Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn NPR-CLC/TS (en)

Vergelijkbare documenten
Vervangt NEN-EN :2000 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Voorbeeld. Preview. NEN-IEC /A2 (en; fr) Wijzigingsblad. Nederlandse

Vervangt CR :1996; NEN-EN :2003 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse voornorm NAD-NVN-ENV (nl)

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-EN Preview. Ontwerp

Vervangt NEN 913:1963; NEN 913:1998 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN 913 (nl) Melk en vloeibare melkproducten - Bepaling van de titreerbare zuurtegraad

Vervangt NEN-EN :1997; NEN-EN :1999 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-EN Preview. 2e Ontwerp

(en; fr) Matten van isolerend materiaal voor elektrotechnische doeleinden (IEC 61111:1992,MOD,IEC 61111:1992/C1:2000,MOD)

Vervangt NEN-EN 50182:1994 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN 3576 (nl) Beglazing van kozijnen, ramen en deuren Functionele eisen

Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn. NPR-CLC/TR (en) Leidraad voor de toepassing van de Europese norm EN (NEN-EN 50160)

Nederlandse norm NEN Dit document mag slechts op een stand-alone PC worden geïnstalleerd. Gebruik op een netwerk is alleen.

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en) Lichtmasten - Deel 3-2: Ontwerp en verificatie - Verificatie door beproeving

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-EN Preview. 2e Ontwerp

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Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO 4287 (en)

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Nederlandse norm. NEN 5087/A1 (nl) Inbraakveiligheid van woningen - Bereikbaarheid van dak- en gevelelementen: deuren, ramen en kozijnen

Voorbeeld. norm. Preview. NEN-ISO/IEC 18004/C1 (en) Correctieblad

Voorbeeld. norm NEN 2559/A2 Onderhoud van draagbare blustoestellen. Preview. Wijzigingsblad

Nederlandse norm. NEN-ISO /A1 (en)

Soil - Investigation, sampling and analysis of asbestos in soil augustus 2006 ICS

Voorbeeld. norm Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework (ISO 14040:1997,IDT) Preview. NEN-EN-ISO (en)

Voorbeeld. Preview. norm. NEN-ISO/IEC /C2 (en) Correctieblad

Vervangt NEN-EN 951-1:1993 Ontw.; NEN-EN 25:1976. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN 951 (en) Deurbladen - Meetmethode van hoogte, breedte, dikte en haaksheid

Nederlandse norm. NEN 5754 (nl) Bodem - Berekening van het gehalte aan organische stof volgens de gloeiverliesmethode

NTA 2581 (nl) Opstellen van meetrapporten volgens NEN Nederlandse technische afspraak ICS ;

Nederlandse norm NEN-IEC /A2. (en; fr)

Vervangt NEN-EN :1998 Ontw.; NEN-EN 50061:1991,deels; NEN-EN 50061:1991/A1:1995,deels; NEN-EN 50061:1991/A1:1995/C1:1995,deels

Nederlandse norm. NEN-ISO 16039/A1 (en)

Vervangt NEN-EN :1994; NEN-EN :1994/Ontw. A1:1997. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO (nl) Bouwkundige tekeningen - Aanduidingssystemen - Deel 2: Ruimtenamen en -nummers (ISO :1998)

Nederlandse norm. NEN /A1 (nl)

Voorbeeld. Preview. norm. Correctieblad

Vervangt NEN-EN-IEC :1998. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN 6702/A1 (nl) Technische grondslagen voor bouwconstructies - TGB Belastingen en vervormingen

Vervangt NEN-EN 50402:2003 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

HKZ-certificatieschema > zzp ers in zorg en welzijn

Power cables with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath, with special fire performance and having a rated voltage of 0,6/1 kv mei 2004 ICS

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-ISO Preview

Vervangt NEN-EN 50248:1998; NEN-EN 50248:1999 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en) Kenmerken van DAB-ontvangers. Characteristics of DAB receivers

Fire safety of larger fire compartments - Risk approach juni 2016 ICS

Vervangt NEN-EN 111:1990; NEN-EN 111:1990/C1:1993; NEN-EN 111:1995 Ontw. Nederlandse norm NEN-EN 111

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en) Packaging - Rigid plastic containers - PET finish 30/25 High (18,5) Vervangt NEN-EN 16064:2010 Ontw.

