6 e jaargang, nr. 1 dd.02 January Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc.

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1 6 e jaargang, nr. 1 dd.02 January 2005 Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. SmitWijs London had geen last van zeebeving. Jullie berichtje ontvangen. Ik kan jullie geruststellen, wij hebben er hier niets van gemerkt. Evengoed verschrikkelijk wat er gebeurd is. Je zult maar onder zo'n kust varen of ten anker liggen. Ik heb de Bowditch er op nagekeken, daar staat het fenomeen Tsunami in beschreven. Op zee en in diep water heb je er nagenoeg geen last van. Het wordt pas link met ondiep water en oplopende bodem. Het heeft wel gevolgen voor ons Italiaans gevolg en ons. In Sri Lanka, na de natuurramp met al z'n gevolgen, staan ze niet direct in de rij voor de LT Lloydiana. Verzekering en eigenaren verwachten dat Colombo een no go wordt, zijn al naarstig op zoek naar een andere haven. Met al de logistieke problemen die zo'n operatie meebrengen zijn dat er niet te veel waaruit ze kunnen kiezen. Wij zijn benieuwd waar we terechtkomen met onze sleep. (Bron: Kapitein Kees Pronk) Op reis met de SmitWijs Rotterdam (5) Aflevering vijf aangaande de Smitwijs Rotterdam op reis met de H851 van Vlissingen naar Corpus Christi. Zoals verleden week vermeld zijn we afgelopen week de Caribische Zee binnen gevaren, hoewel niet tussen Martinique en Dominica in, maar, doordat onze snelheid zodanig was dat we te vroeg in Corpus Christi aan zouden komen hebben we er voor gekozen om nog wat lagere breedtes op te zoeken en tussen Martinique en Saint Lucia door te varen. Hadden er prachtig weer bij en werden vermaakt met vakantiegangers die vanuit nieuwsgierigheid met hun zeil jachtjes onze nabijheid op zochten. Met de passage tussen de eilanden door waren we ook de Noordnoordoostelijk oceaan deining kwijt, niet dat we nou zwaar hadden liggen slingeren, maar stil liggen was na drie weken toch wel weer aangenaam en wende al snel. Helaas was een van de mannen aan boord niet in goede doen en had medische zorg nodig, aanvankelijk binnenshuis, maar al snel werd contact gezocht met RCC Den Helder voor radio medisch advies en veranderden we koers richting Curaçao indien het noodzakelijk mocht worden om te medivakken, dat kwam er uiteindelijk ook nog van, en waar we eigenlijk op een rustige eerste kerstdag hadden gerekend, lagen we in de vroege ochtend van de 25ste december voor Willemstad. Diep water alom, dus konden we de draad op lengte houden en toch een zodanig matige vaart lopen dat de locale loodsboot langszij kon komen om de patiënt van ons over te nemen. Alles zodanig geregeld dat we op een afgesproken tijd op de meest gunstige locatie zouden zijn om de vaar afstand voor de loods boot beperkt te houden, maar was het natuurlijk Murphies Law die roet in het eten gooide. " Een probleem met de machine van de brug" De bekende pontjes brug wilde dus niet open en hield de loods boot gevangen. Uiteindelijk werd het probleem snel verholpen, en met enig gemanoeuvreer van onze kant hoefden da mannen niet al te ver naar buiten te komen, en werd de patiënt naar de wal gebracht terwijl wij weer richting Corpus Christi vertrokken. Al snel kwam er informatie dat de patiënt in goede handen was en onderzoeken hadden uitgewezen dat er gelukkig geen zorgelijke zaken speelden, en gaf dat dan weer ruimte om nog wat van de kerst te maken. Het weer was er ideaal voor, en brandde rond een uur of zes de BBQ op het bak dek waar een snoer gekleurde lampen aan de sfeer bijdroegen. We bleken ook nog een culinair wonder in de persoon van onze bootsman aan boord te hebben die onze patiënt verving, niet alleen voldoende en lekkers voor op de BBQ, maar stond er ook een onvervalste kersttaart op tafel met in gekleurde mokka crème geschreven wensen voor een Merry Christmas er op. Niet zo groot (?) gelukkig die taart, hij paste nauwelijks op een dienblad, dus hadden we ook voor tweede kerstdag reden om er even voor te gaan zitten en de kerstdoos uit te pakken die er vanwege de omstandigheden op eerste kerstdag bij in geschoten was. De eerste stuurman had mazzel, die kreeg een shawl, niet bepaald iets wat je in de Caribische zee nodig hebt, maar in Corpus Christi heeft het voor het eerst in jaren gesneeuwd en is het koud, dus die shawl komt hem nog wel van pas daar. Inmiddels bevinden we ons al weer ruim benoorden de kust van Colombia en hebben we er prachtig weer bij, de volle maan staat momenteel boven ons aan een onbewolkte glasheldere hemel en is het zo rustig hier op zee dat we ons alleen wanen. De snelheid wil er niet af, dat zal je altijd zien wanneer je te vroeg aan dreigt te komen, en lopen we met minimaal vermogen nog steeds een dikke zeven mijl per uur waar we er eigenlijk maar vijf nodig hebben om de gestelde ETA te halen, maar goed, in deze tijd van het jaar kan het weer in de noordelijke golf van Mexico nog wel eens tegen zitten, en is het dan wel lekker om wat speling te hebben, dus klagen we er maar niet te veel om. Het is al schrijvende inmiddels bijna middernacht hier, tijd voor het dagrapport en de opkomende wacht, dus doe ik alle lezers hierbij de beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar toe komen en hoop ik volgende zondag weer wat te schrijven te hebben. (Bron: Kapitein Gerrit Verschoor)

