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Beschermende factor: Gezin

Wat doen ze?

Afspraken maken Boodschappen aan ouders: No, because I love you 18 years guarantee Loosen up, don t let go

Loosen the leash don t let it go Campaign sent to parents of teenagers when they begin their first year in college (high school) Your responsibility towards your adolescent is 18 years You can loosen the leash but do not let it go

Is your father your dealer? Campaign run by the institution of public health Is your father your dealer? Campaign directed towards the responsibility of parents to keep adolescents away from alcohol A reminder that selling alcohol to adolescents under 20 years of age is breaking the law Text: Parents and other adults may not buy alcohol for children younger than 20 years old. That is breaking the law.

Responsibility for 18 years Responsibility for 18 years is aimed atreminding parent about their role in upbringing. In relation to laws set in Iceland in 1997 were the age of adulthood was raised from 16 years to 18 years. Text in advertisment: Responsibility for 18 years. Consideration, respect and guidance of parents included.

Being together The best prevention is for parents and children spending time together. Together in the swimming pool, together in a tent, together talking, together Cooking, together in a cafe, together fishing, together cycling, together sining, together playing, together in the sun... Being together is the best Christmas present. The family together over the holidays.

It s best to stay at home when you are expecting guests In unattended parties situations may arise which children cannot control. A small party can easily get out of hand, where news about the unattended party travels quickly. If parents agree on drinking of young people at their home, they are at the same time agreeing on that children of other parents drink alochol also. In parties where no responsible adult is present there is a risk of accidents and something may occur which children find difficult to deal with.

Wat kunnen we hier mee in Nederland?

Wat weten we nu over pubers?

Wat kan de overheid betekenen? Aanpak IJsland, interventies Vergroot kennis van ouders over middelengebruik Versterk verbinding en communicatie tussen ouders en pubers Versterk verbinding tussen gezinnen Versterk school-ouders partnerschappen Verbeter inzicht en kennis van vriendschappen en contacten van de puber Stimuleer gezamenlijke vrijetijdscontacten tussen ouders en pubers

Preventie Dag IJslands voorbeeld In IJsland nationale dag Bijna alle scholen en 14/15 jarigen doen mee, met activiteiten President IJsland en burgemeester Reykjavik bezoeken aantal scholen Jongeren geven suggesties, o.a.:

Family together in this order: 1. Have breakfast, lunch, dinner 2. Watch a movie 3. Play cards 4. Just talk 5. Cook or bake 6. Go traveling 7. Go for a ride in the car 8. Hike 9. Go biking 10.Take a vacation

Vragen voor later vandaag Hoe kunnen gemeenten de beschermende factor van ouderbetrokkenheid versterken? Vergroten kennis bij ouders Versterken relatie tussen ouders en pubers (kwalitatief en kwantitatief) Partnerschap met ouders Effectief ouderlijk toezicht Creëren draagvlak en gemeenschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid Wat is daarvoor nodig en wie moet hierbij betrokken worden? 17-6-2019

Dank voor jullie aandacht! En nu meer kennis! https://www.trimbos.nl/ijsland IJsland@trimbos.nl Caroline Vink c.vink@nji.nl