities (time 2) positively predicted sexual behavior (time 3). Again, no significant relationship was found with reading magazines. Taken together, the findings of the current longitudinal study contribute to a more complete understanding of the complex relationships between media use, perceived peer norms and sexual behavior. The study s unexpected findings raise questions about the conclusions of previous crosssectional studies on sexual media effects. Discussion focuses on such as explanations as Heterosexual Script Theory and the False Consensus Effect and highlights the need for more longitudinal research with special attention toward the emergence of gender differences in sexual media effects. TEEN SEXTING ACROSS EUROPE: A CROSS-NATIONAL COMPARISON OF THE PREDICTORS OF SEXTING - SUSANNE E. BAUMGARTNER, SINDY SUMTER, JOCHEN PETER AND PATTI M. VALKENBURG Sexting the sending or posting of sexual photos or messages via electronic devices has received considerable attention from media and researchers (Lenhart, 2009; Livingstone, Haddon, Görzig, & Olafsson; Mitchell, Finkelhor, Jones, & Wolak, 2012; The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2009). However, the vast majority of studies on sexting has been investigated from a national perspective, predominantly in the US. Therefore our knowledge about this behavior among European youth is highly limited. Moreover, cross-national comparisons of sexting are widely missing. As a result, contextual factors on the country level have often been ignored. However, taking the context into consideration is important for at least two reasons. First, the differences in prevalence and frequency of sexting across countries may be due to specific characteristics of a country. For example, in countries with higher internet penetration, adolescents may have more opportunities to engage in this behavior. Second, predictors of sexting may vary across countries. Whereas in some countries, specific individual predictors have a strong influence on sexting due to characteristics that these countries share, the same factors may have no or only a weak influence in other countries where the particular characteristics are absent. Investigating contextual factors next to individual factors across different countries may thus provide a more comprehensive picture of youth sexting. The present study employed data from the EU Kids Online II project, including 14, to 16 year old adolescents (49.7% boys) from 20 European countries. This dataset provided the unique opportunity to study sexting from a cross-national perspective. More specifically, the aim of this study was to investigate which factors on the individual and the contextual level explain why adolescents engage in sexting. On the individual level, we investigated age, gender, sensation seeking, and frequency of internet use. On the contextual level, we investigated traditionalism, gross domestic product (GDP), and broadband penetration. Moreover, the study investigated whether individual predictors vary across countries and whether this can be explained by characteristics of the country. 18

19 19 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Multilevel analysis revealed that the prevalence of sexting varied across countries (10% of the variance in sexting was due to differences between countries). In most countries, only 1% to 5% of boys and 1% to 4% of girls engaged in sexting. Only in the Czech Republic and Sweden, prevalences for sexting were much higher both for boys (10.3% and 12.9%) and girls (10.1% and 10.2%). The individual-level characteristics age, sensation seeking, and frequency of internet use predicted sexting across all countries, (Odds ratios = 1.30, 1.63, 1.01, respectively, all p <.001). The influence of gender varied across countries (variance component for gender = 0.30, df = 19, χ² = 45.40, p =.001). Although country characteristics had no direct effect on adolescent sexting, traditionalism significantly predicted gender differences in sexting (OR = 0.17, p <.05). In more traditional countries, gender differences were stronger with more boys than girls engaging in this behavior. In traditional countries, girls may be more restricted in their behavior, in particular in their sexual behavior. In these countries, girls may be less able to express their sexuality. In less traditional countries, these gender differences were less apparent or even reversed. This finding is in line with previous findings showing that gender differences in sexuality tend to be smaller in permissive societies (Petersen & Hyde, 2010). In sum, the present study shows that individual as well as cultural characteristics influence sexting among youth. When investigating sexting, the broader cultural context should, therefore, be taken into consideration. Session #2 Thursday 7 February 15:15 16:15 hrs. Chair: Jeroen Jansz Location: Santander (M2-11) English session PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: THE LONGITUDINAL EFFECT OF ADOLESCENTS INSTANT MESSAGING ON THEIR ABILITY TO INITIATE OFFLINE FRIENDSHIPS - MARIA KOUTAMANIS, HELEN G.M. VOSSEN, JOCHEN PETER AND PATTI M. VALKENBURG An important developmental task in adolescence is to learn how to form and maintain close, meaningful relationships. In order to accomplish this task, adolescents need to develop social competence, which consists of at least the ability to (a) initiate friendships and other relationships, (b) appropriately present and disclose oneself to others (i.e., self-disclosure), and (c) be assertive when necessary (Valkenburg & Peter, 2008). Traditionally, social skills are developed in face-to-face communication (Valkenburg & Peter, 2011). However, with the rise of online communication the opportunities to learn and rehearse social skills have increased dramatically. Online communication stimulates adolescents to talk about intimate subjects (Joinson, 2001; Tidwell & Walther, 2002), edit and thus optimize their self-disclosure and self-presentation (Valkenburg & Peter, 2011; Walther, 2007), and communicate with a variety of people (Valkenburg & Peter, 2011). Our Internet-induced social skills hypothesis therefore argues that online communication can stimulate adolescents offline social skills because it offers them opportunities to rehearse these skills online (Valkenburg, Sumter, 19

