SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. (NL) Trees and plants. Loodijk JA s Graveland (Schouten Groen B.V.) Closing date: Monday 29 OCTOBER starting 14:00

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1 ONLINE AUCTION SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. (NL) Trees and plants Loodijk JA s Graveland (Schouten Groen B.V.) Closing date: Monday 29 OCTOBER starting 14:00 Viewing: Saturday 27 October from 10:00 until 16:00 Loodijk JA s Graveland (The Netherlands) Bidding only on the internet!

2 Monday 29 October 2012 SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. Specific Online Auction Terms and conditions Closing date Monday 29 October 2012 starting 14:00 CET Viewing Saturday 27 October from 10:00 until 16:00 CET Schouten Groen B.V. Loodijk JA Gravenland, The Netherlands Company organising this Online TROOSTWIJK VEILINGEN Auction Overschiestraat XD Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: Fax: Markup 16.00% VAT 21.00% Collection Tuesday 6 November from 09:00 until 16:00 CET Schouten Groen B.V. Loodijk JA Gravenland, The Netherlands Viewing Instructions Please note that this concerns an ascending auction sale, preceded by a viewing day. Placing a bid without viewing the equipment is at one s own risk. Please see articles 3 and 6 of the General Conditions. Collection Instructions Payment Details The article of the law "purchase on distance" is not applicable on the services of Troostwijk. Execution of auctionsales is explicitly locked out in art. 7:46b, lid 2, sub a BW. The buyer needs to take the purchase agreement to the delivery day. The buyer is fully responsible for the dismantling, loading and transportation of the bought lots. Troostwijk Veilingen B.V. cannot accept any responsibility unless indicated otherwise. The delivery (pick-up bought lots) will only take place on the mentioned delivery date/time and address. If lots do not meet your expectations we refer to our General Terms and Conditions article 6. (Guarantees, claims and indemnities). If you pay per bank transfer, your immediate payment is required within 48 hours after the auction on one of the following accounts. Please state the auction name and your buyer number. Easy and Safe paying? Please select the option Pay on our website, in your MyTroostwijk account at My purchases to pay directly and safe with Ideal/Ogone. You may also settle per bankcard on the delivery day. For international bankcards 4% transaction premium will be added. Bank Account nr. IBAN nr. BIC code. ABN NL98 ABNA ABNANL2A Deliver instructions RABO NL11 RABO RABONL2U It is possible to have your purchases delivered. The transporters listed below are well known to Troostwijk Veilingen B.V. and have undertaken work for our clients in the past. On the website of these transporters you will find further information about deliveries, and you can ask for a quotation for the transporting of your purchases. Click below for more information about these companies:

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4 1 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. diverse fruitbomen, Hulst, Liguster, Leilinde, Primus, Taxus, Denneboom, Es, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 2 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Hulst, Conifeer, diverse fruitbomen, "Nothofagus", goudiep, Laurier, Beuk, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 3 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Cupressocyparis Gold Rider, Thuja occ.zebrina in de volle grond; ca 70 stuks, hoogte ca 4mtr.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 4 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i.diverse Prunus soorten, Liguster, bolconifeer, Kronkelhazelaar opstam, Rode beuk 6m hoog, Bonte Hulst, Buxus, Taxus, groene Beuk, bolconnifeer, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 5 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Hulst, diverse fruitbomen, zilverberk, etc( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 6 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. laan en leibomen, Eik, Plataan, Sierpeer, Amerikaanse eik, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 7 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. leibomen, diverse fruitbomen in lei, leiplataan, ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 8 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. leilinde, lei-acer, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. 9 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i..ligustrum, rode en groene Beuk, dakmoerbei, Buxus, Taxus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. laag en hoog Prunus,Portugese Laurier pyramide 3 a 4 m hoog, Viburnum Rhytidophilum, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i.taxus, Laurier, Juniperus solitair struiken ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Laurier, Leilinde (ca 6mtr), Magnolia, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Cupressocyparus Gold Rider (Leylandii). Ca 70stuks. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December

5 14 1 trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Ca 140 stuks w.o.cupressocyparis Gold Rider, Chamaecyparis Ivonne, Capinus Betulus (9mtr), etc ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Ca 85 stuk w.o. Cupressocyparus, ( groen Leylandii), 3,5 á 4 meter hoog( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Berk, Linde, Treurwilg, Amberboom, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Portugese Laurier, Thuja Smaragd (op stam), ca 6 stuks Capinus Betulus (ca 9mtr ), etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i.portugese Laurier in piramidevorm gesnoeid en in bolvorm op stam. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Hydrangea aspera Macrophylla ), Fagus laciniata varenbeuk, 3x boltaxus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid (ca 60cm), treurberk, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Zuileik, Magnolia, Fraxinus, Tulpenboom, Bonte Liguster, rode Es, Jyolimus Alatus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. 50x Buxus in bolvorm, treurberk, Taxus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Acer, Nothofagus, Amberboom, diverse Seringen, Goudiep, Fagus, zuilbeuk. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. een jarige Prunus Etna. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. haagconifeer (ca 4mtr) en diverse dikte's, treurberk, Laurier, opgaande Berk, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Ca 250 stuk Buxus in bolvorm

6 gesnoeid (ca 60cm), berk, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak A, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Ca 400 stuk Buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid (ca 60cm), zuilbeuk, Amberboom (ca 10mtr). ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Taxus, Leilinde, Picea pendula, ca 20x conifeer ( ca 10mtr), Buxus, Pinus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; 280x Buxus Piramide ( ca 80cm), ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i..taxus Groenland groot, zuiltaxus, zuilberk, etc, ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Solitair Portugese Laurier (ca 4mtr), Taxus baccata, etc, (( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. ca 150x Laurier Prunus lau. Rotundifolia( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i.. ca 100 buxus diverse Pyramide en dubbele bol opstam 100/120 hoog strak, (Noteboom). ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. ca 80x Abis Corean (ca 6mtr), haag Taxus, ca 80x Fibrimum, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Pinus, Treurberk, Cercidyphilum etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. ca 60 x Fagus Atropurpurea 3 á 4 meter hoog (rode Beuk), Laurierstruik, Laurier, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Abies Koreana, Taxusbol op stam, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i. buxus vorm, Ca 65 Taxus bac fastigiata Aurea en de groene, Ca 20 Taxus Dovastonii Aurea 2 á 3 meter hoog.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak B, party various trees in the ground; f.i..4x Taxus Dovastoniana

7 ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i..taxus, Bol Acacica, Bol esdoorn, ca 25x Thuja Smaragd (5mtr), leilinde, buxus, tamme kastanje, Carpinus Betulus, conifeer op stam, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i..portugese Laurier, Thuja Hillii Ca 30 jaar oud, Taxus, bol Taxus, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; 15x Thuja Smaragd, Tamme Kastanje, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i. ca 7x Carpinus Betulus (ca 10mtr). ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Hulst, Carpinus Betulus, Fagus syl. Dawyck 5 meter hoog. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Portugese Laurier op stam, 2x Berk. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i. Rode Beuk, 3x Leicarpinus, Leilinde, diverse heesters. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i. ca 40x bonte bol Buxus ca 30/40cm), ca 150x hulst, Leylandii. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number vak C, party various trees in the ground; f.i.. ca 150x piramide gesnoeide buxus (ca 120cm). ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots serial number locatie vak F, party trees in pots; w.o.bolconifeer, Cornus, Thuja Smaragd ( excluding the marked trees) trees in the ground serial number locatie vak E, partij diverse bomen in de volle grond; w.o. 4x Thuja bolgesnoeid, Laurier, ca 20x Buxus, knotwilg, ca 25x Taxus. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak E, partij diverse bomen in de volle grond; w.o. diverse heesters, Hulst, Viburnum, Ligustrum, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak E, partij diverse bomen in de volle grond; w.o. ca 20x Juniperus, ca 40x conifeer Thuja, 4x Cotinus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak E, partij diverse bomen in de volle grond; w.o. Hulst, Euonymus

8 Alatus, Viburnum. Iep, Robinia, Cercidiphyllum japonica, Parrotia persica. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak D, partij diverse bomen in de volle grond; w.o. Conifeer, Cupressocyparis Castlewellan, Treurberken, Eik, Bolaccacia, Davidia, Thuja Brabant (7mtr), gouden Regen, Els, ca 9x Taxusbol. Etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak C, Dakplataan ca 3mtr, stam omtrek 55/60, Platanus acerifolia. NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak C, Leiplataan, ca. 5mtr, stam omtrek 55/60, Platanus acerifolia. NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak C, Leiplataan, ca. 5mtr, stam omtrek 55/60, Platanus acerifolia. NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak C, Leiplataan, ca. 5mtr, stam omtrek 55/60, Platanus acerifolia. NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 3 serial number locatie vak C, 2x Bol Acasica opstam 2,20, Robinia pseu.umbralicifera.note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots serial number locatie vak C, Beuk, Fagus sylvatica, 4 á 5 mtr..note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots Taxus baccata, 3 bollen,.note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots Treurbeuk, Fagus syl. Pendula.NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots Buxus bollen, doorsnee 125/150, 1 m hoog.note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots Knotwilgen, groot..note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots Lindeboom 5m hoog.note: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots 1 Bol esdoorn, Acer plat. Globosum, stam omtrek 40/46.NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Treur iep. Ulmus Camperdownii trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Portugese Laurier in polyester sierbak trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Portugese Laurier in polyester sierbak trees in pots

9 serial number locatie vak K, Plataan ca 6mtr trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Picea Breweriana trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Picea Breweriana trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Corylus avel. Contorta, kronkelhazelaar trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Fagus Laciniata (Varenbeuk) trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Taxus Baccata 200/225 in container trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Leiplataan. Platanus acerifolia in container trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Picea Orientalis trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Fagus sylvatica Atropurpurea (rode Beuk), in polyester bak trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Picea langzaam groeiend trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Taxus Baccata 200/225 in container trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Cornus Mas solitair, in polyester bak trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Betula Pubescens, berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Betula Pubescens, berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Betula Pubescens, berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Dakmoerbei, Morus alba trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Aesculus Pavia trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Cercis Siliquastrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Fagus Sylvatica trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, zuil Prunus, Prunus ser. Amanogawa trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, bol Acasica, Robinia pseu. Umbraculifera trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Cercis Siliquastrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Catalpa Aurora, Geel blad trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Sorbus pyramidalus trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Sorbus pyramidalus trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Sorbus pyramidalus trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 3x bol Accacia trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Bol Catalpa, op stam, Catalpa bign.nana

