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2 2 nd Semester Arts & Events on Campus The Campus of the University of Twente is an important location for arts and events. Not only in the Vrijhof, but also in the Open Air theater and even on the O&O square. Here students and external parties perform, give lectures, concerts, cabaret performances, dances, expositions and workshops.. Holland Dance ( Marcel van Oostrom) The Vrijhof is also where Apollo is based, the cultural umbrella organization of the performing and visual arts. In this semester booklet, all events of the second semester are listed, from February up to August 2018, sorted by theme. FEBRUARY ~ AUGUST 2018 [VC] Vrijhof Culture presents professional performances. [VC] ENTRANCE PRICES: Students 7,50 / with UnionCard 5,- Employees University of Twente 7,50 Externs 10,- / with CJP/CampusCard/BiebPas 7,50 [NL] Understanding Dutch is recommended when visiting this performance.

3 THEATER MC Adam Fields ( Geert Peters) Wednesday 14 February 19.30, Global Lounge Bastille [VC] Global Comedy Night III MC Adam Fields & guests The Global Comedy Night is an evening stand-up in its purest form. Hilarious, inventive, sometimes a little strange or with a musical twist, but always funny. Because that s what comedy is all about: the joke! Make sure you have your favourite drink within reach when the best comedians hit the stage. Master of Ceremonies is Adam Fields, a true Londoner currently living in Amsterdam. More info about the other comedians will be announced online. [NL]: Understanding Dutch is recommended when visiting this performance. Thursday 15 February 19.30, Amphitheater Vrijhof [VC][NL] George & Eran Lossen Wereldvrede op! De Finale George & Eran Producties i.s.m. Theater Rast De hit van Oerol nu in het theater! In de muzikale conflictkomedie George & Eran lossen Wereldvrede op! DE FINALE, keren twee vrienden, de Israëlische Nederlander Eran en de Syrische Hollander George voor een laatste keer terug op het podium om eindelijk de klus te klaren waar ze drie jaar geleden aan begonnen. In dit slotstuk van hun bewierookte trilogie hebben zij de sleutel gevonden waarmee ze de poorten openen die naar Wereldvrede zullen leiden. Inspiration Night Theatervereniging NEST

4 Thursday 22 February 20:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Gevorderdenwedstrijd Theatersportvereniging Pro Deo Deze avond speelt Pro Deo tegen een (studenten)team elders uit het land. Theatersport is een vorm van improvisatietheater waarbij twee teams van vier personen tegen elkaar strijden om de mooiste, grappigste, beste of ontroerendste scène. Aan het publiek wordt gevraagd om suggesties te doen en als compliment rozen te werpen, terwijl de immer knorrige rechters streng toezicht houden op het keurige verloop van de wedstrijd. De voorstelling wordt muzikaal omlijst door kundige improvisatiemuzikanten. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard. THEATER AKF Halve Finalistentournee ( Arjan Benning) Wednesday 14 March 19.30, Amphitheater Vrijhof [VC][NL] Halve Finalistentournee Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival (AKF) Na drie intensieve en spannende selectierondes presenteert het AKF drie van de zes halve finalisten van Deze nieuwe kleinkunsttalenten zijn met hun zelfgeschreven programma s op een landelijke try-out tournee, onderweg gecoacht door professionele regisseurs/theatermakers. Vlieguren maken, bijschrijven, schrappen, ontwikkelen en zo nu en dan spreekwoordelijk op je bek gaan. Alles om straks goed voorbereid de Halve Finales te kunnen spelen. Wie weet tref je vanavond al de winnaar van de AKF Sonneveldprijs 2018! Inspiration Night Cabaretvereniging Contramime Tuesday 20 March 19:30, Agora Vrijhof [NL] Battle of the Cultures Theatersportvereniging Pro Deo Vanavond speelt Pro Deo tegen teams van cabaretvereniging Contramime en theatervereniging Nest. Theatersport is een vorm van improvisatietheater waarbij twee teams van vier personen tegen elkaar strijden om de mooiste, grappigste, beste of ontroerendste scènes. Aan het publiek wordt gevraagd om suggesties te doen en als compliment rozen te werpen, terwijl de immer knorrige rechters streng toezicht houden op het keurige verloop van de wedstrijd. De voorstelling wordt muzikaal omlijst door kundige improvisatiemuzikanten. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard. Wednesday 4 April 20:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Beginnerswedstrijd Theatersportvereniging Pro Deo Vanavond speelt Pro Deo tegen een (studenten)team elders uit het land. Theatersport is een vorm van improvisatietheater waarbij twee teams van vier personen tegen elkaar strijden om de mooiste, grappigste, beste of ontroerendste scènes. Aan het publiek wordt gevraagd om suggesties te doen en als compliment rozen te werpen, terwijl de immer knorrige rechters streng toezicht houden op het keurige verloop van de wedstrijd. De voorstelling wordt muzikaal omlijst door kundige improvisatiemuzikanten. 3,-with a UnionCard, 5,- without a UnionCard. Saturday 7 April 15:00, Agora Vrijhof [NL] Ganzenveld de musical Theatervereniging NEST Eigen Initiatief Ganzenveld lijkt een gewoon dorp, maar het zit vol vreemde snuiters. De ambitieuze Jessie Snavel ziet haar kans wanneer Ganzenveld een nieuwe burgemeester zoekt en start een campagne, maar beseft niet welke problemen er écht spelen. Jessie staat tegenover Donald de Woerd, een man die belachelijke uitspraken doet, maar het volk voor zich lijkt te winnen. Jessie en Donald doen vervolgens grootse beloftes, maar kunnen deze ook waargemaakt worden wanneer de nieuwe burgemeester gekozen is? 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,50 without a UnionCard

