Military defence services

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1 Military defence services Инфо Версия 1 URL Внешний ID тендера Тип закупки Оповещение о результатах Тип документа Contract award Процедура приобретения Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union Тип контракта Service contract Инструкции European Communities Критерии назначения Not defined Дата публикации :34 Сменить дату :34 Покупатель Компания MRMP-A/A direction générale material resources division marchés publics section aviation systems sous-section "acquisition" Адрес Rue d'evere 1 Почтовый индекс/город 1140 Evere БЕЛЬГИЯ Телефон Факс Описание Страница 1 из 8

2 Назначение Section V: Award of contract Contract No: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken HFTS GmbH, GERMANY Original text: Section V: Attribution du marché Marché nº: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.1) Date d'attribution du marché: V.2) Informations sur les offres V.3) Nom et adresse de l'opérateur économique auquel le marché a été attribué HFTS GmbH, ALLEMAGNE Original text: Afdeling V: Gunning van een opdracht Opdracht nr: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.1) Datum van de beslissing tot gunning van de opdracht: V.2) Informatie over inschrijvingen V.3) Naam en adres van de ondernemer aan wie de opdracht is gegund HFTS GmbH, DUITSLAND Подробное описание Страница 2 из 8

3 Contract award notice for contracts in the field of defence and security Services 2013/S Directive 2009/81/EC Section I: Contracting authority/entity I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s) For the attention of: Telephone: Fax: MRMP-A/A direction générale material resources division marchés publics section aviation systems sous-section "acquisition" Rue d'evere 1, Yerna Alex, 1140 Evere, BELGIUM , Internet address(es): General address of the contracting authority: Address of the buyer profile: Section II: Object of the contract II.1) Description II.1.5) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) Description Military defence services. Section V: Award of contract Contract No: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken HFTS GmbH, GERMANY V.4) Information on value of contract Original text: Avis d'attribution de marché pour des marchés dans le domaine de la défense et de la sécurité Services 2013/S Directive 2009/81/CE Section I: Pouvoir adjudicateur/entité adjudicatrice I.1) Nom, adresses et point(s) de contact À l'attention de: Téléphone: Fax: MRMP-A/A direction générale material resources division marchés publics section aviation systems sous-section "acquisition" Rue d'evere 1, Yerna Alex, 1140 Evere, BELGIQUE , Страница 3 из 8

4 Adresse(s) internet: Adresse générale du pouvoir adjudicateur/de l'entité adjudicatrice: Adresse du profil d acheteur: I.2) Type de pouvoir adjudicateur Ministère ou toute autre autorité nationale ou fédérale, y compris leurs subdivisions régionales ou locales I.3) Activité principale Défense I.4) Attribution de marché pour le compte d autres pouvoirs adjudicateurs Le pouvoir adjudicateur agit pour le compte d'autres pouvoirs adjudicateurs: non Section II: Objet du marché II.1) Description II.1.1) Intitulé attribué au marché Initial and recurrent training of the Belgian NH-90 TTH crew on Full Flight Simulator. II.1.2) Type de marché et lieu d exécution, de livraison ou de prestation Services Catégorie de services nº 20: Services de simulation et de formation dans les domaines de la défense et de la sécurité Code NUTS DE II.1.3) Information sur l accord-cadre II.1.4) Description succincte du marché ou de l acquisition/des acquisitions: Initial and recurrent training of the Belgian NH-90 TTH crew on Full Flight Simulator. II.1.5) Classification CPV (vocabulaire commun pour les marchés publics) II.2) Valeur totale finale du ou des marché(s) II.2.1) Valeur totale finale du ou des marché(s) Section IV: Procédure IV.1) Type de procédure Négociée sans publication d'un avis de marché Justification de l attribution du marché sans publication préalable d un avis de marché au Journal officiel de l Union européenne (JOUE) Directive 2004/18/CE 1) Justification du choix de la procédure négociée sans publication préalable d un avis de marché au JOUE conformément à la directive 2004/18/CE ou 2004/17/CE, respectivement L ensemble des offres soumises en réponse à une procédure ouverte, une procédure restreinte ou un dialogue compétitif étaient non conformes ou inacceptables. Seules les offres ayant rempli les critères de sélection qualitative ont été prises en considération dans les négociations: non Страница 4 из 8