10 132 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Aesculus Pavia trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Cercis Siliquastrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, rood bladerig bol esdoorn trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, bol Acasica, Robinia pseu. Umbraculifera trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Moerbei, op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, bol Acasica, Robinia pseu. Umbraculifera trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Moerbei, op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, bomen in pot trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 3 stammige Betula pendula trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Treur berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Sierpeer, Pyrus cal. Chanticleer trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, kronkel wilg trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 2x Fagus Purpurea trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 2x Gleditsia tria. Sunburst trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, zuil Berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 2x Taxodium Distichum trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 4x Betula utillis Doorenbos trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 4x Thuja Brabant trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, 5x Thuja Brabant trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 44x Thuja Smaragd trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 6 buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 3 x buxus vierkant vormgesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 9x buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid ( 40cm) trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 48x buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid ( 30cm) trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 2x buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid ( 50cm) trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 25x Buxus Piramide, ca 80 cm in container trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 4x Rhododendron trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, partij bomen in pot; w.o. Lei Carpinus Betulus, Acer, etc 2

11 160 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 20x Buxus piramide trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, dak moerbei trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 25x krenteboom, Amelanchier lamarckii trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 8x buxus, bol vormgenoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 4x Rhododendron trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, ca 10x buxus, bol vormgesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 3x fruitboom trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 3x bontblad Buxus trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 3x Buxus dubbelbol gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Rhus, Aesculus pauciflora,berberis trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, diverse struiken, w.o. Nothofagus, Euonymus alatus trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 7x Buxus, bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 6x Buxus, bolvorm en dubbelbolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 5x Buxus bolvorm genoeid, diverse hoogtes trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, diverse bomen in pot, w.o. granaatappel, pruimeboom, leipeer, appelboom trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 2x granaatappel trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 5x Buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 8x Buxus in vierkant gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 4x Buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 8x Buxus in vierkant gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 8x Buxus in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, diverse struiken in pot, w.o. Klapbes, Kruisbes, Osmanthus, Cornes, Gagel, etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Gleditsia tric. Sunburst trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Cornus kousa solitair trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Picea orientalies trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Picea orientalies trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 3x schoonvrucht, Callicarpa bodn.griraldii

12 187 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, sierappel, Malus Red Sentinel trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 3x treurwilg trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, sierappel, Malus Red Sentinel trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 2x Berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, 6x struiken, w.o. Weigela trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, treurwilg, ( ca 4mtr) trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Carpinus Betulus trees in pots serial number locatie vak I, Betula Pubescens, berk trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse bomen in pot; w.o. conifeer, Hosta, Skimmia, Olijfwilg, Ligustrum, bamboe,pachysandra etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Ligustrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Ligustrum trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots 30.00

13 216 4 trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in blokvorm gesnoeid trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in blokvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm op stam trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in blokvorm gesnoeid trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in blokvorm gesnoeid trees in pots

14 244 5 trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse fruitbomen trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Lonicera nit. Maigrun trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, ca 25x kleine buxus trees in pots

15 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwil ( Elaeagnus ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwil ( Elaeagnus ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwil ( Elaeagnus ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwil ( Elaeagnus ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwil ( Elaeagnus ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia jap. Rubella trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia jap. Rubella trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, krenteboom trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Bol Thuja Smaragd meerdere bollen trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, 2x Skimmia, Rozemarijn trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, schijnhulst, Osmanthus burkwoodii, Bonsai achtig trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, schijnhulst, Osmanthus burkwoodii, Bonsai achtig trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, schijnhulst, Osmanthus burkwoodii, Bonsai achtig trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Ilex, bonsaigesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Magnolia op stam wit bloeiend trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm gesnoeid, v.v. polyesterpot trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm gesnoeid, v.v. polyesterpot trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm gesnoeid, v.v. polyesterpot trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus; in bolvorm gesnoeid, v.v. polyesterpot trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Camelia japonica, Rode bloemkleur trees in pots trees in pots trees in pots

16 299 9 trees in pots plants serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse soorten vaste planten, in krat, w.o. Vrouwenmantel, Pachysandra, Geranium, Walsteinia, Ca 125 kisten,etc plants serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse soorten vaste planten, in krat, w.o. Vrouwenmantel, Pachysandra, Geranium, Walsteinia, Ca 125 kisten,etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij diverse Bamboe's ca 75x trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, stam Hortensia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bonte wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, klim Fosytia, piramide buxus, stam Hortensia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, diverse w.o. Hosta, Palm, Klim Hortensia, etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia, klim Hortensia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, vlinderstruik trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, ca 40x Skimmia wit bloeiend trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, struik klimop trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Exochorda, Olijf, rhododendron, Skimmia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Jasmijn trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia, Magnolia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Euonymus, Photinia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Tamarix, Bol Ligustrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Conifeer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, moerbei trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Taxus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, 4x Hulst, 2x Laurier trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bol Catalpa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, meidoorn trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, kronkel acasica, Robinia Tortuosa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Amberboom op stam, Liquidambar Gumball trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, klimop in boogvorm trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Cupressus sem. Swane's Golden, 200 cm

17 326 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Cupressus sem. Swane's Golden, 200 cm trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, diverse; Euonymus europea trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, knotwilg trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, schijnhulst trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Hortensia, Azalia,Conifeer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, diverse bomen op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Portugese Laurier op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, vlinderstruik trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, spiraal Conifeer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Corylopsis stricta trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, vlinderstruik trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Cercis Siliquastrum trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Cercis canadensis Covey trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Sering, Cornus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Conifeer in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Conifeer in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Conifeer in bolvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Sering, Toverhazelaar trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia Jap. Rubella trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus, Jasmijn trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Pyrus, Choisja trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Halesia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Lei, olijfwilg trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Schijnhulst, Euonymus, Spirea,ect trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Fagus syl. Atropurpurea trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Magnolia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Hybiscus op stam, blauwe bloem kleur trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Aralia 1

18 354 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Rhus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus, Lijsterbes trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Iep trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Acer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, groenblijvende Viburnum davidii trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Lijsterbes op stam ( witte bes) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Conifeer in bolvorm gesnoeid op stam, Thuja occ. Smaragd trees in pots 2 serial number locatie vak G, Portugese Laurier op stam trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier op stam trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier op stam trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier op stam trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier op stam trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Laurier op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Camelia japonica, Rode bloemkleur, op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Acer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfboom op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Sering trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Laurus Nobilus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Skimmia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Acer trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Yucca trees in pots 1 serial number locatie vak G, Yucca trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Hedra opgaande klimop trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Acer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Magnolia stellata Royal Star trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Acer trees in pots

19 serial number locatie vak G, Hosta trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Nandina, Daphne trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Rode beuk trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Kers trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Kronkelhazelaar trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Portugese Laurier op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Nandina trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bol Hulst trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Sneeuwbal trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Krentenboom trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg, Catalpa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bol Accacia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Paulownia tomentosa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Paulownia tomentosa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Catalpa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Gledtsia met roodblad trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Eiken bomen trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Ginkgo Biloba trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bol Acasica trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, conifeer op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Clereodendron trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam

20 409 5 trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, wilg op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus in piramidevorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Magnolia Grandiflora, Groenblijvend trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, ca 25x Ligustur trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Larix keampferi trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, conifeer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bonte Liguster trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Portugese Laurier, hulst, conifeer trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, bolhulst trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, conifeer, kronkelhazelaar trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Buxusbol, Ilex, Hulst op stam, etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Ilex op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Camelia trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijf op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Clematus trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Treurwilg, Salix capr. Kilmarnock trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Photinia op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Vijg trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Vijg

21 437 1 trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijfwilg op stam, Viburnum trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Olijf op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Catalpa trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Appelboom trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Prunus op stam trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Fatshedra trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, ca 35x Helix ( Hedra ) trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, diverse klimplanten w.o. bamboe, ca 150x Hedra trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, ca 70x Bamboe trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Bamboe trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, partij divers; w.o. BolHulst, Lei Olijf, klim Hedra, etc trees in pots serial number locatie vak G, Bamboe. Combination lot off trees in pots trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Conifeerboog, NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Portugese Laurierbol. NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Buxus, in mandvorm gesnoeid trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Bol Acer, Acer plat. Globosum trees in pots serial number locatie vak K, Buxus in kip vorm gesnoeid trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, partij divers; w.o. bontebol Buxus, Kerstboom, tamme Kastanje, conifeer, Hulst, Portugese Laurier, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, partij diverse; w.o. Hulst, Conifeer, Taxus, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, ca 32x Buxus in diverse vormen gesnoeid.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, ca 25x Buxus in diverse vormen gesnoeid. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground

22 serial number locatie vak J, ca 75x Buxus in diverse vormen gesnoeid.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, w.o. ca 6x Conifeer, Laurier, 25x Conifeer (laag).( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, w.o. ca 21x Conifeer ( ca 450cm).( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, ca 20x Taxus.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, w.o. Walnootboom, Bol Taxus, Aucuba, etc.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, ca 20x Aucuba jap. Variegata. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, Treurbeuk, Conifeer, Portugese Laurier, etc. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December trees in the ground serial number locatie vak J, bol Accacia, Hulst, Pinus, 5x Hulst.( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December. Combination 1-66, lot off trees in the ground. ( excluding the marked trees). NOTE: extradition appointment with Schouten en Groen between 10 November and 15 December pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6,

23 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear tree Conferance, pear; 8-year-old tree with root ball, clod: approx 10 ltr, stem diameter 8 cm, diam total approx 60cm, height approx 2.50 m, production avg / year; approximately 5 kg per tree. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees

24 pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees

25 pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees

26 pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees 4

27 pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees

28 pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees pear trees , ,000.00

29 pear trees pear trees pear trees 578 1,000 pear trees 579 1,000 pear trees 580 1,000 pear trees 581 1,000 pear trees 582 1,000 pear trees 4, , , , , , , , Combination ca 0 pears in the ground. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting exclusive trees leylandii, 200 cm, leylandii castenwellen gold 3 bollen gestapeld, jaarlijks in vorm snoeien exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata bijenkorf snoeivorm, 2 x per jaar in vorm snoeien exclusive trees Chamaecyparis, cm, Cham. columnaris glauca blauwe multibol, 2 x per jaar bijsnoeien exclusive trees Leylandii, cm, Leylandii castenwellen gold bonsai vorm gesnoeid, 2 x per jaar in vorm houden exclusive trees

