Elections Verkiezingen

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1 31 O n a f h a n k e l i j k w e e k b l a d v a n d e U n i v e r s i t e i t M a a s t r i c h t R e d a c t i e a d r e s : P o s t b u s M D M a a s t r i c h t J a a r g a n g m e i Student members of the University Councils Foto: Loraine Bodewes Verkiezingen 2012 Elections 2012 Elektronische verkiezingen Tussen 21 en 25 mei uur vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de medezeggenschapsorganen van de Universiteit Maastricht. Dit jaar vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de studentgeledingen van de Faculteitsraden en de Universiteitsraad. Medewerkers van de Universiteitsbibliotheek kunnen hun stem uitbrengen voor de Dienstraad. Voor de overige Dienstraden vinden geen verkiezingen plaats. Het WP en OBP van de faculteiten kan in 2013 weer stemmen. Het hele verkiezingsproces verloopt via internet. Om te kunnen stemmen dient u te beschikken over een maastrichtuniversity account. Om te stemmen gaat u naar: maastrichtuniversity.nl Deze site is tijdens de verkiezingen 24 uur per dag bereikbaar. Ook dit jaar is het mogelijk om te stemmen bij de Servicedesks ICTS in de Universiteitsbibliotheken Randwijck en Binnenstad. Hier zijn enkele computers speciaal gereserveerd voor de verkiezingen. Deze stemlokalen zijn geopend tussen uur en uur (16.00 uur op vrijdag 25 mei). Op de website van het Centraal Stembureau vindt u alle informatie de verkiezingen en de deelnemende lijsten en kandidaten: Op maandag 14 mei vindt het grote Verkiezingsdebat plaats in de aula van de Minderbroedersberg. Dit debat van kandidaten voor de Universiteitsraad begint om uur. Iedereen is van harte welkom. Vanaf 15 mei is het debat terug te zien via de website van het Centraal Stembureau. De uitslag van de verkiezingen wordt bekendgemaakt op donderdag 31 mei om uur in het Kruithuis (SBE, Tongersestraat 53). Iedereen is van harte welkom. Uiteraard wordt de uitslag direct na de officiële bekendmaking ook op de website gepubliceerd. Zetelverdeling raden De Universiteitsraad en de faculteitsraden hebben drie geledingen: de vertegenwoordiging van het WP (wetenschappelijk personeel), van het OBP (ondersteunend en beheerspersoneel) en de studentengeleding. De dienstraden kennen uitsluitend zetels ten behoeve van het OBP. In 2012 vinden er verkiezingen plaats voor de studentgeledingen van Faculteitsraden en Universiteitsraad en de Dienstraden. Verkiezingen voor WP en OBP-geledingen van de Faculteitsraden en de Universiteitsraad vinden opnieuw plaats in Zetelverdeling dienstraden Dienstraad FD Dienstraad FIN Dienstraad ICTS Dienstraad MUO Dienstraad SSC Dienstraad UB 5 zetels 4 zetels 3 zetels 3 zetels 3 zetels 5 zetels Waar wel / waar geen verkiezingen Niet bij alle geledingen van alle raden zullen dit jaar verkiezingen plaatsvinden. Er zijn geen verkiezingen wanneer er sprake is van evenveel kandidaten als (of minder dan) beschikbare zetels. Dienstraden Verkiezingen Dienstraad UB Lijst 1: Democratische Fractie Talencentrum Lijst 2: Lijst Odin Essers Lijst 3: Lijst Diony Lijst 4: Lijst Annemieke de Langen Lijst 5: Lijst Pauline 4 Electronic elections The elections for the representative bodies of Maastricht University take place between 21 and 25 May hrs. This year elections are being held for the student sectors of Faculty Councils and the University Council, and the Service Council of the University Library. No elections take place for the other Service Councils. The Scientific and Support Staff of faculties can vote again in The elections will take place entirely via the internet. To be able to vote you need to possess a maastrichtuniversity account. To register your vote, go to This site is open during the election period 24 hours a day. This year it is possible to vote at the digital voting booths at the ICTS Servicedesks in both the Randwijck and Inner City locations of University Library. A number of computers have been dedicated for voting and you can ask for assistance there. These voting booths are open from to (16.00 on Friday 25 May). You can find information about the elections process, the lists and the candidates on the website of the Central Elections Office. The website also provides help with logging in to the voting programme: nl/elections. The big Elections Debate for the University Council takes place on Thursday 14 May, hrs. in the Minderbroedersberg Aula. You can also watch the debate on the Central Elections Office website from 15 May. The results of the elections will be announced on Thursday 31 May at in the Kruithuis (SBE, Tongersestraat 53). Everybody is welcome. Directly after the announcement the results will be published on the elections website. Distribution of seats in the councils The University Council and the Faculty Councils consist of three sections: the representatives of the WP (academic staff), the OBP (administrative and support staff) and the student section. Distribution of seats Dienstraad FD Dienstraad FIN Dienstraad ICTS Dienstraad MUO Dienstraad SSC Dienstraad UB 5 seats 4 seats 3 seats 3 seats 3 seats 5 seats Service councils This year elections are only held for the University Library Service Council: List 1: Democratische Fractie Talencentrum List 2: Lijst Odin Essers List 3: Lijst Diony List 4: Lijst Annemieke de Langen List 5: Lijst Pauline No elections take place for the following Service Councils. This means that the candidates on the mentioned below lists will be elected automatically. Service Council FD List 1: Lijst 1 Service Council SSC List 1: Dienstraad SSC Service Council ICTS List 1:We gaan ervoor Service Council Finance List 1:financials 1 4 Zetelverdeling Geleding WP Geleding OBP Geleding studenten Universiteitsraad 6 zetels 3 zetels 9 zetels Faculteitsraad FHS 4 zetels 2 zetel 6 zetels Faculteitsraad FASoS 4 zetels 1 zetel 5 zetels Faculteitsraad SBE 4 zetels 1 zetel 5 zetels Faculteitsraad FHML 6 zetels 3 zetels 9 zetels Faculteitsraad FPN 4 zetels 1 zetel 5 zetels Faculteitsraad FdR 5 zetels 1 zetel 6 zetels Distribution of seats in the councils WP section OBP section Students University Council 6 seats 3 seats 9 seats Faculty Council FHS 4 seats 2 seats 6 seats Faculty Council FASoS 4 seats 1 seats 5 seats Faculty Council SBE 4 seats 1 seats 5 seats Faculty Council FHML 6 seats 3 seats 9 seats Faculty Council FPN 4 seats 1 seats 5 seats Faculty Council FL 5 seats 1 seats 6 seats

