List of Publications. Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M. Maastricht University & Rotterdam University, the Netherlands

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1 List of Publications Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M Maastricht University & Rotterdam University, the Netherlands

2 Table of Contents I. Books... 3 II. Edited books... 5 III. Articles or Chapters in books with an editorial board or referee system... 9 IV. Articles in US Law Reviews V. Contributions to Libris Amicorum VI. Other Academic Publications (Articles and Contributions to Books) VII. Book Reviews VIII. Other Editorial Work IX. Other Publications X. Case Notes XI. Lectures from 2001 onwards

3 I. Books 1. Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Objectieve Aansprakelijkheid, Verplichte Verzekering en Veiligheidsregulering, Antwerp, Maklu, 1989, 386 p. 2. Faure, M.G., Die strafrechtliche Durchsetzung des Umweltrechts in Belgien, Dissertation, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1989, 348 p. 3. Faure, M.G., Van den Bergh, R., Hartlief, T. & Tjittes, R., De Invloed van Verzekering op de Civiele Aansprakelijkheid, Preadviezen Uitgebracht voor de Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht, Lelystad, Vermande, 1990, 118 p. 4. Faure, M.G., Preadvies Milieustrafrecht, Antwerp, Maklu, 1990, 161 p. 5. Faure, M.G., Umweltrecht in Belgien. Strafrecht im Spannungsfeld von Zivil- und Verwaltungsrecht, in Beiträge und Materialien aus dem Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1992, 458 p. 6. Faure, M.G., De Strafrechtelijke Toerekening van Milieudelicten, Antwerp, Maklu, 1992, 151 p. 7. Faure, M.G., (G)een Schijn van Kans. Beschouwingen over het Statistisch Causaliteitsbewijs bij Milieugezondheidsschade, Inaugural lecture Maastricht November 1993, Antwerp, Maklu, 1993, 68 p. 8. Claus, F., De Vries, H., Faure, M.G., Hofstede, G., Kapp, B., Van Twuyver, M., & Van der Wel, J., Grensoverschrijdende Politiesamenwerking tussen België, Duitsland en Nederland met Speciale Aandacht voor de Euregio Maas-Rijn, Maastricht, Universitaire Pers Maastricht, Faure, M.G., Aktuelle Regulierungspraxis bei Heilwesenschäden in Europa mit Ausblick auf die EG-Rechtsharmonisierung, Detmold, Gesellschaft für Risiko-Beratung, 1998, 60 p. 10. Faure, M.G. & Visser, M.J.C., De Strafrechtelijke Bescherming van het Leefmilieu in België, Duitsland en Nederland. Modellen van Strafbaarstelling en hun Bewijsrechtelijke Implicaties, Antwerp, Intersentia, 1999, 494 p. 11. Faure, M.G., Hartlief, T. & Hertoghs, M., Evaluatie van het Fonds Luchtverontreiniging, The Hague, Sdu Uitgevers, 2000, 140 p. 12. Faure, M.G. & Heine, G., Environmental Criminal Law in the European Union. Documentation of the Main Provisions with Introductions, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2000, 443 p. 13. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Verzekerbaarheid van Nieuwe Gezondheidsrisico s, Background study for the Raad voor de Volksgezondheid en Zorg bij het RVZ-Advies 3

4 Gezondheidsrisico s Voorzien, Voorkomen en Verzekeren, Zoetermeer, RVZ, 2001, 248 p. 14. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Nieuwe Risico s en Vragen van Aansprakelijkheid en Verzekering, Recht en Praktijk, Deventer, Kluwer, 2002, 338 p. 15. Ogus, A. & Faure, M.G., Economie du Droit: Le Cas Français, Paris, Editions Panthéon, 2002, 176 p. 16. Faure, M.G. & Skogh, G., The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law. An Introduction, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2003, 354 p. 17. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Insurance and Expanding Systemic Risks, Paris, OECD, 2003, 260 p. 18. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Assurance et Expansion des Risques Systémiques, OECD, Paris, 2003, 288 p. 19. Faure, M.G., Schets van een Nieuw Vlaams Milieustrafrecht, Bruges, die Keure, 2004, 404 p. 20. Faure, M.G. & Vanheule, J., Milieustrafrecht, Antwerp, Kluwer, Faure, M.G., L Analyse Economique du Droit de l Environnement, Brussels, Bruylant, 2007, 362 p. 22. Faure, M.G., The Impact of Behavioural Law and Economics on Accident Law, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2009, 83 p. 23. Cauffman, C., Faure, M.G., Hartlief, T., Harmonisatie van het Consumentencontractenrecht in Europa. Consequenties voor Nederland, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2009, 296 p. 24. Faure, M.G., Fernhout, F.J. & Philipsen, N.J., Resultaatgerelateerde Beloningssystemen voor Advocaten. Een Vergelijkende Beschrijving van Beloningssystemen voor Advocaten in een Aantal Landen van de Europese Unie en Hong Kong, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2009, 124 p. 25. Van Boom, W.H., Faure, M.G., Huls, N.J.H. & Philipsen, N.J., Handelspraktijken, Reclame en Zelfregulering, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2009, 135 p. 26. Faure, M.G., Nelen, H., Fernhout, F.J. & Philipsen, N.J., Evaluatie Tuchtrechtelijke Handhaving. Wet ter Voorkoming van Witwassen en Financiering van Terrorisme (WWFT), The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2009, 175 p. 27. Faure, M.G. & Heine, G., Oumeng Wei Baohu Shengtai Dongxing. Oumeng Geguo Huanjing Xingshi Zhifa Baogao (Chinese translation of Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the European Union, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2005), China, CCTP, 2009, 243 p. 4

