Wetenschappelijk jaarverslag 2009 Faculteit Managementwetenschappen

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1 Wetenschappelijk jaarverslag 2009 Faculteit Managementwetenschappen Onderzoekscommissie MW Februari 2010

2 Samenvatting Het onderzoeksbeleid van de faculteit Managementwetenschappen heeft ook dit jaar weer veel vruchten afgeworpen. Net als in de afgelopen jaren is het onderzoeksbeleid gericht op het stimuleren van onderzoek en het bevorderen van een onderzoeksklimaat. De belangrijkste prestatie-indicator op het gebied van wetenschappelijk onderzoek is de ISI 1 -norm. Volgens de norm moet het aantal internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties overeenstemmen met de tijd die wordt besteed aan onderzoek, dat wil zeggen dat er een wetenschappelijke output van drie publicaties per FTE op jaarbasis wordt verwacht. Ook in 2009 voldoet de wetenschappelijke output van de faculteit Managementwetenschappen ruimschoots aan deze ISI-norm. De belangrijkste resultaten van het jaar 2009 op onderzoeksgebied kunnen als volgt worden samengevat: in 2009 publiceren MW-medewerkers 44 internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties; de ISI-norm van 17 wetenschappelijke publicaties, op basis van beschikbare onderzoekstijd, is hiermee ruimschoots gehaald continuatie van de BABES met 8 presentaties 1 gepubliceerde paper in de MW Working Paper-reeks; 6 gepubliceerde papers in andere working paper uitgaven in totaal is 49 keer op een wetenschappelijk congres een congrespaper door MWmedewerkers gepresenteerd. Drs. Jeroen Bregman Faculteit Managementwetenschappen 1 ISI staat voor Institute for Scientific Information 1

3 Inhoudsopgave Samenvatting.. 1 Inleiding Onderzoekskengetallen MW Wetenschappelijke publicaties BABES-colloquia Congresbezoek MW-papers Publicaties 9 3. Wetenschappelijk personeel Referenties Lijst van internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften MW

4 Inleiding Het afgelopen jaar is het onderzoeksbeleid bij de faculteit Managementwetenschappen actief gecontinueerd. De resultaten worden in dit jaarverslag vermeld. Na een overzicht door middel van kengetallen in sectie 1, komen in sectie 2 en 3 achtereenvolgens de onderwerpen wetenschappelijke publicaties en wetenschappelijk personeel aan bod. 1. Onderzoekskengetallen MW Tabel 1 bevat een overzicht van de kengetallen onderzoek over Tabel 2 laat de ontwikkeling in de kengetallen zien over de periode Tabel 1: Kengetallen onderzoek PUBLICATIES DOUBLE BLIND PEER REVIEWED 2009 Publicaties in internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (peer 30 reviewed) 2009 Boeken / boekbijdragen bij internationale wetenschappelijke 14 uitgevers (peer reviewed) 2009 Totaal internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties 44 Publicaties in nationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (double blind 5 peer reviewed) 2009 Totaal wetenschappelijke publicaties (peer reviewed) 49 BEPERKT REFEREED 2009 Aantal vakpublicaties 2009* 55 Aantal working papers Aantal congrespapers PERSONEEL Aantal oraties Onderzoek (fte) beschikbaar in ,77 Aantal promovendi Ratio promoveerden / totaal (fte) ,5 * Dit zijn nationale publicaties, vakpublicaties, boekbesprekingen, publicaties in congresproceedings, rapporten, tekstboeken, columns, commentaren en krantenartikelen. 3