2 2 Observant mei 2012 Er vinden geen verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende Dienstraden. Die betekent dat de kandidaten op de onderstaande lijsten automatisch gekozen worden. Dienstraad FD: Lijst 1: Lijst 1 Dienstraad SSC: Lijst 1: Dienstraad SSC Dienstraad ICTS: Lijst 1:We gaan ervoor Dienstraad Finance: Lijst 1:financials 1 Voor de volgende Dienstraden zijn geen lijsten ingediend. Dit betekent dat de betreffende Dienstraad de komende twee jaar onbezet zal zijn: Dienstraad MUO Faculteitsraden Er vinden geen verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende geledingen binnen Faculteitsraden. Dit betekent de kandidaten op de onderstaande lijsten automatisch gekozen worden. Faculteitsraad FPN: Lijst 1: DOPE Er vinden verkiezingen plaats voor de volgende studentgeledingen van de Faculteitsraden: FASoS - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: DOPE - Lijst 3: VOX FdR - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: List Ouranos (lijstverbinding met DOPE) - Lijst 3: DOPE (lijstverbinding met List Ouranos) FHML - Lijst 1: NovUM - Lijst 2: DOPE FHS -Lijst 1: MSV Incognito (lijstverbinding met DOPE) -Lijst 2: DOPE (lijstverbinding met MSV Incognito) -Lijst 3: NovUM (lijstverbinding met UMatter) -Lijst 4: UMatter (lijstverbinding met NovUM) SBE -Lijst 1: DOPE -Lijst 2: NovUM Universiteitsraad Verkiezingen vinden plaats voor de studentgeleding van de Universiteitsraad: - Lijst 1: UMatter (lijstverbinding met DOPE en NovUM) - Lijst 2: Rotislav Rusev -Lijst 3: ARNOLDAS PIKZIRNIS -Lijst 4: NovUM (lijstverbinding met DOPE en UMatter) -Lijst 5: DOPE (lijstverbinding met UMatter en NovUM) Het Lijstenstelsel Bij het lijstenstelsel mag per stembiljet (dat is in de elektronische versie een webpagina) slechts één stem worden uitgebracht en wel door het rondje vóór de naam van de kandidaat, waarop de kiezer zijn/haar stem wenst uit te brengen, te selecteren. Ten behoeve van de uitslagbepaling van een geleding wordt per kandidatenlijst vastgesteld: * het aantal op iedere kandidaat uitgebrachte stemmen; * de som van het aantal stemmen uitgebracht op alle kandidaten van de lijst. Deze som heet stemcijfer. Het Stemmen Alleen bij het gebruik van uw maastrichtuniversity account heeft u toegang tot het elektronisch stembureau! Wacht u met gebruiken van de directe link naar de website tot maandag 21 mei 2012 : pas dan is de module stem uitbrengen actief. U kunt uw stem uitbrengen tot en met vrijdag 21 mei 2012 (16.00 uur). Tijdens kantooruren is het mogelijk bij problemen met inloggen of met het uitbrengen van de stem, hulp te vragen bij het Centraal Stembureau. Dat kan per of per telefoon (gegevens zie hieronder). Ook is het mogelijk de digitale stemlokalen bij de ICTS-Servicedesks in de omgeving van de Universiteitsbibliotheken Randwijck en Binnenstad te bezoeken. Het verkiezingsprogramma is gebaseerd op door de UM ondersteunde applicaties (Windows, Internet Explorer en Outlook). Het gebruik van een ander besturings-, browser- of mailprogramma kan problematisch zijn, maar is het zeker niet altijd. Het Centraal Stembureau laat weten dat het geen voorkeur heeft voor programma s, maar zich aan de richtlijnen van de Universiteit Maastricht houdt. Het Centraal Stembureau aanvaardt geen verantwoordelijkheid voor het niet kunnen uitbrengen van een stem op een computer buiten de UM. Lokale instellingen (als firewalls, virusscan- ners of een niet door ICTS ondersteunde browser) kunnen dit verhinderen. Bepaling En Bekendmaking Van De Uitslag In de week na de verkiezingen worden de uitslagen berekend. Op woensdag 30 mei 2012 bepaalt het Centraal Stembureau officieel de uitslag. Daarvan wordt een protocol opgemaakt. De openbare bekendmaking van de uitslag volgt op donderdag 31 mei uur in het Kruithuis, Tongersestraat 53. Vanaf 1 juni 2012 deelt het Centraal Stembureau aan iedere kandidaat mee of hij al dan niet gekozen is verklaard. Een gekozene dient binnen 2 weken zijn benoeming te bewilligen, anders vervalt zijn recht op de zetel. Centraal Stembureau Het Centraal Stembureau is per bereikbaar onder verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity.nl. U kunt het Stembureau daarnaast op werkdagen telefonisch bereiken op (043-) of (043) Veel gestelde vragen Waarom is de procedure zo lang en kom je niet meteen op de stempagina? Het antwoordt luidt dat een aantal beveiligingen ingebouwd zijn om zeker te weten welke kiesgerechtigde zich aanmeldt en welke stemrechten hij / zij mag uitoefenen. Het Centraal Stembureau stelt veiligheid boven alles, dus zelfs boven bedieningsgemak. Toch wordt gestreefd naar een gebruikersvriendelijk programma. Indien u opmerkingen hierover heeft, kunt u deze per aan het Stembureau doorgeven. Daarnaast schrijven de regels voor dat alle lijsten zichtbaar gemaakt worden en van alle lijsten alle kandidaten. Om het elektronisch stembiljet niet vreselijk ingewikkeld te maken, is gekozen voor een systeem met clicks. Het kan zijn dat u bij uw beeldscherminstelling moet scrollen. Waar vind ik de namen van alle kandidaten? Via het kiesprogramma kunt u het overzicht raadplegen van alle lijsten en alle kandidaten. U kunt dit óók doen voor raden en geledingen waarvoor u geen stemrecht heeft. Voorwaarde: inloggen als maastrichtuniversity gebruiker. Bij de module stem uitbrengen kunt u alleen die raad en geleding selecteren, waarvoor u stemrecht bezit. Na het uitzoeken van de gewenste lijst en kandidaat wordt u gevraagd uw keuze te bevestigen. U krijgt een melding op het scherm, als uw stem uitgebracht is. Ik zit achter een firewall en kom niet in het verkiezingsprogramma. Dit probleem kan zich voordoen bij personen die in een andere organisatie ingelogd zijn bijvoorbeeld op een stageadres. Dit probleem is sinds kort te omzeilen door uw computer te configureren voor het gebruik van een Virtual Private Network (VPN) client van de Universiteit Maastricht. De VPN client kunt u downloaden via het ICT servicecentrum of Studenten kunnen gebruik maken van anywhere van de Universiteitsbibliotheek. Virtual Private Network trekt uw computer als het ware in het netwerk en u zult geen firewall meer tegenkomen! 10 Korte stappen om te stemmen 1. Op de UM homepage staat een link naar het elektronisch verkiezingsprogramma (button). 2. Daar treft u een clickable link aan naar het elektronisch verkiezingsprogramma. 3. U moet nu inloggen met uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. 4. Daarna kiest u de module: Stem uitbrengen. 5. U heeft nu de keuze voor welke raad/geleding u een stem wilt uitbrengen: selecteer deze. 6. Op de volgende pagina krijgt u een overzicht van de deelnemende lijsten: u kunt ze inzien, zonder meteen een stem uit te brengen. U kunt ook direct de lijst van uw keuze selecteren. 7. U kunt hier ook blanco stemmen voor de betreffende raad / geleding. 8. De volgende pagina biedt u het overzicht van de kandidaten van een lijst. U brengt uw stem uit door het rondje voor de naam van de kandidaat van uw keuze te selecteren. 9. Bevestig uw keuze. 10.U ontvangt de melding dat uw stem uitgebracht is. U kunt deze procedure zo vaak herhalen als u stemrechten heeft. No lists have been submitted for the MUO Service Council This implies that the seats in this Service Council remain empty for the next two years. Councils / sections for which elections are held This year elections are not being held for all sections of the Faculty Councils. If the number of candidates is equal to or lower than the available seats, there are no elections. Faculty councils No elections take place for the following sections within Faculty Councils. This means that the candidates on the mentioned below lists will be elected automatically. Faculty Council FPN: - List 1: DOPE Faculty councils Elections take place for all student sections of Faculty Councils. FASoS - List 1: NovUM - List 2: DOPE - List 3: VOX FL - List 1: NovUM - List 2: List Ouranos (list combination with DOPE) - List 3: DOPE (list combination with List Ouranos) FHML - List 1: NovUM - List 2: DOPE FHS -List 1: MSV Incognito (list combination with DOPE) -List 2: DOPE (list combination with MSV Incognito) -List 3: NovUM (list combination with UMatter) -List 4: UMatter (list combination with NovUM) SBE -List 1: DOPE -List 2: NovUM University council Elections take place for the student sector of the University Council. - Lijst 1: UMatter (list combination with DOPE and NovUM) - List 2: Rotislav Rusev -List 3: ARNOLDAS PIKZIRNIS -List 4: NovUM (list combination with DOPE and UMatter) -List 5: DOPE (list combination with UMatter and NovUM) Voting You only have access to the electronic polling station if you use your maastrichtuniversity account! Please wait until Monday 21 May to use the direct link to the website, as the module cast your vote will not be active before that date. You can cast your vote until Friday 25 May 2012 (16.00 hrs). In case of any problems with logging in or voting, the Central Elections Office can be contacted for help during office hours. Assistance can be requested by or telephone: verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity.nl, or during office hours. Also visit nl/elections. It is also possible to vote at the digital voting stations at the ICTS Servicedesks at the University Libraries Randwijck and Inner City. The elections programme is based on applications that are supported by the UM (Windows, Internet Explorer and Outlook). The use of any other operating system, browser or programme may occasionally cause problems. The Central Elections Office has no preference for any particular programme, it follows the guidelines of Maastricht University. The Central Elections Office cannot be held responsible if a voter does not succeed in casting a vote on a computer outside the UM. Local settings (like firewalls, virus scanners or the use of a non-supported browser) may prevent you casting your vote. Determining and announcement of the election results In the week after the elections the votes will be counted. On Wednesday 30 May 2012 the Central Elections Office will officially determine the election results. The official declaration of these results will be drawn up. The election results will be announced publicly on Thursday 31 May at hrs in the Kruithuis, located at the Tongersestraat 53. From 1 June 2012 the Central Elections Office will notify each candidate whether he/she has been elected. Persons who have been appointed must officially assent to taking their seat within two weeks, after which their right to the particular seat lapses. Central elections office The standard way to contact the Central Elections Office is by on verkiezingen@maastrichtuniversity.nl. You may also phone the Electoral Committee on or during office hours. Frequently asked questions Why does the Internet voting procedure take so long and why can t you log in on the voting page straight away? The answer is that a number of safety features have been built into the programme that will identify the voter who is logging in and the precise voting rights s/he has. Security is paramount to the Central Elections Office, and, consequently, ease of operation comes second. On the other hand, a user-friendly programme is the aim and the Elections Office welcomes any ( ed) comments or suggestions to that effect. In addition, the rules prescribe that all lists as well as all nominated candidates must be made visible. In order to keep the electronic ballot paper as uncomplicated as possible, the committee has opted for a click system. Depending on the settings of your screen you may have to scroll. Where do I find the names of all the candidates? On the elections system you can consult all lists and all candidates, including the councils and sections for which you are not entitled to vote. The only condition is that you log in as a maastrichtuniversity user with your username and password. In the module cast your vote you can only select the council and section for which you are entitled to vote. After selecting the desired list and candidate you will be asked to confirm your choice. You will receive an on-screen notification of your vote once it has been cast. I am behind a firewall and can t log in to the elections programme. This problem may present itself if you are logged in at another organisation for example the organisation where you do your placement. This problem can be avoided by configuring your computer for the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) client of Maastricht University. The VPN client can be downloaded via the ICT service centre or VPN.maastrichtuniversity.nl. Virtual Private Network as it were pulls your computer into the maastrichtuniversity network and you will not encounter any firewall again. Students can make use of anywhere of the University Library. 10 EASY STEPS TO VOTE 1. The UM homepage has a link to the Elections System. 2. Click the link to the electronic voting programme. 3. To enter this programme you need to log in with your username and password. 4. You then click the module Cast your vote. 5. Now you are given a choice of council / section for which you may want to vote: select one. 6. The next page shows the lists of candidates who are taking part: you can have a look without immediately casting your vote. You can also select your favourite list directly. 7. On this page you can also cast a blank vote for the council / section concerned. 8. The next page lists the candidates of one list. You can cast your vote by clicking the circle in front of the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. 9. Confirm your choice. 10. You will receive a message that your vote has been cast. You may repeat this procedure as many times as you have voting rights.

