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1 A QUICK SCAN FOR STRATEGY MAKING: INTERACTIVE MAPPING OF COMPLEX POLICY NETWORKS Bert Enserink 1 Delft University of Technology For designing a winning strategy policy makers working in complex political or social environments should operate wisely, both in a strategic and tactical sense. The issue addressed in this paper is whom to align or compromise with, whom to seduce, involve or neglect? A quick scan approach was developed for assessing and mapping policy arenas and the strategic environment of policy makers. Group support systems and a simple mapping technique were combined resulting in an effective tool called interactive inferred mapping. Two cases are described in which this quick scan was applied: the case of diffuse pollution policy making in a Dutch province and one in which a Dutch Ministry is looking for external funding for their own purposes. In both cases the analysis gave insight in the strategic complexity, laid a basis for new policies, and led to shifts in the priorities and strategies of the client agencies involved. Key words: complex problems, stakeholder analysis, actor analysis, network management 1. INTRODUCTION Policy makers working in complex political or social environments have to assess the chances for success and failure of their policy proposals. For designing a winning strategy they should operate wisely both in a strategic and tactical sense: align, compromise, seduce, involve or neglect other parties if needed. Modern society is often described as a network society in which hierarchical management stands little chance of success. Living, working and decision making in a network society implies that no single actor can itself fully realize its own goals; in any decision-making process several actors are involved. This interdependence combined with the many differences between actors complicates policy making. (cf. Scharpf, 1973; Coleman 1990, Kickert et al, 1997) These differences may hamper cooperation and concerted decision-making; some parties might not be interested at all in cooperating. Moreover, in the course of events the number of actors might change; as actors come and leave. (Elzen et al, 1996; Bruijn et al. 2002: 20) 1 Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands. b.enserink@tbm.tudelft.nl 1

2 Confronted with this dynamic complex policy environment, this multitude of stakeholders, monitoring and assessing this strategic environment is one of the challenges of modern policy maker. Actor analysis contributes to strategic insights as, for example, it makes it easier to anticipate which actors are likely to form coalitions, and which objectives are likely to play a role in the policy process (Brewer & deleon, 1983). It also helps in understanding and anticipating the intricacies of the implementation process and in finding ways to exploit the interests of other parties involved (Weimer & Vining, 1989) Finally, as Hermans (2001) explains, referring to Rein & Schön (1993) it allows analyzing the mental structures or perceptions of actors, which influence their behavior. Various methods for stakeholder analysis can be found in the literature. (p.e. Bryson, 2004) In general there are two types of approaches: 1) institutional approaches, and 2) cognitive approaches. Institutional approaches focus on the identification of actors and characterize these actors on some institutional features, e.g. degree of influence, main interests, estimated non (cooperative) behavior, main sources of influence etc. The institutional approach to stakeholder analysis can be performed rather quickly and efficiently. The disadvantage is that is tends to lead to somewhat superficial outcomes. Cognitive approaches aim to understand and disclose the deeper perceptions and argumentations of the various stakeholders. Cognitive approaches of stakeholder analysis frequently use mapping techniques, e.g. cognitive or mental mapping (Eden et al. 1998). These approaches try to disclose the common grounds and points of consensus and conflict between the stakeholders (Dryzek, 1982; Fischer et al. 1993; Bras-Klapwijk, 1999). Although, this type of analysis may lead to deeper insight and learning than institutional stakeholder analysis, the cognitive approach requires more efforts and more complex interactive analysis. Institutional and cognitive approaches to stakeholder analysis are not frequently combined. A possible exception is the Decision Support System called DANA (Dynamic Actor Network Analysis), which supports the institutional characterization of stakeholders but also supports an exploration of the mental maps of each of these actors (Bots et al. 2000; Hermans, 2002). Although the computer support tool DANA is now available, the working process stills has to prove its value in real life cases and still requires a rather sophisticated level of analysis. In this paper the application of an alternative efficient approach for stakeholder analysis is discussed, which will be referred to as Interactive Inferred Mapping (IIM). (Enserink & Mayer, 2001) IIM is a methodology for quickly analyzing complex stakeholder networks using some basic tools of GroupSystems (GS in combination with a manual System Schematic Visualization technique, to relate stakeholders to arena's and to issues and perceptions of these stakeholders). IIM is defined as an iterative approach in which interactive group support sessions are used for stakeholder identification and characterization, followed by the construction of a map or system schematic of the policy network(s) by the analyst. This map is then validated, detailed and elaborated upon, in one or more group support sessions with other participants. The map is a communicative device for strategic decision-making. Based on two empirical case studies it will be shown how strategic insights derived from this map-making exercise can be translated into a policy strategy. 2. INTERACTIVE MAPPING In short, the process of interactive inferred mapping consists of five iterative steps: 1. Surfacing stakeholders 2. Constructing the map 3. Validation, elaboration and detailing the map 2