5 THEATER Wednesday 18 April 19.30, Global Lounge Bastille [VC] Global Comedy Night III MC Adam Fields & guests The Global Comedy Night is an evening stand-up in its purest form. Hilarious, inventive, sometimes a little strange or with a musical twist, but always funny. Because that s what comedy is all about: the joke! Make sure you have your favourite drink within reach when the best comedians hit the stage. Master of Ceremonies is Adam Fields, a true Londoner currently living in Amsterdam. More info about the other comedians will be announced online. Monday 30 April 19.30, Agora Vrijhof [VC] Urland presents: UR Urland Urland is a performance collective, consisting of Ludwig Bindervoet, Thomas Dudkiewicz, Marijn Alexander de Jong and Jimi Zoet. They make visual, musical and physical performances that confront the audience with universal themes and questions. Initially, Urland wanted to perform the Gilgamesh Epos. Yet when they found out that the Land of Ur, where this oldest epic poem takes place, is exactly in ISIS-territory, they decided do something with the fact that the cradle of civilization is now in ruins and the front line in a hopeless war. Inspiration Night InterNESTional Improweerwolven ( Heidi Ulrich) Wednesday 2 May, Thursday 3 May, Friday 4 May, 20:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Improweerwolven Theatersportvereniging Pro Deo Vanavond speelt Pro Deo een longform voorstelling, gebaseerd op Weerwolven van Wakkerdam. Het gaat deze avond niet om vlugge scènes, punten of boe-geroep naar zure rechters. Het publiek kan genieten van een verhaal vol intriges, gespeeld door brave burgers en slinkse nachtbrakers. Jouw oordeel kan een leven waard zijn. Worden de échte wolven ontmaskerd, voordat zij het dorpje voor je neus voorgoed van de kaart vegen? De voorstelling wordt muzikaal omlijst door kundige improvisatiemuzikanten. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 14, 15, 16 May 20:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Meivoorstelling Cabaretvereniging Contramime Cabaretvereniging Contramime speelt in mei weer een hilarische voorstelling over alles wat komt kijken bij het student zijn en het leven op de campus. Met komische sketches, ontroerende monologen en hartverwarmende zelf geschreven liedjes zet Contramime een unieke voorstelling neer. Komt dat zien! 4,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard, 5,- for students. Thursday 17 May and Friday 18 May 20:00, Saturday 19 May, 15:00, Agora Vrijhof [NL] Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Theatervereniging NEST Toneel London 1888: Dr. Henry Jekyll is een gewaardeerd arts die zich verdiept in het probleem van goed en kwaad. Hij bedenkt dat beide in de aard van elk mens voorkomen. De vraag is of deze twee naturen in de mens gescheiden kunnen worden. Zijn experimenten leveren een middel op dat ertoe leidt dat de kwade krachten de overhand krijgen; maak kennis met Mr. Hyde. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,50 without a UnionCard

