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3 Abubakari, Azinat Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Franse taal en cultuur Promotor: Prof. dr. Alicia Montoya Aanstelling: Vanaf 1 september The impact of the egalitarian ideals of the French revolution on the question of slavery is the subject of a growing body of academic research. The revolutionary discourse on rights, it is widely recognized, paved the way for the first abolition of slavery in 1794, and the definitive one in However, the opposite relation how did slave struggles for freedom help shape and formulate a general discourse on human rights, including the right to revolt has not been sufficiently addressed. The objective of this PhD thesis is to contribute an innovative perspective to scholarship on slavery by examining how the representation of slavery and slave political agency made it possible to (re)think and to formulate human rights that were otherwise difficult to conceptualize. Authors made use both of the metaphorical and the directly referential possibilities afforded them by the representation of transatlantic combining insights from modern-day cultural theorists and eighteenth century texts, I will integrate methods and questions from narratology, gender studies, postcolonial studies and social and cultural history, and seek to link literary representation to ideology during significant historical junctions. Achbari, Azadeh Global science from a Dutch perspective: Dutch participation in 19th-century Humboldtian networks Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Algemene Vorming / Geschiedenis der Natuurwetenschappen Promotor: Prof. dr. Frans van Lunteren Aanstelling: tot This proposal aims to fill a conspicuous gap in our knowledge of nineteenth-century Dutch science. It concerns the sizeable Dutch participation in attempts to create global Humboldtian scientific networks in the period In spite of the scope and importance of these scientific investigations, historians of science have so far tended to focus their attention on the rise of laboratory science culminating in the so-called Second Golden Age, thereby creating a one-sided view of nineteenth-century Dutch science and of its international dimension. Named after its initiator Alexander von Humboldt, this type of research involved the systematic recording of measurements of natural phenomena across extensive areas, often through international collaboration. Its ultimate objective was to find the natural laws that governed the phenomena under investigation. Dutch representatives of Humboldtian re search included Gerrit Moll, contributing to the study of tides by William Whewell in Britain; Richard van Rees, cooperating with Adolphe Quetelet in Belgium on meteorological research; Willem Wenckebach, cooperating in geomagnetic projects by Carl Friedrich Gauss in Germany; M.H. Jansen, collaborating on ocean currents with Matthew Fontaine Maury in the USA; F.J. Stamkart, triangulating The Netherlands as part of the Europäische Gradmessung; and C.H.D. Buys Ballot, engaged in multiple international meteorological networks. These Dutch participants often acted as nodes connecting local and national networks to the international networks. The significance of the Dutch activities within this period can be illustrated by the database of meteorological measurements compiled through the Universal Abstract Log initiated by Jansen and Buys Ballot. Between 1854

4 and 1880 Dutch contributions comprised the bulk of the global meteorological data acquisitioning effort at sea, resulting in vast records that are used up to the present day.1 This study will investigate how these Humboldtian networks developed in the context of European expansionism and the development of new communication and transport technologies such as the telegraph and the railways. It will address questions as to how the growth of scientific internationalism related to the rise of nationalism in the new nation states, and how these projects fostered standardization of scales and units, thereby contributing to the spread of the controversial Metric System. Moreover, the study will shed light on the changing relationship between science, the state and local societies regarding funding and social relevance. Furthermore, it will address the professionalisation and specialization of scientific research and the marginalisation of the amateurs who had long played a central role in the natural sciences. This study will show how the active seizing of opportunities by Dutch scientists in the context of increasing European internationalisation can lead to significant scientific contributions. It will also shed light on the relationships between scientific and technological developments and processes of globalization, each of them generating and transforming the other. 1 H. Walbrink e.a., Sea-level pressure observations from Dutch ships incorporated in COADS release 1C climatology, International Journal of Climatology 23 (2003) p Álvarez Francés, Leonor War Heroes and War Criminals. The Spanish Commanders and their Actions during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt in Narrative Sources from Spain and the Low Countries ( ) Universiteit Leiden Institute for History, Department of General History Promotor: Prof. dr. J.F.J. (Jeroen) Duindam Co-promotor: dr. R.P. (Raymond) Fagel Aanstelling: tot Because of the Eighty Years War, the Spaniards became the main enemy in the eyes of the inhabitants of the Low Countries and thus functioned as the Other within identity formation processes. I am studying how Spanish and Dutch chronicles written during the Eighty Years War ( ) depicted Spanish commanders fighting in the first decade of the conflict. These tales cannot be divided in two blocks, but gave a voice to a wide variety of attitudes instead. Religious affiliations, for instance, did not determine political alliances. Accordingly, the Protestant stadtholder William of Orange insisted in his loyalty to the devout Catholic Philips II, while the inhabitants of Arnhem in 1573 were for the biggest part Catholic, but averse to Spaniards. Apart from analysing diverging views of the conflict, I am focusing on the changes these narratives underwent as temporal distance to the events increased. How was the portrayal of the Spanish commanders modified when the Truce was signed in 1609? And when hostilities were resumed in 1621? This project will contribute to research on mechanisms of war propaganda at work in the Low Countries and Spain from the beginning of the conflict until the Peace of Münster in This project is part of Raymond Fagel s NWO project Facing the Enemy. The Spanish Army Commanders during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt ( ).