2 Bamse, 370/85 tug Has been renamed Bamse Tug by Busker og erging AS, Norway and transferred to Denmark (IS) Registry. Daya Gemilang, 155/96 tug. By C.H.Logistics Pte.Ltd. to Danamon Marine Services Pte.Ltd, Singapore and renamed Sunter. Everest, (Honeweg 84), 290/60 tug, By Michael Gigilines Shipping Co. To Salvage Tugs of Crete Christos XVII Shipping Co. Both Greece and renamed Christos XVIII Goliath Thy (Thy 96), 142/81 tug, By A/S Zvitzer Denmark to Hansa Liisingu Ltd, Estonia and renamed Odin II Hermes, (Bugsier 8 77), 358/76 tug. Has been renamed Luna A by Bugsier Reederei-und Bergungs-GmbH & Co, Germany and transferred to Denmark Registry. Kimtrans Daisy, (RDC Daisy 02), 152/00 tug. By RDC Marine Pte.Ltd. to Pancon Shipping & Marine Services Pte.Ltd. both Singapore and renamed Pancon 6 Lancilotto, (Lancelot Ranger 91, Svitzer Garm 90), 944/78 offshore tug/supply. By Rimorchiatori Sardi SpA, Portugal (MAR) to Augustea Imprese Marittime e di Salvataggi SpA, Italy and renamed Marzamemi Lary G Dahl, (LT-20900, 229/54 TUG. By Turbo Service International, UK to The Govenment of Bermuda (Department of Marine & Ports Services) Bermuda and renamed Edward M.Stowe Laurentian, (Labrador Horizon 01, Simon Labrador 98, Seaway Labrador 91) 3375/83 offshore supply. By Seismic Exploration International to Standraven Ltd. Both Bahamas and renamed CGG Laurentian Maiden Castle, (Conor 01, Problet 95), 276/74 tug. By Portland Port Ltd, to Somara Sarl, both UK and renamed Massai Odin II, (Goliath Thy 03, Thy 96), 142/81 tug. By Hansa Liisingu Ltd. Estonia to Hanstholm Bugserservice A/S Denmark (DIS) and renamed Odin Smit Bison, (DH Alpha 03), 160/93 tug. By Smit Singapore Pte.Ltd. St.Vincent and the Grenadines to Marine Co.Ltd, UK and renamed Marineco Raksha. Fairmount Alpine Fairmount Alpine is de naam van de 3e door Fairmount bestelde sleepboot, voor Fairmount Marine BV. De oplevering van deze sleepbot is mei Vroon Vroon BV nam op 16 juli 2004 Seaworx over van SvitzerWijsmuller en is voor 100% eigenaar. Het beheer ging naar Telco Marine BV te Den Helder. Per 1 oktober 2004 zijn alle offshore activiteiten van Vroon BV onder gebracht in Vroon Offshore Services BV te Den Helder. Daarin zijn ook onderebracht Telco Marine BV en de dit jaar overgenomen Seaworx BV die vanaf 23 juli 2004 onder Telco Marine BV viel.

3 6 e jaargang, nr. 2 dd. 11 January 2005 Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Foutje bedankt Lawrence Amboldt melde dat hij een fout had ontdekt in de eerste Nieuwsbrief. Hij kwam dan ook terug met de volgende gegevens. De GOLIATH THY was niet als 'Thy' gebouwd maar als TYR voor Det Forenede Bugserselskab te Kopenhagen. Bij Hanstholm Bugerservice heet zij ODIN (ex. Odin II- 04, ex. Goliath Thy-03, ex. Tyr-96). Uit 'Marine News' zijn dus de foute gegevens overgenomen. Lawrence bedankt. Schieborg All 15 crew rescued from the burning ship SCHIEBORG in the north sea. At yesterday the Dutch ro/ro vessel SCHIEBORG issued a mayday via Lyngby radio. SCHIEBORG was burning out of control and the crew was unable to gain control of the fire. The captain chose to evacuate the ship and all 15 crew went into the ships lifeboat. Rescue helicopters was at the scene but was only on standby because of the extremely bad weather conditions. The rescus vessels Nordsøen and Emilie Robin was sent out from Esbjerg and Hvide Sande and two Esvagt vessels, Esvagt Gamma and Esvagt Omega was directed to the scene and Esvagt Gamma was able to recover the 15 crew from their lifeboat. The crew was then transferred to Esvagt Omega which sailed to Esbjerg where the the crew was brought to the the local hopital for treatment. A Svitzer-Wijsmuller salvage team was sent to the scene with a rescue helicopter to assist Esvagt Gamma in making towage connection with SCHIEBORG, this was however not necessary as while enroute the Esvagt Gamma despite the gale force winds and high seas, was able to connect up to the drifting and abandoned SCHIEBORG, and is now proceding towards Esbjerg. (Bron: Martin Kristiansen) Towboat Goes Over Dam; 3 Dead 1/10/05 9:44:26 AM Investigators from Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Pittsburgh are responding to an overturned towboat in the Ohio River, near the town of Industry. The Coast Guard was notified at 3 a.m. that the M/V Elizabeth M and three of the vessel's six loaded coal barges went over the dam and sank downriver from the Montgomery Lock, near mile marker 31 on the Ohio River. Local agencies and crewmen from several nearby towboats, including the Rocket, Sandy Drake, and Lillian G responded to the overturned vessel. Three victims were recovered at the scene. Three survivors were rescued and transported to Beaver Valley Medical Center and Aliquippa Hospital. One crewmember remains missing. Names of all crewmembers are being withheld, pending notification of family members. The remaining three barges sank above the dam. A safety zone is in effect from mile marker 31 to 36 on the Ohio River. An investigation is ongoing. Plans are being developed to recover the sunken towboat and barges. The Elizabeth M is owned by Campbell Transportation of Charleroi Socarenam SOCARENAM zal begin januari vier doppelschroef sleepboten overdragen aan de Franse Marine. Op de bouwplaten van alle vier sleepboten staat als bouwjaar De Morse (Y 770), Otarie (Y771) en Loutre (Y772) zijn bestemd voor Toulon en de Phoque (Y773) zal naar Cherbourg gaan. 15m55 x 6m40 2m10, 2xBaudouin totaal 800 apk, paaltrek 10 ton. In januari werd het eerste casco uit Polen te Bonen, voor een serie van vijf duwboten, verwacht die de Compagnie Fluviale de Transport (CFT) bij SOCARENAM in opdracht heeft gegeven. De CFT heeft in Nederland ook de duwboot Scaldis (ex. Crismar-01) aangekocht. Een nieuw naam is op dit moment niet bekend en ze was eind 2004 nog niet aan CFT overgedragen. De overdracht zal wel begin dit jaar gebeuren. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Havenbestuur Anjouan De OLÉRON en de NOIRMOUTIER zullen in januari 2005 aan het havenbestuur van Anjouan in de Comoren verkocht worden. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Les Abeilles Les Abeilles Dunkerque heeft de Honco van Remolques Unidos, Santander aangekocht, 358 brt, 2002 gebouwd,55 ton paaltrek, 4400 apk volgens verkoper, 4054 apk volgens BV. De sleepboot