Voorbeeld. Preview. NEN-EN-ISO (en) Dit document is een voorbeeld van NEN / This document is a preview by NEN. Nederlandse

Vervangt NPR 3749:1993; NPR 3749:2004 Ontw. Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn. NPR 3749 (nl)

Nederlandse norm NEN-EN (en) Determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion protection layers - Qualitative analysis

Nederlandse norm. NEN-ISO /A1 (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN (nl) Schuldhulpverlening - Deel 2: Eisen aan schuldhulpverleners

Nederlandse norm. NEN 6633/A1 (nl) Water en (zuiverings)slib - Bepaling van het chemisch zuurstofverbruik (CZV)

Voorbeeld NËN : ISÖ3903. Preview. Nederlandse. Scheepsbouw en maritieme constructies. Gewone rechthoekige scheepsramen (ISO 3903:1993)

Vervangt NEN 6814:1999 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN 6814 (nl)

Nederlandse norm NEN-ISO (en) Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of creep in compression or shear (ISO 8013:2012,IDT)

Voorbeeld. norm Cranes - Non-fixed load lifting attachments. Preview. NEN-EN 13155/A1 (en) Wijzigingsblad

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (nl) Producten van staal - Keuringsdocumenten - Lijst en omschrijving van informatie

Vervangt NEN-EN :1999 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en) Terugslagkleppen voor afvoerleidingen - Deel 2: Beproevingsmethoden

Nederlandse norm. NEN (nl) Zetsteen - Deel 2: Zetsteen van cementbeton, zonder interlocking en zonder wapening

Nederlandse norm. NEN 3140/A1 (nl) Bedrijfsvoering van elektrische installaties Laagspanning. Operation of electrical installations Low voltage

Nederlandse norm NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm NEN-EN (en) Derivatives from coal pyrolysis - Terminology

Vervangt NEN-EN :1998. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-ISO Preview. Olie van Eucalyptus citriodora Hook (ISO 3044:1997) Nederlandse. Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO /A2 (nl)

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO (en)

Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn. NPR-CEN/TS (en) Parketvloeren - Algemene richtlijn voor het leggen

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO (en) Coating powders - Part 3: Determination of density by liquid displacement pyknometer (ISO :1992,IDT)

Vervangt NEN-EN :2002 Ontw. Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en)

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN (en) Steen van agglomeraat - Terminologie en classificatie. Agglomerated stone - Terminology and classification

Nederlandse norm NEN-EN 13970/A1. (en) Flexibele banen voor waterafdichtingen - Dampremmende lagen van bitumen - Definities en eigenschappen

Nederlandse norm. NEN 5706 (nl) Richtlijnen voor de beschrijving van zintuiglijke waarnemingen tijdens de uitvoering van milieukundig bodemonderzoek

Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn. NPR-CEN-ISO/TR (en) Welding - Guidelines for a metallic materials grouping system (ISO/TR 15608:2013,IDT)

Voorbeeld. norm NEN-ISO Preview

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN 1173 (en) Copper and copper alloys - Material condition designation. Vervangt NEN-EN 1173:1995; NEN-EN 1173:2007 Ontw.

Verlichtingsarmaturen - Deel 2-22: Bijzondere eisen voor verlichtingsarmaturen voor noodverlichting oktober 2016 ICS

Voorbeeld. Preview. NPR 13201/A1 (nl) Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn. Openbare verlichting Kwaliteitscriteria. Public lighting Quality criteria

Samen met NEN-ISO 68-1:1999 vervangt deze norm NEN 81:1982. Nederlandse norm NEN-ISO 724

Photovoltaic devices - Part 6: Requirements for reference solar modules mei 1998 ICS ;

Voorbeeld. norm. Preview. NEN 1006/A1 (nl) Wijzigingsblad. Algemene voorschriften voor leidingwaterinstallaties (AVWI-2002)

Nederlandse norm. NEN 2025 (nl) Communicatie bij het werken met hijs- en hefwerktuigen. Communication for the guidance of cranes and hoisting gear

Cable glands for electrical installations januari 2005 ICS Vervangt NEN-EN 50262:1999/A2:2004 Ontw.

Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood wool (WW) products - Specification juni 2004 ICS

Nederlandse norm. NEN-EN-ISO 6165 (nl) Grondverzetmachines Basistypen Woordenlijst (ISO 6165:1997)

Radiators and convectors - Part 2: Test Methods and rating oktober 2003 ICS Vervangt NEN-EN 422-2:1996/Ontw. A2:2002


Dit document mag slechts op een stand-alone PC worden geinstalleerd. Gebruik op een netwerk is alleen. toestaan als een aanvullende licentieovereenkomst voor netwerkgebruik met NEN is afgesloten. This document may only be used on a stand-alone PC. Use in a network is only permitted when a supplementary license agreement for us in a network with NEN has been concluded. Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn NPR-CLC/TS 50459-3 (en) Spoorwegen en soortgelijk geleid vervoer - Telecomminicatie, seinwezen en gegevensverwerking - Eruopees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachine interface - deel 3: Ergnomische afspraken voor ERTMS/GSM-R informatie Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management System - Driver- Machine Interface - Part 3: Ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/GSM-R information Vervangt NPR-CLC/TS 50459-3:2005 Ontw. ICS 03.220.30; 13.180; 35.240.60; 45.020 december 2005

NPR-CLC/TS 50459-3 Als Nederlandse praktijkrichtlijn is aanvaard: - CLC/TS 50459-3:2005,IDT Nederlands Elektrotechnisch Comité (NEC) Normcommissie 364 009 "Elektrische tractie (NEC 9)" Apart from exceptions provided by the law, nothing from this publication may be duplicated and/or published by means of photocopy, microfilm, storage in computer files or otherwise, which also applies to full or partial processing, without the written consent of the Netherlands Standardization Institute. The Netherlands Standardization Institute shall, with the exclusion of any other beneficiary, collect payments owed by third parties for duplication and/or act in and out of law, where this authority is not transferred or falls by right to the Reproduction Rights Foundation. Auteursrecht voorbehouden. Behoudens uitzondering door de wet gesteld mag zonder schriftelijke toestemming van het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvoudigd en/of openbaar gemaakt door middel van fotokopie, microfilm, opslag in computerbestanden of anderszins, hetgeen ook van toepassing is op gehele of gedeeltelijke bewerking. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut is met uitsluiting van ieder ander gerechtigd de door derden verschuldigde vergoedingen voor verveelvoudiging te innen en/of daartoe in en buiten rechte op te treden, voor zover deze bevoegdheid niet is overgedragen c.q. rechtens toekomt aan de Stichting Reprorecht. Although the utmost care has been taken with this publication, errors and omissions cannot be entirely excluded. The Netherlands Standardization Institute and/or the members of the committees therefore accept no liability, not even for direct or indirect damage, occurring due to or in relation with the application of publications issued by the Netherlands Standardization Institute. Hoewel bij deze uitgave de uiterste zorg is nagestreefd, kunnen fouten en onvolledigheden niet geheel worden uitgesloten. Het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut en/of de leden van de commissies aanvaarden derhalve geen enkele aansprakelijkheid, ook niet voor directe of indirecte schade, ontstaan door of verband houdend met toepassing van door het Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut gepubliceerde uitgaven. 2005 Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut Postbus 5059, 2600 GB Delft Telefoon (015) 2 690 390, Fax (015) 2 690 190