5 28. Faure, M.G., Peeters, M., Philipsen, N.J. & De Smedt, K., Milieuaansprakelijkheid goed geregeld?, The Hague, Boom Juridische uitgevers, 2010, 157 p. 29. Faure, M.G., Visscher, L.T. & Tzankova, I.M., Collectieve Acties. Preadviezen 2015 uitgebracht voor de Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht, Zutphen, Uitgeverij Paris, 2015, 94 p. II. Edited books 1. Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R. (eds.), Essays in Law and Economics: Corporations, Accident Prevention and Compensation for Losses, Antwerp, Maklu, Faure, M.G., Oudijk, J.C. & Schaffmeister, D. (eds), Zorgen van Heden. Opstellen over het Milieustrafrecht in Theorie en Praktijk, Gouda Quint, 1991, 528 p. 3. Faure, M.G. (ed), Aansprakelijkheid voor het Nucleaire Risico, Antwerp, Maklu, 1993, 236 p. 4. Faure, M.G., Finsinger, J., Siegers, J. & Van den Bergh, R. (eds), Regulation of Professions, a Law and Economics Approach to the Regulation of Attorneys and Physicians in the U.S., Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the U.K., Antwerp, Maklu, 1993, 430 p. 5. Faure, M.G., Oudijk, J.C. & Schaffmeister, D. (eds), Kekhawatiran Masa Kini, Pemikiran Mengenai Hukum Pidana Lingkungan Dalam Teori & Praktek, Penerbit Pt. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, Faure, M.G., Vervaele, J. & Weale, A. (eds), Environmental Standards in the European Union in an Interdisciplinary Framework, Antwerp, Maklu, Faure, M.G. & Stroink, F. (eds), Recht in het Water: De Juridische Aspecten van Watersnood, Antwerp, Maklu, 1995, 180 p. 8. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Verzekering en de Groeiende Aansprakelijkheidslast. Een Juridisch, Gezondheidskundig en Economisch Onderzoek naar Ontwikkelingen met Betrekking tot de Aansprakelijkheidslast en de Consequenties voor Verzekeraars naar Aanleiding van de Werkgeversaansprakelijkheid voor Bedrijfsongevallen en Beroepsziekten, Deventer, Kluwer, 1995, 373 p. 9. Faure, M.G. & Schwarz, C.A., De Strafrechtelijke en Civielrechtelijke Aansprakelijkheid van de Rechtspersoon, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2001, Faure, M.G. & Deketelaere, K. (eds), Ius Commune en Milieurecht, Actualia in het Milieurecht in België en Nederland, Antwerp, Intersentia, 1997, 399 p. 11. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Verkeersaansprakelijkheid in België en Nederland, Antwerp, Intersentia, 1998, 293 p. 5

6 12. Faure, M.G. & Schwarz, C.A. (eds), Strafrechtelijke en Civielrechtelijke Aansprakelijkheid van de Rechtspersoon en Zijn Bestuurders, Antwerp, Intersentia, Deketelaere, K., Faure, M.G., & Verhoosel, G. (eds), Grensoverschrijdende Milieuproblemen: Uitdagingen voor de Nationale en Internationale Rechtsorde, Antwerp, Intersentia, 1998, 490 p. 14. Faure, M.G. & De Roos, Th. (eds), De Berekening van het Wederrechtelijk Verkregen Voordeel uit Milieudelicten, The Hague, Sdu Uitgevers, 1998, 388 p. 15. Faure, M.G., Hertoghs, M. & De Roos, Th. (eds), Geluidhinder Veroorzaakt door Vliegtuigen, The Hague, Sdu Uitgevers, 1998, 120 p. 16. Deketelaere, K. & Faure, M.G. (eds), Environmental Law in the United Kingdom and Belgium from a Comparative Perspective, Antwerp, Intersentia, 1999, 328 p. 17. Akkermans, A., Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Proportionele Aansprakelijkheid, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2000, 207 p. 18. Faure, M.G. & Koziol, H. (eds), Cases on Medical Malpractice in a Comparative Perspective, Wien, Springer, 2001, 331 p. (translated in Chinese) 19. Faure, M.G. & Koziol, H. (eds), Die ärztliche Behandlungsfehler, eine Fallstudie im Vergleich Europäischer Rechtssysteme, Detmold, Ecclesia, 2001, 363 p. 20. Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Schade door Arbeidsongevallen en Nieuwe Beroepsziekten, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2001, 180 p. 21. Faure, M.G., De Roos, Th. & Visser, M.J.C. (eds), Herziening van het Commune Milieustrafrecht, Deventer, Gouda Quint, 2001, 226 p. 22. Dute, J.C.J. & Faure, M.G. (eds), Evaluatie. Tijdelijk Besluit Verplichte Verzekering bij Medisch-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek met Mensen, The Hague, ZonMw, April 2002, 252 p. 23. Faure, M.G. & Schwarz, C. (eds), Milieuaansprakelijkheid. Recente Ontwikkelingen in een Ondernemingsrechtelijk Kader, Deventer, Kluwer, 2002, 300 p. 24. Faure, M.G., Smits, J. & Schneider, H. (eds), Towards a European Ius Commune in Legal Education and Research, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2002, 308 p. 25. Dute, J.C.J., Faure, M.G. & Koziol, H. (eds), No-Fault Compensatiesystemen, The Hague, ZonMw, November 2002, 249 p. 26. Faure, M.G. (ed), Deterrence, Insurability, and Compensation in Environmental Liability. Future Developments in the European Union, Vienna, Springer, 2003, 405 p. 6