3 10 mei 2012 Observant 31 3 Kandidatenlijsten Verkiezingen 2012 / Candidates Elections 2012 Universiteitsraad/University Council 1. UMatter (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE and NovUM) 1. Simon Engelke 2. P La 3. L Oala 4. ST Christov 5. AR Cats 2. Rotislav Rusev 1. RD Rusev 3. ARNOLDAS PIKZIRNIS 1. A Pikzirnis 4. NovUM (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE and UMatter) 1. Rolf Gielgens 2. Sebastian Enning 3. Hanno Salditt 4. Dennis Schaap 5. Jakob Schmidt 6. Frieder Kühne 7. Constanze Müller 8. JVA Schlecht 9. TB Bünder 10. M Kazemi Zandjani 5. DOPE (lijstverbinding met/list combination with Novum and UMatter) 1. Nadine van Veenendaal 2. Kevin Hol 3. Casper Oude Essink 4. Ronnie Jeronimus 5. Arno Koldewee 6. Danny Janssen 7. Maud Oostenbrink 8. David Schmidt 9. Philippe Brouwers 10. TSJ Nussy Faculteitsraad FASoS/Faculty Council FASoS 1. NovUM 1. Felix Plassmann 2. Mignon Schichel 3. Henrik von Homeyer 4. Simon Neuland 5. JEB Munro 2. DOPE 1. Edoardo Pinto 2. R Lachmeijer 3. VOX 1. Mine Nang 2. Alexander Schwarzenberg 3. Koen van Erp 4. Birgit Alber Faculteitsraad FdR/Faculty Council FL 1. NovUM 1. Jan Hoffmann 2. F Böhlke 2. List Ouranos (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE) 1. Caroline Calomme 2. Rebecca Wörner 3. Adam Martincak 4. Nathalie Stroobants 5. Ivan Rainovski 3. DOPE (lijstverbinding met/list combination with List Ouranos) 1. Katharina Bottenberg 2. Yke Beerepoot 3. Sophie Kallen 4. Bart de Visser 5. Ruben Bel 6. CML Nobel 7. Jean Swillens Faculteitsraad FHML/Faculty Council FHML 1. NovUM 1. Alexander Beulens 2. NB Davelaar 3. Thijs van de Schoot 4. AV Öry 2. DOPE 1. Charlotte Nijskens 2. Job Verdonschot 3. David Hageman 4. Louise Kallen 5. Steven Brandsma 6. Marleen van den Boogaard 7. Anouk klein Brink 8. Iris Brummelhuis 9. Eliene Albers 10. Sarah Dörenkamp Faculteitsraad FHS/Faculty Council FHS 1. MSV Incognito (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE) 1. GE Drost 2. NN Barth 3. JO Hartjes 4. JFD Leus 5. GJB Roelofs 6. L Haagmans 2. DOPE (lijstverbinding met/list combination with MSV Incognito) 1. AE ten Cate 2. S Berk 3. Corine Schuuring 4. Anne-Sophie Sloet van Oldruitenborgh 3. NovUM (lijstverbinding met/list combination with UMatter) 1. LC KLaßen 2. JD Saman 3. CM Seiler 4. J Dalhoff 5. J Federkeil 6. D Redeker 7. F Lüdtke 8. JLF Aernoudts 9. NK Reimer 4. UMatter (lijstverbinding met/list combination with NovUM) 1. Simon Engelke 2. P La 3. L Oala Faculteitsraad SBE/Faculty Council SBE 1. DOPE 1. Rick van der Westen 2. Vanessa Goretzki 3. Bernard Garos 4. FF Carelsz 5. Thomas de Hoop 6. A Koopal 2. NovUM 1. TP Hausweiler 2. A Schroeder 3. M Nagy 4. M Kazemi Zandjani 5. DM Stein 6. D Schulz Faculteitsraad FPN/Faculty Council FPN Er zullen geen verkiezingen plaats vinden voor Faculteitsraad FPN. De onderstaande kandidaten zijn automatisch gekozen/no elections will take place for the Faculty Council FPN, the candidates mentioned below are elected automatically. 1.DOPE 1. F Bosch 2. H van Kasteren 3. Leendert van Jaarsveld 4. Chris Keurentjes 5. Linda Tonen Dienstraden/Service Councils Dienstraad UB/Service Council UB 1. Democratische Fractie Talencentrum 1. CM Rémy 2. RHG Wijnands 2. Lijst Odin Essers OLMJ Essers 3. Lijst Diony DPJM van den Heuvel 4. Lijst Annemieke de Langen A van Es (De Langen) 5. Lijst Pauline PJMJ Speck Voor de volgende Dienstraden vinden geen verkiezingen plaats. De kandidaten zijn automatisch gekozen: For the below mentioned Service Councils, elections are not needed. The candidates are elected automatically: Dienstraad FD/Service Council FD LJM Moulin RJJE van der Nat YLEH Maris HH Schnock LCM van Kessel Dienstraad Finance/Service Council Finance MHLH van den Boorn (van Reij) HWM Daemen HPM Kerckhoffs FJHM van der Tier Dienstraad ICTS/Service Council ICTS RE Nobbe CJM Heijnen (Hendrikx) D. Walterfang Dienstraad SSC/Service Council SSC S Vogel EJM Haenen RJGB Kock Dienstraad MUO/Service Council MUO Geen kandidaten, geen verkiezingen No candidates, no elections De verkiezingskrant is een initiatief van het Centraal Stembureau. De technische realisatie is in handen van Observant. De teksten zijn geschreven door de kandidaten zelf. De foto s zijn gemaakt door Loraine Bodewes The election magazine is an initiative of the Central Electoral Office. It was created by Observant. The texts were written by the individual candidates. Loraine Bodewes took the photographs