30 Leylandii, cm, Leylandii castenwellen gold 3 gestapelde bollen, 2 x per jaar in vorm houden exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bolvorm gesnoeid, 2 x per jaar in vorm snoeien exclusive trees Leylandii, cm, Leylandii castenwellen perfecte superkwaliteit spiraal, 2 x per jaar in vorm houden exclusive trees Chameacyparis, cm, Cham, columnaris glaca blauwe multibol vorm, 2 x per jaar in vorm houden exclusive trees leylandii, cm, Leylandii castenwellen gold bonsaivorm gesnoeid, 2 x per jaar in vorm snoeien exclusive trees taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in spiraalvorm gesnoeid, 2 x per jaar in vorm houden exclusive trees Buxus, cm, Buxus sempervirens in perfecte spiraalvorm gensoeid, 2 x per jaar bijsnoeien exclusive trees Chameacyparis, cm, Cham ellwoodii set van 2 bol op stam, 2 x per jaar bijsnoeien exclusive trees Chameacyparis, cm, Cham. Spiralis draadjes conifeer exclusive trees olijf, cm, set van 2 olijfbomen op stam met stamomtrek 8-10 cm, zonodig bijsnoeien exclusive trees olijf, cm, set van 2 olijfbomen op stam met stamomtrek cm exclusive trees olijfboom, cm, oude olijfboom vol vrucht grote bladdkroon stamomtrek cm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus fastigiata aurea natuurlijke zuilvorm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata zeer compact gesnoeide kegelvorm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata zeer compact gesnoeide kegelvorm exclusive trees Citrusboom, cm, Citroenboom in decopot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus fastigiata aerea gele natuurlijke zuilvorm exclusive trees Palm, cm, Set zeer winterharde Trachicarpes fortunei pirinee palm exclusive trees palm, cm, set zeer winterharde Trachicarpes fortunei pirinee palm exclusive trees palm, cm, zeer winterharde dikke stam Trachicarpes pirinee fortunei palm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata kollum vorm gesnoeid exclusive trees palm, cm, zeer winterharde dikstamige trachicarpes fortunei pirinee palm exclusive trees Olijf, cm, 4 stammige olijfboom met stamomtrek cm exclusive trees Palm, cm, zeer winterharde dikstammige Trachicarps fortunei pirinee palm exclusive trees leylandii, cm, Leylandii castenwellen gold bol op blok

31 629 1 exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata strakke kegelvorm exclusive trees olijf, cm, Bol Olijfbomen op stam exclusive trees olijf, cm, Oude olijfboom met 2 stammen en stamomtrek cm exclusive trees olijf, cm, Oude olijfboom met 3 stammen en stamomtrek cm exclusive trees Palm, cm, Zeer winterharde Trachicarpes fortunei pirinee exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Set van 2 taxus baccata bollen in 75 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata strakke kegelvorm in 95 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata strakke kegelvorm in 95 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata strakke bol 70 cm op bol 60 cm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata strakke bol 90 cm met 2 bollen erop exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata compact in bijenkorf vorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata 3 gestapelde bollen exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata bol 120 cm met daarop bol van 60 cm exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus Baccata strakke Egytische piramide in 265 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bolvorm gesnoeid in 110 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bijenkorf vorm gesnoeid in 110 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bijenkorf vorm gesnoeid in 110 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bolvorm gesnoeid in 95 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in bolvorm gesnoeid 110 liter pot exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid exclusive trees Taxus, cm, Taxus baccata in strakke bonsaivorm gesnoeid Combination lot of exclusive trees pond serial number locatie vak K, polyester vijver; afm: ca 300x220x80cm pond 3

32 serial number locatie vak K, polyester vijver; afm: ca 300x220x80cm pond serial number locatie vak K, polyester vijver; afm: ca 300x220x80cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; v.v. botenlak, afm: 300x70x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; v.v. botenlak, afm: 120x120x90, waterdicht polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; v.v. botenlak, afm: 120x120x90, polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; v.v. botenlak, afm: 120x120x90, pond serial number locatie vak K, polyester ronde vijver; afm: doorsnede ca 150x60cm pond serial number locatie vak K, polyester ronde vijver; afm: doorsnede ca 150x60cm pomphouse serial number locatie vak K, polyester pomphuis; afm: 90x50x50cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm., v.v. ronde buik polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm., v.v. ronde buik polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm., v.v. ronde buik polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm., v.v. ronde buik polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm., v.v. ronde buik polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 60x30x30cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 130x58x50cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 130x58x50cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 130x58x50cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 130x58x50cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester bak; afm: 40x40x40cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm

33 829 1 polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester rechthoek bak; afm: 90x90x25cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm polyester container serial number locatie vak K, polyester driehoek bak; afm: 90x90x45cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 340x150x22cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 600x155x12cm table serial number locatie vak G, alluminium table, afm: 600x155x12cm. Combination lot off show tables decoration stone serial number locatie vak K, stone; weight ca 27000kg, afm: ca 300x300x400cm, v.v. waterholes 4,500.00

34 855 1 decoration stone serial number locatie vak K, stone; weight ca 1000kg, afm: ca 175x110x70cm decoration stone serial number locatie vak K, stone; weight ca 500kg, afm: ca 100x100x70cm decoration stone serial number locatie vak K, stone; weight ca 400kg, afm: ca 75x60x70cm fontain serial number locatie vak K, fontain; 9mtr, v.v. p.v.c frame, 2 lamps, cap: 4,1KW, 380V mill stone serial number locatie vak K, mill stone mill stone serial number locatie vak K, mill stone stones serial number locatie vak K, stones; afm: 100x35x15cm decoration stone serial number locatie vak K, decorative concrete blocks, dim: 60x60x60cm rain barrels serial number locatie vak K, rain barrels garden set. serial number locatie vak K, garden set garden set. serial number locatie vak K, garden set garden set. serial number locatie vak K, garden set fireplace serial number locatie vak K, fireplace decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 52cm x 46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 52cm x 46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 52cm x 46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 52cm x 46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 52cm x 46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 62cm x 54cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede 70cm x 64cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, plastic pot; doorsnede: 60x43cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, plastic pot; doorsnede: 60x43cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, plastic pot; doorsnede: 60x43cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, plastic pot; doorsnede: 60x43cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 38x30cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 50x45cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 50x45cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 61x46cm ,

35 883 1 decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 61x46cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, aardewerken pot; doorsnede:49x36cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, stenen pot; doorsnede: 36x38cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, engelse zandstenen potten; doorsneded: 58x decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, engelse zandstenen potten; doorsneded: 58x decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, engelse zandstenen potten; doorsneded: 57x57x41cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, decoratie potten; 87x40cm, decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, decoratie potten; 102x40cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, plastic pot; doorsnede: 37x38cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, planten zuil; doorsnede 47x60cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, planten zuil; doorsnede 83x47cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, Terracota potten, diverse maaten decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, kleipot; 40x42cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, kleipot; 40x42cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, potten; cm decoration pot serial number locatie vak G, potten; 30,50cm decoratiezuil serial number locatie vak G, decoratiezuil; afm: ca 75x75x250cm pots serial number locatie vak K, Partij aardewerk potten pots serial number locatie vak K, 5grote stenen bloem/plantenbakken pots serial number locatie vak G, grote stenen gekleurde bloem/plantenbak standard serial number locatie vak G, decoratie plantenstandaard, ober met plant standard serial number locatie vak G, luxe kaarsenstandaards voor in de tuinserre pots ca 50 bloempotten; aardewerk, ca 24 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 100 pots, aardewerk, ca 17 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting decoration birds ca 60 decoratie vogels, aardewerk, ass. 2 kleuren grijs, ca 12 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 100 kruiken, aardewerk, ca 20 cm hoog.note; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting

36 909 1 pots ca 28 vasen, aardewerk, ca 37 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 50 bloempotten, aardewerk, ca 24 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets ca 20mandenssets; 6-delig, 3 maten. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting mirror spiegel; spiegel met houtenlijst, zilverkleur 58cm x 88cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting mirror spiegel; spiegel met houtenlijst, zilverkleur 58cm x 88cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 70 vasen; siervaas, aardewerk, 29 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting plants climing unit ca 300 klimrekjes; hout, 30 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting stolp ca 60 stolpen; glas, 13 cm hoog, diam 14 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting decoration pilar ca 140 decoratie pilaren; aardewerk, ca 19 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots vasen; glas, 24 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting plates ca 70 onderborden; metaal, met open gewerkte rand, diam 33 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets ca 20 sets mosmanden; manden bekleed met mos, in 3 maten, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets ca 30 plantenmanden; kleur: zwart/wit geruit, binnenkant bekleed met plastic, diam 15 cm, 12 cm hoog, ca 30 stuks, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots vazen; glas, ca 10x14x14 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots bloempotten; zwart aardewerk, ovaal, ca 23 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting plates tuinborden: "LIVERTY USA", hout, ca 43x43cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 44 bloempotten; aardewerk, 21 x 32 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots vasen; siervaas, aardewerk ca 30 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 70 bloempotten; plantenbak aardewerk, ca 10x20 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a

37 different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 140 kruiken; aardewerk kruik, ca 23 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots ca 100 bloempotten; aardewerk, ovaal, diam ca 22 cm, hoogte ca 23 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath baskets ca 100 manden; diam ca 41 cm, hoogte ca 13 cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets ca 100 manden; diam ca 41cm, hoogte ca 13cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets gevlochten manden; mandenset(3), ovaal, 24, 30, 35 cm, met krijtbord. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting pots bloempotten; gevochten hout, wit, binnenkant gevoerd met plastic, ca 17 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath decoration light windlicht; houtenbakje met 3 glazen windlichten 8x9x27cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks

38 x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting baskets manden; gevoerd met imm suede, 3 maten, 2 stuks x26cm, 1 stuks x44cm lang, 1stuks x48 cm lang. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting decoration light windlicht; metaal met glas, zilverkleurig, ca 12x15cm. NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 140x80x75(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 140x80x75(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 140x80x75(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 195x80x70(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 195x80x70(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe bank bank; Bamboe (tuin)bank, 2 zits, afm: ca 195x80x70(lxbxh). NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath bamboe chair stoel; "Bamboe"stoel, afm ca 78x80x75.NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, bamboe chair stoel; "Bamboe"stoel, afm ca 78x80x75. NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, bamboe chair stoel; "Bamboe"stoel, afm ca 78x80x75.NOTE; these lot is in a different location: viewing and pickup; Burense Road 6, 4012 KG, gardensetr Tuinset, 4 stoelen en rond tafel met glas gardensetr Stoel van riet. 4 stuks gardensetr Stoel met pitriet eikenhout 6 stuks gardensetr Eettafel kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat

39 963 1 kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat kleigranulaat Combination partij kleigranulaat oldtimer car Ford, Thunderbird, year built 1962, serial number 2Y85Z150626, oldtimer car; AM-45-75, color: beige, ca 2080kg, HP 100kw, fuel: benzine, 8cylinder motor, cabrio oldtimer car Pontiac, Grandville, serial number 2P67W4P151932, oldtimer car; FX-ZV-37, color: beige, 8 cylinder, fuel: benzine oldtimer car Citroen, 11, serial number , oldtimer car; DM-28-86; 4 cylinder, fuel:benzine trailer Aanhangwagen, opknapper, 175 lang en 110 breed trailer Aanhangwagen geel sailingboat Valk, year built 1960, sailingship, incl. boat trailer,sials Two wheeled tractor Reform, 316K, two wheeled tractor; without equipment, rotax single cilinder 2-stroke engine, 2 gears F&R, difflock, twin tires Tractor + frontloader Mitsubishi, MT1800, UNUSED tractor with frontloader, 18 hp, 4 wheeldrive, 6 gears 7, , , , ,500.00