7 27. Pâques, M. & Faure, M.G. (eds), La Protection de l Environnement au Cœur du Système Juridique International et du Droit Interne. Acteurs, Valeurs et Efficacité, Brussels, Bruylant, Faure, M.G., Gupta, J. & Nentjes, A. (eds), Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. The Role of Institutions and Instruments to Control Global Change, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, Faure, M.G. & Vos, E. (eds), Juridische Afbakening van het Voorzorgsbeginsel: Mogelijkheden en Grenzen, No. A03/03, Gezondheidsraad, Faure, M.G. & Neethling, J. (eds), Aansprakelijkheid, Risico en Onderneming: Europese en Zuid-Afrikaanse Perspectieven, Antwerp, Intersentia, Dute, J., Faure, M.G. & Koziol, H. (eds), Liability for and Insurability of Biomedical Research with Human Subjects in a Comparative Perspective, Vienna, Springer, 2004, 445 p. 32. Vig, N.J. & Faure, M.G (eds), Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2004, 398 p. 33. Dute, J., Faure, M.G. & Koziol, H. (eds), No-Fault Compensation in the Healthcare Sector, Vienna, Springer, 2004, 492 p. 34. Faure, M.G. & Heine, G. (eds), Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the European Union, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2005, 187 p. 35. Faure, M.G. & Hu, J. (eds), Prevention and Compensation of Marine Pollution Damage. Recent Developments in Europe, China and the U.S., Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International, Faure, M.G. & Niessen, N. (eds), Environmental Law in Development. Lessons from the Indonesian Experience, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Financiële Voorzieningen na Rampen in het Buitenland, The Hague, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, Faure, M.G. & Peeters, M. (eds), Grensoverschrijdend Recht, Ius Commune Europaeum, No. 58, Antwerp, Intersentia, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T. (eds), Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes, Vienna, Springer, Eger, Th., Faure, M.G. & Naigen, Z. (eds), Economic Analysis of Law in China, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, Van Boom, W.H. & Faure, M.G. (eds), Shifts in Compensation between Private and Public Systems, Vienna, Ectil, (translated in Chinese) 7

8 42. Faure, M.G. & Verheij, A. (eds), Shifts in Compensation for Environmental Damage, Vienna, Springer, Faure, M.G. & Song, Y. (eds), China and International Environmental Liability. Legal Remedies for Transboundary Pollution, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2008, 380 p. 44. Faure, M.G. & Stephen, F. (eds), Essays in the Law and Economics of Regulation, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2008, xx p. 45. Faure, M.G. & Peeters, M. (eds), Climate Change and European Emissions Trading. Lessons for Theory and Practice, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2008, xii p. 46. Faure, M.G. (ed), Tort Law and Economics, vol. 1, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, xlii + 521p. 47. Faure, M.G. & Rauws, W. (eds), Recente Ontwikkelingen in het Arbeids-, Economisch, Straf- en Familierecht. Huldeboek aan Mr. Jos Van Goethem, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2009, xx p. 48. Farber, D.A. & Faure, M.G. (eds), Disaster Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2010, xxvii p. 49. Faure, M.G. & Van der Walt, A. (eds), Globalization and Private Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2010, xx p. (ebook: Faure, M.G., Lixin, H. & Hongjun, S. (eds), Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy. China, Europe and the US, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2010, xxxiii p. 51. Faure, M.G. & Peeters, M. (eds), Climate Change Liability, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011, xiii p. 52. Faure, M.G. & Zhang, X. (eds.), Competition Policy and Regulation. Recent Developments in China, the US and Europe, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2011, xii p. (ebook: Faure, M.G. & Smits, J. (eds.), Does Law Matter? On Law and Economic Growth, Antwerp: Intersentia, 2011, xvi p. 54. Faure, M.G. & Plessis, W. du (eds.), The balancing of interests in environmental law in Africa. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, 2011, xxix p. 55. Faure, M.G. & Zhang, X. (eds.), The Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law. New Developments and Empirical Evidence, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2013, xiv p. (ebook: Faure, M.G. & Xu, G. (eds.), Economics and Regulation in China, Oxon, Routledge, 2013, xix p. 8

9 57. Faure, M. & Wibisana, A. (eds.), Regulating Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Harm. Lessons from the Indonesian Experience, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2013, (ebook: Faure, M.G., Dharmawan, N.K.S. & Arsika, I.M.B., Sustainable Tourism and Law, The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2014, x p. 59. Faure, M.G. (ed.), De toekomst van de letselschadepraktijk, Den Haag, Sdu Uitgevers, 2014, xix +119 p. 60. Faure, M.G. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2014, vii p. 61. Faure, M.G., Lawogni, A. & Dehoumon, M. (eds.), Les mouvements transfrontières de déchets dangereux, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2015, 431 p. 62. Faure, M.G., Smedt, P. De & Stas, A. (eds.), Environmental enforcement networks. Concepts, implementation and effectiveness (New horizons in environmental and energy law). Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, xviii p. 63. Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, xii p. 64. Hartlief, T. & Faure, M.G. (eds.), De Spierbundel. De agenda van het aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2016, x p. III. Articles or Chapters in books with an editorial board or referee system 1. Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Negligence, Strict Liability and Regulation of Safety under Belgian Law: An Introductory Economic Analysis, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1987, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Compulsory Insurance for Professional Liability, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1989, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Liability for Nuclear Accidents in Belgium from an Interest Group Perspective, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 10, 1990, Faure, M.G. & Heine, G., The Insurance of Fines: The Case of Oil Pollution, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1991, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Self-Regulation of the Professions in Belgium, International Review of Law and Economics, 1991,

10 6. Faure, M.G. & Skogh, G., Compensation for Damages Caused by Nuclear Accidents: A Convention as Insurance, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1992, Faure, M.G., The EC Directive on Drinking Water: Institutional Aspects, in Bergman, L. & Pugh, D.M. (eds), Environmental Toxicology, Economics and Institutions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, Faure, M.G. & Ruegg, M.H.S., Environmental Standards Setting through General Principles of Environmental Law, in Faure, M.G., Vervaele, J. & Weale, A. (eds), Environmental Standards in the European Union in an Interdisciplinary Framework, Antwerp, Maklu, 1994, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Restrictions of Competition on Insurance Markets and the Applicability of EC Antitrust Law, Kyklos, 1995, Faure, M.G., Economic Models of Compensation for Damage Caused by Nuclear Accidents: Some Lessons for the Revision of the Paris and Vienna Conventions, European Journal of Law and Economics, 1995, Faure, M.G., The Limits to Insurability from a Law and Economics Perspective, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1995, Faure, M.G., The Influence of Insurance on Liability Issues, in McGee, A. & Heusel, W. (eds), The Law and Practice of Insurance in the Single European Market, Series of Publications by the Academy of European Law in Trier, vol. 11, 1995, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J.G.J., Protecting Drinking Water Quality against Contamination by Pesticides: An Alternative Regulatory Framework, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 1995, Faure, M.G. & Visser, M.J.C., How to Punish Environmental Pollution? Some Reflections on Various Models of Criminalization of Environmental Harm, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 1995, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J.G.J., The Draft Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control: An Economic Perspective, European Environmental Law Review, 1996, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Towards an Expanding Enterprise Liability in Europe? How to Analyze the Scope of Liability of Industrial Operators and their Insurers, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 1996, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Compensation Funds versus Liability and Insurance for Remedying Environmental Damage, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 1996,

