Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering

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1 Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering Uitgave: TU Delft Faculteit CiTG sectie Sanitary Engineering Redactie: Jennifer Duiverman Jules van Lier Contact: Postbus GA Delft +31(0) Internet: Nummer: 13 e jaargang nummer 4 September 2013 Redactie Het einde van de zomer is in zicht. Nog even een 30+ eindsprint en de zomer van 2013 gaat te boek als bijzonder geslaagd! Een ideale zomer. Ik heb weinig mensen horen klagen dus ik ga er maar van uit dat, behalve mezelf, de meeste mensen op zijn minst thermo-tolerant zijn. Een voldaan gevoel? Iets knaagt er wel. De sectie Sanitary Engineering is doorgegroeid naar een coherente groep van waterspecialisten uit de verschillende sub-disciplines. We worden binnen de Faculteit als voorbeeld gesteld als het gaat over gender equity, en de voertaal is veranderd van Nederlands naar Engels (alleen nog het voorwoord van die Nieuwsbrief..). In deze ontwikkeling hadden we een vast baken, een trouwe medewerkster die achter de schermen de tent liet draaien. Goed gelezen, de zin is in verleden tijd Op 12 september nemen we offi cieel afscheid van ons aller Mieke, zij gaat met pensioen. Mieke was jaren ons single entry point, met volledig overzicht over het reilen en zeilen van de sectie. Niemand wist het, maar in feite was Mieke ons sectiehoofd, baken voor staf en tijdelijk medewerkers. Zoals aan elk mooi feestje komt ook hier aan een eind. We zijn Mieke zeer dankbaar voor haar inzet en we wensen haar een ongelooflijk mooie tijd toe in goede gezondheid. Natuurlijk blijft ze tot in de lengte der dagen als bijzondere gast zeer welkom bij onze sectie. Maar goed het tekent de zomer van waar men dacht daar komt nooit een einde aan (wie zong dat ook al weer). Daarnaast werd de zomer getekend door een grafi ek waarvan we wekelijks een update kregen. De TU Delft en zeker onze sectie Sanitary Engineering, is in de greep van the MOOC. Met Anke en Peter als Spindoktors, hebben we het traject volledig in de hand en de inschrijvingen nemen gestaag toe naar het ongeloofl ijke aantal van studenten voor onze Introduction to Water Technology MOOC. Uiteraard gaan we ervan uit dat deze aantallen worden meegenomen in de berekening outputfi nanciering zodat we met een gerust hart naar de toekomst kunnen kijken. Het indirecte effect van de MOOC is een wereldwijde interesse voor onze opleiding. Met een mogelijk numerus fi xus in het verschiet kunnen we overgaan tot selectie van alleen de beste studenten.. Naast de MOOC start in september ook onze online MSc, waarmee we volledig meebewegen met de nieuwe ontwikkelingen in onderwijsland. Meebewegen, laveren op de toppen van de golven, gebruik maken van reeds bestaande stromingen en krachten. Dit waren juist de overwegingen die ik had toen ik dit jaar met een zeilboot de Cycladen in Griekenland rondvoer in de vakantie. Met windkracht 7 en lange zeegolven heeft het geen zin om tegendraads te zijn. De krachten zijn simpelweg te groot. Maar gebruikmakend van de krachten blijkt dat je opeens de boot met een ongeloofl ijke snelheid van 10 knopen vooruit kunt krijgen. We zullen dankbaar gebruik maken van de verdiensten van Mieke, het Delft online onderwijs team en ons eigen kunnen om onze kennis voor een ieder ter wereld beschikbaar te maken. Hijs de zeilen..! Jules van Lier Nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Wilt u onze nieuwsbrief ook ontvangen? Stuur dan een naar de sectie Sanitary Engineering:

2 Agenda Data colloquia uur Spreker 1 Spreker 2 Spreker 3 Locatie Guido Kooijman Jorge Elias Maxil Joaquin Osorio Helena Sales Ortells Yu Tao Lina Bachert Haoyu Wang Steef de Valk Annelies Aarts (10.30) Xuedong Zhang Nikola Stanic Sam Olivero 4.98 Promoties Amer El-Kalliny Topic: Photocatalytic Oxidation for Drinking Water Treatment Using Hypochlorite and Titanium Dioxide Datum: Tijd: uur Locatie: TU Delft, Aula Anke Grefte Topic: Removal of Natural Organic Matter Fractions by Anion Exchange Datum: Tijd: uur Locatie: TU Delft, Aula Workshops & Symposia SLIMM monitoren van de drinkwaterkwaliteit Datum: Tijd: uur Locatie: Productiebedrijf Engelse Werk van Vitens, Ruiterlaan 46, 8019 BP Zwolle Aanmelden: Conferenties International Water Week Conference Datum: 5-6 november 2013 Locatie: Amsterdam RAI Water Movie Challenge Participation: More information: Vakantiecursus 2014 Datum: 10 januari 2014 Locatie: TU Delft, CiTG, collegezaal A en B Aanmelden: Meer Afstudeercolloquia Gea Terhorst Topic: Verandering van de drinkwaterkwaliteit in een distributienetwerk; de effecten van transport en opstarten van een nieuwe zuivering Datum: Tijd: uur Locatie: TU Delft, CiTG, zaal G Kennisprogramma Urban Drainage Datum: Tijd: uur Locatie: Deltares, Rotterdamseweg 185, Delft Informatie: Aanmelden: 2