5 Baars, Rosanne Transnational news networks and public issues in France and the Netherlands during the Wars of Religion and the Dutch Revolt, Universiteit van Amsterdam Department Geschiedenis Promotoren: Prof. dr. Henk van Nierop, prof. dr. Geert Janssen Aanstelling: tot The Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion, the two major European civil wars of the second half of the sixteenth century, resembled each other in many ways. In both countries, various groups revolted against their prince, with religion as the main cause of disagreement. Historians have frequently compared the two conflicts, yet they have paid less attention to the fact that they had a significant impact upon one another. News oral, scripted, printed played a key role in the interaction between the two communities. The inhabitants of each country eagerly devoured the news from and about their neighbours. Due to the similarity of the two conflicts, news often served as an example or a warning in public debates. This PhD project explores the multiple ways in which news from France had an impact on public debates in the Netherlands, and vice versa. Taking a transnational and comparative approach, I will use a wide array of primary sources for the identification and analysis of transnational news networks and of their influence on public issues. It thus joins recent trends in Early Modern news research, while breaking through national boundaries and placing the Dutch Revolt in a solid European context. Beckers, Barbara De Tweede Wereldoorlog in Kulturraum Roermond en Dülken: Jeugdherinneringen en Herdenkingscultuur Universiteit Maastricht / DIA Vakgroep Geschiedenis Promotoren: Prof. dr. Arnold Labrie, prof. dr. Ton Nijhuis Aanstelling: tot Op basis van microhistorische Kulturraumforschung en door middel van oral history en egodocumenten, bestudeert dit promotieproject zowel de jeugdherinneringen als de herden kingscultuur van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Roermond (Limburg) en Dülken (Noordrijn Westfalen). Een vergelijking van deze twee steden met een traditie van regionaal contact binnen dezelfde Kulturraum, maar verschillende nationale en politieke contexten, maakt het mogelijk om te bestuderen hoe de gedeelde, uiteenlopende of tegenovergestelde oorlogservaringen van invloed zijn en zijn geweest op de herinnering, de levensloop en de perceptie van de inwoners en de Vergangenheitsbewältigung aan beide zijden van de grens. Door oorlogsdagboeken, -brieven en memoires naast af te nemen life story inter views te leggen, kunnen ervaringen en opvattingen uit het verleden vergeleken worden met de huidige opvattingen en herinneringen en wordt inzichtelijk hoe de opbouw van het geheugen verandert door wat er gebeurt tussen toen en nu. Daarnaast zal worden ingegaan op de dialectische relatie tussen geschiedenis en geheugen en het spanningsveld tussen collectieve en individuele (jeugd)herinneringen aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog binnen een lokale en (eu)regionale context; de status van lokale herinneringen als onderdeel van de temps vécu van het verleden; de invloed van media en kunst op de individuele herinnering; de betrokkenheid van ooggetuigen bij recente ontwikkelingen binnen het monumentenbeleid van beiden gemeenten; de digitalisering van het erfgoed van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de relatie tussen herinneringen, plaatsen en objecten.

6 Berkel, Marc van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Promotor: Prof. dr. Maria Grever Aanstelling: tot Marc van Berkel richt zich met zijn onderzoek op de (veranderingen in) didactiek en inhoud van historisch gevoelige onderwerpen in het bijzonder de Holocaust. Hij onderzoekt daartoe de onderwijsmethoden voor het vak geschiedenis in Nederland en Noordrijn-Westfalen in de periode : hoe werd de leerstof over de Holocaust aangeboden in het voortgezet onderwijs en welke invloed hadden politieke en sociaal-maatschappelijke verschuivingen enerzijds, en perspectiefwisselingen in de geschiedwetenschap anderzijds? Van Berkels studie heeft tot doel te komen tot een concrete handreiking voor de ontwikkeling van Holocausteducatie aan auteurs van schoolmethoden, websites en andere educatieve media. Bleijenberg, Linda Reconfiguring the primitive hut as a design model in architectural discourse ( ) Universiteit Leiden Universitair Instituut voor Culturele Disciplines (LUICD) Promotoren: Prof. dr. Caroline van Eck, dr. ir. Maarten Delbeke Aanstelling: tot In 1753 the abbé Laugier published his Essai sur l architecture, in which he presented la petite cabane rustique, primitive man s first building consisting of four poles, four beams and a roof, as the very embodiment of the true principles of architecture. The Essai attracted considerable attention (and controversy) for its novel ideas, although the image of the primor dial hut was not new: since the rediscovery of Vitruvius in the fifteenth century, a reference to architecture s origins had been a more or less obligatory ingredient of architectural treatises. However, whereas in Renaissance theory the hut had functioned merely as a starting point for architecture s historical development, while also establishing a connection be tween the origin of architecture and that of civilization, Laugier s cabane was presented as a normative, a-historical point of reference with very specific formal characteristics. What connects the two approaches is the implicit assumption that architecture has cultural relevance. Renaissance treatises legitimized contemporary architecture s cultural meaning by referring to classical architecture, which was seen as the visual expression of a superior civilization; Laugier on the other hand, points to the Greek temple as a model because it most closely resembles the cabane. His claim for cultural relevance depends on other modes of thought and frames of reference, a tendency that characterizes the architectural theory of the period This project sets out to trace the development of the cabane and other reconfigurations of the hut: how its subsequent transformations reflect and influence changes in contemporary design theory and its claim that buildings have cultural meaning, and how they are influenced by the intellectual and cultural contexts of these texts. This research project is part of the VIDI-programme The quest for the legitimacy of architecture in Europe ( ), directed by dr. ir. M.J.F. Delbeke.

7 Boender, Carolien The persistence of civic identities in the Netherlands, Universiteit Leiden Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen Instituut voor Geschiedenis Promotoren: Prof. dr. Henk te Velde, prof. dr. Judith Pollmann Aanstelling tot Mijn PhD-onderzoek heeft de voorlopige titel Civic identity in Haarlem, en gaat over de continuïteit in stedelijke identiteiten in de Nederlanden tussen 1747 en Haarlem dient daarbij als belangrijkste case study. Mijn onderzoek richt zich op de vraag in hoeverre, in een periode waarin een nationale overheid aan belangrijkheid won, (inwoners van) steden gebruik bleven maken van lokale tradities om conflicten te beheersen en de stedelijke herinneringscultuur vorm te geven. Boerhout, Laura Negotiating Post-Memories. Intergenerational Transmission of Bosnia's War Narratives Beyond National Borders Universiteit van Amsterdam NWO Grant Amsterdam School for Heritage and Memory Studies / Cultural Studies Department Promotor: Prof. dr. Rob van der Laarse Co-promotor: Prof. dr. Nanci Adler Aanstelling: September 2014 tot September With no memories of their own, the younger generation that did not experience the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ( ) has to rely on stories from their family and society in order to make sense of what happened during the conflict. Little is known of how the youth negotiates these memory narratives they encounter through different mediums of transmission. This research will examine post-memories of the war that circulate across European borders and explore the way in which Bosnian youth receives and appropriates these memories nationally and in the diaspora. My approach will re-conceptualize intergenerational transmission of memories and challenge the notion of the nation as the dominant facilitator of cultural memory by including an analysis on digital and transcultural practices on memory formation. I anticipate finding a connecting, cross-border generational memory narrative among the young that goes beyond dominant, competitive ethno-national memories. This project will identify Bosnia s war memories, shared and contested within families of different backgrounds, on social media, in films and during commemorative practices in Bosnia and the Netherlands. The Netherlands has been chosen for its relatively large Bosnian diaspora and its mutual though troubling - heritage related to the genocide in Srebrenica. The project will be put in European perspective by including a comparative investigation of the culture of remembrance on the Bosnian war in Italy and Germany, two refugee receiving countries with contrasting local realities and experiences. The proposed research will therefore offer an integrated perspective on familial, digital and transcultural transmission of memories of a conflicted past in Europe.