3 4. Adaptation of the map 5. Strategic advice Various methods can be used for surfacing relevant stakeholders in a policy domain. Starting point for any research is the commissioner or initiator of the study, who can give a first indication of parties and organizations involved in the policy issue. In general the need for an analysis of the decision-making environment springs from a concern about the course of the decision-making process so far; the low quality of decisions or the progress made so far. In the cases described here the Directorate Nature of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety needed to realize more hectares of nature than their funds allowed, and the Provincial Platform for Diffused Pollution wondered why it made so little progress. In IIM a first problem exploration is done in consultation with the commissioning party to draw up an initial list of relevant actors. Literature review and some additional interviews with some of these stakeholders will help exploring the issues in the policy field and for determining the relevant actors in the field. These insights are used to prepare and structure a first GSS based interactive working session, which is used to surface the relevant stakeholders and quickly assess their estimated cooperativeness and their relative importance for the subject at hand. Participants in this workshop are stakeholders holding a good relation with the commissioner of the study as in this stage the initiative itself also serves to confirm existing relations and for generating mutual understanding and support for the policy issues at stake. Participants in the workshop are asked to complement the list of stakeholders and to assess their supportiveness and power on a five-point scale. These two scales then are presented as a support versus power grid. As described by Bryson (2004) these kind of grids are quite common in stakeholder analysis. Eden & Ackerman (1998) for instance used a power versus interest grid, while Anderson et al (1999) presented a so-called problem-frame stakeholder map in which supportiveness and stakeholder power were presented. Our approach seems to be a combination of the latter two. Based on the outcomes of this workshop the analyst develops a preliminary stakeholder map, identifying several networks and arena's around important topics. On these maps relevant parties are positioned according to two scales: (1) their supportiveness (do they hold the same or related views as the commissioner does or do they hold opposing views?) and (2) the means they have control of, which are needed to reach the commissioners goals (interdependence). The focus on support/views and means differs from traditional actornetwork analysis methods as most of these methods focus at the frequency of interactions revealing information on the position (centrality) of actors in a policy network. (Cf: Enserink, 1993; Termeer, 1993; Elzen et al, 1996; Bruijn et al. 2002) Validation of this preliminary map is needed. In the diffused pollution case one more interactive session was used to explore in greater detail the power bases and interests of the various stakeholders and the issues in these arenas were discussed in greater detail. In this second workshop not just friends participated but also more peripheral actors and opponents were invited in order to expand network contacts and build trust for creating new alliances. In the nature case additional interviews were conducted to check the outcomes with outside experts and a steering committee meeting was organized for feedback. Based on the feedbacks the analyst elaborated and reconstructed the map. The map constructed in this iterative and participative process made it is possible to structure these complex policy fields and to communicate to the policy makers the image of complexity, the threats and opportunities. It helped tune the commissioners thinking on strategic network management. In the next sections we will illustrate and detail the above procedure by presenting the two projects on diffused sources of water pollution and creating more nature in the Netherlands. 3

4 3. MORE NATURE In the spring of 2003 the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Security commissioned a study after its room for strategic maneuver and quest for partnerships for reservation and realization of new natural areas in the Netherlands, especially in relation to water policy making. The research question was: what are the opportunities for the Ministry to make strategic alliances with other (semi-) governmental organizations with the objective to enlarge the surfaces of natural area by means of investments in water policy? Put differently: how can financial inputs in water policy eventually result in more new nature? (Vogelzang, 2004) It was then decided to concentrate at two concrete policy arenas: the so-called Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water 2, and the project Ruimte voor de Rivier 3. In consultation with the commissioner for these policy arenas the most important and befriended stakeholders were selected and interviewed. Their ideas and opinions with respect to joint investments in water and nature were discussed in a workshop using Group Support Systems. One of the activities in the latter workshop was a further inventarisation of relevant parties or stakeholders and consequently assessing their cooperativeness and power. Participants were asked to rank each of the identified stakeholders on a 1-5 scale, which resulted in the kind of figure presented in Figure In hoeverre zijn de 1. V&W (projectburea 2. LNV 3. VROM 4. Regio directie RW 5. DLG 6. provincie 7. waterschappen 8. gemeentes 9. ingenieursbureaus 10. Bewoners 11. Grondeigenaren 12. Milieuorganisati 13. Terreinbeheerder 14. Lokale actiegroe 15. Projectontwikkel 16. Ontgronders 17. Recreatie-organi 18. Landbouworganisa 19. LNV Oost 20. Cultuur historie 21. Scheepvaart orga 22. Transportsector 23. Baggeraars Figure 1. Voting Result Room For The River Horizontally we see the axes on which the participants scored the comparativeness of view. Most to the right is the commissioner LNV; standing close are for instance nature 2 Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water is the national policy agreement on water management, whose fundamental ideas are: retention, storage and carry off. 3 Ruimte voor de Rivier, stands for Room for the River, a new policy for flood management directed at enlarging the river bed and at allowing a more free flow for the rives between the dikes 4

