Bi j lage Pi ete r D am. feb ru a r i - ju n i

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1 Bi j lage Pi ete r D am feb ru a r i - ju n i O p d ra c ht : To p l i c ht 1

2 0. Inhoudsopgave 1. Introductie A. Afstudeervoorstel B. Gedetailleerde planning Ondersteunende info matie A. Conventionele masten dimensies B. Testrapport heklicht C. IP codering D. Klemkoppeling met rubber afdichting E. Lifetime white LED s F. Polyurethaan en gieten G. Licht termen en begrippen Materialen A. Technische specificaties van flexibel PU B. Voorbeelden van het gieten met Polyurethaan C. Een silicone mal maken D. Lichtdoorlaatbaarheid testen Polyurethaan E. Opbouw van een SMD LED F. Corrosie bestendigheid materialen G. Het voorkomen van spanningserosie H. Foto s van het Polyurethaan gieten Presentaties en schetsen A. Foto van een overzicht van de schetsen B. Overzicht van schetsen selectie C. Presentatie van de werkomgeving D. Concept 1 presentatiepaneel E. Concept 2 presentatiepaneel F. Concept 3 presentatiepaneel G. Eindproduct presentatiepaneel Inkoop en kostprijs A. Fatol offerte colorkit en flexibel PU B. Fatol offerte voor de Hhs inkoop afdeling C. LED 15D inkoopspecificaties D. U-profiel inkoopspecificaties E. Plaatmateriaal inkoopspecificaties F. Zelfborgende moeren inkoopspecificaties G. Zeskantsbouten inkoopspecificaties H. Rubberstrip inkoopspecificaties I. Nylon ringen inkoopspecificaties J. Kostprijsberekening Technische tekeningen pakket A. Montageplaat B. Verdeelplaat C. Richtersplaat D. Afdekplaat E. Gietstuk F. Verloop-montageplaat G. Verloop-montageplaat H. Samenstellingstekening

3 1. I nt r oduct i e A A fst u d ee r voo rstel B G ed eta i l l ee rd e p l a nning 2

4 Afstudeervoorstel: TopliĐht Pieter Dam Composail Opdrachtgever: Composail Kranenburgweg Loods ER Scheveningen +31(6) Begeleiders bedrijf: N. Persoon / J. Koopman / +31(6) E.R. van Meerveld +31(0) Stagiaire: Pieter w. Dam Van Maanenkade LL Den Haag +31(6) Opleiding: Haagse Hogeschool Industrieel Product Ontwerpen Postbus EH Den Haag Johanna Westerdijkplein EN Den Haag Begeleider school: M.J. van der Weiden +31(0) Het bedrijf Composail is een innovatief studentproject opgericht door de Haagse Hogeschool. Het project is gericht op o.a. het ontwikkelen en bouwen van 12.8 meter lange wedstrijdjacht door studenten. Composail is onderdeel van het Innosportlab zeilen in Scheveningen. In het project werken nationale en internationale studenten van het MBO, HBO en de Universiteit samen. De studenten krijgen de kans om met composieten en de mogelijkheden ervan te leren werken en nieuwe ontwikkelingen toe te passen binnen de watersport. 3

5 Aanleiding Ik heb voorheen vooral veel gewerkt met meubelen, accessoires en de vormgeving van producten. Mijn gekozen richting binnen de opleiding is ook MPI(Mens-product interactie). Het leek mij een goede keuze om mijn kennis uit te breiden met een wat meer technische opdracht. Binnen Composail zal ik werken met een aantal studenten die allen een andere en voornamelijk ook technische opdracht moeten vervullen. Door een nauw samenwerkingsverband en een leuke en vooral ook zeer directe werkomgeving blijven we op de hoogte van het verloop van elkaars projecten. Ik denk dat het niet een makkelijke opdracht voor mij zal worden, maar zeker wel leerzaam. De opdracht Ontwerp een nieuw toplicht (systeem) dat kan worden bevestigd aan de mast van een zeilboot. Bij Composail in de loods ligt een GP42 zeilboot in productie. Er wordt voornamelijk door studenten aan gewerkt. De bedoeling is dat ik binnen deze opdracht het toplicht ontwerp die uiteindelijk bovenaan de mast, of bovenop de masttop van de zeilboot is te monteren. Het toplicht geeft een een wit licht die ervoor dient dat boten elkaar kunnen waarnemen. Het toplicht is voorzien van LED verlichting en is eventueel opgebouwd uit schakelbare LED's, zodat deze later is te combineren met navigatie verlichting. Het toplicht moet zichtbaar zijn voor andere schepen tot 3 Zeemijlen. Het toplicht wordt ontworpen voor op de mast van de GP42 boot, maar is uiteindelijk op zo veel mogelijk verschillende masten te monteren. Het toplicht moet volledig waterdicht zijn en bestand zijn tegen erosie en corrosie. Zeeomstandigheden zijn niet gunstig voor de meeste producten, het ontwerp moet bestand zijn tegen invloeden van buitenaf zoals zout, wind en zon. Het toplicht mag, gezien het zich bovenaan de mast bevind, niet veel wegen en bevat daarom geen accu / batterij. Het toplicht is verbonden aan de voeding van de boot middels een snoer dat is geleid door de mast naar het dek. Omdat het toplicht 20 meter boven het dek, buiten het zicht, aan de mast wordt gemonteerd, is de vormgeving minder van belang. Belangrijker is dat het ontwerp goed functioneert en uiteindelijk in de praktijk zo lang mogelijk meegaat. Het toplicht zal worden ontworpen in een seriegrootte van ongeveer 150 stuks. Een mogelijkheid is dat de lampjes worden ingegoten in een transparante hars onder vacuüm. Dit scheelt 2 armaturen in de top en dus ook weer contragewicht onderaan. Verder onderzoek ik nog eventuele andere mogelijkheden. Internationale bepalingen BVA Voorschrift 21, Toplicht heeft een hoek van 225gr en 22,5 achterlijker dan dwars, Voorschrift 22, Toplicht is zichtbaar vanaf scheepslengte 12 tot 20mtr, bedraagt 3 zeemijlen scheepslengte 20 tot 50mtr, bedraagt 5 zeemijlen Deze waardes moeten worden omgezet in genormaliseerde technische eenheden. Voorschriften betreffende politie en scheepvaart 2007 Een normale LED verlichting geeft dan al gauw te veel licht. en dat is niet gewenst voor de medewatersporters.. je ziet dat al bij de commercieel aangeboden vervangingslampen dat deze ook verblinden van dichtbij. Het licht moet dus van ver te zien zijn, maar van dichtbij niet verblinden. De navigatielampen zijn in de kleuren wit, groen, rood en in 12 en 24 volt verkrijgbaar!! Deze LED navigatielampen zijn speciaal gemaakt voor de scheepsvaart en zijn geschikt als rondom schijnende verlichting. Energieverbruik: 2,8 Watt Vervangt: tot 30 Watt traditionele verlichting Besparing bij 24/7: tot 60 Kleurtemperatuur: K Lichtopbrengst: 280 Lumen Zichtbaarheid: 2 Zeemijl (3,7km) Fitting: Bay 15D (ongelijke contactpuntjes) Lichthoek: 360 graden 4