3 Workshops 3

4 4 Nieuwsbrief Sanitary Engineering september 2013

5 Promotieverslagen Photocatalytic Oxidation for Drinking Water Treatment Using Hypochlorite and Titanium Dioxide Amer El-Kalliny The main focus of this thesis is to study the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) of water pollutants via UV/hypochlorite (homogeneous AOPs), and UV solar light/tio2 (heterogeneous AOPs) in which the highly oxidative hydroxyl radicals ( OH) are produced. These radicals are capable of destructing the emerging organic pollutants in water. The combined action of both OH and Cl that are produced during the NaOCl/UV processes increased the chlorination potential of humic acids (HA). In addition, at a high free-radical dose, such as in swimming pool water recirculation systems, the equal levels of adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) and CHCl3 are formed with both low pressure (LP) and medium pressure (MP), respectively. CHCl3, once formed, is not degraded with either LP or MP. Moreover, the photo-degradation Removal of Natural Organic Matter Fractions by Anion Exchange Impact on drinking water treatment processes and biological stability Anke Grefte This thesis focuses on improving drinking water quality, specifi cally the biological stability of the produced drinking water. The biological stability of the treated water is negatively infl uenced by the presence of certain natural organic matter (NOM) fractions. Therefore, specifi c NOM fractions should be removed from the source water to improve biological stability. It is known that NOM can effi ciently be removed by anion exchange (IEX) resins. However, the removal and conversion of HA in LPUV/NaOCl process is higher than that for the MPUV/NaOCl process, which results in a higher initial rate of AOX and CHCl3 formation. This raised the attention to the risk of using the LPUV/NaOCl process especially at the short reaction times that are relevant for water treatment. Based on the obtained results, a fi xed-bed photocatalytic reactor can be applied for a small scale drinking water purifi cation plants. This is mainly due to that TiO2 coated by the electrophoretic deposition technique on stainless steel woven meshes fi tted in layers has major advantages over the commonly used fl at-plate reactor and the dispersed-phase reactor. This presents a novel reactor in the oxidation of water contaminants such as humic acids and atrazine. Up-scaling of such reactors is feasible. It is worth to highlight that the results obtained has led to an improved understanding and applications of AOPs for water treatment. The findings can be used to improve the performance of both small and large scale water purifi cation plants. of specifi c NOM fractions is not well understood. Therefore, knowledge about NOM fractions as well as their behaviour in water treatment processes is essential. This thesis aimed to answer the question: How can the removal of specific NOM fractions by anion exchange improve treatment processes as well as the biological stability of the produced drinking water? To answer this question, liquid chromatography (LC) with organic carbon detection (OCD)(LC-OCD) was used as NOM characterisation method. NOM fractions determined by LC-OCD using FIFFIKUS software are biopolymers (BP), humic substances (HS),building blocks ( BB), low molecular weight (LMW) acids and neutrals. IEX was used to remove NOM from the water and the pilot plant of drinking water treatment plant Weesperkarspel (Waternet) was used to execute the research. 5

6 A multi-component model was formulated to predict the removal of different NOM fractions by IEX. By the summation of the modelled breakthrough curves from fi ve NOM fractions determined by LC-OCD, the breakthrough of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was predicted. The best position of IEX in the treatment lane was determined based on water quality as well as costs. Different placement positions of IEX in the treatment lane and two IEX confi gurations (MIEX and fl uidised IEX (FIX)) were compared. The total costs for IEX for the three positions were approximately equal, however the savings on following treatment processes caused a cost reduction for the IEX positions before coagulation and before ozonation compared to IEX positioned after slow sand fi ltration. To measure the effect of NOM removal by IEX on the biological stability of drinking water two treatment lanes were compared in biological stability of the produced water. IEX was used as pre-treatment (before ozonation) in one lane and removed 50% of DOC, the other lane was used as reference. Biologically stable water was defined in terms of assimilable organic carbon (AOC), biofi lm formation rate (BFR) and DOC. It was shown that by removing HS by IEX before ozonation less biodegradable NOM was formed than without IEX and the biological stability (AOC, BFR and DOC) of the drinking water was improved. From this research can be concluded that anion exchange was a good and cost-effective way to remove NOM. LC-OCD has shown to be a useful method for NOM characterisation. IEX removed specifi cally humic acids which was also the main fraction reacting with ozone. Extension of the treatment lane with IEX before ozonation improved the biological stability of the produced water. This research showed that knowledge of specifi cally the concentration of humic acids is important. The effect of NOM composition and ozone dose on the ozone demand, disinfection capacity and bromate formation was investigated. It was shown that the reaction of ozone on NOM varied by NOM composition. HS and BB were the main fractions reacting with ozone. Results showed that for the same ozone dosage per DOC, the ozone demand was higher, less bromate was formed and a lower disinfection capacity was reached for water containing mainly humic substances, than for water where the humic substances were partly removed. 6