40 forward-2 reverse, PTO 540 rpm, powersteering, 3-point linkage, tires: 5,00-12 and 9,5-16,4 open center, frontloader KMW102 with 122 cm bucket Two wheeled tractor 7 Bucher, Rekord 39, 2 wheeled tractor with Nimos rotary front brush, 1 cilinder 4-stroke petrol engine, 3 gears forward/reverse, dual tires, working width 120 cm Tractor 2, Shibaura, S445, year built 1989, minni tractor; 4-cilinder dieselengine, 51 hp, 4 wheeldrive, app h tractor Schanzlin, 703, serial number , garden tractor, equipped with front loader (without bucket), Hours unknown, hydraulic lift, PTO (1000 rpm and high Geering defective. Leaking hydraulic line (see photo) Rotary harrow sowing combin 2, Amazone, GKB110, year built 2004, rotary harrow with sowing machine, 110 cm working width, fits the 3-point linkage, hopper content: 137 liter, weighs 455 kg, needs at least 20 hp crawler tires crawler tires: 300x52,5x80, geschikt voor o.a. minigraver, v.v. tandwielen toy tractor JCB, 8250, year built 2012, UNUSED toy tractor, JCB 8250 V-Tronic, Rolly Toys, adjustable seat unused mini tractor NN-110, unused mini tractor, complete with trailer, electric starting, with 110 cc gasoline engine, powershift gearbox, 3 gears forward, neutral and backwards, top speed till 55 km, suitable for various activities unused mini tractor NN-110, unused mini tractor, complete with trailer, electric starting, with 110 cc gasoline engine, powershift gearbox, 3 gears forward, neutral and backwards, top speed till 55 km, suitable for various activities mower 1, John Deere, F725, professional rider; 137 cm front deck with shaft drive, 2x4 hydrostatic stepless wheel drive, hydraulic steering, hydraulic deck lift, kawasaki liquid cooled 2 cylinder 21hp diesel engine mower 4 Honda, HF2216H, serial number , Rider, with 300 ltr grass catcher, 102 cm cutting width, 2 cylinder 16hp Honda petrol engine, continuously variable hydrostatic transmission mower Witzard, Rider, "Witzard" engine failure, incomplete mower Murray, 14-40, serial number 40903X20A, Rider; turbocharged grass catcher, cutting width 102 cm, 14 hp B & S IC petrol, automatic forward / reverse mower Stiga, TU504TR, walk behind mower, 5.5 hp Honda gasoline engine, Grass Catcher cm, rear wheel drive mower Toro, 500 serie, walk behind mower, "B & S" gasoline engine, cutting width 48 cm, height of cut adjustment, push model mower 2 Honda, HRG465CPD, serial number MABF , UNUSED lawn mower mower John Deere, JM46, year built 2011, serial number B100573, lawn mower mower 1 Honda, HRG415CPD, serial number MABF , lawn mower Cilindermower National, mower; cilindermower with "Kawasaki" engine and seat ride-on cilindermower 2

41 Locke, M130, year built 2007, cilindermower; with ride-on lawn roller, working width 76 cm, honda GX 160 petrol engine, 5,5 hp log splitter Ergo-fix, 5000kg, year built 2012, UNUSED log splitter, electric operated, 230 volt, 1pk, with increased wheel set vibrating plate 3pk, year built 2012, UNUSED vibrating plate, with 3hp gasoline transport wheel set incl spreader 25K, year built 2012, UNUSED Spreader, push model 25 ltr, on wheelset driven, pneumatic, with handle water hose Waterman, 20M, year built 2012, UNUSED water hose reel automatic, with wall mount, 20 m hose, accompanied during rolling the hose automatically shredder Eliet, NEO, UNUSED compact shredder 230 volts 2500 watts / 3.5 hp, max 30 mm branches, incl tray garden set. year built 2012, garden machine, with 4 functions, hedge trimmer, chain saw, string head and knife, with gasoline engine stump grinder VanDaele, HD-45, stump grinder; vv 18HP gasoline engine, hydraulic cutter blower Robin, FL-251, blower Leafblower KWH, walk-behind leafblower; JLO twostroke engine Leafblower KWH, walk-behind leafblower, JLO twostroke engine Leafblower Parker, walk-behind leafblower; "Mitsubishi" GM290P 4-stroke engine sweeper year built 2012, sweeper, 6,5 hp, working width 100 cm, 5 speed hand sprayer Cobra, 15 ltr, year built 2012, UNUSED rugnevelspuit, 15ltr, hand operated pump left and right handed, including harness roll Garden, T48S, year built 2011, UNUSED drawn waterrol; ku, ca 120 cm wide with steel drawbar, filled weight approx 180kg swivel sprayer Gardena, Classic 991 polo, year built 2012, serial number , UNUSED swivel sprayers, with gardena shortcut, sector adjustment Flailmower WSM, TSLP125, PTO-driven flailmower, working width 125 cm, hydraulic side-shift, 540 rpm shredder year built 2012, wood chipper / shredder; 6 hp gasoline engine, 5 cm max throughput log splitter year built 2012, log splitter, 6,5 hp B & S engine, stroke 60 cm, pressure force 22 tons log splitter year built 2012, log splitter, 3 point linkage, hydraulic works, pressure force 14 tons Rotovator Hako, year built 1969, single-wheeled rotovator; 30 cm working width, 2-stroke engine Rotovator JNC, Rotovator, working width 85 cm Sprayer Mankar, Mini Mantra +, year built 2008, sprayer; working width cm, 500 ml contents, weight 2,9 kg, battery + charger

42 Sprayer Mankar, Mini Mantra +, year built 2008, sprayer; working width cm, 500 ml contents, weight 2,9 kg, battery + charger Sprayer Mankar, Mini Mantra +, year built 2008, sprayer; working width cm, 500 ml contents, weight 2,9 kg, battery + charger brushcutter year built 2012, brushcutter; Topcraft, 39 cc, with knife and string head vibrating plate year built 2012, vibration plate, 1,050 kn, with gasoline and wheelset lamp Helux, 740, serial number locatie vak G, 2 Helux type 740 tuinlamp, verstraler 1400Watt compostmaker Compostmaker unused hydraulic tipper TT-1000, unused hydraulic tipper, load cap kg, suitable for behind tractor, with handbrake and support leg, side and shovelling board complete folding, length 200 cm, width 125 cm gator John Deere, CX, year built 2012, DEMO two seater gator, tipper, 2x4 wheel drive, 10 hp gasoline engine, lawn tires, 0-24 km / h. 12volt connector golf car Clubcar, golf cart, two seater, electric power through batteries, forward / backward, incl charger 230v, safety lighting batteries horse car horse wagon mini trailer Garden, DT1002, year built 2012, UNUSED tipping trailer, rear mower, max load 300kg, container size 112x75x30, with pneumatic tires trailer craine year built 2012, trailer crane, lift 900 kilos, 360-degree swivel base ramps year built 2012, ramps, 200 cm long, max 400 kg capacity per set wire year built 2012, 300 rolls galvanized iron wire, various thicknesses and lengths mesh year built 2012, plasticized garden mesh, 1 meter high and 25 meters long mesh year built 2012, galvanized sheep mesh, 1 meter high and 50 meters long mesh year built 2012, galvanized mesh, 1 meter high and 50 meters long mesh year built 2012, galvanized mesh, 1 meter high and 25 meters long fence year built 2012, bamboo garden fencing, 45 x 180 cm air gun year built 2012, hot air gun, 20 kw, diesel air gun year built 2012, hot air gun, 50 kw, diesel woodmiller SCM, T-120L, serial number AB , wood milling machine, with suction, various parts racking racking; approx 16mtr, height ca 240, with shelves racking storage rack,, size: approx 60x40x150cm ,

43 cask washer cask washer; v.v. water connection planting miachine JAVO, plant automatic machine; afm: ca 300x120x180cm, elecrtic driven, v.v. spareparts big-bag unit big-bag unit; afm: ca 200x150x300cm pots serial number locatie vak K, pots; ca 140 pieces pots serial number locatie vak K, pots pots serial number locatie vak K, pots; type p-11,p pots serial number locatie vak K, pots pothose Partij Jute Gaaslappen, Acryl,diverse maten pothose Partij Jute Gaaslappen, Acryl,diverse maten pothose Partij Jute Gaaslappen, Acryl,diverse maten plantensupports Diverse plantensteunen,obelisk voor klimplanten potten Diverse potten potten Diverse potten spare stones serial number locatie vak K, spare stones spare stones serial number locatie vak K, spare stones spare stones serial number locatie vak K, spare stones pots serial number locatie vak K, pots stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones stones serial number locatie vak K, stones pvc barrel serial number locatie vak K, pvc barrel pvc barrel serial number locatie vak K, pvc barrel pvc barrel serial number locatie vak K, pvc barrel stones serial number locatie vak K, peron elementen; afm: 150x60x80cm

44 cabinat serial number locatie vak G, cabinet, dim: 120x45x75cm, with several pre-printed labels for perennials labels serial number locatie vak G, labels cabinat serial number locatie vak G, stalen kast; afm: 100x40x135cm, v.v. steek etiketten divers serial number locatie vak G, parts rvs car serial number locatie vak G, RVS car; 150x100x75,cm wagon serial number locatie vak G, deense kaskar; afm: 130x55x190cm., wagon serial number locatie vak G, deense kaskar; afm: 130x55x190cm., candel partij kandelaars; aardewerk, grijs, 7 cm hoog, 10x10cm, 30 stuks, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting hoodbox hoedendoosset; diam 30/40 cm, kartonnen doos bekleed met stof, (1 set= 2 stuks), NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath hoodbox hoedendoosset; diam 30/40 cm, kartonnen doos bekleed met stof, (10 sets= 20 stuks), NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath hoodbox hoedendoosset; diam 30/40 cm, kartonnen doos bekleed met stof, (100 sets= 200 stuks), NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath hoodbox hoedendoosset; diam 30/40 cm, kartonnen doos bekleed met stof, (100 sets= 200 stuks), NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath lamps lampen; houten lampenvoet, incl fitting 42 cm hoog NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting lamps lampen; houten lampenvoet, incl fitting 42 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting lamps lampen; houten lampenvoet, incl fitting 42 cm hoog. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting claen-up system garage opbergsysteem; verstelbaar, minimale breedte ca 170cm tot max 330cm. Hoogte ca 20cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath claen-up system garage opbergsysteem; verstelbaar, minimale breedte ca 170cm tot max 330cm. Hoogte ca 20cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath claen-up system garage opbergsysteem; verstelbaar, minimale breedte ca 170cm tot max 330cm. Hoogte ca 20cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting Burensedijk 6, 4012 KG, Kerk Avezaath transportkar transportkar; gegalvaniseerd, afm ca 125x125cm (binnenwerks). NOTE; these lots are on , ,