6 Projectaanpak Mijn plan van aanpak is om veel onderzoek te verrichten alvorens te beginnen met het schetsen en ideeën opdoen. Dit met name omdat ik de huidige markt van LED niet echt ken en dus nog goed moet analyseren om goed dit traject te kunnen doorlopen. Wat is er al op de markt qua LED verlichting en Toplichten en wat komt er allemaal bij kijken als je LED in kunststof wil gieten. Ook weet ik nog maar vrij weinig op het gebied van zeilen en ook hier wil ik graag meer grip op krijgen om voor mezelf een goed beeld te kunnen vormen. Naast dit zal ik onderzoek moeten doen naar licht en de breking hiervan. Ook ga ik onderzoeken hoe ik het beste het toplicht aan de mast zou kunnen bevestigen. Het ontwerp moet natuurlijk een zo groot mogelijke doelgroep aanspreken, en dus ook op zoveel mogelijk masten zijn te monteren. Alle ingewonnen informatie verwerk ik vervolgens weer in het ontwerp om aan het einde van het afstudeer traject een goed functionerend eindproduct te leveren. Geplande resultaten Een PVE Randvoorwaarden een aantal ideeën een pakket van technische tekeningen voor het productvoorstel een product verslag een werkend model Kosten Hierover is nog niks bekend. Planning Datum: Start project Inleverdatum verslag Eindpresentatie Ondertekening Pieter W. Dam Industrieel product ontwerper Naam bedrijfsbegeleider Bedrijfsbegeleider A. de Leede Voorzitter toets commissie IPO 5

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9 2. O nde r steu nende i nfom ati e A. C o nvent i o n el e m a ste n dim e ns ies B. Te st ra p p or t h ek l i c ht C. I P co d er i n g D. Kl em kop p el i n g m et rubbe r afdichting E. L i fet i m e w h i te L E D s F. Po l yu ret h a a n e n g i ete n G. L i c ht ter m e n en b eg rippen 8

10 Overzicht van de meest voorkomende mast dimensies: Conventionele masten (C,D,E-Sections): Conventionele rolmasten (F-Sections): 9

11 CERTIFICATION TEST REPORT 515 Gus Hipp Boulevard Rockledge, Florida Telephone (321) Post Office Box Rockledge, Florida FAX (321) CERTIFICATION TEST REPORT NAVIGATION LIGHT TESTS AQUA SIGNAL PROTOTYPE 2 MILE WHITE LED STERN LIGHT PER ABYC A & USCG COLREG 1972 CUSTOMER: Aqua Signal Corp Alexander Court Cary, Ill MANUFACTURER OF TEST ARTICLE: Aqua Signal DATE: Nov. 18, 2004 REPORT NO.: IMANNA JOB NO.: CUSTOMER P.O. NO.: Letter CONTRACT: N/A PAGES IN REPORT: 7 STATE OF FLORIDA ROBERT L. WHITE, being duly sworn, deposes and says: The information contained in this report is the result of complete and carefully conducted tests and is to the best of his knowledge true and correct in all respects. Imanna shall have no liability for damages of any kind to person or property, including special or consequential damages resulting from Imanna's providing the service covered by the report. SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 2004 IMANNA LABORATORY, Inc. TEST BY Robert L. White PROJ. ENGINEER 10

12 PAGE NO. 2 REPORT NO TEST ARTICLE One White, LED Navigational Stern Light was received from Aqua Signal, Inc. for test. The light is designed to be mounted above the sheer line on a boat deck. 2. MODEL NUMBER Prototype Designed to meet the 2 Mile requirements. 3. REQUIREMENTS The Requirements for this effort are to test the light in accordance with the USCG COLREG 1972 (IMO) standards and verify conformance with the navigation light regulations of ABYC A PROCEDURES The procedure used in performing this test program is IMANNA Laboratory, Inc. Test Procedure NAV-LITE -1. This procedure details the requirements and procedures specified in the NMMA Certification Handbook under the section entitled Navigation Lights without additions or deletions. The procedure contains the detailed steps necessary to determine the compliance of the test specimen to the USCG IMO requirements. 5. TESTING SEQUENCE Receiving Inspection Functional Operation Chromaticity Test Luminous Intensity Tests Cut-off Angle Verification Watertightness Test 6. RESULTS The results of the tests performed are presented below by their order within the test sequence. 6.1 RECEIVING INSPECTION One light sample was received for test. The light appeared to in good condition and ready for testing. IMANNA LABORATORY 11