5 Tabel 2: Overzicht kengetallen onderzoek Aantal promoties Aantal oraties Aantal wetenschappelijke publicaties (double-blind peer reviewed) Aantal vakpublicaties* Aantal working papers Aantal congrespapers * Dit zijn nationale publicaties, vakpublicaties, boekbesprekingen, publicaties in congresproceedings, rapporten, tekstboeken, columns, commentaren en krantenartikelen. 2. Wetenschappelijke publicaties Voordat een artikel wordt gepubliceerd in een internationaal wetenschappelijk tijdschrift doorloopt het een aantal stadia. Veelal wordt een eerste idee intern (in colloquia) en extern (op congressen) gepresenteerd. Vervolgens wordt het ingediend bij een internationaal wetenschappelijk tijdschrift of wordt er een boekbijdrage van gemaakt. In de volgende paragrafen vindt u de gerealiseerde output van de faculteit Managementwetenschappen in 2009, verdeeld over deze verschillende stadia. 2.1 BABES-colloquia De Business Administration and Business Economics Speakers (BABES) is een colloquiumreeks over onderzoek en innovatie en is in het leven geroepen om onderzoekers en onderwijsvernieuwers een mogelijkheid te bieden om commentaar te krijgen op hun werk en om ideeën op te doen. In 2009 zijn er een achttal presentaties geweest over de onderzoeksinspanningen van medewerkers. Tabel 3: Overzicht van BABES-colloquia 2009 Datum Spreker(s) Titel 19 maart Marjolein Caniëls Interorganizational learning 11 mei Thijs Homan De binnenkant van verandering 25 mei Frits Kluijtmans Competenties die werken 7 september Harrie Aardema Verbindend leiderschap 21 september Bernard Verstegen Perspectieven op control 26 oktober Mimi Crijns en Ger Arendsen Presentatie van het e-practicum Water Management. Ontwerpen van onderwijs met de EMERGO-toolkit 4

6 2 november Huibert de Man Management: voorbij de utopie 26 november Allard van Riel en Janjaap Semeijn In-store logistics service quality: Effects on store image, customer satisfaction and loyalty intentions 2.2 Congresbezoek In 2009 zijn in totaal 49 maal congrespapers van MW-medewerkers gepresenteerd op een congres. Overzicht van congrespapers gepresenteerd door MW-medewerkers Bregman, J., W.P.C. van Zanten, M. Geder, N. Ritonija, E. Abramanuszkinova & E. Kempas (2009), Intercultural communication in virtual mobility, paper presented at the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) Conference, Athens, June 22-26, 2009 Caniëls, M.C.J. and H.A. Romijn (2009), Jatropha biofuel production in Tanzania: Global connections and local impacts. Paper presented at the workshop Globalisation and the changing geographies of production and innovation: Implications for workers, firms, regions and countries, the Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht, Faculty of GeoSciences, Utrecht University, 5-7 Nov Caniëls, M.C.J. and H.A. Romijn (2009), Jatropha Biofuels in Tanzania: An Innovation System Evolving Towards Sustainability?. Paper accepted for presentation at the DIME workshop Innovation Systems in developing countries, Milan, December Caniëls, M.C.J. and H.A. Romijn (2009), Strategic Niche Management as a Policy Instrument for Climate Change Mitigation. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Innovative Economic Policies for Climate Change Mitigation, Economics Web Institute, Rome, 25th-26th June Caniëls, M.C.J., (2009) Strategic Niche Management as a policy instrument for regional development of Skåne, paper presented at the workshop Future value creation and systemic innovation, Malmö, Sweden, September 15, Caniëls, M.C.J. (2009) Research on learning networks and communities in Organizational Learning, paper presented at the seminar in honour of Etienne Wenger, Heerlen, the Netherlands, September 4, Caniëls, M.C.J. (2009), The moderating effect of trust on the relationship between power asymmetry and organizational learning. Paper presented at the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April Caniëls, M.C.J. (2009), The impact of power asymmetries on inter-firm learning. Paper presented at the 18 th annual IPSERA conference 2009, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany 5 8 April, Caniëls, M.C.J., (2009) The moderating effect of trust on the relationship between power asymmetry and inter-firm learning, paper presented at the Business Administration and Business Economics Speakers seminar, Heerlen, the Netherlands, March 19, Caniëls, M.C.J., (2009) Inter-organizational learning, paper presented at the NELLL seminar, Heerlen, the Netherlands, March 11, Caniëls, M.C.J., (2009) Converting good research in publishable articles (Tips & Tricks), presentation at the CELSTEC/NELLL colloquium, Heerlen, the Netherlands, June 4,