5 Les délais exigés par les procédures restreintes et négociées avec publication d un avis de marché ne sont pas compatibles avec l'urgence résultant d'une situation de crise: non Urgence impérieuse résultant d événements imprévisibles pour le pouvoir adjudicateur/l entité adjudicatrice et dont les circonstances sont rigoureusement conformes aux conditions prévues par la directive applicable: non Les travaux/produits/services ne peuvent être fournis que par un soumissionnaire déterminé pour des raisons: techniques Le contrat porte sur des services de recherche et de dévelopement autres que ceux visés à l'article 13 de la directive 2009/81/CE: non Les produits concernés sont uniquement fabriqués à des fins de recherche, d expérimentation, d étude ou de développement dans les conditions énoncées dans la directive: non Demande de travaux/fournitures/services supplémentaires conformément aux conditions énoncées dans la directive: non Fournitures cotées et achetées à une bourse de matières premières: non Nouveaux travaux/services consistant dans la répétition de travaux/services existants et commandés dans des conditions rigoureusement conformes à celles figurant dans la directive: non Marché lié à la fourniture de services de transport maritime et aérien pour les forces armées ou les forces de sécurité d un État membre, qui sont ou vont être déployées à l étranger, dans les strictes conditions énoncées dans la directive: non IV.2) Critères d attribution IV.2.1) Critères d attribution IV.2.2) Enchère électronique Une enchère électronique a été utilisée: non IV.3) Renseignements d'ordre administratif IV.3.1) Numéro de référence attribué au dossier par le pouvoir adjudicateur MRMP-A/A-13AA269-F18_0 IV.3.2) Publication(s) antérieure(s) concernant le même marché non Section V: Attribution du marché Marché nº: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.1) Date d'attribution du marché: V.2) Informations sur les offres V.3) Nom et adresse de l'opérateur économique auquel le marché a été attribué HFTS GmbH, ALLEMAGNE V.4) Informations sur le montant du marché V.5) Information sur la sous-traitance Section VI: Renseignements complémentaires VI.1) Information sur les fonds de l'union européenne Страница 5 из 8

6 VI.2) Informations complémentaires: VI.3) Procédures de recours VI.3.1) Instance chargée des procédures de recours VI.3.2) Introduction des recours VI.3.3) Service auprès duquel des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction des recours VI.4) Date d envoi du présent avis: Original text: Aankondiging van een gegunde opdracht op het gebied van defensie en veiligheid Diensten 2013/S Richtlijn 2009/81/EG Afdeling I: Aanbestedende dienst I.1) Naam, adressen en contactpunt(en) Ter attentie van: Telefoon: Fax: MRMP-A/A Algemene Directie Material Resources Divisie Overheidsopdrachten Sectie Aviation Systems Ondersectie Verwerving Eversestraat 1, Yerna Alex, 1140 Evere, BELGIË , Internetadres(sen): Adres van de aanbestedende dienst: Adres van het kopersprofiel: I.2) Soort aanbestedende dienst Ministerie of andere nationale of federale instantie, met regionale of plaatselijke onderverdelingen ervan I.3) Hoofdactiviteit Defensie I.4) Gunning van de opdracht namens andere aanbestedende diensten De aanbestedende dienst koopt aan namens andere aanbestedende diensten: neen Afdeling II: Voorwerp van de opdracht II.1) Beschrijving II.1.1) Aan de opdracht gegeven benaming Initial and recurrent training of the Belgian NH-90 TTH crew on Full Flight Simulator. II.1.2) Type opdracht en plaats van uitvoering van de werken, levering van de goederen of verlening van de diensten Diensten Страница 6 из 8