13 PAGE NO. 3 REPORT NO FUNCTIONAL OPERATION The lights were mounted on a panel simulating a boat deck surface then operated and tested using a DC electrical power supply set at VDC. 6.3 CHROMATICITY TEST The Chromaticity of the light emissions from the lens was measured and found to be within the White Light range as specified by the standards. The Chromaticity chart is included in the Appendix. 6.4 LUMINOUS INTENSITY TESTS The luminous intensity of the light was measured to be above the 2 mile limit of 4.3 Candela in the critical areas. 6.5 CUT-OFF ANGLE VERIFICATION The light intensity that was measured was graphed and included in the Appendix. The graph also includes the minimum required cut-off angle of 4.3 Candela. The data for the light sample shows that the light emits sufficient light in the required zones and prevents light from entering the keep out zones. This indicates that the light meets the photometric requirements of the standard. 6.6 WEATHERTIGHTNESS TEST Since the light will be installed above the sheer line, it was subjected to the Weathertightness Test. This test consisted of a continuous water spray using nozzles over the entire top and all exposed sides of the structure for 15 minutes at a rate of at least two inches (50mm) per hour, at an operating pressure of five psi (0.352 kilograms per square centimeter). No water intrusion was present after the 15 minute duration and therefore the light meets the weathertightness test. 7.0 COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS The data from these tests show that the sample tested meets the requirements of the standards listed above for sail and power driven vessels under 20 meters in length. Test equipment used in the performance of these tests was calibrated to standards traceable to the N.I.S.T. The results of the tests presented herein apply only to the test specimen as prepared and as tested. To be in full compliance with the USCG IMANNA LABORATORY 12

14 PAGE NO. 4 REPORT NO regulations a light must also be in compliance with the marking requirements listed in 33 CFR that state in part that a light must: (3) Bear a permanent and indelible label that is visible without removing or disassembling the light and states the following: (i) USCG Approval 33 CFR (ii) Meets ABYC A-16. (iii) Tested by Imanna Lab., Inc. if tested by Imanna or other appropriate lab if not (iv) Name of manufacturer. (v) Number of model. (vi) Visibility of the light in nautical miles. (vii) Date on which the light was type-tested. (viii) Identification and specifications of the bulb used in the compliance test. If a light is too small to attach the required label (1) Place the information from the label in or on the package that contains the light: and (2) Mark the light USCG followed by the certified range of visibility in nautical miles. Once installed, this mark must be visible without removing the light. Figure 1: view of tested light IMANNA LABORATORY 13

15 PAGE NO. 6 REPORT NO Figure 2. Chromaticity Plot of Stern Light / White / 2 mile / (X=.336 Y=.358) IMANNA LABORATORY 14

16 PAGE NO. 7 REPORT NO Figure 3. horizontal cut-offs Figure 4. vertical cut-offs IMANNA LABORATORY 15

17 De IP codering voor een product bepalen: De codering is bepaald door middel van twee cijfers. De twee cijfers geven samen weer hoe goed het product bestand is tegen stof, water en aanraking. Het eerste cijfer bepaald de beschermingsgraad tegen aanraken en het indringen van voorwerpen. Het tweede cijfer bepaald de mate waarin het product bestand is tegen vocht. Verder is er een derde cijfer die de mechanische bestandigheid weergeeft. Deze wordt echter nog niet vaak toegepast, deze is ook nog niet genormaliseerd. Dit getal zou dus de mate aangeven waarin een product beschermd is tegen mechanische krachten. 16

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19 Building Technologies Program Lifetime of White LEDs One of the main selling points of LEDs is their potentially very long life. Do they really last 50,000 hours or even 100,000 hours? This fact sheet discusses lumen depreciation, measurement of LED useful life, and the features to look for in evaluating LED products. Lumen Depreciation All electric light sources experience a decrease in the amount of light they emit over time, a process known as lumen depreciation. Incandescent filaments evaporate over time and the tungsten particles collect on the bulb wall. This typically results in 10-15% depreciation compared to initial lumen output over the 1,000 hour life of an incandescent lamp. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors OSTAR Lighting In fluorescent lamps, photochemical degradation of the phosphor coating and accumulation of light-absorbing deposits cause lumen depreciation. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) generally lose no more than 20% of initial lumens over their 10,000 hour life. High-quality linear fluorescent lamps (T8 and T5) using rare earth phosphors will lose only about 5% of initial lumens at 20,000 hours of operation. lumen maintenance (%) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 0 Source: Typical Lumen Maintenance Values for Various Light Sources operating time (hr) Adapted from Bullough, JD Lighting Answers: LED Lighting Systems. Troy, NY. National Lighting Product Information Program, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 100W Incandescent 50W Tungsten Halogen 400W Metal Halide 42W CFL 32W T8 Fluorescent 5-mm LED High-Power LED The primary cause of LED lumen depreciation is heat generated at the LED junction. LEDs do not emit heat as infrared radiation (IR), so the heat must be removed from the device by conduction or convection. Without adequate heat sinking or ventilation, the device temperature will rise, resulting in lower light output. While the effects of short-term exposure to high temperatures can be reversed, continuous high temperature operation will cause permanent reduction in light output. LEDs continue to operate even after their light output has decreased to very low levels. This becomes the important factor in determining the effective useful life of the LED. Defining LED Useful Life To provide an appropriate measure of useful life of an LED, a level of acceptable lumen depreciation must be chosen. At what point is the light level no longer meeting the needs of the application? The answer may differ depending on the application of the product. For a common application such as general lighting in an office environment, research has shown that the majority of occupants in a space will accept light level reductions of up to 30% with little notice, particularly if the reduction is gradual. 1 Therefore a level of 70% of initial light level could be considered an appropriate threshold of useful life for general lighting. Based on this research, the Alliance for Solid State Illumination Systems and Technologies (ASSIST), a group led by the Lighting Research Center (LRC), 1 Rea MS (ed.) IESNA Lighting Handbook: Reference and Application, 9th ed. New York: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Knau H Thresholds for detecting slowly changing Ganzfeld luminances. J Opt Soc Am A 17(8): Terms Lumen depreciation - the decrease in lumen output that occurs as a lamp is operated. Rated lamp life the life value assigned to a particular type lamp. This is commonly a statistically determined estimate of average or median operational life. For certain lamp types other criteria than failure to light can be used; for example, the life can be based on the average time until the lamp type produces a given fraction of initial luminous flux. Life performance curve a curve that presents the variation of a particular characteristic of a light source (such as luminous flux, intensity, etc.) throughout the life of the source. Also called lumen maintenance curve. Source: Rea Checklist What features should you look for in evaluating the projected lifetime of LED products? Does the LED manufacturer publish thermal design guidance? Does the lamp design have any special features for heat sinking/ thermal management? Does the fixture manufacturer have test data supporting life claims? What life rating methodology was used? What warranty is offered by the manufacturer? 18 Bringing you a prosperous future where energy is clean, reliable, and affordable