NPR-CLC/TS 50459-3 Nederlands voorwoord Voor de in deze praktijkrichtlijn vermelde normatieve verwijzingen bestaan in Nederland de volgende equivalenten: vermelde norm Nederlandse norm titel CLC/TS 50459-1 NPR-CLC/TS 50459-1 Spoorwegen en soortgelijke geleidvervoer - Telecommunicatie, seinwezen en gegevensverwerking - Europees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachine interface - Deel 1: Ergonomische uitgangspunten voor de presentatie van ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R informatie (en) CLC/TS 50459-2 NPR-CLC/TS 50459-2 Spoorwegen en soortgelijk geleid vervoer - Telecommunicatie,seinwezen en gegevensverwerking - Europees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachines interface - Deel 2: Ergonomische afspraken voor ERTMS/ETCS-informatie (en) CLC/TS 50459-4 NPR-CLC/TS 50459-4 Spporwegen en soortgelijk geleid vervoer - Telecommunicatie, seinwezen en gegevensverwerking - Europees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachine interface - Deel 4: gegevensinvoer voor de ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R systemen (en) CLC/TS 50459-5 NPR-CLC/TS 50459-5 Spoorwegen en soorgelijk geleid vervoer - Telecomminicatie,seinzwen en gegevensverwerking - Europees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachine interface - Deel 5: Symbolen (en) CLC/TS 50459-6 NPR-CLC/TS 50459-6 Spoorwegen en soortgelijk geleid vervoer - Telecommunicatie, seinwezen en gegevensverwerking - Europees treinbeveiligingssysteem (ERTMS) - Bestuurdermachines interface - deel 6: Hoorbare informatie (en)

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CLC/TS 50459-3 SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATION September 2005 ICS 03.220.30; 13.180; 35.240.60 English version Railway applications Communication, signalling and processing systems European Rail Traffic Management System Driver-Machine Interface Part 3: Ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/GSM-R information Applications ferroviaires Systèmes de signalisation, de télécommunications et de traitement Système européen de gestion du trafic ferroviaire Interface de conduite Partie 3: Dispositions ergonomiques des informations ERTMS/GSM-R Bahnanwendungen Telekommunikationstechnik, Signaltechnik und Datenverarbeitungssysteme Europäisches Leitsystem für den Schienenverkehr Mensch-Maschine Schnittstelle Teil 3: Ergonomische Anordnung der ERTMS/GSM-R Informationen This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2005-05-07. CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels 2005 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. CLC/TS 50459-3:2005 E

CLC/TS 50459-3:2005-2 - Foreword This Technical Specification was prepared by SC 9XA, Communication, signalling and processing systems, of Technical Committee CENELEC TC 9X, Electrical and electronic applications for railways. The text of the draft was submitted to the vote and was approved by CENELEC as CLC/TS 50459-3 on 2005-05-07. The following date was fixed: latest date by which the existence of the CLC/TS has to be announced at national level (doa) 2005-11-07 This Technical Specification has been prepared under mandates M/024 and M/334 given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association.

- 3 - CLC/TS 50459-3:2005 Contents Page Introduction...5 1 Scope...6 2 Normative references...6 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms...7 3.1 Definitions...7 3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms...7 4 General DMI-related principles...7 4.1 General ergonomic principles...7 4.2 DMI possibilities...8 4.3 Hardware...8 4.4 Task structure...8 4.5 Flashing...9 4.6 Sounds...9 4.7 Lists...10 5 GSM-R functions shown on the integrated DMI...10 5.1 Introduction...10 5.2 General functions...11 5.3 Call-related functions: outgoing...15 5.4 Call-related functions: incoming...27 5.5 Other call related functions...35 5.6 Special functions not required directly by GSM-R...42 5.7 Summary of key sequences...42 Annex A (informative) Examples of DMI solutions...44 A.1 Standalone solution on a touch screen device...44 A.2 Combined / integrated solution on a touch screen device...45 A.3 Vertical standalone solution with soft keys...46 A.4 Horizontal standalone solution with soft keys...47 Bibliography...48 Figure 1 Areas of the DMI Display...9 Figure 2 Register Train Running Number...12 Figure 3 Loss of Radio Network...14 Figure 4 Window with no call activity...15 Figure 5 Call status information during outgoing call to Primary Controller...15 Figure 6 Call Primary Controller...17 Figure 7 Group Call to other drivers in the same area...18 Figure 8 Group Call to Group 846...19 Figure 9 Broadcast Call to Group 846...20 Figure 10 Areas on the second level...21 Figure 11 Selecting other drivers on train...22 Figure 12 Drivers connected in a Multi-party Call...22 Figure 13 Calling a stored number...23 Figure 14 Call a valid number...24 Figure 15 Call the last contacted address...25 Figure 16 Accessing train staff menu...26 Figure 17 Selection of member of staff...26 Figure 18 Receiving a point-to-point call...27 Figure 19 Receiving a Broadcast Call...28 Figure 20 Receiving a Group Call...29 Figure 21 Receiving a Railway Emergency Call...30 Figure 22 Receiving a text message...31 Figure 23 Multi-party call...32 Figure 24 Put call on hold and forward call...33 Figure 25 Answer incoming call that is waiting...34