20 20 ETMAAL 2013 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS & Peter, 2011). Although an Internet-induced social skills hypothesis seems plausible, it has received little scholarly attention. The few studies on the relationship between online communication and adolescents offline social competence showed mixed results. One study found a positive relation between online communication and offline social competence (Valkenburg & Peter, 2008), whereas another did not (Harman, Hansen, Cochran, & Lindsey, 2005). In addition, the literature on both social competence and friendships has several weaknesses that prevent us from drawing decisive conclusions concerning the influence of adolescents online communication on their offline social competence. First, neither of the studies has assessed the effects of general online communication. Second, most are cross-sectional studies and therefore unable to single out the causality of the relationships between online communication, social competence, and friendships. Third, there is too little systematic research on possible underlying mechanisms of the relationship between online communication and offline social competence. The current study addressed the aforementioned weaknesses of previous research using a longitudinal design and focusing specifically on one crucial aspect of adolescents social competence: their ability to initiate offline friendships. In addition, we investigated underlying mechanisms of the relationship between online communication and offline social competence. We focused on two possible mechanisms: the opportunities offered by instant messaging (a) to communicate with a variety of people and (b) to disclose intimate information. We conducted a three-wave longitudinal study among 690 Dutch adolescents between 10 and 17 years old (50% girls). Data were collected on three occasions with six-month intervals. We measured adolescents use of instant messaging software (IM use), their ability to initiate offline friendships (initiation), their tendency to communicate online with people of various ages and cultural backgrounds (diversity of online communication partners), and their online self-disclosure. We tested three autoregressive cross-lagged models: (a) the direct effect of IM use on initiation, (b) the effect of IM use on initiation with the diversity of online communication partners as a mediator, and (c) the effect of IM use on initiation with online self-disclosure as a mediator. Results showed that adolescents IM use increased their ability to initiate offline friendships over time. Furthermore, IM use indirectly increased adolescents ability to initiate offline friendships through the diversity of their online communication partners. Although IM use increased adolescents self-disclosure in the following wave, online self-disclosure did not increase initiation. In contrast, initiation increased adolescents online self-disclosure in the subsequent wave. In spite of public concern over negative Internet effects, this study showed that online communication can have a positive effect on the development of adolescents offline social competence. More specifically, through instant messaging adolescents can practice social skills online and learn to relate to a variety of people. Over time, they may apply these skills in face-to-face situations, increasing their ability to initiate offline friendships. HOW SOCIAL ARE SOCIAL NETWORK SITES? A LONGITUDINAL STUDY AMONG EARLY ADOLESCENTS - MARJOLIJN L. ANTHEUNIS, ALEXANDER P. SCHOUTEN AND EMIEL KRAHMER 20

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