20 Lifetime of White LEDs Research that Works! recommends defining useful life as the point at which light output has declined to 70% of initial lumens (abbreviated as L 70 ) for general lighting and 50% (L 50 ) for LEDs used for decorative purposes. For some applications, a level higher than 70% may be required. Measuring Light Source Life The lifetimes of traditional light sources are rated through established test procedures. For example, CFLs are tested according to LM-65, published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). A statistically valid sample of lamps is tested at an ambient temperature of 25 Celsius using an operating cycle of 3 hours ON and 20 minutes OFF. The point at which half the lamps in the sample have failed is the rated average life for that lamp. For 10,000 hour lamps, this process takes about 15 months. Full life testing for LEDs is impractical due to the long expected lifetimes. Switching is not a determining factor in LED life, so there is no need for the on-off cycling used with other light sources. But even with 24/7 operation, testing an LED for 50,000 hours would take 5.7 years. Because the technology continues to develop and evolve so quickly, products would be obsolete by the time they finished life testing. The IESNA is currently developing a life testing procedure for LED products, based in part on the ASSIST recommends approach. The proposed method involves operating the LED component or system at rated current and voltage for 1,000 hours as a seasoning period. This is necessary because the light output actually increases during the first 1,000 hours of operation, for most LEDs. Then the LED is operated for another 5,000 hours. The radiant output of the device is measured at 1,000 hours of operation; this is normalized to 100%. Measurements taken between 1,000 and 6,000 hours are compared to the initial (1,000 hour) level. If the L 70 and L 50 levels have not been reached during the 6,000 hours, the data are used to extrapolate those points. A Strong Energy Portfolio for a Strong America Energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy will mean a stronger economy, a cleaner environment, and greater energy independence for America. Working with a wide array of state, community, industry, and university partners, the U.S. Department of Energy s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies. For more information contact: EERE Information Center EERE-INF ( ) LED Lifetime Characteristics How do the lifetime projections for today s white LEDs compare to traditional light sources? Light Source Range of Typical Rated Life (hours)* (varies by specific lamp type) Estimated Useful Life (L 70 ) Incandescent 750-2,000 Halogen incandescent 3,000-4,000 Compact fluorescent (CFL) 8,000-10,000 Metal halide 7,500-20,000 Linear fluorescent 20,000-30,000 High-Power White LED 35,000-50,000 *Source: lamp manufacturer data. Electrical and thermal design of the LED system or fixture determine how long LEDs will last and how much light they will provide. Driving the LED at higher than rated current will increase relative light output but decrease useful life. Operating the LED at higher than design temperature will also decrease useful life significantly. Most manufacturers of high-power white LEDs estimate a lifetime of around 30,000 hours to the 70% lumen maintenance level, assuming operation at 350 milliamps (ma) constant current and maintaining junction temperature at no higher than 90 C. However, LED durability continues to improve, allowing for higher drive currents and higher operating temperatures. Specific manufacturer data should be consulted because some LEDs available today are rated for 50,000 hours at 1000 ma with junction temperature up to 120 C. 2 2 Philips Lumileds Lighting. LUXEON K2 Emitter Datasheet DS51 (5/06) For Program Information on the Web: For Information on the Next Generation Lighting Industry Alliance: For Program Information: Kelly Gordon Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Phone: (503) PNNL-SA August 2006 Printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper. 19

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26 3. M ater ial en A. Tec h n i s c h e s p ec i fi catie s van f lexibe l PU B. Voo r b ee l d en va n het g ieten m et Po ly urethaan C. Een s i l i con e m a l m aken D. L i c htd oo r l a at b a a r heid teste n Po ly urethaan E. O p b o u w va n een S M D LED F. C o r ros i e b esten d i g he id m ateriale n G. Het vo or kom e n va n s panning s e ro s ie H. Fo to s va n h et Po l yurethaan g ieten 25

27 Technische specificaties flexibel Polyurethaan Two components polyurethane system APPLICATION Transparent soft polyurethane resin POLYOL (A) DPPO ISOCYANATE (B) DPIS MIXING RATIO A/B 100/100 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Viscosity at 25 C Specific gravity at 25 C Aspect at room temperature cps g/cm3 ± 1 by weight Polyol (A) Isocianate (B) ,01 liquid ,20 liquid 6 6 storage at 20 C Stability months closed drums, dry place at 20 C PROCESSING CONDITIONS Polyol temperature (A) Isocyanate temperature (B) Mould temperature Cream time Gel time Free density Demoulding time C C C sec min kg/m3 hours room n.d. 180 ± ±10 48 PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Moulded density Hardness kg/m3 Shore A 1010±11 75±2 The physico-mechanical properties are obtained on a plate of thickness 10 mm, after 72 hours at 20 C. FURTHER INFORMATION Mix well the polyol before use PACKAGE: 5 kg pail 25 kg drum; 200 kg drum RESAL guaranty the properties of product tested in his laboratory. The values of laboratory tests are indicated in technical data sheet. Once the client tested the RESAL products and accepts its quality has not any right to reclaim the product which is used for another application. 26