6 Musical Spring Awakening ( Foton) THEATER Wednesday 6 June 20:00, Agora Vrijhof [NL] Micetro Theatersportvereniging Pro Deo Deze avonden spelen de leden van Pro Deo elkaar van de vloer! Welke theatersporter wint de felbegeerde trofee met de muis? Theatersport is een vorm van improvisatietheater. Teams van vier personen strijden tegen elkaar om de mooiste, grappigste, beste of ontroerendste scène. Aan het publiek wordt gevraagd om suggesties te doen en als compliment rozen te werpen, terwijl de immer knorrige rechters streng toezicht houden op het keurige verloop van de wedstrijd. De voorstelling wordt muzikaal omlijst door kundige improvisatiemuzikanten. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard. Thursday 7 June and Friday 8 June, 20:00, Saturday 9 June, 15:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Theaterlab voorstelling Theatervereniging NEST Theaterlab Tijd. Zou tijd een persoon zijn, dan zou hij rennen. Alles voorbijgaan en vergeten waar hij vandaan komt. Hij zou niet begroeten, verleiden en liefhebben. Slechts roeren in zijn koffie. Een zwarte draaikolk veroorzakende. Waarin alles wordt meegenomen. 4,- with a UnionCard, 6,- without a UnionCard Thursday 14 June and Friday 15 June, 20:00, Saturday 16 June, 15:00, Agora Vrijhof [NL] Spring awakening Theatervereniging NEST Musical Spring awakening is een rauwe rock musical bewerking van Wedekind s controversiële toneelstuk Frühlings Erwachen, over het sexueel ontwaken van een groep tieners in een wereld waarin de wil en wet van ouders, leraren en God boven alles staat. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,50 without a UnionCard Wednesday 20 June 20:00, Amphitheater Vrijhof [NL] Liedjesvoorstelling Cabaretvereniging Contramime Cabaretvereniging Contramime speelt in Juni nog één keer alle liedjes van het afgelopen college jaar. Verwacht gevoelige ballads, krachtige carnavals krakers, zwoele jazz melodieën, en nummers die zo ver in de abstractie door gaan dat het niet valt te labelen. Komt dat zien! 3,- with a UnionCard, 5,- without a UnionCard, 4,- for students.

7 MUSIC Thursday 8 February, 20:00, Audiozaal Vrijhof and Thursday 15 February 20:00, Agora Vrijhof Open rehearsals Studenten Harmonie Orkest Twente Do you play a wind or percussion instrument? And would you like to play in a wind orchestra with other nice and musical students? Then come over and join us at one of our open rehearsals! Open rehearsals are free of charge. Sunday 11 February 20.00, Muziekcentrum Enschede NSO Dream! with Remy van Kesteren and Petroesjka World-class harpist Remy van Kesteren plays the Concert for harp and orchestra by Ginastera. Unlike other harp concerts, this work is rhythmic, swinging and rousing. Ginastera wanted to make another, raw sound of the harp heard. Remy van Kesteren will let this dream become reality through his revolutionary way of playing and character. Nederlands Studenten Orkest Stravinsky s Petroesjka After the dreamy Prélude à l après-midi d un faune by Debussy, you will hear the enchanting Petroesjka by Stravinsky. Within this ballet, the boundaries between reality and the dreamworld will blur. Let yourself be carried away by the challenging rhythm and the beautiful Russian melodies, performed by ambitious and young musicians from all over the Netherlands. Tickets are 21,50

8 Karsu - Plays Atlantic Records ( Zeynel Abidin ) MUSIC Wednesday 21 February 20:00, Agora Vrijhof Jazzcafé - live performance of the UTmost bigband and the UT jazz combination combo In the cold days of February, UTmost bigband and the UT jazz combination will play a funky and jazzy set which will warm up all the frozen limbs. Come and join the festivities and you will have a hard time trying not to move your feet! Entrance is free! Wednesday 25 April 20:00, Agora Vrijhof Jazzcafé - live performance of the UTmost bigband and the UT jazz combination combo UTmost bigband and UT jazz combination will play a set of modern funk and jazz in the style of Electro Deluxe and Snarky Puppy. This new sound in bigband formation will ensure an unforgettable groovy night! Entrance is free! Monday 7 May 19.30, Open Air Theater (OUT) / Amphitheater Vrijhof [VC] Karsu plays Atlantic Records Karsu The Dutch musician with Turkish roots Karsu is a multi-talent; not only a gifted singer and pianist, but also a composer, musical arranger and lyricist. Since her early youth Karsu has been performing. As a young girl in her father s restaurant and from there she made it from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, to the Istanbul Jazz Festival and the legendary Carnegie Hall in New York. And now she and her band will dive into the music of Atlantic Records! Thursday 24 May 19.30, Open Air Theater (OUT) / Agora, Vrijhof [VC] Brel & Brass Micheline van Hautem & Student Wind Orchestra SHOT Jacques Brel s most beautiful songs performed in a most original way! There are quite some artists out there who bring songs by Jacques Brel, but Micheline Van Hautem s Brel & Brass is a completely different approach. For her one-of-a-kind project, a series of fine arrangements solely for wind instruments and percussion have been written by acclaimed composers Peter Habraken, Jan Nellestijn and Guus Janssen. For this concert, Micheline will perform with Student Wind Orchestra SHOT! Inspiration Night Student Wind Orchestra SHOT Monday 11 June 20:00 and Sunday 17 June, 15:00, Audiozaal Vrijhof Summer concert Musica Silvestra Orkest The Musica Silvestra Orkest (MSO) is thé student symphony orchestra of the University of Twente. For the summer concerts, the orchestra rehearsed a beautiful new repertoire, together with conductor Peter Bogaert. The orchestra would like to take you on a musical summer journey by performing the following pieces: Alexander Borodin Ouverture Prince Igor, Jean Sibelius Suite from King Christian II and Johannes Brahms Symphony no. 2 in D. 4,- with a UnionCard, 7,- without a UnionCard. Thursday 21 June 20:00, Agora Vrijhof Jazzcafé - live performance of the UTmost bigband and the UT jazz combination combo The last Jazz Concert of this season of Stubiba! Both the small jazz combo and the bigband will perform an astonishing show with all kinds of music. As always, it s the most fun, swinging and exciting event of the week, and of course: entrance is free!

