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1 DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER : Monday The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson patrols the Arabian Sea on Saturday, Nov. 17, The USS Carl Vinson has been launching strike missions against Taliban targets in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Russian navy officers carry a coffin containing the remains of a Kursk nuclear submarine officer during the funeral ceremony at Serafimovskoe cemetery in St.Petersburg, November 17, Russian nuclear submarine Kursk sank over a year ago in the Baltic Sea killing 118 men and was lifted from the seabed in early October PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 11/18/01

2 VROM: asbestschip Sandrien mag niet weg DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het ministerie van VROM blijft het vertrek van het asbestschip Sandrien uit de Amsterdamse haven weigeren. Dat bleek donderdag in Den Haag bij de Raad van State. Volgens het ministerie gaat de enkelwandige tanker vrijwel zeker voor sloop naar de stranden van India. De eigenaren van de Sandrien ontkennen dit, maar willen het schip voor een vaart gereedmaken. Volgens de inspectie milieuhygiene zit het schip vol met asbest, olie en gassen. De tanker ligt al sinds februari aan de ketting in de haven van Amsterdam. Het is de eerste keer dat VROM een dergelijke maatregel neemt. Pas na een grondige renovatie van het 27 jaar oude schip staat het ministerie toe dat het de haven mag verlaten. De eigenaar, het op Mauritius gevestigde Upperton Ltd., vindt renovatie van de boot te duur. De inspectie noemt de Sandrien total loss en feitelijk alleen bestemd voor de sloop. De actiegroep Greenpeace liet donderdag weten acties te overwegen als de Sandrien toch uitvaart. Uitspraak binnen een maand. Barcelona port closed by high winds WINDS of up to 140 kph have closed the port of Barcelona to maritime traffic today. A port authority spokesman said that loading and unloading of cargo was being undertaken very slowly for security reasons. Meanwhile numerous services between the Balearic Islands and the Iberian peninsula have been suspended. A spokesman at the Balearic Islands port authority said that a passenger ferry en route from Algeria to Marseilles was seeking refuge in the port of Palma. All 443 passengers have remained aboard. Iridium dismisses durability fears IRIDIUM CEO Gino Picasso has dismissed suggestions that the satellite telephone system will have a limited life. Rivals say that the system can only last another five or six years, but Picasso told Fairplay today that this was incorrect. He said that the misconception has arisen because, when it launched three years ago, the system was said to have a lifespan of at least eight years. But Picasso believes that this was a conservative estimate by the engineers responsible for the original project. Iridium has commissioned a survey of the system by Aerospace Corporation a company that works closely with the US Department of Defense and its report says that it can confidently be expected to remain operational until at least Picasso went on to say that by making some technical adjustments to the satellites, even that figure can be extended by 50 per cent so that years is a good estimate before any deterioration will be encountered. Within that period, Iridium will be monitoring advances in satellite and communications technology before deciding on replacing the system. Troubled Lakshmi delivered GREENFIELD Holdings have taken over the controversial LNG tanker Lakshmi from Japan s Mitsubishi. Sources said the new equity holder in Greenfield, the Omani government, has chartered the vessel for a short period for a daily charter hire of around $70,000. The lead promoter, Mitsui OSK Lines, recently put the final $55M into the project to secure delivery. Greenfield was originally formed to transport LNG from Oman to Dabhol (Maharashtra, India) where the troubled Enron set up a 2,184MW power station. After Enron s Dabhol Power Company (DPC) ran into a series of snags, lenders to Greenfield refused to make further fund disbursements. DPC had chartered the LNG vessel on a 20-year FOB contract to transport gas for a daily charter hire of $98,600. P&O Nedlloyd gaat zwaar weer tegemoet PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 11/18/01