4 4 Observant mei 2012 Universiteitsraad / University Council UMatter (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE and NovUM) Simon Engelke, Phit Allan La Dear U, We have the ambition and motivation of starting something new in Maastricht! But first let us introduce ourselves: We are UMatter! We are the new student party in town and our core philosophy is reflected in our name. A name that highlights the impact of Maastricht University as an academic institution ( Maastricht University matters ), while at the same time reiterates the need for student involvement in shaping and improving student life ( You matter ). What makes us unique is that we do not aim to be an isolated group when discussing important issues. In fact, we seek to achieve as much transparency, involvement and cooperation with you as possible. Anyone who shares our ambition to change Maastricht University for the better should be a partner of us - and should be able to voice his or her opinion where it matters: in the University Council. Therefore, any association, initiative and most importantly, any individual wanting to move things forward will be able to do so through us. We will achieve this by establishing a web-based communication platform, where students can express their opinion about topics affecting their daily lives at Maastricht University. It will be through this communication platform that innovating- and maybe even revolutionary ideas will be proposed, discussed and agreed upon. Through this, it is our core goal to enable every student to participate in the decision making process at Maastricht University. Apart from many other plans already circulating, we will immediately work on implementing the following actions upon being elected: Transparency & involvement: Live-streams in both university- and faculty councils to make debates transparent for the student population. In addition, facebook polls will be initiated about important topics to get to know your opinion! Study spaces: Instead of renting new buildings, longer opening hours of faculty buildings should be considered. Qualified and trained students as security staff (student safety assistants) make longer opening hours possible. Language & integration: Free Dutch language courses for international students, provided by Dutch students. This is not only inexpensive, but also a great way of connecting foreigners to locals from the start. Furthermore we strive for a productive exchange between the university and its surroundings. We want to get ideas implemented that benefit both, Maastricht University and the City of Maastricht. Help us to make UM and Maastricht a better place for U. Arnoldas Pikzirnis Actions. Not Promises That is the three basic principle that I base my vision of the UM. The main objective for me is to provide You with a clear programme that clearly identifies the concrete aims that I stand for. One person One signature. Every document received from students must be signed by an official taking personal responsibility for it. Missing documents must not be tolerated. Student must receive a copy of the document. University must draw not more than two institutions, which provide assistance to the students. The single window system should be applied in the work of the SSC, the Admissions office and the Faculty Front Offices together with the application of One person One signature system. MyUM course registration predicaments must be solved. Until it is done the University should apply moratorium for non-enrolment fee. The non-enrolment fee policy should be clearly explained for students. Profit making from students or systematic mistakes of enrolment system should not be the practised. Administering costs should be announced publicly by the UM. Sustainability must be self-sustainable. Major projects, concerning sustainability shall seek funds and partners instead of using University s financial resources in this challenging period.

5 10 mei 2012 Observant 31 5 NovUM (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE and UMatter) From left to right: Jakob Schmidt, Constanze Muller, Rolf Gielgens, Sebastian Enning, Dennis Schaap, Frieder Kuhne, Tobias Bunder, Hanno Salditt Education of excellent quality? At an accessible university? With an international identity spanning across faculties? Read more about how the university-council candidates from NovUM strive to improve Maastricht University (UM) for you! UM wants to be Leading in Learning by maintaining and developing educational quality in the future. By making use of PBL we, as students, are able to face any future challenge. Therefore, it is of high importance to keep all students motivated by providing excellent quality education. NovUM wants to underwrite this by increasing the didactic and language skills of lecturers and tutors. Outside the lecture halls and tutorial rooms we aim to give you room to study in e.g. the libraries and study-landscapes. As more and more students work from their laptop or PC, EleUM, MyUM and the website should function up to the standards, creating a workable electronic study-environment. A university should offer students more than only education: it is the active student population that shapes a university! NovUM believes in engaging more students by making students acquainted with the organization: developing an accessible university. Students can and should be involved on several levels. Therefore, we will continue NovUM s initiative for more student jobs, inform students about student representation (possibilities and achievements) and advocate more student-driven projects (e.g. the International Classroom). Identifying yourself with UM and being proud of what it stands for are feelings we need to develop positively. Via student interaction we can create a vital and healthy academic atmosphere to unite our student body. At UM, students of different faculties rarely mix and work with each other, and, moreover, the integration between cultures and nationalities is not all it could be. Facilitating more interfaculty education (e.g. through minors) provides the opportunity for students to enlarge their perspective of each other. NovUM also strongly supports the INKOM and Studium Generale in enriching our student culture. Combining these initiatives will give UM an international identity that exceeds faculties and creates a healthy academic atmosphere, unique in the Netherlands and abroad. Looking towards the future it is of utmost importance as a university to be sustainable. We strive for a more sustainable university for economic, social and ecological reasons. Therefore we invite all of you to join NovUM s cooperation with the Green Office and OIKOS to reach this goal. Stay up-to-date about our vision and what we offer you via Let s get connected: VOTE NovUM! DOPE (lijstverbinding met/list combination with NovUM and UMatter) The University Council Candidates of DOPE are going to represent you next year with policies on internationalization, study facilities, quality of education and an experienced student representation. Firstly, DOPE wants to address the topic of internationalization. We strive to be an international university. To ensure a satisfactory integration within the international classroom, it is important to maintain a fair distribution of nationalities among the different faculties. We believe that the university should have a fair way of recruiting new students. Besides that, the UM grading system and diploma bullet are not ready for the international labour market right now. We believe that the UM should provide a standardized international grading system. Second, we want to focus on improvement of the facilities: a university striving for excellent education should have good facilities. Still progress can be booked by creating new study places. As shortterm solution unused tutorial rooms could easily be made available for studying. Additionally, the ICT standards are far from perfect at Maastricht University, so we want to make sure that the internet and computer service will be improved. Furthermore we believe that your student experience in Maastricht also depends on decent sport facilities and a good Mensa. Although some progress has been made, we are convinced that we need to stay closely involved on these topics. Third, we focus on good quality of education. Since excellence in education is the top priority for the university as well we want to improve the quality of education by introducing web lectures at all faculties. Furthermore we believe that the UM should guarantee grading transparency. Every faculty has to grade students based on certain standards and criteria, which are accessible for students. The last point on our election program is moni- From left to right: David Schmidt, Kevin Hol, Casper Oude Essink, Maud Oostenbrink, Ronnie Jeronimus, Arno Koldewee, Philippe Brouwers, Danny Janssen toring governmental developments. Political developments, such as the langstudeerboete and harde knip, challenge our students. It is important to inform students about upcoming changes and to represent your interests, which is something we want to do not only within the university, but also together with Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg at a national level in The Hague. Furthermore, the financial support for students will be cut back by 1/3rd. We want suspension of this policy and find a solution that is less destructive for both students and student- and study associations. To reach these goals we need your support in the elections. Vote DOPE for progress in internationalization, improvement of our facilities, quality of education and an experienced student representation.