9 Friday 22 June 15:00 & Saturday 23 June 20:00, Agora Vrijhof Summer Concert Vocal Group Musilon MUSIC The University of Twente s own student choir will take you on a musical journey. You are invited to share the warmth and joys of summer with Musilon by visiting this spectacular performance. A mix of a capella and accompanied songs will be sung by members of Musilon. Kick-off your summer with a varied repertoire consisting of pop-, rock- and traditional music. 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,50 without a UnionCard. Thursday 28 June 20.00, Audiozaal Vrijhof Goodbye concert Studenten Harmonie Orkest Twente This summer, SHOT will make a concert trip to England to rehearse, perform and have a lot of fun with each other. To make it also possible for the people at home to listen to the music SHOT will play in England, there will be a goodbye concert. 3,- with a UnionCard, 5,- without a UnionCard. DANCE Monday 5 and 12 February 20:30, Gym local, Minister de Savornin Lohmanlaan 58, Enschede Breakdance Open lessons Break-Even Break-Even is a HipHop and Breakdance studentassociation. The members of Break-Even perform in shows, go to events and do activities outside of our training hours. During the open lessons you can see if the training is to your liking before you decide to become a member. The open lessons are free of charge. Wednesday 7 and 14 February 18:00, Audiozaal Vrijhof HipHop beginners Open lessons Break-Even Break-Even is a HipHop and Breakdance studentassociation. The members of Break-Even perform in shows, go to events and do activities outside of our training hours. During the open lessons you can see if our training is to your liking before you decide to become a member. The open lessons are free of charge. Breakdance openlesson Breakeven Wednesday 7 and 14 February 19:00, Audiozaal Vrijhof HipHop adcanced Open lessons Break-Even Break-Even is a HipHop and Breakdance studentassociation. The members of Break-Even perform in shows, go to events and do activities outside of our training hours. During the open lessons you can see if our training is to your liking before you decide to become a member. The open lessons are free of charge.

10 DANCE Monday 26 March 19.30, Agora Vrijhof [VC] Talent on The Move Codarts Rotterdam / Holland Dance Festival A carefully selected international group of young dancers from Codarts Rotterdam, the hotspot for contemporary dance, will take you on an exciting dance journey. The sparkling show consists of new works that have been specifically created for the young dancers, but also existing, world famous repertory work by top choreographers. Talent on The Move 2018 is featuring among others Jiří Kylián, Antonin Comestaz, Joost Vrouenraets and Jarek Cemerek. Inspiration Night S.D.V. Chassé Friday-Sunday 9-11 March 19:00 (on friday, full day on other days), Vrijhof Balfolk Dansstage 2018 The Dansstage is an annual balfolk dancing event, encompassing 10 hours of workshops, three balls (dance evening with live music) and meals. The dances are mostly European oriented and danced in couples or groups. Due to the simple basis, everybody can learn it and enjoy the whole event, even without dancing experience. There is lots of room for improvisation and fusion and there are many uncommon dances, so there are also interesting workshops for advanced dances. 50,- 175,-, see Saturday 10 March 19:00, Vrijhof Balfolk Open ball Dansstage 2018 Balfolk is a dance evening (ball) with live folk music. The dances are mostly European oriented and danced in couples or groups. Due to the simple basis everybody can learn it during the free workshop at the beginning of the ball and enjoy the whole evening, but there is lots of room for improvisation and fusion, so you can make it as complex and elegant as you wish. 10,- with UnionCard, 12,- without UnionCard Sunday 27 May 15:00 and Monday 28 May 20:00, Agora, Vrijhof Chassé in Wonderland S.D.V. Chassé Every year, the members of jazzdance association S.D.V. Chassé work towards a big final performance and this year will not be different! This year, the dancers of Chassé will fall down the rabbit hole and explore Wonderland. Which crazy characters will they meet? And will they be able to make it out alive? Come and see this fairy-tale dance performance to find out! 5,- with a UnionCard, 7,50 without a UnionCard. Friday 1 June, 20:00, Saturday 2 June, 14:00, Agora, Vrijhof Arabesque Annual Performance Arabesque Arabesque presents their annual modern dance performance. Arabesque brings together a variety of different personalities. The dancers that participate in this show come from different backgrounds, styles and cultures. In the classes of Arabesque, bodies and boundaries are explored and the dancers develop their own creative vocabulary. As the dancers are given the tools to express themselves, most dances of this show are choreographed by the dancers of Arabesque themselves. 3,- with a UnionCard, 5,- without a UnionCard Dansstage ( Maartje de Goede )