7 Dienstencategorie nr 20: Diensten voor opleiding en simulatie op defensie- en veiligheidsgebied NUTS-code DE II.1.3) Inlichtingen over de raamovereenkomst II.1.4) Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen: Initial and recurrent training of the Belgian NH-90 TTH crew on Full Flight Simulator. II.1.5) CPV-classificatie (Gemeenschappelijke woordenlijst overheidsopdrachten) II.2) Totale definitieve waarde van de opdracht/opdrachten II.2.1) Totale definitieve waarde van de opdracht/opdrachten Afdeling IV: Procedure IV.1) Type procedure Onderhandelingsprocedure zonder bekendmaking van een aankondiging van een opdracht Motivering voor de gunning van de opdracht zonder voorafgaande bekendmaking van een aankondiging van de opdracht in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie (PBEU) Richtlijn 2004/18/EG 1) Motivering voor de keuze van de onderhandelingsprocedure zonder voorafgaande bekendmaking van een aankondiging van de opdracht in het PBEU in overeenstemming met respectievelijk Richtlijn 2004/18/EG of Richtlijn 2004/17/EG Alle inschrijvingen gedaan in het kader van een openbare procedure, een niet-openbare procedure of een concurrentiegerichte dialoog waren onregelmatig of onaanvaardbaar. Alleen de inschrijvers die aan de kwalitatieve selectiecriteria beantwoordden, zijn tot de onderhandelingen toegelaten: neen De termijnen voor de niet-openbare procedure en de onderhandelingsprocedure met voorafgaande bekendmaking van een aankondiging van de opdracht zijn onverenigbaar met de de urgentie als gevolg van een crisis: neen In gevallen waarin dringende spoed vereist is ten gevolge van gebeurtenissen die door de aanbestedende dienst niet konden worden voorzien, in overeenstemming met de in de desbetreffende richtlijn vermelde strikte voorwaarden: neen De werken/goederen/diensten kunnen alleen worden uitgevoerd/geleverd/verleend door een specifieke inschrijver om: technische redenen De opdracht heeft betrekking op andere diensten voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling dan waarvan sprake in artikel 13 van Richtlijn 2009/81/EG: neen De desbetreffende producten worden uitsluitend vervaardigd ten behoeve van onderzoek, proefneming, studie of ontwikkeling overeenkomstig de in de richtlijn vermelde voorwaarden: neen Aanvullende werken/leveringen/diensten worden besteld volgens de in de richtlijn vermelde strikte voorwaarden: neen Nieuwe werken/diensten die een herhaling zijn van bestaande werken/diensten en die zijn besteld volgens de in de richtlijn vermelde strikte voorwaarden: neen Opdracht in verband met de levering van vervoersdiensten in de lucht en ter zee voor de strijdkrachten van een lidstaat die in het buitenland zijn ingezet of zullen worden ingezet, onder de in de richtlijn vermelde strikte voorwaarden: neen IV.2) Gunningscriteria IV.2.1) Gunningscriteria IV.2.2) Inlichtingen over de elektronische veiling Er is gebruik gemaakt van een elektronische veiling: neen Страница 7 из 8

8 IV.3) Administratieve inlichtingen IV.3.1) Referentienummer van het dossier bij de aanbestedende dienst MRMP-A/A-13AA269-F18_0 IV.3.2) Eerdere bekendmaking(en) betreffende dezelfde opdracht neen Afdeling V: Gunning van een opdracht Opdracht nr: MRMP-A/A 13AA269 V.1) Datum van de beslissing tot gunning van de opdracht: V.2) Informatie over inschrijvingen V.3) Naam en adres van de ondernemer aan wie de opdracht is gegund HFTS GmbH, DUITSLAND V.4) Inlichtingen over de waarde van de opdracht V.5) Inlichtingen over uitbesteding Afdeling VI: Aanvullende inlichtingen VI.1) Inlichtingen over middelen van de Europese Unie VI.2) Nadere inlichtingen: VI.3) Beroepsprocedures VI.3.1) Voor beroepsprocedures bevoegde instantie VI.3.2) Instellen van beroep VI.3.3) Dienst waar inlichtingen over de beroepsprocedures kunnen worden verkregen VI.4) Datum van verzending van deze aankondiging: Коды CPV Код Описание Military defence services. Страница 8 из 8

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Инфо Версия 2 URL Внешний ID тендера 289027-2013 Тип закупки Оповещение о результатах Тип

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Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation

Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 61014-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument

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IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Инфо Версия 1 URL Внешний ID тендера 267245-2013 Тип закупки Оповещение о результатах Тип