28 1 Identification of the Substance / Preparation and Company Designation of Product Trade name: DPPO Polyol Item No.: DPPO Use of the substance / preparation : Resin for polyurethane Identification of the company: Resal s.r.l. Via Levata 8, CORTE DE FRATI, ITALIA Internet : Tel ; Fax Videoconference: address of the competent person Emergency telephone number: Hazards Identification Hazardous description: Xi Irritant Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment: Not regarded as a health or environmental hazard under current legislation. R phrases: R 36 eyes irritant Classification system: The product is labelled due to the calculation procedure of the General Classification guideline for Preparation of the EU in the latest valid version, and extended by company and literature data. 3 Composition/Information on Ingredients Chemical characterisation: Description : Mixture of saturated polyols Hazardous ingredients : CAS no. ENIECS Chemical agents 67/548 index Concent %. Neodecane phenyl mercury 0.10 R phrases S phrases Label T;R25-R48/24/25 C;R 34 N; R / , Xi T,N Neodecaneoic acid 1,5 Xi:R 36 Xi Further information: limit concentration for T (toxic) is > 2% limit concentration for Xn (harmful) is >0.2 % and < 2% 4 First Aid Measures General indication: Remove contaminated clothing Inhalation: No risk Contact with eyes: Immediately rinse eyes with running water and seek the medical advice Contact with skin: Wash contaminated skin immediately with soap and rinse it with plenty of water. Ingestion: No induce vomiting! Immediately rinse mouth and provide fresh air. Seek medical aid. Further information for a doctor: 27

29 5 Fire-Fighting Measure Suitable extinguishing media: Product is not flammable but in case of ignition use water spray, foam carbon dioxide, dry chemicals Non suitable extinguishing media: Products/ gas of decomposition: The decomposition of product may releases toxic gas Further information: 6 Accidental release measure: Personal precautions: No one in particular Environmental precautions: Prevent that the release or spilled material spread on surface and in water Methods for cleaning up/taking up: Pick up with absorbent material ( sand, sawdust ). Clean the area with water and detergent and put the contaminated material in a appropriate waste disposal container like indicate to the point 13 Additional information: 7 Handling and storage Advice on safe handling: Open the packaging and handling with caution Advice on protection against fire and explosion: Storage: Keep container tightly closed in a dry place Avoid contact with food beverages and tobacco Further information on storage conditions: Keep in original container. Keep separate from food, feedstuffs, fertilisers and other sensitive material. 8 Exposure Controls/Personal Protection: Exposure limits to be monitored: CAS no. EINECS Chemical agents Neodecane phenyl mercury Neodecanoic acid Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL) Short-term value Long-term value Time Weighted Average (TWA) Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm 28

30 General hygiene measures: Protective clothing are recommended Avoid skin contact. Barrier cream may be used in conjunction with the gloves to provide additional skin protection Before eating, drinking or smoking wash hands with water and soap Avoid contact with eyes Respiratory protections: No specific recommendation made, but respiratory device is recommended Hand protections: Rubber gloves Eyes protections: Tightly fitting safety goggles Skin protections: Wear protective clothing Further information: It is recommended that a shower be taken after completion of work shift 9 Physical and Chemical Properties General information: Form: liquid Colour: transparent Odour: characteristic Specific Information: ph: not available Melting point: not available Boiling point: > 200 C Flash point: C Ignition temperature: not available Self-igniting: product is not self-igniting Danger of explosion: product is not explosive Vapour pressure at 25 C: not available Density at 25 C: 1.08 g/cm³ Solubility in/miscibility with water: insoluble Viscosity at 25 C: 650 mpas Density of vapour ( air=1): not available Evaporation rate: not available VOC (volatile organic compounds): Further information: No other information available 10 Stability and reactivity Stability: Stable. Thermal decomposition/condition to be avoided: Decomposition temperature 260 C. Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition Dangerous reactions: Reacts with isocyanate Dangerous decomposition products: Decompositions products, carbon dioxide (CO2). carbon monoxide (CO), can be harmful 29

31 11 Toxicological information: Chemical agents Neodecane phenyl mercury Irritant effect: to eyes and skin Additional toxicological information: Sensitisation: 12 Ecological information: Ecotoxicity: Chemical agents Neodecane phenyl mercury Acute oral toxicity (rat) LD mg/kg Acute toxicity of fish LC/EC/IC50 Acute dermal toxicity (rabbit) LD50 Acute toxicity of daphnia LC/EC/IC50 Mobility: Great volumes can penetrate in the land and contaminate stratum waters Persistence and degradability: Biodegradable. Potential bioaccumulation: Not available data of bioaccumulation Further information: Not known Acute toxicity of algae LC/EC/IC50 Acute inhalation toxicity LC50 Acute toxicity of bacterium LC/EC/IC50 13 Disposal information: Product: Disposal must be made in accordance with applicable government regulation like indicate to the point 6 Container: Disposal of the empty containers or drums must be made in accordance of local authority regulation 14 Informazioni sul trasporto: Description of goods: polyol for polyurethane ADR/RID Land transport Hazard label ADR/RID-IMDG-ICAO/IATA class Danger code -Kemler Number UN/ID Number Packaging group EMS Number Marine pollutant Further information: 15 Regulatory information: not required IMDG Maritime transport Labelling in accordance with EC-directives:, Xi Irritant The product is classified and labelled in accordance with EC Directives relating to Dangerous Preparations. 2001/58/EC, Dangerous Substance 67/548/EEC, Dangerous Preparations 1999/45/EC. 16 Other information: ICAO/IATA Air transport 30