CLC/TS 50459-3:2005-4 - Figure 26 Initiate Public Address call...35 Figure 27 Initiate Intercom...36 Figure 28 Activate GSM-R Shunting Group Number 20...36 Figure 29 Selecting a language...37 Figure 30 Select Direct Mode Radio Channel 3...38 Figure 31 Enter GSM-R Shunting Mode...39 Figure 32 Forward call to hand-portable...40 Figure 33 Third level menu...41 Figure A.1 Basic functions on first level...44 Figure A.2 Last calls overview on second level...44 Figure A.3 Secondary functions on third level...44 Figure A.4 Free dial window on third level...44 Figure A.5 Basic functions on first level...45 Figure A.6 Last calls overview on second level...45 Figure A.7 Secondary functions on third level...45 Figure A.8 Free dial window on third level...45 Figure A.9 Vertical Standalone device...46 Figure A.10 Horizontal standalone device...47 Table 1 Description of functions used in each area...10 Table 2 Summary of Key Sequences...42

- 5 - CLC/TS 50459-3:2005 Introduction This Technical Specification forms Part 3 of a series, the other parts being: CLC/TS 50459-1 CLC/TS 50459-2, CLC/TS 50459-4 for ergonomic principles for the presentation of ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R information for ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/ETCS information for data entry procedure for ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R CLC/TS 50459-5 CLC/TS 50459-6 for symbols for ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R for audible information for ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R These Technical Specifications contain the ergonomic arrangements of information on the ERTMS DMI Display. Most items are illustrated with an example.

CLC/TS 50459-3:2005-6 - 1 Scope This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how ERTMS information shall be arranged and displayed. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the ERTMS/ETCS Train Control System, and for the integrated ERTMS/GSM-R Train Control and Train Radio Systems, and for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM-R Train Radio Systems and for other technical systems currently provided on the engines. The ergonomics covers the general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), symbols, audible information, data entry arrangements. The aims of the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R Train Control and Train Radio Systems are standardised systems facilitating interoperable movement of trains and permitting economies of scale in procurement and operations. The objective of this Technical Specification is to define the minimum requirements on the DMI that are necessary to enable these objectives to be achieved. Hence the Technical Specification is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation. The reasons for defining the ergonomics of the DMI are as follows: achieving harmonised and coherent presentation for ERTMS/ETCS and STM information. Given the large number of STM s requiring the use the ERTMS/ETCS DMI, only a harmonised approach is feasible; defining Driver-Machine Interface ergonomics that is compatible with agreed interoperable ERTMS specifications; to reduce the risk of incorrect operation by a driver working with different trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS and ERTMS/GSM-R; facilitating train operation with a unified ergonomics, hence reducing the cost of driver training. This Technical Specification is applicable on all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also for trains fitted with train radio (GSM-R) DMI. The scope of Part 3 of the Technical Specification CLC/TS 50459 series is to define ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/GSM-R information only. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Council Directive 96/48/EC of 23 July 1996 on the interoperability of the trans-european high-speed rail system, Official Journal L 235, 17/09/1996 P. 0006 0024 CLC/TS 50459-1, Railways applications Communication, signalling and processing systems European Rail Traffic Management System Driver-Machine Interface Part 1: Ergonomic principles for the presentation of ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R information