8 Bolt, Timo De introductie van Evidence-Based Medicine in Nederland UMC-Utrecht / Universiteit Utrecht Julius Centrum voor Gezondheidswetenschappen en Eerstelijns Geneeskunde / Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities Promotor: Prof. dr. Frank Huisman Aanstelling: tot Gedurende de afgelopen twee decennia heeft zich in de geneeskunde een stille revolutie afgespeeld. Aan het begin van de jaren negentig van de twintigste eeuw deed een nieuw begrip zijn intrede: Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). In de jaren erna begon het aan een ware triomftocht. Niet alleen de geneeskunde werd er door veroverd, maar ook vele andere disciplines bekenden zich tot Evidence-based praktijken. Om de betekenis van dit fenomeen ten volle te kunnen begrijpen, dienen we het zowel te contextualiseren als te historiseren. De implementatie en invloed van EBM zal per land verschillen, afhankelijk van de wijze waarop het stelsel van gezondheidszorg is ingericht en de medische beroepsgroep, opleiding en wetenschapsbeoefening zijn georganiseerd. Het is daarom zinvol om na te gaan hoe de introductie van EBM juist in Nederland is verlopen en welke gevolgen dit heeft gehad. Bouterse, Jeroen The resistance of the world. Philosophical foundations of the historiography of science Universiteit Leiden Instituut voor wijsbegeerte Promotor/begeleider: Dr. James McAllister Aanstelling: tot Philosophical foundations of the historiography of science is an NWO-sponsored project aimed at investigating key concepts in the historiography of science. My sub-project is titled the resistance of the world, and is in a broad sense about the role of nature in the works of historians of science. Do historians of science need to talk about nature for example be cause completely ignoring its influence on science will leave their accounts of science significantly incomplete? And can historians of science talk about nature without giving up precious authority over their own field precisely to those experts about nature (scientists) that they are trying to study critically? I approach those questions in the hope of finding perspectives on the history of science that can make sense to both historians and scientists. Bruijn, Pieter de Commonality in complex histories. Plurality in Dutch and English heritage education resources Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Center for Historical Culture Promotoren: Prof. dr. Maria Grever, prof. dr. Carla van Boxtel Aanstelling: tot This research project is part of the NWO programme Heritage Education, Plurality of Narratives and Shared Historical Knowledge. The programme examines how heritage education in a culturally heterogeneous and globalising society can contribute to the

9 construction of shared historical knowledge, while acknowledging different perspectives on the past. Three topics have been selected as context of analysis for this research programme: Christianisation, transatlantic slave trade and World War II. My research project is a comparative study of educational media developed by herit age institutions, in the Netherlands and England, in relation to the history curriculum. Both countries societies have in recent years become more culturally heterogeneous. This aspect, in addition to the sensitivity of the three topics selected for the research programme, pro vides an interesting context for studying heritage education, as this type of learning relates to concepts of identity and commonality. Therefore, this project addresses the question how heritage education resources construct commonality and how that affects their representations of the past. The analysis focuses on questions like how these resources deal with teaching about the significance of cultural heritage; to what extent they present the perspec- tives of different historical actors; whether they concentrate more on local, national or global history; and how they stimulate temporal and emotional distance or proximity to the past. Sources of this project include digital and print-based heritage educational media, exhibitions and history school textbooks. For more information, please visit: Cohen, Jaap Olijf met peren: de families Jessurun d Oliveira en Rodrigues Pereira. Een geschiedenis van de Portugese Joden in Nederland in de late negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Universiteit van Amsterdam / NIOD Promotoren: Prof. dr. Hans Blom, prof. dr. Evelien Gans Aanstelling: tot Dit onderzoek omvat een laatnegentiende- en twintigste-eeuwse geschiedenis van de Portugese Joden (Sefardim) in Nederland, aan de hand van de geschiedenissen van de families Jessurun d Oliveira en Rodrigues Pereira. Hierbij zal in het bijzonder aandacht worden besteed aan: (a) Het (zelf)beeld van de Portugese Joden. Ten tijde van hun vestiging in de zestiende- en zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek waren de Sefardim aanvankelijk een op zichzelf staande groep. Dat veranderde met de komst van grote aantallen Hoogduitse Joden (Asjkenazim). Portugese Joden werden een, weliswaar specifiek, onderdeel van de omvangrijke Joodse bevolkingsgroep in Nederland. Met de Emancipatie in 1796 kwam er voor hen, naast Sefardisch en Joods, een derde loyaliteit bij: Portugese Joden waren ook Nederlands geworden. Bij deze drie elementen horen van oudsher verschillende stereotypen die het (zelf)beeld van Portugese Joden sterk hebben beïnvloed een (zelf)beeld dat zeker niet hoeft overeen te komen met de historische realiteit. (b) De relatie met de Hoogduitse Joden. Van oudsher is deze gekenmerkt door een zekere spanning: zo beschouwden de Sefardim ten tijde van de Republiek de Asjkenazim in het algemeen als paupers die ook op cultureel gebied minderwaardig waren. In de negentiende eeuw werkten beide Joodse bevolkingsgroepen weliswaar op vele gebieden samen, maar bleven de Sefardim vasthouden aan hun eigen riten en aan de herinnering aan hun eigen roemrijke verleden. De verhouding tussen beide groepen kwam in de twintigste eeuw nog meer onder druk te staan door een initiatief van enkele vooraanstaande Portugese Joden in bezettingstijd. Zij probeerden met (quasi-)wetenschappelijke rassentheorieën te bewijzen dat hun groep niet tot het Joodse, maar tot het mediterrane ras behoorde en zodoende van deportatie gevrijwaard zou moeten worden. De (vergeefse) reddingsoperatie heeft tot verontwaardiging bij Hoogduitse Joden geleid. De vraag is in hoeverre deze verontwaardiging ook na de oorlog aanwezig bleef binnen de groep van Hoogduitse Joden, en hoezeer deze de relatie met de Portugees-Joodse groep na 1945 heeft beïnvloed.