45 a different location: viewing and collecting transportkar transportkar; gegalvaniseerd, afm ca 125x125cm (binnenwerks). NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting transportkar transportkar; gegalvaniseerd, afm ca 125x125cm (binnenwerks). NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting transportkar transportkar; gegalvaniseerd, afm ca 125x125cm (binnenwerks). NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting roofsuite dakkoffer; incl. sleutel en 4 dakdragers, afm ca 150x100x40cm. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting traffel trolley 4 reistrolly; met toillettas, immitatie krokodilleder, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting traffel trolley 4 reistrolly; met toillettas, immitatie krokodilleder, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting memobord 4 magneet memoborden;34x40cm. LET OP; NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting clothhanger 1.00 ca 300 kapstokken; metaal, lederlook, ca 41 cm breed, NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting opener 1.00 ca 100 blikopeners. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting vacuumcleaner Starmix, serial number locatie vak G, 2 Starmix stof/waterzuiger met toebehoren chair serial number locatie vak G, 4 alluminium tuinstoelen opvouwbaar bike Sparta, serial number regnr: B , sparta herenfiets bike Gazelle, serial number locatie vak G, bike bike Gazelle, serial number locatie vak G, bike televisie 1 Bang & Olufsen, Bang & olufsen tv draaibar, tv kast tv kast met laatjes, 125 br.50 diep en 60 cm hoog fitness apparaat Power Maxx Vibrations, Tril toestel voor spieren, Power Maxx Vibrations mirror spiegel; spiegel met houtenlijst, goudkleur, afm. Ca. 48x68. NOTE; these lots are on a different location: viewing and collecting wagon Markt kraam, staal, polyesterdak, 3m breed, 3m hoog 3,75m lang unused snow / mud slide SB-200, unused snow / mud slide, heavy duty, complete with hydraulic angle test acceleration and breakaway. width 200 cm unused snow / mud slide SB-200, unused snow / mud slide, heavy duty, complete with hydraulic angle test acceleration and breakaway. width 200 cm unused bale clamp

46 SB-240, unused bale clamp suitable for round / square bales, heavy clamp, complete with hydraulic hoses and quick couplings, with quick change system, wide 240cm unused bale clamp SB-240, unused bale clamp suitable for round / square bales, heavy clamp, complete with hydraulic hoses and quick couplings, with quick change system, wide 240cm fitnes apparaat Aparaat voor de beenspieren luchtbed Zelf opblaasbare luchtbed lifevest Zwemvest kanocarrier Kanodragers 2 stuks airlift Hijslier oplucht 2 ton's gardenhome gardenhouse 3,5 bij 3,6 mtr gardenchair Teak houten tuinstoelen puinbak Puinbak snelwissellaar 5 ton's binnenmaat 32 cm jumper set GT400, year built 2012, UNUSED set heavy jumper cable, 12/24 volts approx 3.20 mtr including bag compressor year built 2012, compressor, 380 volt, 100 liter tank, 600 l / m, 2 cylinder concrete vibrator year built 2012, concrete vibrator, 1100 watts, 230 volts, 6 meter hose and 4 inch needle tool trolley year built 2012, tool trolley, filled with 580-piece tool generator year built 2012, generator, 2500 watts, gasoline engine, 230/380 volts gloves year built 2012, work gloves, elastic, ca 500 pieces moagnetic drill year built 2012, magnetic drill, 230 volt, 1050 watt, max 32 mm drill year built 2012, drill press, 230 volts, 600 watts, 16 speeds, mc press year built 2012, shop press, 50 tons, v.v. manometer belt sander year built 2012, belt sander, metal 380 volt tire size 2000 x 75 mm band saw year built 2012, band saw, standing model, 230 volt, 1.3 hp, adjustable in 90, 60 and 45 degrees, with automatic exit band saw year built 2012, band saw, standing model, 230 volt, 1.3 hp, adjustable in 90, 60 and 45 degrees, with automatic exit toolcar Airpress, 79610, year built 2012, UNUSED steel tool trolley on castors, 217 pcs with tray format, including cross-ring, ring-ring, cross-stitch wrenches, 1/2 and 1/4 socket set, hammers, punches and chisels, wrenches and torks keys, etc toolbox 75205, year built 2012, UNUSED Aluminium case with 103 pieces including chrome vanaduim Tool 3/8 socket set with ratchet, bit set, div. pliers, hammer and wrenches, tire gauge, voltage tester, etc

47 toolbox 75230, year built 2012, UNUSED Chrome Vanadium 24 pieces 1/2 socket, ratchet, wrench and extension, caps from 10 t / m 32 mm jack JJ, SH80, jack; 8 ton heavy duty garage jack, max 75cm high color red, steel wheels, foot and hand operated jack 2T, year built 2012, UNUSED garage jack, 2 ton max 330mm high color yellow, steel wheels, manually operated jack Jumbo Jack, workshop jack; 7500kg compressor Air, HL275/25, year built 2012, UNUSED Air Compressor, pump 275 liters, 25 liters tank, 230 volt, complete with wheelset air toolset Air, year built 2012, UNUSED Compressor; accessories including air hose, tire pump, spray gun, spray gun and spray liquid reel Easy Electra, 2300L, year built 2012, UNUSED 230 volt extension reel, about 25 meters incl plug and socket, suitable for electric garden tools and lawn mowers clows Work, heavy professional bankschroefen, big mouth Generator Aggregaat, EM4500EX, Generator with gasoline 11 HP, 3x 230 and 1x 400V, max. 4500W Generator Aggregaat, EM4500EX, Generator with gasoline 11 HP, 3x 230 and 1x 400V, max. 4500W Generator Aggregaat, EM4500EX, Generator with gasoline 11 HP, 3x 230 and 1x 400V, max. 4500W, defect airtool Luchtmoersleutel,met verlengstuk met vijf grote doppen. Voor vrachtwagen Jack jack stonesaw table Stenenzaag tafel flued mill Atika, Profi 145, Betonmolen circelmaair Toro, 217D, maaibreedte 52 inch, urenstand 2634 diesel kooimaaier Toro, 216D, kooimaaier; Reelmaster maaibreedte 180cm 6bladskooien urenstand 1946 diesel kooimaaier John Deere, 2653, kooimaaier; maaibreedte 210cm 6bladskooien urenstand 3000 diesel beluchter beluchter; 3pk Briggs&stratton motor, 6schijven met daarop 4 messen kooimaaier Toro, 3200, kooimaaier; driecilinder diesel machine, uitgevoerd met rollen. Hydrauliekdrive defect. Urenstand circelmaair Ransomes, 933D, cirkelmaaier; 4cilinder kubota diesel, maaibreedte 180cm, urenstand 3967(motor is gereviseerd) heftruck Nissan, NF01, heftruck; hefhoogte maximaal 3meter gewicht 2605kg met benzinemotor ,2 1,000.00

48 bouwjaar kooimaaier Ransomes, Mastif, kooimaaier met volgzit; MAG Kubota benzinemotor, 5bladkooi maaibreedte 90cm maaier Howard Price, walkbehind; maaibreedte 48, inch kawasakimotor, 5versnellingen en reverse bladzuiger MTD, 80, bladzuiger en versnipperaar; met tecumseh 8pk benzinemotor aangedreven 6versnellingen vooruit en 2 achteruit weelhorse Weelhorse, 512D, weelhorse; met Robin diesel motor 12pk met hoge en lage gearing 3fw en 1 rev maaibreedte 42 inch beluchter Jacobsen, aeroking T1224, beluchter; met Honda GX340 benzinemotor elektrisch gestart met truf holdown 12 pennen Gator John Deere, gator; kawasaki benzinemotor, 2WD diff slot vario met trekhaak, urenstand golfwagen EZGO, TXT, golfwagen; 2cilinder Robin benzinemotor goedlopend, bouwjaar golfwagen EZGO, TXT, golfwagen; 2cilinder Robin benzinemotor goedlopend bouwjaar

SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. (NL) Bomen en planten. Loodijk 9-1243 JA s Graveland (Schouten Groen B.V.) Sluitingsdatum: maandag 29 OKTOBER vanaf 14:00

SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. (NL) Bomen en planten. Loodijk 9-1243 JA s Graveland (Schouten Groen B.V.) Sluitingsdatum: maandag 29 OKTOBER vanaf 14:00 ONLINE VEILING SCHOUTEN GROEN B.V. (NL) Bomen en planten Loodijk 9-1243 JA s Graveland (Schouten Groen B.V.) Sluitingsdatum: maandag 29 OKTOBER vanaf 14:00 Bezichtiging: zaterdag 27 oktober van 10:00 tot

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Tuinvriend Snoeiwijzer

Tuinvriend Snoeiwijzer Tuinvriend Snoeiwijzer Tuinvriend Snoeiwijzer Hier onder vindt je een overzicht voor het moment van snoeien van de meest gangbare tuinplanten. 1. Januari Februari 2. Maart April 3. Mei Juni 4. Juli Augustus

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Totaal. Taxatierapport Tuinnummer SOORT prijs afwijkende prijs. Aantal

Totaal. Taxatierapport Tuinnummer SOORT prijs afwijkende prijs. Aantal NAALDBOMEN/CONIFEREN - Blauwe Ceder 30,00 - Blauwspar 15,00 - Ceder 10,00 - Coniferen (speciaal: 20,-) 5,00 - Cryptomeria 15,00 - Cypres - solitair ( 7,50-15,-) 15,00 - Grove Den 12,50 - Jeneverbes 5,00

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Voorraad leverbare planten per , prijslijst particulier

Voorraad leverbare planten per , prijslijst particulier Voorraad leverbare planten per 1-10-2015, prijslijst particulier Aantal Soort Potmaat Maat Prijs in Opmerking Buxus vormen 8 Buxus semp. Elegans kluit 60-70 12,00 kegel 50 Buxus semp. Elegans kluit 70-80

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Kees Parmentier. Gebruik en onderhoud van planten door Kees Parmentier

Kees Parmentier. Gebruik en onderhoud van planten door Kees Parmentier Kees Parmentier Gebruik en onderhoud van planten door Kees Parmentier BOMEN BOMEN VAN DE 1 E CATEGORIE (15 METER EN HOGER) POPULIER EIK WILG BEUK Bomen Bomen van de 2 e categorie (van 8-15 meter) Berk

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H. B I E M A N S BOOMKWEKERIJ B.V. H. B I E M A N S BOOMKWEKERIJ B.V. Herendijk 3 5737 RA Lieshout. Tel: 0499-423618 Fax: 0499-423638 E-mail: Web : VOORRAADLIJST 2017/2018 - Prijzen op aanvraag, per

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Blad1 Inventarisatie bomen particuliere tuinen Nolensstraat 26 april 2018 stam stam maximale verplant- Tuin- Boom nr. soort diameter omtrek kwaliteit ophoging baar nummer opmerkingen advies 1 Berk (Betula)