7 Afstudeerverslagen Verandering van de drinkwaterkwaliteit in een distributienetwerk aan het begin van het netwerk een signifi cante afname gemeten voor deze parameterconcentraties. De effecten van transport en opstarten van een nieuwe zuivering Gea Terhorst De afgelopen decennia is veel onderzoek gedaan naar de kwaliteit van drinkwater tijdens het zuiveringsproces. De drinkwaterkwaliteit moet echter aan de wettelijke eisen voldoen op het moment dat het water aan de klant geleverd wordt. Tijdens het transport van de zuivering naar de klant kan de drinkwaterkwaliteit veranderen ten gevolge van fysische, chemische en biologische processen in het distributienet. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in de mate van verandering van drinkwaterkwaliteit over het distributienetwerk is gekeken naar de veranderingen tussen het uitgaande reinwater van de zuivering en het water dat bij de consument uit de kraan komt. Daarnaast is gekeken naar de verandering van de waterkwaliteit door het opstarten van een nieuwe zuivering, welke naast de oude zuivering gebouwd is. Met deeltjestellers, MuPFiS (multiple particle fi ltration system) en door het nemen van watermonsters zijn metingen gedaan in het distributienetwerk van drinkwaterzuivering Kolff. Van de oude zuivering is de beluchting niet tijdig schoongemaakt en het filtermateriaal niet tijdig vervangen. Hierdoor is de waterkwaliteit van het drinkwater dat de zuivering verlaat, na juni 2010 verslechterd. Na het opstarten van de nieuwe zuivering in april 2011 is de waterkwaliteit hersteld tot het niveau van voor juni De oxidatie van ammonium, nitriet en mangaan tijdens het zuiveringsproces is onvolledig. Door oxidatie is Het patroon in het totale deeltjesvolume wordt op de zuivering gedomineerd door pieken die ontstaan ten gevolg van het terugleveren van drinkwater uit de watertoren in Zaltbommel richting het distributienetwerk van Kolff. Vanuit drinkwaterzuivering Kolff wordt bijna elke nacht gedurende een paar uur water richting de watertoren in Zaltbommel gepompt. Net zoals in het begin van het netwerk, bezinkt ook ijzer en mangaan in het begin van de leiding tussen de zuivering en de watertoren. Op dagen met weinig verbruik wordt vanuit de watertoren in Zaltbommel met hogere snelheid water teruggepompt naar het distributienetwerk van drinkwaterzuivering Kolff, waardoor het bezonken materiaal zoals ijzer en mangaan weer opwervelt. Door dit terugleveren stroomt water het distributienetwerk in met een signifi cant hogere ijzeren mangaanconcentratie en troebelheid ten opzichte van het water dat direct uit de zuivering het netwerk in gepompt wordt. In het distributienetwerk van drinkwaterzuivering Kolff bezinkt en wervelt sediment op door variatie in waterverbruik en wordt het patroon in het totale deeltjesvolume juist veroorzaakt door de variatie in het drinkwaterverbruik. Door de toename in verbruik tussen begin maart en eind april 2011 neemt de stroomsnelheid van het water in het distributienetwerk toe. Hierdoor bezinkt minder sediment in het netwerk en wervelt meer sediment op. Gevolg hiervan is een toegenomen hoeveelheid zwevende stof in het distributienetwerk. Aangezien sediment microbiologie bevat, is door het toegenomen verbruik ook de hoeveelheid ATP en TCC in het netwerk toegenomen. Aangezien het sediment dat door het hogere verbruik opgewerveld wordt, langer in het netwerk heeft gelegen, bevat dit sediment ook relatief veel microbiologie. Dit is 7

