Gebruik van Celgetal data in bedrijfsdiergeneeskunde. Ynte Schukken. GD Diergezondheid

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1 Gebruik van Celgetal data in bedrijfsdiergeneeskunde Ynte Schukken GD Diergezondheid

2 Introductie Management van bulk tank SCC. Gebruik van een flow chart. Geavanceerde SCC analyse.

3 Bedrijfsdiergeneeskunde

4 Key Performance Indicatoren Key Performance Indicatoren (KPI) 1. Incidentie van klinische mastitis per maand. Doelstellingen Top Ok Not Ok < 1% <2% > 4% Berekeningen Alle mastitis gevallen in een maand/ melkgevende koeien in dezelfde maand. 2. Bulk tank Somatic Cell Counts. 3. Incidentie van afvoer vanwege uier gezondheid in een periode. < 150 <250 >300 < 3% <5% >10% Gemiddelde van alle bulk tank SCC metingen in een maand. Alle afvoer vanwege uier gezondheid in een periode / gemiddeld aantal lacterende + droge koeien op het bedrijf in die periode.

5 Doelstelling - essentieel Realiseren Begrijpen Voorkeur Actie -Explain issues seen in KPI -Discuss costs to farm -Ask if owner is aware of issues -Discuss causes of problems -Provide materials -Ask If owner understands -Identify potential solutions -Discuss costs/benefits -Ask preferences from owner -To do lists -Action points Implementeren -Support implementation -Provide follow up Loyaliteit -Success leads to loyalty

6 Protocol verlaging BMSCC 1. Korte termijn oplossingen voor verlaging SCC. Droogzetten, behandelen, afvoer probleemkoeien 2. Analyse van onderliggende oorzaken verhoogd BTSCC (met flow chart). 3. Realistische doelstellingen. 4. Overeenkomst berijken over oplossingen van de onderliggende oorzaken. Belangrijk: 1) minder nieuwe infecties, 2) verkorten duur infecties, en 3) voorkomen transmissie 5. Evaluatie en monitoring Schukken et al. 2006

7 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Hygiene Lactation Milking equipment Environmental: Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management Late gestation

8 Cells * 10E6 Infectie en SCC Patronen Normal E. coli S. aureus S. uberis Days

9 Laatste SCC SCC analyse: Infectie dynamiek Nieuw Chronisch Gezond Genezen Vorige maand SCC

10 Definities Nieuw infectie risico: Koeien met een celgetal over 200,000* in huidige test EN minder dan 200,000 in vorige test / alle koeien onder 200,000 in vorige test. Genezingskans: Koeien met een celgetal onder 200,000 in huidige test EN meer dan 200,000 in vorige test / alle koeien over 200,000 in vorige test. Prevalentie chronisch geinfecteerde koeien: Koeien met een celgetal over 200,000 in huidige test / alle koeien met SCC gegevens in huidige test. Infectie in verse koeien Koeien met een celgetal over in eerste test na afkalven/ alle koeien met een eerste test na afkalven. Uitsplitsen in nieuwe infecties en genezing [zie hierboven voor definitie]

11 Probleem bedrijf Koeien/lactatie: 1 n=22 2 n=17 3+ n=28 Totaal=67

12 Probleem bedrijf

13 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

14 Probleem bedrijf

15 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

16 Data analyse Contagieus vs Omgeving Contagieus Omgeving Lange duur IMI Hoog SCC koeien Hoog SCC voor een kinisch geval Prevalentie stijgt met DIM Incidentie gerelateerd aan prevalentie Korte duur IMI Laag SCC koeien Laag SCC voor een klinisch geval Hoge incidentie klinische gevallen post-partum Incidentie niet gerelateerd aan prevalentie

17 Infectie dynamiek Nieuwe infecties Gevoelig genezing geinfecteerd SIS model

18 Laatste SCC SCC analyse: Infectie dynamiek New Chronic Healthy Cured Vorige maand SCC

19 Celgetal dynamiek

20 Contagieus of opportunistisch transmissie patroon? Nieuw infectie risico = α Nieuw infectie risico = α + β * % bestaande infecties α = opportunistische (=omgevings) component β = infection transmissie component Frequentie afhankelijke transmissie