11 18. Faure, M.G., Het Nederlands Milieustrafrecht: Dringend aan Herziening toe!, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, 1997, Faure, M.G., Interdependencies between Tort Law and Insurance, Risk Decision and Policy, 1997, Faure, M.G., The Applicability of the Principles of Private Insurance to Social Health Care Insurance, Seen from a Law and Economics Perspective, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 1998, Faure, M.G., Harmonisation of Environmental Law and Market Integration: Harmonising for the Wrong Reasons?, European Environmental Law Review, 1998, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Een Schadefonds als Alternatief voor Aansprakelijkheid en Verzekering?, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, 1998, Faure, M.G. & Hartlief, T., Remedies for Expanding Liability, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 8, 1998, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J.G.J., An Analysis of Alternative Legal Instruments for the Regulation of Pesticides, in Swanson, T. & Vighi, M. (eds), Regulating Chemical Accumulation in the Environment, the Integration of Toxicology and Economics in Environmental Policy Making, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J.G.J., Compliance with International Environmental Agreements, in Vig, N. & Axelrod, R. (eds), The Global Environment Institution, Law and Policy, Washington, CQ Press, 1999, Faure, M.G. & Fenn, P., Retro Active Liability and the Insurability of Long-tail Risks, International Review of Law and Economics, 1999, Faure, M.G., Grenzüberschreitende Insolvenzen im Spannungsfeld von Territorialität und Ubiquität des Rechts, in Schenk, K.-E., Schmidtchen, D., Streit, M. & Vanberg, V. (eds), Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie, Tübingen, JCB Mohr, 1999, Faure, M.G., Environmental Regulation, in Bouckaert, B. & De Geest, G. (eds), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, II, Civil Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, Faure, M.G., Product Liability and Product Safety in Europe: Harmonisation or Differentiation?, Kyklos, vol. 53, 2000, Bowles, R., Faure, M.G. & Garoupa, N., Economic Analysis of the Removal of Illegal Gains, International Review of Law and Economics, 2000, Faure, M.G., Regulatory Competition versus Harmonisation in EU Environmental Law, in Esty, D. & Geradin, D. (eds), Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001,

12 32. Faure, M.G., Environmental Contracts: A Flemish Law and Economics Perspective, in Orts, E.W. & Deketelaere, K. (eds), Environmental Contracts. Comparative Approaches to Regulatory Innovation in the United States and Europe, Kluwer Law International, 2001, Faure, M.G., Maks, J.A.H. & Philipsen, N.J., (Zelf)regulering van de Apothekersmarkt in Nederland, Maandschrift Economie, 2001, Faure, M.G., Economic Analysis of Environmental Law: An Introduction, Economie Publique. Etude et Recherches. Analyse Economique du Droit, vol. 1, 2001, Faure, M.G., A Selection of Empirical Socio-Economic Research with Respect to the Functioning of Legal Rules and Institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands, European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 11 (3), 2001, Faure, M.G., Product Liability and Product Safety in a Federal System: Economic Reflections on the Proper Role of Europe, in Marciano, A. & Josselin, J.M. (eds), The Economics of Harmonizing European Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2002, Faure, M.G. & Ubachs, S., Environmental Taxation in the Netherlands: A Dutch Treat?, in Kreiser, L. (ed), Critical Issues in International Environmental Taxation. Insights and Analysis for Achieving Environmental Goals through Tax Policy, Chicago, CCH, 2002, Faure, M.G., Environmental Damage Insurance in Theory and Practice, in Swanson, T. (ed), An Introduction to the Law and Economics of Environmental Policy: Issues in Institutional Design, JAI, 2002, Faure, M.G., Comment in Swanson, T. (ed), An Introduction to the Law and Economics of Environmental Policy: Issues in Institutional Design, JAI, 2002, Faure, M, L Analyse Economique du Droit Civil Français le Cas de la Responsabilité, in Deffains, B. (ed.), L Analyse Economique du Droit dans les Pays de Droit Civil, Paris, Cujas, 2002, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Competition on the European Market for Liability Insurance and Efficient Accident Law, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, vol. 9 (3), 2002, Philipsen, N.J. & Faure, M.G., The Regulation of Pharmacists in Belgium and the Netherlands: In the Public or Private Interest?, Journal of Consumer Policy, vol. 25, 2002, Faure, M.G., How Law and Economics May Contribute to the Harmonisation of Tort Law in Europe, in Zimmermann, R. (ed), Grundstrukturen des Europäischen Deliktsrechts, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2003,