4 werd tegen eind januari te Duinkerken verwacht. Ze zal de Indrepide vervangen, die voor het werk in de kleinere dokken te groot is. Volgens de bemanningen in Duinkerken zal de INTRÉPIDE in maart weer naar SURF gaan, wat ook een onderdeel is van de Bourbon Groep, net zo als Les Abeilles. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Hepworth Bij de Engelse scheepswerf Hepworth te Paull (bij Hull) is een zusterschip van de vorig jaar opgeleverde AFON ALAW (2600apk, paaltrek 35 t) voor HolyheadTowing Co. Ltd. in aanbouw, met oplevering tijdens de lente. De AFON ALAW is overigens onlangs naar de Kaspische Zee vertrokken om daar voor de olie industrie te gaan werken. Mogelijk zal haar zusje hetzelfde doen. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) St. Lawrence Seaway Closes 1/06 The St. Lawrence Seaway officially closed for the season on December 30, 2004, with the passage of the McKeil Marine integrated tug and barge, McCleary s Spirit, through the St. Lambert Lock at 5:51 a.m. in the Montreal/Lake Ontario section. The Seaway opened its 46th shipping season on March 25 and remained open for 281 days in The Welland Canal section closed at 5:19 p.m. on December 31, with the transit of the Canada Steamship Lines vessel CSL Niagara. (Bron: Jan van der Doe) Solstad Offshore and DOF establish joint company in Far East Solstad Offshore ASA and DOF ASA (DOF) have decided to expand their cooperation, and will join forces in the Far East offshore market, together with Nortrans Pte Ltd. (Nortrans) of Singapore. According to a recent statement, a jointly owned company under the working name of NOR Offshore Pte Ltd will be established, to be owned one third each by the parties. The JV will have its main office in Singapore and it is now recruiting senior personnel. Semco and Fairmount form OneAllianz A major new force in the long haul ocean towage market has been established by Fairmount Marine BV, of The Netherlands, and Singapore-based Semco Salvage & Marine Pte Ltd. With immediate effect, the two companies' ocean towage fleets and expertise have been pooled in 'OneAllianz.' The objective is to offer clients in the offshore and other sectors access to a fleet of tug newbuildings specially equipped for long range, high value towage. The pool can be further expanded to include other partners with similar new tugs, so further enhancing OneAllianz resources. In due course, the OneAllianz pool, operating commercially from Singapore and Rotterdam, will consist of seven powerful newbuild anchor handling/salvage/long haul towing vessels. Broker provides update on North Sea supply vessel market Offshore Shipbrokers Ltd (OSL) says the sport market in the North Sea continues to improve, and November was undoubtedly the best month of 2004, with rates for PSV fixtures reaching record levels and AHTS rates equally buoyant. The company said November got off to a good start continuing on from the tight market seen during October with rates fluctuating around the 15,000-20,000 level. By the middle ofthe month however things had tightened even further with rates now reaching and exceeding the 40,000 level. December started well, but by the end of the first week rate levels had fallen considerably to around the 7500 level. This situation lasted for several days until availability tightened once again and rates started to climb. Rates then rose to hit the 50,000 level for rig moves. OSL said it expects things to remain reasonably tight into January. "Confidence is also beginning to grown in the term market with rates for recent term charters now beginning to creep up in response topredicted activity," said OSL. "Requirements commencing during the summer months of 2005 are attracting an additional premium due to the expected limited availability." Farstad awards contracts for newbuilds Farstad Shipping in Norway has placed orders for the vessels it requires following its Letter of Intent awarded by Norsk Hydro regarding long-term chartering of three (PSVs). Two of the contracts require newbuildings. Farstad Shipping has, through its subsidiary Farstad Supply AS, reached an agreement with Aker Brattvåg AS for the construction of two UT 715E PSVs for delivery in May and October The contracts with the yard are conditional on the contracts with Norsk Hydro. Aker Yards confirms receipt of new contracts Aker Brattvaag AS has confirmed that it has secured a contract from Farstad Supply AS for two UT751 E PSVs. The yard said the vessels are scheduled for delivery from Søviknes Verft in May and September The UT 751 Es, designed by Rolls-Royce Marine, will have a length of 93m, a beam of 21m and will be equipped with innovative technology and have particularly high cargo capacities.