8 terug te zien in de toename van de hoeveelheid ATP/ TSS gemeten op de locaties aan het einde van het distributienetwerk. De hoeveelheid ATP gemeten op het afgevangen sediment is gemiddeld 0.35 ng per liter drinkwater en dit is circa 10% van de totale gemeten hoeveelheid ATP in het drinkwater. Dit percentage komt overeen met het percentage gevonden voor de hoeveelheid TCC in het water. Hieruit blijkt dat de totale hoeveelheid microbiologie in het drinkwater maar voor een klein gedeelte bestaat uit microbiologie aanwezig op het oppervlak van in het water zwevend sediment met een diameter groter dan 1,2 μm. Geconcludeerd wordt dat door het opstarten van de nieuwe zuivering geen significante verandering is opgetreden in de drinkwaterkwaliteit van zowel het water dat de zuivering verlaat als het water op de locaties in het distributienetwerk. Wel is een verandering in de waterkwaliteit gemeten door het toegenomen verbruik, het vaker terugleveren van water uit Zaltbommel en het niet tijdig onderhouden van de oude zuivering. Recent papers in DWES Recent Final Revised Papers 119 Removal and transformation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants and constructed wetlands - E. Lee, S. Lee, J. Park, Y. Kim, and J. Cho - Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 6, 89-98, The large-scale impact of climate change to Mississippi fl ood hazard in New Orleans - T. L. A. Driessen and M. van Ledden - Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 6, 81-87, Status of organochlorine pesticides in Ganga river basin: anthropogenic or glacial? - P. K. Mutiyar and A. K. Mittal - Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 6, 69-80, Development of water use scenarios as a tool for adaptation to climate change - R. Jacinto, M. J. Cruz, and F. D. Santos -Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 6, 61-68, Technical Note: Wet validation of optical tomography for drinking water discolouration studies - R. Floris, P. van Thienen, and H. Beverloo - Drink. Water Eng. Sci., 6, 55-59, 2013 DWESD - Papers in Open Discussion 124 Removal of paraquat pesticide with Fenton reaction in a pilot scale water system - C. Oliveira, K. Gruskevica, T. Juhna, K. Tihomirova, A. Alves, and L. M. Madeira - Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 6, , Study on the antibacterial activity of selected natural herbs and their application in water treatment - P. S. Harikumar and C.M. Manjusha - Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 6, , Assessment of calculation methods for calcium carbonate saturation in drinking water for DIN compliance - P. J. de Moel, A. W. C. van der Helm, M. van Rijn, J. C. van Dijk, and W. G. J. van der Meer - Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 6, , Online data processing for proactive water distribution network operation - J. Machell, S. R. Mounce, B. Farley, and J. B. Boxall - Drink. Water Eng. Sci. Discuss., 6, ,

9 Verslagen Waterleidingloop Guenda Bruni And we also had a winner in our group: Koen won the fi rst price of the 5km race! This year the TU Delft Water Management department participated again to the Waterleidingloop, and as every other year it has been a fulfi lling experience! This time it was Waternet to organize the event, they did it in Weesp. We organised our mission from Delft, gathering all together to get there and win, well kind of! We missed the wonderful barbecue organized by Waternet to close the event, but we went home with this satisfying feeling of having spent a nice day doing sport and getting closer to one another. Looking forward to next year s mission! Some of us participated to the 5 km and some braver ones to the 10 km race, which was in the near Amsterdam: the pattern was beautiful, almost entirely into a park with lakes and trees. The rain joined us at times, and we had to admit that was a nice company! Getting some fresh and wet air while making the last effort to reach the finish line it was a deserved relief! After the run we had a nice afternoon chatting and coffeeing while waiting for the results. We had the chance to play some other games as well. 9

10 Ein heißer Sommer in Schweiz Doris van Halem It was indeed a very hot summer in Switzerland for me this year, where I visited the Sandec group of the aquatic research institute EAWAG ( Over a period of two months they hosted me as a visiting researcher. I was happy to learn that Swiss researchers, unlike the Dutch, don t take long summer holidays. Which gave me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with many water researchers in my fi eld, whom before I only knew from their peer-reviewed publications. EAWAG has been active in arsenic research for many years, and since 2007 even has a director with a special interest in this topic. Apart from meeting new, inspiring people, I wanted to learn more on how they organize their research, especially the combination of (detailed) laboratory work and oversees fi eld studies. The Sandec Department focuses on Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries, and is, amongst other things, the birthplace of SODIS (SOlar DISinfection in PET bottles; More recently they developed a household water treatment system based on gravity driven membranes (GDM). The newest generation prototypes are currently piloted in Bolivia and Uganda. At Sandec, I collaborated with Dr. Richard Johnston, the head of the drinking water group, with whom I have worked in Bangladesh (UNICEF) since my PhD research. He inspired me once again on how to combine fundamental curiosity in science with application and relevance; too bad he is leaving science for a (very challenging!) job with the Joint Monitoring Programme of WHO. in the containers. Whether this is a health risk or not, this is very undesirable from a consumers perspective. Previous research in Bern, Switzerland (Matthews et al., 2013) had focused on the use of copper to damage and poison bacterial cells. In this line of thought it was proposed to control bacterial growth by adding copper to the water through a cartridge of brass grains. This approach shows similarities to the work we did before on the ceramic pot filter, which is impregnated with silver (van Halem et al., 2009; van der Laan et al., 2013). In the EAWAG laboratories, I studied the kinetics of growth in the presence of either soluble or solid copper (wire, grains, coins) both with nutrient limitation and nutrient supply (by GDM filtrate). Results show that E.coli and total coliforms are no longer culturable at a certain Cu(II) concentration threshold value, but ATP and fl ow cytometry reveal there is bacterial growth anyhow. At a certain Cu(II) concentration, there was even more growth observed than in the control experiments. These results indicate the growth of Cu(II) resistant bacteria. It is noteworthy though, that the copper may have stressed the coliforms and not killed them, making them viable but not culturable. The research is currently continued focusing on the rehabilitation of copper-exposed bacteria. Technology acceptance studies had shown that consumers of household water treatment systems prefer to have transparent receptacles, resulting in a GDM prototype sensitive to algae growth in the containers (green water). Though the easiest solution would be to design darkened containers, the copper has shown to reduce algae growth signifi cantly, even with just a 1-eurocent coin. Research wise I focused during my stay on gaining better understanding of bacterial (re)growth after household filtration in a storage container. Household filters, like the gravity driven membranes or ceramic pot fi lters, remove most (pathogenic) bacteria, but still regrowth is visible Although I spend way too much time at work during my visit and thus did not see as much of the beautiful country as I should have I did have a blast living in the lake city of Zurich. Especially when my family joined me during the last month, because going to a lakeside 10