13 44. Faure, M.G. & De Smedt, K., Harmonisation of Environmental Liability Legislation in the European Union, in Marciano, A. & Josselin, J.-M. (eds), From Economic to Legal Competition. New Perspectives on Law and Institutions in Europe, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2003, Faure, M.G. & Wang Hui, The International Regimes for the Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage: Are They Effective?, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 2003, Faure, M.G. & Ubachs, S., Comparative Benefits and Optimal Use of Environmental Taxes in Milne, J., Deketelaere, K., Kreiser, L. & Ashiabor, H. (eds), Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation. International and Comparative Perspectives, vol. I, Richmond, Richmond Law and Tax, 2003, Faure, M.G., Alternative Compensation Mechanisms as Remedy for Uninsurability of Liability, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, vol. 29 (3), 2004, Faure, M.G. & Wang, H., Liability for Oil Pollution The EU Approach, Environmental Liability, vol. 2, 2004, Faure, M.G. & Visser, M., Law and Economics of Environmental Crime, in Sjögren, H. & Skogh, G. (eds), New Perspectives on Economic Crime, Edward Elgar, 2004, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J., Compliance with Global Environmental Policy, in Axelrod, R.S., Down, J.D.L. & Vig, N.J. (eds), The Global Environment. Institutions, Law and Policy, Washington, CQ Press, 2 nd ed., 2004, Vig, N.J. & Faure, M.G., Introduction, in Vig, N.J. & Faure, M.G. (eds), Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2004, Faure, M.G. & Vig, N.J., Conclusion: The Necessary Dialogue, in Vig, N.J. & Faure, M.G., Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2004, Faure, M.G., Economic Analysis of Tort Law and the European Civil Code, in Hartkamp, A. & others (eds), Towards a European Civil Code, Nijmegen, Ars Aequi Libri, 2004, Young, R., Faure, M.G. & Fenn, P., Causation and Causality, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 24 (4), 2004, Faure, M.G., Vers un Nouveau Modèle de Protection de l Environnement par le Droit Pénal, Revue Européenne de Droit de l Environnement, 2005, Bowles, R., Faure, M.G. & Garoupa, N., Forfeiture of Illegal Gain: An Economic Perspective, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2005, vol. 25 (2),

14 57. Faure, M.G., Economic Criteria for Compulsory Insurance, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, vol. 31, 2006, Faure, M.G. & Wang, H. Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage: China versus the International Regime, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 9 (1), 2005, Faure, M.G. & Van den Bergh, R., Compulsory Insurance of Loss to Property Caused by Natural Disasters: Competition or Solidarity?, World Competition, vol. 29 (1), 2006, Faure, M.G. & Wang, H., Economic Analysis of Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, vol. 37, 2006, Young, R., Faure, M.G. & Fenn, P., Defenses in Negligence: Implications for Tort Feasor Care, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 26, 2006, Faure, M.G., Hartlief, T. & Philipsen, N., Funding of Personal Injury Litigation and Claims Culture. Evidence from the Netherlands, Utrecht Law Review, No. 2, Available at Young, R., Faure, M.G. & Fenn, P., Multiple Tortfeasors: An Economic Analysis, Review of Law and Economics, vol. 3 (1), Available at (16/05/2007). 64. Faure, M.G., Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes: A Law and Economics Perspective, Law and Policy, vol. 29 (3), July 2007, Bowles, R., Faure, M.G. & Garoupa, N., The Scope of Criminal Law and Criminal Sanctions: An Economic View and Policy Implications, Journal of Law and Society, vol. 35 (3), 2008, Faure, M.G. & Fiore, K., The Coverage of the Nuclear Risk in Europe: Which Alternative?, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, vol. 33, 2008, Faure, M.G. & Wang, H., Financial Caps for Oil Pollution Damage: A Historical Mistake?, Marine Policy, vol. 32 (4), 2008, Faure, M.G. & Fiore, K., The Civil Liability of European Nuclear Operators: Which Coverage for the New 2004 Protocols? Evidence from France, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, vol. 8, July 2008, Faure, M.G., Calabresi and Behavioural Tort Law and Economics, Erasmus Law Review, vol. 1 (4), 2008, Faure, M.G., Ogus, A. & Philipsen, N., Curbing Consumer Financial Losses: The Economics of Regulatory Enforcement, Law Policy, vol. 31 (2), 2009,

15 71. Faure, M.G., Environmental Crimes, in Garoupa, N. (ed), Criminal Law and Economics, vol. 3, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, Faure, M.G. & Hay, J., Analyse économique de la responsabilité environnementale. Perspectives théoriques et empiriques, in Cans, Ch. (ed.), La responsabilité environnementale. Prévention, imputation, réparation, Paris, Dalloz, 2009, Johnston, J.S. & Faure, M.G., Fashioning Entitlements: A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis of the Judicial Role in Environmental Centralization in the United States and Europe, in Breton, A., Brosio, G., Dalmazzone, S. & Garrone, G. (eds), Governing the Environment, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, Faure, M.G., Regulatory strategies in environmental liability, in Cafaggi, F. & Watt, H. Muir (eds), The Regulatory Function of European Private Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2009, Faure, M.G. & Svatikova, K., Enforcement of Environmental Law in the Flemish Region, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2010, vol. 19(2), Bruggeman, V., Faure, M.G. & Fiore, K., The Government as Reinsurer of Catastrophic Risks?, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 2010, vol. 35, Faure. M.G. & Wibisana, A., Liability to Third Parties for Damage Caused by GMOs: An Economic Perspective, in Koch, B.A. (ed.), Damage Caused by Genetically Modified Organisms. Comparative Survey of Redress Options for Harm to Persons, Property or the Environment, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2010, Faure, M.G. & Svatikova, K., De handhaving van het milieurecht in het Vlaamse Gewest in de praktijk, Panopticon, 2010, vol. 31(5), Faure, M.G., Vague notions in environmental criminal law (part 1), Environmental Liability, 2010, Vol. 18(4), Faure, M.G., Effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties in the implementation of the Environmental Crime and Ship Source Pollution Directives: Questions and Challenges, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2010, Faure, M.G., Vague notions in environmental criminal law (part 2), Environmental Liability, 2010, Vol. 18(5), Faure, M.G., Behavioural Accident Law and Economics, The Journal of Applied Economy, 2010, Vol. 4, Faure, M.G. & Philipsen, N.J., Fees for Claim Settlement in the Field of Personal Injury: Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands, Journal of European Tort Law, 2010, Vol.1, No. 1, Faure, M.G. and Raja, A.V., Economic analysis of public interest litigation in environmental cases in India, in Babu, P.G., Eger, Th., Raja, A.V., Schäfer, H.-B. and Somashekar, T.S. (eds), Economic analysis of law in India, New Delhi, Oxford 15