10 (c) De positie binnen de Nederlandse samenleving. Hiervoor zal onderzoek worden gedaan naar de sociaal-economische positie van de groep, de mate van integratie/acculturatie/assimilatie, de invloed van religie, zionisme, antisemitisme en de staat Israel, en de gemeenschappelijke herinnering aan de sjoa en de gevolgen daarvan als belangrijk element van Joodse identiteit. Creyghton, Camille De historiografische en politieke receptie van de geschiedschrijving van Jules Michelet in Frankrijk van 1870 tot op heden Universiteit van Amsterdam Instituut voor Cultuur en Geschiedenis Promotor/co-promotor: Prof. dr. Pim den Boer, prof. dr. Jo Tollebeek Aanstelling: tot Jules Michelet ( ) kan beschouwd worden als de meest invloedrijke Franse historicus van de negentiende eeuw. Hij had een grote invloed op de Franse historiografie van de negentiende en de twintigste eeuw. Daarnaast speelt hij een blijvende rol in het Franse politieke denken. President Sarkozy noemde hem bijvoorbeeld meermaals in zijn toespraken. Als historicus probeerde Michelet de Franse natie te begrijpen vanuit haar geschiedenis. Ook nu nog is de geschiedenis belangrijk voor het Franse zelfverstaan en wordt ze gebruikt als een argument in het politieke debat. Dat geldt vooral voor kwesties waarin de natie als zodanig in vraag gesteld wordt, bijvoorbeeld het door de regering geleide debat over de nationale identiteit in 2009 en In die debatten is Michelet steeds op de achtergrond aanwezig. Merkwaardig genoeg is de grote invloed van Michelet op de geschiedschrijving en de politiek nooit uitgebreid onderzocht. Dit onderzoek wil die lacune opvullen. De studie van de invloed van Michelet op historici na hem vormt een interessant perspectief op de Franse historiografie, terwijl het onderzoek naar zijn invloed op politici een licht werpt op de Franse politieke geschiedenis. De methode voor dit onderzoek is die van de receptiegeschiedenis. Het uitgangspunt van de receptiegeschiedenis is dat de interpretatie van een tekst die door de tijd heen kan veranderen bepaald wordt door de wisselwerking tussen de tekst zelf en de context waarin de tekst geïnterpreteerd wordt. Ook het onderzoek naar de wijze waarop teksten als retorische en strategische instrumenten aangewend worden, maakt deel uit van de receptiegeschiedenis. In dit project zal ik onderzoeken wat de teksten van Michelet zo geschikt maakte voor gebruik in het politieke en historiografische debat en wat in deze debatten de behoefte deed ontstaan aan Michelet te refereren. Op deze manier kunnen de raakvlakken van de politieke geschiedenis en de geschiedenis van de historiografie via de methode van de receptiegeschiedenis benaderd worden. Het onderzoek beslaat de periode van 1870 (het jaar van het ontstaan van de Derde Franse Republiek) tot heden. Via de invalshoek van de Micheletreceptie zal ik de veranderingen in de relatie tussen geschiedenis en politiek in Frankrijk door de tijd heen beschrijven en verklaren. Centrale vragen zijn welk beeld of stereotype de naam Michelet in een bepaalde periode oproept bij historici en politici. Met welk doel wordt Michelet ingeroepen? Leent hij zich daar eigenlijk wel voor en waarom wel of niet? Met het antwoord op deze vragen zal ik vervolgens proberen te verklaren welke eigenschappen van geschiedschrijving het politiek gebruik ervan mogelijk maken en in hoeverre dat een gevaar is voor die geschiedschrijving.

11 Daudeij, Frank Political philosophies, rethinking the state and society: Walten, Bidloo and De Hooghe Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Vakgroep Geschiedenis van de Filosofie. Promotor: Prof. dr. Wiep van Bunge Aanstelling: tot This research is part of the NWO-Project, 'Faultline 1700: Early Enlightenment conversations on religion and society'. Central to this project is how Dutch intellectuals developed new social-political philosophies during the reign of Stadholder-King William III. This research will is concentrated on the works of propagandist like Ericus Walten, Govert Bidloo and Romeyn de Hooghe. They developed an so-called orangist republicanism (Israel 2007), as an ideological underpinning of the rule of the Stadholder- King William III. The public role of religion plays a prominent part of this endeavour. Their ideas about religion were, however, highly controversial. They were widely suspected of religious libertinism and actively engaged in the debate over true religion and true liberty. So far the question remains unsolved whether this orangist republicanism was part of a truly radical philosophy, or if it was (partly) pragmatically inspired. A crucial source for this project is Romeyn de Hooghe s Spiegel van Staet ( ). But also De Hooghe s etchings, Walten s pamphlets and Bidloo s tracts merit thorough investigation, within the Dutch, as well as within a wider European context. An analysis of the intellectual roots and reception of the work of De Hooghe, Walten and Bidloo, will (hopefully) give a better understanding of the dynamic between radical and religious concepts within the changing intellectual climate around A climate wherein concepts from different seemingly antagonising traditions as libertinism, Protestantism, Spinozism, could collide and merge at the same time. Deinsen, Lieke van Proud to be Dutch. The role of war and propaganda literature in the shaping of an early modern Dutch national identity: The Anglo-Dutch Wars Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur Promotor/begeleider: Prof. dr. Johan Oosterman, dr. Lotte Jensen Aanstelling: tot Just four years after the Peace Treaty of Münster had been signed, the First Anglo-Dutch War ( ) broke out, which was the first confrontation in a long series of wars fought against the British nation for control over naval trade routes. This initial conflict was followed by the Second Anglo-Dutch War ( ), the Third Anglo-Dutch War ( ), and, more than a century later, the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War ( ). This project will analyze Dutch self-images as expressed in the war and propaganda literature of these wars. This subproject consists of three components. Firstly, it will analyze the representation of the Dutch self-image in these propagandistic texts. Recent imagological research has revelead that the indigenous nationality is often contrasted with other nationalities, in terms of binary oppositions (Meijer Drees 1997, Leerssen 2007). The dynamics between the rep resentation of the Self and the Other (the British nation, the Spanish nation etc.) must therefore be taken into account. Secondly, there is a diachronical component. The sequence of Anglo-Dutch wars will reveal patterns of continuity and discontinuity in the representation of national self-images. Although there is a gap of more than a century between the first three and the final Anglo-

