Keuring van het fenotype

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1 Keuring van het fenotype Workshop Leuven 23 februari 2012

2 Problemen binnen de rashondenfokkerij: 1. Extreme raskenmerken (Hypertypes) 2. Erfelijke aandoeningen 3. Verminderde genetische diversiteit 4. Organisatie Kynologie 5. Informatiestroom Imago

3 Het enorme scala aan vormen, kleuren en maten bij honden wordt grotendeels bepaald door veranderingen in slechts een handje vol genetische regio s

4 Eén genmutatie Kaalheid Chinese Naakthond Puli Wisselwerking 3 genen

5 Hondenhaar: Fenotype versus Genotype? Bron: Adam Boyko, Cornell University

6 Hoe dicht zitten onze rashonden bij elkaar? De basis: Bron: Heidi G. Parker, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health

7 Keurmeester Menu 1880

8 De Keurmeester Keuring op basis van de rasstandaarden F.C.I. Profiel: Allround Meerdere rassen Rasspecialist Vorming: Keurmeesterexamen theorie Keurmeesterexamen praktijk Bijscholing: Eigen initiatief

9 Kyn. Organisatie F.C.I. K.K.U.S.H. Rasclub Fokker Keurmeester Rasstandaard Dierenarts Consortium Exposant

10 Rasstandaard Chihuahua FCI-Standard N 218 / / GB CHIHUAHUA (Chihuahueño)

11 Vóór 1985: De schoonheid van het hoofd ligt in de vorm; het moet rond zijn als een appel ( ) Het verschil in schedel met andere honden is de blijvende voorhoofdsfontanel, die ook bij volwassen exemplaren niet dichtgroeit Standaard 1985: the fontanel is a characteristic of the breed, not necessary present Standaard 1996: without or with a small fontanel Standaard 15/09/2010: Disqualification: dogs with open fontanel

12 Rasstandaard English Bulldog FCI-Standard N 149 / / EN BULLDOG

13 ORIGIN: Great Britain. DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICIAL VALID STANDARD: UTILIZATION: Dissuasion and Companion Dog. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs. Section 2.1 Molossoid breeds, Mastiff Type. Without working trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Bulldog was first classified as such in the 1630s though there is earlier mention of similar types referred to as bandogs, a term reserved today for a type of fighting dog. Used originally for bull-baiting, the Bulldog also fought its way through the dog pits but after 1835 began to evolve into the shorter faced, more squat version we now know. It entered the show ring in 1860 and the ensuing years saw a big personality change. A delightfully ugly dog with a pugilistic expression, which belies a loving, affectionate nature to family and friends. One of the oldest indigenous breeds, known as the national dog of Great Britain, and associated throughout the world with British determination and the legendary John Bull.

14 GENERAL APPEARANCE: Smooth-coated, fairly thick set, rather low in stature, broad, powerful and compact. Head fairly large in proportion to size, but no point so much in excess of others as to destroy the general symmetry, or make the dog appear deformed, or interfere with its powers of motion. Face relatively short, muzzle broad, blunt and inclined slightly upwards, although not excessively so. Dogs showing respiratory distress highly undesirable. Body fairly short, well knit, limbs stout, well muscled and in hard condition with no tendency towards obesity. Hindquarters high and strong. Bitches not so grand or well-developed as dogs. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Conveys impression of determination, strength and activity. Alert, bold, loyal, dependable, courageous, fierce in appearance, but possessed of affectionate nature. HEAD: Viewed from side, head appears very high and moderately short from back to point of nose. Forehead flat with skin on and about head, slightly loose and finely wrinkled without excess, neither prominent nor overhanging face. Face from front of cheek bone to nose, relatively short, skin may be slightly wrinkled. Distance from inner corner of eye (or from centre of stop between eyes) to extreme tip of nose should not be less than the distance from tip of the nose to edge of the underlip. CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Skull relatively large in circumference. Viewed from front appears high from corner of lower jaw to apex of skull; also broad and square. From stop, a furrow, extending to middle of skull being traceable to apex. Stop: Defined.