- 7 - CLC/TS 50459-3:2005 CLC/TS 50459-2, Railways applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 2: Ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/ETCS information CLC/TS 50459-4, Railways applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 4: Data entry for the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R systems CLC/TS 50459-5, Railways applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 5: Symbols CLC/TS 50459-6, Railways applications Communication, signalling and processing systems - European Rail Traffic Management System - Driver-Machine Interface - Part 6: Audible information UIC 651, Layout of driver's cabs in locomotives, railcars, multiple-unit trains and driving trailers 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in CLC/TS 50459-1 apply. 3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms PA PTT NOTE Public Address Push To Talk For practical reasons, in this document GSM-R is used instead of ERTMS/GSM-R. 4 General DMI-related principles 4.1 General ergonomic principles The GSM-R DMI shall follow the main ergonomic principles as described in CLC/TS 50459-1. All ERTMS/GSM-R DMI procedures and layout principles shall be consistent with the ERTMS/ETCS DMI and the ERTMS/ETCS DMI philosophy as far as it concerns the integrated ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R DMI. When there is a GSM-R call, this shall not disturb the ERTMS/ETCS information. When there is a call to other on-train users/devices using GSM-R this, shall not disturb the ERTMS/ETCS information. This requirement is applicable to the integrated option only. The principle for navigation for the integrated ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R DMI shall be consistent with the rules defined in CLC/TS 50459-1. For the stand alone GSM-R DMI it is strongly recommended to have the same consistency. Any additional requirements that are specific to GSM-R are defined in this clause.

CLC/TS 50459-3:2005-8 - 4.2 DMI possibilities The GSM-R DMI may be a stand alone DMI (one device for GSM-R only) or an integrated DMI (one screen for GSM-R and ETCS). For the train radio DMI not integrated with ERTMS/ETCS, the following requirements apply in addition to those given in CLC/TS 50459-1, for both national and international trains, symbols should be used for indicators and buttons, however text is acceptable as an alternative provided that the mandatory requirements of this Technical Specification are met; if symbols are to be used, then these symbols shall conform to the specifications given in CLC/TS 50459-5; if text is used for an international train, the driver shall be able to select the language appropriate to the country in which the train is operating and appropriate to his own needs. When using a monochrome display for a standalone GSM-R DMI a similar ergonomic approach to ETCS shall be followed but without the use of colour. 4.3 Hardware 4.3.1 General In the case of a radio DMI not integrated with ERTMS/ETCS, a monochrome full graphic display may be implemented. It should be possible to pickup and return the handset blindly (from the driving position) and with one hand. GSM-R shall automatically detect that the handset is off the hook. It should be possible for the railway to enable the drivers to change handsets between cabs. As an alternative to a handset and loudspeaker, it should be possible for a radio to use a hands-free microphone and loudspeaker. The hands-free microphone shall include a PTT button that is used when the driver wants to speak during group calls. 4.3.2 Use of alternative layouts for the DMI For all functions described above a different layout is possible if a stand alone DMI is used. Examples of alternative graphical layouts are presented in Annex A to this document. It is also acceptable to use textual layouts provided they meet the functional requirements. 4.4 Task structure All GSM-R DMI s have the same basic areas. Although position and dimensions of the GSM-R areas may be slightly different, the areas visually should be identified as being the same. GSM-R DMI s shall have the following areas: input and monitoring. This is illustrated in Figure 1. The monitoring area is covered by the same area as described in CLC/TS 50459-1 (i.e. area E). The input area is the area F of CLC/TS 50459-1 and overlays for different menus and keyboards on areas D and F (see CLC/TS 50459-1).

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