5 preservation organizations; to the far left we find farmers organizations and transporters. On the vertical axes one can read something about the means of the stakeholders. The more important their means are the higher up they stand; parties in the top half of the picture are indispensable as they have the means to realize LNV s goals. As indicated this is just a preliminary map; validation of the outcomes is needed. In this case additional interviews were conducted and a committee of experts in the field commented on this preliminary outcome. According to their comments the above figure was adapted as can be seen in Figure 2. From Figure 2 important information can be read. Clearly very powerful actors in this Room for the River arena like the project bureau of the Ministry of Waterworks and its regional directorates have other ideas and priorities than LNV holds. Their priority is safety against flooding; nature is not their primary concern. This implies that LNV for aligning with this powerful actor will have to find ways to move closer to the other parties or needs to seduce and convince these organizations to align with them. One strategy might be to add funds to existing projects to make them more nature oriented; LNV might also use its power and expertise with respect to EU habitat and birds directives as a means for negotiation and exchange, and LNV might adapt its rhetoric and put safety first and nature second. Hoe meer middelen V&W projectbureau LNV oost Landbouw grondeigenaren project ontwikkelaars Regiodirectie RWS ontgronders gemeentes cultuurhistorie waterschappen VROM provincie recreatie DLG terreinbeheerders milieu LNV dir natuur Transport sector Scheepvaart baggeraars bewoners lokale ingenieursbureausactiegroepen Figure 2. Strategic Map Room For The River (Source: Vogelzang et al. 2004) Hoe meer gelijk denkend In figure 2 LNV can be found at the far right side; parties at the right side of the figure have a relatively high score with respect to comparable views and objectives. As indicated these are environmental and nature preservation groups and the Ministry s own regional departments and organizations. The provinces too, and the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning stand close, while the waterboards are somewhere in the middle. Stating it (too) simply the figure suggests that in order to create more new nature the parties in the upper half should be moved to the right as much as possible, and the ones down right should remain positively committed. Parties at the left side are not necessarily opponents; they can hold different priorities, as is the case with the agencies of the Ministry of Transport who put safety first. Cooperation and exchange with these actors is possible in this case especially with the waterboards and project bureau of the Ministry of Transport and Waterworks. The Ministry of Agriculture has own means that might make them attractive for 5

6 the other players in the field: there are funds for realizing the main ecological infrastructure and the Ministry is the national expert with respect to the European habitat and birds directives. New alliances can be thought of too; why does not the ministry cooperate with gravel and sand miners and project developers, careful cooperation can lead to new seminatural recreational and housing areas with important natural qualities. From the analysis it became clear that the Ministry has more room for maneuver in the arena of the national policy agreement on water. This process is much more open as the covenant is young and new alliances are currently being formed. Although the risk of failure is a little higher the opportunities are bigger. Moreover at this time it is all about intentions not about investments, yet. To illustrate why this policy arena gives better chances figure 3 depicts the strategic map. As can be seen clearly most powerful actors in this field are standing close to the position of LNV, which makes it much easier to align. Hoe meer middelen V&W waterschappen provincie terreinbeheerders Provinciale DLG landschappen grondeigenaren Landbouw project ontwikkelaars Private partijen gemeentes VNG bewoners ingenieursbureaus UvW VROM IPO recreatie milieu LNV dir natuur ontgronders Hoe meer gelijk denkend Figure 3. Strategic Map National Policy Agreement Water (Source: Vogelzang et al. 2004) Creating new nature in a densely populated country like the Netherlands is a wicked complex problem. The parties and organizations involved neither agree on what new nature is, nor on what quality new nature should have, how to realize it nor on who is going to pay for it. In such a complex context with interdependent parties a traditional hierarchical management style, which focuses on control and containment is not suited. LNV s management style is quite traditional. A major advice sprouting from this study was that more cooperation, appreciation and open mindedness are needed, as LNV will not be able to realize its objectives without the other parties. The Ministry should shift its focus of attention to other parties, away from its traditional agricultural field towards colleague ministries and prvate parties to form new coalitions. Moreover, in the interviews and during the workshops representatives of the various parties explicitly stated they would love to cooperate with the Ministry, if only it changed its attitude. 6