11 swimming pool or up the Zurich Berg with a train is just more fun with two ecstatic sons. I d like to thank the staff of the Environmental Microbiology and Process Engineering Departments, which was so kind to support me (thank you Frederik, Stephan, Wouter, Brian and Jacqueline). Also I thank Johanna Otto who came back from Uganda and is continuing the research with her very cool portable fl ow cytometer. Last but not least I want to thank my colleagues at Sandec who made me feel part of their team for just a summer. Thanks! CASA-RainGain Urban Flash Flood Workshop June 2013, Arlington, Texas Marie-claire ten Veldhuis Last June I visited the University of Texas at Arlington to meet representatives of the CASA project in the US (CASA: Collaborative, Adapative Sensing of the Atmosphere). CASA is deploying a network of Xband radars in the Dallas Fortworth (DFW) area to track severe rain storms hitting the metroplex and causing serious fl ash fl ooding. In Europe, we are undertaking similar activities in the RainGain project, where Xband radars are installed in Leuven, London, Paris and Rotterdam for high resolution rainfall measurement and flood prediction. Arlington in June is a hard place to imagine fl oods: it is as dry and as hot as a desert. It is also a drive-only city: fi rst place I have ever visited without any form of public transport and sidewalks are nearly non-existent. Asphalt and bricks, on the contrary, are everywhere. Still, the city has a spacious feeling; more space to store stormwater than we have in most of our densely built European cities. CASA and RainGain decided to have a 2-day workshop here to share experiences and see how we could cooperate and learn from one another. The workshop was truly multi-disciplinary: we had representatives from universities, national weather service, corps of engineers, local engineering fi rms, regional authorities and cities in the DFW metroplex. We discussed topics ranging from radar system configurations to hydrological modeling, user needs and public participation. All participants contributed by short presentations, adding to a lively discussion on the various topics. 11

12 The DFW area receives 500 to 1200 mm of rain per year, similar to NW-Europe, but rainfall intensities for short time periods of 10 to 60 minutes are about twice as high (for instance: T=10 yrs rainfall intensity for 15 minutes is 169 mm/h compared to 72 mm/h in the Netherlands 1 ). This is due to the DFW area s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, where tropical storm systems can be generated above the warm sea waters. Hence their preference for installing a network of radars, to allow close tracking of storms. In RainGain single X-band radars have been installed, but in the future networks of radars could be envisaged for better storm tracking and so one radar can fi ll in for another when a signal is attenuated by intense rain. On the other hand, DFW has a lower degree of imperviousness compared to the more densely built cities in RainGain, so flood peaks are more smoothed. And a large part of the stormwater drainage system consists of above-ground channels and, while many areas in the RainGain participating cities are largely equipped with piped and culverted systems, due to limited available open space. At the same time, urbanisation and further densifi cation is a growing concern in DFW, since this is the fastest growing region in the US, expected to grow from 6.5 million to 13 million inhabitants in the next 10 years. Citizens have already expressed their concerns about increased fl ooding as a result of this process. The participants shared some interesting fi rst results on hydrological modeling approaches, especially how to balance detailed modeling to take full benefi t of high resolution rainfall data with the requirement of short computational required for real-time applications. Another important topic was the use of extreme rainfall alerts and flash flood warnings: existing products apply to large scales, typically river basins rather than urban areas, and this tends to result in a lot of over-warning. It was generally agreed that improvement is needed by integrating more detailed observations into warning products: more detailed rainfall data in time and space, higher accuracy and reliability and preferably also include more and detailed information on expected impacts. The workshop presentations and discussions demonstrated that there is a lot of information and insights to share between the CASA and RainGain projects. Once the radar network in DFW and the radars in RainGain are all fully operational, new and exciting results will provide every reason to organize another joint event. 1 IDF curves for Texas: Teaching/Applied_Modeling/SurfaceWater/LectureNotes/ Rainfall/Texas_Rainfall_IDF.html IDF curves for the Netherlands: Buishand en Wijngaard, 12