6 6 Observant mei 2012 Faculteitsraad FASoS/Faculty Council FASoS NovUM You wanted to print your paper, because the deadline was due and the printer did not work? You would rather have more lively discussions, presentations or learning-games in the tutorials, than simply summarizing the readings? FASoS student representatives achieved the plus 0.5 grade for extraordinary tutorial participation, extended library hours during exam weeks and official grading sheets to make evaluation more transparent. What about recent changes? The silent study room, the sustainable coffee corner Bandito and the common room to socialize and chill out were feasible, because you students voted for us! Do you want to see more positive changes? Then help us taking these achievements even further, because we believe that there is still a lot of room for improvements based on your ideas and concerns. Your input is the starting point for student politics, your voice matters! The printers at FASoS are unreliable. Students rather print their papers in the library or at the SBE. We think it is not acceptable having unreliable IT, while purchasing printers and paying staff for maintenance from the student s tuition fees. The faculty and its equipment should sup- From left to right: Felix Plassmann, Mignon Schichel, Simon Neuland, Henrik von Homeyer port the students in their academic work, rather than being the cause for daily agitation. Students feel that grading is sometimes arbitrary and intransparent. We share this view, since grading sheets are not yet standardized, do not contain feedback or are unreadable. Thus, we aim for a computer typed compulsory application of an official evaluation sheet. Furthermore, we want mutual feedback between tutors and students during the course, so that both can benefit immediately. The existing silent study room and common room do not cover the students needs for faculty facilities entirely. By opening the attic on a regular basis, installing a table tennis plate and setting up a faculty festival, we do not only aim at creating more space; but also enhance the faculty identity and foster the relationship between students and our faculty as well as between students from different programmes. Moreover, we have the ambitions to save energy and money through intensified cooperation with the Green Office Maastricht, in order to achieve their 2030 vision of a CO² neutral university. You are only one click away from making this faculty an even better place. Felix Plaßmann, Henrik von Hommeyer, Mignon Sichel, Niklas Neuland DOPE My name is Edoardo Pinto; I am a 19-year-old Italian from Rome, currently studying first year bachelor in European Studies. Various transfers around the world have characterized my life since a tender age. This travelling has given me the opportunity to be increasingly curious towards new experiences, making me more versatile and cooperative, fundamental characteristics in a student representative. The first point in the election program is to increase the standard of English around the faculty, by intensifying the number of mother tongue English professors and offering convincing courses to students, increasing the internationality and prestige of the university. The second point is to improve technological facilities within the faculty, such as the strength of WI-FI reception and the correct functioning of Printers and PCs. The third point would be a wider number of classrooms or areas within the faculty for students to study in, thus reducing the habitual overcrowding in the library. The fourth point would be to improve amalgamation between faculties by supporting programs that combine faculties, or activities for students of different faculties. This would increase the flow of ideas around the university which would result in an upheave of feedback towards the university. The list supporter for the faculty is Rianne Lachmeijer, third year student in her European Studies Bachelor. Edoardo Pinto, Rianne Lachmeijer VOX Vote for VOX! VOX is running this year for the first time for the faculty council elections at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Together with the two study associations Concordantia and Orakel, we founded the party VOX to actively contribute to the student representation at our faculty. We believe that the students voice is an important one and needs to be heard. In our program we focus on three key issues: better transparency and communication, better opportunities - both during and after the studies - and a more amiable study environment at FASoS. A wide range of services is already offered by the university and the faculty. However, many students find it difficult to get the required information. Thus, we want to render information more easily accessible. To achieve this, we wish to promote an improved information service by establishing a more coherent and modern web space provided by the faculty. Another new source of information is the VOX website, made by students for students. Further, there is still a lack of opportunities such as the language courses which are essential in providing students with the necessary skills in From left to right: Koen van Erp, Birgit Alber, Mine Nang, Alexander W. Schwarzenberg an international work environment. As taking a language course at the UM language center is really expensive, we plan to establish a tandem system of language learning provided for free on a professional basis. Moreover, we want to increase educational opportunities by promoting a stronger link of the courses with current topics, by creating prospects for internships and fostering academic exchange with renowned universities offering similar study tracks. To ameliorate the general study environment, we seek to improve the available resources, such as computers and books in the silent study room as well as to facilitate the use of group rooms for studying. If you give us the chance to represent you in the faculty council, we will stay true to our philosophy to represent one united voice to make the students be heard in the faculty. As we only run at FASoS, we have the advantage to concentrate our energy to tackle the problems at our faculty and to fully represent you the students of FASoS. With your support, we will speak with one voice formed by countless mouths. Further information on us VOX candidates, our program, the discussion board and the faculty council can be found on our website or on