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Legal services. Info. Buyer. Description. Publish date 3/9/2013 4:14 AM. Version 1. Url

Legal services. Info. Buyer. Description. Publish date 3/9/2013 4:14 AM. Version 1. Url Legal services Info Version 1 Url External tender id 79113-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Award of a contract

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Financial auditing services

Financial auditing services Financial auditing services Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 309421-2014 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Avaldamise kp 15.10.2014 5:36. Muutmisaeg 15.10.2014 5:36

Avaldamise kp 15.10.2014 5:36. Muutmisaeg 15.10.2014 5:36 Relocation services Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 350568-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus

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Recruitment services. Info. Buyer. Description. Publish date 7/4/2012 4:14 AM. Version 1. Url

Recruitment services. Info. Buyer. Description. Publish date 7/4/2012 4:14 AM. Version 1. Url Recruitment services Info Version 1 Url External tender id 208223-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Simplified

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Computer-aided design (CAD) software package

Computer-aided design (CAD) software package Computer-aided design (CAD) software package Info Version 2 URL Ekstern udbuds ID 95187-2013 Udbudstype Tildeling af kontrakt Dokumenttype Indgåede aftaler

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Scanners. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Description. Version 4. Publish date 9/9/2014 4:20 AM

Scanners. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Description. Version 4. Publish date 9/9/2014 4:20 AM Scanners Info Version 4 Url External tender id 304861-2014 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open procedure Contract

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Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)

Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Info Version 1 Url External tender id 39782-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract

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Publish date 10/23/2012 4:16 AM. Change date 10/23/2012 4:16 AM

Publish date 10/23/2012 4:16 AM. Change date 10/23/2012 4:16 AM Construction work Info Version 2 Url External tender id 335123-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open procedure

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Publish date 3/23/2013 4:16 AM. Change date 3/23/2013 4:16 AM

Publish date 3/23/2013 4:16 AM. Change date 3/23/2013 4:16 AM Security services Info Version 2 Url External tender id 97175-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open procedure

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Telephone and data transmission services

Telephone and data transmission services Telephone and data transmission services Info Version 2 Url External tender id 147690-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement

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Cleaning and sanitation services

Cleaning and sanitation services Cleaning and sanitation services Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 421544-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Avaldamise kp 5.07.2014 5:19. Muutmisaeg 5.07.2014 5:19

Avaldamise kp 5.07.2014 5:19. Muutmisaeg 5.07.2014 5:19 Electricity Info Versioon 3 URL Väline hanke ID 226589-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus Lepingu

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Social work and related services

Social work and related services Social work and related services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 122900-2014 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Central bank services

Central bank services Central bank services Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 135676-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Supply services of personnel including temporary staff

Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 51418-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument

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Financial and insurance services

Financial and insurance services Financial and insurance services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 391581-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Insurance services. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Description. Original text:

Insurance services. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Description. Original text: Insurance services Info Version 2 Url External tender id 10011-2014 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Negotiated

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Education and training services

Education and training services Education and training services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 421775-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 135678-2012 Konkurranse

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Road transport services

Road transport services Road transport services Info Version 2 Url External tender id 386975-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open

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Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services

Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 283797-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Alarm system and antenna installation work

Alarm system and antenna installation work Alarm system and antenna installation work Info Version 5 URL Ekstern udbuds ID 5988-2013 Udbudstype Tildeling af kontrakt Dokumenttype Indgåede aftaler Udbudsprocedure

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Street-lighting maintenance services

Street-lighting maintenance services Street-lighting maintenance services Info Version 2 Url External tender id 295138-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement

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Mobile telephones. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Beskrivelse. Original text:

Mobile telephones. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Beskrivelse. Original text: Mobile telephones Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 385319-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Digital telephone exchanges

Digital telephone exchanges Digital telephone exchanges Info Version 2 Url External tender id 87466-2012 Tender type Vertragszuteilung Document type Vergebene Aufträge Procurement procedure

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Collection agency services

Collection agency services Collection agency services Tieto Versio 2 URL Ulkoinen hankinta ID 308189-2014 Hankinnan tyyppi Jälki-ilmoitus Asiakirjan tyyppi Contract award Hankintamenettely

