University of Westminster & Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board

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1 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Reading Task 1 Task 2 Military Document Newspaper Article Time allowed 45 minutes Candidates should attempt all the questions. All answers must be written in English. All notes, rough work and answers must be written in the booklets provided. Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 1 of 23

2 Task 1 Military Document Read the report and then answer the questions below in English, using full sentences. The text concerns events in the Russian province of Chechnya, and the answers require 8 points of information. President Vladimir Poetin heeft geweigerd zaken te doen met de gekozen Tjetsjeense leider Aslan Maskhadov, die er door Moskou van beschuldigd wordt direct betrokken te zijn bij de Questions belegering van het Moskouse theater in Oktober Maskhadov ontkent hierin enige rol te hebben gespeeld. Poetin is erg gevoelig ten aanzien van het openbaar maken van zijn beleid 1. in What Tjetsjenië. is the cause In een of the poging current kritiek increase vanuit in the het tension westen between te verminderen, India and heeft Pakistan? Poetin Moskou-gezinde 2. What two Tsjetsjenen tasks does the aangesteld Indian army om carry Tsjetsjenië out in te Kashmir? besturen en heeft hij geprobeerd te suggereren 3. What justification dat het leven does langzaam Maj Gen weer Qureshi haar normale give for vorm dismissing aanneemt. Indian reports of a Pakistani troop build up? Vóór 4. de What belegering has been had the US Poetin reaction plannen to this laten issue? uitlekken over een referendum voor een nieuwe 5. What grondwet. is the Indian Maar Prime de gebeurtenissen Minister's view zorgden on the fight ervoor against dat hij terrorism? gedwongen was dat volledig 6. Why terug is the te draaien. Pakistan Allereerst ISI agency zorgde mentioned? de gijzelingenkwestie in het Moskouse theater voor 7. een What verharding are the van main de targets publieke of India's opinie strike ten opzichte force into van Pakistan? de Tsjetsjenen, wat inhield dat Poetin 8. krachtdadig What military tegen action ze will op kon supplement treden. Op the planned de tweede bombing plaats verhardde raids? ook de mening Task onder 2 de militairen toen Tsjetsjeense rebellen een legerhelicopter neerhaalde de veertigste Newspaper legerhelicopter Article die verloren ging in de vijandelijkheden die, na een drie jaar lange rustperiode, sinds 1999 weer waren hervat. Read the extract from a newspaper article and then answer the questions below in English, using De scherpe full sentences. ommekeer in de positie van de president kan verder worden verklaard door het feit dat de strijders in de republiek een bedreiging blijven vormen. Ook al is hun The rebellenleider text concerns omgekomen, a jet crash de in strijd Nigeria. duurt voort, en het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken zal er waarschijnlijk niet in slagen aan deze dreiging weerstand te bieden. De voornaamste woordvoerder van het Kremlin op het gebied van Tsjetsjenië wees van de hand dat recente krantenberichten Moskou zouden dwingen haar strategie tegenover Tsjetsjenië te herzien. Ik zie geen reden voor serieuze veranderingen in het beleid van Rusland tegenover Tsjetsjenië, vertelde hij aan journalisten. Er bestaat echter enige oppositie in Rusland zelf. Sergei Kovalyov is een liberale parlementariër en een gevangene uit de Sovjetperiode. Hij heeft het Kremlin opgeroepen tot het houden van vredesbesprekingen. Het zou veel beter zijn als we onze grootheid en heldhaftigheid zouden tonen. Questions 1. What role does Maskhadov deny? 2. Explain one action which shows that Putin is sensitive to criticism from the West. 3. What effect did the hostage siege in Moscow have on the public? 4. What caused military opinion to change? 5. Explain the reference to What effect has the death of Khattab had on the rebels? 7. What are the newspaper reports dismissed by the Kremlin? 8. What should the Kremlin do in Kovalyov's opinion? Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 2 of 23