7 10 mei 2012 Observant 31 7 Faculteitsraad FdR/Faculty Council FL NovUM Franziska Bohlke, Jan Hoffmann Hey, we are Franziska Böhlke and Jan Hoffmann from NovUM running for the Faculty of Law Council, and this is what we will stick up for: Providing students with a consistent flow of information regarding faculty policies and enhancing the communication between student representatives and students themselves. This will give us the chance to truly represent your needs and opinions. A high and consistent level of training for student assistants in teaching positions has to be guaranteed. A better accessibility for students/staff to language courses. Both students and teaching staff must have a reasonable knowledge of English. Free Dutch beginner s courses should be available to everyone. Enhancing the quality of our education by ensuring conformity of teaching and grading schemes within courses. A system providing detailed feedback on all working products is necessary. This should be realised by (a)allocating a contact person/mentor to every student and (b)giving students the chance to view their corrected work. The weighting of all writing products (exams, papers, presentations, etc.) needs reassessment; a grade based solely on exams fails to reflect a student s knowledge and understanding. The suitability of MPQ-Exams for law courses should be reconsidered. Ouranos Lijst Ouranos are the official candidates representing JFV Ouranos, the law faculty student association, for the upcoming Faculty Council elections. Every year a group of students are elected by you and for you. These student representatives are involved in giving advice pertaining to the budget and the overall direction of our Faculty; this is where we will propose improvements which represent the needs of Law students. This year, Lijst Ouranos is represented by a group of 5 candidates, students interested to work for you actively in our Faculty by improving the student environment. Lijst Ouranos managed in the previous year to achieve several goals: the earlier announcement of exam results, decreasing the waiting period for a consultation with a study advisor, the faculty being open the Saturday before the exam week. This year Lijst Ouranos is focusing in a very important issue in our Faculty: Communication. Amongst our goals this year: earlier publishing of schedules (exams, tutorials), bike-parking coordination, certainty on the final grades, resolving mac ICT accessibility issues, study advisors availability, and many others. Our slogan the voice for law students is a reflection of what we believe and are striving for on your behalf, namely democratic, accountable and transparent student faculty representation vis-à-vis increasing your direct input into the faculty s decision making process through having regular and direct consultations with the student body. Most importantly support Lijst Ouranos so that we can supportyou through better student engagement so that the role of student remains front and centre, so that recent political and economic and budgetary uncertainty is not used as an excuse to silence your opinions or sidelining student interests. Lijst Ouranos vertegenwoordigt de studievereniging JFV Ouranos in de aankomende faculteitsraadsverkiezingen. De faculteitsraad is een belangrijk medezeggenschapsorgaan aangezien de raad direct is betrokken in het proces van besluitvorming over bijvoorbeeld het faculteitsbudget. Dit jaar bestaat Lijst Ouranos uit vijf kandidaten die zich ervoor willen inzetten dat de faculteit een optimale leeromgeving kan bieden. In de afgelopen jaren heeft Lijst Ouranos al een aantal belangrijke doelen bereikt zoals de From left to right: Ivan Rainovski, Rebecca Worner, Adam Martincak, Caroline Calomme, Nathalie Stroobants vroegtijdigere aankondiging van uitslagen van tentamen, de verkorting van wachttijd voor een afspraak met een studieadviseur en het openen van de faculteit op de zaterdag voor de tentamenweken. Dit jaar concentreert zich Lijst Ouranos op de verbetering van een cruciaal aspect binnen de faculteit: communicatie. De agenda voor het aankomende academische jaar bevat naast andere doelen het publiceren op een eerder tijdstip van roosters (tentamens, werkgroepen, herkansingen, etc.), het verbeteren van het huidige parkeerbeleid (voor fietsen), meer zekerheid wat betreft de eindcijfers en de verbetering van de beschikbaarheid van studieadviseuren. Onze leus the voice for law students geeft ons streven naar een transparent en democratisch medezeggenschap voor jou als student weer. Wij willen inspraak voor de studenten zo goed mogelijk faciliteren, die voornamelijk nu in tijden van economische onzekerheid erg van belang is.

8 8 Observant mei 2012 Faculteitsraad FdR/Faculty Council FL DOPE DOPE has been representing students and improving education at Maastricht University for 20 years. We will uphold the improvements achieved over that time and strive to safeguard the quality of education in the years to come. Especially in the upcoming year, student representation will be of vital importance as this is the first year in which students will be directly affected by the consequences of severe budget cuts recently implemented by the government. Therefore, the DOPE Faculty of Law council will aim for quality: by preserving and improving the high standard of both education and the facilities offered at our Faculty. In safeguarding quality, our main focus will be: Indicate tutorial time-slot preferences. Students are frequently faced with schedule overlaps and planning difficulties regarding tutorial groups and work. Therefore we would like students to be able to express their availability for tutorials by indicating a preference for a certain day or time of day. Optimize quality of tutors. The backbones of education are the tutors. They have a direct influence on the quality of our dayto-day schooling and have the power to make or break a course. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that a high level of quality in tutors is guaranteed. We mean to achieve such a standard by conducting evaluations during the course. This in order for a tutor to be able to evolve and provide a high standard of teaching and hence education. Clarity regarding late subscription procedure. When subscribing for a course after the subscription deadline, you will have to pay the fee of 35-. This means that for the subscription of From left to right: Ruben Bel, Sophie Kallen, Katharina Bottenberg, Yke Beerepoot, Bart de Visser three different courses in the same Blok, you will only have to pay 35-. Moreover, the late subscription procedure for an exam is crucial to know if you want to receive your grade for it. You can make the exam, but have to make sure that the exam will be corrected by paying the fee of 50,- at the student information desk. That is what we are striving for; clarity as to the procedures of late enrollment. Transparency in grading We want to introduce standard score sheets with papers and presentations, which in turn will give clarity regarding the grading. This way students will receive the feedback they need in order to develop themselves. Vote for Quality, vote DOPE Do not forget to vote between 21 and 25 May! For more information: Come to the 2012 Elections Debate on Monday 14 May! For more information: OBS 8304 adv.2 Observant-fc-127x197 mm.indd :48 OBS 8304 adv.2 Observant-fc-127x197 mm.indd :48

9 10 mei 2012 Observant 31 9 Faculteitsraad FHML/Faculty Council FHML NovUM NovUM: Make a Difference NovUM staat bekend als een partij die staat voor kwaliteit van onderwijs, toegankelijkheid, integratie en duurzaamheid. Wij, Alexander Beulens, Nick Davelaar en Thijs van de Schoot, hopen de toekomstige vertegenwoordigers van jullie te worden in de faculteitsraad. Een groot probleem waar onze faculteit mee kampt op dit moment is het gebrek aan ruimte in de gebouwen, daarom willen wij ons inzetten voor een beter en efficienter gebruik van de huidige faciliteiten. NovUM wil zich inzetten voor een betere verspreiding van de studiedrukte, meer stilte ruimtes buiten de UB en betere internetverbinding op de gehele faculteit. Met het punt integratie willen wij niet alleen voor betere integratie tussen de verschillende nationaliteiten zorgen, maar ook aan de samenwerking tussen de verschillende studies op de FHML willen wij komend jaar als NovUM werken. Hiertoe willen wij ons richten op gelijkheid tussen de opleidingen met betrekking tot de bezuinigingen, academisering en de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Vanzelfsprekend mag worden geacht dat wij gedurende dit jaar overal zo goed mogelijk van alles op de hoogte zijn. Hiervoor willen we dit jaar graag periodiek ons oor te luisteren leggen bij de diverse studieverenigingen, om hier klachten, op- en aanmerkingen kunnen opvangen. Daarnaast zullen we ook aanwezig zijn bij het Groot en Klein Beraad van Pulse Onderwijs (Geneeskunde) en de Student Council (GW, BWM en EPH). Daarnaast staan we natuurlijk altijd open voor input vanuit de studenten die ons aanspreken. Daarom willen wij graag gedu- rende heel het jaar in gesprek blijven met jullie. Samenvattend zijn onze belangrijkste doelen op de FHML; verbetering van het onderwijs en de onderwijsfaciliteiten, gelijkheid tussen de opleidingen en de faculteitsraad dichter bij de studenten brengen. Summarized English version: Novum is known as a party that stands for high quality education, accessibility, integration and sustainability. Our three main points for the upcoming elections are: Improvement of the faculty s education level and educational facilities, Van links naar rechts: Nick Davelaar, Thijs van de Schoot, Alexander Beulens equality between the studies and transparency towards the students about the faculty politics. Let s get connected: VOTE NovUM! Full version English and more information? Visit or our Facebook: DOPE From left to right: Job Verdonschot, Eliene Albers, Anouk Kleinbrink, Sarah Dorenkamp, Marleen van den Boogaard, Iris Brummelhuis, Steven Brandsma, Davis Hageman. Two ladies on the chair: Charlotte Nijskens, Louise Kallen We are Charlotte, Job, David, Louise, Steven, Marleen, Anouk, Iris, Eliene and Sarah and we hope to represent you in the Faculty Council FHML next year. The Faculty Council is the link between students and the Faculty Board and is actively involved in policy matters. For years, DOPE has been the largest and most influential fraction within the Faculty Council FHML. Through its years of experience, it has achieved many changes and improvements for the benefit of students. Unfortunately, there is still much work to do and it is important that the voice of students will be heard also next year. Therefore, we will be happy to represent you. Students and their studies have the absolute top priority for us. We stand for a more effective and efficient utilization of the study facilities, optimal workplaces and a pleasant University Library Randwyck so that Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Health Sciences and European Public Health students can obtain the maximum from their studies. In addition, we will stand up for more clarity, fairness and transparency on test results and evaluation data of education and a better information and communication supply of EleUM. Furthermore, we argue for expansion of the use of video lectures and more involvement and participation for you, students at the FHML. To achieve this we need your vote and support! As a fraction, we will look after your interests and we will devote ourselves to a better study environment at the FHML. Furthermore, we will always be open for any input from you. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you keep us informed of the issues you encounter, when you think something needs change or improvement and if you share your opinion with us regarding your studies and the faculty. If you have any questions, do not hesitate and ask us during the elections week! Vote for DOPE, for University and Faculty Council!

