Fairway 1 Instaptoets

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1 Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgaven Met behulp van deze toets kan bepaald worden op welk niveau van de cursus Engels u kunt instappen. De toets bestaat uit opgavenbladen en antwoordbladen. Vul uw antwoorden alleen op de antwoordbladen in. Lees onderstaande aanwijzingen goed door voordat u met de toets begint: Neem de tijd. Voor deze toets geldt geen tijdslimiet. Lees de aanwijzingen bij de opgaven aandachtig door. Als u niet geheel zeker bent van het antwoord, laat de opgave dan open. De opgaven hebben een oplopende moeilijkheidsgraad. Mocht u een punt bereiken waarop u het goede antwoord alleen nog kunt raden, stop dan met de toets. Vul nu eerst antwoordblad 1 in. Vul vervolgens de antwoorden op de opgaven in op antwoordblad 2. Welk antwoord past niet bij de vraag? How are you? a) I m fine. b) I m Sarah. c) I m very well. d) I m OK. 2 Hoe vraagt u of er een goed restaurant in de buurt is? a) There are lots of good restaurants near here. b) Are there any restaurants in London? c) Is there an excellent museum near here? d) Is there a good restaurant near here? 3 Welk antwoord is juist? What time s the next train to London? a) No, thank you. b) You re welcome. c) I m not sure. d) It isn t far. 4 Vul de vraag aan. How much those trousers? a) are b) aren t c) there s d) is 5 U koopt liever een zwart dan een groen overhemd. Wat zegt u tegen de verkoopster? a) Has he got it in green? b) Have you got it in black? c) Have you got a black jacket? d) Would you like it in black? 6 Wat is niet eetbaar? a) sandwich bar b) potato soup c) grilled tomatoes d) apple pie 7 Vul de zin aan. She can t rent a car because she hasn t got driver s license. a) her b) their c) hers d) your 8 Hoe biedt u iemand iets te drinken aan? a) Do you like a drink? b) Would you like a drink? c) I d like a drink. d) What do you drink? 9 Welke vraag ging aan dit antwoord vooraf? Yes, I do. In Alkmaar. a) Where do you come from? b) Are you Dutch? c) Do you speak Dutch? d) Do you live in the Netherlands? 0 Welke zin is correct? a) How long is the tour take? b) How long do the tour take? c) How long does the tour take? d) How long takes the tour? Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgavenblad 1 1

2 Opgavenblad 2 1 Welk woord is het tegenovergestelde van young? a) new b) modern c) famous d) old 2 Vul de vraag aan. you a good time? a) Is having b) Are have c) Are having d) Do have 3 Welke zin past bij de uitspraak? She s always busy. a) She s workaholic. b) She s an workaholic. c) She s a workaholic. d) She works aholic. 4 Welke zin is een voorstel? a) Good idea. b) Let s meet up this weekend. c) Can I pay by credit card? d) What s your phone number? 5 Vul de juiste werkwoordsvorm in. When my son on holiday in Spain he at a cheap hotel. a) was stays b) was stayed c) is staying d) does stayed 6 Welke vraag ging aan dit antwoord vooraf? No, I didn t. It rained all week. a) Did you have a good flight? b) When did you get home? c) Did you pack it yourself? d) Did you enjoy your holiday? 7 Wat is grammaticaal niet juist? Last weekend we. a) went shopping b) went swimming c) went for a walk d) went up early 8 Welk familielid is dat? Your brother s daughter is your a) niece. b) nephew. c) cousin. d) sister-in-law. 9 Maak de zin af. We could take our visitors to pub in the town. a) the most old b) the most oldest c) the oldest d) the more older 20 Hoe vraagt u wat iemand komende zaterdag gaat doen? a) What do you do on Saturday? b) What is he doing at Saturday? c) What are you doing on Saturday? d) What do you on Saturday? 21 Welk voorwerp vindt men meestal niet in deze ruimte: Kitchen? a) cupboard b) armchair c) fridge d) plate 22 Welke zin is geen klacht? a) The dishwasher s broken. b) There aren t any problems. c) The phone doesn t work. d) There isn t any hot water. 23 Welke zin is grammaticaal juist? a) What time do the next bus leave? b) What time the next bus leaves? c) What time does the next bus leave? d) What time does the next bus leaves? 24 Welke reactie op het voorstel is juist? Let s have some wine. a) I m sorry, we haven t got some wine. b) I m sorry, you ve got any wine. c) I m sorry, I haven t got some wine. d) I m sorry, we haven t got any wine. Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgavenblad 2 2