32 Hazard R-phrases: 25 Toxic for ingestion 34 May cause burn 36 Eyes irritant 48/24/25 Toxic: health damages in case of long exposure with skin contact and with ingestion 50/53 Toxic for aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment Safety S-phrases: 23/38 Do not breath gas/smokes/vapors 24/25/37 Avoid eyes and skin contact 45 In case of accident or unseasiness 57 Use adapted containers to avoid environmental pollution 61 Do not diperse in environment This information is based on our present knowledge and experience. It should not therefore constitute a guarantee for any specific properties of the product described or their suitability for a particular application. MSDS issued : Mr P. Barbieri 1 Identification of the Substance / Preparation and Company Designation of Product Trade name: DPIS Hardener Item No.:DPIS Use of the substance / preparation : Hardener for polyurethane Identification of the company: Resal s.r.l. Via Levata 8, CORTE DE FRATI, ITALIA Internet : Tel ; Fax Videoconference: address of the competent person Emergency telephone number:

33 2 Hazards Identification Hazardous description: Xi Irritant Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment: R phrases: R 36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin R 42/43 May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact Classification system: The product is labelled due to the calculation procedure of the General Classification guideline for Preparation of the EU in the latest valid version, and extended by company and literature data. Further information: For emergency reasons the persons who introduce hypersensitivity of the respiratory ways (as: asthma, chronic bronchitis) does not have to manipulate the product 3 Composition/Information on Ingredients Chemical characterisation: Description : Prepolimero di esametilendiisocianato CAS no. ENIECS 67/548 index Hazardous ingredients: Hexamethylenediisocyanate prepolymer Concent %. 99,9 R phrases S phrases Hazard symbols 4 First Aid Measures General indication: Remove contaminated clothing without delay Inhalation: If vapour or dust of this material is inhaled, remove from exposure. Administer oxygen if there is difficulty in breathing. Obtain medical attention if difficulty persists Contact with eyes: Immediately rinse eyes with running water and seek the medical advice Contact with skin: Wash contaminated skin immediately with plenty of water and soap Ingestion: When swallowed accidentally, immediately rinse mouth and provide fresh air and seek medical aid. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! 32

34 Further information for a doctor: The symptoms can be manifested as: Drowsiness and dizziness 5 Fire-Fighting Measure Suitable extinguishing media: Water spray, foam carbon dioxide, dry chemicals. In the fire case of remarkable extension also jet of water Non suitable extinguishing media: Products/ gas of decomposition: The decomposition of product releases a harmful products Further information: Wear self-contained respirator 6 Accidental release measure: Personal precautions: Wear protection equipment and respiration protection Evacuate endangered area. Environmental precautions: Remove any possible source of flame Prevent that the release or spilled material spread on surface and in water. In the case of contamination Notify to the competent authorities Methods for cleaning up/taking up: Cover with absorbent material ( sand, sawdust, universal binder). After approximately an hour, collect it in a container for refusals, without to close it (carbon dioxide is developed), after that manipulate with it like indicate to the point 13 Additional information: Call the fire brigade immediately 7 Handling and storage Advice on safe handling: Open and manipulate container with caution Provide sufficient ventilation, wear respiration protection Contamination by moisture will cause the development of CO2, creating pressure on closed systems. Advice on protection against fire and explosion: Particular provisions is non necessary Further information on storage conditions: Keep container tightly closed in a ventilated place. Protect from low - 5 C and high 50 C temperature Avoid contact with flammable substances Avoid contact with food, beverages and tobacco 8 Exposure Controls/Personal Protection: Exposure limits to be monitored: CAS no. ENIECS 67/548 index Chemical agents Hexamethylenediisocyanate prepolymer Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL) Short-term value Long-term value Time Weighted Average (TWA) Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm mg/m³ ppm 33

35 General hygiene measures: Protective clothing are recommended Avoid skin contact. Barrier cream may be used in conjunction with the gloves to provide additional skin protection Before eating, drinking or smoking wash hands with water and soap Avoid contact with eyes Respiratory protections: Use respiratory filter device in case of brief exposure or low pollution. In case of intensive or longer exposure use self contained respiratory protective device. Filter P3 Hand protections: Rubber gloves Eyes protections: Tightly fitting safety goggles Skin protections: Wear protective clothing Further information It is recommended that a shower be taken after completion of work shift 9 Physical and Chemical Properties General information: Form: Colour: Odour: Specific Information: liquid colourless characteristic ph: not available Pour point: - 10 C Boiling point: >200 C Flash point: > 171 C Ignition temperature: >350 C Self-igniting: > 440 C Danger of explosion: product is not explosive. Vapour pressure at 20 C: not available Density at 25 C: 1.15g/cm³ Solubility in/miscibility with water: insoluble, reacts with water Viscosity at 25 C: 700 cps Density of vapour ( air=1): not available Evaporation rate: not available VOC (volatile organic compounds): Further information: No other information available 10 Stability and reactivity Stability: Stable. Decomposition temperature is about 260 C Condition to avoid: High temperature Material to avoid: Keep away of amines, water, alcohols, oxidising agents, acids. The reaction with them is exoteric Decomposition harmful products: Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and vapour of cyanhydric acid. 34

36 11 Toxicological information: Chemical agents Hexamethylenediisocyanate prepolymer Acute oral toxicity (rat) LD 50 < 5000 mg/kg Irritant effect: To skin, eyes and to mucous membranes Additional toxicological information: Sensitisation: Long term exposition can cause sensitisation by inhalation 12 Ecological information: Ecotoxicity: Acute dermal toxicity (rabbit) LD50 Acute inhalation toxicity LC50 Chemical agents Hexamethylenediisocyanate prepolymer Mobility: Acute toxicity of fish LC/EC/IC50/CL0 Acute toxicity of daphnia LC/EC/IC50/CE0 Acute toxicity of algae LC/EC/IC50 Acute toxicity of bacterium LC/EC/IC50 Persistence and degradability: React with water producing a solid non-soluble product, inert and not degradable ( 0% in 21 days) Potential bioaccumulation: No evidential data of bioaccumulation Further information: Not available 13 Disposal information: Product: Disposal must be made in accordance with applicable government regulation.. Container: Disposal of the empty containers or drums must be made in accordance of local authority regulation 14 Informazioni sul trasporto: Description of goods: Hexamethylenediisocyanate prepolymer ADR/RID Land Transport Hazard label ADR/RID-IMDG-ICAO/IATA class Danger code -Kemler Number UN/ID Number Packaging group EMS Number Marine pollutant Further information: Protect of the humidity. Keep away from aliments, acids and alkali IMDG Maritime transport ICAO/IATA Air transport 15 Regulatory information: Labelling in accordance with EC-directives: Xi Irritant 35