5 Aker Yards to build PSV for Olympic Shipping Aker Brevik AS has been awarded a contract by Olympic Kombiskip KS, in Fosnavåg, Norway, to build a UT 755LN PSV. This is the seventh contract between the Olympic Shipping group and Aker Yards. Aker Brevik AS will deliver five ships of this type in The hull for the ship will be built at Aker Brevik's subsidiary in Romania, Aker Braila, and the delivery of the vessel is scheduled for mid- September NorSkan orders another AHTS Aker Promar, the Brazilian arm of Aker Brattvaag AS, has been awarded a contract worth approximately US$45.9 million by NorSkan Offshore Ltda, Brazil, to build a UT722L AHTS. Delivery from Aker Promar is scheduled for June IOS acquires Lady Sandra International Offshore Services ANS (IOS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Farstad Shipping ASA, has declared its option with DOF to purchase the anchor handling vessel Lady Sandra. The vessel, a KMAR 404, has been bareboat chartered by IOS since it was delivered in 1998, and has operated in the Far East/Australia since delivery. It is currently working for Shell in Malaysia. IOS will take over the ship in August Bharati wins supply ships India s Bharati Shipyard has added two more ships to its orderbook in a deal with France's Groupe Bourbon. The bulker and offshore shipowner has ordered two $8m multipurpose supply vessels for delivery in June and September The export deal for Bourbon s Surf unit is eligible for a 30% subsidy. Bharati recently executed a successful initial public offering of its shares. It is building ships for Great Eastern and Q Ship. Bourbon is also building an offshore vessel at the Ulstein yard in Norway. Smit Anambas De Italiaanse sleepboot Letojanni, met de Smit Anambas op sleeptouw, heeft op 29 december zuid west van Kaap Finisterre haar sleepdraad gebroken. De sleepboot heeft kans gezien de nooddraad van de Smit Anambas op te pikken. Afgelopen woensdag is het transport Falmouth binnen gelopen om het sleepgerei weer op orde te brengen. De Letojanni heeft donderdag het transport verlaten om een andere sleepreis te gaan uitvoeren vanuit Le Trait Frankrijk. De Italiaanse sleepboot rederij heeft de Kooren sleepboot ZP Montelena gecontracteerd om de Smit Anambas naar Rotterdam te slepen. Het transport zal waarschijnlijk dit weekend de Waterweg binnenkomen. Jammer voor de sleepboot liefhebbers die graag een plaatje wilde schieten van de Letojanni. In iedergeval houden we u op de hoogte van de aankomst van de Smit Anambas, voor de eerste keer in Rotterdam (Bron: Hans van der Ster)

6 6 e jaargang, nr. 3 dd. 16 January 2005 Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. BP Tugs De BP sleepboten te Coryton zullen door het Schotse Targe Towing worden beheerd. De eerste sleepboot, de Stanford, zal op 1 maart te Rotterdam door Damen worden afgeleverd. De Castle Point zal op 15 maart volgen en de Corrngham op 1 juni. Alle sleepboten zijn ASD 3211, 2xMaK 6M25, totaal 5300 apk, 2x Aquamaster, 32m22 x 11m70 x 5m30, brt 385t, paaltrek 70 t. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Chambon President Marine in Singapore heeft in december een Robert Allan ASD opgeleverd aan Compagnie Maritime Chambon, Marseille. De Kaori gaat havendiensten verrichten te Nouméa en zal daar een van de vier sleepboten van Chambon gaan vervangen. De afmetingen van de Kaori zijn 23m80 x 11m00 x 4m18, 2x Caterpillar 3512B elk 1305 kw, totaal 3546 apk, 2 x Schottel SRP 1010FP. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Boluda Bij Union Naval de Levante is de V. B. Tamaulifas van stapel gelopen, de eerste van drie voor Boluda van hetzelfde Robert Allan type als de Kaori, maar met sterkere motoren, eveneens Caterpillar. Union Naval de Levante bouwt ook drie sleepboten van dit type voor Brazilië. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Adsteam De Collingwood van Adsteam is verhuisd van Liverpool naar Grimsby. De nieuwe Adsteam Ferriby, gebouwd door Damen in China, zal de komende dagen op een schip worden gezet en in maart op de Humber woden verwacht. De Ganges, sinds 2003 te Grimsby, zou verkocht zijn, maar dat is niet bevestigd. De Gurrong gaat van de Thames naar de Medway en zal worden hernoemt in Adsteam Victory (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Abeille The first of the new salvage tugs for les Abeilles, the Abeille Bourbon, is expected to be delivered in February and to go on station at Brest in March. She is to be named by Mme Chirac. Her sister, the Abeille Liberte, will follow in July and she is to be based at Cherbourg. (Bron: Lawrence Amboldt) Texas Crew Rescued From Burning Tugboat Publication date: A four-man crew has been rescued from a burning tugboat in the Intracoastal Waterway near Port Isabel, Texas, the Coast Guard reported Monday. The tugboat Wally Blessey was pushing a barge loaded with lube oil when a fire broke out in the engine room just before it passed under the Queen Isabella Causeway late Sunday night. The tug's captain notified the Coast Guard at South Padre Island and two 27-foot rescue boats safely pulled the crew from the burning vessel within 12 minutes. The barge was disconnected and towed away by another tugboat. The Intracoastal Waterway was closed to traffic until about 3:45 a.m. Monday, the Coast guard said. The Coast Guard Marine Safety Satellite Office at Brownsville is investigating the incident. (Source: United Press International) Ohio River Remains Too Rough to Remove Sunken Tug From Dam Publication date: PITTSBURGH - The Ohio River was a raging muddy brown, flowing high and fast early Sunday morning when strong currents pushed the Elizabeth M. and its six barges of coal over a dam, leaving three of its seven crew members dead and one missing Monday. Despite the conditions, the U.S. Coast Guard apparently didn't believe it necessary to shut the Ohio. The river was closed for several miles around the scene after the accident and remained closed to most traffic Monday. Lt. Michael Anderson, chief of port operations for Pittsburgh, said the Coast Guard has opened an investigation into the accident. But, he said, "in most cases, just because we have high water doesn't mean we close down the river. There are commercial industries at stake." If high water, ice or debris is present, Anderson said, the Coast Guard generally meets with the Army Corps of Engineers and industry officials to determine whether to close the rivers. "Our industry folk generally