21 Inschatten van transmissie Regressie analyse of proefmelk gegevens: % nieuw hoog SCC = intercept + * % bestaand hoog SCC + error

22 Probleem bedrijf

23 % nieuw Probleem bedrijf Omgevings component %nieuw = ,6 * %verhoogd R² = 0, Contagieuze component % verhoogd

24 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

25 Probleem bedrijf Maart: 21 hoog April: 17 hoog April: 5 nieuw 12 continue hoog 9 van de 21 genezen Genezing = 9 / 21 = 0,42 Duur infectie = 1/.42 = 2.3 maanden ~ 73 dagen

26 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

27 Probleem bedrijf

28 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

29 Probleem bedrijf

30 SCC na afkalven Droogstand analyse Nieuwe infecties Chronische Infecties Genezing Droogstand SCC

31 Probleem bedrijf Droogstand analyse:

32 Evaluatie droogstand, gecorrigeerd voor nieuwe infecties afkalf SCC laag Droogzet hoog SCC hoog SCC laag Genezen = 10, chronisch = 9 %Genezen = 10/19 = 53% %Nieuw = 10/25 = 40% ========================== Genezing [gecorrigeerd: 10/.60 = 10+9 = 88%

33 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

34 Probleem bedrijf 1. Een aantal koeien met chronisch hoog celgetal BO, droogzetten, afvoer. 2. Aanwijzing voor contagieuze transmissie: Melktechniek, melkmachine, segregatie, afvoer. 3. Langduring chronische koeien: BO, behandelen, droogzetten, afvoer. 4. Hoge nieuwe infecties in droogstand: Hygiene, preventiemaatregelen.

35 Protocol verlaging BMSCC 1. Korte termijn oplossingen voor verlaging SCC. Droogzetten, behandelen, afvoer probleemkoeien 2. Analyse van onderliggende oorzaken verhoogd BMSCC (met flow chart). 3. Realistische doelstellingen. 4. Overeenkomst berijken over oplossingen van de onderliggende oorzaken. Sleutels: 1) minder nieuwe infecties, 2) verkorten duur infecties, en 3) voorkomen transmissie 5. Evaluatie en monitoring Schukken et al. 2006

36 Bedrijfsdiergeneeskunde Duur van IMI Behandeling Afvoer Gezonde koppel Hygiene/ Huisvesting Gevoeligheid Risico op IMI

37 Herd health circle in action

38 Conclusies Gevanceerde analyse levert veel informatie over infectie dynamiek Protocol en Flow chart zijn belangrijk in analyse van bedrijven met hoog BMSCC. Data analyse is een belangrijk onderdeel van bedrijfsdiergeneeskunde.

39 Vragen?

40 Case Study 200 milking cows 45 first lactation 35 dry cows 3X milking 85 lbs/cow/day (38.6 kg) Free stall facilities (both in a new & old barn)

41 Case Study BMSCC >350,000 cells/ml and increasing SPC ~1000 cfu/ml >10 % clinical mastitis cases per month

42 Farmer s Goals Reduce BMSCC <200,000 cells/ml. Reduce Clinical Mastitis cases to <3% of cases/mth. [cases/cows].

43 Mean SCC by test date

44 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

45 Contribution List <200,000 BMSCC 8.6% OF THE HERD BMSCC = 449, COWS IN MILK

46 SCC Dynamics New Infections Chronic Infections Healthy Cures

47 Test Day Infection Rates T E S T D A T E S 9/12 20/ 1 6/ 3 27/ 4 8/ 6 21/ 7 14/ 9 12/10 9/11 7/12 4/ 1 LS Chronic % # New Inf % # Cured % # Clean % # HiFresh % # LoFresh % # Cure Risk New Risk

48 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

49 New Infection Risk

50 New infection risk lactation 2+

51 Chronic Infection Rate

52 Percent new high SCC Chronic strong predictor New Environmental component Contagious component New = chronic Percent chronic high SCC