7 4. DIFFUSE POLLUTION 'Diffused pollution' is a rather ambiguous notion, which refers to a large number of small scattered emission sources of chemical substances which are difficult to pinpoint. Considered in isolation, each of these sources has relatively limited negative effects, but in cumulation these emissions have marked effects on surface- and groundwater pollution. (Enserink & Mayer, 2002; Overbeek, 2002) Examples of these scattered sources are nutrients and residues of pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture; anti-fouling used by ship and boat owners; slowly eroding construction materials like copper and zinc, and PAC's stemming from traffic. In general, water authorities do not have strong ties with these types of polluters. In our case, a working group in the province of Utrecht in which several authorities and actors joint forces, started preparations to establish a new priority program for the period. In this plan, technical and political priorities - what sources to reduce with what type of measures? - would have to be identified Due to the complexity of the political and strategic environment, the working group asked for strategic advice on how to best establish a priority plan: the priority plan would have to be effective and feasible but also create a sense of urgency among the different responsible authorities. From October until December 2000, three Group Support Sessions using Ventana Group Systems were held. (Enserink & Mayer 2001) About fifteen persons participated in each workshop. Participants were representatives from all main stakeholder groups such as from water authorities, agricultural organizations, environmental organizations, local government etc. Moreover, we invited participants for the three sessions starting at the inner circle and proceeding to the outer circle of stakeholders. The result of the first GSS-session was a long-list of about eighty identified stakeholders briefly characterized for their degree of influence and estimated (non) co-operative behavior towards the diffused pollution action plan. Based on the first session we constructed a stakeholder map based on four networks: a traffic and transportation network (road and railroad) a water traffic network (professional and recreational shipping) a rural network (agriculture and rural development) an urban network (sustainable construction, urban water management) The preliminary map, which because of size and complexity cannot be portrayed at large in this contribution, consisted of four quadrants (each quadrant constructed similar to Figure 1). Each quadrant represented one of the aforementioned networks or policy arenas. Within each quadrant we positioned the platform itself and all other stakeholders according to their influence and their (non) co-operatives. This resulted in a map with the platform right in the middle, co-operative actors positioned close by and opponents further to the outside. This prelimanary version of the map was used as a primary source of input for the second and third GSS sessions. In the second session, the participants not only discussed the positioning of the actors but also the content of the problems and they brainstormed on possible solutions that might be the basis for the priority plan. The third session focused on the rural area and had generally the same structure. On the basis of the outcomes of the second and third session we validated and corrected our map, which resulted in the final map as depicted in the Annex 1. This map showed the full complexity of the policy arenas the platform was working in; over 80 different stakeholder organizations had to be addressed and communicated with. Just as in the latter water and nature case the map allowed us to compare the various policy arenas allowing us to advise the Platform on its policy priorities. One important advice in the diffused pollution case for instance was not to put much effort and energy in the agricultural arena as the stakes of 7

8 those involved in that arena were in other fields; the mere survival of the agricultural sector was at stake and little attention was to be expected for a marginal issue like diffused pollution. National policy network (Ministeries, National waterboard, Provinces, IPO, CIW, RIZA, RIVM, IMH, CW21, International Rhine Nutrient policy Watermanagement 5e Nota RO commitee) EU Guideline NW4 WVO Run over Traffic and transportation network Sewage Watermanagement Soil decontamination Run-off roads Coper overhead wire Agricultural restructuring Rural Area network Pesticides & herbicides Deposition Rural area development Nutrients Reduction diffused polution Provincial Platform Diffused Polution Ecological farming Antifouling Watertraffic network (Proff and recreational shipping) minerale oil DuBo Urban Area Network Sewage Run over Sust. Product policy Herbicides Sewerage Sustainable building Garbage / street refuse Figure 4. Networks And Issues In Diffuse Pollution Policy Making (Source Enserink and Mayer. 2001) As one might read from the map in the Annex, the resulting map was named an impression of. The latter was done on purpose as it should be clear that these maps are presenting a temporary picture. In the introduction to this paper the dynamics of policy networks was referred to: actors entering and leaving the policy arena and actors changing positions. One of the effects occurring in the diffused pollution case was reconciliation of actor position by the actors involved once they found out about their position on the map. The positions on the map were the result of an exercise in which many parties participated and thus gave an outsiders perspective on one s own position. For instance for the environmentalists in the platform is was a shock to find out that they were ranked quite marginal which was in contrast to their own views. We included in our map the important and relevant issues in these arenas such as the current policies on the restructuring of Dutch agriculture, sustainable building policies, herbicides and pesticides policies etcetera. Moreover, a national network was added to the four previously mentioned networks. A reduced and simplified version of the stakeholder map is presented in figure 4. The latter figure served as a powerful tool for communication with our client on the strategic environment of diffused pollution. It enabled us to detail and communicate some advice on how to arrange and manage the decision-making with regard to establishing the priority plan. 8