3 Opgavenblad 3 25 Wat kan een automobilist beter niet doen? a) follow the road b) go across a bridge c) go through a field d) go round a roundabout 26 Vul de zin aan. One of the people came to the party lives in Scotland. a) who b) what c) which d) where 27 Welk woord beschrijft deze persoon het beste? She loves meeting people and talking to friends. a) tidy b) polite c) sociable d) patient 28 Welke vraag ging aan dit antwoord vooraf? He s really kind and easy-going; a charming person. a) What does he like? b) How is he like? c) What is he like? d) What does he like doing? 29 Vul het advies aan. In summer you drink a lot of water. a) should b) would c) won t d) could 30 Vul de juiste vorm van het werkwoord in. If you these pills, you better soon. a) ll take ll feel b) take ll feel c) won t take feel d) take feel 31 U beantwoordt de telefoon. Welke zin zou u niet gebruiken? a) Would you like to leave a message? b) Can I take a message? c) Could you spell your name? d) Can I leave a message? 32 U vindt het geen probleem dat iemand uw telefoon gebruikt. Welk antwoord geeft u op de vraag: Do you mind if I use your phone? a) No, go ahead. b) Yes, of course I do. c) Yes, please. d) No, I m not. 33 Vul de zin aan. I m going to get fit again. a) next year b) when I was a child c) every day d) in the past 34 Welke werkwoordsvorm is correct? you their new song yet? a) Have hear b) Did heard c) Have heard d) Do have heard 35 Welke zin past niet bij een verjaardagsfeest? a) Have you sent a card? b) Have you met the bride? c) Have you bought a present? d) Have you made a cake? 36 Vul de zin aan. Chocolate isn t bad for you but chocolate is. a) not some b) too many c) not many d) too much Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgavenblad 3 3

4 Opgavenblad 4 37 Vul de zin aan. They paid a lot of money for the tickets they really wanted to go to the concert. a) so b) but c) because d) or 38 Wat zegt een ober in een restaurant? a) Are you ready to order? b) What do you recommend? c) Can you bring us the bill, please? d) Do you accept credit cards? 39 Welke zin is grammaticaal juist? a) I been waiting here for two hours. b) I ve been waiting here for two hours. c) I ve been waiting here since two hours. d) I wait here for two hours. 40 Welke zin is juist? a) TV is more popular as radio. b) TV is as popular than radio. c) TV is so popular as radio. d) TV is more popular than radio. 41 Vul de zin aan. A good businesswoman needs. a) make decisions b) making decisions c) to make decisions d) to making decisions 42 In een bureau voor gevonden voorwerpen. Welke vraag ging aan dit antwoord vooraf? I m not sure, but I think it s leather, not plastic. Red leather. a) Where did you lose your handbag? b) What s your handbag made of? c) Who made your handbag? d) What make is your handbag? 43 Welke werkwoordsvorm is juist? at the bus stop when somebody stole Peter s wallet. a) They were waiting b) They ve been waiting c) They waited d) They ve waited 44 Welke regel is niet verstandig als je in de keuken van een restaurant werkt: a) You must wash your hands. b) You don t have to wear a jacket. c) You must not smoke. d) You must bring your pet dog or cat with you. 45 Welke zin is grammaticaal niet juist? a) This restaurant isn t as busy as the other one. b) Indian food is very different from Spanish food. c) I think French wine is more expensive as Californian wine. d) The prices here are almost the same as they are at home. 46 Vul de zin aan. Nobody else was free so she went to see the film. a) by herself b) by her own c) herself d) themselves 47 Welke woordenreeks past bij het thema politiek? a) party, government, election b) article, writer, career c) medal, game, stadium d) athletics, volleyball, swimming 48 Welke zin is grammaticaal en inhoudelijk juist? a) Oxford, which is in New Zealand, has a famous university. b) A person who comes from New Zealand is called a Kiwi. c) Oxford, who is famous for its university, is in England. d) A man which comes from England is called an Englishman. Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgavenblad 4 4