3 Task 2 Newspaper Article Read the extract from a newspaper article and then answer the questions below in English, using full sentences. This article is about an explosion and fire in a Ukrainian coalmine. Een explosie en brand in een kolenmijn in het oosten van de Oekraine heeft op woensdagavond laat aan 20 mannen het leven gekost, waarmee het dodental tot nu toe dit jaar op ten minste 185 komt. Er werden 19 lichamen geborgen in de uren na de explosie die 1085 meter onder de grond in de Zasiadsko mijn plaatsvond. Het laatste slachtoffer dat gevonden werd, zal pas later naar de oppervlakte gebracht worden, maar drie van de slachtoffers moeten nog geidentificeerd worden, zeiden officiele woordvoerders. De explosie was de laatste van drie ongevallen met dodelijke afloop in mijnen in de Oekraine in juli, waarmee het de noodlottigste maand is nadat een serie rampen heeft plaats gevonden in deze industrietak. De voormalige Sovjet Republiek is nog steeds bezig met het verwerken van het ergste ongeluk tijdens een vliegshow,die de wereld ooit heeft gezien, toen op zaterdag in de westelijk gelegen stad Lviv, 83 mensen om het leven kwamen toen gedurende de show een vliegtuig in het publiek neerstortte. De hoofdingenieur van de mijn had moeite met het identificeren van twee van zijn ondergeschikten omdat de lichamen ernstig verbrand waren. Hij vond het zeer betreurenswaardig dat werkers in de kolenmijnen in de Oekraine aan zoveel gevaar blootstonden. Het lijkt erop dat zwarte rouwbandjes de derde kleur in de vlag van de Oekraine is geworden. Er is geen bescherming, geen zekerheid en geen ander werk. De Zasiadkomijn werd tot de meest winstgevende en goed uitgeruste mijnen in de regio gerekend, maar grote hoeveelheden methaangas hadden haar onveilig gemaakt. De Veiligheidscommissie voor Arbeidsomstandigheden in de Oekraine heeft onlangs, als gevolg van de explosie in Zasiadko, het werk in 43 mijnen, waar het overtredingen van de veiligheidsmaatregelen had geconstateerd, stilgelegd en het management van de mijnen opgeroepen om behoorlijke veiligheidsvoorzieningen te treffen. We kunnen de oorzaken van de verschillende ongevallen niet meer bijhouden maar het is duidelijk dat het controlesysteem, het handhaven van de veiligheid in de mijnen, onvoldoende werkt. De mijnen in dit land hebben een tekort aan de nodige veiligheidsvoorzieningen, technici en electrische voorzieningen, zei de commissie. Questions 1. What is the death toll in this accident? 2. Explain the reference to July. 3. What is the cause of further mourning in the Ukraine? 4. What does the chief engineer think of mining? 5. Describe the Zasiadko mine. 6. What reason was given for closing the Zasiadko mine? 7. List three deficiencies in the mines, according to the Safety Committee. (2 marks) Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 3 of 23

4 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Listening Task 1 Task 2 News Item Military Briefing Time allowed 45 minutes Candidates should attempt all the questions. All answers must be written in English. All notes, rough work and answers must be written in the booklets provided. Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 4 of 23

5 Task 1 Military Briefing Your task is to answer a number of questions on a military topic. You will be given 1 minute to study the following questions covering 8 points in the passage. Then you will hear the passage twice; there will be a pause of 3 minutes between readings. You may make notes throughout the two recordings and you will be given 5 minutes at the end to complete your answers. The text concerns salvage and HMS Nottingham, a holed destroyer Questions 1 Where at sea was HMS Nottingham holed? 2 Why was HMS Nottingham not abandoned? 3 Describe the role of the Dutch barge mentioned. 4 What happened to HMS Southampton after its collision? 5 What happened to the captain of HMS Southampton? 6 Describe the role of the New Zealand ships mentioned. 7 Apart from the accident, what is the Navy board of inquiry considering? 8 How does the captain of HMS Nottingham attract support? Task 2 News Item Your task is to write the gist of a radio news item. You will hear the passage once only, after which there will be a silence of ten minutes on your tape. You may take notes during the recording, and you must complete the task during the tenminute silence on your tape. This passage concerns the political assassination of the Vice President, in Kabul. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 5 of 23

6 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Tapescripts Task 1 Task 2 Military Briefing (English Version) Military Briefing (Dutch Version) News Item (English Version) News Item (Dutch Version) Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 6 of 23