13 Chinese-Dutch opportunities and advances in water technologies Gang Liu China and the Netherlands are intensifying their cooperation in the field of water (treatment) technologies. The project known as Sino-Dutch has been launched very successfully in 2011 and is targeting exchange and development in cost effi cient water technologies. Other projects have also been launched by NOW and KNAW to promote the cooperation between the two countries. After great success of organizing two research seminars in 2012 in China and the Netherlands, and one workshop in 2013 hosted by TU Delft, Dutch and Chinese professionals have had close understanding of the opportunities and advances in their water technologies. This year, in April, Prof. Jules van Lier had a visit to the lab of research centre for Eco-Environmental Science (RCEES) in Beijing. And Dr. Merle de Kreuk visited EES in May. During their visit, the research interests were further discussed and exchanged. Between 30 June and 3 July, the research team head by Prof. Qu and Prof. Yang from RCEES had another visit to the Netherlands. The visit was made to Sanitary Engineering Lab at TU Delft, drinking water treatment plant of Oasen Water Company (Rudenhuis) and the underground wastewater treatment plant of Dokhaven. Our Chinese visitors were impressed by the advanced technologies developed and used by Dutch water companies. There is a great potential for the Dutch and Chinese water professionals to work together in the coming future. During the meeting on 2 July, the potential cooperation was discussed and preliminary cooperation timeline and agreement has been established. Based on the agreement, the cooperation will be started from student exchange, and joint research projects will be followed up. The offi cial cooperation agreement will be signed during the next workshop that will be organized in Beijing, next May. Besides the overwhelming economy potential nowadays, China is facing environmental challenges. The same as to any other societies, water is one of the most important issues. Great efforts have been made by Chinese government and professionals. There is a great playground in front of us where the Chinese opportunities and advances meet Dutch knowledge, experiences and technologies. Let s look forward to hearing more progress and I will bring you more updates soon. Figure 1. Presentations and discussions at OASEN Water Company Figure 2. Site visit of drinking water treatments at Rudenhuis 13

14 Studentverslagen The urban water cycle in Beira, Mozambique Adam Morón They told me to not worry so much. That I wasn t forgetting anything. That it would be fi ne. On the last day before starting my three day journey to Beira, Mozambique, I was coming off a weekend of nerves and reservations of the uncertainties waiting for me at the mouth of the Pungue river at the Indian ocean. After all, it was my choice to go to the Witteveen+Bos offices in Deventer a few months earlier, for the opportunity of doing a part of my thesis abroad and the experience of doing so for a consulting fi rm. But, it was starting to feel like the stage was set for a trip into the Heart of Darkness, where I would have to stay loyal to the nightmare of my choice. I had managed to convince more than a few people far wiser and experienced than myself that I could handle working in a different language and culture and felt I had something to prove in return for their confi dence. At least in the months of July and August, the time of day is the same in Mozambique as in the Netherlands. While the Pungue river is murky and winding and the drinking water treatment facilities are over 100 km inland, I m quite thankful that I didn t have to live by Joseph Konrad s experience, being met instead with friendly people and a great set of adventures of my own. The purpose of my six weeks in Beira was to make an analysis of the city s urban water infrastructure, both drinking water and sanitation. The analysis will be used to defi ne projects for the Beira Master Plan 2035 as the city currently fi nds itself at an important crossroads for what concerns development and population. The city s port and railway station act as a gateway for the export of coal and the import of oil and goods to the landlocked nations of Zimbabwe and Malawi. The recent exploitation of the mineral resources has led to two growth scenario s for Beira. Whereas the city currently boasts a population of around inhabitants, the growth numbers indicate a 2035 population that could vary between and inhabitants. So, the interaction between drinking water and sanitation treatment capacity and infrastructure is the elephant in the room that I ve been tasked with to look after. In retrospect, the only type of elephant I ve studied during that month-and-a-half in Mozambique. Finding the different pumping stations, water towers and treatment plants provided my with a good incentive to get to know different parts of the city. A city whose center is dominated by Art Deco and Modern architecture in steady but graceful decay, and whose suburbs are made up by unplanned settlements. This contrast in urban planning highlights yet another interesting point of concern. On the one hand, broad streets and integral planning comprise the part of the city constructed between the 1930 s and 1950 s. One the other, small buildings are constructed fi rst, utilities connected after and permission from the municipality is obtained as a fi nal measure. A second elephant in an already crowded room. The third defi ning factor of the city is defi ned by its main artery - the Pungue river. Used as a source of drinking water by both Beira at the downstream end and the Zimbabwean city of Mutare upstream, the river experiences salt water intrusion up to 80 kilometers upstream from the estuary mouth - consequently leading to the intake station at a distance 100 kilometers upstream. With the water demand along the river 14