7 Caniëls, M.C.J., E. Kesidou and H.A. Romijn (2009) 'The software sector in Uruguay: A Sectoral Systems of Innovation perspective', paper presented on the International Conference on Regional Competitiveness Clusters and economic development, Liège, Belgium, March 2-3, Coun, M.J.J. (2009), Course development: from printed-based to web based courses, paper presentend on the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, Maastricht, the Netherlands, June 9, De Cuyper, N., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & De Witte, H. (2009). The contribution of employability to employee and organizational outcomes: A matter of good employment relationships? 14 th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16, De Lange, A.H., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., De Jong, N., Bal, M., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2009). The moderating role of retirement perspective and regulatory focus in the relations between psychological contract breach and work motivation. APA Work, Stress, and Health Global Concerns and Approaches. The 8 th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health. November 5-8, San Juan, Puerto Rico. De Lange, A.H., Van Yperen, N., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Bal, M. (2009). Dominant achievement goals of older workers and their relationship with motivation-related outcomes. 6 th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network (Capitalizing on Diversity in HRM Research), th November 2009, VU University, the Netherlands. De Lange, A.H., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Kooij, D., Demerouti, E., & Jansen, P. (2009). Role clarity as age-related variable in the longitudinal relation between psychosocial work factors and burnout? 14 th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16, De Loo, I. en Lowe, A. (2009). presentatie MARG conferentie in Birmingham, November, Understanding accounting practice through case research: a researcher s affair?, Evers, A., Kreijns, K., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). An organizational perspective on the professional development of teachers. 10 th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, June, Newcastle, UK. Geder, M., N. Ritonija, W.P.C. van Zanten, E. Abramuszkinová, E. Kempas, Innovations in Virtual Mobility - A Pre-Virtual Mobility Support Phase, Presentation at EDEN, Gdansk, 2009, 10 13th June 2009 Ghijsen, P., Semeijn J. & R. Sputtek (2009). Origin information on grocery products - The need for origin information on products in grocery stores. Paper presented at the IPSERA meeting, Wiesbaden. Hofenk, D. J. B. (2009). Managing relationships in supply chains: An assessment of the value-adding role of logistics service providers, Doctoral Workshop of the 18 th IPSERA Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, April 5-8. Hofenk, D. J. B., Birgelen, M. J. H. van, Bloemer, J. M. M., & Semeijn, J. (2009). Supply chain innovation: a case of sustainable urban freight transport in the Netherlands, 21 st Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, June Homan, T., Ulijn, J., and Pieterse J.H., (2009). How change management is influenced by differences in profesisonal discourse? A preliminary conceptualizing study on the adoption of an ICT tool for engineers. Congress paper on International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC 2009), Palo Alto, CA, USA, February Ibrahim, M., Rwegasira, K., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Institutional factors that affect attrition and retention in distance learning: The case of the Arab Open University at Saudi Arabia. Eighteenth Annual World Business Congress Proceedings. Tbilisi, Georgia. July 1-5 th