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Repair and maintenance of plant

Repair and maintenance of plant Repair and maintenance of plant Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 161416-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Telephone switchboards

Telephone switchboards Telephone switchboards Info Version 2 Url External tender id 186502-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open

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Construction work for steel bridges

Construction work for steel bridges Construction work for steel bridges Info Version 2 Url External tender id 385986-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement

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Market and economic research; polling and statistics

Market and economic research; polling and statistics Market and economic research; polling and statistics Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 371692-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine

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Support services for land transport

Support services for land transport Support services for land transport Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 242699-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Scientific installations

Scientific installations Scientific installations Info Version 7 Url External tender id 395722-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open

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Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 85746-2014 Konkurranse type: Tildeling

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Advertising and marketing services

Advertising and marketing services Advertising and marketing services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 405573-2011 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Catering services. Tieto. Hankintayksikkö. Kuvaus. Julkaisu pm 26.3.2014 4:40. Versio 1. URL

Catering services. Tieto. Hankintayksikkö. Kuvaus. Julkaisu pm 26.3.2014 4:40. Versio 1. URL Catering services Tieto Versio 1 URL Ulkoinen hankinta ID 102267-2014 Hankinnan tyyppi Jälki-ilmoitus Asiakirjan tyyppi Contract award Hankintamenettely Avoin

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School catering services

School catering services School catering services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 240388-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Technical inspection services of engineering structures

Technical inspection services of engineering structures Technical inspection services of engineering structures Info Version 3 URL Ekstern udbuds ID 278539-2013 Udbudstype Tildeling af kontrakt Dokumenttype Indgåede

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Office supplies. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Beskrivelse. Dato for offentliggjørelse :14. Versjon 1

Office supplies. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Beskrivelse. Dato for offentliggjørelse :14. Versjon 1 Office supplies Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 98879-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre Begrenset

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Restoration work. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 7. Publish date 14.08.2012 04:10. Change date 14.08.

Restoration work. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 7. Publish date 14.08.2012 04:10. Change date 14.08. Restoration work Info Version 7 Url External tender id 258053-2012 Tender type Vertragszuteilung Document type Vergebene Aufträge Procurement procedure Offenes

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Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 3977-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling

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Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages

Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages Info Version 2 Url External tender id 360245-2013 Tender type

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Security services. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Beskrivelse. Dato for offentliggjørelse 24.05.2013 04:15. Versjon 1

Security services. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Beskrivelse. Dato for offentliggjørelse 24.05.2013 04:15. Versjon 1 Security services Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 168753-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes

Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes Generell Informasjon Versjon 1 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 232962-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument

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Electricity. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Kirjeldus. Versioon 3. Avaldamise kp 12.12.2012 5:14

Electricity. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Kirjeldus. Versioon 3. Avaldamise kp 12.12.2012 5:14 Electricity Info Versioon 3 URL Väline hanke ID 393704-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus Lepingu

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Project-management services other than for construction work

Project-management services other than for construction work Project-management services other than for construction work Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 99208-2013 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu

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Software package and information systems

Software package and information systems Software package and information systems Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 354376-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Info Version 1 Url External tender id 9960-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type

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Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork

Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork Info Version 2 Url External tender id

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Supply services of personnel including temporary staff

Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 307196-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument

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Julkaisu pm 1.10.2013 4:24. Muokkauspäivämäärä 1.10.2013 4:24

Julkaisu pm 1.10.2013 4:24. Muokkauspäivämäärä 1.10.2013 4:24 Office furniture Tieto Versio 2 URL Ulkoinen hankinta ID 328503-2013 Hankinnan tyyppi Jälki-ilmoitus Asiakirjan tyyppi Contract award Hankintamenettely Avoin

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Printers and plotters

Printers and plotters Printers and plotters Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 200069-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Endret dato :17

Endret dato :17 Cleaning services Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 201808-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations

Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 29998-2014 Konkurranse

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Road construction works

Road construction works Road construction works Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 339616-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Beds for medical use. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Publish date 5/2/2014 8:20 AM. Version 2

Beds for medical use. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Publish date 5/2/2014 8:20 AM. Version 2 Beds for medical use Info Version 2 Url External tender id 147575-2014 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open

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Construction work. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Versjon 3. Dato for offentliggjørelse 14.03.