7 have a handle on when the river is too high," Anderson said. But Richard Block, secretary of Gulf Coast Mariners Association, which represents mariners, said that without such closures, the decision to operate is essentially left to pilots, with frequent pressure from tow operators. The Coast Guard is "good at closing the barn door after the cow leaves," Block said. "They are reactive rather than proactive.... They really don't have all that much experience on the river doing what commercial towboat people do." Anderson declined to speculate on whether the Ohio should have been closed, citing the ongoing investigation. He said, however, that the Elizabeth M. crash likely will factor into future closure decisions. The pilot of the Elizabeth M. had successfully gone through the lock at the Montgomery Island Dam to move from one river section to another shortly before 2:30 a.m. when strong currents began sweeping the towboat and barges toward the dam, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Because some of the crew were believed to be on the barges, the pilot separated from the barges to try to swing around and push them from another downstream angle, officials said. But the current pushed the boat and barges into the dam, with the boat and three barges going through, they said. Autopsies indicated that the deceased crew members - Scott Stewart, 36, of Wheeling, W.Va.; Tom Fisher, 25, of Latrobe, Pa.; and Edward Crevda, 22, of West Brownsville, Pa. - all drowned, Beaver County chief deputy coroner Renea Esoldo said. The Ohio remained too rough Monday to remove the Elizabeth M., where the seventh crew member was believed to be trapped, from its resting place at the base of the dam and the six barges. Campbell Transportation Co. Inc. of Charleroi, which owned the towboat, hired a contractor to find the barges and was developing a recovery plan, Coast Guard Lt. j.g. Justin Covert said. Campbell Transportation didn't return messages Monday. Despite danger being as close as the waters on which coal, steel, grain and other freight are transported, such accidents are rare, officials of the mariners group and a waterways operators' group said. Fatalities have generally declined over the past seven years, said Anne Davis Burns of the American Waterways Operators, a barge, tug and tow industry group in Arlington, Va. From 1994 to 2003, the latest year for which figures are available, the industry recorded 164 deaths, according to the group. While comparisons with rail and trucking are difficult, "we have always maintained that we are the safest mode of freight transportation," she said. Still, Block said, the industry should be safer. He said a lack of unionization among the work force leads to risk-taking. "Sometimes [mariners] will be encouraged, enticed or simply told, 'Well, if you don't do it, we'll find someone who can.' And since most of these guys are without union representation, that can happen," Block said. According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, about 15 percent of all U.S. freight is shipped by barge. Some 30,000 people work in the industry, which ships an average of 806 million tons annually, an increase from the early to mid 1990s, the American Waterways Operators said. (Source: Charleston Gazette) Tugboat Sinks, Killing Three People: ; W.Va. Man Among Those Killed in Accident Publication date: Arrival time: INDUSTRY, Pa. - A tugboat and the six barges of coal it was pushing sank after being swept over a dam spillway on the rain- swollen Ohio River, killing three crew members, including a West Virginia resident. Another person was missing and believed to be aboard the sunken boat. The accident happened shortly after 2:30 a.m. Sunday when the M/ V Elizabeth M was going through the Montgomery Island Dam. The boat was pushing six coal barges, according to a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard. Officials believe the tug operator may have tried to swing the boat around to help crew members who were aboard barges when the current swept the vessels into the dam. When that happened, the barges likely pushed the boat through the dam, said Richard Lockwood, chief of operations of the Pittsburgh District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and John Anderson, the lockmaster. Boats use locks to travel between different sections, or pools, of the river that have different water levels. Had the M/V Elizabeth M not been swept into the dam after it left the lock, it would have continued up the river to its destination. "I would say the whole thing didn't take five minutes until he was through the dam," Anderson said. The water in the area normally flows at about 3 to 4 miles per hour, but was going about 10 to 15 miles per hour because of recent rains and flooding, he said. The tug was headed north when the accident happened, said Thomas Llewellyn, the fire chief in Industry, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. The tug sunk in the churning water just below the dam; three of the barges sank downriver from the dam, while the other three barges sank above the dam. "The worst thing was, you could see two people in the boat screaming for help," over the rush of the water, said Chuck Ward, assistant fire chief, who was among the first at the scene. But the rushing waters were too dangerous for the fire crews on land to enter, he said. Several tow boats that were nearby were able to get close to the boat and helped in the recovery. Don Grimm, president of tug owner Campbell Transportation Co. Inc. of Charleroi, said he didn't know exactly what happened. "He was shoving out of Montgomery lock and dam and something happened - we have no idea - and the boat went over the dam," Grimm said. "We're concerned about the crew members and their families right now." Beaver County chief deputy coroner Renea Esoldo said Scott Stewart, 36, of Wheeling, W.Va., and Tom Fisher, 25, of Latrobe, were both pronounced dead at the scene, and Edward Crevda, 22, of West Brownsville, was pronounced dead at the Medical Center, Beaver. Autopsies were being performed Sunday night.

8 Two crew members were treated at the Medical Center, Beaver and released Sunday, a spokesman said. The Coast Guard said survivors were also taken to Aliquippa Community Hospital, but the hospital said no one was admitted. Officials said they believed the seventh crew member was still on the ship, but they wouldn't be able to be sure until the waters recede somewhat, and an attempt to reach the sunken vessel was expected today. The Coast Guard has restricted traffic along five miles of the Ohio River near the dam. About a dozen onlookers gathered at the scene Sunday afternoon. One of the barges was partly visible in the water, though the other five were completely submerged. Andrew Harman, a tow boat captain on another ship, said he knew a pilot who worked on the boat, but said he doesn't know what happened to the man. "The only thing sticking out of the water right now is the pilot house," said Harman, of East Liverpool, adding that the boat was about 110 feet long and 26 feet wide. Harman said he's been through the lock many times himself in the past, and that recent rains and flooding have made the river dangerous. "There's most definitely a strong current," he said. (Source: Charleston Daily Mail) 3 Torch Offshore ships seized Creditors say firm's payments overdue Friday, December 31, 2004 In actions Torch Offshore Inc. executives say could hinder