3 P&O Nedlloyd krijgt het de komende maanden moeilijk. De rederij houdt rekening met een verdere teruggang in het laatste kwartaal van dit jaar. Ook de vooruitzichten voor begin volgend jaar zijn niet gunstig. Een kostenbesparingsprogramma en een voortgezette capaciteitsreductie moeten P&O Nedlloyd helpen de winter door te komen. Dit maakte de top van Nedlloyd en P&O Nedlloyd donderdag duidelijk tijdens een toelichting op de cijfers over het derde kwartaal. Managing group director Robert Woods van P&O Nedlloyd onderstreepte dat de groei van het ladingaanbod de komende maanden weg zal vallen bij de enorme overcapaciteit in de lijnvaart.,,vooral op de Europa-Azië trade is er sprake van lage tarieven aldus Woods.,,Maar ik ben optimisch over de kansen van het rate restorationprogramma van de Far Eastern Freight Conference dat onlangs bekend is gemaakt. De rederij heeft besloten haar capaciteitsbeperking op de trade verder uit te breiden. Werd tot voor kort nog uitgegaan van een reductie van 10 procent, nu is het plan 15 tot 16 procent van de vloot in te krimpen. Voor P&O Nedlloyd is de vaarroute tussen Europa en het Verre Oosten goed voor 33 procent van de omzet. Egyptian Police Foils Ship-Hijacking Attempt in Suez Canal CAIRO, Nov 17, 2001 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Egyptian police on Saturday foiled an attempt by four armed men to hijack a Saudi cargo ship in the entrance to the Suez canal, Egypt's Interior Ministry confirmed. The four unnamed men were armed with knives and took a small boat to approach the ship mooring in the port of Suez, 150 kilometers east of the capital Cairo. They were arrested by port police and have been under interrogation, the ministry added. CASUALTY REPORTING Grounded cargo ship floats free A 182-metre cargo ship has been freed from a spit at the mouth of the Campbell River on Vancouver Island. The Maltese-registered Cello Di Genova was apparently trying to avoid a fishboat when it ran aground. No crew members were hurt. Tugboats were unable to free the ship until early today at high tide. The freighter's hull was apparently undamaged but navy divers will take a closer look when it docks at Chemainus later today SHIPYARD NEWS Nederlandse werven positief over dit jaar AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Nederlandse scheepswerven beleven een goed jaar. De scheepsbouwers verwachten dat de orderportefeuille dit jaar de f 2 miljard benadert. De omzet van de werven die zich bezighouden met reparatie zal dit jaar groeien tot f 570 miljoen. Dat zei voorzitter M. Busker van de Vereniging Nederlandse Scheepsbouwindustrie (VNSI) donderdag in Amsterdam. Volgens Busker lijkt 2001 voor alle categorien in de scheepsbouwindustrie,,een redelijk tot goed jaar te worden. Voor de reparatiewerven wordt de komende jaren een gemiddelde omzetgroei van 5 procent voorzien. De omzet van de kleine scheepsbouw stijgt dit jaar in ieder geval met f 40 miljoen in vergelijking met De bouw van binnenvaartschepen is onderdeel van de kleine scheepsbouw. De binnenvaart, de vaart over de rivieren, maakt een sterke groei door.,,dit is niet vreemd gezien de huidige verstoppingen op de wegen, lichtte Busker toe. De binnenvaartondernemers zien de toekomst dan ook zonnig in. Driekwart van hen verwacht dit jaar een beter resultaat dan vorig jaar. Ook de bouwers profiteren hiervan. In dit segment zit 80 procent van de scheepsbouwcapaciteit in Nederland. Ruim PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 11/18/01

4 eenderde van de geregistreerde schepen vaart onder de Nederlandse vlag en tweederde van het transport over de Rijn wordt uitgevoerd door Nederlandse binnenschippers. Ceremony to dedicate new UH research ship Margaret Inouye, wife of U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, have smashed a bottle of champagne across the bow of the University of Hawaii's new research vessel in a ceremony last Saturday in Jacksonville, Fla. The Hawaii senator persuaded Congress to approve $45 million for design, construction and operating funds for the new ship, called Kilo Moana, Hawaiian for "oceanographer." The ship is being built in Jacksonville for the Navy by Lockheed Martin's subcontractor, Atlantic Marine Inc., and will be assigned to UH as part of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System. A crew will go to the mainland in June to bring the ship home and put it into service. Research projects already are lined up for the 2,500-ton vessel, said Stan Winslow, port operations manager and interim marine superintendent for the UH School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology. It will be the first SWATH (small waterplane area twin hull) vessel in the Navy's university fleet. "This ship has outstanding possibilities," Winslow said. "Anybody who has been out in the ocean and doesn't like to deal with motion and so forth, here is a ship that is inherently stable to go out there and work. "We're really excited about the possibilities, and I'm sure other people will be." A SWATH exposes only a minimum of the ship to lifting forces of waves, compared to a monohull. It is based on the principle of semisubmersible offshore rigs designed to provide a stable working platform and reduce pitch and roll. Brian Taylor, UH geology and geophysics professor overseeing the project for SOEST, said platform stability was the highest priority for ocean researchers. The new vessel will replace the Moana Wave, removed from the Navy's university fleet two years ago after 25 years of oceanographic work. UH researchers have operated since with only the Ka'imikai-O- Kanaloa, mother ship for the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory. The innovative new vessel will be capable of collecting air, surface, midocean and sea floor water samples; launching, towing and recovery of science packages; sea floor surveys; handling and servicing of tethered remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles; deployment and recovery of deep-sea moorings; and shipboard data processing and analysis. It will go to work in July, starting with a 50-day cruise scheduled by UH geology and geophysics professor Brian Popp to the Bering Sea, Winslow said. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 11/18/01