12 Dutch war, this only makes such comparisons even more interesting. The ongoing process of national self-construction must therefore be considered in the light of the nation s rise and decline, which was a burning issue at the time. The 1780 s, during which the Fourth Anglo- Dutch War was fought, are usually seen as a period of rapid economical and cultural decline in Dutch history (Kloek 1999, Kloek & Mijnhardt 2001, Van Sas 2004). Therefore, propaganda and war literature of this period will have to be studied in relation to this contradictory self-image. Thirdly, the possible impact of texts will be assessed. The PhD candidate will rely mainly on earlier research concerning print runs and circulation figures (De Kruif, Meijer Drees & Salman 2006, Worp ). Additional information can be derived from texts themselves, for which an exemplary study conducted by Rodriguez Perez (2006) can be used as a model. She focuses on the rhetorical application of convincing arguments (persuasio) to relate propaganda texts of the Dutch Revolt to their target audience. (General) research questions Which national self-images are disseminated (text)? What is the intertextual tropicality of these images (intertext)? What patterns of continuity and discontinuity can be seen in the course of four wars ( ) (historical context)? How do these images relate to their intended audience function (impact)? Derksen, Maaike Neglected, ignored, silenced - Javanese Catechists and Teachers as Cultural Brokers in the Catholic Mission on Java Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Afdeling Geschiedenis Promotoren/begeleider: Prof. dr. Marit Monteiro, prof. dr. Willy Jansen, dr. Geertje Mak Aanstelling: tot Since 1856, Dutch Catholic orders and congregations worked in the mission in the Dutch- Indies, but it was not until the early 1890s that efforts were made to attract conversions from the local Javanese population. Even then, most missionaries working on Java did not speak Javanese, and they did not have to because their Indo-European flock could be reached with Malay and Dutch. To reach the Javanese population the Catholic missionaries started to employ catechists and later on teachers as well, who could speak Javanese and Dutch or Malay. Their role in the conversion of the Javanese to Catholicism was of vital importance and maybe even more important than that of the European missionaries. Hence, this project focuses on Javanese catechists and teachers in the Catholic mission on Java. The- se proselytisers were of vital importance for both the missionary enterprise as well as the colonial project; they stood in the middle of the (cultural) contact between the Dutch mis- sionaries and the Javanese people, and bridged the cultural gaps. The central aim of this project is first, to establish the contributions and impact of the local teachers and catechists who were trained by Dutch Catholic priests, sisters and brothers, and second, to trace the processes by which these missionary workers have been ne- glected, ignored or even silenced in contemporary missionary representations and subse- quent in missionary and colonial historiography. Both demand a reading against the grain, because most missionary sources were written with the intention to report about the expe- riences the Dutch missionaries. Nevertheless, by reading these sources against the grain they yield information about the experience of the Javanese teachers and catechists and, at the same time, reveal the processes by which these missionary workers were ignored, ste- reotyped, or silenced.

13 Dijkstra, Trude The Chinese Impact. Images and Ideas of China in the Dutch Golden Age Universiteit van Amsterdam Amsterdam School for Culture and History (ASCH) Aanstelling: September 2014 tot September The Dutch imagination holds a special place for China. Ever sinds the first period of intensive contact that started at the beginning of the Seventeenth-century, China has had a profound impact on both low and high culture in the Dutch Republic. Images and ideas about China were contained in various forms: both the fine arts as well as the applied arts took their inspiration from the far East. One of the most important sources of information on China available to a large part of the population in the Dutch Republic were books. Starting with Jan Huygen van Linschoten s Itinerario of 1595, a large quantity of travelogues, plays, scientific works and general descriptions on China were published and sold. In this period, the Low Countries were the European nerve centre for product from and images of China, thereby shaping Western perception to the present day. This research project pioneers the comprehensive study of China's impact on low and high culture in the Netherlands, from the Chinese ceramics in Rembrandt's studio to the popular comparison of Spinoza to Confucius. It establishes how the self-image of the fledgling Dutch Republic was honed in the Chinese mirror, with a focus on the world of printing and publishing. Only interdisciplinary study does justice to the mutually dependent images by craftsmen and scholars from the Netherlands which were widely influential. Understanding the development of these popular stereotypes enlightens Chinese-Western relations that continue to be relevant in a globalized world. This research project is part of the NWO-Vidi program The Chinese Impact: Images and Ideas of China in the Dutch Golden Age, directed by dr. M.A Weststeijn. Dolghin, Dana Universiteit van Amsterdam Promotor: Aanstelling: vanaf september Dols, Chris Narratives of the New: Engineering, Tradition, and Reform in the Dutch Catholic Community, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Afdeling Geschiedenis Promotor/begeleider: Prof. dr. Marit Monteiro, dr. Marjet Derks Aanstelling: tot Narratives of the New focuses on the way in which social scientists intervened in the ecclesiastical domain in order to reform the Church, and validate its existence in the modernizing world. It also investigates how this intervention changed people s both laypeople s and clergymen s perceptions of themselves as Catholics in a dynamic and fast moving decade. From 1958 onward, Dutch social engineers (a number of them being members of religious orders, for instance Walter Goddijn OFM and Osmund Schreuder OFM) analyzed and described socio-religious life through new research techniques such as polling. The consulta- tion of the faithful, regularly ordered by the bishops, and the mediation of the research re- sults, fostered new and latently explosive narratives of crisis