15 FACIAL REGION: Viewed from front, the various properties of the face must be equally balanced on either side of an imaginary line down centre. Nose: Nose and nostrils large, broad and black, under no circumstances liver colour, red or brown. Nostrils large wide and open, with well-defined vertical straight line between. Muzzle: Muzzle short, broad, turned upwards and deep from corner of eye to corner of mouth. Over nose wrinkle, if present, whole or broken, must never adversely affect or obscure eyes or nose. Pinched nostrils and heavy over nose wrinkle are unacceptable and should be heavily penalised. Lips: Flews (chops) thick, broad and deep, covering lower jaws at sides, but joining underlip in front. Teeth not visible. Jaws / Teeth: Jaws broad, strong and square, lower jaw slightly projecting in front of upper, with moderate turn up. Jaws broad and square with six small front teeth between canines in an even row. Canines wide apart. Teeth large and strong not seen when mouth closed. When viewed from front under jaw directly under upper jaw and parallel. Cheeks: Cheeks well rounded and extended sideways beyond eyes. Eyes: Seen from front, situated low down in skull, well away from ears. Eyes and stop in same straight line, at right angles to furrow. Wide apart, but outer corners within the outline of cheeks. Round, of moderate size, neither sunken nor prominent, in colour very dark- almost blackshowing no white when looking directly forward. Free from obvious eye problems. Ears: Set high - i.e. front edge of each ear (as viewed from front) joins outline of skull at top corner of such outline, so as to place them as wide apart, as high and as far from eyes as possible. Small and thin. Rose ear correct, i.e. folding inwards back, upper or front inner edge curving outwards and backwards, showing part of inside of burr.

16 NECK: Moderate in length, thick, deep and strong. Well-arched at back, with some loose, thick and wrinkled skin about throat, forming slight dewlap on each side. BODY: Topline: Slight fall to back close behind shoulders (lowest part) whence spine should rise to loins (top higher than top of shoulder), curving again more suddenly to tail, forming slight arch - a distinctive characteristic of breed. Back: Short, strong, broad at shoulders. Chest: Wide, prominent and deep. Body well-ribbed up behind. Brisket, round and deep. Well let down between forelegs. Ribs not flat-sided, but well-rounded. Undeline and belly: Belly tucked up and not pendulous. TAIL: Set on low, jutting out rather straight and then turning downwards. Round, smooth and devoid of fringe or coarse hair. Moderate in length - rather short than long - thick at root, tapering quickly to a fine point. Downward carriage (not having a decided upward curve at end) and never carried above back. Lack of tail, inverted or extremely tight tails are undesirable. LIMBS: FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Forelegs short in proportion to hindlegs, but not so short as to make back appear long, or detract from dog s activity. Shoulder: Broad, sloping and deep, very powerful and muscular giving appearance of being tacked on body. Elbow: Elbows low and standing well away from ribs. Forearm: Forelegs very stout and strong, well-developed, set wide apart, thick, muscular and straight, bones of legs large and straight, not bandy nor curved. Metacarpus (Pastern): Short, straight and strong. Forefeet: Straight and turning very slightly outward; of medium size and moderately round. Toes compact and thick, well split up, making knuckles prominent and high.

17 HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Legs large and muscular, slightly longer in proportion than forelegs. Legs long and muscular from loins to hock. Stifle (Knee): Stifles turned very slightly outwards away from body. Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Hocks slightly bent, well let down. Hind feet: Round and compact. Toes compact and thick, well split up, making knuckles prominent and high. GAIT / MOVEMENT: Appearing to walk with short, quick steps on tips of toes, hind feet not lifted high, appearing to skim ground, running with one or other shoulder rather advanced. Soundness of movement of the utmost importance. COAT: Hair: Fine texture, short, close and smooth (hard only from shortness and closeness, not wiry). Colour: Whole or smut, (i.e. whole colour with black mask or muzzle). Only whole colours (which should be brilliant and pure of their sort). viz., brindles, reds with their various shades, fawns, fallows etc., white and pied (i.e. combination of white with any of the foregoing colours). Dudley, black and black with tan highly undesirable. WEIGHT: Males: 25 kgs. Females: 23 kgs. FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Aggressive or overly shy. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. The latest amendments are in bold characters. Bron:

18 Rasstandaard Weimaraner FCI-Standard N 99 / / GB WEIMARANER

19 FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

20 SERIOUS FAULTS: Clear deviation from type. Untypical sexual characteristics. Gross deviations from size and proportions. Facial region: Gross deviations e.g. too strong flews, short or pointed muzzle. Jaws and teeth: Lack of more than two PM1 or M3. Eyes: slight faults, above all slight and unilateral faults in eyelids. Leathers: Definitely short or long, not folded. Throatiness (dewlap), great deviation in neck shape and muscle. Back: Definite sway or roach back. Rump higher than withers. Chest, belly: Barrel shaped chest. Insufficient depth or length of chest. Tucked up belly. Gross anomalies in stance i.e. lack of angulation, out at elbows, splay feet. Pronounced bow legs or cow hocks. Bad movement in different gaits, also lack of free forward movement or drive, pacing. Serious deficencies i.e. skin very fine or very coarse. Mixture of coat varieties defined in the standard. Lack of feathering on belly or leathers (leather ears). Widely spread woolly coat in the short-haired Weimaraner or curly or sparse feathering in the long-haired variety. Departure from shades of gray, such as yellow or brownish. Tan marking(«brand»). Strong departure from correct height or weight (e.g. more than 2 cm from measurements given in the standard). Slight deficiency in temperament. Other serious faults.