9 5. DISCUSSION Interactive mapping of complex policy networks seems to be a good tool for formulating strategic advice. Complex policy issues cannot be solved by hierarchical decision-making and top-down implementation of policies, rather policy makers operate in a network of interdependent actors and organizations. A quick scan of the strategic policy environment, like the method of interactive inferred mapping then is a useful tool for network elaboration and for setting strategic priorities. As Wildavsky (1979) already argued: creating solvable problems is crucial for effective policy making. Solvable is not just finding good solutions but also getting them implemented, which translates into organizing political support for implementing them. In both cases described in this paper it was shown that the commissioning party could be advised to direct its attention to a limited number of specific policy arena(s) and not to invest heavily in other arenas as the chances for success were considered less. These quick scans showed the commissioning party the complexity of its strategic environment, produced a list of relevant topics in the various policy arenas and showed him the potential friends and foes. Based on the configurations found in the mapping exercises strategic advice could be given for network management and opportunities were pointed out for potential new alliances and coalitions. In both cases the commissioners took serious the advices and successfully laid out policies in line with the advices given by the analysts. The case studies described here show that interactive mapping is a short and intensive effort that can lead to concrete results. On the other hand it should be clear that the outcomes are the result of a quick scan only and in many situations more elaborate studies might be needed. Even though the results have limited tenability, as actor networks tend to be dynamic entities, the resulting maps in themselves are a good catalyst for any strategic discussion both with the commissioning party and the other stakeholders in the policy arena. Whether these maps are true or false, durable or perishable, being a catalyst in a policy debate might be in itself a sufficient legitimation for applying the method. References Anderson, S.R., Bryson, J.M. and B.C. Crosby (1999). Leadership for the Common Good Fieldbook, St. Paul MN Univ. of Minnesota Extension Service Brewer, G. & P. DeLeon, (1983). The Foundations of Policy Analysis. Brooks/Sole Publishing Company, Pcific Grove, Cal. Bryson, John, M. (2004). What to do when stakeholders matter. Sttrakeholder Identification and Analysis Technique. Public Management Review, Vol 6, Issue 1, Bruijn, Hans de, Ernst ten Heuvelhof and Roel in t Veld, (2002). Process Management, Why Project Management Fails in Complex Decision Making Processes. Kluwer Academic Publishers Bots, P.W.G., M.J.W. van Twist, J.H.R. van Duin, (2000). Automatic pattern detectionin stakeholder networks, In: Nunamaker, J.F. and R.H. Sprague (eds.) Proceedings HICSS-33 [ Los Alamitos: IEEE Press. Bras-Klapwijk, R.M. (1999). Adjusting Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for Use in Public Policy Discourse. PhD thesis Delft University of Technology Coleman, J.S. (1990). Foundations of Social Theory The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge Mass. 9

10 Dryzek, J. (1982). Policy analysis as a hermeneutical activity, Policy Sciences, Vol. 14, pp Eden, C., F. Ackermann, (1998). Making Strategy, The Journey of Strategic Management. SAGE. Elzen, B., B. Enserink, W.A. Smit, (1996). Socio-technical networks: how a technology studies approach may help to solve problems related to technical change. Social Studies of Science, Volume 26 Number 1, February 1996: Enserink, Bert and Igor S. Mayer, (2001). 'Interactive inferred mapping of complex actor networks: the case of strategic policy making for diffused sources of water pollution' in: Ackermann, Fran., Gert-Jan de Vreede (eds.) Proceedings of Group Decision and Negotiation June, 4-7 La Rochelle, France. Delft. TBM. pp ISBN Enserink, B & I. Mayer, (2002). Improving the strategic impact of policy making for diffuse water pollution through interactive inferred mapping of complex actor networks: the case Utrecht, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution.Amsterdam, 30 Sept-4 Oct International Water Association, pp Fischer, F, F. Forrester, (1993). The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning, Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press. Hermans, Leon M. (2001). Actor analysis methods: an overview, in: Ackerman, Fran & Gert-Jan de Vreede (eds.) Proceedings of Group Decision & Negotiation June, 4-7, La Rochelle, France Hermans, Leon M. (2002). Dynamic Actor Network Analysis for Diffuse Pollution in the Province of North-Holland, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution.Amsterdam, 30 Sept-4 Oct International Water Association, pp Kickert, W. E. Klijn, J. Koppenjan (eds.) (1997). Managing complex networks - Strategies for the public sector, London.. Overbeek, H., (2002). Water pollution by non-point sources: the Dutch approach. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution.Amsterdam, 30 Sept-4 Oct International Water Association, pp Rein, M. and D. Schön, (1993). 'Reframing Policy Discourse' in: Fischer, F and J.Forester (eds.), The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning. Scharpf, F. W. (1973). Planung als Politischer Prozess. Aufsätze zur Theorie der Planenden Demokratie. Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. Germany Termeer, C.J.A.M. (1993). Dynamics and inertia surrounding manure policy The Hague. (PhD thesis) Vogelzang. T.A., B. Enserink, M.A. van Bavel, W.M. Dicke, D. Kamps, L.F. Puister, (2004). Geld als water. Een onderzoek naar de strategische beleidsruimte van het Ministerie van LNV voor het combineren van natuur- en waterinvesteringen. Rapport LEI Den Haag, TU Delft Weimer, D.L. & A.R. Vining, (1989). Policy Analysis. Concepts and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Wildavsky, A. (1979). Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis, Boston, MA. Little Brown 10