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GPS: NB , OL: Monumentale boom

GPS: NB , OL: Monumentale boom Bomen in Valkenswaard Dit is een gids voor mensen die het leuk vinden om bomen te herkennen en te weten waar die in de gemeente staan. Van plaatsen waar veel bomen bij elkaar staan zijn plattegronden gemaakt

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H. B I E M A N S BOOMKWEKERIJ B.V. H. B I E M A N S BOOMKWEKERIJ B.V. Herendijk 3 5737 RA Lieshout. Tel: 0499-423618 Fax: 0499-423638 E-mail: Web : VOORRAADLIJST 2016/2017 - Prijzen op aanvraag, per

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Assortiment. Acer platanoides 'Columnare' Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen' Acer platanoides 'Globosum' Aesculus Paardenkastanje

Assortiment. Acer platanoides 'Columnare' Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen' Acer platanoides 'Globosum' Aesculus Paardenkastanje Assortiment LAAN- EN PARKBOMEN Acer Esdoorn Acer campestre Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' Acer campestre 'Huibers Elegant' Acer campestre 'Nanum' Acer campestre 'Zorgvlied' Acer platanoides Acer platanoides

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High end storte inventory and clothing

High end storte inventory and clothing ONLINE AUCTION HIGH END STORE INVENTORY & CLOTHING (NL) High end storte inventory and clothing Nedervonder 25 5061 JP Oisterwijk (Veilinglocatie High end store inventory) Closing date: Wednesday 28 SEPTEMBER

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Leibomen voorgeleid gekweekt aan kabels in verschillende lijnen 4,5 of 6 lijnen stamhoogte 180cm of 220 cm bomen zonder zak gewenst: - 2,00

Leibomen voorgeleid gekweekt aan kabels in verschillende lijnen 4,5 of 6 lijnen stamhoogte 180cm of 220 cm bomen zonder zak gewenst: - 2,00 Boomkwekerij WIM DE GROOTE tel 09/360 20 46 Astridstraat 66 gsm 0495/53 20 46 9620 Zottegem-Oombergen fax 09/361 26 76 Voorraadlijst 2013-2014 aantal

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Prijslijst Kwekerij van Lieshout per

Prijslijst Kwekerij van Lieshout per BEUKEN Fagus sylvatica 1+1 Fagus sylvatica 40/60 0,65 Fagus sylvatica 40/60 P9 pot Fagus sylvatica 60/80 Fagus sylvatica 80/100 Fagus sylvatica 1+2 Fagus sylvatica 40/60 0,75 Fagus sylvatica 60/80 Fagus

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Vrije vrd. Latijnse Naam Maatomschrijving Herkomst

Vrije vrd. Latijnse Naam Maatomschrijving Herkomst Nelleveldstraat 1 4891 ZJ Rijsbergen Tel.:076-5965836 Fax:076-5961494 Gsm:06-22011143 Geachte relatie, Met genoegen bieden wij u hierbij onze voorraadlijst voor het seizoen 2017/2018

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VOORRAADLIJST Datum: 11-03-15

VOORRAADLIJST Datum: 11-03-15 VOORRAADLIJST Datum: 11-03-15 Omschrijving Maat Acer campestre 60-100,W 25 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 8-10HO,W 45 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 10-12HO,W 4 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 18-20HO,W 4 Acer campestre

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Amelanchier maat omschrijving. Buxus maat omschrijving

Amelanchier maat omschrijving. Buxus maat omschrijving Seizoen najaar 2014 Amelanchier maat omschrijving lamarckii pot 175-200 c 12 200-250 c 25 175-200 drkl 200-250 drkl solitair 200-250 drkl solitair 250-275 drkl Buxus maat omschrijving sempervirens 25-30

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MyDHL+ Van Non-Corporate naar Corporate

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Assortiment 2011 LAAN- EN PARKBOMEN

Assortiment 2011 LAAN- EN PARKBOMEN Assortiment 2011 LAAN- EN PARKBOMEN Acer Aesculus Acer campestre Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' Acer campestre 'Elegant' Acer campestre 'Nanum' Acer campestre 'Queen Elizabeth' Acer freemanii 'Autumn Blaze'

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Voorraadslijst Voorjaar 2016

Voorraadslijst Voorjaar 2016 Voorraadslijst Voorjaar 2016 Deze voorraadslijst bevat geen prijzen. Wilt u een prijs weten? Neem dan contact met ons op. Wij maken graag een offerte voor u. Wilt u een bezoek brengen aan onze boomkwekerij?

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plantenkennis loofbomen

plantenkennis loofbomen plantenkennis loofbomen Colofon Auteurs Jan van Driel Redactie Evelien Delhez Beeld Ontwikkelcentrum, Jan van Driel Ontwerp omslag & opmaak binnenwerk Buro Gom, Jeroen Reith Inleiding Het leren herkennen

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Particuliere Bijzondere Bomen in Rheden

Particuliere Bijzondere Bomen in Rheden Particuliere Bijzondere Bomen in Rheden ADRES NR. BOOMSOORT (LATIJN) BOOMSOORT (NED) AANTAL BOMEN CRITERIUM A348 langs de Ijssel Populus populier 20 4 landschappelijke waarde Apollostraat 3 Betula berk

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Boomkwekerij Dams Achtmaalseweg 130b 4881 AW Zundert M: T: F:

Boomkwekerij Dams Achtmaalseweg 130b 4881 AW Zundert M: T: F: Boomkwekerij Dams Achtmaalseweg 130b 4881 AW Zundert M: 06-53208631 T: 076-5972522 F: 076-5975300 E-mail: Onder voorbehoud van tussentijdse verkoop 100 Acer campestre 10-12 W,geveerd

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FSC and PEFC certificated hardwood

FSC and PEFC certificated hardwood ONLINE AUCTION GROTE PARTIJ TROPISCH HOUT (NL) FSC and PEFC certificated hardwood Kamerlingh Onnesweg 7 4131PK Vianen (Vianen) (Grote partij tropisch hout) Closing date: Thursday 26 MAY starting 14:00

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Catalogue Liquidation auction from bankruptcy. Joop Arts BV

Catalogue Liquidation auction from bankruptcy. Joop Arts BV Catalogue Liquidation auction from bankruptcy Joop Arts BV Goods are stored at Location RI. Pneus Zola Presoda Str. O. Guerrini n.4 Bologna Italy 1 The goods are for sale due to the bankruptcy of Joop

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Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre. Acer campestre Elsrijk. Acer campestre Red Shine. Acer freemanii Armstrong.

Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre. Acer campestre Elsrijk. Acer campestre Red Shine. Acer freemanii Armstrong. Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre 8-10 90 10-12 50 Acer campestre Elsrijk 8-10 76 10-12 34 12-14 31 14-16 21 16-18 10 20-25 7 Acer campestre Red Shine 8-10 44 Acer freemanii Armstrong 8-10 97

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Plantnaam Maat Prijs Extra Tekst

Plantnaam Maat Prijs Extra Tekst Plantnaam Maat Prijs Extra Tekst Acer campestre 10-12 C. 59,70 Acer plat. 'Drummondii' 6-8 C. 63,25 bladverliezend / witbont Acer plat. 'Globosum' ST. 225 12-14 C. 114,75 kogelronde kroon Acer plat. 'Globosum'

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VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Bomen / Trees / Baume

VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Bomen / Trees / Baume Boomkwekerij Isidoor van Hassel B.V. Wernhoutseweg 57 A 4884 AR Wernhout Tel.: 076-5974027 Fax: 076-5974622 VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Bomen / Trees / Baume 9/13/2018 Latijnse naam

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Landschappelijke inpassing Karreveld Karreveld 10, Roggel - PNR 6089NC /031213

Landschappelijke inpassing Karreveld Karreveld 10, Roggel - PNR 6089NC /031213 INLEIDING Het plangebied is gelegen in een jong ontginningslandschap ten noordwesten van de kern Roggel. plangebied plangebied in het veld BEPLANTINGSPLAN 051113-1:1250 H1 Beukenhagen B1 Platanen S1 infiltratie

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CHAIRMEN B.V. (NL) Showroom furniture. Ketelmeer 25a JX Oss (Chairmen B.V. ) Closing date: Tuesday 12 JULY starting 19:00

CHAIRMEN B.V. (NL) Showroom furniture. Ketelmeer 25a JX Oss (Chairmen B.V. ) Closing date: Tuesday 12 JULY starting 19:00 ONLINE AUCTION CHAIRMEN B.V. (NL) Showroom furniture Ketelmeer 25a - 5347 JX Oss (Chairmen B.V. ) Closing date: Tuesday 12 JULY starting 19:00 Viewing: Saturday 09 July from 10:00 until 16:00 Ketelmeer

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Plantenlijst Kale wortel

Plantenlijst Kale wortel Plantenlijst 1 01-12-2017 Plantnaam Kluit/Pot/ wortel Maat Verkoop per stuk particulier incl. btw Coniferen N Abies 154 soorten N Abies grandis x 'Leuteneggeri' Kluit 120/140 65,00 N Abies grandis x 'Leuteneggeri'

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Nieuwe catalogus. Gespecialiseerd in het vormen van vers geleide leibomen

Nieuwe catalogus. Gespecialiseerd in het vormen van vers geleide leibomen Nieuwe catalogus Gespecialiseerd in het vormen van vers geleide leibomen Impressie 2 Gespecialiseerd in het vormen van vers geleide leibomen Inhoudsopgave Inhoudsopgave 2. Impressie 3. Inhoudsopgave 4.

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Voorbeelden van machtigingsformulieren Nederlands Engels. Examples of authorisation forms (mandates) Dutch English. Juli 2012 Versie 2.

Voorbeelden van machtigingsformulieren Nederlands Engels. Examples of authorisation forms (mandates) Dutch English. Juli 2012 Versie 2. Voorbeelden van machtigingsformulieren Nederlands Engels Examples of authorisation forms (mandates) Dutch English Voorbeelden machtigingsformulieren standaard Europese incasso Examples of authorisation

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VOORRAADLIJST Datum: VOORRAADLIJST Datum: 22-02-17 Omschrijving Maat Opmerking Acer campestre 60-100,W 2 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 8-10HO,W 20 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 10-12HO,W 26 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 12-14HO,W 6 Acer

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Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre. Acer campestre Elsrijk

Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre. Acer campestre Elsrijk Sortiment spillen, laanbomen. Acer campestre 8-10 90 10-12 50 Acer campestre Elsrijk 8-10 76 10-12 34 12-14 31 14-16 21 16-18 10 18-20 13 20-25 7 Acer campestre Red Shine 8-10 44 Acer capillipes 8-10 6

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VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Struiken en Containers Shrubs and Containers Heister und Container

VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Struiken en Containers Shrubs and Containers Heister und Container Boomkwekerij Isidoor van Hassel B.V. Wernhoutseweg 57 A 4884 AR Wernhout Tel.: 076-5974027 Fax: 076-5974622 VOORRAAD seizoen 2018/2019 Struiken en Containers Shrubs and Containers Heister

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Standplaats Zon, halfschaduw, droog, windbestendig, verharding, zee wint. Humusarm, luchtige grond, zware grond. Overig

Standplaats Zon, halfschaduw, droog, windbestendig, verharding, zee wint. Humusarm, luchtige grond, zware grond. Overig Botanische Prunus laurocerasus Otto luyken. Nederlandse Laurierkers. 80 150 cm Heester. Wit Wintergroen. Winter, grofbladig. Haag. Standplaats Zon, halfschaduw, droog, windbestendig, verharding, zee wint.