10 10 Observant mei 2012 Faculteitsraad FHS/Faculty Council FHS MSV Incognito (lijstverbinding met/list combination with DOPE) The Faculty of Humanities and Sciences is built up out of several departments, of which UCM (University College Maastricht) is by far the largest. Last year, all six student representatives in our faculty council were from UCM. Due to the lack of contact with other departments it is hard for students from outside UCM to gather enough votes to get into the faculty council. We from MSV Incognito want to change this. As the study association of the Department of Knowledge Engineering, we are confident we can gather enough votes for at least one seat in the faculty council. MSV Incognito is represented by the candidates Gerrit Drost, Nadine Barth, Job Hartjes, Jeroen Leus and Gijs-Jan Roelofs, all students from the Department of Knowledge Engineering. We are active members of MSV Incognito with years of experience of getting things done. Next to a lot of IT knowledge, we have experience in professional project management and entrepreneurship amongst our candidates. With our expertise, we can be a useful addition to the group of student representatives. One of our main goals is to inform all students from all departments of FHS on what is going on in the faculty. Because there is little communication between the departments, students from the smaller departments do not know a lot about what is being decided about their own department. We will do our very best to improve the communication using easily accessible media like Facebook. Another issue we want to address are the university s IT services. In the last few years, more and more people have started using Macbooks for their study. At the moment, only Windows devices are officially supported when making use of services like our mail-addresses and the wireless network. Students regularly encounter problems when using these services on non-windows computers. We want to address this problem. Not only by pointing fingers, but by using our knowledge about computers to communicate with the people that manage these systems and finding solutions that work. Although we have little experience in student politics, we have a broad interest for everything that is going on in the faculty and everything that is discussed in the faculty council. We regard good cooperation with the other student representatives to be essential to achieve the maximum results for the students of our faculty. DOPE DOPE is proud of Faculty of Humanities and Sciences (FHS) we know that there are a lot of things that are going very well. However, like always, there is room for improvement. To achieve a better FHS we want to keep improving our faculty. We want to focus mainly on three different topics: transparency, community and quality of education. Next to these topics we realize that students do encounter problems throughout the year. We represent you so if you have any problems with FHS we would like you to tell us and we will make sure your problems are heard and solved. The list of DOPE for FHS consists of Alexander ten Cate, Simone Berk and Corine Schuuring. The most important reason why first year student Alexander wants to be student representative is to improve and to preserve the beautiful UCM community. Because great work of individual students and Universalis s various committies has turned at UCM into something more than a workplace and that should be preserved. Simone is a 21 year old and second year student From left to right: Corine Schuuring, Simone Berk (front), Alexander ten Cate, Anne-Sophie Sloet van Oldruitenborgh at the Maastricht University College. She says that she greatly enjoys studying at Maastricht University and that is why she wants to represent the students of the FHS in order to keep the nice atmosphere as well as improve it where improvement is needed. Corine is eighteen years old, and is in her first year as a student at University College Maastricht. She is running because she believes that students should have a say in what is going on at their university and faculty. More concretely we want to achieve the following at FHS. Transparency: easier accessibility of the student representatives through a student representative office, a more elaborate financial overview from the faculty and more internet efficiency by implementing a clear and exhaustive Eleum 9. Enhance Community: stronger cooperation with other representatives and with Universalis, more representation of other departments within the faculty, and review the waiver system and the spending of the extra tuition fees. Better quality of education: more information on PBL for tutors, more clarity on PBL and grades in course manuals and improving the reading room by increasing the amount of plugs and a more regulated temperature. NOvUM We, the NovUM candidates for the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences (FHS), are enthusiastic about the quality of education, and the flourishing international environment at our faculty. Teaching quality and academic diversity are too essential to be impaired in the face of financial uncertainty. Quality of FHS: For a successful academic career, we support academic advising systems and the establishment of a student-to-student mentor program. We also call for more flexibility in course switching and in procedures for taking courses at other faculties, as well as strengthening cooperation between FHS departments. Moreover, due to our demanding curricula we see the need to monitor and reduce stress factors wherever possible. We are concerned about the lack of consistency in ECTS conversion, for external courses and semesters abroad. In addition, feedback on all academic work should be provided as a standard procedure, as it will enhance the learning process and increase grading transparency. Accessibility: We believe the accessibility of our faculty to be fundamentally important. It is our ambition to stand up for student interests, make student representation as transparent and inclu- From left to right: Julia Dalhoff, Jesper Saman, Louisa Klaßen and Johannes Federkeil sive as possible and raise awareness for university politics. Furthermore, it must be the applicants motivation, merit and suitability which decides whether they are accepted to our study program- mes, and not their financial background. We support the waiver system and intend to push for more need-based scholarships for non-european students. Besides, we should strive to make our buildings more accessible for students with physical disabilities. Integration: FHS is the most internationally diverse faculty at Maastricht University. Integration and the maintenance of the multi-national atmosphere are crucial tasks for the NovUM candidates for the Faculty Council. Internationalization and integration are one of our main goals, which include the International Classroom initiative and extracurricular activities, such as sports, international events, debates and guest lectures. We stand for English as the official language at FHS, but also promote the opportunities for taking language courses. Sustainability: We see it as our responsibility to make our faculty more sustainable by working closely together with the Green Office and sustainability committees, such as GECCO. NovUM already made the use of e-readers more ecological. We are determined to continue and expand on such efforts to reduce the energy consumption, advance recycling and advocate other sustainability policies at FHS. We, the candidates of NovUM, consider it our mission to make this faculty a second home for you. UMatter The Faculty of Humanities and Sciences is a diverse place. Different scientific disciplines meet under one roof, all addressing singular facets of modern life and science. This makes this faculty a vibrant, but yet difficult place to manage. However, all students of FHS share the common wish to have a great study experience. Therefore we should transform this diversity into one of our strengths! It is one of UMatter s goals to strengthen cooperation and dialogue across the different faculty s branches to create common agendas and possibly even synergies for projects, education and research. We should learn and benefit from each other! By voting UMatter, you support an integrative perspective that will look beyond the silos of institutions within FHS! Each individual student should not only feel associated to his or her study programme, but also to the FHS as an institution. We as UMatter are proud of all the individuals, committees and organizations that are already active in this faculty. We want to foster this environment and we will make sure to create an open forum in which YOU can propose and discuss your ideas for change, thereby becoming an active part in shaping the future of this faculty! UMatter!