37 The product is classified and labelled in accordance with EC Directives relating to Dangerous Preparations. 2001/58/EC, Dangerous Substance 67/548/EEC, Dangerous Preparations 1999/45/EC. 16 Other information: Hazard R phrases: 36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin 42/43 May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact Safety S phrases: 26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. 28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. 38 In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately This information is based on our present knowledge and experience. It should not therefore constitute a guarantee for any specific properties of the product described or their suitability for a particular application. MSDS issued : P. Barbieri (Mr) 36

38 Gietenmettransparantekunststofen: Hetgietengebeurdzowelhandmatigalsmachinaal. 37

39 38

40 Lichtdoorlaatbaarheids-onderzoek Polyurethaan Na het gieten van 4 plakken polyurethaan op verschillende diktes kan er een meting worden gedaan van de lichtdoorlaatbaarheid. De metingen zijn met een lichtmeter verricht in een lichtstudio. De metingen zijn in EV, dit is eenvoudig om te rekenen naar Lumen. Halogeenlamp geen materiaal mm mm mm mm 13.1 LED 39 Geen materiaal mm mm mm mm 12.0

41 40

42 41

43 42

44 43

45 44

46 45

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50 49

51 4. P r esentat ies e n sc hetsen A. Foto va n een overz icht van de s chets e n B. O ver z i c ht va n s c h ets en s e lectie C. P res entat i e va n d e werko m gev ing D. C on c e pt 1 p res entatie panee l E. C o n c ept 2 p res entatie pane e l F. C on c ept 3 p res entatiepane el G. E i n d p ro d u c t p res entatie pane el 50

52 51

53 52

54 53

55 54

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58 57

59 5. I nkoop e n kostpri j s A. Fato l o ffer te co l or kit en f lexibe l PU B. Fatol offer te voo r de H hs inko o p afdeling C. L E D 1 5 D i n koo ps p e cif icaties D. U p ro fi e l i n ko ops p ecif icatie s E. Pl a at m ater i a a l i n ko o ps pe cif icatie s F. Ze l fb orgen d e m oe re n inko o ps pe cif icaties G. Zes ka nt s b ou ten i n ko o ps pecif icaties H. R u b b erst r i p i n ko ops pecif icatie s I. Nyl on r i n gen i n ko ops pecif icatie s J. Kost p r i j s b e reken i n g 58

60 59

61 Het vriendelijke verzoek om de onderstaande order conform de afspraken uit te leveren. Artikelnr Artikelnaam Aantal + eenheid Prijs per stuk Totaal Leverdatum Kostenplaats Project RESAL DP 10 (Stuk) 26,50 265, blik 5+5 kg Opmerkingen Axson Colour Kit 6x0.025 kg Opmerkingen 1 (Stuk) 49,50 49, Totaal Bedrag excl. BTW Bedrag incl. BTW 314,50 EUR 374,26 EUR Afleveradres De Haagse Hogeschool T.a.v. N.J. Persoon Kamer;? Kranenburgweg 211zone 3 loods ER Den Haag Factuuradres LET OP FACTUURADRES IS GEWIJZIGD De Haagse Hogeschool T.a.v. Dienst FEZ afd. Crediteuren Postbus BJ Den Haag Algemene opmerkingen: Bij levering duidelijk alle aflevergegevens (ordernummer, naam besteller, afdeling en kostenplaats) op de sticker op de doos, de pakbon en factuur te vermelden. 60

62 Indien er afwijkingen t.o.v. de order, vragen en/of opmerkingen zijn, dient contact opgenomen te worden met de aanvrager van deze order; Naam aanvrager Suzanne Louwersheimer, S. Afdeling Academy voor Technology, Innovation & Society H Telefoonnummer adres 61

63 Boot / Maritieme / BAY15D enkele functie / 2x BAY15D-18smd (navigatielamp) 10-30v (artikelnr: 30v-bay15d-18smd-cw) Cool-wit 2 stuks BAY15D - 18 smd multi-voltage lamp Warm-wit ideaal voor Boten navigatielamp en caravans(12v) (24V) deze lamp is ook : No polarity ( maakt niet uit waar plus en min is) dit is de vervanger van standaard 21 watt met bajonet sluiting pinnen ongelijk Dubbele pool ( 1 pool = plus en 1 pool = min) - 18 SMD (5050) - Cool-Wit - Dubbele pin aansluiting lumen watt - geschikt voor 12v en 24v (max30v) volt - 2 stuks - 2 jaar garantie Aantal 1 of meer 10 of meer 25 of meer 50 of meer 100 of meer Prijs per 2 stuks 14,95 16,55 14,55 15,15 13,15 15,75 13,75 14,35 12,35 62