14 and renewal. These narratives addressed a more democratic Church, based on dialogue instead of hierarchal structures. Throughout the process of engineering, Catholic social scientists presented ecclesiastical, pastoral, liturgical and cultural reforms as essential and vital elements of the Christian tradi- tion, hereby connecting tradition and reform. This particular practice of memory through the instruments of the social sciences appealed to the media, which proved to be very susceptible to the narratives of the new, and provided a platform for its exponents. By magnify- ing problems, often with the help of social scientific research results, the media cultivated the religious crisis of the 1960s. Among certain groups, this led to unrealistic high hopes for change. The way in which reform and tradition were engineered thus contributed to the re- ligiously explosive climate of these years that eventually provoked a restorative Vatican policy in the early 1970s. Driel, Joppe van Towards a sustainable past: Chemistry, oeconomy and material cycles in the Dutch Republic, Universiteit Twente Promotor: Prof. dr. Lissa Roberts Aanstelling: tot In the context of the NWO-funded project Chemistry in Everyday Life Joppe van Driel s research will provide an innovative view on the long-term development of chemistry, industry and economy, disclosing these categories as results rather than starting points in material and knowledge production. Duindam, David De Hollandsche Schouwburg als lieu de mémoire Universiteit van Amsterdam Instituut voor Cultuur en Geschiedenis Promotor/begeleider: Prof. dr. Frank van Vree, prof. dr. Rob van der Laarse Aanstelling: tot Het onderzoeksproject richt zich op de beschrijving en analyse van de ontwikkeling van de Schouwburg tot een van de belangrijkste herinneringsplaatsen met betrekking tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Joods Amsterdam en de nazistische vernietigingspolitiek, gesitueerd in bredere nationale en internationale discussies over de monumentalisering en musealisering van vergelijkbare plaatsen van terreur. Het onderzoek wordt opgezet vanuit een gelaagd en veelzijdig historisch perspectief, ook wat betreft de vormgeving en presentatie, waarbij uiteraard ook aandacht zal worden besteed aan de vrijwel onbekende geschiedenis van de Schouwburg als centrum van cultuur en van het gebouw zelf. Tegelijk zal het onderzoek bijdragen aan de op handen zijnde, grondige vernieuwing van deze plaats als gedenkplaats en museum, alsmede de lopende discussies, zowel in Nederland als daarbuiten, over de in- richting van dergelijke plaatsen van terreur, als plek van herdenking en vermaning, museum en educatief centrum, waarbij esthetische, politieke, religieuze en educatieve argumenten een rol spelen, resulterende in uiteenlopende, dikwijls conflicterende scenario's en strategieën. Het onderzoek zal worden uitgevoerd in samenwerking met het Joods Historisch Museum en maakt deel uit van het bredere verband van het overkoepelende onderzoeksprogramma Oorlog, Erfgoed en Herinnering en het NWO-programma De dynamiek van de Herinnering.

15 Eekhout, Marianne Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, Universiteit Leiden Vaderlandse geschiedenis Promotor: Prof. dr. Judith Pollmann Aanstelling: tot The siege and relief of Leiden in is one of the most famous episodes in the history of the Dutch Revolt. But also the sieges of Alkmaar, Haarlem and Groningen and in the South: Antwerp, Den Bosch and Valenciennes, were stamped on local memory during the 1570s and 80s. Town politics played a key role in the creation of memory cultures during and after the Revolt. Magistrates, the church and important families all played their part in this process. But the remembrance of the Revolt would not develop without the support of the local community who could embrace a certain memory or not. At the same time memories could lead to uneasiness as well. For many cities in the Southern Netherlands, memories of their support of the Revolt were painful. And for a town like Amsterdam, that had sided with the Spanish, memories of the Revolt were an embarrassment rather than a source of pride. The study of the development of memory cultures and the contribution of several groups within the community is the first objective of this project. Local memory cultures were created in different shapes and guises. Annual memorial days, historical documents, plays, sermons, plaques on houses, public buildings or spaces with a connection to the Revolt, memorial plates in churches, tapestries, paintings and local histories were all used to convey images of the Revolt. As far as some of these media, such as history plays and paintings in city halls, have been studied before, they have mostly been considered in isolation. The second objective of this project is to consider the way in which different media were deployed, to consider how they interrelated, and to establish what au- diences they might have reached. Special attention will be devoted to relics of the Revolt. Individuals and their family cherished objects that could serve to illustrate or prove their involvement in past events. Some contemporaries also collected memorabilia. Besides the multimedia approach, a comparison of towns in both the North and the South of the Netherlands will be central to this project. In the Republic, local memories formed an important part of memory culture and local memories eventually even became part of national history. Much less is known about local memories of the Revolt in the Southern Netherlands. One key question is whether the more centralised political structure of the South also affected local memory cultures, or whether these developed more or less along the same lines as in the North. This project is part of the VICI project Tales of the Revolt. Memory, oblivion and identity in the Low Countries, Elbers, Astrid Jan Hendrik Oort and the rise of radio astronomy in the Netherlands Universiteit Leiden Leiden Observatory Promotor: Prof. dr. Frans Van Lunteren Aanstelling: tot The Dutch astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort ( ) made his name in the 1920s and 1930s through his studies of the Galaxy. In 1927 he confirmed Bertil Lindblad s theory that the Milky Way galaxy rotates by analyzing the movement of the starts. He became professor

16 at the Observatory of the University of Leiden in From the 1940s onward, he became a pioneer in the new field of radio astronomy, together with his pupil H.C. van de Hulst. In 1944, van de Hulst predicted the 21cm line of interstellar hydrogen. He calculated interstellar hydrogen atoms emit a spectral line at wavelength of 21 cm in the radio part of the spectrum. He suggested that it would be possible to detect the 21 cm line using radio telescopes. Oort s and van de Hulst s efforts culminated in 1970 in the foundation of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), at the time the world's largest radio telescope. The aim of this project is to portray the rise of this new field of research from personal, institutional and political angles and to explain how the Netherlands became a centre of observational astronomy. We will focus at, among others, the following questions: What was the role of the international context? Dutch radio astronomy did not develop in a vacuum: during the first ten years after World War II, radio astronomy rose simultaneously in different countries: developments in Cambridge, Australia, Italy and the Sovjet Union made a contribution to the shaping of project that would become the WSRT. Was there an effective international cooperation? This became clear in the project that preceded the WSRT, namely the Benelux Cross Antenna Project (BCAP) (1960), from which Oort was the president. Because of some political struggles, Belgium finally withdrew from the project. What about the personal contributions? It is well known that the Netherlands were able to attract some important foreign scholars, for example Högbom, who made important contributions to the project. Further we will examine the role of institutions like the International Astronomical Union, the NFRA, ESO, ASTRON Important source material is located at Leiden University. This includes the papers of Oort and Van de Hulst. Engberts, Christiaan Men with a Mission: Informal Accountability Practices Universiteit Leiden Instituut voor Geschiedenis, Vakgroep Algemene Geschiedenis Promotor: Prof. dr. Herman Paul Aanstelling: tot Het overkoepelend onderzoeksproject The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, richt zich op de periode waarin de hedendaagse academische disciplines vorm kregen. De nadruk in het onderzoek ligt op de rol die dagelijkse praktijken en ideeën over het karakter en de deugdzaamheid van de wetenschappen hierbij gepeeld hebben. Het subproject Men with a Mission: Informal Accountability Practices houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met correspondenties. In een tijd waarin peer-review processen nog niet geformaliseerd waren, behoorden briefwisselingen tussen geleerden tot de belangrijkste methoden om collega s aan te moedigen, te corrigeren of anderszins bij te sturen. Ook is dit medium bij uitstek geschikt om disciplinerende processen die niet tot uitdrukking komen in officiële publicaties te ontdekken en verhelderen. Met dit uitgangspunt zal het subproject met name richten op de Oriëntalistiek. De vraag naar de gewenste praktijken en karaktertrekken van wetenschappers was juist binnen dit vakgebied zeer dringend vanwege de heftige religieuze, politieke en ideologische debatten waardoor het gekleurd werd. Dit maakt dit subproject een case study die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid zeer geschikt is een licht te werpen op de in het overkoepelende onderzoeksproject gestelde vragen.