8 Kusters, R.J., Trienekens, J.J.M., and Samalikova, J. (2009). An empirical study on measurement in Maturity Model-based software process improvement, In: Dekkers, T (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th Software Measurement European Forum, May 28-29, Rome LibreriaClup, isbn: , pp. 1-10, Muchiri, P., Pintelon, L., Gelders, L., Martin, H.(2009), Development of Maintenance Function Performance Measurement Framework and Indicators: (Proceedings of the 15 th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria) Ritonija, N. & W.P.C. van Zanten, A New Resource in Virtual Mobility for Students and Erasmus Coordinators A Virtual Mobility Introductory Course for Students, Presentation at Eracon Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, April Savelsbergh, C. M. J. H., & Storm, P. M (2009). Role stress, Learning and Team Performance, Conference proceedings IRNOP IX Research Conference on Organizing by Projects, October 2009, Berlin, Germany. Savelsbergh, C. M. J. H., Gevers, J. M. P., Poell, R. F., & Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M (2009). Multi-level Relationships among Team Learning, Role Stress and Performance in Project Teams. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual INGroup 2009, 16th-18th july 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA. Savelsbergh, C. M. J. H., Poell, R. F., & Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2009). Does Team Stability Mediate the Relationship between Leadership and Team Learning? An Empirical Study among Dutch Project Teams. Conference proceedings 10th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. 10th - 12th June 2009, Newcastle Upon Tyne., UK. Savelsbergh, C.M.J.H., Gevers, J.M.P., Poell, R.F., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Storm, P.M. (2009). Multilevel Relationships among Team Learning, Role Stress and Performance in Project Teams. 13 th International Workshop on Teamworking IWOT 13, The Dark Sides of Teams th of September, Tilburg University and TIAS-Nimbas Business School, Tilburg, the Netherlands. Savelsbergh, C.M.J.H., Gevers, J.M.P., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Poell, R.F. (2009). Team Learning, Role Stress, and Performance: A Multi-level Investigation among Dutch Project Teams. The Fourth Annual INGroup Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, July 16-18, Savelsbergh, C.M.J.H., Poell, R.F., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Storm, P.M. (2009). Which factors promote team learning in project teams? 10 th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, th June 2009, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Scholarios, D., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Moderating Age-related Stereotyping in the Workplace: The Effects of Leadership Style and HR Practices. EAWOP th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16, Schijns, J.M.C. en Smit, E.G. (2009). The shortcomings of online custom magazines: Why offline custom magazines will not be replaced, Abstract presented at the DM/IM research summit, Oct , San Diego (Ca.), USA (zie: Semeijn, J. (2009), Supply Chain Management: an illusion? Schrijen-Lippertz, Voerendaal Stol, W.Ph. (2009), oral presentation at the 4th annual GigaNet symposium in Sharm El Sheihk (Egypt), 14 November 2009, Governmental Filtering of Websites: the Dutch Case, Tuninga, R. The Latest Developments in Business Education in Emerging Markets, Special Panel, 18 th World Business Congress, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 2, Tuninga, R. Operating in Emerging and Developing Markets: Opportunities and Challenges, Speech, The International Conference for Deans and Directors, Montreal, Canada, May 29, Ulijn, J. (2009). The importance of a solid interaction between higher education and the business world: two intercultural examples. In Ondernemerschap in het Hoger Onderwijs: Op weg naar overmorgen, 7

9 Contribution at the occasion of the farewell speech of Dr. Peter van de Sijde as a Reader of the Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede (The Netherlands), 2009 pp Van den Bosch, H. & W.P.C. van Zanten, Introducing students and Erasmus coordinators to Virtual Mobility; two courses and a Cultural Survival Kit developed as a EU-Lifelong Learning project. Case study in promotion of Virtual Mobility, ICDE Paper, 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference, June 2009 in Maastricht, 2009 Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Can we buffer age-related stereotyping at the workplace? A study into social work environment as a moderator for supervisor-subordinate age dissimilarity effects. EAWOP Small Group Meeting (SGM). Conference Distributed leadership and participation in organizations. University of Technology Dresden, Germany, February. Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Discussiant Symposium by Juergen Wegge and Guido Hertel: Diversity Matters: New Findings Regarding Team Performance and Health. 24nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. April 1-4 th,2009, New Orleans, USA. Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., De Lange, Demerouti, E., & Van der Heijde, C.M. (2009). Age as moderator in the relationship between self- versus supervisor ratings of employability and career success. 14 th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16, Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Discussiant Symposium by Juergen Wegge and Guido Hertel: Diversity Matters: New Findings Regarding Team Performance and Health. 14 th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago de Compostela, May 13-16, Van der Klink, M.R., Boon, J., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). The contribution of formal and informal learning to employability. The 23 rd ICDE/EADTU World Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Hosted by the Open Universiteit Nederland, 7-10 th Van Raaij, E.M. and M.C.J. Caniëls (2009), Supplier perceived fairness of electronic reverse auctions Paper presented at the Workshop Inkoop Onderzoek Nederland (WION), Lunteren, The Netherlands, January 20-21, Van Raaij, E.M. and M.C.J. Caniëls (2009), Supplier perceived fairness of electronic reverse auctions Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 7-11, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2.3 MW-papers De faculteit Managementwetenschappen geeft sinds enkele jaren de reeks working papers on management uit. Het doel van deze reeks is medewerkers te stimuleren om publicaties tot stand te brengen die kunnen uitgroeien tot een publicatie in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift. Er zijn twee varianten, de gele en de groene reeks. De gele reeks is een reeks waarin medewerkers beoogde vakpublicaties kunnen plaatsen. Ook kunnen nog niet geheel uitgekristalliseerde ideeën voor onderzoek worden gepubliceerd. De groene reeks biedt daarentegen ruimte voor bijdragen die bedoeld zijn om uit te groeien tot wetenschappelijk publicaties op vakinhoudelijk gebied of op het gebied van onderwijs(innovatie). Om toegelaten te worden tot de groene reeks ondergaat een paper een evaluatie op wetenschappelijke kwaliteit. In 2009 is er geen publicatie geweest in de gele reeks en slechts één in de groene reeks. 8