64 Aluminium Profielen» Aluminium U-profiel Aluminium U profiel is verkijgbaar op op handelslengtes van 6000mm of op maat gezaagd. Restlengtes van het U profiel worden meegeleverd. Omschrijving Afmeting Gewicht/m Prijs/m (Excl. BTW) AL Gel. U-Profiel 23 X 23 X 23 X 1.5 MM 0,78 7,64 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 25 X 25 X 25 X 1.5 MM 0,85 8,33 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 20 X 20 X 20 X 2 MM 0,88 8,62 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 22 X 22 X 22 X 2 MM 0,97 9,51 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 23 X 23 X 23 X 2 MM 1,02 10,00 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 25 X 25 X 25 X 2 MM 1,12 10,98 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 30 X 30 X 30 X 2 MM 1,36 13,33 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 36 X 36 X 36 X 2 MM 1,64 16,07 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 40 X 40 X 40 X 2 MM 1,84 18,03 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 30 X 30 X 30 X 3 MM 1,96 19,21 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 35 X 35 X 35 X 3 MM 2,32 22,74 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 40 X 40 X 40 X 3 MM 2,68 26,26 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 45 X 45 X 45 X 3 MM 3,04 29,79 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 50 X 50 X 50 X 3 MM 3,4 33,32 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 60 X 60 X 60 X 3 MM 4,12 40,38 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 40 X 40 X 40 X 4 MM 3,48 34,10 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 50 X 50 X 50 X 4 MM 4,45 43,61 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 80 X 80 X 80 X 4 MM 7,33 71,83 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 50 X 50 X 50 X 5 MM 5,44 53,31 Bestellen AL Gel. U-Profiel 60 X 60 X 60 X 5 MM 6,64 65,07 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 30 X 20 X 30 X 2 MM 1,2 11,76 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 20 X 40 X 2 MM 1,51 14,80 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 35 X 22 X 35 X 2 MM 1,39 13,62 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 20 X 30 X 20 X 2 MM 1,03 10,09 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 30 X 50 X 2 MM 2 19,60 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 20 X 40 X 20 X 2 MM 1,19 11,66 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 25 X 40 X 25 X 2 MM 1,35 13,23 Bestellen 63

65 AL Ongel. U-Profiel 30 X 40 X 30 X 2 MM 1,51 14,80 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 45 X 40 X 2 MM 1,91 18,72 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 20 X 50 X 20 X 2 MM 1,35 13,23 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 15 X 30 X 15 X 3 MM 1,24 12,15 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 20 X 30 X 20 X 3 MM 1,48 14,50 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 30 X 40 X 3 MM 2,44 23,91 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 30 X 50 X 3 MM 2,92 28,62 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 20 X 40 X 20 X 3 MM 1,72 16,86 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 25 X 40 X 25 X 3 MM 1,96 19,21 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 40 X 60 X 3 MM 3,64 35,67 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 25 X 50 X 25 X 3 MM 2,2 21,56 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 30 X 50 X 30 X 3 MM 2,44 23,91 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 50 X 40 X 3 MM 2,92 28,62 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 30 X 60 X 30 X 3 MM 2,68 26,26 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 60 X 40 X 3 MM 3,16 30,97 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 25 X 70 X 25 X 3 MM 2,68 26,26 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 70 X 40 X 3 MM 3,4 33,32 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 80 X 40 X 3 MM 3,64 35,67 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 80 X 50 X 3 MM 4,12 40,38 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 100 X 50 X 4 MM 6,04 59,19 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 110 X 50 X 4 MM 6,36 62,33 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 120 X 50 X 4 MM 6,68 65,46 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 120 X 60 X 4 MM 7,32 71,74 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 140 X 50 X 4 MM 7,32 71,74 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 140 X 60 X 4 MM 7,96 78,01 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 80 X 140 X 80 X 4 MM 9,24 90,55 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 160 X 60 X 4 MM 8,54 83,69 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 180 X 60 X 4 MM 9,24 90,55 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 50 X 40 X 4 MM 3,81 37,34 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 70 X 50 X 70 X 4 MM 5,73 56,15 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 60 X 40 X 4 MM 4,13 40,47 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 70 X 40 X 4 MM 4,45 43,61 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 40 X 80 X 40 X 4 MM 4,77 46,75 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 80 X 50 X 4 MM 5,41 53,02 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 100 X 50 X 5 MM 7,44 72,91 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 120 X 50 X 5 MM 8,24 80,75 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 120 X 60 X 5 MM 9,04 88,59 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 140 X 50 X 5 MM 9,04 88,59 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 140 X 60 X 5 MM 9,84 96,43 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 50 X 150 X 50 X 5 MM 9,44 92,51 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 160 X 60 X 5 MM 10,64 104,27 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 70 X 160 X 70 X 5 MM 11,44 112,11 Bestellen AL Ongel. U-Profiel 60 X 180 X 60 X 5 MM 11,44 112,11 Bestellen 64

66 ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x1mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,40 per plaat ( 13,78 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x1.5mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: 2.065kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,57 per plaat ( 20,65 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x2mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: 2.755kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,78 per plaat ( 27,55 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x2.5mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,97 per plaat ( 34,43 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x3mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,18 per plaat ( 41,33 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x4mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,55 per plaat ( 55,08 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x5mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: 6.885kg transportgewicht: 15 kg referentie: ,93 per plaat ( 68,85 excl. BTW) Aantal: bestellen ALUMINIUM PLAAT 1000x500x6mm breedte x lengte x dikte, werkelijk gewicht: kg 98,33 per plaat ( 82,63 excl. BTW) transportgewicht: 15 kg 65 Aantal:

67 groothandel, maak een account aan voor soms wel meer dan 50% korting. Een verkoopmedewerker neemt contact met u op. ermeld op de site. Komt u het benodigde product of afmeting niet tegen stuur een offerte-aanvraag. BIJNA ALLES IS LEVERBAAR! Platen Aluminium» Aluminium Plaat Aluminium plaat is standaard in 2000x1000, 2500x1250 en mm. Alle aluminium platen zijn ook te knippen, zetten, laseren etc. Omschrijving Afmeting Gewicht/m2 Prijs/m2 (Excl. BTW) Al Plaat 2000X1000X1 MM 5,46 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2000X1000X1,5 MM 8,19 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2000X1000X2 MM 11 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2000X1000X3 MM 16,38 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2000X1000X4 MM 21,6 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2500X1250X1 MM 8,53 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2500X1250X1,5 MM 12,8 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2500X1250X2 MM 17,06 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 2500X1250X3 MM 25,59 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 3000X1500X2 MM 24,57 Prijs op aanvraag Al Plaat 3000X1500X3 MM 36,86 Prijs op aanvraag 66

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