the company's ability to operate, federal agents have seized three of Torch's vessels, including its $109 million flagship vessel, the Midnight Express. In a filing submitted to the federal Securities and Exchange Commission after the stock markets closed Wednesday, the offshore services company based in Gretna revealed that two creditors prompted the vessel seizures by claiming Torch failed to fulfill financial obligations, including failing to make a payment required by a $14.5 million loan agreement with General Electric Capital Corp. Torch revealed that it has been hit with a series of lawsuits from other creditors, which are beginning to circle the company. Torch's already battered stock hit a 52-week low of $1.10 Thursday before rebounding to close down 38 cents, or 24 percent, at $1.21. The year has hardly been bountiful for investors who put money into Torch. The company's shares have declined from a high of $6.37 in January and have provided investors a one-year return of negative 78 percent. Torch's disclosure centered on two key creditors: GE Capital, which has provided loan financing for Torch, and C-Mar America Inc., which has provided maritime workers. According to Torch, GE Capital told Torch this month that the company had defaulted on a loan by failing to make a quarterly payment due Dec. 17. The default has produced a cascade of negative effects. Most dramatically, on GE Capital's behalf, federal agents seized Torch's Midnight Wrangler, a vessel capable of laying pipe in deep water. Torch said it has tried to get the ship back but isn't sure whether it will be able to do so. In addition, the default means Torch will have to pay a significantly higher interest rate to GE Capital. Before Torch failed to meet its obligations, its interest rate under the loan agreement was a variable rate of approximately 7.4 percent. Because of the default, the interest rate will now be at least 18 percent. Also, Torch said, the default triggered another default under a separate $7.4 million loan agreement with GE Capital and could "trigger defaults under other loan agreements." "As a result of the foregoing matters, the company may not have sufficient funds to finance its operations in the near future and thereafter," Torch said. The Midnight Wrangler was not the only ship seized -- or "arrested," in Torch's words -- by federal agents on behalf of creditors. Marshals also seized the Midnight Eagle and the Midnight Express, the pipe-laying ship that company founder and Chief Executive Lyle Stockstill has billed as a state-of-the-art vessel that will carry Torch into a prosperous future. Those vessels were seized at the request of C-Mar, which Torch spokesman Bradley Lowe said had provided maritime workers to Torch. C-Mar prompted the seizures by filing lawsuits in federal court in Louisiana and Texas, Torch said. It is unclear how much money it owes C-Mar. "We're not disclosing that number," Lowe said. Another vendor has joined the C-Mar suit, saying Torch has failed to satisfy debts to that firm as well, Torch said. Without ships, Torch is in trouble. "Failure to have the vessels released could have a material adverse effect on the company's ability to continue its operations and may result in further defaults being declared under the loan agreements for which those vessels serve as collateral," Torch said. Torch reported that still others claiming to be owed money have come forward with their own lawsuits: -- On Dec. 17, Adams Vessels (Bilbao) Ltd. sued Torch in U.S. District Court in New York for alleged breach of a June 4 settlement concerning Torch's Midnight Arrow vessel. -- On Dec. 21, Cable Shipping, Inc. filed suit against Torch in federal district court in New Orleans seeking to enforce a $4.1 million settlement which was to be paid Nov. 19. Torch's announcement came less than a week after the firm named David Phelps of Bridge Associates LLC as its chief restructuring advisor in charge of helping to turn the company around. Torch described bankruptcy protection as just one of its options. A Chapter 11 petition would allow the company to continue operating while it reorganized its finances. "The company is exploring its strategic options, which may include seeking protection under the federal bankruptcy code, in conjunction with its ongoing discussions with lenders and other parties to restructure its debt and other obligations," Torch said. (Bron: Stewart Yerton)

9 Positions CTA SmitWijs Singapore: At Willemstad/Curacao, maintenance/repairs, Etd: 15/01. Next: Towage of Jack-up rig "Ensco 76" from Trinidad to Brownsville/Sabine Pass., Etd: 19-21/01. Towage of barge H- 851, loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd: 05/02. (together with SW Rotterdam). SmitWijs London: Towing container-vessel "Lloydiana" from Colombo to Singapore, Eta: 16/01. As from 15/09 on charter to Saipem for towage of barge S-45, loaded with Yoho-deck from Pasir Gudang to Nigeria, v.v., Etd.: July. Next: Towage of Semi-sub. rig "Santa Fe Development Driller II" from Singapore to US-Gulf, Etd.: 15/02. SmitWijs Rotterdam: Towing of barge "H-851" (ballast) from Rotterdam to Corpus Christi, Eta: 14-16/01. Presently dodging off Corpus Christi awaiting final arrival ops. Next: Towage of barge "H-851", loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd.: 05/02. (together with SW Singapore) Wolraad Woltemade: Towing of Sanha FPSO, from Japan to Angola, Eta Cape Town: 08/02. (Together with De Da). De Da: Towing of "Sanha" FPSO, see Wolraad Woltemade. SmitWijs Tempest: T/C Mc. Dermott Middle East. SmitWijs Typhoon: As from 04/01 T/C Mc. Dermott Far East, Jan * Nov Waker: On charter for the Dutch Government. (Bron: SmitWys Arie Duifjes) J. van der Ster Marcol Archief Productie

10 6 e jaargang, nr. 4 dd. 23 January 2005 Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit orders new tugs Smit Transport and Heavy Lift in Rotterdam have ordered 3 new tugs from the IHC Delta yard, the tugs will have a length of 25,4 mtr, a beam of 10.0 mtr and a maximum draft of 2.70 mtr, 2 ships will have a fixed wheelhouse 1 one will have a movable wheelhouse. As reported above SMIT Transport ordered 3 new 350 ton Multi Purpose Pusher Tugs from the IHC Deltayard, the vessels will have a length of mtr, beam of 10.0 mtr and are powered by 2 x 1003 hp engines, for a bollard pull of 25 ton, the maximum speed will be 11 knots, the vessel will be getting a class Bureau Veritas I 3/3 E notation for the trading in Coastal waters upto 200 miles. Further details are : Bunker capacity : 60 m3 Potable water : 30 m3 Towing/Anchor winch : 2 drums line pull 50 tons each Crane : 140 tons/m Stoppers : Karmoy stopper and pins The vessels will have accommodation for 6 persons divided in 2 double and 2 single cabins. (Bron: Smit Transport Europe BV) Ulstein books another Norwegian yard Ulstein Verft has signed a contract with domestic owner Island Offshore to build a large Ulstein P101 multifunctional