11 10 mei 2012 Observant Faculteitsraad SBE/Faculty Council SBE DOPE The most important issue we as DOPE candidates for the SBE Faculty Council want to achieve is to ensure that current budget cuts do not decrease the quality in our education. To maintain the high standard our faculty is known for, our solution will start with increased transparency. Our second goal is the improvement of the printing comfort at the SBE, by monitoring the promises made by Océ. Moreover, we aim at the expansion of E-lectures. Since the university invested a huge amount into the necessary equipment to record all the lectures, we feel that it should be used by every lecturer. As our fourth point, we want to create more transparency in the grading system, by making clear distinctions between requirements for participation, presentation and writing grades. Another critical issue for us consists of the tutor selection. Tutoring a course goes far beyond being able to pass the same course with a high grade and should also include motivation, the ability to teach and social skills and therefore the selection process needs to be modified. Our sixth goal is to secure the international image of the SBE. We want to make sure that different nationalities are attracted to study at our faculty. To stimulate integration, we want to increase the interaction between students of different nationalities by providing language trainings by students for students. Our last aim is to be responsive to governmental regulations. We are of the opinion that our faculty should engage in more activities to prevent study delays, especially because of recent changes which imply higher tuition fees for students who do not finish their education within certain years. We, as DOPE, are going to make your voice heard in the SBE Faculty Council and therefore, we hope to get your support in the upcoming elections! NovUM NovUM is committed to four goals: maintaining our university s high standards, integrating its international student-body, providing students with access to all dimensions of a student s life From left to right: Thomas de Hoop, Bernard Garos, Vanessa Goretzki, Falco Carelsz, Rick van der Westen From left to right: Mehregan Kazemi, Andreas Schroeder, Mira Nagy, Tim Hausweiler, Darius Stein and promoting sustainability. In the light of these ideals, we, NovUM s candidates for the elections of SBE s faculty council 2012, promote the following approaches to the three issues of (I) the diversity and transparency in SBE s grading process, (II) making SBE a place for students to feel at home and (III) SBE s unbalanced ranking system. Objective grading of a student s efforts implies considering as many instances of evaluation as possible. Making exams the only basis for the student s final grade is irresponsible, especially against the background of the increasing number of flaws that recently occurred in exams of all courses. We thus propose to include new instances of evaluation into the construction of a student s final course grade. An incorporation of the tutors assessment of the student s efforts from the very beginning of his or her studies and an adoption of exams to the skills taught through the highly appreciated PBL system are desired steps. Furthermore, ensuring the teaching staff s high standards and providing a transparent approach towards complaints to exam questions are of major importance to us. The establishment of an amicable atmosphere at SBE has to be tackled from a student s very first day at university. The integration of all students into an international student-body is essential. We warmly welcome the International Classroom initiative, while proposing its closer incorporation into the relevant courses curriculums. Its aim of integration must never be perceived as a burden. We furthermore suggest the establishment of both a buddy-program for freshmen and the creation of an SBE-common room. Apart from this, the students call for a fair ranking determining the destination of their studies abroad has to be heard and satisfied. We call upon the adoption of a fair basis for comparison of the efforts made by students of all our faculty s study programs. Furthermore, students marks shall be treated with means of highest privacy rather than having them published together with the relevant student s name. Official guidelines for transferring UM-grades into internationally comparable grades shall be developed. Based on these ideas we are thrilled about getting work done at SBE! If there are any recommendations you would like to make, please contact us via (NovUM@maastrichtuniversity.nl) or visit our facebook-page (NovUM goes SBE).

12 12 Observant mei 2012 Faculteitsraad FPN/Faculty Council FPN DOPE Beste kiezer, wij willen ons even voorstellen: Floor Bosch, Hanne van Kasteren, Leendert van Jaarsveld, Chris Keurentjes en Linda Tonen staan voor jullie klaar vanuit DOPE. Wat kunnen wij als DOPE voor FPN betekenen? Wij willen het studeren leuker, beter en makkelijker maken, maar natuurlijk ook professioneler, duidelijker en strakker maken. Vorig jaar hebben wij onder andere een MyFPN tabblad op EleUM9 opgezet met een overzicht van belangrijke links en de deadlines voor het inschrijven voor vakken en tentamens. Ook is er geld vrijgemaakt voor extra controle op tentamens voordat wij ze moeten maken. Komend jaar gaan we verder met het aanpassen of afschaffen van de VGT. Ook de interactie tussen student en universiteit willen we verbeteren. Beide partijen hebben hetzelfde doel: het succesvol afronden van de studie dóór de student. Het openstaan voor veranderingen en behouden van kwaliteit zijn hierbij essentieel, en volgens ons is dit te bereiken door persoonlijker contact tussen student en universiteit. Wij willen doorgaan met het curriculum herstructureren zodat de studielast overal even zwaar is. Ook het selecteren en trainen van tutoren zijn we aan het verbeteren. Het onderzoek binnen de faculteit behoeft een grotere belangstelling en het toekomst perspectief voor de student hierin en het bedrijfsleven kan benadrukt worden. Daarnaast is het verbeteren van examen met betrekking tot inhoud, grammatica en lay-out ook niet uit den boze. Dit zijn maar een aantal speerpunten waar wij ons op willen focussen. Kijk voor ons volledige beleidsplan op of vraag het aan ons! Fijn en op tijd je studie afronden, dat willen we toch allemaal? Met de klok mee: Floor Bosch, Leendert van Jaarsveld, Linda Tonen, Chris Keurentjes, Hanne van Kasteren Dienstraad FD / Service Council FD Van links naar rechts Frans van der Tier, Miriam van Reij, Lenie Daemen Het is belangrijk dat medewerkers meekijken bij bestuurlijke processen De huidige dienstraad Finance is door de samenvoeging van ASC en MUO-F uitgegroeid van 3 naar 4 zetels. Bij een dergelijke samenvoeging van 2 eenheden is het belangrijk dat medewerkers mee kunnen praten over de wijze waarop arbeids- en dienstvoorwaarden worden uitgevoerd. Ook bij andere processen binnen Finance, zoals algemeen personeelsbeleid, de veiligheid, de gezondheid en het welzijn van alle medewerkers is het van belang dat een dienstraad kan bijdragen aan een goed werkklimaat. Dit gebeurt door recht van initiatief te gebruiken, door advisering en door instemmingsrecht van voorstellen tijdens overleggen met de directeur Finance. Op die manier verkrijgen we een transparante organisatie. Om dit alles gestalte te geven hebben zich 4 medewerkers aangemeld voor de dienstraad Finance. De kandidaatleden zijn vertegenwoordigd uit diverse geledingen; Frans van der Tier (ADP), Henny Kerckhoffs (Front Office), Lenie Daemen (Back Office) en Miriam van Reij (Treasury). De dienstraad Finance kan daardoor een volledige bezetting realiseren. Door die optimale bezetting, vertegenwoordiging uit verschillende afdelingen en ook nog een 50% man/ vrouw verdeling hopen wij dat er geen drempels bestaan voor collega s om bij ons aan te kloppen. De komende 2 jaren zijn wij bereid op te komen voor de belangen van alle Finance collega s. Frans van der Tier, Henny Kerckhoffs, Lenie Daemen, Miriam van Reij

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Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch

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Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition)

Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch Edition) D.J. Peek Een vrouw, een kind en azijn (Dutch

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Preschool Kindergarten

Preschool Kindergarten Preschool Kindergarten Objectives Students will recognize the values of numerals 1 to 10. Students will use objects to solve addition problems with sums from 1 to 10. Materials Needed Large number cards

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The first line of the input contains an integer $t \in \mathbb{n}$. This is followed by $t$ lines of text. This text consists of:

The first line of the input contains an integer $t \in \mathbb{n}$. This is followed by $t$ lines of text. This text consists of: Document properties Most word processors show some properties of the text in a document, such as the number of words or the number of letters in that document. Write a program that can determine some of

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/ /

/   / Cookie statement / www.temagroningen.nl / board@temagroningen.nl / www.temagroningen.nl / board@temagroningen.nl Dutch hospitality is a cookie with your coffee or tea. Digital hospitality is a cookie for

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Archief Voor Kerkelijke Geschiedenis, Inzonderheid Van Nederland, Volume 8... (Romanian Edition)

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Registratie- en activeringsproces voor de Factuurstatus Service NL 1 Registration and activation process for the Invoice Status Service EN 11

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voltooid tegenwoordige tijd

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