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BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Horticulture. Strijwaard 3 b 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel Tree Nursery)

BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Horticulture. Strijwaard 3 b 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel Tree Nursery) ONLINE VEILING BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Horticulture Strijwaard 3 b 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel Tree Nursery) Sluitingsdatum: maandag 29 SEPTEMBER vanaf 19:00 Bezichtiging:

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General info on using shopping carts with Ingenico epayments

General info on using shopping carts with Ingenico epayments Inhoudsopgave 1. Disclaimer 2. What is a PSPID? 3. What is an API user? How is it different from other users? 4. What is an operation code? And should I choose "Authorisation" or "Sale"? 5. What is an

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MONUMENTALE BOMEN Capelle-West Stamomvang Standplaats Boom Omschrijving in cm Reden Overig

MONUMENTALE BOMEN Capelle-West Stamomvang Standplaats Boom Omschrijving in cm Reden Overig MONUMENTALE BOMEN Capelle-West Nijverheidstraat 204 Platanus acerifolia plataan 359 boom is beeldbepalend Nijverheidstraat 204 Aesculus hippocastanum witte paardenkastanje 314 boom is beeldbepalend boom

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Functies van stedelijk groen - aankleding en beleving. Kwaliteit en kwantiteit van stedelijk groen. Aankleding en sierwaarde

Functies van stedelijk groen - aankleding en beleving. Kwaliteit en kwantiteit van stedelijk groen. Aankleding en sierwaarde Aankleding en sierwaarde Thema 1 in kader van onderwijsmodule Functies van stedelijk groen Kwaliteit en kwantiteit van stedelijk groen Ontwikkeld door Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving en Alterra Marco

Nadere informatie Ron den Dikken. online programma. Bijlage bij video11 Ron den Dikken. online programma. Bijlage bij video11 Ron den Dikken PlantWijzer online programma Bijlage bij video11 Hagen hagen Zorg dat je het eens wordt met de buren over welke haag er komt op de erfgrens. Als de buurman het er niet mee

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Vormbomen. Bolvorm Soortnaam Aantal Breedte Carpinus betulus 20 Ø Ø200 8 Ø250

Vormbomen. Bolvorm Soortnaam Aantal Breedte Carpinus betulus 20 Ø Ø200 8 Ø250 Bolvorm Soortnaam Aantal Breedte Carpinus betulus 20 Ø150 29 Ø200 8 Ø250 Boogvorm Fagus Sylvatica (hele boog bevat 2 bomen) 3 14\16 20 16\18 20 18\20 2 20\25 Fagus Sylvatica 'Atropunicea' (hele boog bevat

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Ook dit seizoen hopen wij op een prettige samenwerking en kunnen wij u verzekeren dat uw bestelling met zorg zal worden uitgevoerd.

Ook dit seizoen hopen wij op een prettige samenwerking en kunnen wij u verzekeren dat uw bestelling met zorg zal worden uitgevoerd. Maashees, 2012. Het is ons een genoegen u onze voorraadlijst aan te mogen bieden voor het seizoen 2012 2013. Gedurende het seizoen kunt u onze actuele voorraadlijst vinden op onze website. Ook dit seizoen

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Boomkwekerij Dictus-Hereijgers vof Kraaiheuvelstraat 1e 4885 KZ Achtmaal blad 1. Telefoonnr: 0031-(0) Faxnr: 0031-(0)

Boomkwekerij Dictus-Hereijgers vof Kraaiheuvelstraat 1e 4885 KZ Achtmaal blad 1. Telefoonnr: 0031-(0) Faxnr: 0031-(0) blad 1. Acer campestre 1+0 PLG 1+0 60/100 1+0 100/+ Acer campestre 1+1 40/60 Acer campestre 1+2 60/+ 2 Tak 1+2 60/+ 3 Tak 1+2 125/150 1+2 150/+ Acer pseudoplatanus 1+1 40/60 * * 1+1 100/120 * 1+1 120/150

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Boomkwekerijen Louis van den Broek Assortimentslijst

Boomkwekerijen Louis van den Broek Assortimentslijst Luitertweg 5 Tel: +31(0)76-5974591 4882 TE Zundert Fax: +31(0)76-5971540 E-mail: Website: Boomkwekerijen Louis van den Broek Assortimentslijst

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16 1: appel 17 2: kweepeer 18 1: Himalaya ceder 2: appel 19 1: Amerikaanse vogelkers (bol) 2: wilde pruim 3: appel (parasol) 20 1: katsura 2:

16 1: appel 17 2: kweepeer 18 1: Himalaya ceder 2: appel 19 1: Amerikaanse vogelkers (bol) 2: wilde pruim 3: appel (parasol) 20 1: katsura 2: Bomenlijst, behorende bij de evaluatie van het bomenbeleidsplan, ledenvergadering Klein Dantzig 8 mei 09 behoudenswaardige, beeldbepalende, (aspirant) monumentale en/of bijzondere (fruit)bomen In geel:

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Inventarisatie bomenbestand in park Seghwaert. in de wijk Seghwaert-Noordhove binnen de gemeente Zoetermeer

Inventarisatie bomenbestand in park Seghwaert. in de wijk Seghwaert-Noordhove binnen de gemeente Zoetermeer Inventarisatie bomenbestand in park Seghwaert in de wijk Controleur: Ruud Dingerdis, Gecontroleerd op 07-08-2014 European Treeworker Hoek Hoveniers Inventarisatie bomenbestand in park Seghwaert in de wijk

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Klik een aantal keren op Enter tot je bij het snoeiadvies bent gekomen. Type inhoud in het zoekvenster om op deze plek terug te komen.

Klik een aantal keren op Enter tot je bij het snoeiadvies bent gekomen. Type inhoud in het zoekvenster om op deze plek terug te komen. INHOUD Snoeiadvies per soort: Type één van de soortnamen in het zoekvenster: Klik een aantal keren op Enter tot je bij het snoeiadvies bent gekomen. Type inhoud in het zoekvenster om op deze plek terug

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Prijzen van onderstaande producten zijn per mail aan te vragen:

Prijzen van onderstaande producten zijn per mail aan te vragen: LANGENHUIZEN PLANT Nistelrodesedijk 6 5472 LB Loosbroek Tel. 0413229613 Fax 0413229937 Prijzen van onderstaande producten zijn per mail aan te vragen: Latijnse

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Inventarisatie beschermwaardige bomen Gemeente Heerenveen

Inventarisatie beschermwaardige bomen Gemeente Heerenveen Boomnummer 169 Adres Eerste compagnonsweg 1 Bontebok Eigenaar/beheerder Particulier Coördinaten Noorderbreedte 52º57'48.73'' Oosterlengte 6º01'27.45'' Amerikaanse eik (Quercus rubra) Afmetingen Omtrek

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Vormbomen Maat Type Sthg Hgt. x Br. Perceel Aantal

Vormbomen Maat Type Sthg Hgt. x Br. Perceel Aantal Vormbomen 2017-2018 Maat Type Sthg Hgt. x Br. Perceel Aantal Leiesdoorn Acer camp. Elsrijk 25-30 A 6jr. 200 100x150 Ten 8 4 Acer camp. Elsrijk 25-30 A 6jr. 200 150x150 Ten 7/8 8 Leicarpinus Carpinus betulus

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MyDHL+ Uw accountnummer(s) delen

MyDHL+ Uw accountnummer(s) delen MyDHL+ Uw accountnummer(s) delen met anderen Uw accountnummer(s) delen met anderen in MyDHL+ In MyDHL+ is het mogelijk om uw accountnummer(s) te delen met anderen om op uw accountnummer een zending te

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PERSONALISEER UW STAND 2 PERSONALIZATION OF YOUR STAND 3. PERSONALISEER UW STAND 2 PERSONALIZATION OF YOUR STAND 3 2 PERSONALISEER UW STAND Om uw stand te onderscheiden van de standaard formule, kan u uw wanden laten bedrukken met een kleur of afbeeldingen (

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Cursus herkennen bomen en struiken. i.o.v.

Cursus herkennen bomen en struiken. i.o.v. Cursus herkennen bomen en struiken i.o.v. Wat moet je meenemen? Bomen staan soms verder van de openbare weg. Twijgen, knoppen en bladeren zitten soms vrij hoog om details te zien. Zorg dat je een verrekijker

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Geurts-Geurts Laan- en Sierboomkwekerij Groeneweg AL Heide-Venray (NL)

Geurts-Geurts Laan- en Sierboomkwekerij Groeneweg AL Heide-Venray (NL) Voorraadlijst oktober 2018 Aantal Soort Maat Herkomst 15 Acer campestre 200-250 75 Acer campestre 6-8 10 Acer campestre 8-10 20 Acer campestre 10-12 5 Acer campestre 12-14 5 Acer campestre 'Elsrijk' 8-10

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Assortimentslijst Onderstaande hebben wij meestal op voorraad, andere soorten op aanvraag. Wij leveren ook fruitbomen en bos- en haagplantsoen.

Assortimentslijst Onderstaande hebben wij meestal op voorraad, andere soorten op aanvraag. Wij leveren ook fruitbomen en bos- en haagplantsoen. Assortimentslijst Onderstaande hebben wij meestal op voorraad, andere soorten op aanvraag. Wij leveren ook fruitbomen en bos- en haagplantsoen. Al deze bomen kunnen alleen geplant worden als ze in winterrust

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Inventarisatie bomenbestand Vlietland ziekenhuis burg. Knappertlaan Schiedam

Inventarisatie bomenbestand Vlietland ziekenhuis burg. Knappertlaan Schiedam Inventarisatie bomenbestand Vlietland ziekenhuis burg. Knappertlaan Schiedam In opdracht van: ONS IBOR W.E. Knip Uitgevoerd door: ing. J.C. de Kruijf Senior adviseur Ecologie, Groen en Water 23 oktober

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Bijlage bij video 10

Bijlage bij video 10 Ron den Dikken PlantWijzer online programma Bijlage bij video 10 Struiken Struiken Struiken vormen de tweede laag in een tuin Zou je die laag overslaan en bijvoorbeeld alleen vaste planten

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Landschappelijke inpassing Hoogstraat Hoogstraat , Uden - PNR 5406TH

Landschappelijke inpassing Hoogstraat Hoogstraat , Uden - PNR 5406TH 8 KADASTRAAL Het plangebied omvat een deel van perceel 1282 in de sectie Q van de kadastrale gemeente Uden. Zie de markering in het kadastraal uittreksel hieronder en de luchtfoto rechts. plangebied kadastraal

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Settings for the C100BRS4 MAC Address Spoofing with cable Internet.