17 Erdogan, Aynur Orientalia: Reorienting Early American Culture (Working title) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Promotor: Prof. dr. Wil Verhoeven. Aanstelling: tot Since the late Middle Ages, the Orient has been an enchanted space for the West: a space inspired by the tales of One Thousand and One Nights, at once seductive and sensual albeit at times threatening. Strange and exotic in the eyes of the Westerner who turns his fascinated gaze towards the East, the vision encompasses much that departs from the European norm, including aspects that are projections of the entirety. The various geographical Orients have been represented in a variety of ways by writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, reaching from a fantasized and eroticized escape from Western morals and conventions to an ideological battleground on which alternative political systems were inscribed. So far, the critical reception of Oriental texts, Orientalia, is minimal, and largely limited to what might be called iceberg phenomena: i.e. their (re-)production by notable literary figures like George Gordon Lord Byron in Britain, Johann Wolfgang Goethe in Germany, and Washington Irving s Mustapha Letters (in Salmagundi) in the United States. On the borders of often conflicting depictions of alternative representations of forms of government, but also as the origin of sexual imagery, the Oriental world, as established in early America, functioned as the stage for the performance and the representation of cultural foreignness. My approach will, therefore, take into account Edward Said's original critique of European Orientalism, though obviously with an awareness of the shortcomings of that critique notably with regard to the period under investigation. The lines of the various inflections of Orientalia appear to be opposing, however, there is a correlation in this mutual exclusivity. The coherence in this variety is provided in the contextuality of early America. In other words, America's fascination and preoccupation with the Orient as an analytical tool nuances the struggles and debates that characterized the decades of instability in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Thus, the Orient has released into the social imagination the possibility of alternative histories and experimental sociopolitical orders. And of course, American depictions of the Orient differed widely from the physical space of the Orient of the period under scrutiny. While a part of these depictions referred to the actual Orient, i.e. the Ottoman Empire and the North African states, most of the depictions about the East can be traced back to different imagined geographical Orients. In this way, the imaginary geography of Orientalia provided the discursive locus where different strands converged, and ideas about the future of America could be exchanged and negotiated. The aim of my thesis is to charter a territory in American discourse that has so far remained largely unexplored. Flis, Ivan Is psychology a theoretically balkanized field? Exploring quantitative methodology in the 20th century Universiteit Utrecht Descartes Centrum voor Wetenschapsgeschiedenis en Wetenschapsfilosofie Promotor: Prof. dr. L.T.G. Theunissen, dr. Ruud Abma Aanstelling: vanaf januari My PhD project explores the historical context of the rise of quantitative methodology as a primary source of legitimate objective knowledge in psychology (as perceived by psychologists), and connects psychology s dominant methodology to the practices of theory

18 construction done by researchers in the field. The project aims at proposing a critical and reflexive position on the relationship between quantitative methodology and theory construction in psychology. The question it explores through a historical and scientometric analysis is if the quantitative methodology dominating modern psychology constrains theorizing, leading to a theoretical balkanization of the field. The project aims to decompose and explore well-established dichotomies like basic/applied, abstract/particular and theory/methodology. It consists of two closely connected studies the first historiographical and the second using scientometrics. The historiographical study of quantitative methodology follows the establishment of quantitative methodology as the dominant investigative practice in the 1950s to the more sophisticated methods employed in contemporary research. It is modelled after Kurt Danziger s constructivist approach, taking a critical perspective situating the development of methodology in a cultural, historical and philosophical context of the time. It will be conducted by analyzing methodological papers advancing new methods (for their time) and by a historical reading of the central textbooks used in the university education of psychologists. Through such a critical reading, a clear developmental path of quantitative methodology in psychology will be described and related to the change in the definitions of the subjects of research thus connecting the methodology s rise in primacy to its role in constructing theories. The study analyzing the state of theories in psychology will be conducted by employing scientometric map building. The theoretical disintegration the term balkanization is used as more appropriate of psychology will be explored using maps that represent psychology as a scientific domain. These maps are based on co-word analysis of article abstracts from psychological journals. Then, based on the co-word analysis, a visual representation of psychology will be created by mapping key concepts of the field. Such scientometric maps are regarded as relatively precise representations of theories and constructs in psychology. They can be used to determine the level of interconnection between subfields, the identification of constructs that act as hubs of communication for various research communities, and the methodology employed in these areas. Furthermore, the maps hotspots will be analyzed qualitatively in detail, to provide confirmation or refutation for the thesis of balkanization of psychology s theories. These maps will be created in cooperation with experts at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, using their in-house mapping software VOSviewer. Fokken, Margriet Constructing identity, community and family under indentured labor: Hindustani men and women in Suriname between 1873 and 1921 Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Promotoren: Prof. dr. Mineke Bosch, Prof. dr. Patricia Mohammed (UWI, Trinidad) Aanstelling: tot In this PhD project, the processes that lie at the core of the reconstruction of identity, community and family among Hindustani men and women in Suriname between 1873 and 1921 are analyzed from an intersectional perspective. This means, special attention is paid to the way in which ideas and practices regarding culture, race, class, religion and gender were mutually constitutive. Intersectionality does not reduce identity formation to a single category of analysis, but focuses on the way in which these categories are interwoven. I will analyze how Hindustani men and women accepted, rejected or adapted essentialist identities ascribed to them by colonial authorities and others and how they used intersectional logic themselves in constructing identity, community and family in Suriname. In doing so, I come to an understanding of the working of intersectional thinking in a colonial setting and the diverse ways in which equality and inequality were constituted. I have placed the Hindustanis who were brought to Suriname as indentured laborers