53 Cure risk Average duration = 1/cure risk = 1/.33 = 3 test day intervals (~5 wk) = 105 days

54 HiFresh Infection Rate - HERD

55 HiFresh Infection Rate 2 ND Lact +

56 Dry period cure and new infection risk LS1 LS1 <4.0 >=4.0 DRYLS >=4.0 24% 23% 47% DRYLS <4.0 41% 12% 53% ========================== % 35% 100% New infection risk = 13/56=23% Cure risk = 25/49 = 51% Correct cure risk= = 25/ = 66%

57 HiFresh Infection Rate LACT=1 LS >3.0

58 Culture results

59 <2% of cows in herd responsible for high SCC * New Chronic Fresh Top <5% <5% <10% No Ok ~8% ~10% ~15% Few Cows (<2%): Investigate cows More than 2%: Investigate herd Not ok >9% >10% >18% SCC patterns: Chronic or spikes Culture: Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk New infections > 8%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn - Season Contagious: Milking procedures Milking equipment Purchased cattle Segregation inf. cows Environmental: Hygiene Biosecurity Susceptibility No Chronic infections > 10%* Herd or part: -Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ - Specific Pen/Barn Infection duration >65 days or <65 days Culture Segregate Inf. cows Treat Dry Cull Diagnostics Separate milk No Fresh cow infections > 15%* Herd or part: - Season - Lact 1 vs Lact 2+ Housing Pre fresh treatment Susceptibility: - Minerals Corrected cure <80%: - Dry-off protocol New infections >15%: - Hygiene dry period - Susceptibility: - minerals - NEB - transition management

60 High producing lactating cows

61 Udder Health Book Pg. 26

62 Udder Hygiene Scores (1) 22.6% (27) (2) 50.4% (60) (3) 18.5% (22) (4) 8.4% (10) GOAL: Group 1 and 2 = 80% of cows, but only 73% fall into this category

63 High Producing Lactating Cows Cow hygiene is an issue. Overcrowding (85 cows in 65 stalls: 131%). Acceptable cow comfort and ventilation. Milking procedures not defined & unhygienic: Treatment protocols unclear. Sand Bedding: Groomed daily, Bedded twice a week Udder Health Book Pg. 59

64 Dry Cow and Sick Cow Pens Bedded 2x/week Poor ventilation Pasture at night Pre-fresh heifers added ~3 wks to dry cow pen Dry-off protocol unclear & unhygienic

65 Milk Quality Recommendations Short Term Identify persistent high SCC cows, sample and culture. Manage milk from problem cows. Decide to treat, dry-off, or cull immediately based on culture results Segregate known S. aureus, S. uberis and Klebsiella spp. infected cows Intermediate Improve milking procedures: protocols and training Create and implement written therapy and treatment protocols for high SCC cows & clinical mastitis cows Improve dry-off protocols: teat seal, antibiotics, application hygiene, dip Long term Reduce overcrowding: add facilities lactating cows New facilities for dry cows and dry springing heifers Improved record quality (clinical cows, treatment protocols, pathogen identification) Establish milk quality monitoring parameters

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De toekomst van de ouderenzorg is al begonnen: alleen nog maar de innovaties verspreiden. Lezing op woensdag 9 november 2011 te Doetinchem De toekomst van de ouderenzorg is al begonnen: alleen nog maar de innovaties verspreiden. Lezing op woensdag 9 november 2011 te Doetinchem Ontwikkelingen in omgeving 1. Vraag naar klinische geriatrische

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Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Suriname Se-Sergio Baldew

Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Suriname Se-Sergio Baldew Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Suriname Se-Sergio Baldew FLU TORI Paramaribo, 23 february 2018 ???? Fysieke Activiteit, Fitheid en Risicofactoren voor Hart en Vaatziekten

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Is de behandeling van lage rugklachten door middel van tractie evidence based? Dr Peter Verspeelt Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie 24 oktober 2015

Is de behandeling van lage rugklachten door middel van tractie evidence based? Dr Peter Verspeelt Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie 24 oktober 2015 Is de behandeling van lage rugklachten door middel van tractie evidence based? Dr Peter Verspeelt Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie 24 oktober 2015 Wat is de invloed van tractie op een lumbale

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