Settings for the C100BRS4 MAC Address Spoofing with cable Internet. Settings for the C100BRS4 MAC Address Spoofing with cable Internet. General: Please use the latest firmware for the router. The firmware is available on! Use Firmware version

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PROJECT INFORMATION Building De Meerlanden Nieuweweg 65 in Hoofddorp

PROJECT INFORMATION Building De Meerlanden Nieuweweg 65 in Hoofddorp BT Makelaars Aalsmeerderweg 606 Rozenburg Schiphol Postbus 3109 2130 KC Hoofddorp Telefoon 020-3 166 166 Fax 020-3 166 160 Email: Website : PROJECT INFORMATION Building

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SUBSIDIERING VAN DE AANPLANTING VAN LIJNVORMIGE ELEMENTEN SUBSIDIERING VAN DE AANPLANTING VAN LIJNVORMIGE ELEMENTEN Artikel 1 Het aanbrengen van lijnvormige beplantingen, zijnde hagen, houtkanten, bomenrijen, kan door het gemeentebestuur gesubsidieerd worden

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Kleine bomen. Gebruik van kleine bomen en groenblijvende planten. Kleine bomen. Bekende kleine bomen en vormen. Halfstammen 13/02/2015

Kleine bomen. Gebruik van kleine bomen en groenblijvende planten. Kleine bomen. Bekende kleine bomen en vormen. Halfstammen 13/02/2015 Gebruik van kleine bomen en groenblijvende planten Lucien Verschoren Kleine bomen Kleine bouwkavels, geeft de tuinaanlegger, de tuinarchitect en alle tuingebruikers mogelijkheden om meer kleine bomen te

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tuinen Bomen Plant nu de Lente voor kleine Bloemen en groen, ongelooflijk wat ze met je doen

tuinen Bomen Plant nu de Lente voor kleine Bloemen en groen, ongelooflijk wat ze met je doen Plant nu de Lente Bloemen en groen, ongelooflijk wat ze met je doen Bomen voor kleine tuinen Je hebt een kleine tuin en denkt dat een boom er niet in past? Niets is minder waar, een kleine tuin vraagt

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SCOOTERS TILBURG (NL) Scooters. Heuvelpoort DW Tilburg (Scooters Tilburg) Closing date: Monday 06 FEBRUARY starting 19:00

SCOOTERS TILBURG (NL) Scooters. Heuvelpoort DW Tilburg (Scooters Tilburg) Closing date: Monday 06 FEBRUARY starting 19:00 ONLINE AUCTION SCOOTERS TILBURG (NL) Scooters Heuvelpoort 354-5038 DW Tilburg (Scooters Tilburg) Closing date: Monday 06 FEBRUARY starting 19:00 Viewing: Saturday 04 February from 10:00 until 16:00 Heuvelpoort

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SANITARY TOOLS AND STOCK (NL) Warehouse stocks. Nijverheidsweg 7A CK Kesteren (Sanitary Tools and Stock)

SANITARY TOOLS AND STOCK (NL) Warehouse stocks. Nijverheidsweg 7A CK Kesteren (Sanitary Tools and Stock) ONLINE AUCTION SANITARY TOOLS AND STOCK (NL) Warehouse stocks Nijverheidsweg 7A - 4041 CK Kesteren (Sanitary Tools and Stock) Closing date: Tuesday 16 APRIL starting 16:00 Viewing: Saturday 13 April from

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Yes/No (if not you pay an additional EUR 75 fee to be a member in 2020

Yes/No (if not you pay an additional EUR 75 fee to be a member in 2020 Meedoen aan dit evenement? Meld je eenvoudig aan Ben je lid? Ja/Nee Do you want to participate? Please apply Are you a LRCH member? Yes/No (if not you pay an additional EUR 75 fee to be a member in 2020

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Vrij uit te kiezen van struikvorm 175/200 tot multistam 1000/+ Omschrijving + gebruik :

Vrij uit te kiezen van struikvorm 175/200 tot multistam 1000/+ Omschrijving + gebruik : Omschrijving + gebruik : Deze e soorten zijn in hoge mate aangepast aan ons klimaat en omgeving. Naast het feit dat ze belangrijk zijn voor vele organismen, zijn de aangeprezen soorten zeer vorstresistent,

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fax rijneveld xx boskoop april. aantal naam maat particuliere verkoop 300/ ,00

fax rijneveld xx boskoop  april. aantal naam maat particuliere verkoop 300/ ,00 voorraadlijst voorjaar 2014 april 1 Acer campestre 'Carnival' 300/350 2 Acer campestre 'Carnival' 350/400 halfstam 16/18 halfstam 100 cm 65,00 4 Acer capillipes 3 Acer cappadocicum 3 Acer cappadocicum

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Prijslijst. Planten. Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm

Prijslijst. Planten. Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm Prijslijst Planten Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm SOORT POT MAAT AANTAL101 Buxus 9cm 2-jarig 0,95 0,85 Buxus Blote wortel 20/25 1,50 1,30 Buxus Blote wortel 25/30 1,60 1,45 Buxus

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Nadere informatie

Prijslijst. Planten. Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm

Prijslijst. Planten. Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm Prijslijst Planten Prijzen zijn excl btw (6%) Maten zijn in cm SOORT POT MAAT AANTAL101 Buxus 9cm 2-jarig 0,95 0,85 Buxus Blote wortel 20/25 1,50 1,30 Buxus Blote wortel 25/30 1,60 1,45 Buxus

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Waardestelling groen aan de Binnenweg 31 te Twello werknummer: 11T16 datum: opdrachtgever: Eljans Vastgoed BV Twello 1.

Waardestelling groen aan de Binnenweg 31 te Twello werknummer: 11T16 datum: opdrachtgever: Eljans Vastgoed BV Twello 1. project: Waardestelling groen aan de Binnenweg 31 te Twello werknummer: 11T16 datum: 21-12--2011 opdrachtgever: Eljans Vastgoed BV Twello 1. INLEIDING Eljans Vastgoed B.V. te Twello is voornemens op de

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AGENDA: TUINENPARK. Zaterdag 28 maart 14.00 uur in het verenigingsgebouw. Tuinenpark Ons Buiten Pal Maleterstraat 64 3573 ph Utrecht.

AGENDA: TUINENPARK. Zaterdag 28 maart 14.00 uur in het verenigingsgebouw. Tuinenpark Ons Buiten Pal Maleterstraat 64 3573 ph Utrecht. TUINENPARK Tuinenpark Ons Buiten Pal Maleterstraat 64 3573 ph Utrecht Maart 2015 AGENDA: 11 apr: Algemeen werk 10.00-13.00 uur 11 apr: Algemene Ledenvergadering aanvang 16.00 uur 20 apr: Algemeen werk

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BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Bomen in containers. Strijwaard 3 B 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel)

BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Bomen in containers. Strijwaard 3 B 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel) ONLINE VEILING BOMENVOORDEEL TREE NURSERY & CONTAINER CULTIVATION (NL) Bomen in containers Strijwaard 3 B 6669 MK Dodewaard (Bomenvoordeel) Sluitingsdatum: dinsdag 31 MAART vanaf 19:00 Bezichtiging: zaterdag

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Informatie voor niet verzekerde patiënten en/of in het buitenland

Informatie voor niet verzekerde patiënten en/of in het buitenland Informatie voor niet verzekerde patiënten en/of in het buitenland verzekerde patiënten Ook als u geen ziektekostenverzekering heeft of in het buitenland verzekerd bent, kunt u voor behandeling terecht

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Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010

Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010 Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010 Nr. Locatie / adres Oriëntatie Boomsoort (Latijns) Nederlandse naam 1 Acacialaan 5 1613 VC Grootebroek voortuin Robinia pseudoacacia

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Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010

Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010 Beeldbepalende bomen in de gemeente Stede Broec, versie september 2010 Nr. Locatie / adres Oriëntatie Boomsoort (Latijns) Nederlandse naam 1 Acacialaan 5 1613 VC Grootebroek voortuin Robinia pseudoacacia

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Het beheren van mijn Tungsten Network Portal account NL 1 Manage my Tungsten Network Portal account EN 14

Het beheren van mijn Tungsten Network Portal account NL 1 Manage my Tungsten Network Portal account EN 14 QUICK GUIDE C Het beheren van mijn Tungsten Network Portal account NL 1 Manage my Tungsten Network Portal account EN 14 Version 0.9 (June 2014) Per May 2014 OB10 has changed its name to Tungsten Network

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Landschappelijke inpassing Ruimte voor Ruimteplan A. Vastenburg Bommerigerweg 21, 6281 BR Mechelen - PNR 6281BR

Landschappelijke inpassing Ruimte voor Ruimteplan A. Vastenburg Bommerigerweg 21, 6281 BR Mechelen - PNR 6281BR LIGGING Het plangebied is gesitueerd in het gehucht Bommerig, ten noordoosten van de kern Epen. Bommerig bevindt zich op een matig steile helling aan de oostkant van het Geuldal. hagen en bomen op ten

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MASTERPLAN LANDGOED LUZENKAMP ROERMOND Heide 4, 6042 LN Roermond LIGGING - TOPOGRAFISCHE KAART Het plangebied omvat het erf en opstallen, weidegronden en bos van het Hippisch Centrum Roermond. Het plangebied is gelegen in de gemeente Roermond, nabij de Duitse grens

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ZOMERKENMERKEN loofbomen ZOMERKENMERKEN loofbomen meest gebruikte bronnen: Henk pseudospeed `Bootii Nothofagus antarctica - schijnbeuk 1cm Gleditsia

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Kerstassortiment 2013 DEN HAM 42, 2771 WV BOSKOOP-HOLLAND TELEFOON: 0172-21 01 97 TELEFAX: 0172-21 60 58 E-MAIL: INFO@VANVLIETBOSKOOP.

Kerstassortiment 2013 DEN HAM 42, 2771 WV BOSKOOP-HOLLAND TELEFOON: 0172-21 01 97 TELEFAX: 0172-21 60 58 E-MAIL: INFO@VANVLIETBOSKOOP. Kerstassortiment 2013 DEN HAM 42, 2771 WV BOSKOOP-HOLLAND TELEFOON: 0172-21 01 97 TELEFAX: 0172-21 60 58 E-MAIL: INFO@VANVLIETBOSKOOP.NL Voorwoord Al jaren levert ons bedrijf kerstgroen aan diverse leveranciers.

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2019 SUNEXCHANGE USER GUIDE LAST UPDATED 2019 SUNEXCHANGE USER GUIDE LAST UPDATED 0 - -19 1 WELCOME TO SUNEX DISTRIBUTOR PORTAL This user manual will cover all the screens and functions of our site. MAIN SCREEN: Welcome message. 2 LOGIN SCREEN:

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straat huisnr. toev. boomsoort nl boomsoort l. aantal diameter leeftijd conditie bijzonderheden

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Registratie- en activeringsproces voor de Factuurstatus Service NL 1 Registration and activation process for the Invoice Status Service EN 10

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