7 Task 1 Military Briefing (English Version) When HMS Nottingham ran into rocks near Lord Howe Island off the east coast of Australia, the Royal Navy was faced with quite a problem. The salvage team that inspected the 3,500-tonne destroyer found she was badly holed and that the damage was extensive. She lay 425 nautical miles northeast of Sydney and there seemed to be three possible choices. They could abandon the ship; send her for repairs in dry-dock in Sydney; or try and find a means to get her back to Britain. Abandoning her was ruled out because of the expense. It would cost something like 250 million pounds to build a replacement Rather than that, the Navy decided it would even be worth the expense of carrying her half way round the world for repairs in Britain if a way could be found. And now the Navy thinks they may have come up with a way. The best bet, they said yesterday, would be to carry her on the deck of a submersible barge. What happens is that the barge is in, in effect half sunk, by having its tanks filled with water. It is then manoeuvred underneath the ship - which is fixed into place. The tanks are pumped out, and if all has gone to plan, the barge will rise to the surface with the ship neatly sitting on its deck ready for the long voyage home It has worked before. In 1988 one of the Nottingham s sister ships, HMS Southampton, also got herself in trouble. She collided with a British tanker in the Gulf and a Dutch barge succeeded in transporting her back to Britain for repairs. Three years later she was able to rejoin the fleet. Her captain was censured in a court martial but continued to serve in the Royal Navy. If The Nottingham does return to Britain this way, the voyage would take the barge and its cargo thousands of miles north from Australia, then across the Indian Ocean, and through the Suez Canal, through the Mediterranean and the Straits of Gibraltar, North via the Bay of Biscay and into the English Channel. A Royal New Zealand Navy tanker, the Endeavour, and a frigate, the Te Mana, were last night nearing Wolf Rock, east of Lord Howe Island. Together they will tow the destroyer into more sheltered waters close to the island. Here it will await a decision on its fate. A Naval board of inquiry is investigating the accident, and considering the various options and their financial implications. It also has to consider whether to recommend a court martial. Commander Richard Farrington, the Nottingham's captain, said on Monday: "It is inevitable. The sun comes up in the morning, you run your ship aground, you get court martialled." His openness and frankness - and his willingness to accept responsibility have won him a lot of popular support A British consulate general spokesman said yesterday that the commander was unlikely to make any further public statements. Navy colleagues are not so sure. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 7 of 23

8 Task 1 Military Briefing (Dutch version) De HMS Nottingham bezorgde de Britse Koninklijke Marine nogal wat problemen toen het vlakbij Lord Howe eiland, voor de oostkust van Australië, op de rotsen liep. Het bergingsteam, dat de 3500-ton zware torpedojager onderzocht, vond een enorm gat en omvangrijke schade aan het schip. Er zijn drie mogelijkheden voor de bemanning van het schip, dat 425 zeemijlen ten noordoosten van Sydney ligt. Ze kunnen het schip verlaten, ze kunnen haar voor reparaties naar het droogdok in Sydney sturen, of ze kunnen proberen op een of andere manier naar Groot Britannië terug te keren. Het schip verlaten werd uitgesloten vanwege de kosten die daaraan verbonden waren. Het zou ongeveer 250 miljoen pond kosten om haar te vervangen. De marine besloot dat er dan beter een poging gedaan kon worden om het schip de halve wereld rond te slepen om het in Groot Britannië te repareren. Nu denkt de marine een manier gevonden te hebben om dit uit te voeren. Gisteren zeiden ze dat het schip het beste op het dek van een ponton, die ook gedeeltelijk onder water kan, vervoerd kan worden. Wat er dan gebeurt is dat het ponton in feite half verzonken in het water ligt omdat het haar ruimten met water vult. Het ponton wordt dan onder het schip gemanouvreerd waarna het schip aan het ponton word gezet. Het ruim wordt dan leeggepompt en, als alles goed verloopt, zal het pontoon uit het water omhoog komen met het schip op de juiste plaats op haar dek, klaar voor de lange terugreis. Het is al een keer eerder zo gebeurd. In 1988 raakte de HMS Southampton, een van de zusterschepen van de Nottingham, ook al in de problemen. Ze kwam in aanvaring met een Britse tanker in de Golf en een Nederlands ponton slaagde er toen in haar terug naar Groot Britannië te slepen voor reparaties. Drie jaar later kon ze zich weer bij de vloot voegen. Haar kapitein werd door een krijgsraad berispt maar kon zijn dienst in de Britse koninklijke marine voortzetten. Als de Nottingham inderdaad op deze wijze naar Groot Britannië terugkeert, zal het ponton en haar vracht duizenden mijlen ten noorden van Australië varen, waarna het de Indische Oceaan zal oversteken om vervolgens door het Suez Kanaal de Middelandse Zee in te varen. Daarna zal het via de Straat van Gibraltar en naar het noorden via de Golf van Biskaaije, het Engelse Kanaal bereiken. De Endeavour, een tanker van de koninklijke Marine van Nieuw Zeeland, en een fregat, de Te Mana, naderde gisterennacht Wolf Rock, ten oosten van Lord Howe eiland. Samen zullen ze de torpedojager naar rustiger wateren dichter bij het eiland slepen. Hier zal de jager op een beslissing wachten. Een onderzoekscommissie van de marine is het ongeluk aan het onderzoeken, en zal de verschillende mogelijkheden met de daaraan verbonden financiele gevolgen in overweging nemen. Zij zal zich ook moeten buigen over het wel of niet beleggen van een krijgsraad. Commandant Richard Farrington, de kapitein van de Nottingham, zei maandag: Het is onvermijdelijk. De zon komt op in de ochtend, je schip vaart op de rotsen, je wordt voor de krijgsraad geroepen. Zijn openheid en eerlijkheid en zijn bereidheid de verantwoordelijheid op zich te nemen, hebben ervoor gezorgd dat hij veel steun van het publiek heeft gekregen. Een woordvoerder van het Britse Consulaat zei gisteren dat de commandant waarschijnlijk geen verdere openbare uitspraken zou doen. Collega s in de marine zijn daar niet zo zeker van. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 8 of 23