10 Tabel 4: Overzicht groene en gele MW-papers 2009 GROEN Code Gr09-01 Auteur(s) en titel Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M, A.H. de Lange, E. Demerouti en C.H. van der Heijden. Age Effects on the Employability-Career Success Relationship. Enkele medewerkers publiceerden hun werk ook in andere working paper-reeksen: Caniëls, M.C.J. and H.A. Romijn (2009), The Jatropha Biofuels Sector in Tanzania : Evolution Towards Sustainability?. Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography #9.19, Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht, Faculty of GeoSciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht. De Loo, I., B.H.J. Verstegen and D. Swagerman (2009). Towards a Better Understanding of Management Accountants' Roles in the Netherlands: The Management Accountants Survey 2007, working paper series Social Science Research Network, SSRN-id pdf, paper can be downloaded at March 2009 Homan, T., Ulijn, J., Pieterse J.H., and St. Germaine, N., (2009). How change management is influenced by differences in profesisonal discourse? A preliminary conceptualizing study on the adoption of an ICT tool for engineers. Working paper for RCPG Transactions on Professional Communication Pieterse, J.H., Homan, T., and Ulijn, J., (2009). The implementation of TRAX and how technicians effectively participate in an integral diagnosis, communication and training program. Working paper for International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, March 8 10, Verstegen, B.J.H. (2009). Beyond Self Interest: An Essay on Management Control of Two-Stage Rational Behavior, working paper series Social Science Research Network, SSRN-id pdf, paper can be downloaded at SSRN: October 2009 Verstegen, B.H.J. (2009). The Problem of Management Control Through Design in an Evolutionary World, working paper series Social Sciences Research Network, SSRN-id pdf, paper can be downloaded at SSRN: December Publicaties Het onderzoeksbeleid is erop gericht om het aantal double blind peer reviewed wetenschappelijke publicaties in (inter)nationale tijdschriften en boeken te vergroten. Tabel 5 geeft een overzicht van de gerealiseerde output in 2009 per team. Het gaat hierbij over publicaties die door 2 á 3 onbekende externe reviewers zijn beoordeeld (double blind peer review). Voor de volledigheid zijn in de laatste paragraaf van deze sectie ook alle publicaties weergegeven die niet in een internationaal tijdschrift en boek werden gepubliceerd of die een beperkt review-proces hebben ondergaan. Tabel 5: Totaal aantal internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties (double blind peer reviewed) per sectie AFMC VM / SCM IM PM AV ALG Totaal SHRM Behaald in