11 AGENDA ARTS & EVENTS ON CAMPUS FEBRUARY 5, 12 Extern 20:30 Breakdance Open lessons Break-Even Dance [NL] 7, 14 Vrijhof 18:00 HipHop beginners Open lessons Break-Even Dance [NL] 7, 14 Vrijhof 19:00 HipHop advanced Open lessons Break-Even Dance [NL] 8, 15 Vrijhof 20:00 Open rehearsals SHOT Music [NL] 8 Vrijhof 11:00 World s Smallest Escape Room Actic! Special [NL] 13 Vrijhof 19:30 Noord-Korea Remco Breuker Lecture [NL] 13 Extern 18:00 Stukafest Enschede Special [NL] 14 Bastille 19:30 Global Comedy Night III MC Adam Fields & guests Theater [NL] 15 Vrijhof 19:30 George & Eran Lossen Wereldvrede op! De Finale Theater [NL] Up to 19 Vrijhof Ninety minutes Dr. Maya van den Berg, Exhibition [NL] Cecilia Schaaf and Yonas Negash Exhibition [NL] 21, 25 Vrijhof 20:00 Jazzcafé - UTmost bigband & UT jazz combo Music [NL] Up to 22 Vrijhof Possible world Dirk Comello & Wim Kamphuis Exhibition[NL] 22 Vrijhof 20:00 Gevorderdenwedstrijd T.S.V. Pro Deo Theater [NL] 22 Vrijhof Focus on colour Foton Exhibition [NL] [NL] Understanding Dutch is recommended when visiting this performance. MARCH 1 Vrijhof 19:30 Meet & Greet Peter Riezebos Exhibition [NL] 9 Vrijhof 19:00 Balfolk Dansstage 2018 Dance [NL] 10, 11 Vrijhof All day Balfolk Dansstage 2018 Dance [NL] 10 Vrijhof 19:00 Balfolk Open Ball Dansstage 2018 Dance [NL] 13 Vrijhof 19:30 Nuclear weapons Wilbert van der Zeijden Lecture [NL] 14 Vrijhof 19:30 Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival (AKF) Theatre [NL] 20 Vrijhof 19:30 Battle of the Cultures T.S.V. Pro Deo Theatre [NL] Up to 22 Vrijhof Focus on colour Foton Exhibition [NL] 26 Vrijhof 19:30 Talent on The Move Dance [NL] 27 Vrijhof 17:00 Racen op elektra Tim Veldhuis Lecture [NL] APRIL 4 Vrijhof 20:00 Beginnerswedstrijd T.S.V. Pro Deo Theater [NL] 7 Vrijhof 15:00 Ganzenveld de musical Theater [NL] Theatervereniging NEST EI Theater [NL] 17 Vrijhof 19:30 Geur Caro Verbeek Theater [NL] - AGENDA SECOND SEMESTER: FEBRUARY - AUGUST 2018 AGENDA SECOND SEMESTER: FEBRUARY -