15 expected to increase it should be asked whether or not an increase in treatment capacity should be combined with a secondary raw water source. The Indian ocean, far closer to the city and its population, coupled with a reduction of the pumping energy required over that smaller distance, could provide a solution. Another elephant. I ve returned from Beira, appreciative that the three elephants have provided me with a lens with which to study and describe the intricate workings of a young and growing city. I ve taken back to the Netherlands a wildly interesting experience, the results of which - I hope - will be returned to Beira and it s people. Figure 3: At the mouth of the Pungue Estuary Figure 1: Schematic of the Beira sewer system and pumping stations Figure 2: The physiography and drainage pattern of the Pungue River Basin 15

16 Prijzen Cees Boeter prijs 2013 Marie-claire ten Veldhuis Op 18 juni jl. is voor de elfde keer de Cees Boeter prijs uitgereikt, de jaarlijkse prijs voor het beste BSceindwerk van de afdeling Watermanagement. De Cees Boeter prijs is ingesteld door de afdeling Watermanagement van de faculteit Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen van de TU Delft. De prijs heeft als doel studenten te stimuleren om werk van een hoog academisch niveau te leveren en de toepassing van de resultaten van het eindwerk in de praktijk te bevorderen. Aan de prijs is een geldbedrag van 250 verbonden, beschikbaar gesteld door de afdeling Watermanagement. Cees Boeter was bijna 40 jaar verbonden aan het laboratorium voor Gezondheidstechniek. Met grote inzet en verstand van zaken heeft hij steeds studenten, promovendi en onderzoekers met raad en daad bijgestaan bij hun onderzoek en experimenten. Als blijk van waardering heet de prijs voor het beste BSceindwerk de Cees Boeter prijs. Cees reikt elk jaar zelf de prijs uit. In een BSc-eindwerk moet een student in 8 weken een onderwerp uitwerken, een eind-rapport schrijven en de resultaten presenteren aan begeleiders en mede-studenten. Een deskundige jury van ervaren bachelor-eindwerkbegeleiders bepaalt de nominaties en uiteindelijke winnaar van de Cees Boeterprijs. Criteria bij de beoordeling van het eindwerk zijn het inhoudelijk niveau van het werk, vindingrijkheid bij het vinden van oplossingen, combinatie van theorie en praktische toepassing en het niveau van de eindrapportage. Voor het collegejaar 2012/2013 zijn de genomineerden: Irene Caltran Irene heeft zich tijdens haar BSc-eindwerk verdiept in arseenverwijdering via kleinschalige zuiveringstechnieken die kunnen worden toegepast bij huishoudens in Bangladesh. Ze heeft de eigenschappen van verschillende materialen gemeten om de adsorptiecapaciteit te kunnen bepalen. Daarna heeft ze de materialen toegepast voor arseenverwijdering in batch-experimenten en in kinetische experimenten voor 2 verschillende soorten water. Irene heeft een grote hoeveelheid experimentele gegevens verzameld en deze op een overzichtelijke wijze geanalyseerd en gepresenteerd. In haar rapport geeft ze er blijk van ook kritisch op de gevonden experimentele resultaten te kunnen refl ecteren. De jury was dan ook erg onder de indruk van de omvang van het experimentele werk en de kwaliteit van de rapportage. Abel Heinsbroek Abel heeft zijn bachelor-eindwerk uitgevoerd in Mozambique, waar hij voor de uitdaging stond de drinkwaterzuivering in het plaatsje Vilankulos te verbeteren met ter plaatse beschikbare middelen. De bestaande waterzuivering functioneerde niet meer door gebrek aan onderhoud en lokale operationele kennis. Abel heeft ervoor gekozen een nieuwe drinkwaterzuivering te ontwerpen op basis van een zeer robuuste zuiveringstechniek. Hij heeft ter plaatse een proefi nstallatie gebouwd en getest. Dit vraagt het nodige improvisatietalent, zeker gezien de lokale omstandigheden. Deze combinatie van intelligente creativiteit en praktische inslag heeft de jury erg gewaardeerd. Bas des Tombe Bas is voor zijn bachelor-eindwerk naar Vietnam afgereisd om daar verziltingsproblemen te onderzoeken van onttrekkingsputten voor irrigatiewater. In zijn BSc- 16

17 eindwerk heeft hij onderzocht of de komst van een garnalenkwekerij in het duingebied langs de kust van Vietnam de oorzaak kan zijn van verzilting van het grondwater ter plaatse van de onttrekkingsput. Bas heeft in het veld data proberen te verzamelen over de lokale situatie. Hij kon weinig concrete data te pakken krijgen, maar hij heeft zich op basis van de beperkte data wel een beeld gevormd waarop hij zijn aannamen heeft gebaseerd. Met de data en de aannamen heeft hij de situatie in een numeriek model geschematiseerd en zijn analyse uitgevoerd. Dit getuigt van creativiteit, inzicht en doorzettingsvermogen. Bas heeft bovendien al zijn informatie op het internet beschikbaar gesteld, zodat aanvullende data tijdens een vervolgstudie eenvoudig kan worden ingevuld. De resultaten van het onderzoek van Bas zullen door het bedrijf ter plaatse worden gebruikt voor vervolgstudie. De jury was ook dit jaar onder de indruk van de hoeveelheid werk die de bachelorstudenten binnen een periode van krap 2 maanden weten te verzetten en hoeveel nieuwe kennis ze zich weten eigen te maken. De inzet en ondernemingszin van studenten die ervoor kiezen hun eindwerk in een ver buitenland te doen heeft de jury zeer gewaardeerd. Uiteindelijk heeft de combinatie van veldwerk en gedegen theoretische uitwerking de doorslag gegeven. Op grond hiervan heeft de jury besloten de Cees BoeterPrijs 2013 toe te kennen aan Bas des Tombe voor zijn onderzoek naar verziltingsproblematiek in Vietnam. 17