16 University Press, 2010, Faure, M.G. & Lefevere, J., Compliance with Global Environmental Policy, in Axelrod, R.S., VanDeveer S.D. & Downie, D.L., The Global Environment. Institutions, Law, and Policy, Washington D.C., CQ Press, 2010, Faure, M.G., Optimal specificity in environmental standard-setting, in Dias Soares, C., Milne, J.E., Ashiabor, H., Kreiser, L. & Deketelaere, K. (eds.), Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation. International and Comparative Perspectives, Vol. III, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, Wang, H. and Faure, M.G., Civil liability and compensation for marine pollution lessons to be learned for offshore oil spills, Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, 2010, De Smedt, K. and Faure, M.G., The implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, Vol. 4, 2010, Bruggeman, V., Faure, M.G. & Fiore, K., The Government as Reinsurer of Catastrophe Risks?, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 35, 2010, Faure, M.G., Economic Analysis of Tort Law and the European Civil Code, in Hartkamp, A., Hesselink, M., Hondius, E., Mak, Ch. & Du Perron, E. (eds.), Towards a European Civil Code, 4 th ed., Nijmegen, Ars Aequi Libri, 2011, Dijkstra, R.J. & Faure, M.G., Compensating Victims of Bankrupted Financial Institutions: A Law and Economic Analysis, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 2011, Vol. 19, No. 2, Faure, M.G., Liability for Omissions in Tort Law: Economic Analysis, Journal of European Tort Law, 2011, Vol. 2, No. 2, Bruggeman, V., Faure, M.G. & Haritz, M.M., Remodelling reparation: changes in the compensation of victims of natural catastrophes in Belgium and the Netherlands, Disasters, 2011, Vol. 35, No. 4, Faure, M.G. & Heine, K., Can European State Aid Control learn from the Management of Disastrous Crises?, in Theurl. T. (ed.), Institutionelle Hintergründe von Krisen, Berlin, Dunker & Humblot, 2011, Faure, M.G. & Luth, H.A., Behavioural economics in unfair contract terms. Cautions and considerations, Journal of Consumer Policy, 2011, , online. 96. Faure, M.G., Tiebley, Y.D. & Wang, H., Responsabilité civile et réparation des pollutions marines Leçons à tirer des déversements provenant des plateformes pétrolières, Aménagement-Environnement, 2011, vol. 2, Faure, M.G., Loonstra, J.A., Philipsen, N.J. & Van Boom, W.H., Naar een kostenoptimalisatie van de letselschaderegeling: een verkenning, Aansprakelijkheid, Verzekering en Schade, 2011, vol. 4,

17 98. Faure, M.G., Law and economics: belang voor het privaatrecht, WPNR, 2011, No. 6912, Faure, M.G. & Visscher, L., The Role of Experts in Assessing Damages A Law and Economics Account, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2011, Vol. 3, Faure, M.G. & Svatikova, K., Criminal or Administrative Law to Protect the Environment?, Journal of Environmental Law, 2012, Vol. 24(2), Faure, M.G. & Liu, J., Compensating for Nuclear Accidents in Japan: the Fukushima Case, TGMA, 2012, vol. 26(2), Faure, M.G. & Weishaar, S.E., The Role of Environmental Taxation: Economics and the Law, in Milne, J.E. and Andersen M.S. (eds.), Handbook of Research of Environmental Taxation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2012, p Bentata, P. & Faure, M.G., The role of environmental civil liability: an economic analysis of the French legal system, Environmental Liability, 2012, vol. 20, No. 4, p Pedraza, J., De Smedt, K. & Faure, M.G., Compulsory financial guarantees for environmental damage: what can we learn from Spain?, Environmental Liability, 2012, Vol. 20(6), Faure, M.G. & Weber, F., Security Mechanisms for Insolvencies in the Package Travel Sector: An Economic Analysis, Journal of Consumer Policy, 2013, Faure, M.G., The Complementary Roles of Liability, Regulation and Insurance in Safety Management: Theory and Practice, Journal of Risk Research, 2014, Vol. 17(6), Kindji, K. & Faure, M.G., Shrimp Export from Benin vs Food Safety in Europe: Reconcilable Interests?, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2014, Vol. 5(2), Faure, M.G. & Heine, K., Insurance as a Remedy against Financial Crisis, The Dovenschmidt Quarterly, 2014, Vol. 1, De Mot, J. & Faure, M.G., Special Insurance Systems for Motor Vehicle Liability, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 2014, Vol. 39, De Mot, J. & Faure, M.G., Public Authority Liability and the Chilling Effect, Tort Law Review, Vol. 22 (3), 2014, K. De Smedt & M.G. Faure, Shale Gas Exploitation in Europe: Liability and Insurance under Uncertainty, Environmental Law and Management, 2014, Vol. 26, No. 6,

18 112. Faure, M.G., Private Liability and Critical Infrastructure, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2015, Vol. 2, F. Weber & M.G. Faure, The Interplay between Public and Private Enforcement in European Private Law: Law and Economics Perspective, European Review of Private Law, 2015, Vol. 4, Faure, M.G. & Wang, H., Compensating Victims of a European Deepwater Horizon Accident: OPOL Revisited, Marine Policy, 2015, Vol. 62, M.G. Faure & Weber, F., Dispersed Losses in Tort Law An Economic Analysis, Journal of European Tort Law, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 2, M.G. Faure, Shifts in Compensating Victims of Disasters after Katrina, in Taylor, W.M., Levine, M.P., Rooksby, O. & Sobott, J.-K. (eds.), The Katrina Effect on the Nature of Catastrophe, London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney, Bloomsbury, 2015, Faure, M.G., Smedt, P. De & Stas, A., Introduction, in M.G. Faure, P. De Smedt & A. Stas (eds.), Environmental Enforcement Networks. Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, Faure, M.G. & Stas, A., The Flemish High Council of Environmental Enforcement: the Role of an Environmental Enforcement Network in a New Coordinated Environmental Enforcement Landscape within the Flemish Region, , in M.G. Faure, P. De Smedt & A. Stas (eds.), Environmental Enforcement Networks. Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, Faure, M.G., Stas, A. & Smedt, P. De, Concluding and Comparative Remarks in M.G. Faure, P. De Smedt & A. Stas (eds.), Environmental Enforcement Networks. Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, Bentata, P. & Faure, M.G., The Role of Engos in Environmental Litigation: A French Case Study, Environmental Policy and Governance, 2015, online Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N., Introduction, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Faure, M.G., Liu, J. & Philipsen, N., Liability for Terrorism-Related Risks under International Law, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015,