5 Returning here, the ship will pick up UH oceanographer Dave Karl, co-principal investigator for a large group of scientists working on a 45-day project near Midway. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will use the ship next for investigations of the National Wildlife Refuge and Northwest Hawaiian Islands. Two five-day programs are planned next November and December for Karl and Roger Lukas, principal investigators for the Hawaiian Ocean Time-series program at Station ALOHA, a site 60 miles north of Oahu. At the end of next year, after six months of ship operations, a list of items that are not working as they should will be given to the Navy and the builders for repairs, Winslow said. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES Delays at Chennai hit feeders FEEDER vessels are experiencing delays of over five days at Chennai, according to Arjuna Hettiarachchi, MD of feeder operator Sea Consortium Lanka and the chairman of the Sri Lanka Association of Vessel Operators. A go-slow by Chennai dockers opposed to the handing over of its container terminal to P&O Ports has reduced productivity to about moves per 24 hours from moves, he said. Ships have begun queuing up, he said. Vessels that took 48 hours to clear Madras from arrival to departure are now taking five days. Feeder operators were forced to impose a congestion surcharge of $75 per TEU to and from Chennai because they were losing money as a result of having ships idling. This was costing operators $6,000 to $10,000 a day, depending on the size of the ship, he said. Nederlandse overheid verwaarloost zeehavens De Nederlandse overheid moet meer investeren in de infrastructuur van de Nederlandse havens. Doet de overheid dat niet, dan kalft de concurrentiepositie van de Rotterdamse haven snel af. Nu al laat deze haven een krimp zien en het is zaak dat de overheid snel meer geld steekt in de infrastructuur. Dat is beknopt het advies dat de Nationale Havenraad deze week heeft uitgebracht. Met name de financiering van de basisinfrastructuur moet vergroot worden. Hierbij gaat het dan vooral om de aanleg van (maritieme) toegangswegen, bruggen, sluizen, zeeweringen, landaanwinning en achterlandverbindingen. In buurlanden van Nederland betaalt de overheid deze voorzieningen. De Havenraad stelt dat de Nederlandse zeehavens al in een ongunstige positie verkeren omdat in onze buurlanden de overheid een grotere deel van de haveninterne haveninfrastructuur voor haar rekening neemt. Met deze infrastructuur doelt de Havenraad op zaken als kaden, havenbekkens en bedrijfsterreinen. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 11/18/01

6 NAVY NEWS The Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi is moored at the southern Italian harbor of Taranto November 17, A woman bursts into tears as the Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi leaves the Taranto harbor, Southern Italy, Sunday, Nov.18, The Garibaldi, along with the frigate Zeffiro, the patrol ship Aviere and the supply ship Etna are left Sunday for a backup role in the U.S.-led coalition war against terrorism. AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS KLM-toestel maakt noodlanding in München Een passagiersvliegtuig van de KLM heeft in München een noodlanding gemaakt. Het toestel was met 56 mensen aan boord op weg van München naar Maastricht. Kort na de start ontdekte de bemanning een defect aan één van de banden, waarop werd besloten terug te keren. De noodlanding verliep zonder grote problemen. Wel was er sprake van een grote vonkenregen en raakte het landingsgestel oververhit. De brandweer heeft uit voorzorg geblust. De inzittenden konden daarna ongedeerd het toestel verlaten Thai Airways 'may collapse' The airline is having to scale back on cabin staff Thai Airways International is struggling under $2bn of debt and may eventually collapse, its chairman has said. According to the Bangkok Post newspaper, the firm's chairman, Virabongsa Ramangkura, said massive restructuring was needed if Thailand's national airline was to survive. "If we continue managing the way we have, I can guarantee that in no more than three years, the PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 11/18/01