9 Task 2 News Item (English Version) The crisis in Afghanistan continues as the civil authorities struggle to maintain peace within the country. Only recently the peace process received a severe setback when the vicepresident was assassinated in as he was being driven from his ministry. Haji Abdul Qadir came under a hail of 36 bullets from two men armed with assault rifles as he left the Ministry of PublicWorks in Kabul. His green Toyota Land Cruiser careered into a wall, its windscreen and side panels riddled with bullet holes. The driver and a bodyguard were also killed The assassins are believed to have escaped in a white taxi. Although the attack took place in broad daylight, eyewitnesses cannot agree as to what happened. One report said the attackers were dressed in civilian clothes; another that they were disguised as guards. The incident only serves to highlight the precariousness of Afghan politics. The assassination was a severe blow to the authority of the new government of Afghanistan and represents a double setback. The new President Hamid Karzai, saw his own position seriously threatened, and summoned his cabinet for an emergency session. But equally the killing of Haji Abdul Qadir can be seen as a direct challenge to the USA. Qadir was one of three vice-presidents appointed at the grand assembly of the tribal leaders. He was a Pushto and a powerful Pashtun warlord - but he was also an important figure in overcoming tensions between the two peoples of Afghanistan, and was close to the Americans. In 2001 he fought with the Northern Alliance forces whose tanks had played a pivotal role in ousting the Taliban regime. The interior minister blamed the assassination on Osama Bin Laden s Al-Qaeda network. Others have cited a variety of possibilities: it could have been the work of political rivals, or of business rivals, or even have links with the drug trade. The assassinated minister had made enemies by supporting a crackdown on opium production in eastern Afghanistan, where he was a provincial governor. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 9 of 23