11 International scientific journal papers 2009 (double blind peer reviewed) (30 publicaties) Birgelen, M. van, J. Semeijn and M. Keicher (2009). Packaging and pro-environmental Consumption Behavior: Investigating Purchase and Disposal Decisions for Beverages, Environment and Behavior, 41 (1), Bondarouk. T.V., Ruel, H., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). E-HRM effectiveness in a Public Sector Organization: A multistakeholder perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Caniëls, M.C.J. and A. Roeleveld (2009), Power and dependence perspectives on outsourcing decisions European Management Journal 27, Caniëls, M.C.J. and E.M. van Raaij (2009), Do all suppliers dislike electronic reverse auctions? Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 15(1), DOI: /j.pursup Caniëls, M.C.J. and A.H.J. Smeets-Verstraeten (2009), The integration of instruction strategies into an e- learning environment, The European Journal Vocational Training 46(2009/2). Eckstein, E., Veenhoven, G., & Loo, I.G.M. de. (2009). An extreme case of action learning at BAT Niemeyer. Action Learning: Research & Practice, 6(2), Elzinga, T., Albronda, B. & Kluijtmans, F. (2009) Behavioral factors influencing performance management system s use. In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance management, vol. 58, nr.6 page Ezzamel, M. (2009). Order and Accounting as a performative ritual: Evidence from Ancient Egypt, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34, 2009, pp Ghijsen, P., Semeijn J. & Wang, Y. (2009), Modern 3PL services in China: The role of trust'. Journal of International Business and Economy, 10(2), Groot, N. (2009) Senior Executives and the Emergence of Local Responsibilities: complexity approach to identity development and performance improvement, Int. J. Learning and Change (IJLC), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp Janssens, G., & Martin, H. (2009). The Feasibility of E-Ink Readers in Distance Learning: A Field Study. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim), 3(3), 9. Kesidou, E., M.C.J. Caniëls and H.A. Romijn (2009), Local Knowledge Spillovers and Development: An exploration of the Software Cluster in Uruguay, Industry and Innovation 16(2), DOI: / Kibbeling, M.I., Gelderman, C.J. Ulijn, J.M., van Weele, A.J., & Calvi, R. (2009). A Dutch-French comparison of dependence, trust and commitment in buyer-supplier relationships: a purchasing portfolio approach. The International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 3(4), Laine, M., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Wickström, G. (2009). Job insecurity and intent to leave from the nursing profession in Europe: A cross-cultural comparison on the impact of job insecurity upon intent to leave. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(2), Marzec, I., Jędrzejowicz, P., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Bozionelos, N., Knauth, P., Scholarios, D., & Van der Schoot, E. (2009). Specjalisci ICT w polskich małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach [ICT Specialists in Polish SMEs]. Zarzadzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi [Human Resources Management], 3-4 (69), pp

12 Marzec, I., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Scholarios, D., Van der Schoot, E., Jędrzejowicz, P., Bozionelos, N., Epitropaki, O., Knauth, P., Mikkelsen, A., Van der Heijde, C.M., & the Study Group (2009). Employability management practices in the Polish ICT sector. Human Resource Development International, 12(5), Muchiri, P. N., Pintelon, L., Martin, H., De Meyer, A.M., (2009). "Empirical analysis of performance measurement in Belgian Industries." International Journal of Production Research (ISSN: X ). Nauta, A., Van Vianen, A., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Van Dam, K. (2009). Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: The moderating impact of employability culture. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Schalk, R., Van Veldhoven, M., De Lange, A., De Witte, H., Kraus, K., Stamov-Roβnagel, C., Tordera, N., Van der Heijden, B., & Zappalà, S. in collaboration with Bal, M., Bertrand, F., Claes, R., Crego, A., Dorenbosch, L., De Jonge, J., Desmette, D., Gellert, F.J., Hansez, I., Iller, C., Kooij, D., Kuipers, B., Linkola, P., Van den Broeck, A., Van der Schoot, E., & Zacher, H. (2009). Position paper. Moving European research on work and ageing forward: Overview and agenda. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Stol, W.Ph., H.W.K Kaspersen, J. Kerstens, E.R. Leukfeldt & A.R. Lodder (2009) Governmental Filtering of Websites: The Dutch Case. Computer Law & Security Report. vol. 25, pp Stoffers, J.M.M., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Towards an HRM model predicting organizational performance by enhancing innovative work behavior: A study among Dutch SMEs in the Province of Limburg. Business Leadership Review,Vi-IV, Tiedemann, N., M. van Birgelen and J. Semeijn (2009). Increasing hotel responsiveness to customers through information sharing, Tourism Review, 64 (4), Trienekens, J.J.M., R. Kusters, D. Kriek, P. Siemons (2009). Entropy based software processes improvement, Software Quality Journal: Volume 17, Issue3 (2009), Page 231 DOI: /s Ulijn, J.M., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). The influence of cultural differences upon cooperation in a European Banking group: results from a study on mutual perception of bank employees across seven countries. International Journal of Business Globalisation, 3(2), Van Dam, K., Van der Vorst, J., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Employees' intentions to retire early: A case of planned behavior and anticipated work conditions. Journal of Career Development, 35(3), Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Van Dam, K., & Hasselhorn, H.M. (2009). Intention to leave nursing: The importance of interpersonal work context, work-home interference, and job satisfaction beyond the effect of occupational commitment. Career Development International, 14(7), Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M., & Meijs, E. (2009). Employability enhancement through formal and informal learning: An empirical study among Dutch non-academic university staff members. International Journal of Training and Development, 13(1), Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Brinkman, J.G., & During, W.E. (2009). Careers of entrepreneurial engineers: An empirical study in knowledge-intensive firms in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 14(3), Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., De Lange, Demerouti, E., & Van der Heijde, C.M. (2009). Employability and Career Success Across the Life-Span. Age Effects on the Employability-Career Success Relationship. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74,