7 company will collapse," Mr Virabongsa reportedly told a staff meeting. He said Thai Airways' debt was 18 times the size of its equity, and the firm's ability to repay what it owed was made tricky by unfavourable exchange rates and volatile oil prices. Rescue measures The newspaper said the Thai government, which owns 93% of Thai Airways, would offer standby credits to shore up the company's financial position. In the meantime, Mr Virabongsa hinted that staff reductions could be made: Thai Airways, with a staff of 25,000, looks heavily overstaffed in comparison with its peers. Singapore Airlines, for example, has a workforce of 14,000. Mr Virabongsa said the only option was to stop taking on new staff. Overtime is to be radically reviewed and fewer aircrews deployed on flights - but not to the extent that it would compromise passenger safety. Cost-saving measures are also planned, including slashing donations to charitable projects, and cutting public relations and office expenses. Annus horribilis Thai Airways has had a terrible year. In September, its entire board of directors resigned amid bomb threats and rows over management, just as the airline was preparing for part-privatisation. The resignations followed demands for change in the company's management by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who had become highly critical of the airline. Mr Thaksin used the word "huay" to describe the airline - a derogatory term that can be translated as "it sucks". RIJNMOND WEATHER maandag 19 november 9 uur 's ochtends: temperatuur: 5 graden kans op neerslag: 5% wind: zwak (8 km/u) uit ONO 5 uur 's middags: temperatuur: 8 graden kans op neerslag: 10% wind: zwak (11 km/u) uit ONO. SHIP OF THE DAY.. NEUWERK PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 11/18/01

8 The Neuwerk marine pollution control vessel is used for buoy tender operations, shipping police support tasks, icebreaking, firefighting and emergency towing operations. The vessel was built by Volkswerft Stralsund GmbH of Germany. DESIGN The hull has an overall length of m, a moulded breadth of 18 m and maximum draught of 5.9 m. The hull is reinforced for compliance with ice class E3. Its stem tails off beneath the vessel into a boxshaped keel, which improves the icebreaking action and helps keep the ship on course. The ship is constructed as a one-compartment vessel, with seven watertight subdivisions, separated by vertical bulkheads. The horizontal structure consists of four in-hull decks and four superstructure decks. Complying with the requirements of ice class E3, the ship is capable of breaking a plane ice sheet (0.5 m) at a speed of 6 knots. A wedge-shaped clearing keel, which broadens out into a bar keel, enhances the icebreaking performance. In particular it helps clear broken ice floes away from the propellers during the icebreaking operation. Ice-related sternway problems have been addressed by a special aftship design. Two appendaged keel elements above the rudder provide an effective means of clearing away the ice floes. The ship is equipped with two independent systems to recover floating pollutants (oil and similar substances) and separate them from water. They include a skimmer system, separation units and the stainless steel tanks. The pollutants recovered from the water surface are separated in two 320 m³/h gravity separation units. Having passed through the fully automatic separation plants, the pollutants are kept in the cargo tanks. There are 5 cargo tanks on board with a total capacity of 1000 m 3. Located at the rear of the buoy deck is the NMF main working crane designed for handling buoys and salvaging containers. It has two lifting devices, each with a heave compensator and a 220 kn /25 m telescopic jib. An Atlas OSS-11 Z retractable sonar device is installed at the base of the foreship for use in searching for and surveying underwater objects. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 11/18/01

9 PROPULSION The Neuwerk is propelled by diesel-electric drive. The vessel contains three MTU 16 V 595 TC 50 (3000 kw) and one MTU 12 V 396 TC 54 (960 kw) at 1500rpm. The two Schottel nozzle-type rudder propellers each have an input rating of 2900 kw to meet the requirements of ice class E3. To improve manoeuvrability and thrust, a pump-jet with a rating of 2600 kw is installed in the foreship. The ship can thus boast a total bollard pull of more than 1100 kn. The electric power is generated by four main diesel-generator units working in parallel and consists of three identical diesel units and one smaller one. The 690V three-phase busbar system (power plant principle) supplies both the ship's network and the drive systems with electric power. AUTOMATION AND CONTROL The main navigation systems installed consist of magnetic and gyro compass systems, two X and S band high-resolution radar units (ARPA), VHF radio direction finder, radio navigation units: DGPS and LORAN C and log systems such as Doppler speed log and EM log. In addition, the ECDIS electronic sea chart is integrated in the radar system The Neuwerk is equipped with radio communication systems comprising of a satellite communication unit, operational and aircraft control systems and a BOS unit with GMDSS radio system for areas A1, A2 and A3. Besides the sonar unit, the hydroacoustic equipment on board also includes a navigational echo-sounder and a shallow water echo-sounder. HAVE A LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING SITE FOR SHIPPING INFO AND PICTURES OF SHIPS AROUND HOEK VAN HOLLAND AT : PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 11/18/01

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