10 Task 2 News Item (Dutch Version) De crisis in Afghanistan duurt voort terwijl de burgerregering met moeite de vrede in het land probeert te bewaren. Recentelijk nog kreeg het vredesproces een behoorlijk klap te verwerken toen de vice-president werd vermoord toen zijn chauffeur hem van zijn ministerie wegreed. De vice-president Haji Abdul Qadir werd door twee gewapende mannen met een regen van 36 kogels doorzeefd toen hij Het Ministerie van Openbare Werken in Kabul verliet. Zijn groene Toyota Land Cruiser, de voorruit en zijkanten doorzeefd met kogelgaten, reed in volle vaart op een muur in. De chauffeur en de lijfwacht werden ook gedood. Men denkt dat de moordenaars in een witte taxi zijn ontsnapt. Ondanks dat de aanslag bij vol daglicht plaats vond, konden ooggetuigen het niet eens worden over wat er gebeurd was. In één verklaring werd gezegd dat de aanvallers gekleed waren in burgerkleding terwijl een ander verklaarde dat ze verkleed waren als leden van de garde. Het incident maakt de wisselvalligheid van de Afghaanse politiek overduidelijk. De moordaanslag was een behoorlijk klap voor de autoriteit van de nieuwe regering van Afghanistan en betekent een dubbele terugslag. De nieuwe president Hamid Karzai, zag zijn positie op serieuze wijze bedreigd en riep zijn kabinet bijeen voor een spoedzitting. Tegelijkertijd zien internationale waarnemers de moord op vice-president Abdul Qadir, als een directe uitdaging tegen de Verenigde Staten door politieke groeperingen in Afghanistan die het nieuwe regime niet willen accepteren. Vice president Haji Abdul Qadir was één van de drie vice-presidenten die door de grote vergadering van stamleiders benoemd waren. Hij was een Pashtu en een machtig krijgsheer maar hij was ook een belangrijke bemiddelaar in het verzachten van spanningen tussen de twee volkeren in Afghanistan en hij stond dicht bij de Amerikanen. In 2001 vocht hij samen met troepen van de Noordelijke Alliantie, wier tanks een cruciale rol hadden gespeeld in het verwijderen van het regime van de Taliban. De minister van Binnenlandse Zaken legde de schuld van de moordaanslag bij het Al Qaeda netwerk van Osama Bin Laden. Anderen hebben een aantal andere mogelijkheden aangedragen: het zou het werk kunnen zijn geweest van politieke rivalen, of van zakelijke rivalen, of het zou zelfs te maken kunnen hebben met de drugshandel. De vermoorde minister had vijanden gemaakt door zijn steun te geven aan het hard aanpakken van de opium produktie in het oosten van Afghanistan, waar hij provinciaal gouverneur was. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 10 of 23

11 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Writing Task 1 Task 2 Business/Social Letter Draft Translation Time allowed 75 minutes Candidates should attempt all the questions. All notes, rough work and answers must be written in the booklets provided. Do not turn this page over until instructed to do so. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 11 of 23

12 Task 1 Business/Social Letter Your CO has received the letter below. You have made a draft translation from Dutch, which the CO has read and commented on. Draft a reply, on behalf of your CO, taking care to refer to all the points made in the comments. You are advised to spend approximately 30 minutes on this task. Dear Commanding Officer, Ref: Crisis in local development I am the co-ordinator of the Red Cross Relief Agency for this area. I am writing to you as a matter for urgency for help. I have not been able to reach you by telephone. As you know, the last few days have seen exceptional rainfalls. This has had a dreadful effect on the crops and our tented refugees. Unfortunately, it has also delayed considerable our work on providing drainage and sewage systems in the area. Flooding and the collapse of earth walls means that we face a huge clearance task before we can start our work again.(1) It is possible for some of your men to be made available to us for up to a month?(2) Ideally we would like squads of four men at up to ten locations, to undertake heavy manual work in cooperation with our team.(3) It is very difficult to use mechanical equipment, so manpower is all we have.(4) This is urgent, so I would hope for an early response. Please contact me and let me know how you will proceed, if this request can be met.(5) Yours, 1) Distressing news we know the work you do 2) Yes, in principle 3) Must discuss numbers and times, bur a month may prove difficult. Suggest 30 for 2 weeks, 10 for 1 month 4) We have no implements everything must be supplied 5) Say that you will phone him and arrange a meeting, accompanied by a sergeant to fix arrangements. We will need interpreters Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 12 of 23