12 APRIL 18 Bastille 19:30 Global Comedy Night III Theater ter MC Adam Fields & guests Theater [NL] 19 Vrijhof 19:30 Meet & Greet AKI takes over Exhibition [NL] AGENDA 21 Campus 20:00 Batavierenfeest Party time! Special [NL] 30 Vrijhof 19:30 Urland presents: UR Urland Theater [NL] MAY 2 Vrijhof 20:00 Improweerwolven T.S.V. Pro Deo Theater [NL] 7 OUT/Vrijhof 19:30 Karsu plays Atlantic Records Karsu Music [NL] 8 Vrijhof 19:30 Japan Hisama Kimura Lecture [NL] 9 Vrijhof 09:00 Japan workshop for students Lecture [NL] 14, 15, 16 Vrijhof 20:00 Meivoorstelling Contramime Theater [NL] 17, 18, 19 Vrijhof 20:00 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Theatervereniging NEST Theater [NL] 24 OUT/ 19:30 Brel & Brass Micheline van Hautem & SHOT Music [NL] Vrijhof Dance [NL] 27 Vrijhof 15:00 Chassé in Wonderland S.D.V. Chassé Dance [NL] 28 Vrijhof 20:00 Chassé in Wonderland S.D.V. Chassé Dance [NL] JUNE [NL] Understanding Dutch is recommended when visiting this performance. 1 Vrijhof 20:00 Arabesque Annual Performance Arabesque Dance [NL] 1 Bastille 16:00 Culture Festival, Day 1 World Associations Dance [NL] 2 28 Vrijhof Develop yourself at Foton Foton Exhibition [NL] 2-28 Vrijhof ExpositIO6 students of Industrial Design Exhibition [NL] 2 Vrijhof 14:00 Arabesque Annual Performance Arabesque Dance [NL] 3 Bastille 12:00 Culture Festival, Day 2 World Associations Special [NL] 6 Vrijhof 20:00 Micetro T.S.V. Pro Deo Theater [NL] 7 Vrijhof 20:00 Theaterlab voorstelling Theatervereniging NEST Theater [NL] 8 Vrijhof 15:00 Theaterlab voorstelling Theatervereniging NEST Theater [NL] 11 Vrijhof 20:00 Summer concert Musica Silvestra Orkest Music [NL] 17 Extern 15:00 Summer concert Musica Silvestra Orkest Music [NL] 20 Vrijhof 20:00 Liedjesvoorstelling Contramime Theater [NL] 21 Vrijhof 20:00 Jazzcafé - UTmost bigband & UT jazz combo Music [NL] 22 Vrijhof 15:00 Summer Concert Vocal Group Musilon Music [NL] 23 Vrijhof 20:00 Summer Concert Vocal Group Musilon Music [NL] 28 Vrijhof 20:00 Goodbye concert SHOT Music [NL] AGENDA SECOND SEMESTER: FEBRUARY - AUGUST 2018 AGENDA SECOND SEMESTER: FEBRUARY -

13 EXPO Yonas Negash EXHIBITIONS Up to Monday 19 February, small exhibition room Vrijhof Ninety Minutes Dr. Maya van den Berg, Cecilia Schaaf and Yonas Negash In the 2017 CuriousU course, Smart Cities, participants designed amendments to the European directive (legal) frameworks of both water and energy via the works of this exhibition. Over the course of a week, the participants explored topics such as resources and infrastructure, digital city, and social innovation. Following this, the groups were given the task of creating art to display their proposed amendments on the frameworks, all in ninety minutes. The results are shown in this exhibition. EXPO Wim Kamphuis Up to Thursday 22 February, big exhibition room Vrijhof Possible worlds Dirk Comello & Wim Kamphuis Dirk Comello and Wim Kamphuis are two artists from different generations, but they both do have a common interest and source of inspiration: ethnography. In this exhibition they conduct research in the themes of anthropology and strange cultures, whether or not fictional. They express themselves in drawings, sculptures, woodcuts, etching and more.

14 Wednesday 22 February - Wednesday 21 March, small exhibition room Vrijhof Focus on colour Foton Amateur photographers association Drienerlo Foton will show their creativity during their annual exhibition on the University of Twente. This time the theme is: Focus on colour. A Meet & Greet is on Wednesday 22 February EXHIBITIONS Thursday 1 March Thursday 29 March, big exhibition room Vrijhof Peter Riezebos Since Peter, a former student at the University of Twente, had his first exhibition in the Vrijhof in October 2014, he became a successful artist. That first exhibition was on the occasion of his book Van Mavo tot Harvard. He then donated a painting to the university collection. During this exhibition period there ll also be a live painting act moment, when exactly will be announced online. A Meet & Greet is on Wednesday 1 March Thursday 12 April Thursday 24 May, exhibition rooms Vrijhof AKI takes over - students of the AKI This is the third year that the AKI (Academy of Arts & Design) is present in the Vrijhof. Each time Vrijhof Culture gives young artiststo-be the opportunity to show what goes on in their mind and how they translate this into art. For a short period the AKI takes over! A Meet & Greet is on Thursday 19 April Saturday 02 June Thursday 28 June, small exhibition room Vrijhof Develop yourself at Foton Foton Amateur photographers association Drienerlo Foton will show their creativity with a second exhibition this season on the University of Twente. This time the theme is: cultural associations on the University of Twente. This exhibition takes place in the context of the WAK EXPO Focus on Colour Saturday 02 June Thursday 28 June, big exhibition room Vrijhof ExpositIO6 students of Industrial Design For the first time in 2013 and now already for the sixth time: expositio, an exhibition which shows autonomous work of students of the department of Industrial Design (IO) at the University of Twente. As a creative brain is required for the IO programme, many students have an affinity with art. You will get to see a variety of different media, materials, subjects and forms. As diverse as the IO-students!