platform supply vessel, a new design. It is costing NOK 290m ($46.31m), bringing the yard s order reserve to NOK 1.6bn. Island Pioneer, as the vessel will be named, is to be delivered at the end of March The hull is being built by Maritim in Poland, while the superstructure is being built at Ulstein Verft s division in Vanylven. Ullsteinvik-based Island Offshore has another supply ship on order at Ulstein, ordered last year. New vessel for Swissco The new Swissco Sky" which will be delivered at the end of January 2005 to Swissco Singapore, a sistership will be delivered later this year. Hijacked tug and tow found, but crew missing. A tug and the barge it was towing through South East Asian Waters when it was hijacked by pirates has been recovered but the crew are still missing and investigators are fearing for their safety. Acting upon information provided by ICC s International Maritime Bureau (IMB) and the ship owners, Malaysian authorities located and boarded the hijacked Indonesian tug Christian and the barge Flora on January 8. IMB Director Pottengal Mukundan said: Confidential intelligence from the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre resulted in the recovery of the hijacked tug and barge at Tawau in East Malaysia. As part of this operation, the Royal Malaysian Police have detained three pirates and another individual has been taken into custody. Unfortunately, at this time all nine crew members are still missing. The tug was towing the barge from the Philippines to Kota Baru, Banjarmasin in Indonesia. The last communication the owners had with the tug was on December 14 when the tug was in position lat. 05:34 north and long. 119:22 east. The Royal Malaysian Marine Police discovered the two vessels, operating under the false identities Hita and FL2 and flying the Belize flag. At the time of seizure, the vessels were at a local shipyard where staff had been instructed to change the names of the vessels by altering the lettering of their original names. Captain Mukundan stated: We congratulate the Malaysian authorities on the prompt and decisive action taken to recover these stolen vessels. IMB is pleased that the Piracy Reporting Centre could play a key role in their recovery. Harms orders 'super tugs' Fairplay ( reports that Harms Bergung Transport and Heavylift has ordered two high-sea salvage tugs, believed to be the most powerful tugs ever operated by a German owner. The multifunction vessels, which are designed for long-distance towage and offshore work, are enlarged versions of the 120 tonne pulling Primus, which the company received just last month. Fairplay reports that, like Primus, the new 15,000kW tugs will have a twin propulsion system acting on two propellers in nozzles. Their bollard pull should reach at least 180 tonnes. The tugs, which are to be named Magnus and Taurus, are scheduled for delivery by Mützelfeldtwerft in Cuxhaven in August and November (Bron: Fairplay via Leo Kramer)

11 Smit overweegt op termijn verkoop divisie Heavy Lift AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Smit Internationale overweegt op termijn zijn divisie Transport & Heavy Lift te verkopen om daarmee een grote aankoop voor het onderdeel Havensleepdiensten te bekostigen. Dat zegt Ben Vree (50), bestuursvoorzitter van Smit Internationale in een interview met ANP-Reuters. Vree stelt dat aandeelhouders op termijn beter gediend zijn bij een focus van zijn bedrijf op de divisies Havensleepdiensten en Terminals, omdat de voorspelbaarheid en stabiliteit van deze activiteiten hoog is. De divisie Transport & Heavy Lift, die ondermeer zwaar transport over water verzorgt, heeft echter een cyclisch karakter. Vree: "Het zou dus mogelijk zijn dat we het tafelzilver verkopen om ons te versterken in stabielere activiteiten. Daarmee kopen we voorspelbaarheid. Let wel, het is een optie op termijn. Momenteel staat er niets in de etalage. Dat gebeurt dit jaar ook niet." Vree gaf eerder al aan dat hij op zoek is naar overnames voor zijn divisie Havensleepdiensten. Hij voerde hiertoe in het afgelopen jaar onderhandelingen, maar deze zijn op niets uitgelopen. "Meestal kwam dat omdat de prijs te hoog was", aldus de bestuurder. Momenteel spreekt Smit nog steeds met verschillende overnamekandidaten. De voorkeur van Vree gaat uit naar bedrijven in Latijns-Amerika en Azie. "Dan moet je denken aan landen zoals Chili, Venezuela en Brazilie. Of in Azie aan Hongkong en Shanghai, waar we nog niet vertegenwoordigd zijn." Vree wil daarbij meerderheidsbelangen vergaren in joint ventures of bedrijven volledig overnemen. Vree, die in mei 2002 aantrad als hoogste baas binnen Smit, wil voor het einde van dit jaar zijn eerste overname aankondigen binnen Havensleepdiensten. "Binnen drie tot vier jaar moeten dat er een paar zijn. Over vier tot vijf jaar moet alles op de rit staan", zegt hij. In het uitbouwen van belangen in bestaande joint ventures heeft Vree minder interesse. Smit heeft zulke samenwerkingsverbanden in Belgie, Mexico en Singapore en de topman is daarmee tevreden. De bestuursvoorzitter denkt niet dat er geemitteerd moet worden om kleinere overnames te bekostigen. "Met eigen middelen en bankleningen komen we een heel eind." Dat Smit naar dat middel grijpt indien zich grotere vissen aandienen, sluit de CEO echter niet uit. Nu het financiele jaar 2004 is afgesloten, is Smit druk aan het rekenen hoeveel nettowinst dit jaar gerapporteerd kan worden. Op 17 maart presenteert het bedrijf de jaarcijfers. Vree houdt vast aan de eerder gegeven winstprognose van eur 21 mln. In 2005 voorziet hij qua autonome ontwikkeling een stabiel jaar bij de divisies Havensleepdiensten en Terminals, Berging noemt hij onvoorspelbaar en Transport & Heavy Lift cyclisch. "Bij de laatste divisies hebben we enkele grote orders in de pijplijn", aldus de bestuurder. Vree sluit niet uit dat de vloedgolf die een deel van Azie trof, Smit werk oplevert. "Er is daar natuurlijk veel beschadigd. We zouden kunnen helpen met bijvoorbeeld hijswerk bij het aanleggen van steigers, waterleidingpijpen trekken van het land naar de zee of assistentie bij de bouw van bruggen." De bestuurder erkent wel dat er nog veel meer partijen in staat zijn tot het leveren van zulke werkzaamheden, wat dus concurrentie oplevert. Halverwege dit jaar verwacht Smit nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het onderzoek door de Europese Commissie naar ontvangen overheidsubsisies bij de divisie Havensleepdiensten. Een concurrent van Smit heeft hiertegen bezwaar aangetekend, waarna Smit met de Nederlandse overheid een schikking trof tot terugbetaling van hulpgelden ontvangen vanaf 1 juli Ergens midden dit jaar loopt de termijn af waarop de klager nog in hoger beroep kan gaan tegen het schikkingsvoorstel. Vree: "Dat schikkingsbedrag ligt klaar betaald te worden, er is een voorziening voor getroffen. Maar als de klager hoger beroep aantekent, kunnen we weer terug bij af zijn." Vree hoopt erop dat de schikking doorgang vindt. "Over