Construction work. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Versjon 3. Dato for offentliggjørelse 14.03. Construction work Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 84408-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre Åpen

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Defibrillator. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 2. Publish date 8/2/2012 4:14 AM. Change date 8/2/2012 4:14 AM

Defibrillator. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 2. Publish date 8/2/2012 4:14 AM. Change date 8/2/2012 4:14 AM Defibrillator Info Version 2 Url External tender id 244895-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open procedure

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Actuarial services. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Dato for offentliggjørelse 24.10.2014 04:27.

Actuarial services. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Dato for offentliggjørelse 24.10.2014 04:27. Actuarial services Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 363346-2014 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use

Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use Info Version 2 Url External tender id 147166-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract

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Supply services of personnel including temporary staff

Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Supply services of personnel including temporary staff Info Version 4 Url External tender id 423165-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract

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Printed matter and related products

Printed matter and related products Printed matter and related products Info Versija 2 Nuoroda Išorinis pasiūlimas 265212-2012 Skelbimo tipas Laimėti konkursai Dokumento tipas Sutarties paskyrimas

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Architectural, engineering and planning services

Architectural, engineering and planning services Architectural, engineering and planning services Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 138970-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine

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Building construction work

Building construction work Building construction work Info Version 2 URL Ekstern udbuds ID 193-2012 Udbudstype Tildeling af kontrakt Dokumenttype Indgåede aftaler Udbudsprocedure Begrænset

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Surveillance and security systems and devices

Surveillance and security systems and devices Surveillance and security systems and devices Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 44935-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses

Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 383234-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik

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Printers and plotters

Printers and plotters Printers and plotters Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 120456-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus

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Printed matter and related products

Printed matter and related products Printed matter and related products Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 240391-2012 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Fire extinguishers. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Versioon 2. Avaldamise kp :11. Muutmisaeg

Fire extinguishers. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Versioon 2. Avaldamise kp :11. Muutmisaeg Fire extinguishers Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 152359-2013 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus

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Financial and insurance services

Financial and insurance services Financial and insurance services Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 62494-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Piiratud

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Driving licences. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Publish date 11/24/2012 4:15 AM. Version 2

Driving licences. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Publish date 11/24/2012 4:15 AM. Version 2 Driving licences Info Version 2 Url External tender id 373159-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Open procedure

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Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 186793-2012 Konkurranse

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Publish date 10/28/2014 4:09 AM. Change date 10/28/2014 4:09 AM

Publish date 10/28/2014 4:09 AM. Change date 10/28/2014 4:09 AM Facade work Info Version 2 Url External tender id 366119-2014 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Restricted procedure

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Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services

Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services Info Version 3 Url External tender id 49362-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract

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Scaffolding work. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 2. Publish date 8/9/2013 5:35 AM. Change date 8/9/2013 5:35 AM

Scaffolding work. Info. Buyer. Version changes Contract award. Version 2. Publish date 8/9/2013 5:35 AM. Change date 8/9/2013 5:35 AM Scaffolding work Info Version 2 Url External tender id 269520-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure Negotiated

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Telecommunications services

Telecommunications services Telecommunications services Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 207199-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Construction work for research buildings

Construction work for research buildings Construction work for research buildings Info Version 2 Url External tender id 352682-2013 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement

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Advertising and marketing services

Advertising and marketing services Advertising and marketing services Info Version 3 Url External tender id 335341-2012 Tender type Contract Award Document type Contract award Procurement procedure

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IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 233522-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik

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Battery packs. Info. Inköpare. Beskrivning. Version 1. Publiceringsdatum :26. Ändringsdatum :26

Battery packs. Info. Inköpare. Beskrivning. Version 1. Publiceringsdatum :26. Ändringsdatum :26 Battery packs Info Version 1 URL Externt anbuds-id 325287-2014 Anbudstyp Tilldelning Dokument typ Avslutade upphandlingar Anbudsprocess Förhandlat förfarande

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Machinery-inspection services

Machinery-inspection services Machinery-inspection services Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 164956-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling

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Construction work. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Kirjeldus. Versioon 4. Avaldamise kp 23.11.2012 5:08