11 imago concurrentiepositie innovaties en veranderen samenstelling veevoeder, politieke lobby, economische invloed wegbeheer planvorming; subsidies; opdrachtgever proefprojecten Bevordering milieu, duurzaamheid Lobbyen, publiciteit,acties voorlichting, studies toezicht bestrijdingsmiddelen Afzetmarkt Concurrentiepositie spreekbuis gemeentes Nationale politiek volksgezondheid Wetenschappelijk & pol. advies Bevordering milieu, duurzaamheid Stichting Hout Research Wageningen Vereniging Nederlandse Cement Industrie Annex 1. Impression of the diffused pollution policy network in the province Utrecht. Source: Enserink and Mayer 2001 Wegverkeer Trends: Mobiliteitsdiscussie; Rekeningrijden; Wettelijke kaders: Wegen Verkeers Wet Weinig invloed Impressie van het Diffuse Bronnenbeleid Provincie Utrecht I.o.v. Platform Diffuse Bronnen, Netwerkanalyse, TU-Delft, TBM, december 2000 (versie 1.3) Weinig invloed Waterverkeer; recreatie en beroepsvaart Trends: Verbod aanbrengen koperhoudende antifouling recreatievaart sinds 1999; Verkoop niet verboden; Verbod wordt aangevochten door watersport & antifouling industrie; Tegelijk ontwikkeling nieuwe produkten en alternatieven; Wijziging waterleidingwet (uiterlijk dec 2000) op basis EU richtlijn regelt kwaliteit leidingwater. Belangrijke wettelijke en bestuurlijke kaders: Wet voorzieningen oppervlaktewater (WvO); inspanning sanering Niet Cooperatief Niet Cooperatief Cooperatief Issue: Herstructurering; MINAS; Plan van Issue: 5e Nota RO; issues: aanpak biologische landbouw (1996); Zie NW4: MTR overschrijdingen mn fosfor, belang: Produktenbeleid; samenwerking met V&W tegengaan emissies NW4 Landl. actieprogr.db '96 stikstof, koper, zink, PAK's oorzaak diffuse duurzaam bouwen Normstelling; CIW landbouw; bestrijdingsmiddelen bronnen. Overleg doelgroepen; Geen Werkgroep VI Issue: implementatie tussendoelen stellen! Regionaal diffuse bronnen Diffuse Bronnen Europese Kaderrichtlijn Min. v. Verkeer beleid. Vanaf 2002 periodieke gebiedsgerichte VROM rapportages! en Waterstaat Int Rijn Cie regelgeving; bouwbesluit; LNV uitvoering, normstelling; afspraken Unie van subsidies, overleg subsidies; handhaving RIVM doelgroepen RIZA Waterschappen regelgeving; normstelling; Politieke erkenning probleem, afspraken subsidies; CW21e Waterkwaliteitsdoelstellingen, Co-ordineren en stimuleren Issue: Natuurbeleid (verdrogingsbeleid); handhaving eeuw landelijk actieprogramma en reg dir Handhaving waterhuishoudingsplan; RWS; EU Kaderrichtlijn milieuwetten o.a. WvO grondwaterbescherming; diffuse bronnenbeleid; implementatie EU RWS Issues: Zie rapport: 'Prov. maken ruimte voor water': IMH Kaderrichtlijn Interne afstemming en coordinatie waterkwantiteit en verdroging; waterkwaliteit krjgt Provincie Utrecht hfdkant, aandacht.! Water als ordenend principe directie water streekplannen; verplichte natte par. in FWVO planvorming; grondwaterbeheer; bestemmingsplan; Integreren en koppelen facet en toezicht; regelgeving; sectorbeleid; Voorstel bestuursovereenkomst met vergunningverlener; subsidies; Andere Rijk IPO handhaving; wegbeheerder; regioteam, opdrachtgever platforms DB productontwikkeling Issues: consumentenvoorlichting Minerale olie; Wegbeheerder afspoeling & slijtage 16 PAK's; Issues: benzeen; Koper en tributylin (antifouling); koper (slijtage bovenleidingen) minerale olie en bezeen (morsing; lekkage); 10 afspoeling wegdek Rijkswaterstaat Vuilwater & oliehoudendwater; afvalstoffen (lozing); antifouling; lokaal concentratie atmosferische depositie/verwaaiing (reg dir Utrecht) PAK's en minerale olie (uitlaatgassen; teer) toiletwater. schoon water; Issue: vaarmogelijkheden; veelzijdige Middelen; kennis; Waterkwaliteitsnormen; Milieurendement van investeringen; intern natuur; gemak (vuilwatertank) bevoegdheden; stelt duurzaam beheer bestuurlijk draagvlak. imago watersport Kosten emissiebeheersplan op RWS DWW water(kwaliteits) Oeverbescherming; afspoeling & water issues:mobiliteit slijtage veiligheid beheerders Verontreinigingen detecteren en recreanten verwijderen lastiger en duurder HDRS, AGV, WVE Kwaliteitsbeheerder; Privatisering spreekbuis Provincie Utrecht AVV kosten zuivering wegbeheerder Lobby, geld automobilisten slijtage volksgezondheid Bovenleidingen Financiering; kennis; Legenda ANWB beheersmaatregelen: Rijkswaterstaat Strategie: Initieren, onderzoeken, experimenteren met nieuwe Strategie: Afdwingen en stimuleren (incentives) Drinkwater peilbeheer, baggeren, e.d. lage gebruikskosten technieken Doelgroepgericht (havens en aanlegplaatsen) ledental Kans: Overzichtelijk netwerk; dominante positie RWS. Kans: Zichtbaarheid en daadkracht van het DB-beleid bedrijven Middelen; kennis; Risico: Dominante positie RWS / NS; Geen prioriteit; Diffuse vergroten! bevoegdheden; Beheer en verantw. grondwater / (semi-) N.S. kostprijs en bronnen vooral moeilijk te beinvloeden automobiliteit en gedrag. beschermingsgebieden overheids 'milieu' actor 'water' actor verkrijgbaarheid materialen Mogelijke acties: Antifouling; borstelbanen; Regelgeving actor en Raillion Belang: Herstarten overleg NS/waterschappen; Experimenten met nieuwe Risico: Juridificering; Korte termijn effecten niet/ moeilijk kosten; conflicten uitspraak CTB afzetmarkt Overleg materialen en toepassingen zoals bewegwijzering, vangrails, wegdek. aantoonbaar. concurrentiepositie Mogelijke acties: Bevordering alternatieven anti-fouling bijv door subsidies; Optimale Issue: Automobilisten Afgiftepunten scheepsafval; Voorzieningen in havens. watersportmogelijkheden Toezicht & controle lozingen; kosten positief imago watersport aanleg voorzieningen; aanlegplaatsen en Milieubelasting beroepsvaart Imago sector Wegenbouwers voorzieningen; subsidies Waterkwaliteit, 'Bedrijfsleven' 'landbouw' HISWA Rendabele exploitatie 'bouw' actor actor actor materiaalkeuze Bewegingsvrijheid lobby, informatie, waterrecreant voorbeeldprojecten Kernbelangen Jachthavens Issue: Terugdringen diffuse ANWB EU wetgeving 'wegverkeer' verontreinigingen oppervlaktewater, aangroeiwerende