15 Thursday 8 February , University Library Vrijhof World s Smallest Escape Room Actic! After the exams it s time to have some fun in the Library! Stuck in the smallest Escape Room on earth, the most curious of the audience make an extraordinary experience. What is it like to be cooped up in a really small office? How do you open the locked door again? Only those who can find the key will get out. But careful, time is running out... STUDIOS IN THE VRIJHOF With your Union- or CampusCard you can use the studios in the Vrijhof for free. Whether you play the drums, piano, saxophone, trumpet or any other instrument, you are welcome to rehearse in one of our music studios. There is also the possibility to rehearse with your band in one of our pop studios on a weekly base. For more information contact Joke Sanchez, Tuesday 13 February 18:30, Enschede city centre Studenten Kamer Festival Enschede Stukafest is the cultural festival for and by students and this year s theme is Valentine s day! For the 11th time, there are 18 student rooms transformed into unique cosy stages where you can enjoy music, dance, cabaret, poetry, literature and theatre! Cycle from room to room to visit your three favourite acts. You can make the evening complete by taking part in the Stukahap in ONS eten& drinken. Besides, you can finish Stukafest at the epic final party in Atak! And who knows, you SPECIALS might meet your cultural true love this year! Look for the complete program and more information on nl/enschede/ 12,- for 3 rounds, 15,- for 3 rounds + endparty, Stukahap prizes to be announced Chassé in Wonderland ( Foton ) Saturday 21 April , UT Campus Batavierenfeest Party time! Let s celebrate the 46 th Batavierenrace with an exciting Batavierenfeest! At the party kicks off and you are no longer allowed to bring your own drinks to the festival site. From then on, you can pay drinks and snacks with tokens, which you can buy at several outlets on site. Dance and sing with your friends in the Pepsi of Grolsch tent or stay warm inside having fun during the AgoraParty in the Vrijhof, in the AtriumArea in the Bastille or Vestingbar.

16 Micheline ( IKK ) INSPIRATION NIGHTS Inspiration nights are nights where you visit one of the professional shows in the Vrijhof with your association, whether or not combined with a meet & greet. Each UT student association can choose a show each semester and then visit it for free(!) with all members. More info? Ask Friday 1 June time 16:00, Saturday 2 June, 12:00, Global lounge Bastille Culture Festival, Day 1 University World Associations After a successful first edition in 2017 it is time for a bigger second edition. This year, the world associations will organize a two days festival filled with dance, culture and music workshops from across the world. There will be many other entertainment activities including a food fair, flag parade and a big closing party. For more information check out the Culture Festival Facebook event. VRIJHOF CULTURE DISH In addition to the Hap at the Tap and the Student meal, Sodexo also serves regularly a Vrijhof Culture Dish in the Theater café. This dish is available on the days that Vrijhof Culture presents a new exhibition or evening show and costs 6,50. Note: only available between 17:00-18:00, while supplies last. CULTURAL COURSES Do you want to give your creative side a real BOOST or do you want to develop your creative skills? Please join one of the cultural courses or workshops offered by Vrijhof Culture. Most of them take place in the Vrijhof and are planned once a week. It is also possible to follow individual piano lessons. The teachers are very experienced and enthusiastic. These cultural courses are accessible for everyone. For more information: UTWENTE.NL/CULTURE SPECIALS

17 LECTURES LECTURES Tuesday 13 February 19.30, Amphitheater Vrijhof [SG][NL] Noord-Korea Remco Breuker Deze streng communistische staat is een van de meest gesloten landen ter wereld. Remko Breuker (Noord-Korea specialist aan de Universiteit van Leiden) gaat dieper in op het land en zal ook uitgebreid vragen beantwoorden van studenten die op studiereis naar Zuid-Korea en Japan gaan. Hij gaat daarbij zeker in op het conflict tussen Noord-Korea en Amerika en wat dit betekent voor de veiligheid in de regio. All lectures in this booklet are organized by Studium Generale (SG). The lectures that are mentioned here are only a selection of their full range of lectures. Go to or for the most up to date information. Tuesday 13 March 19.30, Amphitheater Vrijhof [SG] Nuclear weapons Wilbert van der Zeijden What would happen to the city of Rotterdam if accidentally (or deliberately) a nuclear bomb of 12 kilotons exploded in the harbor? Wilbert van der Zeijden describes the consequences minute by minute and will make clear that among a lot of other things all car drivers up to 16 kilometer looking into the blast will be temporarily blinded, causing several car accidents. Susi Snyder tells about the Nobel Prize for Peace and what ICAN does to abolish nuclear weapons.