Construction work. Info. Hankija. Versiooni muutus Contract award. Kirjeldus. Versioon 4. Avaldamise kp 23.11.2012 5:08 Construction work Info Versioon 4 URL Väline hanke ID 371226-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Piiratud menetlus

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II.1.6 Opdracht valt onder de Overeenkomst inzake overheidsopdrachten (GPA) ja II.2 TOTALE DEFINITIEVE WAARDE VAN DE OPDRACHT/OPDRACHTEN II.2.1 Totale

II.1.6 Opdracht valt onder de Overeenkomst inzake overheidsopdrachten (GPA) ja II.2 TOTALE DEFINITIEVE WAARDE VAN DE OPDRACHT/OPDRACHTEN II.2.1 Totale AFDELING I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST I.1 NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) PDirekt / Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken Schenkkade 100, 2595 AS Den Haag ( Nederland ) Ter attentie van: Johan Tintel Telefoon:

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Construction work. Informācija. Informācija par pircēju. Versijas izmaiņas Contract award. Publicēšanas datums 18.01.2012. 5:11.

Construction work. Informācija. Informācija par pircēju. Versijas izmaiņas Contract award. Publicēšanas datums 18.01.2012. 5:11. Construction work Informācija Versija 2 Iepirkuma adrese Ārējs iepirk. ident. Nr. 15970-2012 Iepirkuma veids Rezultātu paziņojums Dokumenta veids Līguma piešķiršana

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Roof maintenance work

Roof maintenance work Roof maintenance work Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 443059-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre

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Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security

Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 11779-2014 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne

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Endret dato 19.03.2013 04:13

Endret dato 19.03.2013 04:13 Painting work Generell Informasjon Versjon 3 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 90079-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre Konkurranse

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Agricultural services

Agricultural services Agricultural services Info Versioon 2 URL Väline hanke ID 26538-2012 Hanke liik Hanke aruanne Dokumendi liik Lepingu sõlmimine Hankemenetlus Avatud menetlus

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AFDELING I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST I.1 NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart Schoemakerstraat 97, 2628 VK Delft ( Nederland ) Ter attentie van: Marleen Rietveld

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Enterprise resource planning software package

Enterprise resource planning software package Enterprise resource planning software package Info Versija 2 Nuoroda Išorinis pasiūlimas 388000-2012 Skelbimo tipas Laimėti konkursai Dokumento tipas Sutarties

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V.3 NAAM EN ADRES VAN DE ONDERNEMER AAN WIE DE OPDRACHT IS GEGUND AFDELING I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST I.1 NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) A van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA Bilthoven ( Nederland ) Ter attentie van: Wendy

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Passenger cars. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Versjon 2. Dato for offentliggjørelse 15.02.

Passenger cars. Generell Informasjon. Oppdragsgiver. Versjonsendringer Contract award. Versjon 2. Dato for offentliggjørelse 15.02. Passenger cars Generell Informasjon Versjon 2 Url Ekstern anbuds ID 51175-2013 Konkurranse type: Tildeling Dokument type Kontraktstildeling Prosedyre Veiledende

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Insurance services. Info. Buyer. Description. Original text: Hernieuwing van de verzekeringspolissen materiele schade en auto. Ext.

Insurance services. Info. Buyer. Description. Original text: Hernieuwing van de verzekeringspolissen materiele schade en auto. Ext. Insurance services Info Version 1 Url External tender id 332780-2013 Tender type Tender Document type Contract notice Procurement procedure Open procedure

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AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST Leveringen I.1) NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) Officiële benaming: Politie Nationale identificatie: 111668359 Postadres: Ringwade 51 Plaats:

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AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST Leveringen I.1) NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) Officiële benaming: Stichting Saxion Nationale identificatie: 522165120 Postadres: M.H. Tromplaan

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AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT AANKONDIGING VAN EEN GEGUNDE OPDRACHT I: AANBESTEDENDE DIENST Leveringen I.1) NAAM, ADRESSEN EN CONTACTPUNT(EN) Officiële benaming: Gemeente Zwolle Nationale identificatie: 401747134 Postadres: Grote Kerkplein

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