13 Task 2 Draft Translation Prepare a draft translation of the following report. Conveying the meaning and content of the passage is the most important part of the task, but you should try to recreate the style and tone of the English in your version. You are advised to spend approximately 45 minutes on this task. The Philippine Navy has arrested 14 Chinese fishermen for poaching in Philippine territorial waters. The four small motorized fishing vessels used by the fishermen were confiscated, along with all their contents. The foreigners and their boats were loaded into a Navy vessel and taken to a naval base for a medical check-up. The crew also underwent questioning while in the custody of the Navy. The Navy said the troops were conducting a sovereignty patrol of the area. The patrol spotted the fishermen and signalled to them to surrender to the authorities. The Chinese fishermen were reportedly abandoned in the area by their mother ship upon seeing the approaching troops. However, in an attempt to avoid any political repercussions, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) diplomatically asserted that the foreigners were rescued from the jaws of death as they were helplessly buffeted by huge waves in the stormy South China Sea. In view of the prevailing weather conditions and the predicament of the Chinese boat crew, our officers and men extended the necessary assistance to the rescued Chinese fishermen by providing them with food and water aboard ship, said a spokesman. The Navy spokesman did not say if charges would be lodged against the 14 Chinese nationals. For his part, the DFA spokesman said the fishermen would be turned over to the Chinese embassy in Manila. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 13 of 23

14 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Speaking Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Transacting Business General Conversation Situational Interpreting Time allowed 45 minutes maximum Task 1 Preparation Transaction Task 2 Task minutes 15 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx. The use of dictionaries, glossaries, or any other reference material (whether printed or personal) is not permitted during the preparation phase or at the oral examination board. Mobile phones must be handed in at registration. If you take any reference materials or notes into the preparation room, please make this known to the invigilator immediately. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 14 of 23

15 Task 1 Transacting Business Candidates Brief Your CO has asked you to go and interview a local informant. You have 10 minutes to prepare for the meeting. On completion of the transaction you have 5 minutes to brief your commanding officer (played by the Service Colleague) in English on the outcome. FROM: Your CO TO: You RE: Rebel troop movements We have heard reports about local militia troop movements. A local appears to have information about this. Could you go and interview him? We need the following information: o Possibility of attack o Details of troops (numbers, arms) o Exact location; distance from town o Reaction of the locals o Source of this information (Is it authentic? Are there witnesses?) Also find out what we can provide in exchange for the information. Don t promise anything, but arrange a follow up meeting with him. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 15 of 23

16 Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Advanced Certificate Dutch April 2003 Examiners' Pack Speaking Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Transacting Business General Conversation Situational Interpreting Time allowed 45 minutes maximum Task 1 Preparation Transaction Task 2 Task 3 10 minutes 15 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx. 10 minutes approx. Contents Page 1 Cover sheet Page 2 Task 1 Transacting Business Examiners Brief Page 3 Task 1 Transacting Business Service Colleagues Check List Page 4 Task 1 Transacting Business Candidates Brief Page 5 Task 1 Transacting Business Comparison Sheet Page 6 Task 2 General Conversation Examiners Brief Page 7 Task 3 Situational Interpreting (English Version) Service Colleagues Brief Page 8 Task 3 Situational Interpreting (Dutch Version) Examiners Brief Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 16 of 23

17 Task 1 Transacting Business Examiners Brief Scenario: Dutch speaker debriefing local informant about militia troop movements Candidate Examiner Service Colleague I understand you have some information for us. About the rebel forces movements. Are they coming this way? Could there be an attack? I have heard something. Maybe they are starting to move in the south. Perhaps there could be an attack. How much are you going to pay me? Can you be more specific? What size is the force? How are they armed? Difficult to say Probably about 500 men with rifles and rocket launchers. Check nature of information 1.Rebels moving south 2.Possibility of an attack Details of men troops 2.Armed with rifles and rocket launchers You say they are moving in the south. Where exactly are they located? Are they still up in the hills? How far from the town are they? What is the reaction of the local populace? Are you completely sure about this? Where did you get this information? Is it true? Is it hearsay? Second hand? Or is it rebel propaganda? Has anyone seen the rebel troop movements? What do you want in exchange for this? You have given us information before haven t you? I have a note here from the previous Commanding Officer. I ll pass this information on to the CO. He will decide. Where can we meet? I imagine it wouldn t be a good idea for you to come here too often? I ve heard they re moving out from their camps in the hills and going down river It would take about three days to reach the town. People there are already packing up to leave. Are you going to do the same as the previous officer? I swear to you. My brother was there selling in the market. He came back yesterday and told me. The people are all talking about it. The rebels are broadcasting on their radio about an attack soon. I want to continue the arrangement I had with him I give you information; you give me money. And you make it easier for me to sell my goods at a reasonable price. I am always in the market on Thursdays or sometimes you can find me in the bar by the church Movements 1.Moving out of hill camps 2. Probably moving down river which will take 3 days 3.Townspeople moving out Origin of information 1.Brother working in market 2.Local gossip 3.Rebel broadcasts Check what he wants 1.Wants money 2.Also wants help with trading at reasonable prices How to contact him 1.On Thursdays in market 2. Or in bar by the church Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 17 of 23