18 Delft Urban Water Movie contest Well Water Waste Wealth wins Delft Urban Water movie contest! Roy Meijer Gautum Vishwanath from Bangalore is the winner of the Delft Urban Water Movie Contest, for his movie entitled Well Water Waste Wealth. In this short fi lm we descend a water well and hear what happens as we use it or pollute it. Water problems in India s cities are many, but Mr Vishnwanath shows inventive solutions to close the urban cycles of water, nutrients and food. According to the jury, he presents out-of-the-box solutions that show how big problems can be answered by small and pragmatic actions. Furthermore: The jury was impressed by the movie s quality and the way it combines creativity with a wide range of inventive and practical solutions. Well, it used to talk to you and we hope Mr Vishwanath s solutions will continue to do so for years to come. Nominees The four nominees of the Delft Urban Water movie contest were offi cially presented during the Delft Urban Water seminar on 11 June. Nominees were selected out of no less than 24 submissions from all over the world. The 2nd prize of the contest, the ipad, went to City=Catchment Area by David Ginting and Ravina Binol. The jury liked the clear and convincing story-line and was impressed by the creative and speedy sketch-wise presentation supporting the movie s message. Jury The jury this year consisted of: Tracy Metz Mark van Loosdrecht Pieter van der Zaag Hans Ruijgers Contest The Delft Urban Water movie contest is a yearly event organised by the partners of Delft Urban Water. More information is on: 18

19 Onderwijs Colleges voor studenten Geboortejaar Anke Grefte / Peter de Moel In de nieuwsbrief van juni hebben we verteld over onze Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to water treatment. Dit is de gratis online uitvoering op het edx platform van het nieuwe BSc vak CTB3365 met dezelfde naam. Vanaf 9 mei zagen we dat er zich elke dag ongeveer 150 studenten registreerden. Op 6 september stond de teller op Eigenlijk kregen we er dus elke dag een collegezaal bij. De course begint op 16 september, waarbij zich dan ongeveer studenten aangemeld zullen hebben. Opleiding Geen collegezaal maar een opnamestudio De studenten komen uit de hele wereld (90 landen, geen China), zijn van alle leeftijden, het merendeel van het mannelijk geslacht (72%) en velen hebben academisch onderwijs gehad. Geen college maar een video Herkomst De inschrijving voor de cursus is nog open. technology/ ctb3365x/introduction-water- treatment/786 / 19

20 Nieuwe medewerkers Alexander Hendriks Hi, I am Alexander Hendriks, 31 years old. In 2001 I started my study Environmental Technology at Wageningen University. In 2004 I obtained my Bachelor s degree in Environmental Technology - Aquatic ecology and Ecology. In 2006 I obtained my Master s degree in Environmental Technology - Wastewater Treatment. In 2006 and 2007 I was responsible for the additional lessons in chemistry, physics, math and biology for the 5th and 6th grade of gymnasium (high school). In December 2007 I started my career at Royal Haskoning (from July 2012 Royal HaskoningDHV) as wastewater engineer. During this time I have been dealing with studies regarding (static and dynamic) optimization of the waterlines and sludge treatment lines of several wastewater treatment plants. Also studies regarding prevention and growth of algae have been part of my daily work. During the optimization studies I specialized myself in sludge treatment, sludge dewatering and ALE extraction. In September I start working at the Sanitary Engineering section on a PhD research regarding high rate (selective) volatile fatty acid (VFA) production from (soluble) industrial waste using the granular sludge proces. The produced VFA can be used for, amongst others, bioplastic production. I am looking forward to the coming years of research on this topic. I live in Wijchen at the farm of my parents. In my spare time I like ballroom dancing, tropical fish farming, working at the farm and spending time with family and friends. Peng Wei I am Peng Wei, coming from China. I fi nished my master degree of Environmental Engineering from Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Then I stayed in our institute as a research assistant, and mainly did some CFD modeling as well as experimental work on two-phase fl ow in the fl at sheet membrane bioreactor system. years. It is really a nice opportunity but also a new challenge for me. In my spare time I like sports (such as football), music and reading. I am very glad to join in Prof. Luuk Rietveld s group as a PhD candidate to continue my study in the coming 20

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