21 ELIMINATING FAULTS: Faulty temperament, i.e. shy or nervous. Completely untypical, above all too heavy or too light in build. Completely unbalanced. Absolutely untypical, e.g. bulldog - type head. Facial region: Absolutely untypical i.e. distinctly concave nasal bridge. Jaws and teeth: Overshot, undershot, missing further teeth other than quoted. Eyes: Entropion, ectropion. Leathers: Absolutely untypical, i.e. stand-off. Particularly pronounced dewlap. Back: Severe sway or roach back. Definitely overbuilt at croup. Chest, belly: Markedly barrel shaped or malformed chest. Legs rickety or malformed. Chronic lameness. Totally restricted movement. Skin defects and malformations. Partial or total hair loss. White markings other than on chest and feet. Colour other than gray. Widespread brown marking. Definitely over-or undersize. Other malformation. Illnesses which must be considered hereditary, i.e. epilepsy. The compilers can, naturally, not list all faults which occur, the above are to be regarded as examples. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

22 Breed Specific Instructions Zweden & Nederland

23 Breed Specific Instructions Enkele voorbeelden: Collie Duitse Herderhond Bordeaux Dog Bulldog Bull Terriër West Highland White Terriër Dashonden Chow Chow Dwergkeeshond Basset Hound Sint-Hubertushond Bracco Italiano Spinone Italiano Clumber Spaniel Labrador Retriever 3 Griffons Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Borzoi Ierse Wolfshond

24 Shar Pei: Breed Specific Instructions Het extreme type en de aard van de huid van dit ras veroorzaakt ernstige gezondheidsproblemen. Daarnaast verdienen ook oogproblemen speciale aandacht in het ras. Problemen die regelmatig in dit ras voorkomen: Overmatige hoeveelheid huid, waarvan de structuur eveneens kan leiden tot oogproblemen (cherry eye); Oogproblemen; Te kleine neusgaten, tight lip, overbeet. Aandacht voor overdrijving in de steilheid van de achterhand i.v.m. patella luxatie, de overbeet i.v.m. tight lip en de veelal te kleine neusgaten leidend tot ademhalingsproblemen zoals gesnuif en gesnurk. De overmatige mucine veroorzaakt niet alleen de karakteristieke huid, maar maakt ook dat bindweefsel elders in het lichaam minder stevig is. Hierdoor ontstaan bij jonge dieren de losse polsen en de losse hakken. Bij oudere dieren moet een abnormale beweeglijkheid van polsen en hakken bij het beoordelen zwaarder bestraft worden.

25 Chinese Naakthond: Breed Specific Instructions Problemen die regelmatig in dit ras voorkomen: Huidletsel t.g.v. het ongezond en ethisch onacceptabel scheren van de huid, om het gebrek aan de correcte haarloosheid te verdoezelen; Incorrecte sluitwijze van het gebit met een scheve onderkaak en het ontbreken van gebitselementen. Speciale aandacht dient geschonken te worden aan de huid en correcte kaakconstructie. Dashonden, alle variëteiten: Problemen die regelmatig in dit ras voorkomen: Te kort borstbeen; Te kleine en smalle onderkaak; Te overdreven hoekingen in de achterhand (te lange 2 e dij) waardoor de beweging beperkt is. Aandacht voor het gedrag van de dashond. Agressiviteit moet zwaar bestraft worden.


27 F.C.I. Alle Rasstandaarden: FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Aggressive or overly shy. Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified. N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.



30 Bias Dierenarts versus Keurmeester DA KM Ichthyose 75% 2 /??? Bron: C. André (Inst. de Génétique et Développement de Rennes) en Judith Fischer (Inst. Génomique du CEA)



33 SYRINGOMYELIA Bron: Arnold Jacques

34 HARTPROBLEMEN Bron: Arnold Jacques



37 Bedankt voor jullie aandacht


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