de oorspronkelijke claim zei ik eerder dat bij betaling ervan 'het licht uit kan' bij Havensleepdiensten", aldus de CEO. Een ander onderzoek, door de NMa, naar prijsafspraken bij bergingswerkzaamheden, loopt ook nog steeds. "Ik heb er de laatste tijd niets meer over gehoord. Maar mijn advocaten wijzen erop dat zulke zaken veel tijd in beslag kunnen nemen. Over prijsafspraken ben ik helder: dat er hier en daar een 'dealtje' plaatsvindt, dat zal best. Maar grootschalige structurele zaken, dat kan niet. Ik laat dat ook weten aan onze mensen, zeg dat bij elke grote bijeenkomst die we hier hebben. Over de beursnotering van Smit is Vree nog steeds tevreden, hoewel hij toegeeft dat er weinig liquiditeit is in het aandeel en de notering geld kost. "Aan de andere kant zou het ook geld kosten om weer van de beurs af te gaan. Bovendien vinden klanten het een veilig idee dat er een waakhond is. Maar per definitie zit je er toch om geld uit te halen. Voor een 'klapper' van een overname, zou die mogelijkheid er dan ook zijn." (Bron: ANP-AFX via Leo Kramer) Smit heavy lift not for sale SMIT International chief executive Ben Vree has denied media reports that the group is about to sell its transport and heavy lift division. That is out of the question, Vree said, adding that Smit s strategy is to continue aiming for stability through development of the harbour towage and terminals divisions. Vree admitted that the results by the transport and heavy lift diversion are under pressure as a result of rising costs of security measures taken. However he stressed Smit would never economise on the well-being of its workers Positions CTA

12 SmitWijs Singapore: At Trinidad. Next: Towage of Jack-up rig "Ensco 76" from Trinidad to Brownsville/Sabine Pass., Etd: 20-21/01. Towage of barge H-851, loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd: 05/02. (together with SW Rotterdam). SmitWijs London: At Singapore. As from 15/09 on charter to Saipem for towage of barge S-45, loaded with Yoho-deck from Pasir Gudang to Nigeria, v.v., Etd.: July. Next: Towage of Semi-sub. rig "Santa Fe Development Driller II" from Singapore to US-Gulf, Etd.: 15/02 (on charter as from 07/02). SmitWijs Rotterdam: At Corpus Christi. Next: Towage of barge "H-851", loaded, from Corpus Christi to Angola, Etd.: unknown, but on charter as from 05/02. (together with SW Singapore) Wolraad Woltemade: Towing of Sanha FPSO, from Japan to Angola, Eta Cape Town: 06/02. (Together with De Da). De Da: Towing of "Sanha" FPSO, see Wolraad Woltemade. SmitWijs Tempest: T/C Mc. Dermott Middle East. SmitWijs Typhoon: As from 04/01 T/C Mc. Dermott Far East, Jan * Nov Waker: On charter for the Dutch Government. (Bron: SmitWijs)

13 6 e jaargang, nr. 5 dd. 30 January 2005 Aankoop, verkoop, nieuwbouw, vernoemingen, etc. Smit Orca Afgelopen vrijdag, 28 januari 2005, is de Smit Orca overgedragen aan de Unie van Redding en Sleepdienst (URS). Momenteel is het vaartuig werkzaam aan de westkust van Afrika. (Bron: Hans van der Ster) Farstad cancels Brattvaag ships Monday, 24 January 2005 NORWEGIAN offshore support specialist Farstad Shipping has cancelled its contract for two vessels Aker Brattvaag AS. The move follows cancellation of a charter party between Norsk Hydro and Farstad Shipping after allegations were made that bidding procedures had been breached. According to an Aker press statement an agreed cancellation fee will be covered by Farstad Supply. It adds: Aker Yards is already pursuing alternatives for these production slots, which are considered to be attractive in today s market. (Bron: Leo Kramer) Police detains four, recovers missing tug and barge POLICE have detained four men and recovered the missing tug Christian and barge Flora, which were hijacked by pirates on Dec 14. International Maritime Bureau (IMB) director Capt Pottengal Mukundan said following a tip off, the tug and barge were recovered in Tawau, Sabah but the nine crewmen are still missing. The tug was towing the barge from the Philippines to Kota Baru, Banjarmasin in Indonesia when it was attacked. Police discovered the two vessels, operating under the false identities Hita and FL2 and flying the Belize flag. At the time of seizure, the vessels were at a local shipyard where staff had been instructed to change the names of the vessels by altering the lettering of their original names. Capt Mukundan thanked the Malaysian police for their prompt and decisive action to recover these stolen vessels. According to statistics recorded by the Piracy Reporting Centre, during 2004 there were 23 incidents involving tugs and barges, including five hijackings by criminal gangs operating in Southeast Asia. In many of these attacks, master and crew were kidnapped and pirates demanded ransom for their release. (Bron: Shipping News) Grounding corks Zeebrugge Local tugs freed the 103,000-dwt Minerva Eleonora (built 2004) this afternoon from a sandbank outside Zeebrugge. Local Belgian media report that two Unie van Reddings- en Sleepdiensten (URS) vessels pulled the fully-laded crude carrier off the sand early this afternoon. Operations to relieve the grounding this morning had blocked traffic inbound to the port. Minerva Marine has a young 25-ship fleet counting newbuildings, including 15 aframaxes. Minerva Eleonora was delivered last June by Samsung. (Bron: Shipping News) Tug captain missing The US Coast Guard was scouring the lower Mississippi River this morning for any sign of a tugboat captain who went down with his vessel in the early morning hours near Destrahan, Louisiana. The Coast Guard said two crew members were able to scramble off the sinking 65-foot tug John 1:1 shortly before 2 a.m., but the captain did not. The vessel went down near mile marker 120, about four miles south of the I-310 bridge. Coast Guard Group New Orleans dispatched a rescue boat and a rescue helicopter. They were joined by local sheriff's crews which searched the nearby levee with no results. The Coast Guard has established a safety zone between mile markers 117 and 115 with a one-way traffic restriction (Bron: Shipping News) Seabulk Offshore adds to fleet Seabulk International, Inc. announced that it had taken delivery of two newbuild vessels for its international offshore fleet -- the Seabulk Angra and Seabulk Advantage -- bringing to nine the number of new vessels added in the last two years. The Seabulk Angra is a 5,500-horsepower, 236- foot UT-755L platform supply vessel built at the Promar shipyard outside Rio de Janeiro. It will join its sister vessel, the Seabulk Brasil, on a two-year time charter, with options, for Petrobras, the Brazilian national oil company, ferrying equipment and supplies to offshore drilling rigs in the Campos Basin. Offshore Brazil is a new market for Seabulk and a promising area for significant new offshore oil and gas discoveries. The Seabulk Advantage is a 4,800-horsepower, multi-purpose offshore supply

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