5 Opgavenblad 5 49 Welke zin is grammaticaal niet juist? a) I d like to do a painting course this year. b) I love Scotland and I hope go there again next year. c) I wouldn t go bungee jumping if you paid me a million dollars. d) He won t come because he hates horror films. 50 Hoe troost u iemand? a) Well done. b) You really deserve it. c) That s great news. d) Sorry to hear that. 51 Welke werkwoordsvormen zijn juist? When we they all the tickets. a) have arrived had sold b) arrived had sold c) had arrived sold d) arrived have sold 52 Wat vraagt u niet tijdens het winkelen? a) May I have the bill, please? b) Does it come with a guarantee? c) Can I pay in euros? d) May I have a look at it? 53 Iemand vertelt: The doctor told me that if I took this medicine, I would soon feel better. Wat heeft de arts precies gezegd? a) If you took this medicine, you ll soon feel better. b) If you take this medicine, you ll soon feel better. c) If you had taken this medicine, you would soon feel better. d) If you take this medicine, you would soon feel better. 54 Welk woord beschrijft deze persoon het best? A person who gets excited about what he is doing is. a) anxious b) impatient c) enthusiastic d) talkative 55 Welke zin geeft deze vraag juist weer? Where are you going? They asked him a) where are you going. b) where he is going. c) where he was going. d) if he was going. 56 Welk advies klopt grammaticaal niet? It s a fantastic film. You. a) should go and see it b) must go and see it c) ought go and see it d) ought to go and see it 57 Welke zin geeft aan dat er geen problemen meer zijn? a) There used to be problems. b) There are problems. c) There might be problems. d) There refuse to be problems. 58 Vul de zin aan. If I hadn t written it all down, I. a) would forget everything b) will forget everything c) forgot everything d) would have forgotten everything 59 Vul de zin aan. My boss me to lend him the book I had told him about. a) made b) asked c) let d) remembered 60 Welke uitdrukking past niet bij afscheid nemen? a) All the best. b) We must keep in touch. c) I haven t seen you for ages. d) Look after yourself. Fairway 1 Instaptoets Opgavenblad 5 5

6 Antwoordblad 1 Naam: Adres: Telefoon: Docent(e): A: Beantwoord de volgende vragen voordat u met de toets begint. 1. Hebt u Engels op school geleerd? 2. Hoe lang hebt u Engels geleerd? 3. Hoeveel jaar is dat geleden? 4. Hebt u sindsdien nog vaak Engels gesproken/gebruikt? (vakantie, stage, beroep, vrienden, etc.) 5. Hebt u na uw schooltijd een cursus Engels gevolgd? Waar? Wanneer? Welke leergang werd er toen gebruikt? B: Kruis de juiste antwoorden aan op antwoordblad 2. Fairway 1 Instaptoets Antwoordblad 1 6

7 Antwoordblad 2 Naam: Totaal aantal punten: Aanbevolen cursus: Fairway 1 Instaptoets Antwoordblad 2 7

8 Notes on using the Fairway Placement Test The Fairway Placement Test is designed to help allocate students to the appropriate course level. Ideally, the results of this written test should be supported by impressions obtained from a brief talk with the student in the target language. His or her learning background should also be taken into consideration. Test Evaluation A maximum of 60 points can be scored in the test. Each task is of equal weighting and is thus awarded 1 point. If a single part of a task is answered incorrectly, the score for the complete task is 0. In this way some tasks are more challenging than others. Score: Suggested course level: 1 10 points First half of Fairway Book points Second half of Fairway Book points First half of Fairway Book points Second half of Fairway Book points First half of Fairway Book points Second half of Fairway Book 3 Fairway 1 Instaptoets Beoordeling 8

9 Marking grid Fairway 1 Instaptoets Oplossingen 9

voltooid tegenwoordige tijd

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Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen.

Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Lesbrief Les 2.1: My family Main language Dit is de basiswoordenschat. Deze woorden moeten de leerlingen zowel passief als actief kennen. Nouns: brother, sister, cousin, mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandmother,

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Chapter 4 Understanding Families. In this chapter, you will learn

Chapter 4 Understanding Families. In this chapter, you will learn Chapter 4 Understanding Families In this chapter, you will learn Topic 4-1 What Is a Family? In this topic, you will learn about the factors that make the family such an important unit, as well as Roles

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A2 Workshops Grammatica Heden

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gerund or to+infinitive

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Reizen Accommodatie. Accommodatie - Vinden. Accommodatie - Boeking. Om de weg naar je accommodatie vragen

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