18 LECTURES Tuesday 27 March 17.00, Agora Vrijhof [SG][NL] Racen op elektra Tim Veldhuis Binnen drie seconden van 0 tot 100? Straks kan het wellicht op de Electric Superbike Twente. Op het Kennispark Twente wordt door een team van vijftien Saxion- en UT-studenten hard gewerkt aan een supersnelle elektrische motorfiets die niet onder zal doen voor eentje op benzine. Teammanager Tim Veldhuis licht een tipje van de sluier op. Een batterij-expert van de UT zal tekst en uitleg geven bij het belangrijkste onderdeel: een krachtige batterij. Deze buffetlezing wordt georganiseerd door KIVI, Ockham en Studium Generale. Zie voor meer informatie en inschrijving. Tuesday 17 April Amphitheater Vrijhof [SG][NL] Geur Caro Verbeek Geur lijkt een ondergewaardeerd zintuig. Ogen en oren hebben de overhand. Toch zal je nooit verliefd worden op iemand die je niet lekker vindt ruiken. Wat is de rol van geur in verleden en heden? En hoe werkt ruiken in lichaam en geest? Een aromajockey zal geuren door ons Amphitheater laten stromen. Drs. Caro Verbeek gaat binnenkort bij de Vrije Universiteit promoveren op onderzoek naar verdwenen geuren.

19 LECTURES Tuesday 8 May Amphitheater Vrijhof [SG] Japan Hisama Kimura Geisha s and identically clad businessmen. Tea sessions and the newest technology. What is Japan? Hisami Kimura will tell about the history, culture and business norms of Japan. She will illustrate her lecture with fragments of Japanese art and movies. Hisami Kimura BA is Japanese teacher at the University of Amsterdam and tutor at ATLAS, UT. She is specialized in Japanese culture and language. Wednesday 9 May 9.00 a.m. Amphitheater Vrijhof [SG] Japan workshop for students For all students who intend to go to Japan this workshop will be the short and thorough way to get more knowledge about Japan. Hisami Kimura who gave the general lecture on May 8 will concentrate on deeper understanding. She will also focus on business communication. When you meet a CEO: do you extend your hand or do you bow to the ground? Five study associations will visit Japan. Other students are also welcome to participate. Reservations before 16 April: Tickets are 5,- coffee/tea included. Hisami Kimura BA

20 TheVrijhof The Vrijhof building is the headquarter of CULTURE & EVENTS, and also offers sound studios, an audio room with good acoustics, and two stage-halls used for concerts and theater performances. CULTURE & EVENTS / VRIJHOF CULTURE CULTURE & EVENTS staff can advise you about everything concerning culture and events, including the fine art of theatrical technique. VRIJHOF CULTURE UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE VRIJHOF CULTURE presents activities related to arts and culture. This includes performances, concerts, exhibitions, and 18 very active cultural student associations. Not only in the Vrijhof, but also in other buildings and sometimes even outside: the Campus as a stage! More info: Provincie Overijssel Een deel van de voorstellingen is mede mogelijk gemaakt door de provincie Overijssel. De campagne Theater, daar ga je voor zitten is een gezamenlijk initiatief van de kleine theaters in Overijssel. Apollo The cultural umbrella organisation Apollo stands for all performing and visual arts associations at the University of Twente, supporting and organised by students. Apollo looks after all cultural values and organises events on and around the campus. University Library Come study in the library, every weekday to 22:00 and in weekend until 20:00! See the website for extra openings hours during the exam period: Also for reserving project rooms: Student Chaplaincy With a broad assortment of activities. If you re looking for a sparring partner with a listening ear and open heart, you can visit our pastor Janneke Bekhof in Vrijhof room 3.03 or make an appointment by sending an to Telephone: Studium Generale - The platform for knowledge Studium Generale offers a variety of lectures, debates, workshops and sometimes excursions. Broaden your horizon and come listen to all kinds of interesting people! THEATERCAFE Theatercafé Come by the Theater café for a snack, coffee, tea or a lunch with a delicious meal. The Theater café is also available for parties and receptions. U-Today U-Today is an independent journalistic medium at the University of Twente (UT). You read us to be well informed about anything and everything UT related. One of our main channels is Three times a year we publish our printed Science & Technology Magazine, focused on research at the UT. We are also active on social media, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

21 Liedjesvoorstelling Contramime ( Alieke Van Oostrum) VRIJHOF CULTURE UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE ARTS & EVENTS ON CAMPUS nd 2 Semester FEBRUARY ~ AUGUST 2018 Colofon Publishing: Cultuurkoepel Apollo, January 2018 in cooperation with Vrijhof Culture Design: Marcel Hein. Copies: Print: The editorial office tried to provide rights to everyone.

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(1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs. (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren

(1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs. (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren (1) De hoofdfunctie van ons gezelschap is het aanbieden van onderwijs (2) Ons gezelschap is er om kunsteducatie te verbeteren (3) Ons gezelschap helpt gemeenschappen te vormen en te binden (4) De producties

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1. Select design and sketches 2. Model making 3. Tent construction 4. Welding 5. Paper mache 6. Painting 7. picking flowers (Dahlia s) 8.

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The first line of the input contains an integer $t \in \mathbb{n}$. This is followed by $t$ lines of text. This text consists of:

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