19 center stage because for this group it is possible to trace the transition from temporary indenture to permanent settlement. Thereby I can investigate the changes in intersectional logic that were part of the coming in to being of a community. In 1873, the first Hindustani indentured laborers were brought to Suriname, the last arrived in I want to trace to what extent and in what ways the different social spaces associated with indenture and settlement (depot and ships, plantation, peasant holding and the city) constituted different arenas of social and cultural interaction between different intersections of colonial society and how social space and intersectional logic within and between different groups were coproduced. Theoretically, this project deepens our insight into how intersectionality functions in discourse and how it is acted out in daily life within different social spaces. Methodologically this project will provide important insights into how intersectional analysis can be done. In most research (and especially in Suriname history) the level of complexity involves one or two factors - mostly class and race or gender and race but this dissertation shows how a greater level of complexity can be maintained, thereby deepening our insight of how colonial society functioned. Furthermore the possibilities and impossibilities of against the grain analysis of the colonial archive will be put to the test. It will be shown that our search for the subaltern perspective can be much more successful if we uncover the common sense of the colonial government, as Ann Laura Stoler has stated. This helps us to understand the unwritten, to be able to interpret contradictions and omissions that are part of the sources and that constitute the places where we can look for the subaltern perspective. Finally, by bringing together large amounts and different types of sources we can make much more of the sometimes fragmentary evidence of the subaltern perspective. Garvert-Huijnen, Katharina Und plötzlich Partner in Europa. Die deutsch-niederländischen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft Universiteit van Amsterdam, Duitsland Instituut (DIA) Promotor: Prof. dr. Ton Nijhuis Aanstelling: tot Liest man über die deutsch-niederländischen Beziehungen nach 1945, wird häufig konstat0iert, dass diese auf psychologischer Ebene bis in die 1990er Jahre mit Spannungen beladen waren. Die politische Zusammenarbeit Deutschlands und der Niederlande wird dahingegen schon kurz nach Kriegsende als rational und nüchtern, sogar partnerschaftlich eingestuft. Tatsächlich entschieden sich beide Länder, unter dem Einfluss des ausbrechenden Ost-West-Konfliktes, aus sicherheits- und wirtschaftspolitischen Erwägungen zu einer Mitgliedschaft in der NATO und zur Beteiligung am Europäischen Integrationsprozess. Somit wurden Besatzer und Besetzte vielleicht schneller als erwartet zu Bündnispartnern. Diese Tatsache schließt jedoch keineswegs aus, dass auch die Zusammenarbeit in diesen Institutionen durch politisch-psychologische Sensibilitäten geprägt war. Darüber hinaus treffen zwei Länder aufeinander, die nicht nur im Hinblick auf Größe und geografische Lage, sondern auch in ihrer internationalen Einbindung, ihrer Geschichte und politischen Kultur deutliche Unter- schiede aufweisen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lässt sich erklären, dass die Beziehungen Deutschlands und der Niederlande, trotz zahlreicher gemeinsamer Interessen, nicht nur in den Grenzregionen Niederlande- NRW/Niedersachsen, in verschiedenen Phasen des Integrationsprozesses zum Teil besorgniserregend schlecht waren. Erstaunlicherweise dominiert jedoch nach wie vor in Wissenschaft und Politik das Bild der besonders engen deutsch-niederländischen Beziehungen in Europa. Das hier vorgestellte Forschungsprojekt hat zum Ziel, die Europapolitik beider Länder in der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft nicht nur zu vergleichen, sondern in

20 Wechselwirkung miteinander zu untersuchen. Dabei spielen Aspekte wie politischer Transfer, wechselseitige Wahrnehmung, Erwartung und Realität eine zentrale Rolle. Da die Beziehungen zweier Länder in den Mittelpunkt gestellt werden, kann die Forschungsarbeit die Kluft zwischen nationalem Selbstbild und Perzeption durch den Anderen bloß legen und auch auf diese Weise die Grenzen nationaler Geschichtsschreibung überwinden. Geerlings, Jordy Enlightenment, Sociability and Catholicism: Catholics in Dutch secular sosocieties and masonic lodges, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Departement Geschiedenis Promotor/begeleider: Prof. dr. Marit Monteiro, dr. Joost Rosendaal Aanstelling: tot This NWO-funded project focuses on the involvement of Catholics in secular societies and masonic lodges in the Dutch Republic. These organizations were devoted to science, literature, education, moral improvement and charity. They are also known to have been important sites for the formation of Enlightenment culture. However, while the presence and activities of Catholics in such societies and lodges have been documented for many countries surrounding the Dutch Republic, the involvement of Catholics in Dutch sociability has not been the object of systematic research. Concentrating on the period between 1750 and 1800, the heyday of Dutch Enlightenment sociable life, the proposed research will investigate the membership of Catholics in secular societies and masonic lodges to establish the significance of the Catholic contribution to Dutch sociability as well as the extent to which it expressed an adherence to Enlightenment ideas. The project will focus on the cities of Amsterdam, Den Haag, Leiden, Bergen op Zoom, Den Bosch and Nijmegen, and examine societies that operated at the national level, like the Oeconomische Tak. Thus, it aims to provide a more comprehensive insight into the changing status of Catholics in Dutch sociable life under the influence of Enlightenment thought. Geerlings, Lonneke Travelling translator. Rosey Pool ( ), a Dutch cultural mobiliser in the 'transatlantic century' Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Research institute for the heritage and history of the Cultural Landscape and Urban Environment (CLUE) Promotoren: Prof. dr. Susan Legêne, Prof. dr. Diederik Oostdijk Aanstelling: tot The research Travelling translator. Rosey Pool ( ) a Dutch cultural mobiliser in the transatlantic century is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). It focuses on Rosey Pool a writer, translator, and cultural anthropologist of Jewish descent born in Amsterdam. Already in the 1920s, she was involved in the négritude movement and corresponded with various Black Poets. During WWII she was a teacher of Anne Frank and managed to escape from Westerbork. After the war, she became involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the US. Pool s relevance in various national contexts will be explored in this project, which uses Stephen Greenblatt s concept of cultural mobiliser. Rosey Pool both mobilized people, and she managed to be mobile between different cultures. This research uses theories derived from

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