verf KNWV Aanleg voorzieningen actor Inzameling Bilgewater waterbodems en grondwater concurrentiepositie Lobby; toegang Voorbeeldfunctie Issue: Opstellen Prioriteitenplan nationale politiek; milieubewustzijn matig 9 Diffuse Bronnen Leeswijzer : Deze 'kaart' is opgesteld als hulpmiddel voor het aantal leden Scheepvaartorganisa opstellen van het prioriteitenplan diffuse bronnen in de ties provincie Utrecht. De informatie is verkregen via document analyse, drie elektronische vergaderingen (GDR-sessies) en een aantal gesprekken. Omdat inzichten en meningen kunnen Platform Diffuse Bronnen verschillen en posities en belangen van actoren kunnen veranderen is de 'kaart' vooral bedoeld als een impressie en Prov Utrecht; HSR; AGV; V&E; RWS dir Utr.; LNV regio communicatie-instrument. De 'kaart' kan op basis van Sturing n.w.; RIMH reg n.w.; GLTO; Reg Utr.; KvK; SMF. Sturing discussies en nieuwe inzichten verder worden uitgewerkt en Veel invloed aangepast. Veel invloed De 'kaart' is verdeeld in vier kwadranten die elk een Strategie (algemeen): beleidsveld representeren waarin actoren zijn gepositioneerd Issue: afval, overstorten, keuze Meer samenwerken, afstemmen met andere Regionale Platforms! Geven van goede bouwmaterialen (klussen) naar mate van invloed en mate van co-operatie. Het Platform Strategie: voorbeeld(projecten); Meer/betere voorlichting en gebruik (nieuwe) media; Diffuse Bronnen staat in het centrum van de kaart. Dichtbij Doelgroep en gebiedsgericht Initieren, subsidieren vb.projecten; Meer aansluiten bij Rijksbeleid en inpassen Strategie: Proactief; ruimte kosten, kwaliteit het platform staan de actoren die zich nauwer verwant voelen beleid; in andere beleidskaders: prov /gemeentelijk facet/sector beleid; voor vernieuwing; Doelgroepgericht woonomgeving, gemak, Biocidenrichtlijn Issue: onkruidbestrijding, met de doelen van het platform. Van de meeste actoren zijn Vooral communicatie; stimuleren en gebiedsgericht beleid Kans: volksgezondheid en milieu gezondheid overstorten, keuze bouwmaterialen belangen en invloed (middelen) aangegeven alsmede handhaven Allianties met IPO/RWS/VROM/VW. Vergroten bestuurlijke DuBo en stedelijkwater beheer hoog op de agenda van belangrijke issues voor deze actor. Overheids- Kans: Plan van aanpak Biologische landbouw; Aandacht aandacht voor waterkwaliteit! en DB; Projectmatig werken met landelijke politiek; gemeenten en bouwsector. (meestal het Rijk) zijn in een afzonderlijk kader midden Imago, water in de stad; Belangen: CTB en activering prov waterbeleid. herkenbare thema's; Waterkwaliteit op politieke agenda; Risico: Huishoudens boven weergegeven omdat zij a.h.w. een schaalniveau hoger stadsvernieuwing, ruimte, groei, Bedrijfseconomische belangen sector College voor de Toelating Risico: Ec en psychologische kwetsbaarheid LTO sector verbeteren interne communicatie binnen en tussen provincies/ Gevecht over normen, effecten. Aantasting specifieke ec. Issue: Onvoldoende bekendheid en staan. Mogelijke acties: werkgelegenheid concurrentie positie - kosten en kwaliteit waterschappen; laat 'resultaten' beter zien; beschikbaarheid van van Bestrijdingsmiddelen posities > juridificering. Dynamisch: steeds nieuwe Schadelijkheid Langer vasthouden gebiedseigen water; Koppelen produkten en inzichten; Korte termijn effecten niet/ stoffen (Zink) materialen en hoge kosten (vermindering schades en kostenbesparing) DUBO als natuurfuncties (EHS) aan andere doelen (recreatie; duurzame Vergroten urgentie probleem en oplossingen! door gedrag moeilijk aantoonbaar. Imago concurrentievoordeel landbouw; retentie etc); Stimuleren alternatieven Schoon milieu als productiefactor issues: Mogelijke acties: Mogelijkheid stoffen te onkruidbestrijding; Landelijk / Europees Snelheid van veranderingen; Convenanten sluiten met gemeenten op gebied DuBo; Gebruik DuBo Bouwondernemingen Esthetiek prevaleert verbieden deel achterban dreigt aansluiting te verliezen en neigt gewasbeschermingsbeleid beinvloeden; Monitoren, consulentschap bij contacten met gemeenten; Meer informatie/kennis effecten Ned. uitspoeling Pb, Cu, Zn Gemeenten naar aansluiting bij radicale lanbouw issues: communiceren over effecten bestrijdingsmiddelen; Stimuleren bouwprodukten op waterkwaliteit; DB in ISV, stedelijke vernieuwing, PVE's; Landbouw Gezondheidsraad Invoering mineralenboekhouding EU regelgeving biologische landbouw; LAMI project 'diffuse bronnen'; gebruik opstelen gemeentelijke waterplannen; waterkansenkaarten promoten; DUBO imago Herstructurering Herstructurering landbouw, Saneren riooloverstorten / lekke rioleringen; Aansluiten bij vergunningverlener; voorbeeldprojecten Bouwmetaalindustrie GLTO, DLG Proefproject(en) stedelijk gebied; 'Meten' problemen en effecten; Communicatie Beperking bestrijdingsmiddellen gebruik Mineralenboekhouding aanscherping AMVB's (open teelt etc); Beter handhaven Mvo; en voorlichting naar huishoudens; Gebruik maken (bestaande) planinstrumenten (opdrachtgever); beheerder van rioleringen, wegen, architecten Reductie landbouwareaaal Stimuleren onderzoek innovatie o.a. bestrijdingsmiddelen; RO provincie / gemeenten; betere afstemming; DB meenemen als openbare ruimtes en groen; waterbeheerder Bestrijdingsmiddelengebruik Discussie, voorlichting met boeren aangaan; Waterschappen beoordelingscriterium (bestemmings)plannen; DB inbrengen in duurzaam nationaal DUBO milieuhandhaving, toezicht bureau's politieke invloed, radicalisering Stichting regelgeving meer inspanning riooloverstorten; Meer samenwerken met ruimtelijke ordening Informatievoorziening achterban stedelijk waterbeheer; Langer vasthouden gebiedseigen water; Centrum intermediair tussen productie en andere regioteams; Versterken positie zoals voorlichting Duurzaam Voorbeeldfunctie voor innovaties verdrogingsbestrijding Aanpak onkruidbestrijding publiek en privaat; 'Afkoppelen met DuBo inbrengen beperkte invloed op groep achterblijvers milieu verontreinigingen tegengaan LAMI; Voorlichting landbouwscholen; beleid'; Meer betrekken drinkwaterbedrijven; Beinvloeden gedrag Infodesk Bouwmetaal internationale concurrentieposiotie natuurlijk/groen imago bewoners wijken (autowassen; hondenpoep); Duurzaambouwen ook duurzaamheid; Imago NL landbouw Issue: terreinbeherende consulentschap Bond van erkenning eigen waterbouw LNV duurzame Nederlandse natuurbeschermings verantwoordelijkheid stedenbouw Architecten Bedrijfseconomische positie Ministerie voor Landbouw, Issues: - bevorderen lage kosten Mineralenboekhouding Natuur en Visserij prijsconcurrentie en duurzaamheid thema's: wettelijke regelingen, Herstructurering issues: Plan van aanpak Biologische Prijsconcurrentie met DUBO manuals Aannemers afhankelijkheid diergezondheid Herinrichting landbouw (met Prov Utr, GLTO, SMF, traditionele materialen van opdrachtgever NOVEM imago, subsidies Peilbeheer LNV); mestverwerking; duurzame Regelgeving; Intermediair tussen Slootkantbeheer gewasbescherming fruitteelt, mais etc. Toenemende vraag plaatselijke 8 rendement op investering, productie en milieu Installateurs Bestrijdingsmiddellen gebruik bio/eko producten imago kennis en subsidies bevorderen duurzame Kern belangen: belangenverenigingen landbouw Bedrijfseconomische positie (Regio / NL / Producenten Issues: imago, subsidies Internationaal), Bedrijfsvrijheid (weerstand bevorderen duurzame boeren tegen overheidsregulering), Kostenbesparing landbouw Milieuvriendelijke Onkruidbestrijding in de stad (o.a. Glyfosfaat) Bouwproducten (Zink, lood, koper, PAK's) Imago naar publiek: groen en gezond Supermarkten Alternatieven Branche org. keuze duurzame bouw materialen Mogelijkheid afwentelen claims Issues: Stichting LAMI Schoon oppervlaktewater i.v.m. diergezondheid (Fed. van) Biologische Overstorten (bijna alle stoffen) Rendement op water als kwaliteit implementatie van maatregelen op grootwinkelbedrijf en ketenaansprakelijkheid Nutrienten (stikstoffen, fosfaat) door landbouw boeren / PRISMA / aanbod Waterbouw (o.a. gecreosoteerd hout, PAKs) bouw (NVTB investering, imago bedrijfsniveau Bestrijdingsmiddelen maisteelt (simazine en atrazine) Onderzoek; samenwerking; BIOLOGICA etc alternatieven Wegverkeer in de stad (o.a. zware metalen, PAK's) etc) Ontwikkeling reken en 'makelaarswater' Ongerioleerde bebouwingen landelijk gebied Loketfunctie; subsidie; informatie Straatmeubilair (zink, PAK's) meet methoden MRPI/ Riooloverstorten naar het landelijk gebied voorbeeldprojecten consument Huishoudens als consument (verf, bestr middelen) Ecoquantum etc Individuele agrariers Tuinbouw en fruitteelt (propoxur) Straatvuil / hondenpoep (stikstof, fosfor) Grondontsmetting (carbendazim) projectontwikkelaar Ongerioleerde woningen (incl woonschepen) Graslanden (mecoprop) Effluent lozingen (fosfor-stikstof, koper, nikkel, zink, PAK's) Inlaten gebiedvreemdwater Industrie (als producent) Invloed voorbeeldfunctie, Run-off verkeer (PAK's, zware metalen) Depositie (bijna alle stoffen) Politieke en informele netwerken opdrachtgeverschap Zware metalen uit dierlijke mest en kunsmest Waterleidingen (koper, corrosie) Grondeigendom en gebruiker van Oeverbeschoeiing Bovenleidingen tram (koper) meststoffen en 17 Diersgeneesmiddelen (hormonen en antibiotica) Scheepvaart in de stad bestrijdingsmiddelen Informatie en kennis over processen Atmosferische depositie Gebruik meststoffen openbaar/particulier en stoffengebruik Kwelwater Uitloging van verontreinigde bodem Toemaakdekken Lekke rioleringen concurrentiepositie Banken besparing grondstoffen Imago naar klanten Bedrijfseconomische positie: Zijn probleemveroorzaker (bestrijdingsmiddelen Rendement op investering, VNCI lage kosten en nutrienten); kunnen preventieve maatregelen imago Goede sproeiwaterkwaliteit nemen maar hebben weinig financieel belang. milieugroepen NFO Fruitteelt Nederlandse Praktijk Landbouwk. WONINGBOUWCORPORATIES materiaalkeuze Fruittelers Organisatie Onderzoek Onderzoeks Inst. beperkte lobby onderzoek voorbeeldfuncie; wijze van informatie en (bij)scholing nieuwbouw achterban toenemende vraag mineralenbalans en milieubelasting onderzoek SMF goed en goedkoop bio/eko producten zware metalen, stikstof en fosfaten issues: levensmiddelenpakket Stichtse Milieu Geintegreerde landbouw eco-toxiciteit issues: Federatie Biologische bestrijding Consumenten concurrentiepositie; Geintegreerde landbouw & Landelijk kader VNG afzet Veevoeder biologische bestrijding Toetsbare, controleerbare en afrekenbare doelen Uitspoeling nutrienten informatie aan Bestrijdingsmiddelen Industrie Belang: Tijdstermijnen consument industrie afzetmarkt concurrentiepositie Landbouwk. 15 Kunstmestindustrie Onderwijs Invloed opleiding, kennis Stedelijk gebied: bouwen en wonen Landelijk gebied: Land- en tuinbouw Via agro-industriele voorlichting belangenvert. Trends: (Duurzaam) stedelijk water(beheer) NW4 hoog op agenda; CIW ontwikkelt nieuwe Trends: instrumenten; Meer samenwerking gemeenten, waterschappen en provicies; Herstructurering veeteelt; stimulering biologische landbouw (plan van aanpak); Ontwikkeling sturingsinstrumentarium DuBo; Ontwikkeling meet en rekenmethoden om milieueffecten van bouwprodukten vast te stellen (MRPI/Ecoquantum etc); Ontwikkeling produktenbeleid Investeren in het landelijk gebied (GS prov Utrecht); kwaliteit slootwater door overstorten; anti verdrogingsbeleid; VROM; waterkansenkaart Belangrijke wettelijke en bestuurlijke kaders: Belangrijke wettelijke en bestuurlijke kaders: Mestbeleid en nitraatrichtlijn; Gewasbeschermingsbeleid: Toelatingsbeleid Bouwbesluit; WvO; wet milieubeheer (taken gemeenten) gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (CTB); WvO Lozingenbesluit open teelt en veehouderij; WvO Weinig invloed Weinig invloed Lozingsbesluit glastuinbouw; WvO; Sturing Sturing Cooperatief Stichting Waterpakt: Waddenver. Reinwater, IJsselmeerver DB algemeen; verbod antifouling, ontwikkeling alternatieven zoals Gifvrije verf (zee)schepen SHR marktaandeel verbod metaalzouten visverenigingen behouden, EU (houtverduurzamings middelen) regelgeving Vereniging van Houtimpregneerbedrijven in NL productontwikkeling juridische procedures 16 verbod op gebruik antifouling; marktaandeel aanvechten verbod bij rechter. behouden, innovatie Ontwikkelen alternatieven. Verfindustrie anti-fouling Niet Cooperatief Niet Cooperatief 11

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