18 Task 1 Transacting Business Service Colleagues Check List For reference you have in this set of papers the Examiners' Brief, the Candidates' Brief, and at page 5 a Comparison Sheet with the cues for the candidate, for the native speaker examiner, and for you as Service Colleague. Your task in the examination is to check in English the information, which the candidate brings back from a dialogue with the native speaker examiner. Your role in the simulated exercise is that of the commanding officer of a unit. You have sent your only Dutch speaker to interview a local police officer and transact the business outline in the Candidates Brief. On completion of the transaction you will receive a five-minute brief from your Dutch speaker. Service Colleagues Check List Check nature of information 1. Rebels moving south 2. Possibility of an attack Details of men troops 2. Armed with rifles and rocket launchers Movements 1. Moving out of hill camps 2. Probably moving down river which will take 3 days 3. Townspeople moving out Origin of information 1. Brother working in market 2. Local gossip 3. Rebel broadcasts Check what he wants 1. Wants money 2. Also wants help with trading at reasonable prices How to contact him 1. On Thursdays in market 2. Or in bar by the church Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 18 of 23

19 Task 1 Transacting Business Candidates Brief Your CO has asked you to interview a local informant. You have 10 minutes to prepare for the meeting. On completion of the transaction you have 5 minutes to brief your commanding officer (played by the Service Colleague) in English on the outcome. FROM: Your CO TO: You RE: Rebel troop movements We have heard reports about local militia troop movements. A local appears to have information about this. Could you go and interview him? We need the following information: o Possibility of attack o Details of troops (numbers, arms) o Exact location; distance from town o Reaction of the locals o Source of this information (Is it authentic? Are there witnesses?) Also find out what we can provide in exchange for the information. Don't promise anything, but arrange a follow up meeting with him. Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 19 of 23

20 Task 1 Transacting Business Comparison Sheet Scenario: Dutch speaker debriefing local informant about militia troop movements Candidate Examiner Service Colleague I understand you have some information for us. About the rebel forces movements. Are they coming this way? Could there be an attack? I have heard something. Maybe they are starting to move in the south. Perhaps there could be an attack. How much are you going to pay me? Check nature of information 1.Rebels moving south 2.Possibility of an Can you be more specific? What size is the force? How are they armed? Difficult to say Probably about 500 men with rifles and rocket launchers. attack Details of men troops 2.Armed with rifles and rocket launchers You say they are moving in the south. Where exactly are they located? Are they still up in the hills? How far from the town are they? What is the reaction of the local populace? Are you completely sure about this? Where did you get this information? Is it true? Is it hearsay? Second hand? Or is it rebel propaganda? Has anyone seen the rebel troop movements? What do you want in exchange for this? You have given us information before haven t you? I have a note here from the previous Commanding Officer. I ll pass this information on to the CO. He will decide. Where can we meet? I imagine it wouldn t be a good idea for you to come here too often? I ve heard they re moving out from their camps in the hills and going down river It would take about three days to reach the town. People there are already packing up to leave. Are you going to do the same as the previous officer? I swear to you. My brother was there selling in the market. He came back yesterday and told me. The people are all talking about it. The rebels are broadcasting on their radio about an attack soon. I want to continue the arrangement I had with him I give you information; you give me money. And you make it easier for me to sell my goods at a reasonable price. I am always in the market on Thursdays or sometimes you can find me in the bar by the church Movements 1.Moving out of hill camps 2. Probably moving down river which will take 3 days 3.Townspeople moving out Origin of information 1.Brother working in market 2.Local gossip 3.Rebel broadcasts Check what he wants 1.Wants money 2.Also wants help with trading at reasonable prices How to contact him 1.On Thursdays in market 2. Or in bar by the church Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board Page 20 of 23

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