19 123. Faure, M.G. & Philipsen, N., Insurance of Terrorism-Related Risks, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Bergkamp, L. & Faure, M.G., Contracting for Liability Limitation, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Bergkamp, L. & Faure, M.G., Alternative Systems for Redressing Terrorism-Related Risks, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Faure, M.G. & Philipsen, N., Economic Analysis of Current Liability for Terrorism- Related Risk and Alternatives, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N., Conclusions, in Bergkamp, L., Faure, M.G., Hinteregger, M. & Philipsen, N. (eds.), Civil Liability in Europe for Terrorism-Related Risk, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, De Mot J., Faure, M.G. & Klick, J., Appellate Caseload and the Switch to Comparative Negligence, International Review of Law and Economics, 2015, Vol. 42, Biard, A. & Faure, M.G., Ce que l économie peut apporter aux juristes: illustrations européennes, Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 2015, Faure, M.G. & Weber, F., Potential and Limits of Out-Of-Court Rapid Claims Settlement A Law and Economics Analysis, Journal of Environmental Law, 2015, Hartlief, T. & Faure, M.G., Vergoeding van schade bij rampen in België en Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 2015, Vol. 3-4, Faure, M.G. & Leger, C., An Analysis of the Criminalisation of Insider Trading at EU Level, in Kovac, M. & A-S Vandenberghe (eds.), Economic Evidence in EU Competition Law, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2016, Liu, J. & Faure, M.G., Compensation for Nuclear Damage: A Comparison among the International Regime, Japan and China, International Environmental Agreements, 2016, Vol. 16, Lu, M. & Faure, M.G., The Regulation of Corporate Environmental Responsibility, in Philipsen, N., Weishaar, S.E. & Xu, G. (eds.), Market Integration: The EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform in China, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, 2016,

20 135. Piri Damagh, M. & Faure, M.G., Self-Regulation versus Public Regulation: An Analysis of Environmental and Safety Standard Setting in the Oil and Gas Pipeline Sector, in Philipsen, N., Weishaar, S.E. & Xu, G. (eds.), Market Integration: The EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform in China, Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer, 2016, Faure, M.G., Visscher, L.T., Zeegers, M.P & Freeman, M.D., The Role of the Expert Witness, in Freeman, M.D. & Zeegers, M.P. (eds.), Forensic Epidemiology - Principles and Practice, London, Academic Press, 2016, Faure, M.G., Aansprakelijkheid voor CCS, in Hartlief, T. & Faure, M.G. (eds.), De Spierbundel. De agenda van het aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2016, De Mot, J. & Faure, M.G., Discretion and the Economics of Defensive Behaviour by Public Bodies, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2016, Vol. 23, No. 4, Faure, M.G., Visscher, L. & Weber, F., Liability for Unknown Risks A Law and Economics Perspective, Journal of European Tort Law, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 2, Faure, M.G., Economic Analysis of Product Liability, in Machnikowski, P. (ed.), European Product Liability. An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Era of New Technologies, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2016, Faure, M.G., Compulsory Liability Insurance: Economic Perspectives, in Fenyves, A., Kissling, C., Perner, S. & Rubin, D. (eds.), Compulsory Liability Insurance from an Economic Perspective, Vienna, De Gruyter, 2016, IV. Articles in US Law Reviews 1. Faure, M.G., Koopmans, I. & Oudijk, J., Imposing Criminal Liability on Government Officials under Environmental Law: A Legal and Economic Analysis, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal, June 1996, Betlem, G. & Faure, M.G., Environmental Toxic Torts in Europe: Trends in Recovery of Soil Clean-Up Costs and Damages for Personal Injury in the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Germany, The Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 1998, Faure, M.G. & Nollkaemper, A., International Liability as an Instrument to Prevent and Compensate for Climate Change, Stanford Journal of International Law and Stanford Environmental Law Journal, Symposium issue: Climate Change Risk, vol. 26 (A/23A), 2007, Faure, M.G., Insurability of Damage Caused by Climate Change: A Commentary, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 155, June 2007,