13 Van Merriënboer J.J.G., P.A. Kirschner, F. Paas, P. Sloep, and M.C.J. Caniëls (2009), Towards an Integrated Approach for Research on Lifelong Learning, Educational Technology Magazine 49(3), International books and book chapters 2009 (peer reviewed) (14 publicaties) Caniëls, M.C.J. and H.A. Romijn (2009), Strategic Niche Management as a Policy Instrument for Climate Change Mitigation, in: V. Piana (Ed.), Innovative Economic Policies for Climate Change Mitigation. Economics Web Institute: Rome, Italy, pp Caniëls, M.C.J., E. Kesidou and H.A. Romijn (2009) 'The software sector in Uruguay: A Sectoral Systems of Innovation perspective', in: F. Malerba and S. Mani (Eds), Sectoral Systems of Innovation and Production in Developing Countries: Actors, Structure and Evolution. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass, USA, pp Eppink, D., Ulijn, J.M., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). Managing potential conflicts in a European banking alliance in ICT: study of intro- and mutual perception combined for a cultural fit. In: J.M. Ulijn, Duysters, G., & Meijer, E. (Eds.) Strategic Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions: The Influence of Culture on Successful Cooperation? [pp ] Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Gelderman, C.J. (2009), A portfolio approach to purchasing strategies, Köln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG. Kelemen Z.D., Trienekens, J., Kusters, R. & K. Balla (2009). A Process Based Unification of Process- Oriented Software Quality Approaches, In Sengupta, B. (ed.) Proceedings of 2009 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: , 2009, pp Phillips F. et. al. (2009). Managing Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. In R. Tuninga, & F. Phillips, Maastricht School of Management Series in Intercultural and Global Management. Oxford: Meyer & Meyer (UK) Ltd. Prodan, I., M. Drnovsek, and J. Ulijn (2009), A conceptual framework for studying a technology transfer from Academia to new firms, In: R. Oakey, A. Groen, G. Cook and P. van der Sijde (eds.), New Technology-based Firms in the new Millennium, vol. 7, Bingley (UK): Emerald, pp Šamalíková, J., Trienekens, J.J.M., Kusters, R.J., Weijters, T.J.M.M. (2009). Discovering Changes of the Change Control Board Process during a Software Development Project using Process Mining. In: O'Connor, R., Baddoo, N., Cuadrado-Gallego, J.J., Rejas Muslera, R., Smolander, K., Messnarz, R. (Editors) Software Process Improvement: Proceedings of EuroSPI 2009, Springer CCIS nr. 42, ISBN , 2009, pp Semeijn, J.H., J. Semeijn & C.J. Gelderman (2009)."Master Thesis Supervision: Towards Good Practice", in P. Daly and D. Gijbels, Advances in Business Education and Training 2: Real Learning Opportunities at Business Schools and Beyond, (pp ). Dordrecht, Springer. Sunanto, S. and R. Tuninga (2009), Hypermarkets and Consumer Shopping Behavior: The Case of Carrefour in Indonesia, in E. Kaynak, and T. Harcar eds., International Management Development Research Yearbook, Management Challenges in an Environment of Increasing Regional and Global Concerns, Volume XVIII, 2009, pp Truong, Q., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2009). The changing face of human resource management in Vietnam. In: C. Rowley & Q. Truong (Eds.), The Changing Face of Vietnamese Management [pp ]. London: Routledge Tailor & Francis Group. Tuninga, R. (2009), Management Education for the Poor: The Case of the Maastricht School of Management, in C.K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits, Revised and Updated 5 th Anniversary Edition, Philadelphia: Wharton School Publishing, pp

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