21 5. Faure, M.G., Ogus, A. & Philipsen, N., Enforcement Practices for Breaches of Consumer Protection Legislation, Loyola Consumer Law Review, vol. 20 (4), 2008, Faure, M.G. & Vanden Borre, T., Compensating Nuclear Damage: A Comparative Economic Analysis of the U.S. and International Liability Schemes, William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, vol. 33, 2008, Faure, M.G. & Fiore, K., An Economic Analysis of the Nuclear Liability Subsidy, Pace Environmental Law Review, vol. 26 (2), 2009, Faure, M.G. & Johnston, J.S., The Law and Economics of Environmental Federalism: Europe and the United States Compared, Virginia Environmental Law Journal, 2009, vol. 27 (3), Mandiberg, S.F. & Faure, M.G., A Graduated Punishment Approach to Environmental Crimes: Beyond Vindication of Administrative Authority in the United States and Europe, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, 2009, vol. 34, Faure, M.G. & Bruggeman, V., Catastrophic Risks and First-Party Insurance, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal, 2009, vol. 15 (1), Faure, M.G., Goodwin, M. & Weber, F., Bucking the Kuznets Curve: Designing Effective Environmental Regulation in Developing Countries, Virginia Journal of International Law, 2010, vol. 51, Faure, M.G. & Raja, A.V., Effectiveness of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in India: Determining the Key Variables, Fordham Environmental Law Review, 2010, vol. XXI(2), Faure, M.G. & Wibisana, A., Liability for Damage Caused by GMOs: An Economic Perspective, The Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 2010, vol. XXIII(1), Faure, M.G. & Zhang, H., Environmental Criminal Law in China: A Critical Analysis, The Environmental Law Reporter, 2011, vol. 41(1), Faure, M.G. & Heine, K., Insurance against financial crises?, NYU Journal of Law & Business, 2011, vol. 8, No. 1, Faure, M.G. & Liu, J., New Models for the Compensation of Natural Resources Damage, Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Law, , Vol. 4, No. 2, Faure, M.G., Effectiveness of Environmental Law: What Does the Evidence Tell us?, William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 2012, vol. 36, No. 2,

22 18. Faure, M.G. & De Mot, J., Comparing Third-Party Financing of Litigation and Legal Expenses Insurance, Journal of Law, Economics and Policy, 2012, Vol. 8, No. 3, Faure, M.G. & Liu, J., The Tsunami of March 2011 and the Subsequent Nuclear Incident at Fukushima: Who Compensates the Victims?, William & Mary Environmental Law & Policy Review, 2012, Vol. 37, Bruggeman, V., Faure, M.G. & Heldt, T., Insurance Against Catastrophe: Government Stimulation of Insurance Markets for Catastrophic Events, Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, 2012, Vol. XXIII(1), Liu, J. & Faure, M.G., Compensating Nuclear Damage in China, Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 2012, Vol. 11(4), Faure, M.G. & Zhang, X., Towards an Extraterritorial Application of the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law that avoids Trade Conflicts, The George Washington International Law Review, 2013, Vol. 45(3), Astiti, T.I.P., Dewi, A.A.I.A.A. & Faure, M.G., Tourism Development and Customary Land Law in Bali: The Case of the Tenganan Pagringsingan Village, Southwestern Journal of International Law, 2013, Vol. XX(1), Faure, M.G., Goodwin, M. & Weber, F., The Regulator s Dilemma: Caught between the Need for Flexibility & the Demands of Foreseeability. Reassessing the Lex Certa Principle, Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology, 2014, Vol. 24(2), Faure, M.G. & Liu, J., Compensation for Environmental Damage in China: Theory and Practice, Pace Environmental Law Review, 2014, Vol. 31(1), Piri, M.D. & Faure, M.G., The Effectiveness of Cross-Border Pipeline Safety and Environmental Regulations (under International Law), North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 2014, Vol. 40(1), Liu, J., Faure, M.G. & Wang, H., Compensating for Natural Resource Damage Caused by Vessel-Induced Marine Oil Pollution: Comparing the International, U.S., and Chinese Regimes, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation, 2014, Vol. 29, Bai, Y. Faure, M.G. & Liu, J., The Role of China s Banking Sector in Providing Green Finance, Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, 2014, Vol. XXIV, Thommes, K., Faure, M.G. & Heine, K., The Internal Market and the Consumer: What Consumers Actually Choose, The Columbia Journal of European Law, 2014, Vol. 21, No. 1, Dari-Mattiacci, G. & M.G. Faure, The Economics of Disaster Relief, Law & Policy, 2015, Vol. 37, No. 3,

23 31. Faure, M.G. & Leger, C., The Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Market Abuse: A Move Towards Harmonizing Insider Trading Criminal Law at the EU Level?, Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Financial & Commercial Law, 2015, Vol. 9, No. 2, Faure, M.G., Liu, J. & Wang, H., A Multilayered Approach to Cover Damage Caused by Offshore Facilities, Virginia Environmental Law Journal, 2015, Vol. 33, Faure, M.G. & I Made Budi Arsika, Settling Disputes in the Tourism Industry: The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the World Committee on Tourism Ethics, Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 2015, Vol. 13(2), Faure, M.G., Liu, J. & Wibisana, A., Industrial Accidents, Natural Disasters and Act of God, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, 2015, Vol. 43(2), Faure, M.G., Liability and Compensation for Damage Resulting from CO 2 Storage Sites, William & Mary Environmental Law & Policy Review, 2016, Vol. 40(2), Faure, M.G., Attribution of Liability: An Economic Analysis of Various Cases, Chicago-Kent Law Review, 2016, Vol. 91(2), Faure, M.G., In the Aftermath of the Disaster: Liability and Compensation Mechanisms as Tools to Reduce Disaster Risks, Stanford Journal of International Law, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 1, De Mot, J. & Faure; M.G., Third-Party Financing and Litigation Expenditures, New York University Journal of Law & Business, 2016, Vol. 12, No. 3, De Mot, J., Depoorter, B. & Faure, M.G., The Multiple Effect of Legal Insurance, New York University Journal of Law & Business, 2016, Vol. 13(1), V. Contributions to Libris Amicorum 1. Faure, M.G., De Verzekering van het Nucleaire Risico, In Volle Verzekerdheid, Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1993, Faure, M.G., Bedenkingen over de Rol van het Strafrecht bij de Bestrijding van Milieuverontreiniging, Om deze Redenen. Liber Amicorum Armand Vandeplas, Gent, Mys en Breesch Uitgevers, 1994, Faure, M.G., Compensation of Non-Pecuniary Loss: An Economic Perspective, in Magnus, U. & Spier, J. (eds), European Tort Law. Liber Amicorum for Helmut Koziol, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2000,

List of Publications. Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M.

List of Publications. Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M. List of Publications Prof. Dr. Michael G. Faure LL.M. 1983 2013 Table of Contents I. Books... 3 II. Edited books... 5 III. Articles or Chapters in books with an editorial board or referee system... 9 IV.

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